
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - PCL_FOR_701 - mongen.exe
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+C  &R '  ) H )B+C+M!$>9 Di@b
+I  &R '@h )B+I+M@@i-$L%Can't find FGEN.HLP@,b-$_Which GEN(HDW,TTY,NET,F)[
HDW to define hardware configuration
TTY to define terminal configuration
NET to define network configuration
Fto,definesoftwareRfeatures]:,+``	`BK!$LuRDmKBYRB%KRBW!$X1DX@@X@@Y tW-$iOutput(DSK:*.MAC):,`(4Rm,+0R+mRHm,+"INXP7+t m-$s? Device * not available@,b+a,>( $ ` D(
? Enter error *@,a+a  &l   K,    &  W-$@END OF *,QR X-$.*@,Q 2, d 
b@7+  W-$? File * error,b
Bd"-$*@,a+"-$ File ,b7Bm+#-$"*:,b  W-$$*,bR X-$&.*,b7B Y+-,> .[`-$*[*,,aZ Y-$,*],a,^  KR -$2 Closed [*GEN finished]@@,b+2-$:UNIVERSAL	F - SOFTWARE FEATURE TEST FILE OUTPUT BY MONGEN DIALOG@@@,Q "-$>INTERN	[email protected]==*@XLIST@,Q-$TFeature set(KIFULL,KLFULL,KSFULL)[
KIFULL Includes all Tops-10 features supported for KI10 based systems
KLFULL	Same as KIFULL but for KL10 based systems
KSFULL  Same as KIFULL but for KS10 based systems]: ,+,>( B $,> : (Q$ D"fZ(.$
3d+_	d7+_-$^Insufficient user core@,H #A,V+o #B@,e4Ri1R+i02 0r-+e+g020r+n/2`dpR+a I(,*3Hx+l0R+i+n!(GI(+n I(:(+X (Q$ D"f@@Z(Q*(
 D(Z"f/ H"g,^x-$Standard setting(YES,NO,LIST,EXPLAIN)[
Standard values for all feature test switches for your configuration]: ,+4Bv-$@Only standard settings have been tested by DEC
all other settings may produce incorrect operation. @@,b<B,4+v-$)Type "switch,value"(or LIST or EXPLAIN)[
For any feature test switch to define,
type "switch,value", value=0 for off or -1 for on, or
type LIST or EXPLAIN to list or explain switches.
Type one per line, extra carriage return when through.]@@,_,x+4RT,>,+,^[d1Bm+2 
 $#B,A,h+,4+0R+Od(`4HO,s,>,>,$4R90R+O,$5RO,^,^5$=!&BG"f6@GG"f+*!$" I(Dn6@m$d$` l"m,>-$H%New switch *(Y,N)[if Y, keep switch, else ignore it]: ,,^4B!"s6A"f*bJ5"M E"f+-$NXP *@,{+-$S? Not "switch,value" or keyword@,b9  &-$^Set each switch(Y,N)[List each switch with its current value and ask for new value]: ,4BuS"g7C"f+s(B,>,>  x6!"f+i-$hFT*,-1(ON,OFF,LIST,EXPLAIN,END): ,++n-$mFT*,0(ON,OFF,LIST,EXPLAIN,END): ,+ x1B+t=bu!&BG"f0BGG"f,^,^*d`+u,^,^+v,4+b-$x@LIST@,Qd @ #D,V+{,T+-$% Can't find file header in help file@,bS"g7C"f+,>d"`l"m,> x-$XP *,,Q 6!"f+
-$	-1,Q+-$0,Q,^,V+,XPL,XPP>@@	END,Q,^(,~-$SUBTTL HDWCNF - HARDWARE CONFIGURATION DEFINITION FILE OUTPUT BY MONGEN@@@,Q-$!DEFINE XP(A,B),<A==:B>@@@,Q "-$$XP M.MON,*@,Q,v "q-$'XP M.KI10,*@,Q "q-$*XP M.KL10,*@,Q "r-$-XP M.KS10,*@,Q "g-$0XP M.1070,*@,Q "h-$3XP M.1080,*@,Q "h-$6XP M.1090,*@,Q "i-$9XP M.1091,*@,Q "i-$<XP M.2020,*@,Q7B"i6B"i+E "-$ECpu's(1,1-*)[Total number of cpu's in the system]: , B"p "p-$HXP M.CPU,*@,Q-$MSystem name[24 characters or less]: ,`0b
7+T-$S% More than 24 characters@,b+T "b#E-$XDEFINE	SYSNAM
<	ASCIZ	&*&>@,{	d&$:.$ ,> &$,> "-$_DEFINE	SYSDAT,Q, -$aASCIZ &*,O B"u,^ "-$d-*,O B"v,^-$g-*&,O B"v,  "u-$kXP M.MON,*@,Q "v-$nXP M.DAY,*@,Q "v-$qXP M.YEAR,*@,Q@p L -$uCPU* serial #(1-10000): , B@"r<0~3B@"r7+} -$|? Cannot be same as CPU*@,b+q=0w  L@7@"r6@"q+  L-$# DK10's on CPU*(1,0-2)[Real time clock]: , B@"j7@O@ L.B"m: L30"p+r "r-$
XP M.C0SN,*@,Q "s-$XP M.C1SN,*@,Q "s-$XP M.C2SN,*@,Q "t-$XP M.C3SN,*@,Q "t-$XP M.C4SN,*@,Q "u-$XP M.C5SN,*@,Q "j-$XP M.RT0,*@,Q "j-$!XP M.RT1,*@,Q "k-$$XP M.RT2,*@,Q "k-$'XP M.RT3,*@,Q "l-$*XP M.RT4,*@,Q "l-$-XP M.RT5,*@,Q "m-$0XP M.RTX,*@,Q-$TExclude monitor overhead from user run time(Y,N)[
Overhead is CPU time spent clock queue processing, command
decoding, swapping, and scheduling.
