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! D I G I T A L ! I N T E R O F F I C E M E M O
To: List A
Date: Sep 12, 1979
From: Eric Osman
Ext: 6037
Dept: LCG S.E. Dept.
Loc: MR1-2/E37
BUG Documentation Project
The purpose of the project is to generate a document
describing the TOPS20 BUGCHKs, BUGHLTs, and BUGINFs.
The document will be generated in such a way as to force
programmers to update the document whenever a new BUG is
added to the monitor, and whenever the attributes of a BUG
are changed.
The BUG document will also be easily editable by people who
don't understand how to write programs (monitor code) but
who do know how to edit.
The intended audience of the BUG documentation are people
that understand the internals of the TOPS20 monitor.
Generally, this will include system programmers and
specialists. Because of this assumption, no attempt will be
made within a BUG's documentation to define terms used. For
instance, if a BUG having to do with magtapes involves an
inconsistency having to do with iorbs, no attempt will be
made to define an iorb.
Currently, BUGs are defined within the monitor source
module, at the location of program flow where a problem is
detected. They are at places within the flow that shouldn't
be reached, so if they do, the BUG is provided to call the
malfunction to a person's attention. Depending on the
severity of the abnormality, a BUG may be one of three
BUGHLT - The monitor stops, because this situation
is dangerous. For instance, if the disk
file data structure is not correct, this
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would hopefully cause a BUGHLT before the
monitor writes more data onto it.
BUGCHK - An incorrect situation, not requiring the
monitor to stop. For instance, if a job
logging out cannot be reported to QUASAR.
This could happen if QUASAR has halted, but
it isn't necessary to stop the monitor in
this case.
BUGINF - BUGINFS are the least severe type of BUG
A (contrived) BUG looks like this in the source listing:
BUG(CHK,TSKTSK,<Bathroom light left on>,<T1>)
The first argument, "CHK" says that this is a BUGCHK, as
opposed to a BUGHLT or a BUGINF. The second argument,
"TSKTSK" is the name of this BUG. The third argument,
"Bathroom light left on", is a short explanation of what bug
is detected. The fourth argument is optional, "T1" in this
case, and is a list of locations to be printed out on the
operator's console if the bug occurs. In this contrived
example, the monitor has discovered that the bathroom light
was left on when no one was in there! T1 may contain
information about which bathroom is involved.
The BUG definitions will be moved out of the monitor source
listings, and into a central source file. This source file
will serve both as the definition file for the monitor
itself, and as the documentation of the BUGS.
An alternate idea was to have the monitor building procedure
create the BUGS document, in the same sort of way that it
creates BUGSTRINGS.TXT, and hence each BUG in the source
code would have its documentation right there. This has
merit, since it is then convenient to add a new BUG,
including its documentation, all in the source file. It has
the disadvantage, however, that editing the documentation
for a BUG involves editing monitor source files. By keeping
all the information about BUGS in one file, only that one
file need be edited. Hence people not trained in editing
source code can edit it. Another disadvantage of including
the documentation in the source file is that the source
files become quite large, beyond their already-too-large
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The steps involved to add a BUG to the monitor with the new
system are:
1) Put the "instruction"
BUG (name,<<x1,des1>,<x2,des2>...>)
in the monitor code where you want the BUG called
"name" to occur.
The x's are locations you want printed out when the
BUG occurs (the optional data). The des's are
one-to-six character descriptors for each of the
data. For instance, if x1 is a temperature, des1
could appropriately be "TEMP" (but leave out the
2) Add a DEFBUG entry to the file BUGS.MAC. This entry
cmopletely defines the BUG, including its type
(BUGHLT, BUGCHK, or BUGINF) and documentation.
3) Build an entire monitor in the standard way.
There are several more items that must be designated via the
DEFBUG macro than were designated with the old BUG macro.
One new item is a documentation argument to the DEFBUG
macro, which documents the BUG being created. The
documentation argument to the DEFBUG macro is required.
MACRO will type an error message if the documentation is
omitted or blank.
