PDP-10 Archives
There are 2 other files named filext.hlp in the archive. Click here to see a list.
File Name Extensions
The file name extensions that have specific meanings to TOPS-10 are
listed below:
File Name
Extension Type of File Meaning
ABS Object Absolute (nonrelocatable) program.
AID Source Source file in AID language.
ALG Source Source file in ALGOL language.
ALP ASCII Printer forms alignment.
ATO ASCII OPSER automatic command file.
AWT Binary Data for automatic wire tester.
B10 Source Source file in BLISS-10.
B11 Source Source file in BLISS-11.
B16 ASCII Source file in BLISS-16.
B32 ASCII Source file in BLISS-32.
B36 ASCII Source file in BLISS-36.
BAC Object Reserved for output from the BASIC
BAK Source Backup file from TECO or SOS.
BAS Source Source file in BASIC language.
BCM ASCII Listing file created by FILCOM (binary
BCP Source Source file in BCPL language.
BIN Binary Binary file.
BLB ASCII Blurb file.
BLI Source Source file in BLISS language.
BUG Object Saved to show a program error.
BWR ASCII Beware file listing warnings about a
file or program.
CAL Object CAL data and program files.
CBL Source Source file in COBOL language.
CCL ASCII Alternate convention for command file
(@ command file construction for
programs other than COMPIL).
CCO ASCII Listing of modifications to
nonresident software.
CDP ASCII, Binary Spooled output for card punch.
CFC ASCII Compressed file compare. Group of
.SCM files combined with PIP.
CKP Binary Checkpoint core image file created by
COBOL operating system.
CHN Object CHAIN file.
CMD ASCII Command file for indirect commands (@
construction for COMPIL).
CMP ASCII Complaint file by GRIPE.
COR ASCII Correction file for SOUP.
CRF ASCII CREF (cross-reference) input file.
CTL ASCII Batch control file.
DAE Binary Default output for DAEMON-taken core
DAT ASCII, Binary Data (FORTRAN) file.
DBS Binary Data Base Management System data file.
DDT ASCII Input file to FILDDT.
DCT ASCII Dictionary of words.
DIR ASCII Directory from FILE command or DIRECT
DMP ASCII COBOL compiler dump file.
DOC ASCII Listing of modifications to the most
recent version of the software.
DRW Binary Drawing for VB10C drawing system.
DSE ASCII Directory sorted by extension.
DSF ASCII Directory sorted by file name.
ERR ASCII Error message file.
EXE Object Executable program.
F4 Source Source file in Fortran-40 (FORTRAN)
FAI Source Source file in FAIL language.
FLO ASCII English language flowchart.
FOR Source Source file in FORTRAN-10 language.
FRM ASCII Blank form for handwritten records.
FTP Source FORTRAN test programs.
FUD ASCII FUDGE2 listing output.
GND ASCII List of ground pins for automatic
HGH Object Nonsharable high segment of a
two-segment program (created by SAVE
HLP ASCII Help files containing switch
explanations, and so forth.
IDA ASCII, Binary COBOL ISAM data file.
IDX ASCII, SIXBIT Index file of a COBOL ISAM file.
INI ASCII, Binary Initialization file.
LAP ASCII Output from the LISP compiler.
LIB ASCII COBOL source library.
LOG ASCII MPB or LINK-10 log file.
LOW Object Low segment of a two-segment program
(created by SAVE command).
LPT ASCII Spooled output for line printer.
LSD ASCII Default output for DUMP program.
LSQ ASCII Queue listing created by QUEUE
LST ASCII Listing data created by assemblers and
MAC Source Source file in MACRO language.
MAN ASCII Manual (documentation) file.
MAP ASCII Loader or LINK-10 map file.
MEM ASCII Memorandum file typically output from
MIC ASCII MIC command file.
MID Source Source file in MIDAS (MIT Assembler)
MIM Binary Snapshot of MIMIC simulator.
MSB Object Music compiler binary output.
MUS Source Music compiler input.
NEW All New version of a program or file.
OBJ Object PDP-11 relocatable binary file.
OLD Source, Object Backup source program.
OPR ASCII Installation and assembly
OVR Object COBOL overlay file.
P11 Source Source program in MACY11 language.
PAK ASCII Files compressed by PACK.TEC to save
disk space.
PAL Source Source file in PAL10 (PDP-8
PAS Source Source file in Pascal language.
PL1 Source Source file in PL1 language.
PLM ASCII Program Logic Manual.
PLO Binary Compressed plot output.
PLT ASCII Spooled output for plotter.
PPL Source Source file in PPL language.
PTP ASCII, Binary Spooled output for paper-tape punch.
Qxx ASCII Edit backup file, like .BAK (all xx).
QUD ASCII, Binary Queued data file.
QUE Binary Queue request file.
QUF Binary Master queue and request file.
REL Object Relocatable binary file.
RIM Object RIM loader file.
RMT Object Read-in mode (RIM) format file (PIP).
RNB ASCII RUNOFF input for producting a .BLB
RNC ASCII RUNOFF input for producing a .CCO
RND ASCII RUNOFF input for producing a .DOC
RNE ASCII RUNOFF input for error message text.
RNH ASCII RUNOFF input for producing a .HLP
RNL ASCII RUNOFF input for program logic manual.
RNM ASCII RUNOFF input for producing a .MAN
RNO ASCII Programming specifications in RUNOFF
input to produce .MEM file.
RNP ASCII RUNOFF input for producing a .OPR
RNS ASCII RUNOFF input for text file of
RSP ASCII Script response time log file.
RSX All Files for RSX-11D.
RTB Object Read-in mode (RIM10B) format file
SAI Source Source file in SAIL language.
SCD ASCII Differences in directory.
SCM ASCII Listing file created by FILCOM (source
SCP ASCII SCRIPT control file.
SEQ ASCII, SIXBIT Sequential COBOL data file, input to
ISAM program.
SFD Binary Subfile directory (reserved usage).
SIM Source Source file in SIMULA language.
SMP Source Source file in SIMPLE language.
SNO Source Source file in SNOBOL language.
SNP ASCII Snapshot of disk by DSKLST.
SOS ASCII SOS command file.
SPC ASCII Corrected file for SPELL program.
SPD ASCII Dictionary for SPELL program.
SPM ASCII File of misspelled words for SPELL
SPU ASCII File of upper case words for SPELL
SPX ASCII File of exception (error) lines for
SPELL program.
SRC ASCII Source files.
STD ASCII Standards.
SVE Object .SAVed file from a single user
SYM Binary LINK-10 symbol file.
SYS Binary Special system files.
TEM ASCII, Binary Temporary files.
TMP ASCII, Binary Temporary files.
TPB ASCII Typeset input for producing a .BLB
TPC ASCII Typeset input for producing a .CCO
TPD ASCII Typeset input for producing a .DOC
TPE ASCII Typeset input for producing error
message text.
TPH ASCII Typeset input for producing a .HLP
TPL ASCII Typeset input for producing a logic
TPM ASCII Typeset for producing a .MAN file.
TPO ASCII Typeset input for producing a
programming specification.
TPP ASCII Typeset input for producing an .OPR
TST All Test data.
TXT ASCII Text file.
UFD Binary User file directory (reserved usage).
UPD ASCII Updates flagged in margin (FILCOM).
VMX Object Expanded save file starting at a
location greater than zero and used as
a special support program for virtual
WCH ASCII SCRIPT monitor (WATCH) file.
WRL ASCII Wirelist.
XOR Binary Module data for XOR tester.
XPN Object Expanded save file (FILEX and
Zxx ASCII Edit original file (all xx).