
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - QT020_T20_4.1_6.1_SWSKIT_851021 - swskit-documentation/ni-info.memos
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   o	NI Node Product Architecture Spec (NI-PRODUCT-ARCHITECTURE.SPC)

   o	NI Data Link Layer Spec (NIDLL.DOC)

   o	Interface to NI Remote Console Spec (NISVCS.DOC)

   o	NISRV Functional Specification (NISRV.MEM)

   o	LCG NI Port Architecture Spec (LCG-NI-PORT-ARCHITECTURE.MEM)


                   NI Node Product Architecture

                 Draft Specification (Revision 0)

                          P. J. Nesbeda

                           15 July 1981


This document describes the NI Node  Product  Architecture.   This
architecture  defines a set of functions that each node connecting
to the NI must be able to perform.  This  set  includes  functions
for  system  self  test and initialization, system identification,
communications test, Ethernet  maintenance,  system  loading,  and
system dumping.  The system self test functions model the start-up
behavior of a system.  The communications test provides a facility
to  ascertain  the  ability to communicate.  The console functions
provide  remote  access  to  traditional   front   panel   console
functions.   The  system  load  function  provides  the ability to
transfer an executeable image into the memory of an NI node.   The
system  dump  function provides the ability to transfer an NI node
memory image to another node.

The requirement to include  one  or  more  of  the  aforementioned
functions depends on the node configuration and expected operating
environment.   All  NI  nodes  are  required  to   implement   the
communications   test   and   system   identification   functions.
Optionally, some NI nodes will implement  the  console  functions,
load function, and dump function.

There may be additional functions required  of  a  node  that  are
specific  to  the  node's  task,  but  the  specification of these
functions is beyond the scope of this document.

Unlike other architectural documents  which  deal  with  a  single
architectural  level,  this  document describes a set of functions
which exist at several different  levels.   The  NI  Node  Product
Architecture  defines modules in the data link, network management
and user layers of the Digital Network Architecture.

The motivation for this document results from the need to  have  a
common  set  of  services  available  in  each Digital NI product.
These  services  will  be  the   foundation   for   higher   level
installation and support tools.

This document describes the requirements and goals which  motivate
the NI product architecture, presents a model which realizes these
objectives,  and  defines  the   operation   of   the   individual
NI Node Product Architecture                                Page 2

1.1  Related Documents

The reader is assumed to be familiar with the following documents.

     1.  The Ethernet - A Local Area Network V1.0, September 1980

     2.  Overview of Digital Network Architecture - V1.0, sometime

     3.  Digital Network Architecture - NI Data Link Architectural
         Specification, V1.0, June 1981

     4.  Digital Network  Architecture  -  Low  Level  Maintenance
         Operations Architectural Specification, Vx.x, June 1981

1.2  Requirements, Goals, Non Goals

The requirements of the NI Node architecture are:

     1.  Communication: It must be possible to ascertain whether a
         system  which  is  connected to an Ethernet is capable of
         communicating on the Ethernet.

     2.  Identification:        A system must be able to ascertain
         the  identity  and characteristics of other systems which
         are connected to the Ethernet.

The goals of the NI Node architecture are:

     1.  Completeness:  All remote  diagnostic  functions  can  be
         performed on system which conforms to this architecture.

     2.  Simplicity:    The functions defined by  the  NI  product
         architecture must be simple to implement.

     3.  Performance:   Products complying with this  architecture
         must produce acceptable performance.

     4.  Flexibility:   The functions defined by this architecture
         must   be   realizable   on   a   wide  range  of  system

The non-goals of the NI Node architecture are:

     1.  Comprehensive: This architecture does not specifiy all of
         the  functions that an NI connected node might require to
         satisfy its assigned mission.  Specifically not  included
         in  this  document  are the minimum subset specifications
         for DNA Transport, NSP, session control, or  DNA  network
NI Node Product Architecture                                Page 3

     2.  Complete Self Diagnosis:       This architecture does not
         address  the  problem  of  complete  self  diagnosis of a
         system.  It  only  provides  primitive  operations  which
         allow another system to aid in diagnosis.

     3.  System Diagnosis:      This architecture does not address
         diagnostic   policies  for  attached  systems.   It  only
         provides the primitive  operations  required  to  support
         such policies.

     4.  Transportability:      This   architecture    does    not
         legislate   any  specific  functional  partition  between
         hardware and software, nor does it  define  any  specific


This  section  describes  the  relationship   of   the   NI   Node
architecture  to  the Digital Network Architecture.  The reader is
assumed to be familiar with the structure of the  Digital  Network
Architecture [ref 2] and the Ethernet specification [ref 1].

2.1  Relation To Digital Network Architecture

The NI Node architecture defines a set of services which reside in
the  user  and  network  management  layers of the Digital Network
Architecture.  These services model the behavior of a system which
is connected to an NI.

The acceptable subset implementation of these services is referred
to  as  the  NI node minimum subset.  Maintenance policies for the
Ethernet and systems which connect to it  are  predicated  on  the
proper behavior of these services.

This document does not address the  operation  of  any  system  or
network  transport system, their interface to the NI data link, or
network management functions other  than  the  low  level  network
management operations.

2.2  General Architectural Model

The  functions  described  in  this  document   are   modeled   as
cooperating processes that interact using protocols defined in the
Low Level Maintenance Operations Architectural Specification  [ref

Figure 2-1 depicts the relationship of a requester process  and  a
server  process.   Each  process  provides  a  set  of  functions.
NI Node Product Architecture                                Page 4

Requesters are responsible for the initiation of functions.   This
can  be  done  either on behalf of a higher level user request, or
because of information obtained from a  lower  level.   Requesters
are  the  active  component  of  an  operation.   Servers  provide
functions in response  to  protocol  requests.   Servers  are  the
passive component of an operation.

Functions provided by  a  process  may  be  available  at  a  user
interface,  at  a  control  interface, or at a protocol interface.
Functions requested at one interface do not necessarily result  in
visible actions at other interfaces.

A process in one node interacts with a process in another node  by
means of protocol messages.  Within a node, processes share memory
with other processes using mechanisms that are not visible outside
the node boundary.

The boxes in Figure 2-1 represent processes.  The vertical  arrows
entering  or leaving process boxes represent normal user interface
functions.  The horizontal arrows entering a  single  process  box
represent  network  management  control  interface functions.  The
horizontal arrow between the process boxes represents the protocol
used between the processes.

                Interfaces                             Interfaces
              User      Control                      User     Control
                A          |                           A         |
Functions:      |          |           Functions:      |         |
  1. a          |          |             1. x          |         |
  2. b          |          |             2. y          |         |
  3. c    +-------------+  |             3. z    +------------+  |
          |             |<-+                     |            |<-+
          |  Requester  |<- - - -Protocol- - - ->|   Server   |
          |             |        Messages        |            |
          +-------------+                        +------------+
                |                                      |
                |                                      |
                |                                      |
                +---------Communication Channel--------+

             Model of Network Management Server Pairs
                            Figure 2-1

2.3  NI Node Model

The following diagram shows the components in the NI node  minimum
NI Node Product Architecture                                Page 5

 +--------+    +--------------------------+
 | Keep   |    |      Self Test &         |
 | Alive  |    |    Initialization        |-------------+
 +--------+    +--------------------------+             |
    |            A           |         |                |
    |            |           |         |                |
    |            |           V         |                |
    |  +-----------+    +-----------+  |  +---------+   |
    |  |  Console  |    | Load/Dump |  |  |  Loop   |   |
    +->|  Server   |    | Requester |  +->|  Server |   |
       +-----------+    +-----------+     +---------+   |
            A                |                 A        |
            |                |                 |        |
            +-----------+    |    +------------+        |          
                        |    |    |                     |
                        |    V    |                     |
               +------------------------------+         |
               |    NI Data Link   | Net Mgmt |<--------+
               |                   | Interface|
               |      Ethernet Data Link      | 
               |        & Physical Link       |

                 NI Node Processes and Interfaces
                            Figure 2-2

The self test and initialization module resides in the user layer.
This module determines the system behavior following a power up or
other initialization sequence.  The self test  and  initialization
module  controls  the  NI  Data Link module using the NI Data Link
Network Management Interface  and  invokes  services  provided  by
modules in the network management layer.

The keep alive process resides in the  user  layer.   This  module
aids  in detecting system failures.  It is especially important to
detect failures in systems that normally operate with the  console
functions disabled.  The keep alive process is modelled as a timer
which is periodically reset by the system.  When  the  keep  alive
timer  expires,  the  process  sets  the  console  server state to
enabled.  This state transition will allow the console  server  to
periodically  transmit  its  identification message and will allow
the console server to process incoming console request messages.

Modules in the network management  layer  implement  the  console,
loopback,  load, and dump functions.  Although these functions are
modeled as pairs of cooperating processes (see section  2.2),  the
minimum  subset  includes  only  the  console server, the loopback
NI Node Product Architecture                                Page 6

server, the load requester, and the dump requester.

The console server provides access to system console functions  at
its  protocol  interface.   These functions may be used for system
diagnosis and maintenance.

The loop server responds  to  messages  defined  in  the  Ethernet
specification  [ref 1] which are designed to verify the ability to
communicate on the NI.  When  a  message  is  received,  the  loop
server  either  forwards  the  datagram to the destination address
that is contained in the data field of the message or returns  the
datagram to the node that sent the message.

The load requester initiates program load requests on  command  of
the user process.

The dump requester initiates memory dump requests  on  command  of
the user process.

2.4  Compliance With The Minimum Subset

The NI Node architecture requires that all NI nodes support a self
test  and  initialization  function,  the  loop  server,  and  the
identification function of the console server.

Systems which  restrict  the  console  server's  operation  during
normal  system  operation  must  support the keep alive process in
addition  to  the  loop  server  and  the  console  identification

Systems that depend on other systems for their  load  images  must
support  the  load requester and the dump requester in addition to
the loop server and the console identification function.


The following sections describe the interfaces  to  the  processes
which  compose an NI Node.  These descriptions are only a summary;
the NI Data Link [x] and the Low Level Maintenance Operations  [x]
architectural  specifications  should  be  consulted  for complete

These interfaces are:

     1.  NI Data Link Interface

          .  Datagram Interface

          .  Data Link Network Management Interface
NI Node Product Architecture                                Page 7

     2.  Network Management Server Interfaces

          .  Loop Server Interface

          .  Console Server Interface

          .  Load Requester Interface

          .  Dump Requester Interface

     3.  Application module Interfaces

          .  Keep Alive Interface

          .  Self Test and Initialization Interface

3.1  NI Data Link Interfaces

This section summarizes the two interfaces to  the  NI  Data  Link
module;   the normal datagram interface and the network management

3.1.1  NI Datagram Interface -

This section  describes  the  interface  that  the  NI  Data  Link
provides  for  the  normal  user.  In order to receive or transmit
over the NI, the user must have an  open  port.   The  port  is  a
collection  of  resources that the NI data link uses to keep track
of user requests.  It also contains the list of protocol type  and
address  pairs that the user has enabled for reception of incoming

The NI Data Link Architectural Specification [ref 3] describes the
interface  functions  and their operation.  The functions required
at this interface are:

      .  Open

      .  Enable

      .  Transmit Datagram

      .  Receive Datagram
NI Node Product Architecture                                Page 8  Open - Opens  a  port  for  datagram   transmission   and
reception.   The  minimum subset must include sufficient resources
to support the ports used by the processes in the minimum subset.  Enable - Enables a protocol type and station address  for
receive.   Multiple  type  and  address pairs may be enabled for a
single port.  Transmit Datagram - Sends a datagram.

The 48 bit destination address may be  either  the  address  of  a
specific station or may be a multicast address.

Transmission  of  datagrams  with  the  following  protocol  types
(reserved for maintenance operations) is required.

      .  Loopback Type TBD.

      .  Console Type TBD.

      .  Load Type TBD.

      .  Dump Type TBD.

The minimum subset does not  require  datagram  transmission  with
protocol types other than those in the previous list.


      The   maintenance   multicast   addresses   and    the
      maintenance protocol types will be included as soon as
      they are assigned by Xerox.  Receive Datagram - The data link interface  must  support
reception of datagrams.  Sufficient resources must be allocated to
allow the processes to open ports and  enable  protocol  type  and
address  pairs on each port.  Multicast address recognition is not
NI Node Product Architecture                                Page 9

3.1.2  NI Data Link Network Management Interface -

A subset of the NI  data  link  network  management  interface  is
required  in the minimum subset.  This subset allows the self test
procedure to control the operation of the data link.

The complete definition of the  network  management  interface  is
defined  in  the NI Data Link Architectural Specification [ref 3].
The following list defines the  subset.   Only  a  subset  of  the
parameters   normally   associated   with   each   function   (for
non-maintenance use) is used by the maintenance modules.

      .  Set-address

      .  Start-channel

      .  Stop-channel

Multicast address filtering, event reporting and  counter  support
are not required in the minimum subset.  Set-address - A  unique  48  bit  physical   address   is
required by the Ethernet specification for proper operation.  Start-channel - The self test and initialization  process
uses the start-channel function to enable operation of the NI data
link.  Stop-channel - The self test and  initialization  process
uses  the  stop-channel function to terminate the operation of the
NI data link.  Prior to execution of self test procedures, the  NI
data  link  must  be placed in a stopped state.  This will prevent
reception of loopback and console messages.


      The  Stop-channel  function  need  not  be  explicitly
      implemented  if  the  power on or other reset sequence
      prevents packet reception.
NI Node Product Architecture                               Page 10

3.2  Network Management Server Interfaces

There are three required network management server  modules;   the
loop   server,  the  console  server,  the  load  requester.   The
interfaces  to  these  modules  are  described  in  the  following

3.2.1  Loop Server Interfaces -  User Interface - There are no normal interface  functions
to the loop server.  Control Interface - There is a single network  management
interface function to the loop server.  It is:

      .  Switch-state (on, off)

The switch-state function allows the self test and  initialization
module to control whether the loop server will respond to incoming
loop requests.  Protocol Interface - There  are  two  protocol  interface

      .  Loop-data

      .  Forward-data

Operation of loop-data and forward-data are  defined  in  the  Low
Level  Network  Management  Operations Architectural Specification
[ref 4].  Both functions must be supported.

Loop servers are not required to  enable  multicast  addresses  on
their NI ports.

3.2.2  Console Server Interface -

The console  server  provides  remote  access  to  system  console
functions.  These functions are:

      .  Identification
NI Node Product Architecture                               Page 11

      .  Examine and Deposit

      .  Initialize

      .  Halt and Continue

      .  Start (at address)

      .  Boot

The console server provides a service that prevents more that  one
system  from  using  console  functions at the same time.  A timer
based reservation scheme prevents  a  single  remote  system  that
fails  after  reserving  the  console from permanently holding the
reservation.  User Interface - There is  one  required  user  interface
function to the console server process.  It is:

      .  Request-poll

The request-poll interface function allows the  system  self  test
and initialization module to determine if certain control requests
have been received at the protocol interface.

The control requests that can be observed at this  interface  are:
initialize,  halt, continue, start and boot.  For a start request,
a transfer address is made  available.   For  a  boot  request,  a
device  identification  and  the identification of the system that
sent the request is made available.  The interface is modeled such
that  only  the  most  recent  control  function  received is made
available.  Each request can be read only once.  Control Interface - There  are  two  network   management
interface functions to the console server process.  They are:

      .  Switch-state

      .  Set-console-parameters

The switch-state function allows the self test and  initialization
module  to  control  whether  the  node  will  respond to incoming
console protocol messages.  Switch-state allows the console server
to  be  placed  in one of three states;  disabled, identification,
enabled.  In the disabled state, the console server responds to no
messages.   In  the  identification state, the console server will
reply to a state-identity request message.  The  server  will  not
respond  to other console request messages.  In the enabled state,
the console server will process incoming console request messages.

The set-console-parameters interface function sets the port  type,
NI Node Product Architecture                               Page 12

the  reservation timer, and the help timer.  The reservation timer
determines the length of time that a console will  remain  in  the
reserved  state  without  receiving  messages from the system that
holds  the  reservation.   The  help  timer  determines  the  time
interval   between   multicast   transmission   of  identification

The legal values for the port type may be found in the  Low  Level
Maintenance Operations Specification.  Protocol Interface - The  identification,  examine,   and
deposit functions are available only at the protocol interface.

The server responds to another system's read-identity request with
the  state  information  maintained  by  the console server.  This
information includes the  console  state,  the  communication  and
system  processor types, and the system status.  The complete list
of state information may be found in  the  Low  Level  Maintenance
Operation Specification [ref 4].

The examine and deposit functions require that the console  server
process have access to the entire address space of the node.

3.2.3  Load Requester Interface -  User Interface - There are two user  interface  functions
to the load requester module.  They are:

      .  Load-self

      .  Load-self-poll

The load-self function  directs  the  load  requester  process  to
initiate  a  down-line  load  operation.   Load  requests  may  be
directed to a specific destination address or a multicast  address
if  the  address  of  a  specific  load  server is not known.  The
load-self function includes parameters  that  specify  the  system
bus,  system  processor  type, communication processor type, and a
software-id.  The list of legal parameter values may be  found  in
the Low Level Maintenance Operation Specification.

The load-self-poll  function  allows  the  system  self  test  and
initialization  module  to  determine  the  status of a previously
requested load-self operation.  The status indicates if  the  load
has  failed, if the load is still active, or if the load completed
successfully.  If the load completes  successfully,  the  starting
address of the load image is made available.
NI Node Product Architecture                               Page 13  Control Interface - There  are   no   control   interface
functions  to  the load requester process that are required in the
minimum subset.  Protocol Interface - The load  server  generates  request
block  messages  and  receives data block messages at its protocol
interface.  These functions are not directly visible at any  other
of the process's interfaces.