Another new item which must be included is a one-to-six
character word descriptor for each optional datum. The
descriptors are put in with each optional datam being
specified. Descriptors will be required. MACRO will type
out an error message if the descriptor of an optional datum
is omitted or blank. These descriptors must appear in the
source module also, to warn programmers which locations are
printed out when the BUG occurs, so that they don't clobber
the locations involved when they add new code.
The module name in which the BUG occurs must be specified as
an argument to the DEFBUG macro.
A short classification must be supplied as an argument.
Often, this classification will be SOFT or HARD depending on
whether the BUG is expected to catch a software or hardware
problem. For instance, a BUG that warns that a disk
controller caused a spurious interrupt would be classified
as HARD. A BUG that warns of an unexpected failure return
from a monitor subroutine would be classified as SOFT.
Other classifications will be defined as need be. If a BUG
cannot be classified, the word UNKNOWN will appear as this
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As an example, here's the old definition of OVRDTA in
Under the new scheme, all that appears in its place in
In BUGS.MAC, OVRDTA gets defined like this:
Cause: Every BUG's documentation will be the last argument
to the DEFBUG macro. This argument will be broken
up into sections. The "cause" section tells what
environment or chain of events will cause the BUG to
Action: The "action" section tells what action should be
taken when the BUG occurs. For some BUGs, the
action might be to fix some directory. For others
it may mean calling in a disk or tape drive
repairman. For still others, it may say to send the
dump of the crashed system to DEC with an SPR.
If no particular action is suggested, the "action"
section will not appear. For instance, the CRDOLD
BUGCHK will occur whenever a user program does a
CRDIR jsys with a negative number in the left half
of the user group word. There's no special action
needed in this case, so the "action" section is
omitted for CRDOLD.
Data: SLAVE - the slave number of the hardware that caused
the problem.
MASSB - the massbus number. If there is no number
known, or this value is inapplicable, the number
will be 777777777777.
CHN -the channel the problem occurred on.
For each datum, a paragraph starts with its name, a
hyphen, and some documentation.
Note that the closing angle bracket closes the documentation
argument to the DEFBUG macro, and the closing parenthesis
closes the entire list of arguments to the DEFBUG macro.
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In order to make listings (output from MACRO or CREF) more
informative than before, the BUG macro will cause the
statement of the short description, plus the description of
each optional datum to be displayed in the listing where the
BUG macro is called. Also, the flavor of bug (INF, CHK, or
HLT) and whether it's hardware or software related will be
displayed in the listing. Hence the OVRDTA bug would appear
in the listing as
;BUG Type: hardware-related BUGINF
As an improvement over the old display on the operator's
console, the system will now display the one-word descriptor
of the optional datum before each one. Here's how the
OVRDTA BUG would look in both formats:
Old format:
*BUGINF "OVRDTA" AT 27-JUL-79 10:57:42
*ADDITIONAL DATA: 0, 777777777777, 4
New format:
*BUGINF "OVRDTA" AT 27-JUL-79 10:57:42
A TV macro will be used to pass over all the monitor source
files, finding the BUGs, and change them to their new
format. As it does so, it accumulates the entries for the
new BUGS.MAC file.
The TV macro will initialize all the BUG categories to
"HARD". Eventually, these should be changed as appropriate.
Any new BUGs added should be given the correct category.
The macro will initialize all the documentation to say "this
BUG is not documented yet".
The descriptors are all initialized by the macro to say "D".
All new bugs should be given the correct descriptors.
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The DEFBUG macro in BUGS.MAC generates a macro with the same
name as the BUG being defined. The statement
in the source code causes the macro called "name" to be
executed. Macro "name" is basically the same as the BUG
macro in the old procedure. Hence the actual monitor
support code for BUGs is fairly much the same as in the old
Instead of having just the optional data locations specified
in the monitor, the BUG macro will have the SIXBIT
descriptor in a word after each datum. The monitor routine
which currently types out the optional data will be enhanced
to understand to print out the descriptor in front of each