User run time always includes UUO execution and
unless EBOX/MBOX runtime accounting is selected
(KL10 systems only) includes IO interrupt service time.
On KI systems, each CPU must have a DK10]: ,-$WXP M.RTCO,*@,Q7@"q+
-$kEBOX/MBOX runtime accounting?(Y,N)[
If EBOX/MBOX runtime accounting is selected in a KL10
based system, user runtime is computed using the KL10
internal accounting clocks]: , B"o "o-$nXP M.EMRT,*@,Q7@"o+-$Exclude PI time from user runtime?(Y,N)[
An answer of "yes" to this question will cause the monitor
to set up the KL10 accounting meters in such a manner that
users will not be charged for cpu time used during interrupts]: , B"o "o-$XP M.XPI,*@,Q+-$XP M.EMRT,0@,Q-$XP M.XPI,0@,Q6@"m6@"q+'6@ L+-$High precision time accounting(Y,N)[Use DK10 clock for 
10 micro-second time accounting]: , B"m5B&-$&DK10 software(Y,N)[Include real time clock service routine]: , B"n "m-$)XP M.RTCA,*@,Q "n-$,XP M.RTC,*@,Q-$9Account verification(Y,N)[LOGIN and the batch system will
verify that the user has specified a valid account]: ,-$;XP M.ACV,*@,Q "6@"q6@"h+T-$TMOS memory(Y,N)[Include support for the user mode MOS memory diagnostic THGA
which collects statistics on single bit memory errors and substitutes the spare
bit when a single bit error is determined to be hard]: ,-$VXP M.MOS,*@,QO@ N6@"r+;B NO@ O7  OO@ P2""p+
	-$d# Data Channels on CPU*(2,0-?)[DF10s, DF10Cs, DX10s OR RH20'S  for disk and tape]: ,-$gXP M.CHN,*@,V4B B"w@@ Nl "6@"i+p  M-$pChannel * Type (DF10,DF10C,DX10,RH20): ,+0b." B M  M-$tXP M.CH*T,,Q  M-$v*@,Q  M-$yXP M.*RH,0@,Q  M-$|XP M.*RH,0@,V  M  M-$On channel # *:@,_  M1B+
! 81B 8.X"z.X W  M-$XP M.*TX,0@,Q  M-$
XP M.*TX,0@,V6B=
 "   M-$XP M.*FH,,Q -$*@,Q "wd@ B V4P) "w-$XP M.FH*P,,Q  V-$*@,Q "w-$XP FH*CPU,,Q  N-$*@,Q:"w."("}-$"  # Units on FH*(1-4): ,,> "w."("}-$&XP M.FH*,,Q,^-$(*@,Q=p6B=3  M-$3  # RH10S for RS04'S(0-3)[Controllers for RS04 swapping
disks on channel *]: ,   M-$6XP M.*FS,,Q -$8*@,Q`@@@ T4PQ "x-$<XP M.FS*F,,Q "d@@-$?*@,Q "x-$BXP FS*CPU,,Q  N-$D*@,Q:"x: T."("}-$J  # Units on FS*(1-8): ,,> "x."("}-$NXP M.FS*,,Q,^-$P*@,V=p:5X]  M-$\  # RH10S for RP04'S,RP06'S(0-3)[Controllers for RP04,RP06
disk pack units on channel *]: ,+h  M-$g  # RH20S for RP04'S,RP06'S(0-1)[Controllers for RP04,RP06
disk.pack,units,onchannel$*]:*,=7M-$jXPM.*RP,,Qd-$l*@,Q "y`@oBeU4P)"y-$qXPRM.P*F,,Qe"d@@-$t*@,Q "y-$wXP RP*CPU,,Q  N-$y*@,Q:`"x:"y."("},>-$  # Units on RP*(1-8): ,*x-$XP M.RP*,,Q,^-$*@,Q "y/4 -$XP M.P*T,,Q6B  W-$	*@,Q "y/"-$
dual-port the drives on another RP20 controller?]: ,"0S`.4  M-$#XP M.*RN,,Q -$%*@,Q4TE,>>x "z-$)XP RN*CPU,,Q  N-$+*@,Q:"z."("},>-$1  # Units on RN*(1-8): ,*x-$3XP M.RN*,,Q,^-$5*@,Q "z/4 -$9XP M.N*D,,Q x-$;*@,Q -$=XP M.N*A,,Q "@-$?*@,Q -$BXP M.N*T,,Q  W-$D*@,Q*p',^x6B=Q  M-$Q  # RP10s(0-3)[Controllers for Memorex and ISS RP02 and RP03 
disk pack units on channel *]: ,   M-$TXP M.*DP,,Q -$V*@,Q "{d@ B V4Pn "{-$[XP M.DP*P,,Q  V-$]*@,Q "{-$`XP DP*CPU,,Q  N-$b*@,Q:"{."("}-$g  # Units on DP*(1-8): ,,> "{."("}-$kXP M.DP*,,Q,^-$m*@,Q=pX6B=x  M-$w  # TM10Bs(0-2)[Tape Controller for NRZI only drives