3.2.4  Dump Requester Interface -  User Interface - There are two user  interface  functions
to the dump requester module.  They are:

      .  Dump-self

      .  Dump-self-poll

The dump-self function  directs  the  dump  requester  process  to
initiate an up-line dump operation.  Dump requests may be directed
to a specific destination address or a multicast  address  if  the
address  of  a  specific  dump server is not known.  The dump-self
function includes parameters that specify the system  bus,  system
processor  type,  communication processor type, and a software-id.
The list of legal parameter values may be found in the  Low  Level
Maintenance Operation Specification [ref 4].

The dump-self-poll  function  allows  the  system  self  test  and
initialization  module  to  determine  the  status of a previously
requested dump-self operation.  The status indicates if  the  dump
has  failed, if the dump is still active, or if the dump completed
successfully.  Control Interface - There  are   no   control   interface
functions  to  the dump requester process that are required in the
minimum subset.  Protocol Interface - The dump  server  generates  request
block  messages  and  receives data block messages at its protocol
interface.  These functions are not directly visible at any  other
of the process's interfaces.
NI Node Product Architecture                               Page 14

3.3  Application Process Interfaces

3.3.1  Keep Alive Interface -

The keep alive process  supports  two  user  interface  functions.
These are:

      .  Keep-alive

      .  Set-alive

      .  Set-dead

The keep alive interface function  is  called  by  the  system  to
inform   the   keep   alive  process  that  the  system  is  still
functioning.    This   interface   function   must   be    invoked
periodically.   The keep alive process will assume that the system
has failed if the interface call has not been  issued  within  the
last TBD seconds.

The set-alive interface function is used to  arm  the  keep  alive

The set-dead interface function is used to disable the keep  alive

There are no control or protocol  interfaces  to  the  keep  alive

3.3.2  Self Test And Initialization Interface -

There is a single user interface function to  the  self  test  and
initialization process.

      .  Poll-status

The poll-status function returns  the  status  of  the  self  test
operation;   self  test  running, self test successfully complete,
self test failure.

There are no control or protocol interface functions to  the  self
test  and initialization process.  This process determines that an
initialization sequence must be  performed  by  sampling  a  state
variable  that is set by the hardware.  The mechanism which causes
that state variable  to  be  set  is  beyond  the  scope  of  this
NI Node Product Architecture                               Page 15


The following sections  describe  the  operation  of  the  modules
depicted in Figure 2-1.  (Procedural definitions are in order.)

4.1  System Self Test And Initialization Operation

The system self test and initialization module is required to test
a  suitable  set  of  functions which are necessary to support the
proper operation of the  loop  server,  console  server  and  load
requester.   Prior  to  enabling  the remote console, or issuing a
load request, the self test procedure must successfully  test  the
loop  back  path(s) through the NI hardware, firmware and software
as is appropriate for the implementation.  Loopback  operation  to
oneself on the channel is desirable but not required.

4.2  Keep Alive Operation

The keep alive process is only required in  systems  whose  normal
mode  of  operation  is  with the console functions disabled.  The
keep alive process enables the console functions and broadcasts an
identification  message if the system fails to call the keep alive
interface function within the keep alive interval.  The keep alive
interval is set at 30 seconds.

The keep alive process has  two  states;   alive  and  dead.   The
initial state is alive.  A timeout causes a transition to the dead
state.  The console functions will be enabled on this  transition.
The  set-alive function will cause a transition to the alive state
and disable the console functions.

4.3  Network Management Server Operation

This section defines  the  operation  of  the  network  management
servers   which  provide  loopback,  console  and  down-line  load

4.3.1  Loop Server Operation -

All NI nodes support the loop server  functions.   Both  loop-data
and  forward-data are required in the minimum subset.  Response to
a multicast request for loop assistance is not required.

When the loop server receives a message, it  either  forwards  the
message  to  the destination address that is contained in the data
field of the message or it returns the message to  the  node  that
NI Node Product Architecture                               Page 16

sent  it.   The  loop  server protocols are designed such that the
loop server retains no state information about any of the messages
it processes.

4.3.2  Console Server Operation -

The minimum NI node must support the  identification  function  of
the  console  server.   Upon  receipt of a request-id message, the
console server sends the console server  state  data.   This  data
minimally  includes  the  system  identification.   The  Low Level
Maintenance  Operation  Architectural  Specification  defines  the
complete set of identification data.

The additional console control functions require  that  the  local
system  has  placed the console server in the enabled state (via a
switch-state interface call) and that a  reserve-console  protocol
message  has  been  received  from  another  system.   In the time
interval between the enable functions and the reservation request,
the console server periodically transmits its state information in
an identification message to  the  console  maintenance  multicast
address TBD.  The period is 60 seconds.

Receipt  of  a  reserve-console  message  disables  that  periodic
transmission   of  the  identification  message  and  enables  the
complete set of console  functions.   Console  commands,  however,
will  only  be accepted if they contain a source node address that
is  identical   to   the   source   address   contained   in   the
reserve-console  message.   The  console  server  will release the
reservation unless the  reservation  holder  maintains  a  minimum
traffic  rate.   The  maximum time interval between messages is 60

Support of the additional console functions are  not  required  by
the minimum subset.


      Products that plan to  use  NI  based  diagnostic  and
      maintenance  policies  must  ascertain  that  their NI
      connection provides these services.

4.3.3  Load Requester Operation -

The load requester initiates requests for down-line loading system
images  and  controls the operation of the loading sequence.  Load
requests are the result of the load-self  interface  function.   A
request  is  made  either  to  a  specific  physical  address or a
multicast address.  For specific requests, responses only from the
NI Node Product Architecture                               Page 17

specific   physical  address  will  be  accepted.   For  multicast
requests, responses from any node will be accepted.  The Low Level
Maintenance Operations Architectural Specification [ref 4] defines
the algorithm for selecting  a  node  in  the  event  of  multiple

The caller of the load-self function may determine the  status  of
the  load  operation  by  calling the load-self-poll function.  If
after a period of time, the status is  load  pending,  the  caller
should  issue  another  load-self  function.   The  time  interval
between successive requests should be greater that 20 seconds  and
less that 60 seconds.

The  load  requester  process  maintains  a  sequence  number  and
requests data blocks by sequence number.  Data blocks received out
of order or duplicate data blocks are discarded.  The load  server
is  responsible  for  timeout and retransmission in the event of a
lost block or lost request.

4.3.4  Dump Requester Operation -

The dump requester initiates requests for  upline  dumping  system
images  and  controls the operation of the dumping sequence.  Dump
requests are the result of the dump-self  interface  function.   A
request  is  made  either  to  a  specific  physical  address or a
multicast address.  For specific requests, responses only from the
specific   physical  address  will  be  accepted.   For  multicast
requests, responses from any node will be accepted.  The Low Level
Maintenance Operations Architectural Specification [ref 4] defines
the algorithm for selecting  a  node  in  the  event  of  multiple

The caller of the dump-self function may determine the  status  of
the  dump  operation  by  calling the dump-self-poll function.  If
after a period of time, the status is  dump  pending,  the  caller
should  issue  another  dump-self  function.   The  time  interval
between successive requests should be greater that 20 seconds  and
less that 60 seconds.

The  dump  requester  process  maintains  a  sequence  number  and
transmits  each  data  block  with  a  sequence  number.  Requests
received out of order or duplicate requests  are  discarded.   The
dump  server  is responsible for timeout and retransmission in the
event of a lost block or lost request.

4.4  NI Data Link And Network Management Operation

Refer to the NI Data Link Specification for  detailed  operational
description.  It is necessary to transmit and receive datagrams in
accordance with the Ethernet specification.
NI Node Product Architecture                               Page 18


                                   Document:      AJR-83-001-03-X

                                   Date:          July 27, 1983

                                   Project:       TOPS-20 V6.1

This document describes the interfaces between the  NI  data  link
layer and his users.  It also describes the interfaces between the
NIDLL and the port driver.

Issued By:   Anthony J.  Rizzolo

Approved By:

Reviewed By:
                                                            Page 1


     1.  "NI  Node  Product  Architecture   Specification",Version
         1.0,March 24,1982.

     2.  "NI  Data   Link   Architectural   Specification",Version
         1.0,March 24,1982.

     3.  "Routing    Layer    Functional    Specification",Version
         2.0.0,March 24,1982.

     4.  "LCG   NI   Port   Architecture   Specification",Revision
         3.0,January 5,1983.

                            CHAPTER I


This document is a description of the TOPS-10/20 implementation of
the  Digital  Network  Interconnect(NI) Data Link layer.  The Data
link layer is the section of Digital's network architecture  (DNA)
which  multiplexes  packets  coming  off  the NI wire via the port
driver to the users of the NI.  It's  relationship  to  the  other
parts  of  the  DECnet  architecture  can be seen in the following

        Layer                                   Module

Session Control                 !------------------------------------!
                                !     Network users interface        !
Logical Link Management         !-----------------+------------------!
                                !                NSP                 !
Router                          !-----------------+------------------!
                                !              ROUTER                !
Data Link Layer                      !                      !
                                !-------!            !-------------!
                                !NIDLL* !            !   DTE-20    !
                                !-------!            !-------------!

The Data link is intended to be coded in such a manner so that  it
is  readily  transportable  between TOPS-20 on the KLNI as well as
TOPS-20 on the KC.

                            CHAPTER II

                         DESIGN OVERVIEW


     The NI Data Link layer is being  designed  to  be  completely
transportable between DECnet implementations running under TOPS-20
on both the KL with an NI adapter  and  the  KC  when  it  becomes
available.   It is intended that all that will need to be replaced
is the actual port driver.  All calls to the port  driver  are  to
routines  which  should not change, or change very little from the
KL NIA to the KC NIA.


The Data link layer covers the following functions for it's users.

      o  Opens a portal for the user to talk on the NI.

      o  Maintains a list of portal to physical channel  mappings.
         After  the  open  call  the  user routine calls all other
         routines in the DLL with this portal-id.

      o  Performs network  management  functions  for  the  NI  by
         calling  the port driver to queue up requests to the port
         for information.

      o  Informs the user of any line state change or error on the
         NI on which it is using.

      o  Provides an interface whereby messages may  be  sent  out
         over the NI.

      o  Provides for assignment of multi-cast addresses to an  NI

      o  Provides for an interface for turning the  port  off  and
DESIGN OVERVIEW                                          Page II-2

The  NIDLL  provides  the  user  with  a  call  back   method   of
notification  of any event which effects the users process.  These
callbacks take the form of a  callback  to  the  users  call  back
routine  which  is specified on the call to DLLOPN.  The Call back
sequence is somewhat similiar to the way in  which  the  DLL  gets
called.  He calls the user back with a callback code in T1 and the
address of the information block in T2.  The following is  a  list
of valid callbacks which the user should expect to handle:

Status                  Symbol          Value
Message Recieved        NU.RCV            2
Transmit complete       NU.TRN            3
Line State Change       NU.LSC            4
Read Counters Completed NU.RCC            5
Read Station Info Comp  NU.RSC            6

                           CHAPTER III


     All calls to the DLL to and from the user take place via  the
NI  User  to Data Link control block or just the UN control block.
This block of information  contains  a  location  for  information
which the user must pass to the data link as well as what the data
link must pass to the user.  The use of STOR  and  LOAD  for  this
structure  is recommended as many of the fields do not occupy full
word values and can be changed when neccesary.  The definition for
this  block  as  well  as the function codes which the DLL and the
user interface use to talk with are both defined in  D36PAR.   The
following is a list of the data structure used for communication:

!CHN<9> !PSC<1>!PMD<2>! RSV<8> ! PRO <16>                  !
!               Portal ID (Returned on OPEN)               !
!         What user wants us to talk to him with           !
!                                                          !
!       Source address or address to assign(2 Words)       !
!                                                          !
!                Destination address                       !
!                  Buffer Address                          !
!                  Buffer Data Pointer                     !
!      Buffer size           !          Data Size          !
!                      Status from Port                    !
!               Call Back address (only on open)           !

     The following is a  list  of  the  function  codes.   In  the
following  list  there  are  two  meanings associated with a given
function.  The USER meaning is if the User  calls  the  DATA  LINK
with  this  function  what the Data link will do, and the NIDLL is
what the function means when the data link  calls  the  user  back
CALLS TO AND FROM THE DLL TO THE USER                   Page III-2

with it.  The Values can be found in D36PAR, but it is recommended
that you use the symbols in case the values change:

Function                User                    NIDLL
NU.OPN=1                Open a Portal           Illegal
NU.RCV=2                Specify Recieve Buffer  Message Recieved
NU.TRN=3                Transmit message        Message transmitted
NU.LSC=4                Illegal                 Line State change
NU.RCC=5                Read Port Counters      Read counters complete
NU.RSC=6                Read Station information Read Station info comp
NU.RES=7                Reset Port
NU.DCH=10               Disable Channel
NU.EPT=11               Enable Protocol type
NU.DPT=12               Disable Protocol type
NU.EPM=13               Enable Promiscous mode
NU.DPM=14               Disable Promiscous mode
NU.CLO=15               Close the Portal
NU.DPA=15               Declare Multicast address
NU.RVA=16               Revoke Multicast address
NU.RPL=17               Read Portal List
NU.RPR=20               Read Portal Function

                            CHAPTER IV


PORTAL-ID The portal-ID is a 36 bit quantity and should be  stored
        as such.
PROTOCOL The Protocol type is a 16 bit quantity right justified in
        the word

!       MBZ                      !   BYTE 1   !   BYTE 0    !

ADDR1,ADDR2 This is the high and low order respectively of  the  6
        Byte (48 Bit) NI address.  It is passed right justified in
        the double word.

!                                                     !
!  MBZ   ! Byte 3  !  Byte 2  !   Byte 1  !    Byte 0 !
!        !         !          !                      ^!
!        !         !          ! Multicast address bit !
!          MBZ                !  Byte 4  !  Byte 5    !

                            CHAPTER V

                       SPECIFIC INTERFACES


V.1.A  DLLOPN - Open A DLL Portal

        MOVEI T1,NU.OPN                 ;GET THE FUNCTION CODE
         error return (code in T1)
        good return


UNCHN This is the physical NI channel on which this protocol is to
        be  enabled.   If  SCAN is set(-1), then this is the first
        physical channel in a list of physical channels which  the
        port  driver  is  to  scan through until it finds one that

UNPSC This is the SCAN switch.  If it is set(-1) then the physical
        port  address (CHANNEL) is the first in a list of physical
        port addresses to be scanned by the port driver.   If  the
        switch is not set (0), then no scanning is done or allowed
        and this is the only NI channel which should be used.

UNCBA This is the addtess of the routine to call the user back  at
        for  various  events that affect his link.  It has meaning
        only on the open.

UNUID This is the ID which the user would like to see in  when  he
        is  called  back by the Data link with messages and status

The following is returned to the user:

UNPID Value returned by routine  to  identify  this  PORTAL  in  a
        unique  way  for  calls  to  the other DLL routines.  This
        value is returned in T1.

UNCHN This is the actual NI channel on which the portal was opened
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                       Page V-2

        and  is  returned strictly for informational purposes.  If
        SCAN (UNPSC) was not  set  then  this  should  (and  will)
        correspond  to  the channel which the data link was called

This routine is called to open a DLL port by the protocol  server.
A DLL port corresponds to a single protocol type and no other port
may be enabled for that protocol type.  If there is a  promiscuous
receiver  active,  the  routine will give the error return and the
error return DL.PRA (Promiscuous Receiver  Active).   The  routine
will  set  up  it's  data bases for the user and return to him his
unique ID PORTAL-ID which is a full word value which the port uses
to  identify  this  user with his particular data base in the DLL.
All future calls to the DLL should use this ID.  The first routine
called must be DLLOPN, or all other routines will return an error.

The following errors can be returned for this call:

DL.PRA A promiscuous receiver is now active.  The port will  allow
        no  other  users if there is a promiscuous receiver active
        on any NI.   In  order  for  you  to  use  the  port,  the
        promiscuous receiver must close his portal.

DL.RES Resource Allocation failure.

DL.URC The channel was unrecognized by the port driver.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                       Page V-3

V.1.B  DLLEPT - Enable Protocol Type

        MOVEI T1,NU.EPT                 ;GET THE FUNCTION CODE
        CALL DLLUNI                     ;CALL THE DLL
         error return (code in T1)
        good return


UNPID This is the PORTAL ID which the OPEN routine has assigned to

UNPRO This is the protocol type which is to be  assigned  to  this

UNPSC This is a flag to indicate whether or not padding is  to  be
        done  on  this  protocol type.  A value of 1 for this flag
        means that padding is to be added  and  a  value  of  zero
        means not to do padding.

UNPMD This is the packing mode for this protocol type.  It  should
        be left zero for now.

This routine is called by the the user to enable a  protocol  type
for the specified PORTAL ID.

This routine has the following error returns:

DL.PTI The protocol type that you have requested is  currently  in
        use by another user of the DLL.

DL.RES The NI Data link layer did not have the resources to enable
        the specified protocol type for you.

DL.UPR The portal which you have called the routine with is not  a
        valid portal id.

DL.PRA A promiscuous receiver is active.

DL.CNO The call failed because the channel is not on.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                       Page V-4

V.1.C  DLLDPT - Disable A Protocol Type

        MOVEI T1,NU.DPT                 ;GET THE FUNCTION CODE
        CALL DLLUNI                     ;CALL THE DLL
         error return (code in T1)
        good return


UNPID This is the portal ID assigned on the open call.

UNPRO This  is  the  Protocol  type  which  is  no  longer  to  be

This routine is called to disable a protocol which has  previously
been enabled by a call to DLLEPT.

This routine has the following error returns:

DL.UPR The portal with  which  the  function  was  called  is  not

DL.PNE The protocol type  you  are  trying  to  deassign  was  not
        assigned to your portal.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                       Page V-5

V.1.D  DLLEPM - Enable Promiscuous Mode

        MOVEI T1,NU.EPM                 ;GET THE FUNCTION CODE
         error return (code in T1)
        good return


UNPID This is the portal ID which is assigned  on  the  open  call
        which is to be enabled in promiscuous mode.

