
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-X595A-BM - dx/dxhelp.hlp
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     DECdx Version 1.0 (Document Transfer) lets users of a DIGITAL word 
 processing system (WPS) transfer documents to and from a host DECSYSTEM-20.
 The documents are transferred under the WPS DX protocol and most embedded 
 WPS characters are preserved.  DECdx is menu-driven software, using WPS-like 
 menus.  DECdx also provides on-line help.
 Under DECdx, the user can also: 
    o Read (display), print, and delete documents
    o Convert documents to ASCII files, and convert ASCII files to documents
    o Convert DX/TOPS-20 documents for DECdx compatibility
    o Display an index of DECdx documents and add other WPS documents 
      on the host to the DECdx index
 DECdx supersedes DX/TOPS-20 Version 1.0.  DX/TOPS-20 comprised the WPIP, 
 WFLX, WNDX, WDEL, and WLPT programs.
 To use DECdx, type:       @RUN DDX
 -- Add a Document --                                           Page 1/3
 The A option on the DECdx Menu lets you:
     -  Add another user's WPS document on the host to your DECdx index
     -  Copy documents between your areas on the host
     -  Rename the copied document 
     Add a document to your DECdx index when you need to process
     that document from your area.  
 If you do not understand a term, type the term, and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Add a Document --                                           Page 2/3
     Select the A option from the DECdx Menu.  Respond to the prompts 
     for the file name and document name.
     At the DECdx Menu, type A (for Add), a space, the directory name, 
     the DOCnnn.DX name of the document to be added, a space, the name 
     for the document, and press RETURN: 
          A <directory>filename documentname<RETURN>
     For example:
          A <SMITH>DOC003.DX Results of Quality Testing<RETURN>
     Your DECdx User's Guide explains how to specify a file to be added.
 -- Add a Document --                                           Page 3/3
        You should be familiar with specifying file names and areas.  You 
        may also need to change the file protection to copy protected 
 NOTE:  Do not add non-WPS files using the A option.  Use the File-to-Document
        (FD) option to convert files to documents.  The converted document is 
        automatically added to the DECdx index.
     See your DECdx User's Guide for more information on:
     -  Add a document
     -  Area
     -  File name
 -- Delete a Document --                                        Page 1/3
 The D option on the DECdx Menu:
     -  Erases the DOCnnn.DX file on the host ("nnn" is the document number) 
     -  Erases the document name from the DECdx index
     Delete documents to save storage space.  You should delete:
     -  Documents you no longer need
     -  Extra versions of a document if you transfer (X) or 
        convert (FD) a new version
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Delete a Document --                                        Page 2/3
     Select the D option from the DECdx Menu.  Respond to the prompt 
     for a document name.
     At the DECdx Menu, type D (for Delete), a space, the name or number 
     of the document to be deleted, and press RETURN.  For example:
          D Results of Quality Testing<RETURN>
          D 14<RETURN>
     The screen displays the first eight lines of the document for you to
     confirm.  Type Y or YES and press RETURN to delete the document.
 -- Delete a Document --                                        Page 3/3
     You do not have to type the entire document name.  Type enough of the
     name to distinguish that document from others with similar names.
     See your DECdx User's Guide for more information on:
     -  Delete a document
     -  Index
 -- Convert Document to File --                                 Page 1/3
 The DF option on the DECdx Menu converts a WPS document on the host 
 to a text file.  You may have to convert a document to a file before 
 it can be used for programs other than DECdx.
     Your WPS stores documents in WPS format.  A document transferred 
     to the host using DECdx keeps its WPS format.  The host needs 
     ASCII-formatted files if you run specific programs, such as a 
     payroll application.  The DF option converts the DECdx document 
     to an ASCII-formatted file.
 Your DECdx User's Guide explains more about document-to-file conversion.
 -- Convert Document to File --                                 Page 2/3
     Select the DF option from the DECdx Menu.  Respond to the prompts 
     for the file name and document name.
     At the DECdx Menu, type DF (for Document-to-File), a space, the name 
     to be given the file, a space, the name or number of the document to 
     be converted, and press RETURN:
          DF filename documentname<RETURN>
     For example:
          DF REPORT.DOC Results of Quality Testing<RETURN>
     Note that the file name comes FIRST.
