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Controlling Subjobs Using OPSER
The OPSER program allows you to control up to 14 subjobs from your
terminal. OPSER acts as the supervisor of the subjobs by passing
monitor-level or user-level commands to all or to selected subjobs.
OPSER can retrieve output from the various subjobs.
OPSER subjobs run on pseudo-terminals (PTYs). It performs all
pseudo-terminal initialization. You provide the subjob name and
either an OPSER-provided subjob number or a user-assigned name.
System programs or your programs that require a dedicated terminal can
be run as subjobs of OPSER. By running jobs on PTYs, OPSER maintains
an I/O link between you and the running jobs.
where: An asterisk (*) is the OPSER prompt if no subjobs are in use
or if subjobs are waiting for commands. OPSER responds with
an exclamation point when a subjob is running. You can enter
commands whenever OPSER is operating. Each command must be
preceded by a colon and may be abbreviated to a unique set of
Commands to OPSER and their functions are:
Command Function
:AUTO/hh:mm Processes the named file as a list of
filename interactive commands. The AUTO file is
terminated by either an end-of-file or the
operator typing a line on the console. AUTO
files may call other files, including
themselves. The optional /hh:mm switch sets
the time to run the auto file. If this time
has passed, the AUTO file runs immediately.
:AUTO/+hh:mm Processes the AUTO file after the amount
filename of time specified by the +hh:mm has elapsed.
:AUTO/>hh:mm Processes the AUTO file at the next
filename occurrence of hh:mm.
:AUTO/<hh:mm Does not process the AUTO file if time
filename has already gone past hh:mm.
^B Sends ^O (CTRL/O) to the subjob.
^C Returns you to monitor level even if you have
active subjobs running. Use the :EXIT
command (described below) in most cases.
:CLOSE Closes the log file without opening a new
:CONTINUE Continues processing the AUTO file after it
has been interrupted by a CTRL/C. This
allows you to gain control of a subjob during
AUTO file processing.
:CURRENT Displays the name of the current subjob, if
defined; otherwise, displays the number of
the current subjob. Output from another
subjob does not affect the definition of the
current subjob.
:DAYTIME Displays the current date and time.
:DEFINE xxx=n Associates the symbol xxx as the name for
subjob n. The symbol B is reserved for the
subjob running BATCON.
:DEVICE dev:log:n Assigns the device (dev:), and logical name
(log) to subjob n. The logical name is
optional, but you must include a null field
if the logical name is omitted, for example,
:DEVICE CDR::3. The REENTER command aborts
the request.
:ERROR n,m,p Displays only error messages. (That is,
ignores nonerror messages from subjob n.)
Printing resumes with the :REVIVE command.
:EXIT Exits to the monitor if subjobs are not in
use; otherwise, give a list of those that are
running. This should be used instead of
CTRL/C, because :EXIT does not return your
job to monitor level if there are any active
subjobs. (Also refer to :MONITOR.)
:FREE Displays the first free subjob number.
:HELP Displays text that briefly explains OPSER
:JCONT n Continues the specified currently halted job.
:KILL n,m,p Logs out the specified subjobs. This is
identical to :KJOB.
:KJOB n,m,p Logs out the specified subjobs, saving all
:LOGIN proj,prog Logs in a new subjob. If you do not type a
project-programmer number, OPSER assumes your
project-programmer number.
:MONITOR Exits to the monitor, even if subjobs are
:MSGLVL n Determines whether the response to the :WHAT
command includes the JOBSTS bits. If n=0,
the bits are included. If n=1, they are
eliminated. If you do not specify n, the
JOBSTS bits are not included.
:QUEUE <line> Initiates the first free subjob and sends the
typed-in line to the system queue manager.
:RESOURCES Displays the list of the available system
:REVIVE n Resumes normal echoing of output from subjob
n (that is, clears the effects of :SILENCE,
:TSILENCE, and :ERROR for subjob n).
:SCHED Displays the schedule bits as set by the
Bit Meaning
0 Regular timesharing.
1 No further LOGINs except from CTY.
2 No further LOGINs from remote terminals,
and no answering of data sets.
4 Batch jobs only.
100 Device MOUNTs can be done without
operator intervention.
200 Unspooling allowed.
400 No operator coverage.
1000 No automatic down-line loading of nodes.
:SEND Simulates the SEND command, sending a line of
text to the operator's terminal.
:SILENCE n Suppresses all output from subjob n.
:SLOGIN proj,prog Logs one subjob in but suppresses its
response. If you omit the project-programmer
number, OPSER uses yours.
:STOP n Puts the specified subjob at monitor level.
This is equivalent to typing two CTRL/Cs in
interactive mode.
:SYSTAT x Runs SYSTAT with argument x over the first
free subjob. The argument can be any valid
SYSTAT argument. (See the SYSTAT help file.)
The argument is optional.
:TIME Displays the total running time since the
last :TIME command, followed by the
integrated product of running time and core
:TLOG file-spec Creates a log file with the specified name.
If the file already exists, a message is
printed to determine whether the existing
file should be superseded. If not, OPSER
appends the file to the existing one.
Default for file-spec is OPSER.LOG on DSK:.
:TSILENCE n Suppresses all output from subjob n (same as
the :SILENCE command) but places entries into
the log file.
:TTYTST Tests this terminal by printing all the ASCII
characters between octal 40 and 174,
:WHAT n,m,p Prints the status of the specified subjobs on
the terminal. The status includes a SYSTAT
with the time, the time of the last input and
the last output, a listing of the JOBSTS bits
depending upon the value of :MSGLVL, and the
time of the next timed AUTO file.
:WHERE devn: Prints the node number of the device's
physical location.
When a subjob number or name is required in a command string
(indicated by n, m, p), you can specify the subjob in any of the
following ways:
o Omit it, in which case the last subjob typed into is used.
o Specify ALL, in which case all active subjobs are implied.
o Specify a decimal number, or a list of numbers separated by
commas, from 0 to the OPSER limit, which designates that
particular subjob number.
o Specify a name, or a list of names separated by commas,
previously assigned to a particular subjob with the :DEFINE
The OPSER program:
Requires LOGIN.
Destroys your core image.
Places your terminal at user level.
The following is an example of an automatic startup file.
:DEF L1=
:DEF L0=
L1-MLIMIT 5000