PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named netcon.doc in the archive.
NETCON is the TOPS-20 module which controls DECnet
operation; it also makes DECnet-related SYSERR entries.
NETCON performs the functions of both the network control
utility (NCU) and the network control program (NCP). Since
NETCON's job is to service requests, it spends most of its
time waiting in its background loop for a software
The NETCON code is written in three basic sections, the
NCP, the NCU (or the NICE process), and the logger. The
process acting as the NCP executes the first section of the
code. This process creates inferior processes to act as
NCUs; these NICE processes execute the second section of
the code. The NCP process also creates an inferior process
to perform the SYSERR logging operations; this process
executes the third section of the code. Thus, the NCP, the
NCUs, and the logger have identical address spaces, they
simply execute different sections of the code.
The source of NETCON is in three files, NCP.MAC,
NCU.MAC and NETPAR.MAC. Ncp code is in NCP, Ncu code and the
logger are in NCU, and most definitions and macros are in
When NETCON is started it first goes through the
following series of initialization routines:
1. PACINI - set the page access code of all pages containing
code to read and execute. This catches any process which
attempts to overwrite the code.
Note that this will prevent you from inserting breakpoints
with DDT. To use DDT with NETCON change the MOVEI 1,5 at
2. FREINI - zeroes variable storage, unmaps pages,
initializes pointers
3. PSIINI - sets up PSI system
4. JFNINI - opens 4 JFNs on device SRV:NCU
5. PIDINI - gets a PID to talk to ORION
6. HELLO - says hello to ORION
7. NAMINI - sets the default executor node
8. SYRNCU - make "NETCON started" entry in SYSERR
9. LOGINI - CFORKs the logger
10. TOPINI - initialize topology monitoring
11. ATOINI - initialize auto dump/load monitoring
When the initialization is complete the background loop
BGLOOP is entered. The background loop performs two basic
tasks: 1) process messages that come from the operator, and
2) send messages to the NICE processes. For example, some
commands (e.g., SET) simply modify NETCON's data base
providing information necessary for future events. Second,
other commands (e.g., LOAD) request action; these commands
usually require sending messages either a) over a network
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logical link to an NCU, or b) back to the operator. When
there are no operator or NICE messages to be processed, the
NCP goes to sleep.
There are five types of interrupts which wake up the
NCP: 1) a message arrives from the operator, 2) NCU
logical link activity, 3) a NICE process has terminated,
4) topology change or topology polling timout, and 5) fatal
error interrupts. The
interrupt routines wake up the background loop if it was
All operator commands are parsed by OPR and sent
through ORION to NETCON via IPCF messages; NETCON's
interrupt-level routine PIDINT places these messages in an
internal IPCF queue pointed to by location QUEUE. An entry
on the queue has the following format:
! Address of IPCF Message ! Ptr. to Next Queue Entry !
! Type of Entry (.QTXXX) ! Flags (QF%XXX) !
.QTMES=0 Data Message
.QTFKT=1 Fork Termination
.QTJFD=2 JFN or Disconnect
.QTTOP=3 Topology change
QF%NOA=1 Don't ACK yet to ORION
QF%TXT=2 There is text for OPR
It is the background loop which notices that the queue is
non-empty and shifts control to the operator request handler
DOREQ. (The interrupt system is turned off while processing
the queue.) Once the command has been validated, control
shifts to the appropriate service routine.
Command Routine Action
DISABLE DISREQ Construct a NICE message to disable event
logging for a node or line and place it
on the NICE queue.
ENABLE ENAREQ Construct a NICE message to enable event
logging for a node or line and place it
on the NICE queue.
LOOP LOPREQ Construct a Loop-line NICE message and put
it on the NICE queue.
SET SETREQ Store a parameter in the data base
LOAD LOAREQ Construct a Request-Down-Line-Load NICE
message and put it on the NICE queue
DUMP DMPREQ Construct a Request-Up-Line-Dump NICE
message and put it on the NICE queue
SHOW SHOREQ AssembAle the requested information into
an IPCF message and send it to OPR;
some SHOW commands require constructing
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a NICE message and putting it on the
NICE queue
INITIATE INIREQ Modify the data base so that line
counters are logged
TERMINATE TRMREQ Modify the data base so that line
counters are not logged
As indicated previously, some commands require messages
to be sent in the NICE protocol over a network logical link
to an NCU. The routine STONIC places these messages in an
internal NICE queue pointed to by location NICQUE. As with
the IPCF queue, the background loop periodically checks (via
the routine CHKNIC) the NICE queue and attempts to send
messages that it finds. (All NICE messages adhere to the
Network Information and Exchange Protocol Specification)
Entries on the NICE queue have the following format:
! Ptr. to ORION Message ! Ptr. to Next Queue Entry !
