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SC 27-Nov-1984 13:22:51 TOPS-20 Bliss-16 2A(530) Page 1
27-Nov-1984 13:20:12 RATS:<BANKS.MCB.SC>SC.BLI.2 (1)
; 0001 module SC ( ! SC Base-Level Module
; 0002 ident = 'X01910'
; 0003 ) =
; 0004 begin
; 0005 !
; 0006 ! COPYRIGHT (c) 1980, 1981, 1982
; 0008 ! Maynard, Massachusetts
; 0009 !
; 0010 ! This software is furnished under a license and may be used
; 0011 ! and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license
; 0012 ! and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This
; 0013 ! software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or
; 0014 ! otherwise made available to any other person. No title to
; 0015 ! and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
; 0016 !
; 0017 ! The information in this software is subject to change
; 0018 ! without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
; 0020 !
; 0021 ! DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability
; 0022 ! of its software on equipment which is not supplied by
; 0023 ! DIGITAL.
; 0024 !
; 0025
; 0026
; 0027
; 0028 !++
; 0029 ! FACILITY: Session Control
; 0030 !
; 0031 ! ABSTRACT: This is the identifier module in the MCB implementation
; 0032 ! of Session Control.
; 0033 !
; 0035 !
; 0036 ! AUTHOR: Buren Hoffman CREATION DATE: 2-Apr-80
; 0037 !
; 0038 ! MODIFIED BY:
; 0039 ! X01010 Modified mapping operations in SCDSP and SCSUB.
; 0040 ! X01020 Corrected linkage misfits for external routines.
; 0041 ! X01030 Fix in output connect processing, in SX$CNW.
; 0042 ! X01040 Don't set C_CHN in outgoing connect.
; 0043 ! X01050 Correct state transition in connect-receive processing.
; 0044 ! X01060 Modification X10600 in SCDSP.
; 0045 ! X01070 Fixed mapping bug at entry to FCXCP in SCDSP.
; 0046 ! X01080 Repaired queue processing bug in SX$CNW.
; 0047 ! X01090 Fixed dot bug in timeout handler in SCDSP.
; 0048 ! X01100 Mod X01040 in SCSUB.
; 0049 ! X01110 Moved port-open code to routine I$OPN in SCSUB.
; 0050 ! X01120 Fixed logic problem in SCSUB (CONBKI & CONBKO), X01060.
; 0051 ! X01130 PIX not being properly setup in SCSUB (CONBKI), X01070.
; 0052 ! X01140 Nonexistent ccb release in fcrce in SCDSP, X01012.
SC 27-Nov-1984 13:22:51 TOPS-20 Bliss-16 2A(530) Page 2
X01910 27-Nov-1984 13:20:12 RATS:<BANKS.MCB.SC>SC.BLI.2 (1)
; 0053 ! X01150 PIX not being setup in SCRES (SX$ACW), X01080.
; 0054 ! X01160 Changed to new object mapping strategy - this involved
; 0055 ! changes in this module (SC) and SCSUB.
; 0056 ! X01170 Connect complete was releasing LDB as CCB in SCDSP, X01130.
; 0057 ! X01180 Removed obsolete external reference from SCSUB, X01100.
; 0058 ! X01190 Corrected bug in SCSUB (FINDOB), X01110.
; 0059 ! X01200 Added global-database-length symbols to this module to
; 0060 ! allow database integrity checking during process building.
; 0061 ! X01210 Set PIXs in ccbs in several routines in SCRES, X01090.
; 0062 ! X01220 Modified connect-received processing to not include count
; 0063 ! field in optional data returned to user in SCDSP, X01140.
; 0064 ! X01230 Supplied missing ref's in SCRES, X01100.
; 0065 ! X01240 Fixed problem where wrong CCB was being sent to LLCRS
; 0066 ! in SCRES routines, X01110.
; 0067 ! X01250 X01160 in SCDSP.
; 0068 ! X01260 X01120 in SCRES.
; 0069 ! X01270 X01130 in SCRES.
; 0070 ! X01280 X01120 in SCSUB.
; 0071 ! X01290 X01170 in SCDSP.
; 0072 ! X01300 X01140 in SCRES.
; 0073 ! X01310 X01180 in SCDSP.
; 0074 ! X01320 X01130 in SCSUB.
; 0075 ! X01330 X01190 in SCDSP.
; 0076 ! X01340 X01200 in SCDSP.
; 0077 ! X01350 X01210 in SCDSP, and X01150 in SCRES.
; 0078 ! X01360 X01180 in SCRES.
; 0079 ! X01370 Updated use of signal_stop in all modules
; 0080 ! X01380 X01190 in SCRES.
; 0081 ! X01390 X01240 in SCDSP.
; 0082 ! X01400 Changed to MCB 3.1 process header macro $MCB_PROCESS.
; 0083 ! X01410 X01150 in SCSUB.
; 0084 ! X01420 X01000 in SCNM, the new network management, plus
; 0085 ! mods in SCDSP (X01250) to remove old nm stuff,
; 0086 ! and changed node search in SCSUB (X01150).
; 0087 ! X01430 X01260 in SCDSP.