on channel  *]: ,   M-$zXP M.*TB,,Q -$|*@,Q "|d@ B T4P:"|: O-$XP M.MT*T,1@,Q-$XP M.T1*P,,Q  T-$*@,Q,
=p7B+  M-$  # RH20's for DX20's (0-1)[Mass-bus tape controller for
DX20's on channel *]: ,   M-$XP M.*D2,,Q -$*@,Qd@@@@ S4PU: O -$XP M.D2*T,,Q?T W 4: W -$ *@,Q  O-$#XP M.MT*T,6@,Q  O-$&XP M.MT*C,,Q  M-$(*@,Q  O-$+XP M.MT*P,,Q  N-$-*@,Q:"} "+=  W/"-$=  # DX20's on RH20 * (1-8)[Programmed Device Adapters
driving up to 8 TU7x tape drives through a TX02 Tape Control Unit]: ,   O-$@XP M.MT*U,,Q -$B*@,Q@p  S-$G  # Units on DX20 * (1-8): ,.,>  O-$KXP M.MT*,Q -$M*,Q,^-$O,*@,Q: S.0=tC  O-$SXP M.MT*,,Q -$U*@,Q5Xa  M-$`  # RH10's for TM02'S (0-2)[Mass-Bus tape controller for
TU16's and TU45's on channel *]: ,+l  M-$l  # RH20's for TM02'S (0-1)[Mass-Bus tape controller for
TU16's and TU45's on channel *]: ,   M-$oXP M.*T2,,Q -$q*@,Qd@ @@ R4P	D "G.B P  O.4 -$wXP M.T2*T,,Q5X} "x."x. R/ R: R -$|-*@,Q+	?T W 4: W -$	*@,Q:"|: O-$	XP M.MT*T,4@,Q  O-$	XP M.MT*C,,Q  M-$		*@,Q  O-$	
XP M.MT*N,,Q -$	*@,Q  O-$	XP M.MT*P,,Q  N-$	*@,Q "|/"5X	 -$	  How many TM02's on RH10 # * (1-8)[EACH UNIT CAN CONTROL
UP TO 8 SUB-UNITS = TAPE DRIVES]: ,+	*-$	*  How many TM02's on RH20 # * (1-8)[EACH UNIT CAN CONTROL
UP TO 8 SUB-UNITS = TAPE DRIVES]: ,   O-$	-XP M.MT*U,,Q -$	/*@,Q,>@p -$	5How many drives on TM02 * (1-8): ,.,>  O-$	9XP M.MT*,Q -$	;*,Q x-$	=,*@,Q,^.0=t	1,^  O-$	AXP M.MT*,,Q -$	C*@,Q=p	 "   M-$	GXP M.*T7,,Q -$	I*@,Q4P
U "G.B P  O.4 -$	OXP M.T7*T,,Q?T W 4: W -$	R*@,Q:"}: O-$	VXP M.MT*T,7@,Q  O-$	YXP M.MT*C,,Q  M-$	[*@,Q  O-$	^XP M.MT*N,,Q -$	`*@,Q  O-$	cXP M.MT*P,,Q  N-$	e*@,Q "}/"-$	p  How many TM78's on RH20 # * (1-8)[EACH UNIT CAN CONTROL
UP TO 8 SUB-UNITS = TAPE DRIVES]: ,   O-$	tXP M.MT*U,,Q -$	v*@,Q,>@p -$	|How many drives on TM78 * (1-4): ,.,>  O-$	XP M.MT*,Q -$
*,Q x-$
,*@,Q,^.0=t	w,^  O-$
XP M.MT*,,Q -$

*@,Q=p	S+
U  O-$
XP M.MT*C,,Q  M-$
*@,Q  O-$
XP M.MT*P,,Q  N-$
*@,Q  O. P."("}-$
  # Units on MT*(1-8): ,,>  O-$
XP M.MT*,,Q x-$
*@,Q,^,~  M-$
)  # Controllers(0-1)[TX01's or TX02's for TU70 Tape Drives on channel *]: ,   M-$
-XP M.*FH,0@,Q  M-$
0XP M.*DP,0@,Q  M-$
3XP M.*RP,0@,Q  M-$
6XP M.*RN,0@,Q  M-$
9XP M.*FS,0@,Q  M-$
<XP M.*TB,0@,Q  M-$
?XP M.*TC,0@,Q  M-$
BXP M.*T2,0@,Q  M-$
EXP M.*D2,0@,Q  M-$
GXP M.*TX,,Q -$
I*@,Q "{d@ B S4P
U:"{: O-$
OXP M.MT*T,3@,Q-$
QXP M.TX*P,,Q  S-$
L: N: M3""w+i6@"i+
k  N-$
` # TM10As on CPU*(0,0-2)[I/O Bus type Controller for NRZI only drives]: , 4P
k:"|: O-$
eXP M.MT*T,0@,Q-$
gXP M.T1*P,,Q  T-$
b "w/ V-$
nXP M.FHD,*@,V  T-$
qXP M.FSD,*@,V "y/ U-$
tXP M.RPX,*@,V "{/ V-$
xXP M.DPC,*@,V "z/ U-$
{XP M.RNX,*@,V #D-$
~XP M.MDF,*@,V  O/ P-$XP M.TAPN,*@,V  O B P "x."x B R@@ W+W-$XP M.FHD,0@,V-$
XP M.FSD,0@,V-$XP M.RNX,0@,V-$XP M.DPC,0@,V-$XP M.MDF,0@,V-$XP M.TAPN,0@,V+W@@ M: NO@ O-$!Disk drives(1,1-8)[Total number of RP06's and/or RM03's
