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LOGIN Command
You use the LOGIN command to gain access to the system. The
LOGIN command runs the LOGIN program. LOGIN accepts:
o your project-programmer number (PPN) or your user name
o your password
o optional account and remark strings
You can obtain these from your system administrator. LOGIN can
accept a path specification (directory name) in place of the PPN.
To log in, type the LOGIN command, and press RETURN. LOGIN
prompts you with a pound sign (#). Type your project-programmer
number or your user name, and press RETURN. You can also type
your project-programmer number or your user name immediately
after typing LOGIN, followed by a space. After it receives this
information, LOGIN prints another prompt (PASSWORD:) on your
terminal. Type your password, and press RETURN. The password
does not echo on your terminal. You are finished logging in when
the monitor prompt (a period) is returned.
Your system may be running account validation software. In this
case, LOGIN may not be complete after you type your password. If
your job requires an account string, LOGIN prompts you for your
account (ACCOUNT:). Type your account string, and then press
RETURN, or just press RETURN if the system administrator has
established a default account for your job. If your job requires
a remark string, LOGIN prompts for it (REMARK:). Here you can
type anything that will identify your job. Your remark can be up
to 39 characters. If you do not have a remark, press RETURN.
The system records spaces for your remark. Example 3 shows the
procedure for logging in with account validation software.
When the account string is validated, characters
are checked according to case. Therefore, you
must type your account in the same case
(uppercase or lowercase) as it is required. This
aspect of the system can be changed by the system
You can put your account string and remark in your SWITCH.INI
file. For more information about the SWITCH.INI file, see the
help file SWINI.
To specify a default path for disk I/O, type the path
specification instead of your project-programmer number. A path
specification more specifically identifies your directory area.
It specifies either a user-file directory or a sub-file
directory. For more information about directory paths, see the
help file DIRPAT.
If you have detached your terminal from a job, and begin to log
in to another job, the LOGIN program asks if you want to attach
to the old job or create a new job. For information about
detaching and attaching jobs, see the ATTACH and DETACH commands.
Example 2 shows the procedure for logging in to a new job after
detaching the first.
LOGIN identification/switches
Where: identification represents either your
project-programmer number (PPN), path specification
([directory]), or your user name.
You can type a path specification in place of the PPN or user
name. This allows you to establish a default directory path for
the job. The path specification is either a user-file directory
or a sub-file directory. Directory paths are enclosed in
brackets (for example: [27,5434,SFD]).
The following switches modify the command string. These switches
can be included in your SWITCH.INI file.
Most parameters set by these switches can be changed by monitor
commands after you log in. For more information see the <SET>
commands help files and the SETSRC program description in the
TOPS-10 User Utilities Manual.
Switch Function
/ACCOUNT:"string" Specifies the account string for your job.
If the account string contains any
nonalphanumeric characters, you must enclose
the string in quotation marks. This switch
is often included in a SWITCH.INI file.
/ASSIGN: Assigns a device to your job and a logical
(dev1:log1, name to the device.
dev: is the device name
log is the logical name
For more information about device names, see
the help file DEVNAM.
The logical name is optional. This switch
can be used more than once to assign more
than one device.
/ATTACH:argument Sets the ATTACH state for the LOGIN dialog
and the job being created. /ATTACH:ASK is
the default action. By default, if a
detached job exists with the specified PPN,
and the job was logged in with /ATTACH:ASK,
LOGIN asks whether you want to attach to the
detached job, instead of creating a new job
with the same PPN. The /ATTACH:IGNORE switch
suppresses the default action of the
/ATTACH:ASK switch. Jobs you create with the
IGNORE argument will be ignored by LOGIN when
you do additional logins with the same PPN.
LOGIN will not ask you if you want to attach
to jobs set to the IGNORE argument.
/BATCH: Sets the batch parameters (used by BATCON
(arg:n, arg:n) Multiple keywords can be given to the /BATCH
switch; in that case, they must be enclosed
in parentheses and separated with commas.
Arguments and their meanings are as follows:
Argument Meaning
INTERVENTION Specifies whether the batch
job requires operator
NOINTERVENTION intervention to run.
NAME:"name" Sets the batch job name to
SEQUENCE:n Sets the batch sequence number
to "n".
STREAM:n Sets the batch stream number
to "n".
