
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-J724A-SM_1980 - sources/ibmcon.rno
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! d i g i t a l !   I N T E R O F F I C E  M E M O R A N D U M

To: All Interested Parties 
.title To: All Interested Parties 
				       Date: 29 October, 1979 

				       From: Peter Mierswa  

				       Dept: NCSS

				       Loc:  MR1-2/H22

				       Ext:  4263

Subj: IBMCON DN6x statistics logger for TOPS20 Rel 4 
.subtitle Subj: IBMCON DN6x statisics logger for TOPS20 Rel 4 
The DN64 software available with TOPS20 Release 3A automatically
made entries in the system log file, ERROR.SYS providing notification
of the enabling and disabling of lines and periodic statistics reports.
In release 4 of TOPS20 the DN6x software has been integrated into
Galaxy, but the code to enter statistics into the system error
file was not included. The program IBMCON provides this service
in release 4 of TOPS20 for both the KS and KL processors. 
IBMCON obtains the status of the front end solely by use of the monitor
interface to the DTE. Since IBMCON does not rely on other DN6x
components running in the mainframe it must periodically examine
or poll the front end to collect statistics and determine status
changes. This polling can affect performance. Only run IBMCON periodically
when you need to collect statistics or when the hardware is suspect.
To run IBMCON you must be an enabled user with wheel or operator
capabilities. If you are not enabled or you do not have wheel
or operator capabilities, the enable command will always report
that the front end is not running. IBMCON provides command recognition
and prompting and defaults most arguments. The minimum interaction
necessary to begin data gathering is the enable command and port number.
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DISABLE (polling on port) port number
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The DISABLE command stops IBMCON from polling the specified port,
thus stopping all data gathering for all lines on that port.
The port number must be specified, it has no default. When IBMCON
is run on a KS processor, the port number is restricted to 10 or 11.
Ports 10 and 11 refer to the DN22 running on synchronous lines
KDP__0__0 and KDP__0__1 respectively. When running on a KL, the port
number is restricted to the range 11-13. Ports 11-13 refer to the
DN20 running on DTE'2 1-3 respectively.
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ENABLE (polling on port) port number (interval) minutes between polling
.skip 1
The ENABLE command starts polling on the specified port for the
specified interval. After each interval has passed, IBMCON examines
all lines on the front end associated with the specified port to
determine if they have become active (the node to which they
connect has become enabled) or inactive (the node to which they
connect has become disabled). When a line becomes active or inactive
an entry is made in ERROR.SYS. Statistics entries are made in ERROR.SYS
for all active lines. The default polling interval is 10 minutes.
Note that when IBMCON is started it will make
a NODE HAS ENABLED entry even if the node had been up for some time.
Also note that the timestamp for the NODE ENABLED or DISABLED entries
reflects the time that IBMCON first saw the node active, not the exact
time at which the node was enabled.
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The EXIT command causes IBMCON to exit to EXEC command level.
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SET (logging interval on line) line number (port) port number
.indent 5
(interval) minutes between logging
.skip 1
The SET command changes the default logging interval on a line by line
basis. The logging interval is the time between statistics entries
for all active lines on enabled ports.
The default logging interval is 60 minutes. Note that this command
must be entered separately for each line which is to have a logging
interval different from the default.
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WAIT (forever)
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The wait command causes IBMCON to run without an outstanding