on your system]: ,,>  M-$%XP M.CH*T,4@,Q  M-$(XP M.*RH,1@,Q  N-$+XP RH0CPU,*@,Q  M-$.XP M.RHX,1@,V  M-$1XP M.*TR,0@,Q,^-$4XP M.RHA,*@,Q,^: M-$<Tape drives(1,1-4)[Total number of TU45's on your system]: ,,>:"|  M-$@XP M.CH*T,4@,Q  M-$CXP M.*RH,0@,Q  M-$FXP M.*TR,1@,Q  M-$IXP M.TAPN,1@,V-$KXP M.MT0T,5@,Q  M-$NXP M.MT0C,*@,Q  N-$QXP M.MT0P,*@,Q,^-$TXP M.MT0,*@,Q,^: M-$XDEFINE MACKN0 (X),Q, , -$\DEFINE MACK60 (X),Q, , +
	  M-$aXP M.*FH,0@,Q  M-$dXP M.*DP,0@,Q  M-$gXP M.*RP,0@,Q  M-$jXP M.*FS,0@,Q  M-$mXP M.*TB,0@,Q  M-$pXP M.*TC,0@,Q  M-$sXP M.*T2,0@,Q  M-$vXP M.*TX,0@,Q  M-$yXP M.FHD,0@,V  M-$|XP M.FSD,0@,V  M-$XP M.RPX,0@,V  M-$
XP M.RNX,0@,V  M-$
XP M.DPC,0@,V  M-$
XP M.MDF,0@,V,~  M-$
XP M.CHN,*@,Q "w-$
XP M.RC10,*@,Q "x-$
XP M.RH1S,*@,Q "x-$
XP M.RH1P,*@,Q "y-$
XP M.RH2P,*@,Q "z-$
XP M.RH20,*@,Q "y-$
XP M.RHP4,*@,Q "z-$
 XP M.RP20,*@,Q "{-$
#XP M.RP10,*@,Q "{-$
&XP M.TX01,*@,Q "|-$
)XP M.TM02,*@,Q "}-$
,XP M.DX20,*@,Q "}-$
/XP M.TM78,*@,Q "|-$
2XP M.TM10,*@,Q7@"r+
6XP M.R11D,1@,Q-$
8XP M.TRH1,1@,Q+
;XP M.R11D,0@,Q-$
>XP M.TRH1,0@,Q  O40
PSpecify which drives (M-N) are 7 track drives.
[Type one number (M) or one range(M-N) or ALL on separate lines.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@,_  O/,>-$
TDEFINE	MACKN* (X),Q,^."("}-$
YFor controller MT*@,~=0
mSpecify which tape drives (M-N) are capable of 6250 BPI densities.
[Type one number (M) or one range (M-N) or ALL on separate lines.
Type an extra carriage return when through.]@,_  O  O/,>-$
rDEFINE MACK6* (X),Q,^."("}-$
vFor controller MT*@,~=0
n7@"q+nN2""p+-4)[Byte$transfer device used for KL10 to PDP-11 front end communications]: ,,>  N-$
*@,QnsN-$the master front end on CPU*(0,0-128)[include
yX"~-$N,*@,Qn"-$ttached and detached, not
countingBnulljob]:,-$,0-*)[0 meansmallrof1core]:O,-$rts if
lesskcorekatpstartup]:(,-$XPlM.NKC,*@,Q-$+7@m "-$XP M.TPS,*@,Q7@"r+-$XP M.RTD,0@,Q+# "&-$# Real-time devices(0,0-*)[Max. # which can be put
on PI channels simultaneously]: ,-$"XP M.RTD,*@,Q5B(-$'Allow jobs to be locked in core(Y,N): ,-$*XP M.LOK,*@,Q4B9 "-$9# Pages min guaranteed among jobs not locked in core(0,0-*)[
minimum free core pool for unlocked jobs, 0 assumes all of core]: ,-$;XP M.MGC,*@,Q "-$@# High priority queues(0,0-*): ,-$CXP M.HPQ,*@,Q-$IMeter(Y,N)[Performance analysis metering(METER UUO)]: ,-$LXP M.METR,*@,Q-$TSYSCHK(Y,N)[Initial hardware integrity check at ONCE-only time]: ,-$VXP M.SYSC,*@,Q7B"q6B"r1+c-$bKASER(Y,N)[Include support for simulation of KA10
long floating point instructions]: ,-$eXP M.FPS,*@,Q-$rMSGSER(Y,N)[Support for device MPX. (more than one device
on an I/O channel). This feature is required for MCS-10].: ,-$tXP M.MSG,*@,Q-$
PSISER(Y,N)[Advanced programmed software interrupt service -
Support for the PISYS. UUO. This provides an easy
and powerful interrupt method for program to trap asynchronous
events.IRequiredbyQMCS-10]:F,-$rocess communication facility]: ,-$XP M.IPCF,*@,Q-$"ENQ/DEQ(Y,N)[Sychronization primitives to allow
simultaneous file update by multiple co-operating processes]: ,-$$XP M.EQDQ,*@,Q-$1Monitor resident BOOTS(Y,N)[Core resident BOOTS