This routine is called to enable the promiscuous receiver if it is
not  already  active.   If  there  are  any  ports  with Multicast
addresses assigned or protocol types, then the  routine  will  not
allow the receiver to be activated.

This routine has the following error returns

DL.NIM The function is not implemented.

DL.NEX  The  implementation  allows  only  exclusive  use  of  the
        promiscuous  receiver  and this or some other portal has a
        protocol type or multicast address enabled.

DL.URP The portal with which the function  was  called  is  not  a
        valid portal.

DL.CNO The channel is not turned on.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                       Page V-6

V.1.E  DLLDPM - Disable Promiscuous Mode

        MOVEI T1,NU.DPM                 ;GET THE FUNCTION CODE
         error return (code in T1)
        good return


UNPID This is the portal ID which is assigned  on  the  open  call
        which is to be taken out of promiscuous mode.

This routine is called to disable the  promiscuous  receiver.   It
will always return even if the receiver was not active.

This routine has the following error returns

DL.URP The portal is not a valid portal id.

DL.PME Promiscuous mode was not enabled.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                       Page V-7

V.1.F  DLLCLO - Close A Data Link Layer Portal

        MOVEI T1,NU.CLO                 ;GET THE FUNCTION CODE
         error return (in T1)
        normal return


UNPID This is the portal ID which is assigned  on  the  open  call
        which is to be closed

This routine is called to close the portal with  ID  contained  in
UNPID.  It should be called only to close the portal as once it is
called the DLL will purge it's data base of any information  about
this  portal.   All  message  buffers will be returned to the user
before the portal is closed.

The following errors can be returned for this call:

DL.URP   No such portal ID.  If this error is  returned  it  means
        that  the  user attempted to call the close routine with a
        non valid portal-id, or perhaps  did  not  call  the  open
        routine as the first routine in his sequence.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                       Page V-8

V.1.G  DLLDPA - Enable A Multicast Address

         error return (in T1)
        good return


UNPID Is the Portal-ID assigned by the open.

UNSAD,UNSAD+1 (ADDRESS) Is the multicast address to enable on this

This routine is called to assign the multicast addresses for a DLL
portal.   Please  be  advised  that the assignment of the physical
address takes place during the open and if the multi-cast  bit  is
not  set  on  this call an error is returned.  If not, the routine
adds this to the list of enabled multi-casts for this portal.

These are the error codes returned by this routine:

DL.URP No such portal ID error.

DL.ACA The routine was called without the multicast bit  set.   It
        is illegal to use this routine to set the physical address
        of the portal.

DL.RES Resource allocation  failure.   A  call  to  allocate  core
        failed to obtain it.

DL.PRA A promiscuous receiver is currently active, so no multicast
        addresses may be assigned.

DL.CNO The channel is currently not on.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                       Page V-9

V.1.H  DLLRVA - Disable A Multicast Address

         error return (in T1)
        good return


UNPID This is the portal ID returned on the open call.

UNSAD,UNSAD+1 (ADDRESS) This is the address to deassign.

This routine is called to deallocate any of the addresses assigned
to  you by the DLLDPA routine.  If the address is not found or the
routine can not find your portal ID in  it's  internal  table  the
error return is taken.

The following error codes are returned from this routine.

DL.URP No such portal-id.

DL.MAN Multicast address not enabled.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                      Page V-10

V.1.I  DLLSNM - Send An NI Datagram

        MOVEI T1,NU.TRN
         error return
        normal return


UNPID This is the PORTAL-ID returned on the open call.

UNBFA This is the address of the buffer (for non  MSD  lists)  and
        the address of the MSD chain for MSD style lists.

UNBSZ For non MSD buffers, this is the buffer size.  It should  be
        left 0 for MSD style buffers.  This buffer length includes
        the CRC.

UNPRO This  is  the  protocol  type  for  which  this  message  is

UNDAD,UNDAD+1(ADDRESS) This  is  the  NI  address  for  which  the
        message  is  bound.  It may be multicast, broadcast or any
        other allowable address.

UNPSC A flag to indicate that the CRC is included in this message.

This routine is called to send an NI datagram out  over  the  wire
(to  the port driver).  It accepts as it's arguments either an MSD
style pointer or a non-msd style pointer.  On the non-msd  pointer
you  must  give  a buffer count along with the buffer address.  It
will then queue the message  out  through  the  port.   Please  be
advised that no guarantee of delivery is made.

The following error codes are  returned  from  the  send  datagram

DL.URP There is no such  portal  id  as  the  one  you  specified.
        Perhaps the open routine was not called.

DL.MNS Message not  sent  because  of  some  error  in  the  ports
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                      Page V-11

V.1.J  Data Link Specify Receive Buffer

        MOVEI T1,NU.RCV
         error return
        normal return


UNPID This is the portal id assigned on the open.

UNPRO This is the protocol type for which this  buffer  is  to  be

UNBFA This is the full word address of the buffer.

UNBSZ This is the total size of  the  buffer  (ie:Data  Length+CRC
        length<4>) and is specified in bytes.

This routine is called by the protocol server in order to  specify
a  buffer  which  the DLL can use to store incomming messages from
the NI.  It  is  the  servers  responsibility  to  specify  enough
buffers  for the task that it needs done.  If the NI finds it does
not have enough buffers, it will throw away frames.

The following error codes are returned by this routine.

DL.URP No such portalid.

DL.ULB Unable to link receive buffer.  For some  reason  the  Port
        was  unable  to link in your receive buffer to its chained
        list of buffers.

DL.RES Resource allocation failure.

DL.CNO The current state of the channel is not on.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                      Page V-12


V.2.A  Call Back For Output Done (NU.TRN)

        MOVEI T1,NU.TRN
        always return


UNPID The portal ID on which the message was received.

UNUID This is the ID which the user asked us  to  specify  on  his
        posted messages.

UNBFA The message block pointer of the buffer just sent.

UNBSZ This is the size of the buffer as supplied by the user.

UNSTA Status of the message:

                Value                   Event Type

                  00                    No error
                  01                    Internal Hardware error
                  02                    Transmit aborted
                  03                    Local unrecognized command
                  04                    Buffer length violation [1]
                  05                    Carrier lost
                  06                    Frame too short         [2]
                  07                    Remote Failure to defer [3]
                  10                    Frame too long
                  11                    Open Circuit
                  12                    Short Circuit
                  13                    ** SPARE
                  14                    Carrier detect check failed
                  15                    Excessive collisions

[1]     The length of the information transmitted and the length of the
        BSD is inconsistent.

[2]     This error occurs only when padding of the transmitted frame is
        not specified and the length of the data is less than 46 bytes.

[3]     This error is not detectable by the NIA module and thus will never
        be set.  They are only included to conform to the Network Management

This call back signifies that a message has been transmitted,  but
does  not  mean that it was delivered to the user as no gaurantees
are made on delivery at this level.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                      Page V-13

V.2.B  Input Complete Callback

        MOVEI T1,NU.RCV
        always return


UNPID This is the portal id assigned at open time.

UNUID This is the ID which the user is using to identify  incoming

UNBSZ This is the total length of the data in the buffer  (ie:Data
        Length+CRC length<4>) and is specified in bytes.

UNBFA The address of the buffer into which the  message  has  been

UNPRO This  is  the  protocol  type  for  which  the  message  was

UNSAD,<1+UNSAD> The 48 bit  NI  address  of  the  source  of  this

UNDAD,<1+UNDAD> The 48 bit NI address for whom this is destined.

UNSTA This is the returned status of the message.

                 Value                  Event type

                  00                    No error
                  01                    Internal Hardware error
                  02                    Receive aborted
                  03                    **SPARE
                  04                    Queue entry too short
                  05                    Packet too long
                  06                    Invalid Remote port
                  07                    Framing error
                  10                    CRC error

This is the callback for when the port receives a message into one
of this users buffers.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                      Page V-14

V.2.C  Call Back For Line State Change

        MOVEI T1,NU.LSC
        always return


UNPID Is the portal ID affected

UNUID This is the ID which the user has said to place on  all  his

NEWSTATE This is one of the following and specifies the new  state
        of the line.

                Value                   State

                  0                     The line state is off.
                  1                     The line state is in INIT
                  2                     The line state is on
                  3                     The line state is BROKEN

This call back is to tell a portal when  there  is  a  line  state
which  involves the current line that he is using.  Any line state
change other than to the on state should be regarded as making the
port unavailable.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                      Page V-15


V.3.A  NIDSP - Call The NI Port Driver

        CALL NIDSP
         error return
        normal return


FUNCTION The function that the port is to perform for us.  It  can
        be  any  of  the following list of functions.  (See D36PAR
        for symbolic definitions which should be used in  case  of

         o  Transmit a buffer

         o  Post a Receive buffer

         o  Read port counters

         o  Read station information

         o  Write Station information

         o  Enable/Disable Protocol type

         o  Enable/Disable Multicast address
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                      Page V-16

ADDRESS Points to a the information block.   The  format  of  this
        block is as follows:

!Chan<3> !Status <8>  ! IND <1> ! MBZ <6> !  Protocol type <2+16> !
! MBZ <4>  !                        Port Address                  !
! MBZ <20>                                    ! Port Address Low  !
!                    Buffer Address                               !
!                  Data Text Length+4                             !
! MBZ <4>  !           Source ID                                  !
! MBZ <20>                          ! Source ID Low               !
! MBZ <4>  !        Destination ID                                !
! MBZ <20>                          ! Destination ID Low          !
!                    Portal ID (IDCODE)                           !

     The way this scheme works is that you need only supply enough
words  to contain the argument which you wish to send to the PORT.
For example if you would  like  to  just  get  the  status  for  a
channel, you would just specify and allocate one word.  However if
you require the PORTAL-ID to be sent along you must  allocate  the
whole block even though you do not perhaps use the BUFFER address.
This scheme is perhaps  wasteful  memory  wise,  but  since  these
blocks  are  to  be  relatively  short  lived,  it was felt that a
consistent interface was more important.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                      Page V-17


V.4.A  DLLPCB - Port Call Back Routine

         always return

This is the address at which all calls from the port driver to the
DLL are made.  The function codes are:

         o  Message Transmitted

         o  Message Available

         o  Line State change

         o  Read counters complete

         o  Read station information complete

         o  Write Station information (not a real call back)

The format of the block is exactly the same as for the  call  from
the  DLL  to the port driver.  The same restrictions are placed on
the length of the block as in the above call.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                      Page V-18


V.5.A  Network Management Read Channel Status Function

        MOVEI T1,NU.RCS                 ;GET THE FUNCTION CODE
         error return (in T1)
        normal return


UNCHN   This is the channel about which the status is requested.

This routine is called by  the  network  management  interface  to
queue  up  a  request to the port for information about a channel.
The caller must supply the channel for which the status is  to  be
read.  When the command completes the user will be called back.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                      Page V-19

V.5.B  Network Management Read Portal List Function

        MOVEI T1,NU.RPL
         error return
        normal return


UNCHN The physical channel for which information is to be read.

UNBSZ Size of the buffer

UNBFA Address where the buffer is

This routine will read the list of all open portals into the  user
supplied  buffer.  If there is not enough space in the buffer, the
list will be truncated and the error return taken.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                      Page V-20

V.5.C  Network Management Read Portal Function.

        MOVEI T1,NU.RPF                 ;FUNCTION CODE
         error return
        normal return

UNPID The portal for which information is desired.

UNBSZ The size of the users buffer.

UNBFA The address of the users buffer.

This function returns the information from the portal data base in
the user supplied buffer.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                      Page V-21

V.5.D  Network Management Channel Reset

        MOVEI T1,NU.RES
         error return
        normal return


UNCHN This contains the physical NI channel which is to be reset.

This routine is called to reset the channel to its initial  state.
The  physical  address will be unset and all counters zeroed.  All
portals associated with the channel will be closed.   The  channel
state is set to off.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                      Page V-22

V.5.E  Turn A Channel Off

        MOVEI T1,UN.DCH
         error return
        normal return


UNCHN This is the physical NI channel which is to be disabled.

This routine is called to stop a channel.  The channel  is  passed
in  T1.  If the error return is taken, the port driver supplies an
error code in T1.
SPECIFIC INTERFACES                                      Page V-23

V.5.F  Read The Port Counters.

        MOVEI T1,NU.RCC
         error return
        normal return


UNCHN The physical channel for which the counters are to be read.

UNPSC A flag which when set (negative) means to clear the counters
        after  reading  them.  If this is not set the routine will
        just read the counters.

UNBSZ The size of the buffer

UNBFA The address of the buffer.

This function performs either read or read and zero  counters  for
the  port.   It  places  the  counters in BUFFER.  If there is not
enough space in the buffer the counter list will be truncated.  If
zero  is  also  specified the counters will be zeroed.  Please not
that even if the list is not complete, all counters will be zeroed
if this is specified.


     This  interface  provides  access  to  the  IDENTIFY-SELF,  BOOT,
in the DNA Low Level Maintenance Operation Specification (LLMOP).  The
interface  provides  multiple  process  access to a single NI protocol
type by user mode programs.  This interface uses  the  Remote  Console
protocol,  type  60-02.   It  also  provides  for  access, by a single
privileged user process, to unsolicited remote console  protocol  type
datagrams  received  by  the protocol server.  This interface is to be
used primarily by NML and NI diagnostic programs.

     The interface provides four basic functions;  gaining  access  to
the  NI  Remote  Console  Service,  initiating a request, checking the
status  of  a  pending  request,  and  enabling  to  read  unsolicited

1.1  Access To The NI Remote Console Service

     Access to the NI Remote Console Service is obtained  through  the
use of the LLMOP% JSYS.  The LLMOP% JSYS provides the following remote
console functions:












                                                                Page 2

1.2  Performing Ethernet Remote Console Operations

     The above  LLMOP%  functions  are  used  to  perform  the  actual
operations.     There   eight   functions   provided,   requesting   a
read-identity  of  a  remote  system,  requesting   a   read-counters,
requesting  transmission  of  the  system identity with identify-self,
forcing the boot of a remote system, checking the status of a request,
enabling  a  process  to receive unsolicited remote console datagrams,
and reading an unsolicited remote console datagram.

     The appropriate function codes contained in AC1 are:

.RCRID          Read Identity

                AC2 contains the address of an argument block.  The
                format of the argument block is as follows:

                0       .NIFLG  Flags,,Interrupt Channel

                                B0(NI%DNB)      Do Not Block for

                                                If this flag is on the
                                                JSYS returns
                                                immediately.  The
                                                .RCCHK function must
                                                then be used to
                                                determine the status
                                                of the request

                                B18-B35(NI%ICH) Interrupt Channel

                1       .NIREQ  Request Number

                                This field is set by the JSYS upon
                                return if the NI%DNB flag is set.  The
                                returned request number must be used
                                in any later .RCCHK calls.

                2       .NICID  Channel-id
                3       .NIDST  Destination Address
                4       .NIBFL  Remote Console Data Buffer Length
                5       .NIDAT  Pointer to Remote Console Data

.RCRCT          Read Counters

                AC2 contains the address of an argument block.  The
                format of the argument block is as follows:

                0       .NIFLG  Flags,,Interrupt Channel

                                B0(NI%DNB)      Do Not Block for
                                                                Page 3

                                                This field is set by
                                                the JSYS upon return
                                                if the NI%DNB flag is
                                                set.  The returned
                                                request number must be
                                                used in any later
                                                .RCCHK calls.

                                B18-B35(NI%ICH) Interrupt Channel

                1       .NIREQ  Request Number

                                This field is set by the JSYS upon
                                return.  The returned request number
                                must be used in any later .RCCHK

                2       .NICID  Channel-id
                3       .NIDST  Destination Address
                4       .NIBFL  Remote Console Data Buffer Length
                5       .NIDAT  Pointer to Remote Console Data

.RCIDS          Identify Self

                AC2 contains the address of an argument block.  The
                format of the argument block is as follows:

                0       .NIFLG  Not Used
                1       .NIREQ  Not Used
                2       .NICID  Channel-id
                3       .NIDST  Destination Address

.RCRBT          Remote Boot

                AC2 contains the address of an argument block.  The
                format of the argument block is as follows:

                0       .NIFLG  Not Used
                1       .NIREQ  Not Used
                2       .NICID  Channel-id
                3       .NIDST  Destination Address
                4-5     .NIPWD  Password Verification Code
                6       .NICIF  Control Information

                                B0-B7(NI%PRO)   Processor to boot

                                                0 = System Processor
                                                1 = Communication
                                B8(NI%BSV)      Boot Server

                                                0 = System Default
                                                1 = Requesting System
                                B9(NI%BDV)      Boot Device
                                                                Page 4

                                                0 = System Default
                                                1 = Specified Device
                7       .MODID  Device Id
                13      .MOSID  Software Id

.RCCHK          Check Request Status

                AC2 contains the address of an argument block.  The
                format of the argument block is as follows:

                0       .NIRNO  Request Number
                1       .NIRTC  Status Return Code

                                Upon return contains a status code for
                                the request as follows:

                                0       .NIPND  Pending, Not Complete
                                1       .NISUC  Success
                                2       .NIABT  Aborted
                                4       .NITXF  Transmit Failed
                                5       .NICCE  Channel Communication

                2       .NIBFL  Remote Console Buffer Length
                3       .NILBD  Pointer to Remote Console Data

.RCENU          Enable Unsolicited Receipt

                This function returns an error for all but the first
                process to request it.  AC2 contains flags and data as

                B0(NI%AIC)      Assign Interrupt Channel
                B18-B35(NI%ICH) Interrupt Channel Number

.RCRDU          Read Unsolicited Remote Console Datagram

                AC2 contains the address of an argument block.  The
                format of the argument block is as follows:

                0               Not Used
                1               Not Used
                2       .NICID  Channel-id
                3       .NISRC  Source Address
                4       .NIBFL  Datagram Buffer Length
                5               Not Used
                6       .NIREP  Pointer to Buffer for Received Data

.RCRSV          Reserve Remote Console

                This function reserves the remote systems ASCII
                console for use by the process issuing the call on
                this system.  AC2 contains the address of an argument
                block.  The format of the argument block is as
                                                                Page 5

                0       .NIFLG  Not Used
                1       .NIREQ  Not Used
                2       .NICID  Channel-id
                3       .NIDST  Destination Address
                4-5     .NIPWD  Password Verification Code
                6       .NIPID  Port Id

                                This field is returned upon successful
                                completion of the function.  The Port
                                Id is used as a handle for the
                                remainder of the ASCII console

.RCREL          Release Remote Console

                This function releases the access to the remote ASCII
                console.  AC2 contains the address of an argument
                block.  The format of the argument block is as

                0       .NIFLG  Not Used
                1       .NIREQ  Not Used
                2       .NICID  Not Used
                3       .NIDST  Not Used
                4-5     .NIPWD  Not Used
                6       .NIPID  Port Id

.RCSND          Send Console Command

                This function sends ASCII console command data to the
                remote console and polls for response data.  With no
                command data this function may be used to poll for
                more response data without sending a command.  AC2
                contains the address of an argument block.  The format
                of the argument block is as follows:

                0       .NIFLG  Console Command Flags

                                B0(NI%DNB)      Do Not Block for

                                                This field is set by
                                                the JSYS upon return
                                                if the NI%DNB flag is
                                                set.  The returned
                                                request number must be
                                                used in any later
                                                .RCCHK calls.

