
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-H348C-RM_1982 - swskit-v21/certification/nft-fal-defaults.mem
There are no other files named nft-fal-defaults.mem in the archive.
		NFT file specification defaults
		--- ---- ------------- --------

	The following table shows, for each field in a file specification,
whether wild cards can be used, whether it can be defaulted, and if
it can, what the default is.

LOCAL FILE SPECIFICATION (after logical name defaulting)
----- ---- -------------

NODE::		Default is the local node	No wildcards allowed

DEVICE:		Default is DSK: **		No wildcards allowed

<DIRECTORY>	Default is the connected	Wildcards allowed *

FILE-NAME.	Must be supplied in source	Wildcards allowed
		file specification; will default
		to the name of the source file
		if omitted from destination file

.FILE-TYPE	If not supplied in source	Wildcards allowed
		file specification it is null;
		will default to the type of the
		source file if omitted from the
		destination file specification

.VERSION	Default is most recent version	Wildcards allowed
		for existing file, or next
		version for new file

------ ---- -------------

NODE::		Default is local node		No wildcards allowed

DEVICE:		No default is provided;		No wildcards allowed
		the remote node performs the
		defaulting; for TOPS-20 remotes
		the default is PS: ***

<DIRECTORY>	No default is provided;		Wildcards allowed *
		the remote node performs the
		defaulting; for TOPS-20 remotes
		the default is the argument of
		the /USER: switch supplied with
		the node

FILE-NAME.	Must be supplied in source	Wildcards allowed
		file specification; will default
		to the name of the source file
		if omitted from destination file
		specification ****

.FILE-TYPE	If not supplied in source	Wildcards allowed
		file specification it is null;
		will default to the type of the
		source file if omitted from the
		destination file specification

.VERSION	No default is provided;		Wildcards allowed
		the remote node performs the

* If the directory is wildcarded, the access control information
  (/USER:, /ACCOUNT:, /PASS:) must be valid for every directory
  included in the wildcarded specification. The user is NOT
  prompted for this information when a new directory is accessed.

** A local file can be on any of the following devices: DSK,

*** A remote file must be on a disk device. If the remote file
    device is a logical name, then the logical name will be
    processed appropriately for that node, except that NFT-20
    will always insert file name and file type.

**** The files .;* and .*;* cannot be copied to or from 11s or