
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-R595B-SM_11-9-85 - mcb/vnp36/vnpdml.req
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!                    COPYRIGHT (c) 1980, 1981, 1982
!                        Maynard, Massachusetts
!     This software is furnished under a license and may  be  used
!     and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license
!     and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This
!     software  or any other copies thereof may not be provided or
!     otherwise made available to any other person.  No  title  to
!     and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
!     The information  in  this  software  is  subject  to  change
!     without  notice  and should not be construed as a commitment
!     DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability
!     of  its  software  on  equipment  which  is  not supplied by
!     DIGITAL.

! This file VNPDML.REQ contains definitions of the data structures
!  generated by the MCB Process Data Base Macros (currently DATML.M11).
! This set of commands are used within a Load Block
    CMD_END        = %O'0',             ! End of Load Block
    CMD_MOVE_WORD  = %O'1',             ! Move Variable to Word
    CMD_MOVE_BYTE  = %O'2',             ! Move Variable to Byte
    CMD_ADD_WORD   = %O'3',             ! Add Variable to Word
    CMD_ADD_BYTE   = %O'4',             ! Add Variable to Byte
    CMD_MOVE_TEXT  = %O'5',             ! Move Text to Block
    CMD_VERIFY_VALUES = %O'6',		! Verify Values within Block
    CMD_ALLOC_DSR  = %O'10',            ! Allocate from DSR
    CMD_ALLOC_POOL = %O'11',            ! Allocate from Pool
! This set of commands is part of the data base header.
    CMD_ALLOC_DB_DSR   = %O'20',        ! Allocate data-base from DSR
    CMD_ALLOC_DB_POOL  = %O'21',        ! Allocate data-base from POOL
    CMD_ALLOC_MUX_DSR  = %O'30',        ! Allocate Multiplexed-base from DSR
    CMD_ALLOC_MUX_POOL = %O'31',        ! Allocate Multiplexed-base from POOL
! This is the set of variables used in data base loading.
    VAR_CURRENT_ADDRESS    = %O'1',     ! Base address of allocated data base
    VAR_CURRENT_LIX        = %O'10',    ! Current Line Index
    VAR_CURRENT_CTL        = %O'11',    ! Current Controller Number
    VAR_CURRENT_UNT        = %O'12',    ! Current Unit Number
    VAR_CURRENT_TRB        = %O'13',    ! Current Tributary Number
    VAR_NUMBER_SLTS        = %O'20',    ! Number of System Lines
    VAR_NUMBER_CTLS        = %O'21',    ! Number of CTLs on current DEV
    VAR_NUMBER_UNTS        = %O'22',    ! Number of UNTs on current CTL
    VAR_NUMBER_TRBS        = %O'23',    ! Number of TRBs on current UNT
    VAR_CTL_CHARS_0         = %O'30',    ! CTL Characteristic #0
    VAR_CTL_CHARS_1         = %O'31',    ! CTL Characteristic #1
    VAR_CTL_CHARS_2         = %O'32',    ! CTL Characteristic #2
    VAR_CTL_CHARS_3         = %O'33',    ! CTL Characteristic #3
    VAR_CTL_CHARS_4         = %O'34',    ! CTL Characteristic #4
    VAR_CTL_CHARS_5         = %O'35',    ! CTL Characteristic #5
    VAR_CTL_CHARS_6         = %O'36',    ! CTL Characteristic #6
    VAR_CTL_CHARS_7         = %O'37',    ! CTL Characteristic #7
    VAR_UNT_CHARS_0        = %O'40',    ! UNT Characteristic #0
    VAR_UNT_CHARS_1        = %O'41',    ! UNT Characteristic #1
    VAR_UNT_CHARS_2        = %O'42',    ! UNT Characteristic #2
    VAR_UNT_CHARS_3        = %O'43',    ! UNT Characteristic #3
    VAR_UNT_CHARS_4        = %O'44',    ! UNT Characteristic #4
    VAR_UNT_CHARS_5        = %O'45',    ! UNT Characteristic #5
    VAR_UNT_CHARS_6        = %O'46',    ! UNT Characteristic #6
    VAR_UNT_CHARS_7        = %O'47',    ! UNT Characteristic #7
    VAR_TRB_CHARS_0        = %O'50',    ! TRB Characteristic #0
    VAR_TRB_CHARS_1        = %O'51',    ! TRB Characteristic #1
    VAR_TRB_CHARS_2        = %O'52',    ! TRB Characteristic #2
    VAR_TRB_CHARS_3        = %O'53',    ! TRB Characteristic #3
    VAR_TRB_CHARS_4        = %O'54',    ! TRB Characteristic #4
    VAR_TRB_CHARS_5        = %O'55',    ! TRB Characteristic #5
    VAR_TRB_CHARS_6        = %O'56',    ! TRB Characteristic #6
    VAR_TRB_CHARS_7        = %O'57';    ! TRB Characteristic #7