 -- Convert Document to File --                                 Page 3/3
     These WPS features are not converted by the DF option:
     -  Rulers and ruler settings
     -  Bolding and underlining
     -  Centering marks
     -  Superscripts and subscripts
     -  Composite characters
     -  Control commands
     -  Print settings
     These format commands are lost in the conversion.  Converting the 
     document back to WPS format using the FD option does not reinstate them.
     To obtain identical tab stops in the WPS document and host file, use a
     WPS ruler with tab settings at every eighth character position.

 -- Error Messages --
     1   This document cannot be found in the DECdx index
     2   The file cannot be found in the current area
     3   This document cannot be found in the current area
     4   You typed an invalid document name or number
     5   You typed an invalid file name
     6   This document is corrupted
     7   The document must be in WPS format
     M   More error messages ...
 -- Error Messages --
     8   The index is full, so the document cannot be added
     9   The document is in use by someone else right now
     10  You do not have privileges to use that area or document
     11  You have exceeded your disk quota -- no more space
     12  Your DECdx index is not accessible
 M  More error messages ...
 -- Error Messages --                                             1
 This document cannot be found in the DECdx index.
 Cause: - You may have typed the document name incorrectly.
        - The document may have been deleted from the host.
        - The document may exist in another area.
 Action:  Check the document name spelling in the DECdx index. 
          Use the I option on the DECdx Menu to move to your other areas 
          and display the DECdx index for each area.  Check the DECdx index 
          for the document name.
          If you deleted the document by using the DECdx Delete option, you 
          cannot recover it.
 -- Error Messages --                                             2
 The file cannot be found in the current area.
 Cause: - You may have typed the file name incorrectly.
        - The file may exist in another area.
        - The file may have been deleted from the host.  
 Action:  The area identification line at the top of the DECdx Menu is the 
          current area, unless you specified another area.  If you specified
          another area, it is included in the error message.  Check that the 
          current or specified area is the one you wanted.
          To find the file, select the Finished option.  At the operating 
          system prompt, check your directory for the correct spelling of 
          the file name.
          If you have other areas (including subdirectories), check those 
          areas for the file.  If the file exists in another area, specify
          that area in the file name.
 -- Error Messages --                                             3
 This document cannot be found in the current area.
 Cause: - The DOCnnn.DX file was deleted or moved to another area, but 
          it is still listed in the DECdx index.
        - The DOCnnn.DX name was changed so DECdx cannot locate it.
 Action:  Check the document name in the DECdx index.  If the DOCnnn.DX
          file was deleted, the DECdx index has this message below the 
          document name:  This document can not be found in the current area.  
          To remove the name from the DECdx index, select the Delete option
          from the DECdx Menu and type the name or number of the document.
          Then select the Finished option to exit to the operating system and 
          check the directory of each of your areas.  If you locate the 
          document, use the Add option to add the document to the DECdx index 
          for that area. 
 -- Error Messages --                                             4
 You typed an invalid document name or number.
 Cause:   The document name must follow these restrictions:
          -  No <angle brackets> in name
          -  No [ square bracket or { brace as first character of name
          -  No more than 64 characters and spaces in name
          -  The first character cannot be a number 
          The document number must be between 1 and 200, inclusive.
 Action:  Check the document name or number against the restrictions given 
          above.  Press Gold MENU to recall the DECdx Menu and select 
          the option again.  Type the correct document name or number.
 -- Error Messages --                                             5
 You typed an invalid file name.
 Cause:   The file name must follow these restrictions:
          -  No spaces can be included in file name.
          -  No more than 39 alphanumeric characters in file name. 
          -  No special characters other than the dollar sign, hyphen and
             underline in file name.
          -  No more than 39 characters in file type.
          You may have specified a nonexistent directory or device.   
 Action:  Check the spelling of the file name against the rules given in 
          your DECdx User's Guide under File name, or in the TOPS-20 User's
          Guide.  Verify the device or directory name.
          Then recall the DECdx Menu and select the option again.  Type 
          the correct file name.
 -- Error Messages --                                             6
 This document is corrupted.
