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! RSXINS -- RSX-20F Front-End File System Installation Procedure
! Installation started at '<time> on '<Day>, '<Date>
.error ?
!This procedure will create, populate, and make bootable an RSX-20F front-end
!file system on any TOPS-10 structure.
!In the following dialogue, default answers are enclosed within square
!brackets. If you would like further information about any question,
!answer it with a question mark (?). If you wish to return
!to the previous question asked, answer with a left-hand angle bracket (<).
;First, see if we can do Super USETI/O. If Not, punt.
.if ($PPN = "[1,2]") .goto begin
!?You are not logged in as [1,2]
!The procedure cannot continue. You must be logged into [1,2] to
!create a front-end file system.
.goto done
;Here to set up all initial defaults.
.if ($A = "").goto usrB
.let A=$A.[1,":"].[1,4] ;truncate either after colon or 4 chars
.if ($B = "").goto usrc
.let Q=$B,B="" ;move size to Q and clear B
.if ($C = "").goto usrD
.let Y=$C.[1,1],C="" ;move RSX20f-using-it answer to Y and clear C
.if ($D = "").goto nousr
.let V=$D.[1,1],D="" ;move F11/FELOAD-on-SYS ans to V and clear D
.let w = $micfil, h="DSKB" ;Default for target structure
.let I=$w.[1,":"].[1,4]+":["+$w.["[",""] ;Define default RSX20F area
.let J=$I.[1,","]+","+$I.[",",","]+",FELOAD]" ;Define default FELOAD area
.let K=$I.[1,","]+","+$I.[",",","]+",F11]" ;Define default F11 area
.let L="D",M="2000",N="Y",O="0" ;FE type, FE size, RSX20f using it, CFE to reload
.let P="N" ;F11/FELOAD files on SYS answer default
.if ($A # "").if ($A # "<") .if ($A # "?") .let h=$A
.MIC INPUT A, "* Which structure or unit do you wish to put the FE.SYS area on ['h]? "
.LET A=$A.[1,":"].[1,4] ;truncate either after colon or 4 chars
.if ($A.[1] = "<") .backto GETA
.if ($A.[1] = "?") .GOTO HELPA
.IF ($A = "") .let a=$H
.let a=""
!The FE.SYS file is an area of a TOPS-10 pack that is used by the
!console front-end for the RSX-20F file system. To be usable, this
!file must reside on a pack mounted in an RP06 drive ported to the
!console PDP-11. However, you can create an FE.SYS file on any RP06
!drive visible to TOPS-10 by using this procedure, thus allowing you
!to build your front end file system on a different pack from the one
!currently in use by RSX-20F.
!Please specify a 1- to 4-character structure or unit name, without a colon.
;here to find out where the front-end files live...
.IF ($B # "").if ($b # "<") .if ($b # "?") .LET I=$b
!* Where is the distribution area of the front-end files located
.MIC INPUT B, " ['I]? "
.if ($B.[1] = "<") .backto GETA
.if ($B.[1] = "?") .goto HELPB::
.if ($B = "") .let b = $I
.LET B=""
! Please specify the disk and directory path where the RSX-20F files reside
!on disk after being restored from the CUSP tape.
!The initial default area is 'I. Please do NOT
!specify the name of either of the two SFDs in this area (DECTAP or
!FLOPPY). The proper name will be appended later on in the procedure.
;here to see if FELOAD and F11 are supposed to be on SYS: or not.
.if ($V # "").if ($V # "<") .if ($V # "?") .let P=$V
.mic input V,"* Are the FELOAD.BIN and F11.EXE files on SYS: ['P]? "
.let v=$v.[1]
.if ($V = "<") .backto GETB
.IF ($V = "?") .GOTO HELPV
.IF ($V = "") .LET V = $P
.IF ($V = "Y") .GOTO gotvY
.if ($V = "N") .goto gotvn
!%Please answer Y or N, or type ? for help or < to go back a question.
.backto getv
.let c="SYS:", j=$C
.let f="SYS:", k=$F
.goto GETD
.let x=$micfil.[1,":"].[1,4]+":["+$micfil.["[",""]
.let J=$x.[1,","]+","+$x.[",",","]+",FELOAD]" ;Define default FELOAD area
.let K=$x.[1,","]+","+$x.[",",","]+",F11]" ;Define default F11 area
.let c="",f=""
.goto getC
.let v = ""
! The RSXINS procedure needs to know the locations of two programs that
!it uses to install RSX-20F on your front-end disk.
! F11 is a TOPS-10 program that manipulates front-end file system
!files. It is used to create, initialize, and populate the FE.SYS file
!on the target structure. It is also used to write the FELOAD bootstrap
!program onto the boot area (physical blocks 1 and 4 through 7) of the disk.
! FELOAD.BIN is the image of the FELOAD boostrap that F11 reads when it
!is writing the boot blocks.
! If you answer Y to this question, RSXINS will look for F11 and FELOAD on
!SYS:. If you answer N, RSXINS wil ask you for the locations of each
!of these files.
! The default answer is N.