REQUESTID:n Sets the batch request number
to "n".
/CORE:nx Informs the system of the maximum amount of
core memory that your job can use. The value
for x must be either P or K. P represents
pages of memory (each page is equivalent to
512 words); K represents blocks of 1024
words. The value n is any decimal number.
Refer to the CORE command for further
/DEFAULT: Specifies job characteristics. Multiple
(arg:n, arg:n) keywords can be given to the /DEFAULT switch;
in that case, they must be enclosed in
parentheses and separated with commas.
Arguments and their meanings are as follows:
Argument Meaning
BIGBUF:n Sets the default BIGBUF buffer
size for disk to n blocks.
For information on how to set
the default BIGBUF buffer
size, see the <SET> command.
BUFFERS:n Sets the default number of
disk buffers to n. For
information on how to set the
default buffer size, see the
<SET> command.
PROTECTION:n Sets the default file
protection for your job to n.
For information on how to set
default file protection, see
the <SET> command.
/DEFER Defers queueing of spooled output until you
log out.
/DSKFUL:arg Sets the action to be performed if your job
exceeds the disk area allowed to it. The
arguments are ERROR and PAUSE. If the
argument is ERROR, an error condition is
passed to your job. This usually terminates
the program. If the argument is PAUSE, the
program is suspended, and your job is
returned to monitor level. This allows you
to request operator assistance and then
continue the job, as long as you do not issue
any commands that destroy your core image.
For information see the <SET> command.
/DSKPRI:n Allows privileged users to set the priority
for their job's disk operations (data
transfers and head positionings). The value
can range from -3 to +3. The default
timesharing priority is 0. For information
see the <SET> command.
/GUIDELINE Specifies that the numeric value cited in the
/PHYSICAL switch is a guideline. This is the
default setting for /PHYSICAL.
/HELP:keyword Prints HELP text on your terminal. Valid
keywords are: ARGUMENTS, SWITCHES, and TEXT.
The ARGUMENTS keyword prints out a list of
valid switches and arguments. SWITCHES
displays only a list of switches. TEXT will
print the entire HELP text. TEXT is assumed
if no keyword is supplied. /HELP may be
abbreviated to /H.
/LIB:[ppn] Sets the library area (LIB:) to the specified
/LIMIT Specifies that the numeric value specified in
the /PHYSICAL switch is a limit rather than a
guideline. If /LIMIT is not issued, the
system assumes that the numeric value given
for the /PHYSICAL switch is a guideline.
/LOCATE:node Sets the job location to the specified octal
ANF node number. For information see the
help file for the LOCATE command.
/MAILCHECK Checks the file DSK:MAIL.TXT to see if you
have mail from the MS mail system. You must
have DECMAIL/MS on your system. /MAILCHECK
is the default action.
/NAME:"name" Associates the given name with your job.
This name will appear on output, listings,
and on other information output by the
system. Enclose the name in quotation marks
if it contains non-alphanumeric characters.
/NEW /NEW causes NEW:([1,5]) to be searched before
SYS:([1,4]) whenever SYS: is specified or
implied. If the files are not on NEW:, SYS:
will be searched. For more information
libraries, see the help file LIBS.
/NODEFER Does not defer queued output until logout.
Refer to the SET DEFER command. This is the
/NOMAILCHECK Suppresses checking the file DSK:MAIL.TXT to
see if you have mail from the MS mail system.
/NONEW Removes the [1,5] directory (NEW:) from your
SYS: specification. This is the default
/NOSCAN Cancels the /SCAN switch for the directory
path. When scanning is set, the system
searches for files through the entire
directory path. For more information about
directory paths, see the help file DIRPAT.
This switch disables scanning. Thus, the
system will not search for files past the
specified directory area. See the SETSRC
program description in the TOPS-10 User
Utilities Manual. /NOSCAN is the default
/NOSETTTY Instructs the system not to change any of
your terminal's characteristics as specified
in your SWITCH.INI file. The default action
is that LOGIN reads SWITCH.INI, setting
terminal characteristics according to
switches specified in the LOGIN line. For
more information about SWITCH.INI, see the
help file SWINI.
/NOSFDCREATE Does not create an SFD that was specified as
the directory path.
/NOSTR Suppresses the printing of SYS:STR.TXT.