 Cause:  - The corrupted document may be a non-WPS file you renamed to the 
           DOCnnn.DX format.  
         - The document may have been edited.  Editing the header information
           is especially likely to corrupt the document.
         - Errors on the disk or other unusual factors have made the document
 Action:   If the file was renamed to DOCnnn.DX, restore the original name.
           To obtain a usable document, delete the corrupted document.
           Then do one of the following to reinstate the DOCnnn.DX file:  
         - Use the FD option to convert the file, if a file version of the 
           document exists on the host. 
         - Retransfer the document from the WPS.
         - Revert to a previous version of the DOCnnn.DX file.
 -- Error Messages --                                             7
 The document must be in WPS format.
 Cause:   The file you are trying to add (using the Add option) is 
          not in WPS format.  
 Action:  Use the FD option to convert an ASCII text file to a 
          WPS-format document.  When you convert the document, DECdx 
          automatically lists it in the index.
          Add the document using this format:
         	A <directory>DOCnnn.DX documentname<RETURN>
          Note:  If you convert a file that is not ASCII text, you may 
          get a document of random characters.
 -- Error Messages --                                             8
 The index is full, so the document cannot be added.
 Cause:   The DECdx index for an area contains the maximum 200 documents.
 Action:  Documents must be deleted before others can be transferred or 
          added.  Recall the DECdx Menu and select the D option to 
          delete documents no longer needed.
          If you have other areas on the host, use the I option to move 
          to those areas.  Then transfer or add documents in the area 
          that has room.  For more information on areas and the DECdx index, 
          see your DECdx User's Guide.
 -- Error Messages --                                             9
 The document is in use by someone else right now.
 Cause: - Someone is printing, deleting, converting (FD or ON options),
          adding or transferring (WPS to host) a document.  The File Lock 
          column has the word "Locked".  The file can be used by someone 
          else when the word "Free" appears in the index.
        - A user is reading the document, doing a DF conversion or receiving
          a document from the host.  The Read Users column shows how many 
          users are using these options.  Until the Read Users column has a 
          zero, the document is unavailable for printing, deleting, converting 
          (FD or ON options), adding or transferring (WPS to host).  
 Action:  Wait until the document is no longer in use.  If the document remains
          locked when no one is using it, see your system manager.
 -- Error Messages --                                            10
 You do not have privileges to use that area or document.
 Cause:   The document has been protected, either by a default protection 
          that the system assigned, or by specific commands you or 
          someone else issued.  For example, the document may be 
          protected against deletion.
 Action:  Contact your system manager to help you change the protection of
          documents you need to use.  You change protection on the document 
          DOCnnn.DX using host commands at the operating system level.
          For information on protection, see the TOPS-20 User's Guide. 
 -- Error Message --                                             11
 You have exceeded your disk quota -- no more space.
 Cause:   You no longer have enough room in your account for that 
          document or file.
 Action:  Delete old files and documents that you no longer need.  If 
          you need more space, contact your system manager to give 
          you more space on the disk or to assign you another account.
 -- Error Message --                                             12
 Your DECdx index is not accessible.
 Cause:   There is no DECdx index (INDEX.DX file) available in the 
          current area.  The index may have been deleted or it may
          be protected.
 Action:  If there are DECdx documents (DOCnnn.DX files) in the current 
          area but no DECdx index, use the Add option to add each 
          document.  The first time you add a document, the DECdx index 
          for that area is created.
          If the DECdx index is protected, ask your system manager for help 
          in changing the protection of the INDEX.DX file.  For more 
          information on protection, see the TOPS-20 User's Guide.
 -- Convert File to Document --                                 Page 1/3
 The FD option on the DECdx Menu:
     - Converts a text file on the host to a document and
     - Adds the converted document to your DECdx index
     Your WPS and the host store text in different formats.  The FD option adds
     information you do not see to the host's file.  The added information 
     makes the file usable by your WPS system.
     Send the document to your WPS system for editing or other processing.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Convert File to Document --                                 Page 2/3
     Select the FD option from the DECdx Menu.  Respond to the
     prompts for the file name and document name.