allowingfastdump/reload,Tand,continuableSTOPCDdump,=etc.]:,-$3XP-M.MBTS,*@,Q6@"r+wO@sN:N2""p+TP"p1p+:-$:onCPU*:@,-$"-$@#OCDRs(1,0-*)[Cardreaderonthe I/OBus]:*,.B#>-$CXPeM.CDR,*@,V6@ "-$FXP:MD.C10,*@,Q-$IXPMD.C10,*@,V-$LCDP(Y,N)[Cardpunch]:,.B#>-$OXPMM.CDP,*@,V4BY-$VCP10D(Y,N)[Special Systemsunbuffered-cardlpunch]::,-$YXPM.CP1D,*@,V"4Ba-$`Type(VP10,340,VB10C)[AnswerVP10#forType 30]:P,+:#$#-$cXP[M.VP10,*@,Q]#-$fXP#M.VP10,*@,V#-$iXPM.340,*@,Q#-$lXPM.340,*@,V#-$oXPMM.VBXC,*@,Q#-$rXP#M.VBXC,*@,V@7@#6@#'"-$wXPMM.DIS,*@,Q-$yXPM.DIS,*@,VP"-$~#TD10s(1,0-*)[DECtape#controls]:.,-$XPM.TD10,*@,V4P:O."("}-$$#hUnits0on0DT*(1-8):,,>P.O."("}-$XP#M.DT*,,Q*x-$,V #-$qXP M.3D60,*@,V #-$tXP M.4D60,*@,V #-$wXP M.5D60,*@,V #-$zXP M.6D60,*@,V #-$}XP M.7D60,*@,V #-$XP M.8D60,*@,V #-$XP M.9D60,*@,V #-$XP M.AD60,*@,V #-$	XP M.BD60,*@,V #-$
XP M.D60L,*@,V6@ N+T #-$XP M.0D60,*@,Q #-$XP M.1D60,*@,Q #-$XP M.2D60,*@,Q #-$XP M.3D60,*@,Q #-$XP M.4D60,*@,Q #-$XP M.5D60,*@,Q #-$"XP M.6D60,*@,Q #-$%XP M.7D60,*@,Q #-$(XP M.8D60,*@,Q #-$+XP M.9D60,*@,Q #-$.XP M.AD60,*@,Q #-$1XP M.BD60,*@,Q #-$4XP M.D60L,*@,Q+T -$8@For DN60 *:@@,a-$FWhich port is the DN60 connected to (0,0-13)[
DTE 0-3 ARE PORTS 10-13]: ,,>-$QDecimal lines on the DN60 (1-12)[
EACH DN60 CAN SUPPORT UP TO 12 IBM BSC INTERFACES]: ,.B# x B#,^x,~+5 #>-$WXP M.CDR,*@,Q #>-$ZXP M.CDP,*@,Q  O-$]XP M.TD10,*@,Q  Q-$`XP M.LPT,*@,Q #?-$cXP M.PLT,*@,Q #?-$fXP M.PTP,*@,Q #@-$iXP M.PTR,*@,Q "-$t# PTYs(20,0-*)[Pseudo-terminals - each operator
service program and Batch stream needs one]: ,-$vXP M.PTY,*@,Q+E "-$# PTYs(20,0-*)[Pseudo-terminals - each operator
serviceTprogram,andVBatch streamneedsMone]:,,-$XP M.PTY,*@,Q-$LPT(0,0-1)[LinePprinter]:,-$XPM.LPT,*@,Q-$,^: M-$ Lower case(Y,N)[Does LPT have lower case]: ,-$#XP M.LP0L,*@,Q-$'CDR(0,0-1)[CARD READER]: ,-$)XP M.CDR,*@,Q-$,XP M.CDR,*@,V4B:  M-$/XP M.CH*T,6@,Q  M-$2XP M.CD0C,*@,Q  M-$5XP M.*RH,0@,Q  M-$8XP M.*TR,0@,Q,^: M-$>PCL(0,0-1)[PCL20/PCL11B interfaces]: ,-$AXP M.PCHN,*@,Q4B^"S  M-$EXP M.CH*T,7@,QZ-$HXP M.PC*,Q  M-$JI,*@,Q-$LXP M.*RH,0@,Q-$OXP M.*TR,0@,Q,^: M  M-$SXP M.CH*T,10@,QZ-$UXP M.PC*,Q  M-$WO,*@,Q-$ZXP M.*RH,0@,Q-$\XP M.*TR,0@,Q,^: M*pC  M-$aXP M.CHN,*@,Q " -$m# KMC/DUP Lines(0,0-*)[Number of DUP-11 synchronous
line.units@attachedQtoaKMC-11Lcontroller.]:-,-$oXP0M.KDUP,*@,Q-$rXP0MD.MOV,0@,Q-$tXP0MD.C10,0@,Q-$wXP0M.CDP,0@,Q-$yXP,M.CDP,0@,V-$|XP0M.VP10,0@,Q-$~XP0M.340,0@,Q-$XP8M.VBXC,0@,Q-$XP,M.DIS,0@,Q-$XP,M.TD10,0@,Q-$XP,M.TD10,0@,V-$XP,MD.DTC,0@,Q-$D60,0@,Q-$3XP M.4D60,0@,Q-$5XP M.5D60,0@,Q-$8XP M.6D60,0@,Q-$:XP M.7D60,0@,Q-$=XP M.8D60,0@,Q-$?XP M.9D60,0@,Q-$BXP M.AD60,0@,Q-$DXP M.BD60,0@,Q+E-$G@RADIX	10@,Q-$TDecimal "symbol,value"[
For any symbols to be defined.
Type one per line, extra carriage return when through]@,_,x+E4R^,+0R+[,$5R[-$ZXP *@,{+T-$]? Not symbol,value@,b9E-$`RADIX	8@,Q  &-$m@Octal "symbol,value"[
For any symbol to be defined.
Type one per line, extra carriage return when through]@,_,x+a4Rw,+0R+t,%5Rt-$sXP *@,{+m-$v? Not symbol,value@,b9a  &-$@SIXBIT "symbol,value"[
For any sixbit symbol to be defined.
