
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-L665B-BM - documentation/mountr.bwr
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     1.  MOUNTR  requires  that  the   following   edit   be
         installed  for  its  successful operation.  Without
         this edit to OPRQSR and ORNMAC MOUNTR  will  ignore
         the  /COUNT  switch  on a SET TAPE-DRIVE INITIALIZE
         from OPR.  This edit  requires  the  reassembly  of
         ORNMAC and ORION.

         1.  TO ORNMAC:

             File 1)    GAL0:ORNMAC.MAC[4,34]   created: 1055 21-Nov-1979
             File 2)    DSK:ORNMAC.MAC[4,35]    created: 1105 10-Jun-1980

             1)1        SUBTTL  MURRAY BERKOWITZ 23-Aug-79
             1) ;
             2)1        SUBTTL  MURRAY BERKOWITZ/TOH    10-May-80
             2) ;
             1)37               .SICNT==20513                   ;COUNT OF TAPES TO DO (DECIMAL NUMBER)
             1)38               SUBTTL  ENABLE AND DISABLE COMMAND FOR TAPES
             2) ;**;[2] 10-MAY-80.
             2)         .SICTR==20513                   ;[2] COUNT OF TAPES TO DO (DECIMAL NUMBER)
             2)38               SUBTTL  ENABLE AND DISABLE COMMAND FOR TAPES

         2.  TO OPRQSR:

             File 1)    GAL0:OPRQSR.MAC[4,34]   created: 1145 14-Dec-1979
             File 2)    DSK:OPRQSR.MAC[4,35]    created: 1104 10-Jun-1980

             1)1                SUBTTL  Murray Berkowitz        8 Oct 79
             1) ;
             2)1                SUBTTL  Murray Berkowitz/TOH    10 May 80
             2) ;
             1)1                QSREDT==:43             ;OPRQSR EDIT NUMBER
             1)         EXTERNAL G$ARG1         ;ARGUMENT 1
             2)1                QSREDT==:47             ;OPRQSR EDIT NUMBER
             2)         EXTERNAL G$ARG1         ;ARGUMENT 1
             1)1        \
             2)1        47      OPRQSR  May-10-80       Change reference to .SICNT to .SICTR to avoid
             2)                                 conflict with symbol defined in MONSYM.
             2) \
             1)30               .SWCNT,,[.SICNT,,SETCNT]        ;/COUNT
             1)         .SWINC,,[.SIINC,,SETINC]        ;/SET INCREMENT
             2)30       ;**;[47] CHANGE ONE LINE AT SETIDP: + 7L.  TOH, 10-MAY-80
                                                      Page 2

             2)         .SWCNT,,[.SICTR,,SETCNT]        ;[47] /COUNT
             2)         .SWINC,,[.SIINC,,SETINC]        ;/SET INCREMENT

     2.  MOUNTR will function better if the following  edits
         are  installed  to  TOPS-20.  The following are PCO
         numbers,  the  edits  can  be  found  in  the  file
         MOUNTR.EDT.  These edits should not be installed if
         AUTOPATCH  is  being  used  to  patch  the  TOPS-20
         Monitor.    These   edits   will  be  available  to
         AUTOPATCH customers on some future AUTOPATCH tape.

         1.  20-MONITO-110

         2.  20-MONITO-160

         3.  20-MONITO-178

         4.  20-MONITO-187

         5.  20-MONITO-199

         6.  20-MONITO-217

         7.  20-MONITO-243

         8.  20-MONITO-245

         9.  20-MONITO-248

        10.  20-MONITO-257

        11.  20-MONITO-298

     3.  The controller field in  usage  accounting  records
         type 12 has a length of 3 not 2 as described in the
         USAGE FILE SPECIFICATION manual and is unused under