     At the DECdx Menu, type FD (for File-to-Document), a space, the name 
     of the file to be converted, a space, the name for the document, 
     and press RETURN:
          FD filename documentname<RETURN>
     For example:
          FD REPORT.DOC Results of Quality Testing<RETURN>
 -- Convert File to Document --                                 Page 3/3
     When you convert a file to a document, word wrap returns are placed 
     after each line in a paragraph except the last.  The last line will end 
     with a hard return if the paragraph is followed by a tab or carriage 
     return in column one.  If you wish, you may indent the first line.
     Single lines indented with a tab, such as items in a list or table, will 
     end in hard returns after conversion.
     See your DECdx User's Guide for more information on:
     -  File-to-Document
     -  File name
     -  Rulers
 -- Finished Using DECdx --                                     Page 1/1
 The F option on the DECdx Menu lets you:
     -  Finish using DECdx and
     -  Exit to the host operating system
 From the operating system prompt, you can log off the host and return 
 to the WPS Main Menu.  Or you can issue other host commands.  Your 
 DECdx Getting Started card explains how to log off.
 Use the F option each time you finish using DECdx.  The F option puts you 
 at the host operating system prompt.  See your DECdx User's Guide for more 
 information on the Finish option.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --
     ADD                  DOCUMENT NAME          INDEX
     AREA                 DX                     LOG OFF
     ASCII FORMAT         DX/TOPS-20             LOG ON
     COMMUNICATIONS       ERASE                  OLA
     CONVERT              ERROR                  OLD FORMAT
     COPY                 ERROR MESSAGE          ON
     CX                   EXTENSION              OPERATING SYSTEM
     DECdx                FD                     PRINT
     DECdx INDEX          FILE                   READ
     DECnet-20            FILE NAME              RECEIVE
     DEFAULT              FILE TYPE              SEND
     DELETE               FINISH                 TEXT FILE
     DF                   FORMAT                 TRANSFER
     DIRECTORY            HOST                   WPS FORMAT
     DOCUMENT             HOST FILE              X
 -- Glossary --                                                 Page 1/21
 - add
     To put a document in the DECdx index and give it a document name.  
     You can add a document from one of your areas to another.  Or you 
     can add a document from another user's area on the host to your area.  
 - area
 - areas
     A storage location on the host.  Your DECdx documents are stored 
     in the area or areas assigned to the name you use when you log on 
     to the host.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                                 Page 2/21
 - ASCII format
     ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, 
     a numerical code.  It is the standard format used by the host 
     to store text files.
 - block paragraph
     A paragraph without indentation.  All text begins at the left margin, 
     including the first line.   
 - communications
     The exchange of information between your WPS and another device.  
     DECdx lets your WPS communicate to a host.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                                Page 3/21
 - convert
     To change documents to text files by using the DF option on 
     the DECdx Menu.
     To change text files to documents by using the FD option on 
     the DECdx Menu.
     To change old DX/TOPS-20 documents to new DECdx documents by using 
     the ON option on the DECdx Menu.
     You may want to convert WPS documents to files (using DF) after sending 
     them to the host.  You convert files (using FD) before sending them 
     to WPS.
 -- Glossary --                                                Page 4/21
 - copy
     See ADD.  Type the term and press RETURN.
 - CX
     Stands for Character Transfer.  CX is a WPS option that lets you 
     communicate to a host.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                                 Page 5/21
 - DECdx
     Software on the host that allows you to transfer documents between 
     your WPS and the host.  Using DECdx, you can exchange WPS documents 
     with other DECdx users on the host.  DECdx has other options to use 
     on your documents.
 - DECdx index
     See INDEX.  Type the term and press RETURN.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                                 Page 6/21
 - DECnet-20
     Software that enables the TOPS-20 host to communicate over a 
     transmission line.
 - default
     A value assumed by DECdx if you do not specify another value.  
     For example, if you select the Print option, DECdx displays the
     name of the document you used most recently as the document 
     to be printed.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                                 Page 7/21
 - delete
     To erase a document and remove its name from the DECdx index.  
     You cannot recover a deleted document.
 - DF
     Document-to-File.  An option on the DECdx Menu that lets you 
     convert WPS-format documents to text files in ASCII format.