                                B1(NI%CBF)      Command Break Flag

                                                Precede data in the
                                                command data buffer
                                                with a break condition
                                                in the serial byte
                                                                Page 6


                                B18-B35(NI%ICH) Interrupt Channel

                1       .NIREQ  Request Number
                2       .NICID  Not Used
                3       .NIDST  Not Used
                4-5     .NIPWD  Not Used
                6       .NIPID  Port Id
                7       .NICDL  Command Data Buffer Length
                8       .NICDB  Pointer to ASCII Command Data Buffer
                9       .NIRBL  Response Data Buffer Length
                10      .NIRDB  Pointer to ASCII Response Data Buffer

.RCPOL          Console Response Poll

                This function polls for completion of the Send Console
                Command function.  AC2 contains the address of an
                argument block.  The format of the argument block is
                as follows:

                0       .NIFLG  Data Lost Flags

                                B2(NI%CDL)      Command Data Lost Flag
                                B3(NI%RDO)      Response Data Lost
                                B4(NI%RDL)      Receive Data Lost Flag

                1       .NIREQ  Request Number
                2       .NICID  Not Used
                3       .NIDST  Not Used
                4-5     .NIPWD  Not Used
                6       .NIPID  Not Used
                7       .NICDL  Command Data Buffer Length
                8       .NICDB  Pointer to ASCII Command Data Buffer
                9       .NIRBL  Response Data Buffer Length
                10      .NIRDB  Pointer to ASCII Response Data Buffer


     This  interface  provides   access   to   the   LOOP-DIRECT   and
LOOP-ASSISTED functions as defined in ref [4].  The interface provides
multiple process access by user mode programs on the  JUPITER  system.
This  interface  uses the cross-company Loopback protocol, type 60-00.
It also provides for access  to  unsolicited  loopback  protocol  type
datagrams  received  by  the  protocol  server.   This  is  a  private
interface for use by NML and diagnostics only.

     The interface is provided by the LLMOP% JSYS.   There  are  three
basic  functions  provided,  checking the status of a pending request,
initiating a request, and enabling to read unsolicited datagrams.
                                                                Page 7

2.1  Performing Ethernet Loopback Operations

     The LLMOP% JSYS is used to perform the actual operations.   There
are  five  functions  provided, requesting a loop-direct, requesting a
loop-assisted, enabling a  process  to  receive  unsolicited  loopback
datagrams,   checking   the  status  of  a  request,  and  reading  an
unsolicited loopback datagram.

     The appropriate function codes contained in AC1 are:

.ELDIR          NI Ethernet Loop Direct

                AC2 contains the address of an argument block.  The
                format of the argument block is as follows:

                0       .NIFLG  Flags,,Interrupt Channel

                                B0(NI%DNB)      Do Not Block for

                                                If this flag is on the
                                                .NIREP field is
                                                ignored and the JSYS
                                                returns immediately.
                                                The .RCCHK function
                                                must then be used to
                                                determine the status
                                                of the loopback

                                B18-B35(NI%ICH) Interrupt Channel

                1       .NIREQ  Request Number

                                This field is set by the JSYS upon
                                return.  The returned request number
                                must be used in any later .RCCHK

                2       .NICID  Channel-id
                3       .NIDST  Destination Address
                4       .NIBFL  Loopback Data Buffer Length
                5       .NIDAT  Pointer to Loopback Data to Send
                6       .NIREP  Pointer to Buffer for Reply Data

.ELAST          NI Ethernet Loop Assisted

                AC2 contains the address of an argument block.  The
                format of the argument block is as follows:

                0       .NIFLG  Flags,,Interrupt Channel

                                B0(NI%DNB)      Do Not Block for
                                                                Page 8

                                                If this flag is on the
                                                .NIREP field is
                                                ignored and the JSYS
                                                returns immediately.
                                                The .ELCHK function
                                                must then be used to
                                                determine the status
                                                of the loopback

                                B18-B35(NI%ICH) Interrupt Channel

                1       .NIREQ  Request Number

                                This field is set by the JSYS upon
                                return.  The returned request number
                                must be used in any later .ELCHK

                2       .NICID  Channel-id
                3       .NIDST  Destination Address
                4       .NIBFL  Loopback Data Buffer Length
                5       .NIDAT  Pointer to Loopback Data to Send
                6       .NIREP  Pointer to Buffer for Reply Data
                7       .NIAST  Assistant Address
                8       .NIHLP  Assistance Level

                                1       .NIXMT  Transmit
                                2       .NIRCV  Receive
                                3       .NIFUL  Full

.ELCHK          Check Request Status

                AC2 contains the address of an argument block.  The
                format of the argument block is as follows:

                0       .NIRTC  Status Return Code

                                Upon return contains a status code for
                                the request as follows:

                                0       .NIPND  Pending, Not Complete
                                1       .NISUC  Success
                                2       .NIABT  Aborted
                                3       .NICPE  Compare Error
                                4       .NITXF  Transmit Failed
                                5       .NICCE  Channel Communication

                1       .NIREM  Remote Assistant Address

                                Upon completion of a loop assisted
                                operation contains the address of the
                                remote system that satisfied the
                                                                Page 9


                2       .NILBD  Pointer to Looped Back Data

.ELENU          Enable Unsolicited Receipt

                This function returns an error for all but the first
                process to request it.  AC2 contains flags and data as

                B0(NI%AIC)      Assign Interrupt Channel
                B18-B35(NI%ICH) Interrupt Channel Number

.ELRDU          Read Unsolicited Loopback Datagram

                AC2 contains the address of an argument block.  The
                format of the argument block is as follows:

                0               Not Used
                1               Not Used
                2       .NICID  Channel-id
                3       .NISRC  Source Address
                4       .NIBFL  Loopback Data Buffer Length
                5               Not Used
                6       .NIREP  Pointer to Buffer for Received Data

                         NISRV Functional Specification

                                By: Stu Grossman

                                 March 16, 1984


                                           NISRV Functional Specification

|          1.0     INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
|          2.0     WHAT THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT COVER: . . . . . . . . . 5
|          3.0     PREREQUISITES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
|          4.0     RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER MODULES  . . . . . . . . . . . 6
|          5.0     OVERVIEW OF NISRV  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
|          5.1       Definitions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
|          5.2       Portals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
|          5.3       Portal ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
|          5.4       Byte Pointers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
|          5.5       Message Segment Descriptors  . . . . . . . . . . . 8
|          5.6       Padding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
|          6.0     BUFFERS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
|          6.1       Receive Buffers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
|          6.2       Transmit Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
|          7.0     ETHERNET ADDRESSES AND PROTOCOL TYPES  . . . . . .  12
|          7.1       Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
|          7.2       Protocol Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
|          8.0     STATE MACHINE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
|          9.0     CALLS AND CALLBACKS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
|          9.1       Callbacks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
|          9.2       General Error Returns For All Functions  . . . .  18
|          9.3       Open A Portal  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
|          9.4       Close A Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
|          9.5       Close A Portal Callback  . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
|          9.6       Post A Receive Buffer  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
|          9.7       Datagram Received Callback . . . . . . . . . . .  25
|          9.8       Send A Datagram  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
|          9.9       Datagram Sent Callback . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
|          9.10      Enable A Multicast Address . . . . . . . . . . .  31
|          9.11      Enable Multicast Address Callback  . . . . . . .  33
|          9.12      Disable A Multicast Address  . . . . . . . . . .  34
|          9.13      Disable Multicast Address Callback . . . . . . .  36
|          9.14      Read Portal Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
|          9.15      Read Portal Counters Callback  . . . . . . . . .  39
|          9.16      Read Channel Information . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
|          9.17      Channel State Change Callback  . . . . . . . . .  41
|          9.18      Return Portal List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
|          9.19      Return Channel List  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43
|          9.20      Read Portal Information  . . . . . . . . . . . .  44
|          9.21      Set Channel Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  46
|          9.22      Set Channel Address Callback . . . . . . . . . .  47
|          9.23      Read Channel Counters  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
|          9.24      Read Channel Counters Callback . . . . . . . . .  51
|          9.25      Set Channel State  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52
|  APPENDIX A      A

   NISRV Functional Specification


                                               NISRV Functional Specification

        1.0  INTRODUCTION

             This  document  describes   the   Tops-10/TOPS-20   monitor
        interface to the Ethernet.  All functions, arguments, callbacks,
        and data formats are described here.


        1.  Diagnostic interfaces to the Ethernet

        2.  The KLNI device driver

        3.  Design  philosophy,  except  where  it  would   clarify   an
            explanation within this document

        4.  Higher level protocols

        3.0  PREREQUISITES

        A basic knowledge of the Ethernet User Layer  is  assumed.   All
        terms  used herein will be derived from the "Ethernet Blue Book"
        spec, and from the "Ethernet Data Link Layer" spec published  by
        the DNA.

   NISRV Functional Specification


        The module that  implements  this  interface  is  called  NISRV.
        NISRV in turn interfaces to PHYKNI which is the device dependant
        Ethernet interface.  PHYKNI  controls  the  KLNI  (KL10  Network
        Interconnect),  and  is  the  only  monitor module that directly
        manipulates it.

             The other modules which are conceptually "above" the  NISRV
        are  it's "users".  These typically are protocol drivers such as
        DECnet's routing layer, LLMOP, LAT, TCP/IP, etc...
|            This interface does NOT implement the  interface  described
|       in  the  "Ethernet  Data Link Layer" specification.  However, it
|       provides all  the  facilities  and  information  that  would  be
|       required  to  implement  that  interface.  There are a number of
|       reasons for not implementing directly to that spec.  The  first,
|       and  most  important,  is efficiency.  In that regard, callbacks
|       were used instead of polling.  The second reason is due  to  the
|       word size of this machine.  Returned values such as counters are
|       always 36. bit  quantities.   The  third  reason  is  that  this
|       interface interfaces to more than just DECnet.
|                                +-------------+
|                                |    ROUTER   |
|                                +------+------+
|       +-------------+                 !
|       | Diagnostics |                 V
|       +---+---+---+-+          +-------------+    +-------+    +--------+
|           !   !   !            |    DNADLL   |    |  LAT  |    |  LLMOP |
|           !   !   !            +----+--------+    +--+----+    +---+----+
|           !   !   !______________   !   _____________!             !
|           !   !                  !  !  !   ________________________!
|           !   !                  V  V  V  V
|           !   !                +-------------+
|           !   !                |    NISRV    |
|           !   !                |             |
|           !   !----------------+    PHYKNI   |
|           !                    +------+------+
|           !                           !
|           !                           V
|           !                    +-------------+
|           !--------------------+     KLNI    |
|                                +-------------+

                                               NISRV Functional Specification

        5.0  OVERVIEW OF NISRV

|       5.1  Definitions
|       All  symbols  and  definitions  presented  in  this  module  are
|       contained  in the MACRO universal file NIPAR.  MSD's are defined
|       in D36PAR.

        5.2  Portals

        The basic working entity of NISRV is  the  "portal".   A  portal
        uniquely   identifies   a   particular  user  of  the  Ethernet.
        Associated with a portal are a "channel", a callback address,  a
        protocol  type, and zero or more multicast addresses.  A channel
        is the hardware that actually accesses the Ethernet.   A  system
        with multiple channels will most likely have each channel hooked
        up to a different Ethernet.  A  callback  address  is  used  for
        returning asynchronus information to the user.

        5.3  Portal ID

        All calls to NISRV must supply a "portal id".   Portal  IDs  are
        generated  by  NISRV  when  the  "Open  a  Portal"  function  is
        executed.  A portal ID is a full word (36 bit)  value  that  has
        utterly  no  meaning except that it uniquely identifies a portal
        to NISRV.

        5.4  Byte Pointers

|       All four  types  of  byte  pointers  are  acceptable  for  those
|       arguments that can be byte pointers.  This includes:
|        o  One word local byte pointers
|        o  One word global byte pointers
|        o  Two word local byte pointers
|        o  Two word global byte pointers
|       There are three restrictions on all byte pointers:
|       1.  Indexing is not allowed

   NISRV Functional Specification

|       2.  Indirection is not allowed
|       3.  Only 8 bit bytes are allowed
|       It is strongly suggested  that  global  byte  pointers  be  used
|       because  NISRV  may  not be running in the same section that the
|       byte pointer was generated in.
|       5.5  Message Segment Descriptors
|       For transmits, a special form of buffer descriptor may  be  used
|       which  allows  fragmented  buffers.   These  are  called Message
|       Segment Descriptors (MSD's for short).  An MSD  chain  basically
|       consists  of  a  number of contiguous segment descriptors.  Each
|       segment descriptor consists of a byte count and a  byte  pointer
|       to it's associated data.  For more details see Appendix A.

        5.6  Padding

        If you will be receiving or transmitting datagrams shorter  than
        46.  bytes in length, you should enable padding for your portal.
        On transmits a two byte (byte swapped) data  length  field  will
        automatically  be  prepended  to  the  User  Data  part  of  the
        datagram.  This field will contain a  count  of  the  number  of
        valid data bytes immediately following.  Also, if the total data
        length (including the data length field) is less than 46. bytes,
        the  datagram  will be padded (after the last byte of user data)
        until it is at least 46. bytes  long.   On  receives,  the  data
        length field will automatically be stripped off, and used as the
        received data length.

             Note that there is no way for the receiver of a datagram to
        determine  if  it is padded.  Therefore, all users of a protocol
        type must agree on whether or not they will be using padding.

             Additionally, since the data  length  field  is  two  bytes
        long,  the  maximum  data  length  for a portal using padding is
        1498. bytes.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification

        6.0  BUFFERS

|       6.1  Receive Buffers
|       Each portal may have a number of receive buffers associated with
|       it.  Receive buffers are queued up to the channel by the "Post a
|       Receive Buffer" function.  There is no limit on  the  number  of
|       receive  buffers that may be queued.  These buffers are returned
|       to the portal owner via the "Datagram Received Callback" when an
|       incoming  datagram  has  been  successfully  received  for  that
|       portal's protocol type.
|       6.1.1  Receive Buffer Pointer - The location of a receive buffer
|       is  specified  by an IDPB style byte pointer stored in UNBFA and
|       UNBFA+1.  A receive buffer may be in exec virtual, user virtual,
|       or  physical  memory.   This is specified by the value stored in
|       UNADS.
|       6.1.2  Receive Buffer Size - The size of  a  receive  buffer  is
|       specified  in  UNBSZ.  The size in UNBSZ depends upon whether or
|       not padding is enabled.
|       If padding is not being used with this portal  the  buffer  size
|       must include room for:
|       1.  User data field from the received  datagram.   This  can  be
|           from 46. to 1500. bytes long.
|       2.  Cyclic Redundancy Check.  This is 4 bytes long.
|       For example, if the maximum message size for  your  protocol  is
|       100  bytes,  you  will  have to use receive buffers that are 104
|       bytes long.
|       For portals that use padding, the buffer size must include  room
|       for:
|       1.  Data Length Field.  This is 2 bytes long.
|       2.  User data field from the received  datagram.   This  can  be
|           from 44. to 1498. bytes long.
|       3.  Cyclic Redundancy Check.  This is 4 bytes long.
|       An example using  padding:   If  your  protocol  specifies  that
|       padding should be used, and states that the maximum message size
|       (excluding padding) is 200 bytes long,  you  will  have  to  use
|       receive buffers that are 206 bytes long.