input wait for commands. Following the wait command, no prompt
is issued and no command will be processed. The WAIT command
allows the user to run IBMCON in batch.
.skip 1
Run IBMCON to collect hourly statistics for all active lines on the
DN20 on DTE #1 on a KL. Poll every 10 minutes to look for changes
in line status.
.skip 1
IBMCON>ENABLE (polling on port) 11
.skip 1
Run IBMCON to collect statistics for all active lines on the DN22 on
KDP__0__1 on a KS every 30 minutes. Poll every 5 minutes to look
for changes in line status. Only lines 0 and 1 are installed in the DN22.
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IBMCON>SET (logging interval on line) 0 (port) 11 (interval) 30
IBMCON>SET (logging interval on line) 1 (port) 11 (interval) 30
IBMCON>ENABLE (polling on port) 11 (interval) 5
.skip 1
An attempt was made to disable a port which was not enabled.
An attempt was made to enable a port which was already enabled.
MORE LINES actual number of lines ON PORT THAN ALLOWED max number
More lines were found on the enabled port than are allowed for by
IBMCON. IBMCON will truncate the number of lines watched to its
own maximum number (6).
PORT port number NOT RUNNING
This error message is printed whenever IBMCON cannot determine the
status of the front end. It is printed if the port is not running
or if the user is not an enabled wheel or operator.
The JSYS failed which enters entries into the system error file,
The TIMER JSYS failed.
Following are the formats of the entries made in the system error file.
This is a description of the SYSERR entry header. The body descriptions
follow later.
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.skip 1
    !   Code   !   n/u   ! T ! Version ! 4  !  Length	!
    !    Date and time in Universal date/time format	!
    ! 		      System uptime			!
    !		  Processor serial number		!
.skip 2
	DEFSTR	(SYCOD,0,8,9)	; Event code
	DEFSTR	(SYT20,0,17,1)	; Entry was created by TOPS20
	DEFSTR	(SYVER,0,23,6)	; SYSERR entry type version number
	DEFSTR	(SYHLN,0,26,3)	; Header length (currently 4)
	DEFSTR	(SYLEN,0,35,9)	; Length of entry (w/o header)
	DEFSTR	(SYDAT,1,35,36)	; Date and time of this entry
	DEFSTR	(SYUPT,2,35,36)	; System uptime  days,,fraction of day
	DEFSTR	(SYPSN,3,35,36)	; Proc. serial number of recording CPU
	.SYDAT==4		; Offset to data portion of entry
Data format for SYSERR code 233
.skip 1
    !      Port number	    !       Line number		!
    !			Status string			!
    /							/
    /							/
.skip 1
The line status string is returned as an 8 bit byte string packed 4 bytes left
justified in a 36 bit word.  In each byte the bit numbering is bit 0 to
the right (LSB) and bit 7 to the left (MSB).
Any 16 bit values have the 8 bit bytes that make it up swapped. So before
these bits defined below are valid, the bytes have to be swapped back again.
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	 7       0 15      8 7       0 15      8	Bit no.'s in
	 !       ! !       ! !       ! !       !	11's word
	! byte 0  ! byte 1  ! byte 2  ! byte 3  !  !	Byte no. in
	+------------------------------------------+	  11's word
	 !    11-word 0    ! !     11-word 1   !  !	11 word no.'s
         0                15 16                31 35	Bit no.'s in
							 -10's word
.skip 1
Line status  [ 70 (8 bit) bytes, 18 (36 bit) words ]
.skip 1
 Byte		Meaning
 ----		-------
.skip 1
 0		Terminal type: 0 = unknown, 1 = 3780, 2 = 2780, 3 = HASP
 1-2		Flags:	bit 0 set = simulate, clear = support
			bit 1 set = primary BSC protocol,
			      clear = secondary
			bit 2 set = signed on
			bit 3 set = transparent
			bit 4 set = disable in progress
			bit 5 set = line enable complete
			bit 6 set = line abort complete
			bit 7 set = off line (2780/3780 only)
			bit 8 set = line disable complete
			bit 9 set = disable done by DTE failure
			bit 10 set = Line aborted by hardware failure
			bit 11 set = Communications established
 3		Line info:
			bit 0 set = line is enabled
			bit 1 set = DTR (data terminal ready)
			bit 2 set = DSR (data set ready)
 4-5		Count of DQ11/DUP11 error interrupts
 6-7		DQ11/DUP11 status register 1 at last error