 - directory
     A list of files stored on the host in your area.  You may have 
     several directories under different user names.
     See also FILE NAME.  Type the term and press RETURN.
  If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN
  to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                                 Page 8/21
 - document
     A unit of WPS-format text, such as a memo, letter, or report, 
     either on the WPS diskette or on the host in the DECdx index.  
 - document name
     The name you assign to a document.  In examples where you see 
     "documentname," you substitute the name of the document.
     A document appears in the directory as a file name with a .DX 
     extension.  For example, document number 3 named "Results of 
     Quality Testing" is listed as DOC003.DX.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                                 Page 9/21
 - DX
     Stands for Document Transfer.  WPS DX sends documents to and from 
     your word processing system.  DECdx lets you use those documents 
     on the host.
 - DX/TOPS-20
     Software on the host that was used to transfer documents between WPS 
     and the host.  DECdx replaces DX/TOPS-20 with improved software for 
     document transfer and conversion.
     See also DECdx or ON.  Type the term and press RETURN.
 - Easycom
     Optional software that establishes CX communications between a DECmate II
     and the DECSYSTEM-20 host.  Easycom automates all or part of the logon 
     procedure and may also perform the first steps of the transfer option.
 -- Glossary --                                                 Page 10/21
 - erase
     See DELETE.  Type the term and press RETURN.
 - error
     A condition when the host cannot complete your commands.  
     For example, the host cannot print the document you request 
     because you typed the name incorrectly.
 - error message
     Information or a caution displayed by the system in response to 
     an error.  For example, if you misspell a file name so that 
     DECdx cannot locate the file, DECdx responds:  "The file cannot 
     be found in the current area."
 -- Glossary --                                                 Page 11/21
 - extension
     In a file name, the characters following the period (.) 
     that define the file type.  DECdx has the .DX file type or 
     extension, such as DOC004.DX.  The maximum number of characters 
     in the extension is 39.
 - FD
     File-to-Document.  An option on the DECdx Menu that lets you
     convert text files on the host to WPS-format documents.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                               Page 12/21
 - file
     A file is a unit of information stored on a host, such as a DOCnnn.DX
     file, a computer program or a data file.
 - file name
     The name you assign to a host file.  In examples where you see 
     "filename," you should substitute the name of the file, such as 
     The file name must follow the rules of the operating system for 
     file names.  See your DECdx User's Guide for more information.
 - file type 
     See EXTENSION.  Type the term and press RETURN.
 -- Glossary --                                              Page 13/21
 - finish
     To select the F option from the DECdx Menu when you 
     complete your tasks under DECdx.  After you type F and 
     press RETURN, you see the host's operating system prompt.
 - format
     Under DECdx, format is the way text is stored.  WPS-format documents 
     have special WPS features such as highlighting and rulers.  Text 
     files in ASCII format do not include these special WPS features.
     See also ASCII FORMAT or WPS FORMAT.  Type the term and press 
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                              Page 14/21
 - host
     The system that WPS is connected to for communications.  The host 
     system for DECdx is a VAX, PDP-11, DECsystem-10, or DECSYSTEM-20.
 - host file
     A unit of information stored in the computer system connected to 
     your WPS.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN to
 see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                              Page 15/21
 - index
     On the host, the index is the DECdx index.  The DECdx index is 
     displayed when you select the I option from the DECdx Menu.  The 
     DECdx index gives limited statistical information about the documents 
     in that area on the host.
     On WPS, the index is the list of WPS documents.  The index of documents 
     is displayed when you select the I option from the WPS Main Menu.  The 
     index provides statistical information about the documents on the 
     designated diskette.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                             Page 16/21
 - log off
     To enter the command to end communication with the host.
 - log on
     To enter the command to begin communications with the host.  
     After you connect to the host, type the appropriate command 
     to invoke the DECdx Menu at the host.
 - new format
     The DECdx Version 1.0 format for all documents stored under DECdx.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                              Page 17/21
 - OLA
     Abbreviation for on-line assistance.  Information about DECdx 
     displayed in response to options you select from the Help Menu.
 - old format
     The DX/TOPS-20 format for documents.
