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! d i g i t a l ! I N T E R O F F I C E M E M O R A N D U M
TO: DECNET-20 Users
DATE: May 15, 1980
LOC: MR1-2/H22
SUBJ: TOPS-20 NFT/FAL Image mode file transfer notes
1.1 Image Mode File Transfer Is Unsupported
The DECnet-20 SPD only specifies ASCII sequential file
transfer. However, the code exists to transfer all files
between TOPS-20 systems, and some non-ascii files to
non-TOPS-20 Digital systems. This document describes those
unsupported features.
1.2 The TOPS-20 File System
The understanding of image mode file transfer requires
an understanding of the file systems of the two machines
involved in the transfer. Each non-TOPS-20 section begins
with an overview of that operating system's file system.
The TOPS-20 file system stores data in units of 512
36-bit words, called pages. Descriptive information about
the file is stored in a special "header" page called the
File Descriptor Block (FDB). Record formats and attributes
are not stored in the FDB! Only the programs which access
the file know whether the record format is undefined,
stream, fixed, variable, VFC, or etc. Only accessing
programs know whether the items in a record are characters
(sixbit, ASCII, ebcdic, etc.) or fixed or floating numbers.
The following information is however, kept in the FDB:
BYTE SIZE and LENGTH IN BYTES. This lack of knowledge about
the file's format makes heterogeneous non-ASCII file
transfer very complex. When you read the NFT chapter of the
DECnet-20 manual you may notice that there are file switches
for TOPS-20 files such as /VAR and /MACY11. Most of these
formats are not native to TOPS-20, nor are they produced or
read by any TOPS-20 utility. Following is a description of
TOPS-20 NFT/FAL Image mode file transfer notes (DECnet-20 V2.0)Page 2
each of these file formats (except for /MACY11/IMAGE for
which we cannot determine a use). These descriptions should
allow you to design your data transfer techniques to take
full advantage of the file transfer capabilities of DECnet.
1.2.1 TOPS-20 MACY11 File Format (/MACY11) -
The MACY11 file format is the format of object files
produced by the MACY11 and DNMAC cross assemblers. An
object file produced by MACY11 can be copied to an RSX11M or
VMS system, task built, and run successfully.
A MACY11 file is a 36-bit or 18-bit byte file
containing variable length records of the following format.
Four bytes are stored in each 36-bit word:
Each record looks like this:
Byte 0 <1> sync byte
Byte 1 <0> null follows sync
Byte 2 <cnt> low order of (length of "Data" in bytes)+4=[n]
Byte 3 <cnt> high order of (length of "Data in bytes)+4=[n]
Byte 4 <data>
Byte n (last byte of "Data")
Byte n+1 Checksum byte (Two's complement add with carry ignored)
Checksum includes all bytes in record including header
6 Nulls followed by next record (The nulls are ignored)
1.2.2 TOPS-20 Variable Length Record File Format (/VARIABLE:n) -
A TOPS-20 variable length file suitable for transfer to
or from a VMS or RSX11M type file system is an 8-bit byte
file consisting of a sequence of variable length 8-bit byte
records. The first two bytes of each record contain the
byte count of the data in the remainder of the record (Low
order byte first, high order byte second). Four bytes are
stored in each 36-bit word as follows:
1.2.3 TOPS-20 MACY11 Variable Length Record File Format (/MACY11/VAR:n) -
A TOPS-20 MACY11 variable length file is a 36-bit or
18-bit byte file consisting of a sequence of variable length
8-bit byte records where each record starts on a word or
half word boundary and the first two bytes of each record
TOPS-20 NFT/FAL Image mode file transfer notes (DECnet-20 V2.0)Page 3
contain the count of the data in the remainder of the
record. The count is stored low order byte first, high
order byte second. Four bytes are stored in each 36-bit
word as follows:
1.2.4 TOPS-20 MACY11 Fixed Length Record File Format (/MACY11/FIX:n) -
A TOPS-20 MACY11 fixed length record file is a 36-bit
or 18-bit byte file consisting of a sequence of 8-bit bytes
stored in 36-bit words where the length of each record is
arbitrary (remember that TOPS-20 does not store the record
length anywhere!). This is the format of task files (.TSK)
produced by TKB20 (the fixed record size must be 512). A
task file produced by TKB20 can be copied by NFT to an
RSX11M system and run provided that PIP is used on the
RSX11M system to make the copied task file contiguous.
If the last record is only a record fragment, then
different target systems may act differently. Refer to the
discussion for each target system. Four bytes are stored in
each 36-bit word as follows:
1.2.5 TOPS-20 Fixed Length Record File Format (/FIX:n) -
A TOPS-20 fixed length file suitable for transfer to or
from a VMS or RSX11M type file system is an 8-bit byte file
consisting of a sequence of 8-bit bytes. Since TOPS-20 does
not store the record size in the FDB, it can be considered
to be any length. If the last record is only a record
fragment, then different target systems may act differently.