! Request No. ! No. of Bytes in NICE Msg !
! request entry time ! address of NICE mess text!
! NICE function code ! sub function (option) code!
! flags ! address of executor string!
An NCU is responsible for responding to NICE message
requests. Before describing what an NCU does, certain
features of DECnet architecture must be understood. There
are potentially four nodes involved in a down-line load: 1)
the command node, 2) the host node, 3) the server node, and
4) the target node. The request is made at the command
node; the host has the file to be loaded; the server is
the node directly connected to the target. This structure
requires an NCP to inform the host's NICE process which in
turn must establish a logical link with the server's NICE
process. Once the server NICE gets the appropriate file,
the server NICE sends it to the target. Very often the
command, host, and server nodes are the same.
When any process tries to make a connection to a
TOPS-20 NCU, a software interrupt is generated; the
interrupt-level routine JFNINT starts the NCU in an inferior
process and passes the JFN of the connector to the NCU via
the PRARG JSYS. When an NCU is sent a request, a software
interrupt is generated and the interrupt-level routine
JFDINT sends the request to the NCU; when the request has
been processed, the superior process is notified of
inferior's termination via a software interrupt; the
routine FRKTER processes the interrupt. (If the NCU process
terminates due to an error, a message is sent to the
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When an inferior NCU process is started it first gets
the JFN of the connecting logical link. After clearing the
per-NCU message area, it then executes a SINR JSYS to get
the incoming NICE message from the logical link. Finally it
extracts the NICE function code from the message and
dispatches to the apropriate routine. When the NCU has no
more requests it does a CLOSF on the logical link and then
halts. It is important to note that responding to some
requests requires establishing logical links to other NICE
processes, e.g., a server, if you are processing a load
The Logger
The inferior process acting as the logger contains
routines which make SYSERR entries for node startup, node
dump, and NETCON startup. This process also periodically
checks through the node information blocks to see which
lines currently require logging of line counters; this data
is also entered into the SYSERR file.
Error Messages
The following is a list of NETCON's error messages and
the routines which can produce them:
Code Error No. Error Message
JFNINI 1 Could not open any JFNs for the NCU task
PIDINI 2 Could not create a PID for receiving ORION
HELLO 3 Could not send "HELLO" message to ORION
PIDINI 4 Could not set up PID interrupt channel
ASGPAG 5 No more free pages available
RELPGA 6 Attempt to return an illegal page address
RELPGA 7 Attempt to return a page that is already on
the free list
GETFRE 8 No more free space available
RELFRE 9 Attempt to return a free block outside the
free pool area
RELFRE 10 Attempt to return space already marked as in
the free pool
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11 ORION is not running
OPRMES 12 Failed to successfully send a message to OPR
DOREQ 13 Unimplemented NETCON command
DOREQ 14 Unknown internal NETCON message type
SETFIL 15 Exhausted table space for the known nodes
GETRQI 16 All server JFNs in use
DOFRT 17 NCU process halted prematurely
DOREQ 18 Unknown message type received from ORION
SETLCL 19 JSYS error
NAMINI 20 Could not get name of local node
CHKLOG 21 Could not log line counters for
(NCU) communications line
NETINI 22 Could not initiate Logging Process
SETLCL 23 Invalid line-id
LOALIN 24 Could not open file
LDKMC1 25 Bad data in load file
NETINI 26 Could not initiate automatic load/dump
NETINI 27 Could not obtain network topology
TOPINT 28 Could not set up topology change server links
DOLOG 29 SYERR JSYS failed creating SYSERR entry
GETFRE 30 Free pool chain sequencing error, blocks not sorted correctly
Note that many many places in the code use the macro FATAL.ERROR
without a NETCON error code. This produces the message "Unknown NETCON error".
These problems may be hard to trace down. We suggest inserting code which
reports the PC when this occurs and rebuilding NETCON.
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Description: This table contains information about
physical lines; there is an entry for each
line for which NETCON has been declared a
! Line Device Type (.DTXXX) ! Line Controller Number !
! Line Unit Number ! Station Address !
! Flags ! NIB addr. of Target Node !
! LTHST ! !
!Addr. of NIB of Line's Host! !
.DTP11 = 0 DP11
.DTU11 = 2 DU11
.DTL1E = 4 DL11E
.DTQ11 = 6 DQ11
.DTA11 = 8 DA11A
.DTDUP = 10 DUP11
.DTDMC = 12 DMC11
.DTDLV = 14 DLV11
.DTL1A = 16 DL11A
.DTKL8 = 18 KL8J
.DTDTE = 20 DTE20
.DTDV1 = 22 DV11
.DTKDP = 28 KMC11/DUP11
.DTKDZ = 30 KMC11/DZ11
LTUSE=B0 This entry is in use
LTLOG=B1 Log counters for this line
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Description: This table contains information
describing the physical lines eminating from
the node on which NETCON is running. There
is one entry (LTBSIZ words long) for each
physical line. The illustration below is of
one such entry.