 - ON
     Old-to-New conversion.  An option on the DECdx Menu that lets you 
     convert documents created with DX/TOPS-20 to DECdx documents. 
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                             Page 18/21
 - operating system
     The basic system software that runs on the host.  For example, 
     TOPS-20 is the operating system on a DECSYSTEM-20.
 - print
     To cause a document to be printed on the host's printer.  Use 
     the P (Print) option on the DECdx Menu to print a document.
 - read
     On the host, the Read option displays a document. If you select 
     the R option from the DECdx Menu, the document is displayed, 
     15 to 17 lines at a time.
 -- Glossary --                                             Page 19/21
 - receive
     To accept text from a host during communications.  In receiving, 
     you transfer a document from the host to your WPS.
     See also TRANSFER.  Type the term and press RETURN.
 - send
     To move text between your WPS and the host.  In sending, you 
     transfer a document from your WPS to the host.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                             Page 20/21
 - text file
     Any file on the host such as a letter, announcement, report or 
     memo.  Examples of non-text files are data files and programming
     code files.
 - transfer
     To move text from a sending to a receiving system using the 
     X option on the DECdx Menu.  The X option requires you to use 
     DX (Document Transfer) software on the word processing system.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Glossary --                                             Page 21/21
 - WPS format
     The format for documents stored either on your WPS diskette or 
     on the host.  The format includes WPS features such as highlighting 
     and rulers.
 - X
     A DECdx menu option used to transfer WPS documents to the host or 
     host files to the WPS. 
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Help on Using Help --                                       Page 1/3
 The H option on the DECdx Menu displays the Help Menu.  The Help Menu 
 lists the on-line assistance (OLA) options for DECdx.  To read the OLA 
 for any DECdx option, select that option from the Help Menu.
     When reading an OLA screen, such as this one, press ADVANCE to see 
     the next screen of information.  Or, you can also press:
     BACK UP        To see the previous screen.
     RETURN         To see the next screen.  RETURN works just like 
     Gold MENU      To return to the Help Menu.
 The page number at the top of this page, 1/3, means this is the first page
 out of three pages on the topic.  All page numbers follow this format.
 -- Help on Using Help --                                       Page 2/3
 Help (on-line assistance or OLA) is always available from 
 the DECdx Menu.  The OLA screens describe each of the options 
 available on the DECdx Menu.
 The OLA also includes a Glossary and an Error Messages list.
 You can display the Glossary list by selecting the G option from the 
 Help Menu.  Also, anywhere in the OLA, you can display the definition of 
 a term by typing the term and pressing RETURN.
 Display the Error Messages list by selecting the E option from the 
 Help Menu.  To read information about error messages that may occur 
 while you are using DECdx, type H and press RETURN.
 -- Help on Using Help --                                       Page 3/3
 The OLA includes examples of commands for the various options.  For 
 instance, under Convert File to Document is the example:
     FD filename documentname<RETURN>
 The word "filename" shows you where to substitute the name of a file, 
 for example, REPORT.DOC.  The word "documentname" shows you where 
 to substitute the name of a document, for example, Results of 
 Quality Testing.
     FD REPORT.DOC Results of Quality Testing<RETURN>
 -- Help on the Index --                                        Page 1/3
 The I (Index) option displays the DECdx index on the host, which 
 resembles the WPS index.  Each page of the DECdx index lists five 
 documents and facts about each:
     -  document number and name
     -  date the document was created
     -  date and time the document was modified
     -  size of document (in pages)
     -  number of users reading a document
     -  whether a document is locked
 The last two items do not appear on your WPS index.  The number of users
 reading a document, doing a DF conversion or receiving a host document, 
 is listed in the Read Users column.  While anyone is reading a document, 
 no one else may print, add, convert (ON or FD), delete, or transfer the 
 document.  The File Lock column has the word "Locked" if anyone is adding, 
 printing, deleting, transferring (WPS to host) or converting (FD or ON) the 
 document.  "Locked" is replaced with "Free" when the user completes the task.
 -- Help on the Index --                                        Page 2/3
     At the DECdx Menu, type I and press RETURN.  The DECdx index is 
     displayed.  Reminder: the documents in the DECdx index are stored
     on the host, NOT on your WPS diskette.
