PDP-10 Archives
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NETPRO program
A NETwork PROtocol tool for DNA
Provides the ability to connect to DECnet object tasks and
generic servers and communicate with them interactively from
a terminal using a command language which is designed for
human usability and compatible with the the object type
connected to. In addition it will allow the user to
establish a DECnet object on the node on which it is run
which will listen for connections from other tasks on the
network. It should be useful for debugging and testing, from
a functional basis, network level processes which implement
the protocols above NSP. Data received from connected links
will be displayed on the users terminal as 8 bit octal
triplets and as ASCII characters.
Only the following commands and portions thereof
are functional at this time:
$LISTEN link-name object-type|object-number [descriptor]
$CONNECT link-name [node-name::] object-type|object-number [descriptor task-name]|[task-name] [/OPTION:<bytes>] [/PASSWORD:<bytes>] [/ACCOUNT:<bytes>] [/USERID:<bytes>]
$DATA link-number Note: Prompts with a data subcommand
$ABORT link-number
$DISCONNECT link-number
link-name is required on the CONNECT and LISTEN command
but currently is not used.
link-number on the DATA command must be obtained from
output produced upon successful completion of the
CONNECT or LISTEN command.
generic object type interpretors, i.e., ATS/NRM are
not currently supported. The data command will always
prompt for general byte data. Future versions will
implement the additional syntax.
Note the limitations of TOPS-20 with regard to access
control info. Specifically, account and userid are 7 bit
ASCII only although the NETPRO syntax will allow one to
specify byte values above 127. The high order bits will be
ignored. The password and optional data fields will accept 8
bit values however the field lengths are limited to 13 bytes
due to a GTJFN restriction.