   NISRV Functional Specification

|            Note that one implication of the  preceding  paragraphs  is
|       that the absolute minimum receive buffer size is 50.  bytes, and
|       the absolute maximum receive buffer size is 1504.  bytes.
|       6.1.3  Received Datagram Pointer - The byte pointer returned  in
|       UNBFA  will  be  of  the  same  type that was specified when the
|       buffer was originally queued.  This is an ILDB style pointer  to
|       the first byte of user data.
|            If padding  is  not  in  use,  the  byte  pointer  will  be
|       identical to the one that was used to post the buffer.
|            If padding is being used, the byte pointer will be advanced
|       past the pad bytes.
|       6.1.4  Received Datagram Length - UNBSZ contains the  length  of
|       just  the  data  portion of the message (not including the CRC).
|       If padding is being used, UNBSZ contains the value in  the  data
|       length field of the padded datagram.
|       6.1.5  Receive  Buffer  constraints  There  are  a   number   of
|       constraints on receive buffers:
|        o  Physical contituity.
|        o  Word aligned.
|        o  Trailing bytes are indeterminate.
|       Each of these points is discussed below in greater detail.
|            Buffers used for  receiving  incoming  Ethernet  data  must
|       reside  in physically contiguous memory.  This means that if the
|       buffer crosses a virtual page boundary, the physical pages which
|       the  buffer  occupies  must  be adjacent and in ascending order.
|       For example, a valid buffer might occupy virtual pages 5 and  6,
|       if  these  pages  map  onto physical pages 100 and 101, then the
|       buffer is fine.
|            Due to a hardware restriction,  the  buffer  must  be  word
|       aligned.   Therefore,  the  byte  pointer  must  indicate a word
|       aligned byte.  As an example, byte pointers like 441000,,ADDR or
|       011000,,ADDR-1  would  be  valid byte pointers to a word aligned
|       buffer at ADDR.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification

|            Note that if the length of the received datagram is  not  a
|       multiple  of four, the trailing bytes, up to the end of the last
|       word are indeterminate after the buffer has  been  filled.   Ie:
|       if  you specified a length of 41.  bytes, there will be room for
|       three more bytes within the last word of  the  buffer,  and  the
|       contents of those bytes are indeterminate.

        6.2  Transmit Buffers

        Transmit buffers are queued up to the channel  by  the  "Send  a
        Datagram" function.  Any number of buffers may be queued up at a
        given time.  When the channel has completed  transmission  of  a
        buffer, it is returned via the "Datagram Sent Callback".

             Two types of transmit buffers  are  supported.   The  first
        type is a contiguous single buffer pointed to by a byte pointer.
        The second type of buffer is the MSD style  buffer.   MSD's  are
        DECnet-36    defined    structures    which   allow   fragmented
        (non-contiguous) transmits.

             The value in UNBSZ indicates which type of buffer is  being
        used.   If  the value is zero, MSD style buffers are being used,
        and UNBFA contains the address of  the  first  MSD  in  the  MSD
        chain.  If UNBSZ is non-zero, then UNBFA and UNBFA+1 contains an
        ILDB style byte pointer to a single contiguous buffer, and UNBSZ
        contains the length of that buffer.

             Unlike receive buffers, transmit buffers do not need to  be
        word  aligned.   They  can  also  occupy non-contiguous physical
        memory.  This applies to both types of transmit buffers.

             The maximum and minimum data lengths  depend  upon  whether
        padding  is  in  use.   If  padding  is in use, the maximum data
        length is 1498. bytes, and the minimum data length is  0.   When
        padding  is  not  being  used,  the maximum data length is 1500.
        bytes, and the minimum data length is 46. bytes.  Note that  for
        MSDs,  data length refers to the total length of all segments in
        an MSD chain.

   NISRV Functional Specification


        7.1  Addresses

|       The user has two options when supplying Ethernet addresses.   He
|       may  supply  a byte pointer to the address, or he may supply the
|       address itself within the UN block.  If the field UNPTR contains
|       0,  the address is contained in the UN block.  Otherwise, the UN
|       block contains an 8 bit byte pointer to the address string.

             An  address   written   as   XX-YY-ZZ-SS-TT-UU   would   be
        represented as a stream of 8 bit bytes as follows:

        |   XX  M|   YY   |   ZZ   |   SS   |   TT   |   UU   |

        An immediate address would occupy two words and would look like:

        Bit #     0      7        15       23       31   35
        Word 1:  |   XX  M|   YY   |   ZZ   |   SS   |    |
        Word 2:  |   TT   |   UU   |                      |
        In the preceding diagrams, the "M" bit represents  the  location
        of the multi=cast bit of the address.

             Note that the immediate format is exactly the same as  what
        would  be  produced by an IDPB loop.  Also, the byte pointer for
        the first format should be an ILDB style byte pointer.

             Immediate addresses  or  byte  pointers  to  addresses  are
        usually  supplied  in the UNDAD or UNSAD fields of the UN block.
        Each of these fields are two  words  long.   On  callbacks,  the
        address is always supplied in immediate format.

        7.2  Protocol Types

        The protocol type (usually in UNPRO) is  treated  as  a  16  bit
        number with the high order bits on the left, just like a natural
        PDP-10 integer.  A protocol type written  as  XX-YY  would  have
        this format when being manipulated (perhaps in an AC):

                                20     27       35
        |                      |   XX   |   YY   |

                                               NISRV Functional Specification

        Note that although UNPRO may have a somewhat different alignment
        than  this  diagram,  when  a LOAD is done from it, the AC would
        look like the preceding diagram.

   NISRV Functional Specification

        8.0  STATE MACHINE

|       All channels  participate  in  a  state  machine  which  can  be
|       observed  and  partially  controlled  by  the  user.   The state
|       machine is actually in two parts.  The "external" part describes
|       the  state  of  the channel from the user's point of view.  This
|       state machine is rather simple, and should be used  by  protocol
|       drivers  to determine the useability of the channel.  The second
|       part is the "internal" state machine.  This describes the  state
|       of  the  channel  from  NISRV's  point  of view.  It is provided
|       mainly for informational purposes.
|            Both internal and external states are returned in the field
|       UNSTA which is updated upon return from every call to NISRV, and
|       is supplied in every callback  generated  by  NISRV.   The  high
|       order bit of this field is called UNRUN and indicates that NISRV
|       beleives the channel to  be  running  and  capable  of  handling
|       requests  immediately.  The sub-field UNEXS contains value which
|       indicates  the  state  of  the  external  state  machine.    The
|       sub-field  UNSST  contains  a  code which represents the current
|       state of the internal state machine.
|            The following is a table describing all state codes,  their
|       text names, and various other things.
|       Symbol  |     Name      | U-set | X-ient | Timed | External
|       --------+---------------+-------+--------+-------+----------
|       UNS.VG  | Virgin        |  No   |   Yes  |  No   |  UNS.OF
|       --------+---------------+-------+--------+-------+----------
|       UNS.RE  | Reload        |  Yes  |   Yes  |  Yes  |  UNS.RN
|       --------+---------------+-------+--------+-------+----------
|       UNS.CR  | Can't Reload  |  No   |   No   |  No   |  UNS.OF
|       --------+---------------+-------+--------+-------+----------
|       UNS.IN  | Init          |  Yes  |   Yes  |  Yes  |  UNS.RN
|       --------+---------------+-------+--------+-------+----------
|       UNS.RN  | Run           |  No   |   -    |  No   |  UNS.RN
|       --------+---------------+-------+--------+-------+----------
|       UNS.DP  | Dump          |  Yes  |   Yes  |  Yes  |  UNS.RN
|       --------+---------------+-------+--------+-------+----------
|       UNS.DR  | Dump & Reload |  Yes  |   Yes  |  Yes  |  UNS.RN
|       --------+---------------+-------+--------+-------+----------
|       UNS.BK  | Broken        |  No   |   No   |  No   |  UNS.OF
|       --------+---------------+-------+--------+-------+----------
|       UNS.OF  | Off           |  Yes  |   No   |  No   |  UNS.OF
|       --------+---------------+-------+--------+-------+----------
|            The column titled U-set indicates those states which can be
|       set  by the user.  The column X-ient indicates those states that
|       are transient, and may not  exist  for  very  long.   The  Timed
|       column  indicates  those  functions  which are timed out if they
|       take too long.  All timed states  that  time  out  automatically
|       make  a transition to a terminal state (either "Can't Reload" or

                                               NISRV Functional Specification

|       "Broken").  The external column indicates the  "external"  state
|       that maps onto the indicated "internal" state.
|            Changes in the "external" state (ie:  UNEXS) are  indicated
|       by the "Channel State Change" callback.

   NISRV Functional Specification


        All calls and callbacks use the same argument block.  It  is  of
        the form:

|       BEGSTR UN
|          FIELD CHN,3             ; Storage for the NI channel number
|          FIELD SCN,1             ; Scan for channel on NU.OPN
|          FIELD PAD,1             ; Use padding for this portal (NU.OPN only)
|          FIELD ZRO,1             ; Zero counters after reading
|          FIELD ADS,2             ; Address space of xmit or rcv buffer
|           UNA.EV==0              ;  Exec virtual
|           UNA.UV==1              ;  User virtual
|           UNA.PH==2              ;  Physical
|          FIELD PTR,1             ; UNDAD contains a byte pointer
|          FIELD RSP,1             ; Response desired
|          HWORD PRO               ; Protocol type
|          HWORD TDR               ; Time Domain Reflectometry value
|          HWORD PMS               ; PI mask
|          WORD PID                ; Portal ID
|          WORD UID                ; User's ID for this portal
|          WORD RID                ; Request ID
|          WORD STA                ; Channel status
|       ; Subfields of UNSTA are UNRUN, UNSST, and UNEXS.
|          OVRLAY STA              ; Overlay UNSTA
|           BIT UNRUN              ; Channel is running (must be 1B0)
|           FILLER 17              ; Align the fields
|           FIELD SST,9            ; Secondary state
|           FIELD EXS,9            ; External state
|          WORD CBA                ; Call back address (NU.OPN only)
|          WORD BFA                ; Buffer address
|          WORD BFL                ;  2nd word of buffer address
|          WORD BSZ                ; Buffer size
|          WORD SAD                ; Source Ethernet address
|          WORD SAL                ;  2nd word of Source Ethernet address
|          WORD DAD                ; Destination Ethernet address
|          WORD DAL                ;  2nd word of Dest Ethernet address
|          WORD SPI                ; Secondary portal ID
|          WORD CAR                ; Current Ethernet address
|          WORD CAL                ;  2nd word of Current Ethernet address
|          WORD HAD                ; Hardware address
|          WORD HAL                ;  2nd word of Hardware address
|          HWORD OXM               ; # Outstanding transmits
|          HWORD ORC               ; # Outstanding receives
|       ENDSTR
|            Fields in the UN block are  never  changed  by  the  called
|       function  unless  explicitly  stated otherwise in the function's
|       description.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification

             All  fields  that  are  not  explicitly  described   in   a
        function's  description  are ignored, and will not be changed by
        the function.

             All functions take the function code in T1 and the UN block
        addesss  in  T2  as  arguments.   All functions will give a skip
        return to indicate success, and a non-skip to  indicate  failure
        with the error code in T1.

        9.1  Callbacks

        When the Ethernet has completed certain commands, or when events
        of an asynchronus nature happen, NISRV will call you back at the
        address previously specified in the "Open  a  Portal"  function.
        The  function  code,  and a pointer to an argument block will be
        supplied (in ACs) as arguments to  this  routine.   While  in  a
        callback  routine,  any  function  may be invoked except for the
        OPEN or CLOSE portal functions.

             The actual calling sequence is specified in the  "Callback"
        description of a given function.  However, there are some common
        rules about all callbacks.  They are:

        1.  The function code is always in T1, a UN  block  address  (if
            supplied)  is  always  in T2, and a return status code is in
            T3.  If T3 contains a  zero,  then  the  function  completed
            successfully.   Otherwise T3 contains a standard NISRV error
            code (ie:  UNxyz%).

        2.  The callback routine may use either a  skip  or  a  non-skip
            return.   Both types of returns are treated the same -- they
            are ignored.

        3.  The  callback  routine  must  follow  standard   AC   saving
            conventions.  Ie:  it may use T1-T4 without preserving them.
            P1-P7, Q1-Q3, P and 0 must be preserved.

        4.  During a callback, you may invoke other NISRV functions with
            the exception of Open a Portal, and Close a Portal.

        5.  If a UN block is supplied, it belongs to NISRV, not to  you.
            Do not deallocate it.

        6.  The UN block that NISRV provides to the callback routine may
            have it's contents altered without any problems.  This means
            that if the callback routine needs to perform another  NISRV
            function during a callback, it may use the UN block that was
            supplied by NISRV.

   NISRV Functional Specification

        9.2  General Error Returns For All Functions

        UNIFC%:  - Illegal  Function  Code  -  The  caller  supplied  an
        unknown function code.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
                                                                Open A Portal

        9.3  Open A Portal

        9.3.1  Calling Sequence: -

              UNCHN/       Channel number this portal is to use
              UNPAD/       1 if this protocol type uses padding
|             UNPMS/       PI level mask
              UNPRO/       Protocol type for transmits and receives
              UNUID/       Callback ID
              UNCBA/       Callback routine address

              MOVX T1,NU.OPN
              MOVX T2,UN block address
              CALL DLLUNI
               <Error return.  Reason in T1>
              <Good return>

              UNPID/       Portal ID
              UNCHN/       Actual channel used (UNSCN/ 1)
              UNSTA/       Channel status

        9.3.2  Semantics: - This function creates portals.  It returns a
        portal  ID  in  UNPID.   The  same portal ID must be used in all
        subsequent calls that are associated  with  this  portal.   This
        function  also  associates  a callback routine (in UNCBA), and a
        user ID (in UNUID) with the portal.  If  UNSCN  was  one,  NISRV
        will scan for a useable channel starting with the value that the
        caller supplied in UNCHN.  On return, UNCHN contains the channel
        number that actually was used for this portal.

             The field UNPRO determines what protocol type is associated
        with   this  portal.   This  field  can  have  several  meanings
        depending on the value stored in it.  If the value is  -1,  then
        no  protocol  type  is  associated with this portal.  The portal
        will be able to do any function except "Send a Datagram",  "Post
        a  Receive  Buffer",  and  "Read  Portal  Counters".   If  UNPRO
        contains a -2, you will be enabling promiscuous mode.  No  other
        protocol types can be enabled while promiscuous mode is enabled.
        If the value is -3 the "Unknown Protocol  Type  Queue"  will  be
        assigned  to  this portal.  This queue receives messages that do
        not match any enabled protocol types.  If UNPRO contains a value
        from  0 to 65535 (decimal), it will be interpreted as a protocol
        type.  The  protocol  type  must  not  be  associated  with  any
        existing portals.

             UNPAD should be set to one if you wish to use  the  padding
        feature with this portal.

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Open A Portal

|            The field UNPMS contains a bit  mask  which  indicates  all
|       PDP-10  PI levels you may be calling this code at.  The bits are
|       in the same order as for a CONO PI,  instruction.   This  allows
|       you  to  call  NISRV  at  any of the specified PI levels without
|       incurring a race.

             The callback address in UNCBA must point to  a  routine  in
        the resident (non-swappable) monitor.  This is because callbacks
        can occur at interrupt level.

             The portal will always be created even if  the  channel  is
        not  running  (as  indicated  by UNSTA).  This is done so that a
        user can be notified of the channel coming online without having
        to poll.

             In case of failure, all fields in  the  UN  block  must  be
        considered invalid.

        9.3.3  Restrictions: -
        This function may not be called at callback level.

        9.3.4  Related Functions: -
        Close a Portal

        9.3.5  Error Returns: -
        UNRES%:  - No resources -  The  NISRV  was  unable  to  allocate
        memory for a portal data base.

        UNNSC%:  - No such channel -  The  specified  channel  does  not
        exist,  or  if  UNSCN was set, there are no Ethernet channels on
        this machine.

        UNIVP%:  - Illegal value for protocol type field - UNPRO did not
        contain a valid protocol type or service class.

        UNPIU%:  - Protocol type already in use - The protocol  type  in
        UNPRO  contains  a  protocol type that is already in use by some
        other portal.

        UNPRA%:  - Promiscuous receiver active - Another portal is using
        protocol type -2 (ie:  the promiscuous receiver).

        UNICL%:  - Illegal while at callback level

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
                                                               Close A Portal

        9.4  Close A Portal

        9.4.1  Calling Sequence: -

              UNPID/       Portal ID

              MOVX T1,NU.CLO
              MOVX T2,UN block address
              CALL DLLUNI
               <Error return.  Reason in T1>
              <Good return>

        9.4.2  Semantics: - This  function  destroys   portals.    UNPID
        indicates  which  portal  is  to  be destroyed.  All outstanding
        transmit buffers, receive buffers, and other  commands  will  be
        returned in an asynchronus manner via the callback mechanism.

             This function only puts the portal in the "closing"  state.
        It  remains in this state until all resources have been returned
        to the user.  The last callback made to the user  will  be  with
        the  function code NU.CLO.  After this callback, the portal will
        cease to exist, and any attempts to use this portal will fail.

             The only function that may be done in the  "closing"  state
        is "Read Portal Information".  Note that this function will fail
        after the NU.CLO callback has been completed.

        9.4.3  Restrictions: -
        This function may not be called at callback level.

        9.4.4  Related Functions: -
        Open a Portal

        9.4.5  Error Returns: -
        UNNSP%:  - No such portal - The specified portal does not exist.

        UNICL%:  - Illegal while at callback level

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Close A Portal Callback

        9.5  Close A Portal Callback

        9.5.1  Arguments: -

              T1/  NU.CLO
              T2/  UN block address

              UNPID/       Portal ID
              UNUID/       User ID

        9.5.2  Semantics: - This callback occurs when  all  portal  data
        base  cleanups  have  been  completed.   Immediately  after this
        returns, the portal ceases to exist.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
                                                        Post A Receive Buffer

        9.6  Post A Receive Buffer

        9.6.1  Calling Sequence: -

              UNPID/       Portal ID
              UNRID/       Request ID
|             UNBFA/       Byte pointer to buffer
|             UNADS/       Address space descriptor (See UN BEGSTR)
              UNBSZ/       Size of buffer (in bytes)

              MOVX T1,NU.RCV
              MOVX T2,UN block address
              CALL DLLUNI
               <Error return.  Reason in T1>
              <Good return>

              UNSTA/       Channel status

        9.6.2  Semantics: - This  function  supplies  buffers   to   the
        channel driver for the asynchronus receipt of datagrams.

             The 36 bit value in UNRID  will  be  associated  with  this
        buffer,  and  will be returned by the Received Datagram callback
        when this buffer is returned.

             See the section on Receive Buffers for more information.

