
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-J941D-BB - bcerm.rel
There is 1 other file named bcerm.rel in the archive. Click here to see a list.
0{qb @xDM21gg	 ??BCREFAAA Message text file doesn't align with VMS message file) BCREFNORMAL normal	  successful completion, BCREFMBEGIN begin processing of module "%S"- BCREFLBEGIN b	 egin processing of library "%S" BCREFBMERGE begin merge phase" BCREFBLISTING	  begin listing phase<%BCREFMERRORS errors found during compilation of module "%S"	 "A%BCREFMWARNINGS warnings issued during compilation of module "%S"A%BCREFLERRORS  *errors found during pre-compilation of library "%S"	D"8B8B8C8C8D8D8E8E"8F)	 0F%BCREFLWARNINGS warnings issued during pre-compilation of library "%S"%BCREFERR	 8OR error %BCREFLOGIC internal logic error&%BCREFEMPTY no data in input file "%S"	 A?BCREFFATAL fatal error)?BCREFBAD_MERGE fatal error while merging) BCREFNORMAL n	 Iormal successful completion& BCREFEMPTY structure contains no data3 BCREFELUDOM e Rnd of data for current module reached	D"8F08G78G98H=8HA8IC8IH8JL8JP	 V. BCREFUNENCLOSED event has no enclosing symbol%BCREFWARNING warning%BCREFEND	 ^_WALK end of walk%BCREFERROR error6%BCREFINVALID_FORMAT data file "%S" has inva	 glid formatR%BCREFREGENERATE data file "%S" must be regenerated using current compiler	 o release %BCREFLOGIC internal logic error8%BCREFBINPUT actual parameter to this r xoutine is invalid:%BCREFBTABLES consistency check on GCREF tables has failed	D"8KV8K[8L]8L`8Mb8Mh8Np8Ut8Vz	 *?BCREFFATAL fatal error#%BCREFZZZ End of BCREF message file
	*U*U*!(/79<@CGLPUZ]*U(`bgpsy	D8V8W8AJ-?aAJ-?cLJ-?c2J-?c
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