Type one per line, extra carriage return when through]@,_,x+x4R,>,+0R+,+5R,^,+ -$
XP *,Q,+ -$,<SIXBIT/*/>@,Q+,^-$? Not symbol,value@,b9x  &-$@DEFINE	SPCINT,Q, -$.Type "device-mnemonic,PI-channel" for special devices[
With neither channel AC save routine nor device data block,
the "device-mnemonic" must be 3 characters or less.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@,_,<94H97@+6-$5? Not device-mnemonic,PI-channel@,b9-$8SPASGINT *@,{+.,   &-$<@DEFINE	SPCDDB,Q, -$QType "device-mnemonic,PI-channel,no.-of-devices"[
For special devices with device data blocks.
the "device-mnemonic" must be 3 characters or less.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@,_,<9=4H^0R+X,$5RX-$WSPASGDDB *@,{+Q-$]? Not device-mnemonic,PI-channel, no.-of-devices@,b9=,   &-$a@DEFINE	SPCSAV,Q, -$yType "device-mnemonic,PI-channel,highest-ac-to-save"[
For special devices with channel save routines to save acs up to
the "highest-ac-to-save".  "Device" must be 3 char or less.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@,_,<9b4H0R+,%5R0b7+ "-$? Highest-ac-to-save must be * or less@,a9b-$SPASGSAV *@,{+z-$? Not device-mnemonic,PI-channel,highest-ac-to-save@,b9b, -$@DEFINE	SPCEDN,Q, -$/Type "ersatz-device,P,Pn,search-list-type"[
For customer defined ersatz devices.
The "esratz-device" must be exactly 3 characters long.
"P,Pn" is the Project/Programmer number associated.
"search-list-type" is one of ALL,SYS,JOB.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@,_,x94RD,+0R+>aHpah+>,%4R>0R+>,%4R>0R+>,+5R>2H#F3H#F+;2H#G+>-$=UERSTZ	*@,{+/-$C?Not ersatz-device,P,Pn,search-list-type@,b9, ,~-$NSUBTTL	NETCNF - NETWORK CONFIGURATION DEFINITION FILE OUTPUT BY MONGEN DIALOG@@@,Q-$RDEFINE XP(A,B),<A==:B>@@@,Q "-$UXP M.NET,*@,Q-$WXP M.RSS,0@,Q-$ZXP M.DS10,0@,Q-$\XP M.DP01,0@,Q-$jNetwork software(Y,N)[
Software to support remote computers: DECsystem-10's,
PDP-11's, PDP-8's (requires FTNET to be -1)]: ,-$mXP M.NET,*@,Q4BE@@#7 : "-$uCpu's(1,1-*)[Total number of cpu's in the system]: , B"pO@ N: N2""p+E6@ N+
-$How many DC75NP's or DN87's on CPU*(1,0-8)[Network
front-ends connected to DL10's.]: , B#6 #6-$XP M.DC75,*@,Q7@#6+
@,.:>@#6+-#7-$.1D85,*@,V #8-$XP M.2D85,*@,V #9-$XP M.3D85,*@,V #9-$XP M.4D85,*@,V #:-$XP M.5D85,*@,V #:-$XP M.6D85,*@,V #;-$"XP M.7D85,*@,V@@#7 #G*$#=  N-$-How many DN87S's on CPU*(1,0-3)[Network
front-ends connected to DTE-20's]: , B#6 #6-$0XP M.D87S,*@,Q #6-$3XP M.D87S,*@,V7@#6+7 <,.:>@#6+5 #7-$:XP M.0D8S,*@,V #8-$=XP M.1D8S,*@,V #8-$@XP M.2D8S,*@,V #9-$CXP M.3D8S,*@,V@@#7 #G*$#9+w-$ONode number of central site(1,1-77)[
Unique octal number identifying system to network.]: ,-$RXP OURNNM,*@,Q-$XName of central site[Six characters or less.]: ,`0b7+^-$]%More than 6 characters.@,b+R-$b@DEFINE	SYSNDE
	<SIXBIT	&*&>@,{ "-$o# of remote TTY's(1,1-*)[
Maximum number of teletypes on network nodes to be
handled at any given time.]: ,-$qXP M.RMCR,*@,Q-$|Network virtual terminals(Y,N)[
Code to allow local terminals to "SET HOST" to other systems.]: ,-$XP M.RVTM,*@,Q-$	Remote card readers(Y,N)[
Code to allow access to card readers on remote stations.]: ,-$XP M.RCDR,*@,Q-$Remote line printers(Y,N)[
Code to allow access to line printers on remote stations.]: ,-$XP M.RLPT,*@,Q-$XP M.RPTP,0@,Q-$XP M.RPTR,0@,Q-$XP M.RPLT,0@,Q-$+Remote data entry terminals(Y,N)[
Code to allow access to remote data entry terminals (RDX devices).]: ,-$-XP M.RDX,*@,Q-$6Remote task-to-task(Y,N)[
Code to allow access to remote jobs (TSKSER).]: ,-$9XP M.RJOB,*@,Q "-$B# of connects(*,1-512)[