        9.6.3  Restrictions: -
        There are no restrictions on this function.

        9.6.4  Related Functions: -
        Send a Datagram

        9.6.5  Error Returns: -
        UNNSP%:  - No such portal - The specified portal does not exist.

        UNIFB%:  - Improperly formatted buffer - The buffer  is  not  in
        physically contiguous memory, is non-resident, or does not start
        on a word boundary.

        UNIBP%:  - Invalid byte pointer -  The  byte  pointer  contained
        indexing or indirection.

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Post A Receive Buffer

        UNRES%:  - No resources - The channel driver was unable  to  get
        memory for queueing up the receive buffer to the channel.

        UNIBS%:  - Illegal buffer size - The given buffer size does  not
        match  the  size  of previously specified buffers, or the buffer
        size is less than or equal to zero.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
                                                   Datagram Received Callback

        9.7  Datagram Received Callback

        9.7.1  Arguments: -

             T1/   NU.RCV
             T2/   UN block address
             T3/   Status/error code

             UNSAD/        Source address
             UNDAD/        Destination address
             UNPRO/        Protocol type (Promiscuous mode, or
                           Unrecognised protocol type only)
             UNPID/        Portal ID
             UNUID/        User ID
             UNRID/        Request ID
             UNBFA/        Buffer pointer (byte pointer)
             UNBSZ/        Size of buffer (in bytes)
             UNSTA/        Channel status

        9.7.2  Semantics: - This callback occurs each time a datagram is
        received.  The return status (in T3) is one of:
|        o  UNRDL%:  - Datagram too long -  The  received  datagram  was
|           longer  than  the buffer size allocated for it by the NU.RCV
|           function.
|        o  UNRAB%:  - Receive aborted - The datagram is being  returned
|           because the channel is shutting down, or the portal is being
|           closed.
|        o  UNLER%:  - Length Error - (Padding only) - The  data  length
|           field  in  the datagram was longer than the actual amount of
|           received data.

        For a desciption of the received datagram, UNBSZ and UNBFA,  see
        the   sections  on  "Receive  Datagram  Pointer"  and  "Received
        Datagram Length".

             If you get the error "Datagram too long", UNBFA will  point
        to  the  portion of the data that fits into the buffer.  In this
        case UNBSZ will contain the "attempted" length,  as  opposed  to
        the  "actual"  length  of  the  data.   Ie:  if the datagram was
        actually 300 bytes, and your buffer was  only  200  bytes,  then
        UNBSZ  will  contain 300.  This error cannot happen when padding
        is enabled.

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Datagram Received Callback

             If you get the error "Length Error", the data length  field
        is  ignored, and returned to the user along with the rest of the
        datagram.  UNBSZ contains the actual length of the datagram (ie:
        the number of bytes received over the wire).

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
                                                              Send A Datagram

        9.8  Send A Datagram

        9.8.1  Calling Sequence: -

              UNPID/       Portal ID
              UNRID/       Request ID
              UNDAD/       Destination Ethernet address
              UNPTR/       1 if UNDAD is a byte pointer
|             UNBFA/       Byte pointer (for non-MSD), 1st  MSD  address
|             for MSD xmits
|             UNBFA+1
|             UNADS/       Address space of the data.  Non-MSD only.
              UNBSZ/       Size of buffer (in bytes)

              MOVX T1,NU.XMT
              MOVX T2,UN block address
              CALL DLLUNI
               <Error return.  Reason in T1>
              <Good return>

              UNSTA/       Channel status

        9.8.2  Semantics: - This  function  transmits  buffers  to   the
        Ethernet  address  in  UNDAD and UNDAD+1.  If UNPTR is non-zero,
        UNDAD  will  be  treated  as  a  byte  pointer  to  the   actual
        destination address.  The protocol type will be the one supplied
        in UNPRO the "Open a Portal" call.

             The 36 bit value placed in UNRID will be  returned  by  the
        Send a Datagram callback when this buffer has been sent.

        9.8.3  Restrictions: -
        This function may only be used on portals that have  a  protocol
        type set.

        9.8.4  Related Functions: -
        Post a Receive Buffer

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Send A Datagram

        9.8.5  Error Returns: -
        UNNSP%:  - No such portal - The specified portal does not exist.

        UNNPE%:  - No protocol type enabled - This portal does not  have
        a protocol type associated with it

        UNIFB%:  - Improperly formatted buffer - The buffer  is  not  in
        physically contiguous memory, or is non resident.

        UNRES%:  - No resources - The channel driver was unable  to  get
        memory for queueing up the transmit buffer to the channel.

        UNIBS%:  - Illegal buffer size  -  The  given  buffer  size  was
        negative.   If  padding  is not in use, the buffer size was less
        than 46. or greater than 1500. bytes.  If padding  was  in  use,
        the buffer size was greater than 1498. bytes.

        UNIBP%:  - Illegal byte pointer - The byte pointer  supplied  in
        UNDAD is indexed, indirected, or does not specify 8 bit bytes.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
                                                       Datagram Sent Callback

        9.9  Datagram Sent Callback

        9.9.1  Arguments: -

             T1/   NU.XMT
             T2/   UN block address
             T3/   Status/error code

             UNPID/        Portal ID
             UNUID/        User ID
             UNRID/        Request ID
             UNBFA/        Buffer pointer
             UNBSZ/        Size of buffer, 0 if MSD style send
             UNSTA/        Channel status

        9.9.2  Semantics: - This callback occurs each time a datagram is
        sent.  The return status (in T3) is one of:
|        o  UNDNS%:  -  Datagram  not  sent  -  The  datagram  is  being
|           returned because the portal is being closed.
|        o  UNEXC%:  - Excessive collisions - Heavy Ethernet traffic has
|           prevented  the  transmission  of  this  datagram.  It may be
|           reasonable to wait a random amount of  time  and  try  again
|           later.
|        o  UNCCF%:  - Carrier check failed.  The  Ethernet  transceiver
|           did not detect a carrier during a transmission.
|        o  UNSHT%:  - Short circuit - The datagram could  not  be  sent
|           because the Ethernet cable was shorted out.
|        o  UNOPN%:  - Open circuit - The datagram  could  not  be  sent
|           because the Ethernet cable was unterminated.
|        o  UNRFD%:  - Remote failure to defer -  A  collision  occurred
|           after the channel acquisition slot time.

        For all errors except "Datagram not sent", the field UNTDR  will
        contain  the  Time  Domain  Reflectometry  value returned by the
        channel.   This  value  indicates  the  distance  (but  not  the
        direction)  where  the error occurred.  The distance is measured
        from the transceiver, and is the number of bit  times  from  the
        start of transmission.

             For MSD style sends, UNBFA will contain the address of  the
        MSD  chain,  and  UNBSZ  will be zero.  For non-MSD sends, UNBFA
        will contain a byte pointer to the data, and UNBSZ will  be  the

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Datagram Sent Callback

        length supplied by the user.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
                                                   Enable A Multicast Address

        9.10  Enable A Multicast Address

        9.10.1  Calling Sequence: -

              UNPID/       Portal ID
              UNRSP/       1 if a completion callback is desired
              UNRID/       Request ID (only if UNRSP is 1)
              UNDAD/       Multicast address  to  be  enabled  for  this
|             UNPTR/       1 if UNDAD is a byte pointer
              MOVX T1,NU.EMA
              MOVX T2,UN block address
              CALL DLLUNI
               <Error return.  Reason in T1>
              <Good return>

              UNSTA/       Channel status

        9.10.2  Semantics: - This function enables your portal  for  the
        receipt of datagrams destined for the Ethernet multicast address
        specified in UNDAD.

             The specified Ethernet address must be a multicast address.
        Ie:  the low order bit of byte zero of the address must be one.

             The UNRSP bit may be used to cause a callback to occur when
        this  function  actually  completes.  In this case UNRID will be
        passed to the callback routine also.

        9.10.3  Restrictions: -
        This function may only be used on portals that have  a  protocol
        type  set.  This function may not be invoked while a promiscuous
        receiver is active.

        9.10.4  Related Functions: -
        Disable a Multicast Address

        9.10.5  Error Returns: -
        UNNSP%:  - No such portal - The specified portal does not exist.

        UNNPE%:  - No protocol type enabled - This portal does not  have
        a protocol type associated with it.

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Enable A Multicast Address

        UNIMA%:  - Illegal multicast address - The address specified  by
        UNDAD does not have the multicast bit on.

        UNIBP%:  - Illegal byte pointer - The byte pointer  supplied  in
        UNDAD is indexed, indirected, or does not specify 8 bit bytes.

        UNRES%:  - Resource failure - NISRV was  unable  to  get  enough
        memory to satisfy this request.

        UNNRE%:  - No room for entry - There can  be  a  maximum  of  16
        multicast addresses enabled at one time.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
                                            Enable Multicast Address Callback

        9.11  Enable Multicast Address Callback

        9.11.1  Arguments: -

             T1/   NU.EMA
             T2/   UN block address

             UNPID/        Portal ID
             UNUID/        User ID
             UNRID/        Request ID
             UNDAD/        Multicast address that was enabled for this
             UNSTA/        Channel status

        9.11.2  Semantics: - This callback occurs when the  channel  has
        recognised  this  multicast  address.   After  this  callback is
        complete, this portal will be able to receive datagrams destined
        for the specified address.

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Disable A Multicast Address

        9.12  Disable A Multicast Address

        9.12.1  Calling Sequence: -

              UNPID/       Portal ID
              UNRSP/       1 is a completion callback is desired
              UNRID/       Request ID (only if UNRSP is 1)
              UNDAD/       Multicast address to  be  disabled  for  this
|             UNPTR/       1 if UNDAD is a byte pointer
              MOVX T1,NU.DMA
              MOVX T2,UN block address
              CALL DLLUNI
               <Error return.  Reason in T1>
              <Good return>

              UNSTA/       Channel status

        9.12.2  Semantics: - This function  disables  your  portal  from
        receiving datagrams bound for the multicast address specified in

             The specified Ethernet address must  have  been  previously
        enabled via the Enable a Multicast Address function.

             The UNRSP bit may be used to cause a callback to occur when
        this  function  actually  completes.  In this case UNRID will be
        passed to the callback routine also.

        9.12.3  Restrictions: -
        There are no restrictions on this function.

        9.12.4  Related Functions: -
        Enable a Multicast Address

        9.12.5  Error Returns: -
        UNNSP%:  - No such portal - The specified portal does not exist.

        UNNPE%:  - No protocol type enabled - This portal does not  have
        a protocol type associated with it.

        UNANE%:  - Address not enabled - The specified multicast address
        was not enabled for your portal.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
                                                  Disable A Multicast Address

        UNIMA%:  - Illegal multicast address - The address specified  by
        UNDAD does not have the multicast bit on.

        UNIBP%:  - Illegal byte pointer - The byte pointer  supplied  in
        UNDAD is indexed, indirected, or does not specify 8 bit bytes.

        UNRES%:  - Resource failure - NISRV was  unable  to  get  enough
        memory to satisfy this request.

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Disable Multicast Address Callback

        9.13  Disable Multicast Address Callback

        9.13.1  Arguments: -

             T1/   NU.EMA
             T2/   UN block address

             UNPID/        Portal ID
             UNUID/        User ID
             UNRID/        Request ID
             UNDAD/        Multicast address that was disabled for this
             UNSTA/        Channel status

        9.13.2  Semantics: - This callback occurs when  the  channel  no
        longer recognizes this multicast address for your portal.  After
        this callback is complete, this  portal  will  not  be  able  to
        receive datagrams destined for the specified address.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
                                                         Read Portal Counters

        9.14  Read Portal Counters

        9.14.1  Calling Sequence: -

              UNPID/       Portal ID
              UNSPI/       Portal  ID  of  portal  that   counters   are
              actually desired for
              UNRID/       Request ID
              UNBFA/       Address of buffer to put counters into
              UNBSZ/       Length of buffer (in  words)  pointed  to  by
              UNZRO/       1 if counters should be cleared after reading
              MOVX T1,NU.RPC
              MOVX T2,UN block address
              CALL DLLUNI
               <Error return.  Reason in T1>
              <Good return>

              UNSTA/       Channel status
              UNBSZ/       Number of words  actually  written  into  the

|       9.14.2  Semantics: - This function queues up a request  to  read
|       (and   optionally  zero)  portal  counters.   The  counters  are
|       returned via the "Read Portal Counters  Callback".   The  buffer
|       pointed  to  by  UNBFA  is  "owned"  by NISRV until the callback
|       occurs.
|            There are two portal ID's  actually  associated  with  this
|       function.   UNPID  is  "your"  portal  ID.   It  indicates which
|       callback routine should receive  the  counters.   UNSPI  is  the
|       "secondary"  portal  ID.  This indicates which portal's counters
|       are actually desired.   Ie:   if  portal  A  wanted  portal  B's
|       counters, UNPID would contain A and UNSPI would contain B.
|            Counters are only kept for portals that have protocol types
|       associated with them.  The names are fairly self explanatory.
|            All counters  except  for  "User  Buffer  Unavailable"  are
|       updated just prior to giving the appropriate callback.
|       BEGSTR PC
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD SLZ                ; Seconds since last zeroed
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD BYR                ; Bytes received
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD DGR                ; Datagrams received
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD BYS                ; Bytes sent
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Read Portal Counters

|          WORD DGS                ; Datagrams sent
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD UBU                ; User buffer unavailable
|       ENDSTR
|       The network management  data  is  a  series  of  constants  that
|       describes the parameter number and width of the associated data.
|       9.14.3  Restrictions: -
|       There are no restrictions on this function.
|       9.14.4  Related Functions: -
|       Read Channel Counters
|       Read Portal Information
|       9.14.5  Error Returns: -
|       UNNSP%:  - No such portal - Either your portal, or the secondary
|       portal did not exist.
|       UNIBS%:  - Illegal buffer size - The buffer size was  too  small
|       to hold all the required counters.
|       UNRES%:  - Resource failure - NISRV was  unable  to  get  enough
|       memory to satisfy this request.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
|                                               Read Portal Counters Callback

|       9.15  Read Portal Counters Callback
|       9.15.1  Arguments: -
|            T1/   NU.RPC
|            T2/   UN block address
|            UNPID/        Portal ID
|            UNUID/        User ID
|            UNRID/        Request ID
|            UNBFA/        Address of buffer containing counters
|            UNBSZ/ Size of buffer (in words) pointed to by UNBFA
|            UNSTA/        Channel status
|       9.15.2  Semantics: - This callback occurs when the  Read  Portal
|       Counters  function  is  complete.  For the format and meaning of
|       the data returned by this function, refer  to  the  Read  Portal
|       Counters function.
|            Upon  completing  this  function,  the  counter  buffer  is
|       "released", and may be manipulated by the user.

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Read Channel Information

        9.16  Read Channel Information

        9.16.1  Calling Sequence: -

              UNCHN/       Channel ID
              MOVX T1,NU.RCI
              MOVX T2,UN block address
              CALL DLLUNI
               <Error return.  Reason in T1>
              <Good return>

              UNSTA/       Channel status
              UNCAR/       Current address of the channel
              UNHAD/       Hardware Ethernet address of the channel (Ie:
              the builtin address)
              UNSST/       Secondary channel status

        9.16.2  Semantics: - This function returns various parameters of
        the  channel.   The  first  address  is  returned  in UNCAR, and
        represents the current address the channel is responding to.

        9.16.3  Restrictions: -
        There are no restrictions on this function.

        9.16.4  Related Functions: -
        Read Channel Counters
        Read Portal Information

        9.16.5  Error Returns: -
        UNNSC%:  - No such channel -  The  specified  channel  does  not

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
|                                               Channel State Change Callback

|       9.17  Channel State Change Callback
        9.17.1  Arguments: -

             T1/   NU.RCI
             T2/   UN block address

             UNPID/        Portal ID
             UNUID/        User ID
             UNSTA/        Channel status
             UNCAR/ Current address of the channel
             UNHAD/ Hardware Ethernet address of the channel (ie:  the
                           builtin address)
             UNSST/ Secondary channel status

        9.17.2  Semantics: - This  callback  occurs  when  the   channel
        undergoes  a  state  change  which  would be reflected in UNSTA.
        This callback is unsolicited.  It does not occur as  the  direct
        result of doing any particular command.

             All arguments are identical to the Read Channel Information
        function,  and  you  should  refer  to  the  description of that
        function for complete information about them.

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Return Portal List

        9.18  Return Portal List

        9.18.1  Calling Sequence: -

              UNBFA/       Address of buffer to hold list of portal IDs
              UNBSZ/       Size of buffer pointed to by UNBFA
              MOVX T1,NU.RPL
              MOVX T2,UN block address
              CALL DLLUNI
               <Error return.  Reason in T1>
              <Good return>

              UNSTA/       Channel status
              UNBSZ/       Number of portal IDs actually returned

        9.18.2  Semantics: - This function returns a list  of  all  open

             The list is returned in the buffer  pointed  to  by  UNBFA.
        Each  portal  ID occupies a full word, and is right justified so
        that you can just move the portal ID into an  AC,  and  directly
        store it in UNPID (using the STOR macro).

        9.18.3  Restrictions: -
        There are no restrictions on this function.

        9.18.4  Related Functions: -
        Read Channel Counters
        Read Portal Information

        9.18.5  Error Returns: -
        UNIBS%:  - Illegal buffer size - The specified buffer  size  was
        too small to hold all the portal IDs.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
|                                                         Return Channel List

|       9.19  Return Channel List
|       9.19.1  Calling Sequence: -
|             UNBFA/       Address of buffer to hold list of channel IDs
|             UNBSZ/       Size of buffer pointed to by UNBFA
|             MOVX T1,NU.RCL
|             MOVX T2,UN block address
|             CALL DLLUNI
|              <Error return.  Reason in T1>
|             <Good return>
|             UNSTA/       Channel status
|             UNBSZ/       Number of portal IDs actually returned
|       9.19.2  Semantics: - This function returns a list of  all  known
|       channels.
|            The list is returned in the buffer  pointed  to  by  UNBFA.
|       Each channel number occupies a full word, and is right justified
|       so that you can just move the channel number  into  an  AC,  and
|       directly store it in UNCHN (using the STOR macro).
|       9.19.3  Restrictions: -
|       There are no restrictions on this function.
|       9.19.4  Related Functions: -
|       Read Channel Counters
|       Read Portal Information
|       9.19.5  Error Returns: -
|       UNIBS%:  - Illegal buffer size - The specified buffer  size  was
|       too small to hold all the channel numbers.