.backto GETV
;here to find out where FELOAD is residing
.IF ($C # "").if ($C # "<") .if ($C # "?") .LET J=$C
!* Where is the distribution of
.MIC INPUT C, " FELOAD located ['J]? "
.if ($C.[1] = "<") .backto GETV
.if ($C.[1] = "?") .goto HELPC
.if ($C = "") .let c = $J
.LET C=""
! Please specify the disk and directory path where the FELOAD PDP-11
!bootstrap tool resides on disk after being restored from the CUSP tape.
! This tool is needed to make the front-end file system that RSXINS is
!creating bootable. FELOAD will be written into the boot blocks of the
!specified structure as the last step before reloading the front-end,
!if needed.
! The default area is 'J.
.backto getc
;here to find where F11 is living...
.if ($F # "").if ($F # "<") .if ($F # "?") .let K=$F
!* Where is the F11 program distribution
.MIC INPUT F, " area located ['k]? "
.if ($F.[1] = "<") .backto GETC
.if ($F.[1] = "?") .goto HELPF
.if ($F = "") .let F = $K"
.goto GETD
.LET F=""
! Please specify the disk and directory path where the F11 front-end file
!manipulation program resides on disk after being restored from the CUSP tape.
! This tool is used to create, initialize, and populate the FE.SYS file
!on the target structure. It is also used to write the FELOAD bootstrap
!program onto the boot area (physical blocks 1 and 4 through 7) of the disk.
! The default area is 'K.
.backto GETF
;here to find out if it is floppy or DECtape
.if ($D # "").if ($D # "<") .if ($D # "?") .let L=$d
.MIC INPUT D, "* Is this for a Floppy (F) or DECtape (D) based system ['L]? "
.let d = $D.[1] ;truncate to 1 letter
.if ($D = "<") .backto GETF
.if ($D = "?") .goto helpd
.if ($D = "") .let d = $L
.if ($D = "D") .goto getq
.if ($D = "F") .goto getq
!%Invalid response 'D -- Please answer F or D (or type ? for help)
.backto getd
.let d=""
!This question determines which variant of RSX-20F is installed on the
!specified structure. A response of D results in the installation of a
!DECtape-based system, while a response of F results in a floppy-based
!Please answer either D or F.
.backto getd
; here to find out the size of the FE.SYS file to create...
.if ($Q # "").if ($Q # "<") .if ($Q # "?") .let M=$Q
.mic input q, "* How many blocks should be reserved for the new FE.SYS file ['M]? "
.if ($q.[1] = "<") .backto GETD
.if ($q.[1] = "?") .goto helpq
.if ($q = "") .let Q=$M
.goto gety
.let q=""
! This question is asking about how large you wish the new FE.SYS file
!to be. The initial default size is 2000 disk blocks. Please specify a
!different size or press RETURN to use the default. The minimum
!supported size is the default; there is no maximum.
.backto getq
;here to find out if the structure is in use...
.if ($Y # "").if ($Y # "<") .if ($Y # "?") .let N=$Y
.MIC INPUT Y, "* Is the target structure currently in use by RSX-20F ['N]? "
.let Y = $Y.[1] ;truncate
.if ($Y = "<") .backto GETQ
.if ($Y = "?") .goto helpY
.if ($Y = "") .let Y=$N
.if ($Y = "Y") .goto getr
.let r = "None"
.if ($Y = "N") .goto GETZ
!%Please answer Y or N or type ? for help.
.backto gety
.let y=""
! Answering Y to this question directs RSXINS to run DTELDR after
!installing the new software. DTELDR will reload the front-end
!specified as an answer to the next question.
.backto gety
;Here to test Y and ask about the front-end number to reload.
.if ($Z = "Y").goto getrr ;dont replay if already seen once
! ** Note ** It is important that the console FE running on the
!target structure ('a:) not access the FE.SYS area during the course of
!the installation, otherwise the front-end system could crash. This in
!itself is not a problem, because RSXINS will reload the FE after the
!new file system is built. However, if the KL10 CPU were to crash
!during the installation procedure before the update process was
!completed, then the front end would not be rebootable from the RP06
!disk. It would be necessary to boot the front end from console media
!(floppies or DECtapes), after which you could then reload the monitor.
!While the likelihood of this happening is quite minimal, it is
!possible. There are steps that you can take to minimize this risk
!further, such as:
.mic input X, "* Press RETURN to continue: "
! * Use the SHUTDOWN or STOP commands in OPR to stop any unit-record
! devices (card readers and line printers) connected to the
! front end during the update.
! * Do not run this procedure if the time is within 15 minutes of
! midnight. This prevents the possibility of
! RSX-20F attempting to run the MIDNIT task during the update.
! If it is close to midnight, refrain from answering the final
! question in this procedure until after 12.01 AM (by the system
! clock).
! * Avoid running this procedure if the monitor is unstable
! or there is a high incidence of hardware failures. A
! system crash in the middle of the procedure would leave the
! FE.SYS file in a partially-updated state. The front end
! would then have to be reloaded from console media.