Maximum number,ofsimultaneous-connections.]:*,-$DXPM.CONN,*@,Q+-$GXPM.NODE,0@,Q-$JXPM.DC75,0@,Q-$LXPM.0D85,0@,V-$OXPM.1D85,0@,V-$QXP7M.2D85,0@,V-$TXP8M.3D85,0@,V-$VXP9M.4D85,0@,V-$YXPAM.5D85,0@,V-$[XPBM.6D85,0@,V-$^XP M.7D85,0@,V-$`XP M.8D85,0@,V-$cXP M.9D85,0@,V-$eXP M.AD85,0@,V-$hXP M.BD85,0@,V-$jXP M.D87S,0@,Q-$mXP M.D87S,0@,V-$oXP M.0D8S,0@,V-$rXP M.1D8S,0@,V-$tXP M.2D8S,0@,V-$wXP M.3D8S,0@,V-$yXP OURNNM,0@,Q-$|@DEFINE SYSNDE<>@,{-$XP M.CONN,0@,Q-$XP M.RMCR,0@,Q-$XP M.RVTM,0@,Q-$XP M.RCDR,0@,Q-$	XP M.RLPT,0@,Q-$XP M.RPTR,0@,Q-$XP M.RPTP,0@,Q-$XP M.RJOB,0@,Q-$XP M.RDX,0@,Q,~ -$For front end number *:@,a5\ -$To which DL10 port is the DC75 or DN87 connected (0,0-7)[]: ,+&-$&To which DTE20 is the DN87S connected (1,1-3)[]: ,  " B#7,~-$0SUBTTL	TTYCNF - TERMINAL CONFIGURATION DEFINITION FILE OUTPUT BY MONGEN@@@,Q-$4DEFINE XP(A,B),<A==:B>@@@,Q "-$7XP M.TTY,*@,Q,v6@"r+\ " B"pO@ N: N2""p+3 "7@ N B#  N "7@ N B#	  N "6@ N+; B#	 #-$EXP M.DC10,*@,Q #	-$HXP M.DC68,*@,Q #	-$KXP M.DC76,*@,Q "-$NXP MD.DCS,*@,Q7@#+T7@#+T,>#D,L:x #2Bx,L,^x7@#	+X,>#D,|:x>@#	,|,^x7@#	+l,>#D,:x>@#	+Y,^x+l-$^XP M.DC10,0@,Q-$aXP M.DC68,0@,Q-$cXP M.DC76,0@,Q-$fXP MD.DCS,0@,Q-$kTTY lines(0-32)[Total number of TTY lines]: , B# #
-$XP M.TTG0,*@,Q #
-$XP M.TTG1,*@,Q #-$XP M.DSG0,*@,Q #-$XP M.DSG1,*@,Q #
-$XP M.68L0,*@,Q #
-$ XP M.68L1,*@,Q #-$#XP M.DZNL,*@,Q #-$&XP M.DZNL,*@,V #
-$2XP M.TLTL,* ;TOTAL LOCAL TTY LINES@@,Q+;<-$:OPR octal line #(CTY,0-*)[OPR is privileged operator terminal]: ,-$=DEFINE	OPRLIN,Q, -$?@	OPRL	*@,Q, -$A@,Q-$TAnswer the following questions about your TTY lines(M-N).
[Type one octal line #(M) or one range(M-N) or CTY on separate
lines.  Type extra carriage return when through.]@,_-$VDEFINE	MACDSD,Q-$bData set lines[Class of terminal for LOGIN, LOGIN resets line
to computer echoing and no hardware tabs]@,c-$eDEFINE	MACTAB,Q-$lLines with hardware tabs[Monitor simulates rest with spaces]@,c-$oDEFINE	MACRMT,Q-$xRemote lines[Class of terminal for LOGIN, do not confuse
with remote station TTYs]@,c-${DEFINE	MACLCP,Q-$Local copy lines[Echoing provided by terminal rather than
by computer.  Often (incorrectly) called half duplex]@,c-$
DEFINE	MACHLF,Q-$Half duplex lines[TWX or half duplex wired scanner(DC10C)]@,c-$DEFINE	MACSLV,Q-$Slaves[No commands may be typed]@,c-$DEFINE	MACFRM,Q-$'Lines with hardware form feed[Leave out if users
would rather not get form feeds until they do TTY FORM commands]@,c-$*DEFINE	MACINI,Q-$.Lines which run INITIA at startup@,c-$1DEFINE	MACFLC,Q-$?Filler class codes(M-N,P)[
Type M,P for one line M with filler class code P or
M-N,P for a range of lines with filler class code P]@,p6@#+D-$CDEFINE MACDIS<>,Q+K-$FDEFINE MACDIS,Q-$K2741 lines on DC-10 interfaces[]@,c,~ -$N@For DC10 *:@@,a "-$Y# DC10B[ or 632] 8 line data groups(1-*)[
1 is TTY0-7, 2 is TTY0 - 17, ... 8 is TTY0 - 77]: ,  B#
-$_# DC10E Data set control groups(0-*): ,  B# -$cDEFINE	MACCR*,Q 7@#+{-$zCorrespondence of DC10E lines to the DC10B lines(M-N,P)[
Type M,P for one pair and M-N,P for a range of pairs
where M is octal DC10E line, M-N is octal range of DC10E
lines, and P is octal DC10B line]@,p,~, +  -$@FOR DC68 *:@@,a "2-$# Octal lines on DC68, including its console TTY(1-*): ,  B#
,~ -$@For DC76 *:@@,a-$#Which DL10 port is the DC76 connected to(0,1-7)[Each PDP-11
is connected to a DL10 port. If there is only one -11 it
is always connected to port 0. If there are 2 -11's one is
connected to port 0 and the other to port 1]: ,,>-$1Decimal lines on DC76(1-129)[
Each DC76F is 16 lines and the console teletype is
oneline.ABDC76 with 2DC76FsShasc33slines]:o,oxpB#n)[