; 0088 ! X01440 Changes to properly handle aborted data segments.
; 0089 ! This change involved code in all modules. Also,
; 0090 ! some code cleanup was performed.
; 0091 ! X01450 Use new Comm/Exec to process linkage (.CRDAT for database)
; 0092 ! X01460 X01290 in SCDSP.
; 0093 ! X01470 X01030 in SC1.
; 0094 ! X01480 X01210 in SCRES.
; 0095 ! X01490 X01300 in SCDSP, and X01040 in SC1.
; 0096 ! X01500 X01310 in SCDSP, X01220 in SCRES, X01180 in SCSUB, and
; 0097 ! X01050 in SC1.
; 0098 ! X01510 Reassembled everything to correct linkage problem.
; 0099 ! X01520 X01320 in SCDSP, and X01230 in SCRES.
; 0100 ! X01530 Backed off from using V2.1 compiler - it produces wrong code
; 0101 ! X01540 X01190 in SCSUB.
; 0102 ! X01550 X01240 in SCRES.
; 0103 ! X01560 X01330 in SCDSP, and X01070 in SC1.
; 0104 ! X01570 X01250 in SCRES.
SC 27-Nov-1984 13:22:51 TOPS-20 Bliss-16 2A(530) Page 3
X01910 27-Nov-1984 13:20:12 RATS:<BANKS.MCB.SC>SC.BLI.2 (1)
; 0105 ! X01580 X01080 in SC1.
; 0106 ! X01590 Just some minor editing
; 0107 ! X01600 Changes in SCPRM.
; 0108 ! X01610 X01080 in SC1.
; 0109 ! X01620 X01090 in SC1.
; 0110 ! X01630 X01340 in SCDSP, and X01260 in SCRES.
; 0111 ! X01640 X01270 in SCRES.
; 0112 ! X01650 X01350 in SCDSP.
; 0113 ! X01660 X01100 in SC1.
; 0114 ! X01670 X01360 in SCDSP.
; 0115 ! X01680 X01370 in SCDSP.
; 0116 ! X01690 X01110 in SC1.
; 0117 ! X01700 X01120 in SC1.
; 0118 ! X01710 X01380 in SCDSP.
; 0119 ! X01720 X01390 in SCDSP.
; 0120 ! X01730 X01210 in SCSUB.
; 0121 ! X01740 X01400 in SCDSP, and X01280 in SCRES.
; 0122 ! X01750 Changed back to all library required files.
; 0123 ! X01760 X01410 in SCDSP.
; 0124 ! X01770 X01130 in SC1.
; 0125 ! X01780 X01420 in SCDSP, X01220 in SCSUB, and X01140 in SC1.
; 0126 ! X01790 X01430 in SCDSP and X01230 in SCSUB.
; 0127 ! X01800 X01440 in SCDSP.
; 0128 ! X01810 X01450 in SCDSP, X01290 in SCRES, X01230 in SCSUB,
; 0129 ! and X01150 in SC1.
; 0130 ! X01820 X01160 in SC1.
; 0131 ! X01830 X01460 in SCDSP.
; 0132 ! X01840 X01300 in SCRES.
; 0133 ! X01850 X01470 in SCDSP, and X01170 in SC1.
; 0134 ! x01860 x01480 in SCDSP, and x01310 in SCRES.
; 0135 ! x01870 x01180 in SC1.
; 0136 ! x01880 x01320 in SCRES, x01200 in SC1, and SCPRM v21.
; 0137 ! X01890 X01330 IN SCRES and x01490 in SCDSP
; 0138 ! x01900 x01250 in SCSUB.
; 0139 ! x01910 x01500 in SCDSP.
; 0140 !
; 0141 !
; 0142 !--
SC 27-Nov-1984 13:22:51 TOPS-20 Bliss-16 2A(530) Page 4
X01910 27-Nov-1984 13:20:12 RATS:<BANKS.MCB.SC>SC.BLI.2 (2)
; 0143 !
; 0145 !
; 0146 library 'SCPRM'; ! Our parameter and macro definitions
; 0147 library 'MCB:MCBLIB';
; 0148 library 'MCB:XPORTX';
; 0149
; 0150 %if %bliss (bliss36) %then require 'BED:NETPAR'; %fi
; 0151
; 0152 !
; 0154 !
; 0155
; 0156 !
; 0157 ! MACROS:
; 0158 !
; L 0159 %if %bliss (bliss36)
; U 0160 %then
; U 0161 macro
; U 0162 LLT_PRESET (LENGTH) [] =
; U 0163 [%count, L_LLA] = %count,
; U 0164 [%count, L_I_TAIL] = LLT [%count, L_I_HEAD],
; U 0165 [%count, L_O_TAIL] = LLT [%count, L_O_HEAD],
; U 0166 [%count, L_N_TAIL] = LLT [%count, L_N_HEAD]
; U 0167 %if %count lss LENGTH-1
; U 0168 %then ,LLT_PRESET (LENGTH)
; U 0169 %fi %,
; U 0170
; U 0171 NMT_PRESET (LENGTH) [] =
; U 0172 [%count, NMT_ADDR] = %count + 1
; U 0173 %if %count lss LENGTH-1
; U 0174 %then ,NMT_PRESET (LENGTH)
; U 0175 %fi %;
; 0176 %fi
; 0177
; 0178 !