Please refer to the section for each target system. Four
bytes are stored in each 36-bit word as follows:
1.3 Undocumented DAPLIB Features
NFT and FAL on TOPS-20 share a common module, DAPLIB.
DAPLIB provides code which implements DNA's DAP protocol.
The following items are undocumented features of DAPLIB.
TOPS-20 NFT/FAL Image mode file transfer notes (DECnet-20 V2.0)Page 4
1.3.1 Files Return As They Were Sent -
No matter what switches are used, if a file is copied
back to a TOPS-20 system using the same switches as it was
sent with, the file will be in the same format with no data
added or lost. This rule may not seem important, but it
implies that NFT/FAL must always know the format of a file,
either from switches or from file header information.
Certain file transfers and transformations cannot be done
because they violate this rule.
1.3.2 Supported Devices -
When using NFT on a TOPS-20 system, the local file can
be on any of the following devices: DSK, LPT, CDP, CDR,
1.3.3 ASCII Break Characters -
The following ASCII characters serve as logical record
delimiters whenever NFT/FAL must isolate logical records in
a TOPS-20 stream ASCII file: ESC, Z, DC1-DC4, DLE, FF, VT,
1.3.4 NFT Mode Defaults -
When NFT acts as the active task to send files, the
default mode for reading files is /IMAGE unless the byte
size is 7 or 36 in which case it is /ASCII. If the remote
file has no file attribute switches, it will be created
using the mode of the input file. If this fails and the
attempted mode was /ASCII, then /ASCII/VARIABLE will also be
1.3.5 NFT File Specification Defaults -
The default TOPS-20 local file spec device is PS:. The
default local file spec directory is <current-user>. The
default remote file spec directory or UIC is obtained from
the access control information. The default extension for
submitted files is CTL on TOPS-20 systems. If the byte size
of the file to be submitted is not 7 or 36, the submit will
TOPS-20 NFT/FAL Image mode file transfer notes (DECnet-20 V2.0)Page 5
1.3.6 FAL Mode Defaults -
When the TOPS-20 FAL creates a file, an error is
returned if the mode is not native to TOPS-20. Image mode
with no byte size specified defaults to 8-bit bytes. Image
mode with byte size 0 defaults to 36-bit bytes. ASCII mode
always defaults the byte size to 7.
When the TOPS-20 FAL reads a file, a nonnative file
access mode causes FAL to open the file in image mode using
the file's actual byte size. If a native file access mode
is sent, the byte size required by that mode is used except
for image. If image mode is requested and byte size is
null, use the files actual byte size. The attributes
returned by FAL always reflect the byte size used during
OPEN, which may not be the same as the byte size in the FDB.
1.3.7 NFT/FAL Debugging Technique -
When debugging NFT you can request a trace of NFT's
message traffic by inserting the primary output designator
at DAPIB+1.
TOPS-20 NFT/FAL Image mode file transfer notes (DECnet-20 V2.0)Page 6
If both nodes in a transfer are TOPS-20 nodes, and no
file attribute switches are specified, and both devices are
disk, then the file is transferred in a page by page mode.
This mode preserves holes in files and sends the entire FDB
insuring that no inappropriate transformations have taken
place. This mode also generates the least overhead by doing
disk IO with PMAPs. This mode is suggested for all 20 - 20
Image mode file transfers to and from VMS systems are
identical to image mode transfers to and from RSX11M systems
except for the handling of short records at the end of a
TOPS-20 fixed format file which is being transferred to a
remote node. If an RSX11M system sees an end of file before
the end of the last fixed length record (/FIXED or
/MACY11/FIXED) it will fill the record to its correct size
with junk bytes. A VMS system will cause the file transfer
to fail by sending a ?Wrong length record error message. In
order to transfer fixed length files from TOPS-20 to VMS one
must either specify a record length which divides evenly
into the file size, or extend the file to the proper length
for the record size desired.
Files on RSX11M systems are stored in units of 512
8-bit bytes. Each file has associated with it a special
"header" record which contains descriptive information about
the file. This header, unlike TOPS-20 FDBs, contains the
record format (undefined, fixed, variable, or variable with
fixed control), record attributes (such as implied CRLF or
FORTRAN carriage control for ASCII files), size of the
largest record, and size of the file in bytes. Note that
like TOPS-20, the meaning of each byte (ASCII character,
EBCDIC character, half of a fixed integer, etc.) is not
defined in the file header.
All fixed and variable length records are stored on
word boundaries. If a byte must be skipped to begin the
next record on a word boundary, then the contents of that
byte is indeterminate. Keep this in mind when choosing
fixed length record sizes. If you choose an odd size, one
byte per record will be filler in the RSX11M file. Note
that this word alignment is only used on the TOPS-20 system
for /MACY11/VAR files. All other TOPS-20 file formats do
not PDP-11 word align! The cooperating NFT/FALs always
insure that the transformations are done correctly.
