
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-M836C-BM - tools/monrd/monrd.hlp
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This program is able to type words from the running monitor, whether
or not that data is in the resident monitor, swappable monitor, or
is in some fork's PSB or a job's JSB.  Commands are:

CLEAR		Zero the internal symbol table.  This should only be
		done if you have reason to think that the program's
		symbol table is incorrect.  Symbols are added to this
		table whenever they are found.

CLOSE		Close log file if one was in progress.

COLUMNS c1 ...	Specify what kind of output is typed when showing a
		location.  The default is to show the address, the
		value in octal, and the value in halfword symbols.

DEFINE s e1	Define the symbol s to have the value of the expression
		e1.  This is used only for ease in typing in of other
		expressions.  Typeout will never print the symbol.

FORK n		Set which system-wide fork handle we are interested in.
		This must be specified if locations in a PSB or JSB
		are to be typed.  A list of the forks for a job is
		obtained by using the LIST command.

LIST n		List all the system-wide fork handles of a job.  The
		output is ordered so that you can tell the fork
		structure of the job.

LOG file	Make a log file showing all valid commands and output.

MDDT		Enter MDDT.  MRETN$G will return.

SUPPRESS arg	Specify that certain output is to be suppressed.  Arg
		can be one of the following:

		COMMAND-ECHOING  Don't show the command line in the
				 log file or to the terminal.
		TTY-OUTPUT	 Don't type anything to the terminal.
				 An error will clear this.
		ZERO-WORDS	 Don't type locations which are zero.

SYSTAT arg	Do a systat of the indicated jobs.  Arg can be any of
		a job number, a user name, or just CRLF for all jobs.

TAKE file	Take commands from the specified file.

TYPE e1 e2	Type out words from location e1 to location e2, where
		e1 and e2 are expressions containing symbol names and
		integers using the normal arithmetic operators.  Typing
		a ^E will abort the typeout.

UNSUPPRESS arg	Undoes effects of the SUPPRESS command.

WATCH e1 n	Continuously watch the contents of location e1,
		typing it whenever it changes, sleeping n milliseconds
		between checks.  Typing a ^E will abort the watching.

VALUE e1	Find the value of the expression e1.

EXIT		Leave the program.

HELP		Type this message.

Examples:	1.  To type the JSYS stack for fork 0:

			FORK  0

		2.  To type the schedular tests for all forks:


		3.  To type the JFN block of JFN 3 for the current fork:


		4.  To watch the process PC of the current fork:


Notes:		There are some quantities which can be used in
		expressions which are useful.  These are the following:

		'J	The currently selected job number.
		'F	The currently selected fork number.
		'E	The value of the latest expression typed in.
		'V	The value of the location last typed out.
		'R	The right half of the location last typed out.
		'L	The left half of the location last typed out.
		'A	The address of the last location typed out.

		Numbers in expressions are in octal, unless they contain
		the digits 8 or 9 or are followed by a period, in which
		case they are decimal.

[End of MONRD.HLP]