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Read Portal Information

        9.20  Read Portal Information

        9.20.1  Calling Sequence: -

              UNPID/       Portal ID
              UNBFA/       Address  of  buffer  to   receive   multicast
              address list
              UNBSZ/       Size of buffer pointed to by UNBFA, or  0  if
              not wanted
              MOVX T1,NU.RPI
              MOVX T2,UN block address
              CALL DLLUNI
               <Error return.  Reason in T1>
              <Good return>

              UNPRO/       Protocol type this portal is enabled for
              UNPAD/       1 if this portal is using padding
|             UNPMS/       PI mask
              UNCHN/       Channel number
              UNBSZ/       Buffer size (in bytes) of receive buffers
              UNOXM/       Number of outstanding transmits
              UNORC/       Number of receive buffers outstanding
              UNCBA/       Callback address
              UNSTA/       Channel status

        9.20.2  Semantics: - This  function  returns   all   information
        (except  for  counters)  in  the  portal  data  base for a given

             UNOXM and UNORC indicate the number of buffers that haven't
        been  returned  via  the  Transmit  Complete or Receive Complete

             The multicast address  list  (only  returned  if  UNBSZ  is
        non-zero) looks like:

                        | # returned    ! # set             |
                        | High order bytes of first address |
                        | Low order bytes of first address  |
        n-1      /      /               .                   /
        address <       /               .                   /
        pairs    \      /               .                   /

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
                                                      Read Portal Information

             The left half of  the  first  word  returned  contains  the
        number of multicast addresses actually returned.  The right half
        contains the number of addresses that were set.  If  the  number
        returned  was less than the number set, then the block should be
        made large enough to hold the number set.  In words  this  would
        be <  set * 2>+1.

        9.20.3  Restrictions: -
        There are no restrictions on this function.

        9.20.4  Related Functions: -
        Read Channel Counters
        Read Portal Information

        9.20.5  Error Returns: -
        UNNSP%:  - No such portal - The specified portal does not exist.

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Set Channel Address

        9.21  Set Channel Address

        9.21.1  Calling Sequence: -

              UNCHN/       Channel number
              UNDAD/       New physical "soft" address for the channel
              MOVX T1,NU.SCA
              MOVX T2,UN block address
              CALL DLLUNI
               <Error return.  Reason in T1>
              <Good return>

              UNSTA/       Channel status

        9.21.2  Semantics: - This function  sets  the  physical  address
        associated with a channel.

             The address specified in UNDAD  must  not  be  a  multicast

        9.21.3  Related Functions: -
        Read Channel Counters
        Read Portal Information

        9.21.4  Error Returns: -
        UNNSC%:  - No such channel -  The  specified  channel  does  not
        UNICA%:  - Illegal channel address - The address supplied was  a
        multicast address.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
                                                 Set Channel Address Callback

        9.22  Set Channel Address Callback

        9.22.1  Arguments: -

             T1/   NU.SCA
             T2/   UN block address

             UNPID/        Portal ID
             UNUID/        User ID
             UNSTA/        Channel status
             UNDAD/ New physical address of channel

        9.22.2  Semantics: - This callback  occurs  when  the  channel's
        address  has  changed.   It  is unsolicited, even though it is a
        direct result of doing the Set Channel  Address  function.   All
        open portals receive this callback.

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Read Channel Counters

        9.23  Read Channel Counters

        9.23.1  Calling Sequence: -

              UNCHN/       Channel ID
              UNBFA/       Address of buffer to put counters into
              UNBSZ/       Length of buffer (in  words)  pointed  to  by
              UNZRO/       1 if counters should be zeroed after reading
              MOVX T1,NU.RCC
              MOVX T2,UN block address
              CALL DLLUNI
               <Error return.  Reason in T1>
              <Good return>

              UNSTA/       Channel status
              UNBSZ/       Number of words  actually  written  into  the

        9.23.2  Semantics: - This  function  returns   (and   optionally
        zeros) the counters associated with a channel.

             The counters are returned in a block whose format is:

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
                                                        Read Channel Counters

|       BEGSTR CC
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD SLZ                ; Seconds since last zeroed
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD BYR                ; Bytes received
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD BYS                ; Bytes sent
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD DGR                ; Datagrams received
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD DGS                ; Datagrams sent
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD MBR                ; Multicast bytes received
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD MDR                ; Multicast datagrams received
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD DSD                ; Datagrams sent, initially deferred
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD DS1                ; Datagrams sent, single collision
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD DSM                ; Datagrams sent multiple collisions
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD SF                 ; Send failures
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD SFM                ; Send failure bit mask
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD RF                 ; Receive failure
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD RFB                ; Receive failure bit mask
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD UFD                ; Unrecognized frame destination
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD DOV                ; Data overrun
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD SBU                ; System buffer unavailable
|          FILLER 36               ; Network management data
|          WORD UBU                ; User buffer unavailable
|       ENDSTR
|            The text description of all counters is  in  the  "Ethernet
|       Data Link Architectural Specification".
|       9.23.3  Restrictions: -
|       There are no restrictions on this function.

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Read Channel Counters

|       9.23.4  Related Functions: -
|       Read Channel Counters
|       Read Portal Information
|       9.23.5  Error Returns: -
|       UNNSC%:  - No such channel -  The  specified  channel  does  not
|       exist.
|       UNIBS%:  - Illegal buffer size - The buffer size was  too  small
|       to hold all the required counters.

                                               NISRV Functional Specification
|                                              Read Channel Counters Callback

|       9.24  Read Channel Counters Callback
|       9.24.1  Arguments: -
|            T1/   NU.RCC
|            T2/   UN block address
|            UNPID/        Portal ID
|            UNUID/        User ID
|            UNRID/        Request ID
|            UNBFA/        Address of buffer containing counters
|            UNBSZ/ Size of buffer (in words) pointed to by UNBFA
|            UNSTA/        Channel status
|       9.24.2  Semantics: - This callback occurs when the Read  Channel
|       Counters  function  is  complete.  For the format and meaning of
|       the data returned by this function, refer to  the  Read  Channel
|       Counters function.
|            Upon  completing  this  function,  the  counter  buffer  is
|       "released", and may be manipulated by the user.

   NISRV Functional Specification
   Set Channel State

        9.25  Set Channel State

        9.25.1  Calling Sequence: -

              UNCHN/       Channel number
              UNSTA/       New channel state
              MOVX T1,NU.SCS
              MOVX T2,UN block address
              CALL DLLUNI
               <Error return.  Reason in T1>
              <Good return>

              UNSTA/       Channel status

        9.25.2  Semantics: - This  function  enables  or  disables   the
        channel.  If the channel is disabled, it is left in a state such
        that it can be continued later via the  enable  mechanism.   All
        functions  that  require  the  channel  will  be  queued  up and
        executed when the channel is enabled.

        9.25.3  Restrictions: -
        There are no restrictions on this function.

        9.25.4  Related Functions: -
        Read Channel Counters
        Read Portal Information

        9.25.5  Error Returns: -
        UNNSC%:  - No such channel -  The  specified  channel  does  not

|                                  APPENDIX A
|                                      A
|       The format of an MSD follows:
|  BEGSTR MD               ;Input Meaning,      ;Output Meaning
|          WORD AUX        ;NOT USED            ;ILDB PTR TO BEG OF MSG
|                  VMC.XC==:0      ;EXEC Context (Map through EPT)
|                  VMC.US==:1      ;USER Context (Map through UPT)
|                  VMC.NO==:2      ;DO NOT Map (Physical Address)
|       Not all fields are used by NISRV when doing MSD style transmits.  The
|  fields and NISRV's interpretation of them are described below.
|       The field MDNXT contains a pointer to the next MSD in the MSD  chain.
|  It is treated as a 30 bit address.  A contents of zero indicates that this
|  is the last MSD in the chain.
|       MDAUX is contains a one word local indexed byte pointer to the  start
|  of  the  data  for this particular MSD.  The index AC is ignored by NISRV,
|  but during normal operation would  contain  the  30  bit  address  of  the
|  beginning of the data buffer (ie:  the contents of MDALA).
|       The contents of MDBYT is treated as the data  length  for  this  MSD.
|  This  field  may  contain  0.  In that case, the MSD is ignored, and NISRV
|  procedes to the next MSD in the chain.
|       The field MDVMC indicates the address space that contains this  MSD's
|  data.
|       MDALA contains a 30 bit address to  the  start  of  this  MSD's  data
|  buffer.   This  address  normally resides in the index AC used by the byte
|  pointer in MDAUX.

|  A

|       When computing the start of the text portion of an MSD,  NISRV  takes
|  the right half of the byte pointer in MDAUX and adds it to the contents of
|  MDALA.  The left half of the byte pointer is evaluated to determine if the
|  address  needs to be incremented, and to determine the offset of the first
|  byte of data.
|       There are  two  other  aspects  of  MSD  processing  that  should  be
|  mentioned here:
|       1.  The fields MDPTR, and MDALL are ignored by NISRV.
|       2.  The MSD is never  changed  by  NISRV.   Upon  completion  of  the
|           transmission it is returned intact.

|                                  APPENDIX B
|                                FUNCTION CODES
|  NU.OPN - Open a Portal
|  NU.CLO - Close a Portal         - Close a Portal Callback
|  NU.RCV - Post a Receive Buffer  - Datagram Received Callback
|  NU.XMT - Send a Datagram        - Datagram Sent Callback
|  NU.EMA - Enable a Multicast     - Enable Multicast Callback
|  NU.DMA - Disable a Multicast    - Disable Multicast Callback
|  NU.RPC - Read Portal Counters   - Read Portal Counters Callback
|  NU.RCI - Read Channel Info      - Read Channel Info Callback
|  NU.RPL - Read Portal List
|  NU.RPI - Read Portal Info
|  NU.SCA - Set Channel Address    - Set Channel Address Callback
|  NU.RCC - Read Channel Counters  - Read Channel Ctrs Callback
|  NU.SCS - Set Channel State
|  NU.MAX - Maximum function

|                                  APPENDIX C
|                                 ERROR CODES
|  UNIFC% - Illegal Function Code
|  UNRES% - No Resouces
|  UNNSC% - No Such Channel
|  UNICR% - Illegal Callback Routine
|  UNIVP% - Illegal Protocol Type
|  UNPIU% - Protocol Type In Use
|  UNPRA% - Promiscuous Receiver Active
|  UNICL% - Illegal Function at Callback Level
|  UNNSP% - No Such Portal
|  UNIFB% - Improperly Formatted Buffer
|  UNIBS% - Illegal Buffer Size
|  UNRDL% - Received Datagram Too Long
|  UNRAB% - Receive Aborted
|  UNLER% - Length Error
|  UNNPE% - No Protocol Type Enabled For This Portal
|  UNIBP% - Illegal Byte Pointer
|  UNEXC% - Excessive Collisions
|  UNDNS% - Datagram Not Sent
|  UNNRE% - No Room For Entry
|  UNANE% - Address Not Enabled
|  UNIMA% - Illegal Multicast Address
|  UNICA% - Illegal Channel Address
|  UNMAX% - Maximum error code


              LCG NI Port Architecture Specification
                       COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL

                           Mike Wolinski
                         Thomas G. Arnold
                            MRO1-2 E/18
                           DTN 231-5707
                            7 May 1984
                           Revision 8.0
LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                 Page 2

        1.0     GOALS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
        2.0     NON-GOALS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
        3.0     NOTATIONAL CONVENTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
        4.0     REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
        5.0     INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
        5.1       Port Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
        5.2       Port Services  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
        5.3       NI Packet Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
        6.0     ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
        6.1       Port Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
        6.2       Port Control Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
        6.2.1       Queue Headers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
        6.2.2       Queue Interlocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
        6.3       States And Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
        6.3.1       Port States  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
        6.3.2       Command Queue  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
        6.3.3       Unknown Protocol Type Free Queue . . . . . . .  16
        6.3.4       Response Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
        6.3.5       Protocol Type Table Starting Address . . . . .  17
        6.3.6       Multi-Cast Address Table Starting Address  . .  17
        6.4       Queue Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
        6.4.1       Queue Headers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
        6.4.2       Queue Entries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
        6.4.3       Protocol Type Table  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
        6.4.4       Buffer Descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
        6.5       Multi-cast Address Table . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
        6.6       Received Packet Filtering  . . . . . . . . . . .  27
        6.7       Port Commands And Responses  . . . . . . . . . .  28
        6.7.1       Command Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
        6.7.2       Responses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
        6.7.3       Remote Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
        6.7.4       Self Directed Commands . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
        6.7.5       Port Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
        6.8       Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
        6.8.1       Port Hardware Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
        6.8.2       Error Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
        6.8.3       Datagram Discarded . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
        6.9       Event Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
        6.10      MOP Message Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
        6.11      Broadcast Of System ID . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
        7.0     COMMAND SPECIFICATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
        7.1       FLAGS Field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
        7.2       Status Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
        7.3       Send Datagram  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
        7.3.1       SNDDG Command  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
        7.3.2       DGSNT Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
        7.3.3       DGRCV Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  44
        7.4       Load Protocol Type Table . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                 Page 3

        7.4.1       LDPTT Command  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49
        7.4.2       PTTLD Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49
        7.5       Load Multi-cast Address Table  . . . . . . . . .  50
        7.5.1       LDMCAT Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50
        7.5.2       MCATLD Response  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  51
        7.6       Read And Clear Performance Counters  . . . . . .  52
        7.6.1       RCCNT Command  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52
        7.6.2       CNTRC Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  53       WRTPLI Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  60       PLIWRT Response  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  61
        7.6.3       Read Port/Link Interface . . . . . . . . . . .  62       RDPLI Command  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62       PLIRD Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63
        7.6.4       Read NI Station Address  . . . . . . . . . . .  64       RDNSA Command  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65       NSARD Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65
        7.6.5       Write NI Station Address . . . . . . . . . . .  68       WRTNSA Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  68       NSAWRT Response  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
        8.0     PORT REGISTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71
        9.0     DATA FORMATTING MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
        9.1       Industry Compatible Mode . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
        10.0    NI OPCODE SUMMARY  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75
        11.0    PROGRAMMING NOTES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  76
        11.1      LOADING AND DUMPING OF THE PORT  . . . . . . . .  78
        11.2      Reset  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  80
        11.3      Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  80
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                   Page 4

        1.0  GOALS

             This document describes the software interface to  control  an
        LCG  NI  port.   The  LCG  NI  port  will  implement  the necessary
        functionality to meet the required DEC corporate specs for  devices
        connected  to  the  NI.  These include, but are not limited to, the
        bluebook  Ethernet  specification,   the   corporate   NI   Product
        Architecture, the DNA NI Data Link Specification, and the Low Level
        Maintenance  Operation  (MOP)  specification.   Port  services  and
        functionality are described.

        2.0  NON-GOALS

             It is not  a  goal  of  this  specification  to  describe  the
        physical  channel,  or  to resolve higher level network issues.  No
        specific network architecture beyond that defined in the data  link
        Ethernet specification is implied.


             All numbers in this specification will be  in  decimal  unless
        explicitly  stated  otherwise.  Numbering of bits in words conforms
        to the DEC-20 standard of numbering the left most  (highest  order)
        bit  as  0,  and proceeding to the right from there.  The number of
        the right most (least significant) bit in a PDP-20 word is 35.

        4.0  REFERENCES

             The reader is assumed to be familiar with  the  the  following

        1.  LCG Network Interconnect Adaptor (NIA) Interface Specification.
            Author Bernie Hall and John Halstead.

        2.  NI  Node  Product  Architecture.   Version  1.0  Author:   P.J.
            Nesbeda.  This document describes the minimum requirements of a
            DEC NI node.

        3.  DNA Low Level  Maintenance  Operations  Architecture.   Version
            3.0.0  Authors:   Bob  Stewart  and  Ken Chapman This documents
            describes the maintenance features available in most NI nodes.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                   Page 5

        4.  DNA NI  Data  Link  Architecture.   Version  1.0  Author:   Bob
            Stewart.   This  document  integrates  the "Ethernet" spec into

        5.  VAX-11 NI Port Architecture.  Author:  William Strecker,  Bruce
            Mann.   This  documents defines the architecture of the NI port
            for the VAX family of processors.  This document is  the  model
            for the LCG NI port architecture.

        6.  The Ethernet - A Local Area  Network  -  Data  Link  Layer  And
            Physical  Layer  Specifications.   Version  2.0  Author:   DEC,
            Xerox, Intel.  This is THE description of the NI itself.

        5.0  INTRODUCTION

             The NI is a multiaccess serial interconnect that allows up  to
        1024  different  stations  to  share  a  common  10 Megabit bus and
        communicate by exchanging data packets.  The maximum length of  the
        NI interconnection is 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles).  The transmission
        medium  is  a  coaxial  cable,  using  base  band  signaling.   The
        arbitration  protocol  used  by  the  NI  is carrier sense multiple
        access with collision detect (CSMA/CD.) The service provided by the
        NI  is  a  datagram-class  of service in which the data packets are
        delivered on a best-effort basis;  no confirmation of  delivery  is
        made, and no guarantee of sequentiality or non-duplication is made.
        Higher levels of network software must provide these services based
        upon  the  basic  Ethernet  service  offered  by this port.  A full
        description of the NI itself appears in the Ethernet  specification
        referred to above.