     If you have several areas for storing your files and documents on 
     the host, use the Index option to define the new default area.
     For example:
        I <WPSDOCS>
     The area you specify when using the Index option becomes the 
     default for all files and documents.  Change your area by selecting
     the I option on the DECdx Menu and specifying the new area.
 -- Help on the Index --                                        Page 3/3
     RETURN      to see the next page of the index or to return to the DECdx
                 Menu at the end of the index. 
     Gold MENU   to recall the DECdx Menu.
     See your DECdx User's Guide for more information on:
     -  Index
     -  Area
 -- Convert Old to New --                                       Page 1/3
 The ON option on the DECdx Menu:
     -  Converts documents created using DX/TOPS-20 to DECdx-format 
        documents and
     -  Adds the converted documents to your DECdx index
     If you have documents on the host that you created under DX/TOPS-20
     software, you must convert those documents to DECdx format.  You 
     cannot use the unconverted documents with DECdx options.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Convert Old to New --                                       Page 2/3
     Select the ON option from the DECdx Menu.  You have the choice
     of converting all old WPS-format documents at once, or specifying
     a single document to convert.
     To convert all documents, at the DECdx Menu, type ON (for 
     Old-to-New), a space, an asterisk (*), and press RETURN.
     To convert just one document, at the DECdx Menu, type ON, a space, 
     the file name, a space, the document name, and press RETURN.
     The file name has the format DOCnnn.W11 where "nnn" is the old 
     document number, such as 003. The new file has the format DOCnnn.DX.
     The new document number will probably not be the same as the old one.
 -- Convert Old to New --                                       Page 3/3
     See the DECdx User's Guide for more information on:
     -  Old-to-New
     -  Convert
     -  File name
 -- Print a Document --                                         Page 1/3
 The P option on the DECdx Menu lets you use the host's printer 
 to print documents listed in the DECdx index.
     The host's printer produces draft quality documents.  Depending 
     on the type of printer, you may be able to print your documents 
     faster or with wider margins than on your WPS printer.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Print a Document --                                         Page 2/3
     Select the P option from the DECdx Menu.  Respond to the prompt 
     for a document name.
     At the DECdx Menu, type P (for Print), a space, the name or number 
     of the document to be printed, and press RETURN.  For example:
          P July Sales Forecast<RETURN>
          P 35<RETURN>
     Next you see the DECdx Print Menu with the print settings for 
     the document.  Most settings resemble the WPS Print Menu 
 -- Print a Document --                                         Page 3/3
     The Print option prints your document on the host's printer.  
     Use this printer for draft copies of large documents.
     To use your WPS printer, you must first transfer the document from 
     the host to your WPS diskette, then select the P option.  The P 
     option on the DECdx Menu does not let you print a DECdx document at 
     your WPS printer.
     See your DECdx User's Guide for more information on:
     -  Print
     -  Print Menu
 -- Read a Document --                                          Page 1/3
 The R option on the DECdx Menu lets you read a DECdx document 
 one screen at a time.
     Chose this option to locate information in a document or to 
     check that it is the document you want.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Read a Document --                                          Page 2/3
     Select the R option from the DECdx Menu.  Respond to the prompt 
     for a document name.
     At the DECdx Menu, type R (for Read), a space, the name or number 
     of the document you want to read, and press RETURN.  For example:
          R Wheaton Trip Report<RETURN>
          R 15<RETURN>
     About 16 lines of the document are displayed.  Press RETURN 
     to see the next screen.
 -- Read a Document --                                          Page 3/3
 The Read Users column in the DECdx index tells you how many users are 
 reading a document, doing a DF conversion or receiving a document from
 the host.
 The File Lock column has the word "Locked" if a document is being printed, 
 converted (FD or ON), added to the index, deleted, or transferred (WPS to
 host).  While a user is doing any of the preceding tasks, the document is 
 unavailable to other users.  If any users are reading a document, no one can 
 print, transfer, convert, add or delete that document. 
