
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-W661B-BM_1984 - dn20/flpdlc.m11
There is 1 other file named flpdlc.m11 in the archive. Click here to see a list.
.IDENT /X01000/


;                    COPYRIGHT (C) 1983
;     This software is furnished under a license and may  be  used
;     and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license
;     and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This
;     software  or any other copies thereof may not be provided or
;     otherwise made available to any other person.  No  title  to
;     and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
;     The information  in  this  software  is  subject  to  change
;     without  notice  and should not be construed as a commitment
;     DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability
;     of  its  software  on  equipment  which  is  not supplied by
;     DIGITAL.

.mcall dat$

FL.MFD = 7.		;FLP maximum number of frames in driver.

dat$	dsr
.byte	0		; Long timer byte
.byte	0		; FLP PIX
.word	0		; Logging Id
.word	0		; User ID of process controlling line.
.byte	0		; NM Extension PIX
.byte	0		; Line state
.byte	0		; Line status
.byte	0		; Last Event
lix$b			; Line Index
.byte	0		; Driver action
.byte	0		; Resource fail action
.byte	0,0,0		; FRMR to send
.byte	0		; Current retransmit count
.byte	1.		; DTE command address
.byte	3.		; DTE response address
.byte	3.		; DCE command address
.byte	1.		; DCE response address
.byte	0		; Seq # of next incoming frame
.byte	0		; Seq # to transmit next
.byte	0		; Seq # of first unack'd frame
.byte	0		; Last N(R) received
.byte	0		; Number of unack'd frames
.byte	0		; # I frames in driver
.byte	0		; Number acked frames in driver.
.byte	0		; # I frames in driver at reset
.byte	0		; # I frames in driver at re-xmit
.byte	FL.MFD		; Max # frames allowed in driver
 tmb$x	FL.IT1		; Short timer block
.word	0		; Number of CCBs in data link.
lst$d			; Start/Stop Pending Queue
lst$d			; Transmit Wait Queue
lst$d			; Ack Wait Queue
lst$d			; Resource Fail Queue
.word	FL.BLK		; Maximum frame size
.word	FL.IT1		; Retransmit timer
.byte	FL.WS		; Window size
.byte	FL.IRC		; Maximum retransmit count
.byte	0		; Controller mode
.byte	0		; Clock mode
.word	0,0		; Time counters last zeroed.
.word	0,0		; Bytes sent
.word	0,0		; Bytes received
.word	0,0		; Frames sent
.word	0,0		; Frames received
.word	0		; Data errors inbound
.word	0		; Data errors outbound
.byte	0		; Remote timeout errors
.byte	0		; Local timeout errors
.word	0		; Remote buffer errors
.word	0		; Local buffer errors
.word	0		; Remote process errors
.word	0		; Local process errors
.word	0		; Current next entry in TRACE buffer
.word	0		; TRACE buffer start
.word	300.		; TRACE buffer end + 1
.blkb	300.
