
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - DEC-20-OT20A-D-MC9 - 2-system/checkd.exe
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Pair of octal numbers from one of the following:

Type  Channel  Drive  Structure name      Logical unit
----  -------  -----  --------------      ------------

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CHECKD is a program to check the filesystem and bittable for  consistent
data.   CHECKD  is  also  capable  of  rebuilding  the bittable from the
directory information and of scanning for  files  which  use  particular
disk addresses. Commands are in the general form:

	Keyword [optional arg] structure-name

Command			Description
-------			-----------

CHECK BITTABLE	Check the consistency of the bit table by comparing
		the pages marked as assigned against those pointed to
		by the file system. Also writes lost page addresses
		in a file.

CHECK DIRECTORY	Check just directory information on the specified

REBUILD		Rebuild bittable from directory information on the
		specified structure.

RECONSTRUCT	Reconstucts the <ROOT-DIRECTORY> on the specified
		structure and then rebuilds the bit table.

CREATE		Accepts configuration information for a file
		structure and then creates a new file system on the
		specified units.

SCAN		Read a file of disk addresses and then scan the
		directories for the specified addresses. When each
		address is found, prints the name of the file that
		uses that address.

EXIT		Exit from CHECKD.

RELEASE		Deassign the pages whose addreses are contained 
		in the specified file.
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|?WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required
\"u+5? ^C capability not enabled
\"{<+	0@~ s ,>+	L)
? Not a CHECKD command
\"O@	+ +	LPS
[: Mounted as ]

[Dismounting structure - :]
,>+	*
[Working on structure - % RCDIR failed on directory  - Skipped\"\"(\",>,~% Rebuilding symbol table for  [OK]
? Invalid structure name
\"(O@	+ +	L
? Unrecognized guide word
\"/O@	+ +	L
?Invalid confirmation.
*U-LI:?File not in correct format\":+
O?File is for structure \">\";+
QFile written on:  , contains  entries.
 , Aborting...
Do you want to proceed anyway? 
? CHECKD: More than 8. units in structure
? CHECKD: Ambiguous number of units found
? CHECKD: Multiple logical units found
? CHECKD: Structure not found
\"a,~O+t% Structure already mounted. Forcibly dismount and proceed? 0
? CHECKD: Structure missing one or more units
\"n,~8 "Z0B	,>,~% Unit  on channel  does not have valid home blocks - ignored.