! !LNLDN ! !
! !Load Number ! !
! Program Type (.PTXXX) !Bytes Left to Dump in Block! *
LNPTR ! Ptr. to Next Byte to be Returned on a Dump !
! DTE20 # for This Line !CPU Type of Target (.CPXXX)! *
LNADR ! Base Address for Next Load or Dump !
LNMSG ! Pointer to MOP Message Block !
LNDCT ! Total Number of Bytes to be Dumped !
.PTSLD = 0 Secondary Loader
.PTTLD = 1 Tertiary Loader
.PTOPS = 2 Operating System (Primary Load File)
.PTSDM = 3 Secondary Dump File
.PTTDM = 4 Tertiary Dump File
.CP8 = 0 PDP-8
.CP11 = 1 PDP-11
.CP20 = 2 DECSYSTEM-10/20
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Description: This table contains a Node Information
Block (NIB) for each node known to NETCON.
NIBs are connected by pointers based on the
newtwork configuration. For a target node,
the NIB has the name of the server node;
for a server node, the NIB contains a
pointer to the Line Adjacency Table (ADJTAB)
which contains the address of the NIB for
the target node on the line. Each NIB is
NIBSIZ words in length. Given a node name,
the associated NIB is found via a table
lookup in NODTAB.
! Flags ! Node Number ! *
NDBP1 ! Boot Password Needed to Trigger the !
!------ ------!
NDBP2 ! ROM at This Node !
NDLOD ! Ptr. to Primary Load File Spec !
NDDMP ! Ptr. to Primary Dump File Spec !
! Status Interval !Status Reply Time-Out Value!
NDLIN ! Address of Line Adjecency Table !
NDNAM ! Ptr. to ASCIZ Node Name !
! ! ! ! Protocol Version (.VNXXX) ! *
NDSRV ! Ptr. to ASCIZ Default Server Node Name for This Node !
NDSL1 ! Server !
!------ ------!
NDSL2 ! Lineid !
NDPNA ! Node Name (Parameter Passed to Node) !
NDPNU ! Node Number (Parameter Passed to Node) !
NDPHT ! Host for Task Loads (Parameter Passed to Node) !
! Boot Device to Load Node ! CPU Type of This Node ! *
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NDCNT ! Default Count for Dumping this Node !
NDADR ! Default Starting Address for Dumps of This Node !
NDENM = B0 Status Monitoring Enabled for This Node
NDENL = B1 Loading Enabled for This Node
NDEND = B2 Dumping Enabled for This Node
NDFRD = B3 Force Dump on Detected Crash
NDFRL = B4 Force Reload on Detected Crash
NDPST = B5 Protocol type has been set
NDTOP = B6 Topology monitoring initiated from the node
NDDIP = B7 Auto Dump in progress
NDLIP = B8 Auto Load in progress
NDDOK = B9 Responsible for dumping thhe NIB
NDLOK = B10 Responsible for loading the NIB
.VN20F = 0 RSX20F Queued Protocol
.VNCNL = 4 Controller Loopback
.VNCBL = 5 Cable Loopback
.CP8 = 0 PDP-8
.CP11 = 1 PDP-11
.CP20 = 2 DECSYSTEM-10/20
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Description: This table contains the information
necessary to load a remote CPU across a
given device. Each entry is PGLEN words
long. An entry is made whenever the SET
TERTIARY-LOAD-FILE command is issued.
! Load Device Type (.DTXXX) ! CPU Type (.CPXXX) !
! Program Type (.PTXXX) ! Address of File Spec !
.DTP11 = 0 DP11
.DTU11 = 2 DU11
.DTL1E = 4 DL11E
.DTQ11 = 6 DQ11
.DTA11 = 8 DA11A
.DTDUP = 10 DUP11
.DTDMC = 12 DMC11
.DTDLV = 14 DLV11
.DTL1A = 16 DL11A
.DTKL8 = 18 KL8J
.DTDTE = 20 DTE20
.DTDV1 = 22 DV11
.DTKDP = 28 KMC11/DUP11
.DTKDZ = 30 KMC11/DZ11
.CP8 = 0 PDP-8
.CP11 = 1 PDP-11
.CP20 = 2 DECSYSTEM-10/20
.PTSLD = 0 Secondary Loader
.PTTLD = 1 Tertiary Loader
.PTOPS = 2 Operating System (Primary Load File)
.PTSDM = 3 Secondary Dump File
.PTTDM = 4 Tertiary Dump File