; 0180 !
; 0181 global literal
; 0182 %name ('SC.SZ') = SC_SIZE ^1,
; 0183 %name ('LLT.SZ') = L_SIZE ^1,
; 0184 %name ('NMT.SZ') = NMT_SIZE ^1,
; 0185 %name ('OTN.SZ') = OTN_SIZE ^1,
; 0186 %name ('ONP.SZ') = ONP_SIZE ^1;
; 0187
; 0188 !
; 0189 ! OWN STORAGE:
; 0190 !
; L 0191 %if %bliss (bliss36)
; U 0192 %then
; U 0193 own
; U 0194 OTN: blockvector [1, OTN_SIZE] field (OTN_FIELDS)
SC 27-Nov-1984 13:22:51 TOPS-20 Bliss-16 2A(530) Page 5
X01910 27-Nov-1984 13:20:12 RATS:<BANKS.MCB.SC>SC.BLI.2 (2)
; U 0195 preset (
; U 0196 [0, OTN_TYPE] = 7,
; U 0197 [0, OTN_NLEN] = 6),
; U 0198
; U 0199 ONP: blockvector [1, ONP_SIZE] field (ONP_FIELDS)
; U 0200 preset (
; U 0201 [0, ONP_NLEN] = 6,
; U 0202 [0, ONP_PROC] = %rad50_10 'USR'),
; U 0203
; U 0204 LLT: blockvector [NS_TPT, L_SIZE] field (LLT_FIELDS)
; U 0205 preset (LLT_PRESET (NS_TPT)),
; U 0206
; U 0207 RMT: vector [(NS_TPT + 3) / 4],
; U 0208
; U 0209 NMT: blockvector [(XP_NN + XP_NLN), NMT_SIZE] field (NMT_FIELDS)
; U 0210 preset (NMT_PRESET (XP_NN + XP_NLN));
; U 0211
; U 0212 global
; U 0213 SC$DB: block [SC_SIZE] field (SC_FIELDS)
; U 0214 preset (
; U 0215 [SCF_STAT] = 1,
; U 0216 [SC_RPORT] = SC_OPN,
; U 0217 [SC_LINKS] = NS_TPT,
; U 0218 [SC_NODES] = XP_NN,
; U 0219 [SC_LOOPS] = XP_NLN,
; U 0220 [SC_ITIME] = SC_ITM,
; U 0221 [SC_OTIME] = SC_OTM,
; U 0222 [SC_OTN_LEN] = 1,
; U 0223 [SC_ONP_LEN] = 1,
; U 0224 [SC_OTN_ADDR] = OTN,
; U 0225 [SC_ONP_ADDR] = ONP,
; U 0226 [SC_LLT_ADDR] = LLT,
; U 0227 [SC_NMT_ADDR] = NMT);
; 0228 %fi
; 0229
; 0230 !
; 0232 !
; 0233 external
; 0234 $SCLL; ! Session Control dispatch table
; 0235
; P 0236 $MCB_PROCESS (
; P 0237 NAME = SC,
; 0238 LLC_DISPATCH = $SCLL) ! Make the process header
; 0239
; 0240 end
; 0241 eludom
.IDENT /X01910/
SC 27-Nov-1984 13:22:51 TOPS-20 Bliss-16 2A(530) Page 6
X01910 27-Nov-1984 13:20:12 RATS:<BANKS.MCB.SC>SC.BLI.2 (2)
000000 .PSECT ......, D
000000 073470 HEADER: .RAD50 /SC /
000002 000403 .WORD 403
000004 000000 .WORD 0
000006 000000 .WORD 0
000010 000000 .WORD 0
000012 000000G .WORD $SCLL
000014 000000G .WORD .DSPCR
000016 000000G .WORD .DSPCR
000020 000000G .WORD MCB$V0
000022 000000G .WORD MCB$V1
000024 140310 .WORD 140310
000026 143716 .WORD 143716
000030 001400 .WORD 1400
000032 000000 .WORD 0
000034 000000 .WORD 0
000036 000000 .WORD 0
000054 SC.SZ== 54
000032 LLT.SZ== 32
000014 NMT.SZ== 14
000010 OTN.SZ== 10
000012 ONP.SZ== 12
; Psect Name Words Attributes
; ...... 16 RW , D , LCL, REL, CON
; -------- Symbols -------- Blocks
; File Total Loaded Percent Read
; RATS:<BANKS.MCB.SC>SCPRM.L16.6 262 5 1 0
; RATS:<BANKS.MCB.MCB>MCBLIB.L16.6 372 3 0 0
; RATS:<BANKS.MCB.MCB>XPORTX.L16.10 599 0 0 0
SC 27-Nov-1984 13:22:51 TOPS-20 Bliss-16 2A(530) Page 7
; Size: 0 code + 16 data words
; Run Time: 00:02.1
; Elapsed Time: 00:13.0
; Memory Used: 14 pages
; Compilation Complete