PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named mcb-generation-flowchart.mem in the archive.
The files involved in DN20 or DN200 (MCB) generation are:
1. DNMAC.EXE - a cross assembler for PDP11 macro source
files. This program is similar to MACRO on RSX11.
DNMAC accepts MACRO-11 source files as input and produces
object files as output.
2. TKB20.EXE - a program that constructs PDP11 format
task images from object files. Map files and symbol
files are also output. This program is similar to TKB
on RSX11.
3. NETGEN.EXE - a program used to configure a DN20
system. It generates MACRO-11 source files that are
used to build a new DN20. In addition, the SAVE command
writes a file which retains the current configuration
to make future changes easier.
4. VNP20.EXE - a program that builds a ".SYS" image from
the tasks constructed by the TKB20 program, tasks from
the distribution tape, and the parameters in CETAB.MAC
a file created by NETGEN.
5. *.OBJ - PDP11 format object modules that are used to
build the tasks.
6. *.STB - PDP11 format symbol tables that are generated
by TKB20 or other means.
7. *.MAP - memory maps generated by TKB20.
8. *.TSK - the task images used by VNP20 to construct the
SYS file.
9. *.CTL - various batch streams used to build
more-or-less standard configurations.
The flow of the configuration process is:
*.OBJ *.OBJ from distribution tape
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
/ \
/ \
/ \
*.STB *.TSK *.TSK from distribution tape
*.MAP \ /
\ /
\ /
node.SYS down line loadable system image