PDP-10 Archives
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Help file for MTEST
A summary of commands is listed below:
MTEST>? one of the following:
Clear Examine Exit Help Insert Push
Reset Results Run SDDT Set Start
Stop Toggle
CLEAR Clears the default symbol table for symbol
EXAMINE Examines a section of Monitor Code.
EXIT Exits from MTEST. If a test is in progress
MTEST will not allow the EXIT command.
HELP Types this text.
INSERT Inserts a Monitor code test. Note: this does
not actually insert the test into the MONITOR,
rather, it sets up the MTEST data base so that
when the test is started, MTEST will have a
test to insert.
PUSH Pushes to an inferior ephemeral EXEC.
RESET Resets the MTEST data base.
RESULTS Will type out the tests which have been
inserted if this command is typed before a
test is started or will type out the results
of a test if this command is typed after a
test is stopped. The command is illegal while
a test is in progress.
RUN Run a program in a ephemeral fork.
SDDT Runs an ephemeral SDDT fork.
SET Sets the default symbol table.
START Starts testing.
STOP Stops testing.
TOGGLE Allows user to specify toggle character for
test starting and stopping.