Type name of switch to be listed or explained or ALL or /HELP.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@@,b,x+54RN,+7@+L -$K? Unknown switch *@,b+53H#F+O,U+5+E  &,~S"g,>7I"f+Sd(`l(m,U+ ,^*dP,~[d0Bm7+[ -$Z? Unknown switch *@,b,~d(`6@+`-$_? Unknown switch@,b,~,s l"m7 +f-$e? Unknown switch *@,b,~,>6!"f+j-$i*,-1,b+k-$k*,0,b,^:x``+o-$n@,b,~,V+q,R-$r@,b,~S"gU"A"f2B*ds,~-$DECsystem10(1070,1080,1090,1091,2020)[
1070 is a system with KI10 cpu's
1080 is a system with KL10 cpu's
1090 is a system with KL10 cpu's and internal channels
1091 is a system with a KL10 cpu, internal memory, and devices
 on the front end
2020 is a system with a KS10 cpu]: ,+0b7+ "^-$? Not available in * monitor@,b+v B I:"g0B+:"r,~7@;"q:"q,~,;! :0D+"! ;7@ ;0D`7+)-$(ASKYN called without (Y,N) in above message,H4B*g ",~,;! :0D1D`+/! ;0D1D`7+:-$:ASKLST called with (Y,N) in above question
- Edit MONGEN to call ASKYN instead of ASKLST@,H,~ ,, xZ,cZ,A,x+<,h9<+Q$A`,>,>6@+J-$J? No (ANS0,ASN1,...) in above question - Edit MONGEN,H0R+B " 
,+0R+O5Hb x H :0b7+W-$VToo many prompts in above question - Edit MONGEN@,H1R9L@@ ;,^,^1R,~-$aSpecial character inside () above
Edit MONGEN and remove it.,H-$fError in above question - Edit MONGEN@,H,++p,+7@+p-$o? Type one answer followed by carriage return@,b,~d @b H4H	 $($G$cH+r(D}  :3F+	f2F+ B Hl`7+-$? Type enough to uniquely distinguish answer@,b,~6F ;9ua`7+	-$? Answer with one of the choices inside parens@,b,~  H7@ :7+-$? No default allowed@,b,~+w ,+ ,l @+ ,d @, xZ,cO@ J@@ I!$p D JZ
Q*A`4R(0R+,%0R+5B( x,P+1R+.1R1h0R!+%5B(,+ "<@2H#Ha`@+%2H#H+( "=7  J B J1R+41R+-$.Above question must have(...,min-max) - Edit MONGEN,H B I,%1R+20R+37x!"p,P0R+( B J,x+4RM,%4RVa`@7+?-$>? Type single number followed by carriage return@,b91R1h0R!+C5BC,+3H#H+L7+L-$K? Type octal line number or CTY followed by carriage return@,a9!"=+_! J2B#I3B#I+_!`6 +V-$U? No default allowed, type a number@,b93B J+_2" I2b J7+_  I-$\? Must be in range *,b  J-$^-*@,b9+, xZ,c,x+`+ ,, , xZ,c,x+e4Rd ,7@+n-$m? Type octal M-N or M@,a9e-$oL *@,{+f ,, , xZ,c,x+q4Rl ,0R+w,%4R|-${? Type octal M-N,P or M,P@,b9q-$}L *@,{+s ,, , xZ,c,x+4R,
7@+-$?TypeoctalM-Nor4M@,a9-$	KNX,*@,{+,%1R +0R,~ 2r+%,+!"2H#J 2 ,~*x,>,>, Z+Q,   &,^,^+],%5Bw1R1h0R!,~+,%1R1h1R!+0R,~ 2r+%,+!"=3H#H+" 2!,~a` 2r,~ ,+% , ",P4Rw02020+P$."Oh+&,>#J+,,>#K,: ( #K4R9a`+11R+60R1R+6020r+3+6020h02 0r-+8/2`dpR+@x+-,P,^x,~+@0R1R+:,~,x,~ (4Rw,+4HA0R,~`H7+H-$G? Device-mnemonic must be 3 char or less@,b,~,$0b7+O "-$N? PI-channel must be * or less@,b,~+w0R1R+P,~,>#J!" +dl ,>#J!" +Se l d  ,g425RW #Kadp+b4Bb,g424RY020/20BOp+W+Y``l` ,~d @+Wa`+w,g4rX0R+c+w,g52w@,~``@+o$gg ^+w  ) R (D &+wl `,>( 2!c R(
#MR4R,51"(d 9z-$? Line too long@,b9]d  
#Md +w,> $#N,A,g9
/"d +3d 94e ,> "^-$0MONGEN for * monitors
All # are decimal unless stated otherwise
Unique abbrivation allowed everywhere to all questions
/HELP reasks a question in next longer mode
/HELP:xxx sets mode permanently.  Modes are:
SHORT is short
PROMPT has choices in ()
LONG has choices in () and explanation in []]: ,+1BO@1B " B & ,^,~,9,~0R1R+8,~,9,~+8?` [7+=@+=
&-$M@? Internal MONGEN error - ,Q,^,Q	`l  ,+Rm  ,Q$A`,>#T+@x4R]1R,m, +S ,Q$A`,>x4R],>1R+[  N1R,m, ,^+W,^xd ,~7
#U,,>,Q,^+cS,+c,Q$A`,>#T+@x4R@1R-l``4nk1Rl``4.j1R,m,1Rd1R.d+d,>abp+r#U4Rv.2+A`hp+o+v	1ba`+v2,,x,^:x,~&$0QFx4Dz,x[x.2+Q$A`4Rw1R+,+|,>$@,Q,^+|2,+2,2,2a`,~1R+6@%l`+,>2,,^d`a`+,>2,2,2,,^1Rl6@%,?`^,#VR],~2,21R+6@%e`+,>2,,^?`\~ )  *MP0(,LIST,EXPLAIN)Q
I9 B0#C2`ggU>6x#8didGHGSHY0,eHD,~+vH @(HELP)(,SHORT,PROMPT,LONG)
? Internal MONGEN error - Hb,~+