/NOSYS Removes the SYS: structure from your
DSKspecification, which is your job's search
list. For more information about search
lists, see the help file SERLST.
/NOTE:file-spec Prints the specified file after you log in.
The file specification must be included; it
may contain wild-cards. This switch is
useful for printing a project notice file
that is kept in a library area. Refer to
/NOTICE:arg Controls printing of SYS:NOTICE.TXT and the
argument to the /NOTE switch. The arguments
for /NOTICE are:
ALWAYS Always prints notices.
SOMETIMES Prints notices you have not
yet seen. SOMETIMES is the
default argument.
NEVER Never prints notices.
/NOWATCH Suppresses the printing of incremental job
statistics. For information see the <SET>
/PASSWORD Allows you to change your password during the
LOGIN procedure. Type in your current
password at the Password: prompt. Then type
in your new password when the monitor prompts
you, and verify it. Your password will then
be changed. This switch is ignored under
batch. The system manager may, at times, set
/PASSWORD on your account, so that when you
log in, you will have to change your
/PATH:[dir] Specifies a default path for disk I/O. For
more information about directory paths, see
the help file DIRPAT.
/PHYSICAL:nx Sets the maximum physical page limit of your
job. The value n is any decimal number. The
value x is either K (for 1024-word blocks) or
P (for 512-word pages). You can use either
switch. The default is /GUIDELINE. For
information see the <SET> command.
/QUOTA: Recomputes the disk quota for the specified
(str1,str2,...) structures. If you specify more than one
ALL structure, you must separate the structure
DSK names with commas, and enclose the list in
parentheses. However, if you specify only
one structure, the parentheses are not
required. If you specify no structures, all
the structures in your job's search list are
assumed. Instead of (str1,str2,...), you can
use ALL or DSK. ALL expands to all
structures in the system. DSK expands to all
structures in your search list.
/REMARK:"text" Specifies a remark string for your job. If
you include non-alphanumeric characters in
the remark, you must enclose the remark in
quotation marks.
/RUN:file-spec Runs the specified program immediately after
LOGIN, unless another program has been
designated by the system manager.
/SCAN Sets the /SCAN switch for the directory path.
When /SCAN is specified, scanning is enabled
for the directory path. Scanning allows
searches to be made through the complete
path. If scanning is disabled, only the
first directory is searched. See the SETSRC
program description in the TOPS-10 User
Utilities Manual.
/SETTTY Sets your terminal characteristics as
specified in the file SWITCH.INI. This is
the default function. See the help SWINI for
information about the SWITCH.INI file.
/SFDCREATE Automatically creates an SFD on the
structure, if the SFD was specified as the
directory path, and if the SFD does not
already exist. This is the default.
/SFDPROT:nnn Sets the protection of all created SFDs to
/SPOOL:dev or Adds the specified device(s) to the current
/SPOOL:(dev1,...) list of those spooled for the job. Spooling
or is the mechanism by which I/O to or from
/SPOOL:ALL slow-speed devices is simulated on disk.
Data temporarily stored on disk can be
automatically output on the specified device
when it becomes available. These devices can
be spooled: the line printer (LPT:), the
card punch (CDP:), the card reader (CDR:),
the paper-tape punch (PTP:), and the plotter
/STR Causes all files in the standard system
library [1,4] with name ???STR.TXT to be
printed on your terminal. Assume, for
example, that there is a file on private
structure "PR:" called PRLSTR.TXT[1,4] which
DATA". Any user who logged in with /STR (or
had /STR in his SWITCH.INI file) would have
the warning message printed on his terminal.
/SYS Adds the SYS: structure to your DSK:
specification. Consequently, if a file is
not found in the directories in your search
list or in your library directory (if /LIB:
[proj,prog] has been specified), the system
directory [1,4] will then be searched for the
/TERMINAL: Sets the terminal characteristics
(arg,arg,...) specified by the arguments. This switch is
useful for recording terminal characteristics
in your SWITCH.INI file. To specify a single
argument, type it after the colon. To
specify two or more arguments, enclose them
in parentheses and separate them with commas.
The arguments to the /TERMINAL switch and
their meanings are listed after the
description of the switches. All of the
arguments except those which take values can
be preceded by NO to turn off the function of
the argument.