.let u="N"
.mic input T, "* Do you wish to see this text again ['u]? "
.if ($T = "") .let T = $U
.let T = $T.[1]
.if ($T = "<") .backto GETR
.if ($T = "Y") .backto getR
.if ($T = "N") .goto getrr
!%Invalid response -- please type Y or N
.backto getry
.let z="Y" ;Dont print message more than once per run
.let R = ""
.LET X = $GETTAB(%11,%134,DEC) ;Get CPUs in system
.if (X = 1) .let R = "0"\.goto GETZ
.let X = $X - 1 ; CPU numbers go from 0 to N-1; in a string
.if ($R # "").if ($R # "<") .if ($R # "?") .let o=$r
.MIC INPUT R, "* Which CPU''s console front-end do you wish to reload ['o]? "
.LET R = $R.[1] ;Truncate to one character
.if ($R = "<") .backto GETR
.if ($R = "?") .goto helpr
.if ($R = "") .let R = $O
.if ($R >= "0").if ($R <= $X) .goto getz
!%Invalid response - please enter a value between 0 and 5
.let r = "" \ .backto getrl
.let R = ""
!Please specify which CPU''s console front end you wish to reload. If you
!are on a single-CPU system, just press RETURN. If you are on a multiple
!CPU system and you wish to reload the console front end on a CPU other than
!CPU0, enter the number of the CPU to be reloaded, from 1 to 5.
.backto getrl
;Check for FE.SYS on structure specified in A. Non-existence of the
;file only is a problem if the user wants to reuse an FE.SYS file.
;Put result of this existence test in X.
.error %
.directory/noopti/FAST 'a:FE.SYS[1,4]
.if(error).goto nofe
.error ?
.let x="Y" ;yes, Virginia, the file exists
.goto askok
.let X="N" ;No file found - create a new one
.goto askok ;Go around next bit
;Display all selected parameters and get final user OK
.if ($D="D") .LET S=$B.[1,"]"]+",DECTAP]",T="DECTAP.SFD"
.if ($D="F") .LET S=$B.[1,"]"]+",FLOPPY]",T="FLOPPY.SFD"
!Here is a summary of the options you have selected for this installation.
!Target disk structure for installation: 'A
!Location of RSX20F distribution area: 'B
!Location of FELOAD distribution area: 'C
!Location of F11 distribution area: 'F
!Installation type (D=DECtape, F=Floppy): 'D
!Size of FE.SYS file to be created: 'Q
!Structure currently in use by RSX20F: 'Y
!Console front end to be reloaded on CPU: 'R
!FE.SYS currently exists on 'A: 'X
!Please indicate if these choices are in error. If you answer the following
!question with a NO, the entire RSXINS dialogue will be restarted.
.MIC INPUT G,"* Are the above correct (Y or N) [No default] ? "
.if ($G = "<") .backto GETRL
.if ($G = "?") .goto hlpok
.if ($G = "Y") .goto chkfl
.if ($G = "N") .backto geta ;Go reask all questions
!%Invalid response - please type Y, N, ? for help, or < to back up
.backto askol
!If you answer YES, RSXINS will proceed to execute the installation using
!the answers you have provided to each of the previous questions.
!If you answer NO, the dialogue will be restarted so that you can correct
!any answers which were in error.
.backto askol
!All questions have been asked. The procedure will now verify that
!required SFDs and files exist.
;Build the full SFD name for the RSX20F files. Uses B, creates S.
.error %
.if ($D="D") .LET S=$B.[1,"]"]+",DECTAP]",T="DECTAP.SFD"
.if ($D="F") .LET S=$B.[1,"]"]+",FLOPPY]",T="FLOPPY.SFD"
.directory/noopti/FAST 'S
.if(noerror).goto chkf1 ;No error - files exist
!The directory 'S does not exist. Aborting execution of procedure.
.goto abort
;Now look for F11. Directory area is in F.
.directory/noopti/FAST 'fF11.EXE
.if(noerror).goto chkf2
!The F11 program does not exist on 'F. Aborting execution of procedure.
.goto abort
*F11RUN:='F ;Define a logical name to run F11
;Now look for FELOAD. Directory area is in C.
.directory/noopti/FAST 'CFELOAD.BIN
.if(noerror).goto begin
!The FELOAD.BIN file does not exist on 'C. Aborting execution of procedure.
.goto abort
.error ?
!All files have been located. Commencing actual installation procedure.
.if ($x = "Y") .goto dstfe
.goto crefe
!Deleting existing 'A:FE.SYS[1,4] file...
.RUN F11RUN:f11
.if(error).goto abort
!Creating new front-end file on 'a...
!Defining a new [5,5] UFD on the area...
*UFD 'a:[5,5]
!Placing RSX-20F system image on the area...
!Placing RSX-20F files on the [5,5] UFD in the area...
*PUT 'a:[5,5]='S*.*
!Writing FELOAD.BIN into the disk boot blocks...
.if(error) .goto abort
.if ($Y # "Y") .GOTO DONE
!Now reloading front end 'R using newly-installed RSX-20F...
.if (error).goto abort
!Front end 'R started
! RSXINS procedure finished at '<time> on '<Day>, '<Date>
!Installation aborted by user typing Control-C.
.backto done
!Installation aborted due to error encountered by RSXINS procedure.
.backto done