TOPS-20 NFT/FAL Image mode file transfer notes (DECnet-20 V2.0)Page 7
Whenever a fixed length record is copied from a TOPS-20
node to an RSX11M node, if the last record is only a record
fragment, then the last record will be filled to become a
full record. The bytes used to fill the record are
4.1 Using RSX11M's NFT
Non-ASCII mode files cannot be transferred in either
direction using RSX11M's NFT. However, since image mode
files can be transferred in both directions using TOPS-20's
NFT, an RSX11M user could transfer image files by creating a
TOPS-20 batch control file, transferring it to the TOPS-20
node and executing it. This control file could run NFT on
the TOPS-20 node to cause the needed files to be
4.2 Using TOPS-20's NFT
A number of different image mode file formats can be
processed by NFT. Refer to the general notes given in the
preceding section for a description of the format of image
mode files in a TOPS-20 system.
4.2.1 An Arbitrary Stream Of 8-bit Bytes. -
An arbitrary stream of 8-bit bytes can be viewed as a
collection of fixed length records of length 1 byte
(actually any record length is acceptable if it can be used
on the 11M side). To copy such a TOPS-20 file (BYTE-SIZE=8,
FORMAT=FIXED) to an RSX11M file (F.RTYP=R.FIX, F.RATT=0) use
the NFT command:
COPY filename/IMAGE/FIX:n (TO) filename/IMAGE/FIX:n
An RSX11M fixed length file (F.RTYP=R.FIX, F.RATT=0)
can be copied to a TOPS-20 file (BYTE-SIZE=8, FORMAT=FIXED)
using the NFT command:
COPY filename/IMAGE/FIX:n (TO) filename/IMAGE
TOPS-20 NFT/FAL Image mode file transfer notes (DECnet-20 V2.0)Page 8
4.2.2 8-bit Byte Variable Length Records. -
A TOPS-20 file containing variable length records
(BYTE-SIZE=8, FORMAT=VARIABLE) can be copied to an RSX11M
file (F.RTYP=R.VAR, F.RATT=0) using the NFT command:
COPY filename/IMAGE/VAR:n (TO) filename/IMAGE/VAR:n
An RSX11M file (F.RTYP=R.VAR, F.RATT=0) can be copied
to a TOPS-20 file (BYTE-SIZE=8, FORMAT=VARIABLE) using the
NFT command:
COPY filename/IMAGE/VAR:n (TO) filename/IMAGE/VAR:n
4.2.3 MACY11 Or DNMAC Object File -
An object file produced by MACY11 or DNMAC on a TOPS-20
system (BYTE-SIZE=36, FORMAT=MACY11) can be copied to an
RSX11M file (F.RTYP=R.VAR, F.RATT=0) using the NFT command:
COPY filename/MACY11 (TO) filename/IMAGE/VAR:512
An RSX11M object file (F.RTYP=R.VAR, F.RATT=0) can be
copied to a TOPS-20 MACY11 format file (BYTE-SIZE=36,
FORMAT=MACY11) using the NFT command:
COPY filename/IMAGE/VAR:n (TO) filename/MACY11
4.2.4 MACY11 Variable Length Record File -
A TOPS-20 MACY11 variable length record file
(BYTE-SIZE=36, FORMAT=MACY11/VAR) can be copied to an RSX11M
variable length record file (F.RTYP=R.VAR, F.RATT=0) using
the NFT command:
COPY filename/MACY11/VAR:n (TO) filename/VAR:n
An RSX11M variable length record file (F.RTYP=R.VAR,
F.RATT=0) can be copied to a TOPS-20 MACY11 variable length
record file (BYTE-SIZE=36, FORMAT=MACY11/VAR) using the NFT
COPY filename/VAR:n (TO) filename/MACY11/VAR:n
TOPS-20 NFT/FAL Image mode file transfer notes (DECnet-20 V2.0)Page 9
4.2.5 MACY11 Fixed Length Record File -
A TOPS-20 MACY11 fixed length record file
(BYTE-SIZE=36, FORMAT=MACY11/FIX) can be copied to an RSX11M
fixed length record file (F.RTYP=R.FIX, F.RATT=0) using the
NFT command:
COPY filename/MACY11/FIX:n (TO) filename/FIX:n
An RSX11M fixed length record file (F.RTYP=R.FIX,
F.RATT=0) can be copied to a TOPS-20 MACY11 fixed length
record file (BYTE-SIZE=36, FORMAT=MACY11/FIX) using the NFT
COPY filename/FIX:n (TO) filename/MACY11/FIX:n
The SDC-released Phase II implementations of NFT/FAL on
RSX11Mwill not communicate with TOPS-20. It may be possible
to develop patches which fix the problems but we have not
tested with a system which had these patches installed.
No tests have yet been done to test RSTS - 20 image
mode file transfers.
No tests have yet been done to test RT - 20 image mode
file transfer.
No tests have yet been done to test IAS - 20 image mode
file transfer.