     See your DECdx User's Guide for more information on:
     -  Read a document
 -- What Is DECdx? --                                           Page 1/4
 DECdx is software on the host that lets you transfer documents 
 between your word processor and the host.
      ||=============||                      !!!!!!!HOST!!!!!!!!!!
      || Memo        ||                      !                   !
      || June Report || ---->  ---->  ---->  !  DOC001.DX        !
      || Results #3  || <----  <----  <----  !  DOC002.DX        !
      ||             ||                      !  DOC003.DX        !
      ||=============||                      !  INDEX.DX         !
      \----------------\                     !                   !
       \ ooooooooo oooo \                    !                   !
        \ ooooooooo oooo \                   !                   !
         \----------------\                  !                   !
 -- What Is DECdx? --                                           Page 2/4
 You can copy WPS documents from another user on the host which causes 
 them to be listed in your DECdx index.  This is done with the Add option.
      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      !                   !                  !                   !
      ! YOUR AREA:        !                  ! ANOTHER USER'S    !
      !                   !                  !   AREA:           !
      !                   !                  !                   !
      !  DOC013.DX    <---- <---- <---- <----    DOC001.DX       !
      !                   !                  !                   !
      !                   !                  !                   !
      !                   !                  !                   !
      !                   !                  !                   !
 -- What Is DECdx? --                                           Page 3/4
 You can use the documents you stored on the host.
     !!!!!!!HOST!!!!!!!!!!                        ||=============||
     !                   !                        || June Report ||
     !                   ! ---->  Read it at      || text text t ||
     !  DOC002.DX        !        your terminal.  || ext text te ||
     !                   !                        || xt text tex ||
     !                   !                        ||=============||
     !                   ! ---------|             \ ooooooooo oooo \
     !                   !          V              \ ooooooooo oooo \
     !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!          _____________   \----------------\
                                   /June Report /
               Print it on the    /            / 
               host's printer.   ================ 
                                  |            |
                                  |            |
 -- What Is DECdx? --                                              Page 4/4
 DECdx lets you use the host's software and hardware for your documents 
 stored on the host.
     Example:  You record payroll information at your WPS.  Then you send
     the WPS document to the host.  Next you convert the document to a host 
     file, and send the file to the Payroll Dept.  Someone in that department
     uses your data to generate paychecks.
     Example:  You store your WPS documents on the host because the 
     host has more storage space.  Then you print draft-quality documents
     on the host's printer.
 See the DECdx User's Guide Introduction, What Is DECdx?, for a more detailed
 -- Transfer a Document --                                      Page 1/3
 The X option on the DECdx Menu transfers documents -- that is, it sends 
 documents across communication lines.  The X option lets you:
     -  Send a document from your word processing system to the host and 
        add that document's name to the DECdx index
     -  Receive a document from the host and store it on your WPS diskette
 The X option is the only option that requires you to return to the WPS 
 Main Menu.  You then select the DX option on the WPS Main Menu and transfer 
 documents using the S and R options on the Document Transfer Menu.
 If you do not understand a term, type the term and press RETURN 
 to see the definition.
 -- Transfer a Document --                                      Page 2/3
     To send or receive a document, you must begin at the DECdx Menu.
     Select the X option.  The screen tells you how to return to the 
     WPS Main Menu.   Your user card, DECdx Getting Started, also 
     explains this procedure.
     When you select the DX (Document Transfer) option from the WPS Main Menu, 
     you make a DX connection to the host.
     Now you can use DECdx to transfer WPS-format documents to the host.  
     Or you can use the Receive option to receive documents from the host.  
     The procedure is given on the DECdx Transfer Menus. 
     If you have a DECmate II with Easycom, your DECmate may automatically
     perform several steps in the transfer procedure.  See your system
     manager for details. 
 -- Transfer a Document --                                      Page 3/3
     To return to the host after transferring a document, press Gold MENU
     at the Document Transfer Menu to recall the WPS Main Menu.  Select the 
     CX option from the WPS Main Menu and return to the host.
     From the host you can use the DF (Document-to-File) option to convert 
     the documents you transferred into files, if you wish.  The file may now
     be edited using the SOS editor, for example, or processed in other ways. 
     See your DECdx User's Guide for more information on:
     -  X (Transfer) option
     -  Document-to-File