
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-H580E-SB_1985 - cobddt.hlp
There are 9 other files named cobddt.hlp in the archive. Click here to see a list.

Load COBDDT as follows:

.DEBUG userprogram       or

.R LINK                                 
*/LOCALS userprogram/DEBUG:COBOL/G

When program is executed, it will first type
The user may then set breakpoints,  examine  locations,  etc.,  before
Note, the execution of the object program may be interupted by  typing
^C (control-C) twice and answering Y to the question
Do you want to enter COBDDT?  (Y or N)

COBDDT Commands:

ACCEPT data-name         (accept data typed on next line as new  value
                         for specified data item)

ACCEPT                   (assumes data-name of last DISPLAY or ACCEPT)

BREAK paragraph or section-name         (set breakpoint)

CLEAR paragraph or section name         (clear breakpoint)

CLEAR                    (clear all breakpoints)

DDT                      (enter DDT, load it if necessary)

DISPLAY data-name

DISPLAY                  (assumes data-name of last DISPLAY or ACCEPT)

GO procedure-name        (go to the specified procedure name)

HISTORY INITIALIZE [file spec] ['title'] (initialize a histogram)

HISTORY BEGIN [file spec] ['title']     (begin gathering statistics)

HISTORY END                             (stop gathering statistics)

HISTORY REPORT [file spec] ['title']    (create the histogram)

MODULE program-name      (use symbol table of named program)

MODULE                   (list the current module and all  modules  in

LOCATE procedure-name or identifier     (type the corresponding  octal

NEXT [signed integer]    (a form of DISPLAY for subscripted items)

OVERLAY ON               (break when a module in a LINK-10 overlay  is
                         entered,  if  that  overlay was not in memory


PROCEED                  (proceed from breakpoint)

PROCEED n                (proceed to nth occurrence of breakpoint)

SHOW SYMBOLS <symbol-name-mask>         (type all symbols  that  match
                         the mask)

STEP [integer]           (PROCEED through [integer] paragraph-names)

STOP                     (stop run)

TRACE BACK               (type the current program name  and  sequence
                         of programs called to get here)

TRACE ON                 (type each paragraph or section-name as it is


UNPROTECT                (turn off write-protect for the high-segment)

WHERE                    (list all breakpoints)

All command verbs and arguments may be abreviatedted, so long  as  the
part type is sufficient to identify that item.

                          [END OF COBDDT.HLP]