 8-9		DQ11/DUP11 status register 2 at last error
 10-11		Count of times receiver wasn't fast enough
 12-13		Count of times transmitter wasn't fast enough
 14-15		Count of CTS (clear to send) failures
 16-17		Count of message sent and ACK'ed
 18-19		Count of NAK's received (+wrong ack after timeout)
 20-21		Count of invalid responses to TTD
 22-23		Count of invalid responses to messages
 24-25		Count of TTD's sent
 26-27		Count of WACK's received in response to messages
 28-29		Count of EOT's (aborts) in response to messages
 30-31		Count of invalid bids of responses to bids
 32-33		Count of RVI's received while transmitting
 34-35		Count of message received ok
 36-37		Count of bad BCC's
 38-39		Count of NAK's sent in response to data messages
 40-41		Count of WACK's sent
 42-43		Count of TTD's received
 44-45		Count of EOT's sent or received which abort the stream
 46-47		Count of messages ignored (out of chunks, unrecognizable
		 or timeout)
 48-49		Count of transparent msg with an invalid char after DLE
 50-51		Count of attempts to change between transparent and
		normal mode in a blocked message
 52-53		Count of transmitter timeouts
 54-55		Clear to send delay in jiffies
 56-57		Count of silo overflows
 58-59		Number of bytes in silo warning area (usually 64,
		must be even)
 60-61		Max number of bytes used in silo warning area since
		set last
 62-63		Max bytes per message
 64-65		Number of records per message
 66-67		Line signature
 68-69		Line driver type: 1=DQ11, 2=KMC11/DUP11, 3=DUP11 w/o KMC
Format for SYSERR code 234
.skip 2
Node enable/disable
	!			!	Enable/disable code	!
	!		Node name in sixbit	*		!
	!	Port #		!	Line #			!
	!	Flags		!	Station type		!
	!		Clear to send delay (in jiffies)	!
	!		Silo warning level (in bytes)		!
	!		Bytes per message			!
	!		Records per message			!
	!		Line signature				!
.skip 1
	 Enable/disable code is:
.skip 1
		.CNENB = 1	Enable the line
		.CNDIS = 2	Disable the line (hang-up)
.skip 1
	 Node name is the sixbit name that GALAXY uses for the node
  *	IBMCON cannot determine the node name, because it does
	not communicate with Galaxy. The contents of this field
	are indeterminate.
.skip 1
	 Port and line number uniquely describe the synchronous line
	  talking to IBM node
.skip 1
	 Flags are:
.skip 1
		CN$TRA = 1b15		Transparency enabled
		CN$PSP = 1b16		Primary protocol if 1,
					 secondary if 0
		CN$ETF = 1b17		Emulation mode if 1,
					termination if 0
.skip 1
	 Station type is:
.skip 1
		SL378 = 1		3780 protocol
		SL278 = 2		2780 protocol
		SLHSP = 3		HASP multileaving protocol
.skip 1
	 Clear to send delay is a 16 bit value in jiffies.
.skip 1
	 Bytes per message and silo warning level are 16 bit values
	in bytes.
.skip 1
	 Records per message is a 16 bit value in records.
.skip 1
	 Line signature is a 16 bit value of no dimensions, used for
	  identification only.
.skip 2
	NED.CD==.SYDAT+0		; Enable/disable code
	NED.NM==NED.CD+1		; Node name
	NED.ID==NED.NM+1		; Port,,line (ID)
	NED.FL==NED.ID+1		; Flags,,type
	NED.CS==NED.FL+1		; Clear to send delay
	NED.SW==NED.CS+1		; Silo warning level
	NED.BM==NED.SW+1		; Bytes per message
	NED.RM==NED.BM+1		; Records per message
	NED.SG==NED.RM+1		; Line signature
.skip 1
	NED.SZ==_^d9			; Size of entry w/o header
	NED.SH==_^d3			; Short entry for disable
Following the installation procedures described in the IBM
Emulation/Termination manual (AA-5095B-TM) is sufficient
for installing IBMCON. IBMCON requires no setup procedure
or data files; only the executable file IBMCON.EXE is required.
Rebuilding IBMCON requires that the following files from the
Galaxy distribution tape can be found in the DSK: search path.
The versions of the files from the Galaxy tape used to build
IBMCON must correspond to the versions of the files used to build
the Galaxy which runs on the same system as IBMCON.
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Rebuilding IBMCON also requires that these files from the DN6x tape can
be found in the DSK: search path:
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Executing the following steps will rebuild IBMCON.EXE:
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