PDP-10 Archives
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This file contains a copy of the answer sheet associated with the
Instruct portion of the Spear Library. If you wish to formally complete
the Spear Course, fill out the answers as you proceed through the
course. When you are finished return the answer sheet to:
Digital Equipment Corporation
Course Administrator MR1-2 / E17
200 Forest Street
Marlboro, Mass 01752
Your answer sheet will be graded and returned. Please include your nane,
mailing address, and phone number with your answer sheet.
Thank you; c.t.s.
Name ___________________________________
Address ___________________________________
Phone # ___________________ Date _______________
TOPS-10 TOPS-20 Analyze Retrieve Summarize
Event File Event File Dialog Dialog Dialog
---------- ---------- -------- -------- ---------
1. T F 1. T F 1. T F 1. T F 1. T F
2. T F 2. T F 2. T F 2. T F 2. T F
3. T F 3. T F 3. T F 3. T F 3. T F
4. T F 4. T F 4. T F 4. T F 4. T F
5. T F 5. T F 5. T F 5. T F 5. T F
6. T F 6. T F 6. T F 6. T F 6. T F
7. T F 7. T F 7. T F 7. T F 7. T F
8. T F 8. T F 8. T F 8. T F
9. T F 9. T F 9. T F 9. T F Summarize
10. T F 10. T F 10. T F 10. T F Report
Compute 1. T F
Dialog 2. T F
------- 3. T F
1. T F 4. T F
2. T F 5. T F
3. T F 6. T F
4. T F 7. T F
5. T F 8. T F
Comments _______________________________________________________________