/TIME:n Sets a central processor time limit of n
seconds for a job. When the time limit is
reached, the system stops the job and prints
a message. A timesharing job can be
continued by typing CONTINUE, but unless the
time is reset with the SET TIME command, no
time limit will be in effect. A batch job
cannot be continued.
/UFDPROT:nnn Sets the protection of all created UFDs to
/VIRTUAL:n Specifies the current virtual page limit, as
represented by n. (For a description of
CVPL, see the TOPS-10 Monitor Calls
Manual.) In /VIRTUAL:nK and :nP, K
represents a block, and P a page; 1K equals
1024 words, and 1P equals 512 words. If you
type neither letter, K is assumed. K can be
specified within the range 1 to 512P. If you
type /VIRTUAL:0, the value of CVPL, as set by
the system administrator, is used.
/WATCH:ALL or Duplicates the SET WATCH command, printing
/WATCH (arg,arg...) messages automatically according to the
argument. See the help file for <SET>
Arguments to /TERMINAL
Argument Meaning
ALTMODE Converts the ASCII characters 175 and 176 to
NOALTMODE ALTmode (ESCape). If you use NOALTMODE, 175
and 176 regain their original identity as
right brace (]) and tilde (~). The default
setting is NOALTMODE.
BLANKS Prints blank lines during output to the
NOBLANKS terminal. NOBLANKS is often used on a
display terminal to conserve space on the
screen. The default setting is BLANKS.
CRLF Prints an automatic carriage-return/line-feed
NOCRLF at the end of each line. The width of this
line is set with WIDTH. NOCRLF suppresses
the automatic carriage-return/line-feed. The
default is CRLF.
DEBREAK No longer supported.
DEFER Suppresses echoing of the characters you type
NODEFER until output to the terminal is finished.
For example, when the system is sending
output to your terminal and you type another
command, the system will echo the characters
as it is printing output on your terminal.
DEFER holds the characters you type until the
output is finished. NODEFER is the default
setting. For video terminals, it is
recommended that you set DEFER.
DISPLAY Informs the system that you have a display
NODISPLAY terminal. Your programs can use this
information when sending output to your
terminal. NO DISPLAY turns off the DISPLAY
ECHO Prints the characters you type on your
NOECHO terminal. This puts your terminal in full
duplex mode. NOECHO puts your terminal in
half duplex mode. That is, the characters
you type are not printed on your terminal.
EIGHTBIT Sets 8-bit mode.
ESCAPE:chr Sets the <ESCAPE> translation character to
FILL:n Controls the filler class of the terminal.
NOFILL This effects the output of filler characters.
NOFILL is the equivalent to FILL:0.
FORM Sends eight line-feeds for every FORM
NOFORM character, and four line-feeds for each
vertical tab. NOFORM does not send the
GAG Suppresses any messages sent by the SEND
NOGAG command when your job is in user mode. This
does not affect messages from the operator.
NOGAG allows you to receive messages at any
stage of your job.
LC Allows the system to print lowercase
NOLC characters on your terminal when echoing
characters from your terminal. This argument
is used on terminals that have lowercase
ability but are not printing lowercase
characters. NOLC makes the system translate
all input characters to uppercase as they are
LENGTH:n Sets the terminal page length to n lines.
LOCALCOPY Sets terminal to local copy.
QUOTE Enables control-v character quoting.
RCVSPEED:nnnn Sets the speed at which your terminal will
receive characters to n baud.
RTCOMP Controls the function of CTRL/R and CTRL/T.
NORTCOMP NORTCOMP makes the control characters
function as they are described in Section
1.6. RTCOMP prevents them from functioning
this way, which is useful when you plan to
run a program that uses CTRL/R and CTRL/T for
other purposes.
SBELL Rings the bell when output is stopped
NOSBELL automatically by the system. NOSBELL
suppresses the terminal bell when output is
stopped automatically by the system.
SPEED:nnnn Sets the receiving and transmitting speed of
your terminal to n baud.
SSTOP:n Sets the terminal to stop output after n
lines, where n is page length, ignoring
intermittent <CTRL/Q>s.
STOP:n Sets the terminal to stop output after n
lines, where n is page length.
TABS Informs the system that your terminal has
NOTABS tab stops. NOTABS informs the system that
your terminal does not have tab stops. The
system will then simulate tab stops for your
TAPE Informs the system that your terminal has
NOTAPE paper tape output. This changes the function
of CTRL/S and CTRL/Q to control the paper
tape. NOTAPE restores the function of CTRL/S
and CTRL/Q.
