
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-X595B-BM - dx/cmd.rel
There are 22 other files named cmd.rel in the archive. Click here to see a list.
0ks @xDM2+gg	 Illegal command.Wrong number of arguments for command.-- DECdx	  Menu --

  You are logged into  running DECdx V1.0:

         H  =  Help with DE	 Cdx options

         M  =  More DECdx menu selections ...

        Type 	 the letter(s) and then press RETURN         X  =  Transfer (send/receive) a	 " document

         I  =  Index of documents on the host

         R  =  Read a doc	 *ument

         D  =  Delete a document

         F  =  Finished using DECdx

	 3         A  =  Add a document to the DECdx index

         P  =  Print a document on	 ; the host printer

         DF =  Convert a document to an ASCII file

         FD 	 D=  Convert an ASCII file to a document

         ON =  Convert Old to New DECdx docu	 Lment

-- DECdx Read --Type the name of the document you w Uant to readand press RETURN	D"8A8B8B8C8C
8D8D8E38EM	 YOr press Gold MENU to recall the DECdx MenuOr 	 apress RETURN to use Or press Gold MENU to recall the DECdx Menu[	 j0K-- DECdx Delete --Type the name of the document you want	 r to deleteand press RETURN-- Is this the DECdx Document you	 { wish to delete? (yes or no) ---- Cannot find the	  DECdx Document to be deleted ---- Do you wish to delete the entry from t	 
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