
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-H548B-BM - iql-documentation/iql3a.dd
There is 1 other file named iql3a.dd in the archive. Click here to see a list.
 IQL3A.MEM.1;P777700      3 5998(7)    18-Oct-79 10:24:21 
 IQL3A.BWR.1;P777700     11 27832(7)   18-Oct-79 10:19:15 
 IQL3A.DOC.1;P775200      3 5686(7)    20-Feb-80 15:17:17 
 BIGRQS.MEM.1;P777700     3 7338(7)    27-Apr-79 16:33:10 
 RECLEN.MEM.1;P777700     4 9626(7)    13-Jul-79 15:53:12 
 RESERV.LIS.1;P777700     1 1611(7)    30-May-79 14:02:11 
 CALL.MEM.1;P777700       3 6805(7)     2-May-79 17:17:53 
 SETINT.MEM.1;P777700     1 2429(7)    19-Sep-79 15:57:52 
 DBMSPG.MEM.1;P777700     5 2278(36)   25-Sep-79 10:29:21 

 Total of 34 pages in 9 files