TIDY No longer supported.
TYPE:nnnn Specifies the type of terminal. This informs
the system that your terminal is of the type
nnnn. This sets some characteristics
automatically. For a complete list of
supported terminal types, type:
A portion of the information returned is a
list of terminal types supported by the
UC Tells the system to translate all the
NOUC characters that it receives from your
terminal to upper case. NOUC does not
translate the characters.
UNPAUSE:chr Sets the unpause character to chr.
WIDTH:n Sets the width of the terminal screen to n.
Used in conjunction with CRLF, this controls
the automatic RETURNs that are output at
monitor level.
XMTSPEED:n Sets the speed at which your terminal will
send characters to n baud.
XONXOF Allows you to use CTRL/S and CTRL/Q to
NOXONXOF control the output to your terminal.
NOXONXOF prevents the system from stopping
terminal output automatically.
Returns your terminal to monitor level or starts a program if
specified in ACTDAE.SYS.
Associated Messages
If you are already logged in when you issue the LOGIN command,
the monitor prints:
If the system is running the maximum number of jobs it can
handle, you will not be able to log in. When you issue a LOGIN
command, you will receive the message:
In this event, wait a few minutes, then try again.
1. To gain access to the system, log in with your user name as
JOB 42 RZ373B KL#1026/1042 TTY363
If you do not type your project-programmer number or your
user name on the same line as the LOGIN command, LOGIN
prompts you for that information with a number sign (#).
JOB 29 RZ373B KL #1026/1042 TTY220
LOGIN prints your assigned job number (job number 29),
followed by monitor name, version number, and terminal
The system prompts you for your password. You type your
password followed by a carriage-return. To maintain password
security, the monitor does not echo your password. On
terminals with local-copy (see the TOPS-10 Monitor Calls
Manual), a mask is printed to make your password unreadable.
[LGNLAS Last access to [10,6073] succeeded on
hh:mm dd-mmm-yy MON
If your entries are correct, the system responds with a
message indicating when the last attempt to login to your
account was, and whether it was successful time, date, day of
the week, the message of the day (if any), and a period,
indicating readiness to accept another command.
2. The following example illustrates the process of detaching a
job, logging in a second job, detaching the second job and
logging in a third job. First, detach the job that is
currently running:
Then log in again:
.LOGIN 27,5434<RET>
JOB 54 RZ125A KL #1022/1046 TTY213
[LGNLAS Last access to [27,5434] succeeded on
hh:mm dd-mmm-yy MON
When you log in, if you have a detached job (logged in with
/ATTACH:ASK), LOGIN prompts you whether you want to log in a
new job or attach to the existing job. (To suppress this
function, use the /ATTACH:IGNORE switch when you log in.) To
log in a new job at this point, type NO and press RETURN. If
you type YES or just press RETURN, your terminal will be
attached to the existing job.
Detaching a job is useful when you are running a program you
expect to run for a long time. If you want to allow such a
program to run, while you start another job, use the
CCONTINUE command. For example, start a DIRECTORY search of
The DIRECT program continues to search for files in SYS:
with the extension .EXE, and stores them in EXEVER.SYS.
Meanwhile, you can log in a third job. To log in a third
job, first detach the second:
Log in:
JOB 55 RZ125A KL #1022/1046 TTY213
[LGNLAS Last access to [27,5434] succeeded on
hh:mm dd-mmm-yy MON
The /ATTACH:IGNORE switch was used here to suppress the
question about existing detached jobs. To log in a new job,
as here, press RETURN.
When the DIRECT program is finished running (as may be seen
using SYSDPY), you may want to attach back to job 54. In
this case, detach the current job, or log out:
LOGGED-OFF TTY64 AT hh:mm:ss ON dd-mmm-yy
RUNTIME: 0:05:33, KCS:64, CONNECT TIME: 1:45:20
Then log in again:
.LOGIN 27,5434
JOB 36 RZ125A KL #1022/1046 TTY213
.ATTACH 54[27,5434]
LOGIN prints a message after attaching to the running job.
This message informs you that the job is in the process of
running. Then DIRECTORY prints a message showing the total
number of files found.