        5.1  Port Usage

        The NI20 will interface between the NI  and  the  KL10  E/Cbus.This
        port  provides the Data Link and Physical Channel layers of the ISO
        (International   Standards   Organization)   OSI   (Open    Systems
        Interconnection) reference model.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                   Page 6

        5.2  Port Services

             The NI port performs  queued  retrieval  of  commands,  queued
        reporting  of  received  packets,  packet transfer to and from host
        memory,  packetization,  framing,  CRC  generation  and   checking,
        Ethernet  arbitration,  transmission  retries, and error reporting.
        The NI also does filtering for multi-cast addresses, and  broadcast
        addresses,  as  well  as  physical destination addresses.  Protocol
        type filtering is done.  Free queue entries  for  enabled  protocol
        types  are  obtained  from  a list of protocol types and associated
        free queue pointers.

             Received packet address filtering is  done  in  the  following
        manner:   In  order to receive a datagram, the destination field of
        the datagram  must  pass  the  received  address  filter.   If  the
        destination  address  is  -1  (all  ones),  then  the  message is a
        BROADCAST message, and the port accepts  it.   If  the  destination
        address  has bit 47 a zero, then it is a physical address;  If this
        destination address matches the physical address of the  link,  the
        port accepts it.  If the destination address has bit 47 a one, then
        it is a multi-cast address.  If this  destination  address  matches
        one  of the multi-cast addresses enabled for the port, the datagram
        is accepted.

             If the packet is accepted by the port address filter, Protocol
        Type  filtering occurs as follows:  When a message is received, the
        protocol type is checked against  the  table  of  enabled  protocol
        types.  If a match is found in this table, the associated free list
        is used to obtain the queue entry to  store  the  received  packet.
        This  feature allows effective queue management by the port driver.
        If a match is not found, the required queue entry is obtained  from
        the  Unknown Protocol Type free list queue anchored in the PCB.  If
        the queue checked in order to get the  free  entry  is  empty,  the
        datagram is discarded.

        5.3  NI Packet Format

             The basic format of a frame (packet) of data which appears  on
        the NI wire follows:
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                   Page 7

             |                         |
             |   DESTINATION ADDRESS   | 6 BYTES
             |                         |
             |                         |
             |     SOURCE ADDRESS      | 6 BYTES
             |                         |
             |                         |
             |     PROTOCOL TYPE       | 2 BYTES
             |                         |
             |                         |
             |         DATA            | 46-1500 BYTES
             |                         |
             |  FRAME CHECK SEQUENCE   | 4 BYTES
             |                         |

             The following definitions apply:

        1.  Destination address - These 6 bytes contain the address of  the
            port that is the intended recipient of this frame.

        2.  Source address - These 6 bytes contain the address of the  port
            that transmitted this frame.

        3.  Protocol type - These 2 bytes defined the format and content of
            the remainder of the packet.

        4.  Data - These bytes are the actual data bytes intended  for  the

        5.  Frame check sequence - This is the 4 byte  CRC  field  that  is
            used to guarantee the uncorrupted reception of the packet.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                   Page 8


             The LCG NI port model is a single port  communicating  with  a
        single   port   driver   which   provides   the   multiplexing  and
        demultiplexing services necessary for many users to  share  the  NI
        wire.   The  port  and  port-driver  software communicate with each
        other through the use of queues and a Port Control Block.

        6.1  Port Addresses

             All host memory addresses  used  by  this  port  are  physical
        addresses  in KL10 memory.  All pointers in the Port Control Block,
        the Protocol Type Table, the Multi-cast Address  Table,  the  queue
        entries,  and  the  free  standing  queue headers refer to physical
        addresses.  Reserved for software words are provided for the use of
        the  driver  program.   One  use may be to hold the virtual address
        counterpart for these structures.

        6.2  Port Control Block

             The Port Control Block is used to anchor the queues at a known
        point  in the host memory and to provide certain initial parameters
        to the port.  The  queues  are  used  to  pass  commands  from  the
        port-driver  software to the port for either local execution or for
        transmission over the NI wire.  The queues are  also  used  by  the
        port  to  pass  responses  back  to the port driver software and to
        deposit packets received over the NI wire.

             The Port Control Block (PCB) is a data structure based in  the
        host  memory  that  allows  the  sharing  of the queues by the port
        driver and the port.  The Port Control Block is pointed to by  port
        register 2, the PCB Base register.

             The port is informed of the location of the PCB at micro  code
        intialization  time  by  the  port  driver  software.  When this is
        detected by the port, it will cache the  following  variables  from
        the  PCB:   the  unknown  protocol  type  queue  entry  length, the
        portocol type table starting address, and  the  multi-cast  address
        table starting address.

             Both the host port driver and port read and write locations in
        the  PCB.   There is exactly one PCB for each NI port controlled by
        the host system.  The PCB is the main control structure for the  NI
        port.   It anchors all of the tables and queue structures.  The PCB
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                   Page 9

        contains queue headers to anchor the command  queue,  the  response
        queue,  and the unknown protocol type free queue.  Base pointers to
        the Multi-cast address table,  and  the  protocol  type  table  are
        located in the PCB.  In addition, an error logout area, and several
        free words provided for the use of the driver program are  included
        in the PCB.  The reseved words will never be altered or examined by
        the NI port.  The error logout area may be written at any  time  by
        the port to record an error event.

        6.2.1  Queue Headers - A queue consists of  a  queue  header  which
        anchors the queue and a number of entries, each occupying a spot on
        the queue.  All LCG NI queues are doubly  linked  structures.   The
        queue  header  and  each queue entry contain a forward link (FLINK)
        and a backwards link (BLINK.) The forward link of  a  queue  header
        points  at  the  first  entry  of the queue.  The forward link of a
        queue entry points to the next entry of the  queue,  if  any.   The
        backwards  link  of  a queue header points at the last entry of the
        queue.  The backwards link of a queue  entry  points  back  at  the
        entry  before  the entry on the queue, if any.  If a flink does not
        point to a queue entry, it points at the queue header flink.  If  a
        blink  does  not  point  to  a  queue entry, it points at the queue
        header flink.

             Queue headers anchor a queue structure.  A queue header may be
        located  in  the  PCB, or located in host memory as a free standing
        structure.  A queue header is composed of a reserved word, a FLINK,
        a  BLINK,  and  a Queue Length.  The FLINK (forward link) points to
        the first word, the FLINK, of the first entry of  the  queue.   The
        BLINK points to the FLINK word of the last entry of the queue.  The
        first and last entries may be the same  entry.   If  there  are  no
        entries on the queue, the queue header FLINK points to itself.

             The Queue Length word, where applicable, specifies the  length
        in  words, of the entire entry, including the FLINK, BLINK, Command
        header, and data words.  The queue length applies to every entry on
        the queue.  All queue entries on one queue must be the same length.

        6.2.2  Queue Interlocks -

             The NI20 requires special KL10 microcode support to allow  the
        NI20 to perform a memory increment operation using read-pause-write
        memory references.  This is needed to allow the port  to  interlock
        the queues.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 10

             There is a separate interlock word for  each  queue.   When  a
        queue is available, the corresponding interlock word has a value of
        -1.  When either the operating system or the port want to interlock
        the     queue,    they    must    perform    a    non-interruptable
        increment-store-test  operation,  such  as   an   AOSE.    If   the
        incremented  location  has a value of zero, then the queue has been
        successfully interlocked and the process  may  now  manipulate  the
        queues.   If  the  incremented value is greater than zero, then the
        queue is not available.  The interlock word should not be set  back
        to  zero.   When  the  process  is  finished  with  the queues, the
        interlock word must be set back to -1 (all ones).  This  marks  the
        queue  as  available.   Both the port driver and the port microcode
        are responsible for leaving the queues in a well defined state.

             The PCB must be allocated starting on a  four  word  boundary.
        The format of the Port Control Block is illustrated below:
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 11

                                   PCB Format                          OCT

             |              Command Queue Interlock                   | 0
             |                Command Queue FLINK                     | 1
             |                Command Queue BLINK                     | 2
             |                Reserved for Software                   | 3
             |              Response Queue Interlock                  | 4
             |                Response Queue FLINK                    | 5
             |                Response Queue BLINK                    | 6
             |               Reserved for software                    | 7
             |     Unknown Protocol Type Free Queue Interlock         | 10
             |       Unknown Protocol Type Free Queue FLINK           | 11
             |       Unknown Protocol Type Free Queue BLINK           | 12
             |        Unknown Protocol Queue Entry Length             | 13
             |               Reserved for Software                    | 14
             |        Protocol Type Table starting address            | 15
             |     Multi-cast Address Table starting address          | 16
             |               Reserved for Software                    | 17
             |                   Error Logout 0                       | 20
             |                   Error Logout 1                       | 21
             |         EPT Channel Logout Word 1 Address              | 22
             |         EPT Channel Logout Word 1 Contents             | 23
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 12

                |                   PCB Base Address                     | 24
                |                   PIA Assignment                       | 25
                |                  Reserved to Port                      | 26
                |                Channel Command Word                    | 27
                |        Read Counters Data Buffer Starting address      | 30

             The Error Words (words 20,21) are written by the port when  it
        encounters  fatal  errors associated with Queue manipulation.  This
        error reporting  strategy  requires  the  port  to  write  as  much
        information  as  possible  directly  into  the  host  memory.  This
        approach  requires  the  smallest  subset  of  port  hardware   and
        microcode to be working to report these errors.

             The information in these words provides  sufficient  data  for
        the  port driver to determine the type of error and where the error
        occurred.  When the error is detected,  the  port  will  write  the
        contents  of  the Error Words in the PCB, enter the Disabled State,
        and generate a host interrupt.

             The format of Error Word 0 is:

              0    1     2    3    4                    11 12           35
          |  CMD  |  MBZ  | RESP  |     MUST BE ZERO      | FLINK ADDRESS |

                BITS    NAME            DESCRIPTION
                ====    ====            ===========
                  0     CMD             Error occurred while  reading a  command
                                        queue entry.

                1-2     MBZ             These bits will be zero

                  3     RESPONSE        This bit  is on  if the  error  occurred
                                        while the port was attempting to build a
                                        response queue entry.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 13

                4-11    MBZ             These bits will be zero.

                12-35   FLINK ADR       This is the address of the FLINK word of
                                        the queue in question.

             Error Word 1 contains the API  function  word  that  the  port
        processor  used  to  access  memory when the memory error occurred.
        This word is written here in the same  format  as  it  should  have
        appeared on the EBUS.  The format of this word is:

                  0    2 3    5  6  7 12 13                        35
                 | Addr | Func | Q | 0  |     Physical Address       |
                 | Code |      |   |    |                            |

             Word  22  of  the  PCB  is  written   by   the   port   during
        initialization time with the address of the EPT Channel Logout Word
        1 which the port gets from the port driver software.  Words 22  and
        23 of the PCB are used by the port during Channel Error recovery.

             Word 23 contains the Channel Logout Word 1 written by port  on
        any  kind  of  channel error detected during or immediatly after, a
        DMA transfer.  The format of Error Word 3 is:

         0 01   02  03  04  05-08 09  10  11   12    13  14          35
        | |PE | PE |=0 |   |     |   |  | WC | WC  |RUN |     CCW+1    |

                BITS    NAME            DESCRIPTION
                ====    ====            ===========

                 01     MEM PE          Memory Parity Error.

                 02     -ADR PE         Not Address Parity Error.

                 03     -WC=0           Chan Word Count did not = 0 when 
                                        chan did a store to EPT.

                 04     NXM             Chan ref non exist mem.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 14

                 09     LXE             Error detected after port term
                                        Chan aborts next transfer.

                 11     LONG WC         Port comp Xfer, But word count in
                                        CCW not reached.

                 12     SHORT WC        Chan Xferred data spec by CCW, But
                                        port still has data.

                 13     OVER RUN        If dev read, Port sent data but chan
                                        buff were full.
                                        If dev write, Port req data but chan
                                        buff were empty.

             Word 24 of the PCB is the address of the  first  word  of  the
        PCB;  the NI20 has no other way of finding the PCB.

             Word 27 is reserved for the Channel Command  Word.   The  port
        will  write  a  CCW-style word here when it wishes to transfer data
        over the KL10 CBus.  The port driver is responsible for  writing  a
        Channel  Jump  Word into the appropriate EPT location corresponding
        to the RH20 backplane slot that the NI20 is installed in.

             Word 25 is always reserved to the port microcode for its  use;
        the  port  driver  should never write this location nor depend upon
        its value.

             Word 30 of the PCB is a pointer to the beginning of  the  Read
        Counter  Data  Buffer.  This address is supplied by the port driver
        software at initialization.

             When the NI20 is being initialized, the port driver  must  set
        up  the  channel to transfer the contents of the PCB into the port.
        This is done by setting up a CCW to transfer 3 words starting  with
        word  24 of the PCB from KL10 memory to the channel.  The port will
        start the channel and will read the contents  of  these  locations.
        This  provides  the  port  with  the  base  of  the PCB, and its PI

             It is important to realize that since the port will  be  using
        the  channel  to transfer large blocks of data, the channel will be
        writing logout information into the EPT.  An error that the channel
        discovers will be reported in the usual manner via the EPT.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 15

        6.3  States And Programming

        6.3.1  Port States -

             There are 4 defined states in which the port can be.

    1.  Uninitialized - The port is not running.   This  is  the  power  up
        state.   The  port  enters  this state after a power-on or a master
        reset.  The port may exit this state only  if  valid  microcode  is
        loaded into the port and the port clocks are started.

    2.  Disabled - The port is running, but it is not accepting NI packets.
        The  port will process local port commands.  This state can only be
        entered from the uninitialized state by starting the port microcode
        running  and  setting  the  Disable  bit  (Bit 30) in the CSR.  The
        microcode will put the port  into  this  state  and  signal  it  by
        setting  Disable  Complete (Bit 12) in the CSR.  The Disabled state
        is entered from the Enabled state through a command from  the  host
        to   enter  this  state  or  when  the  port  microcode  detects  a
        non-recoverable internal port error.

    3.  Enabled - The port is fully functional;  it is processing  commands
        and NI packets.  This is the normal state for the port.  This state
        can only be entered from the Disabled state via  command  from  the
        host (Bit 31 in CSR).

    4.  Halted - The port microsequencer is halted no port functionally  is
        availible.   This  state  is  only entered by either planned or non
        planned CRAM parity error, (Bit 6 in the CSR), or by port  hardware
        detecting a MBUS error (Bit 7 in the CSR).

        6.3.2  Command Queue -

             The command queue is the basic communication structure for the
        LCG NI.  Through it, all commands are passed to the port interface.
        A command consists of a queue entry, with a FLINK  (Forward  LINK),
        pointing  to  the  next  command in the queue, if any, and a BLINK,
        (Backward LINK) pointing to the previous command in the  queue,  if
        any.   From the OPCODE field of the command queue entry is obtained
        what function is to be performed.  The  queue  entry  contains  the
        information  needed  to process the command.  Commands are delinked
        from the  beginning  of  the  queue  by  the  port,  and  executed.
        Commands  are executed in the order in which they are placed in the
        command queue.  The driver places command entries to be executed on
        the  tail  of the command queue.  If the queue was previously empty
        when this occurs, the driver writes  the  Command  Queue  Available
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 16

        (CQA)  bit in the CSR register.  The length of the command entry is
        inferred from its format, and the function being performed.

        6.3.3  Unknown Protocol Type Free Queue -

             This queue is a linked list of free queue entries to  be  used
        to  report  to the driver all received packets which passed address
        filtering, and which are addressed to a protocol type which is  not
        enabled  in  the  Protocol  Type  Table.  The driver links new free
        entries onto the end of this queue as it obtains  them.   The  port
        delinks these entries when it must build a response, and cannot use
        one of the enabled protocol type free queues.

             The unknown protocol queue entry  length  word  specifies,  in
        words, how long the entries on the queue are.  This length included
        the FLINK, BLINK, Reserved and Opcode words of  the  entry.   These
        different  queues are provided to help insure that heavy traffic on
        one protocol type will not disturb the availability of ready  queue
        entries for other protocol types.  In addition, by having different
        queues for different sorts of messages, all queue entries need  not
        be  the maximum length for Ethernet messages;  protocol types which
        use only a limited size packet can allocate more entries of smaller
        size,  and  yet  run with other protocol types which require larger

             It is recommended that queue entries for the Unknown  Protocol
        Type  Free Queue be large enough to hold the largest legal Ethernet
        packet.  This is 388 (decimal) words, assuming industry  compatible
        is  the  packing mode.  This figure includes the flink, blink, etc.
        of the send datagram non-BSD command format.

        6.3.4  Response Queue -

             The Response Queue is used by the port to submit to the driver
        packets  which  were accepted by the packet address filter over the
        NI wire, or which resulted from a completed command,  or  an  error
        packet.  The port links such packets onto the end of the queue.  If
        the queue was previously empty when this occurs,  an  interrupt  is
        submitted  to  the  host,  to  inform  it  of the presence of a new
        response.  This queue is  accessed  according  to  the  interlocked
        queue protocol for the KL10.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 17

        6.3.5  Protocol Type Table Starting Address -

             This word points to the beginning of the protocol type  table.
        This  table,  described  elsewhere,  lists the protocol types to be
        accepted, and pointers to  appropriate  free  queue  headers,  from
        which  free  entries  to  hold received responses for that protocol
        type.  The PTT must be allocated beginning on a four word boundary.
        The  protocol  types  listed  in this table do not come into effect
        until after the execution of a Load PTT command.  Once  this  table
        has  been  allocated  and  its  address  specified  in  the PCB the
        location of the table cannot be changed.

        6.3.6  Multi-Cast Address Table Starting Address -

             This word points to the beginning of  the  multi-cast  address
        table.  This table lists the multi-cast addresses to which the port
        is to respond.  Multi cast addresses on the NI wire  that  are  not
        present in this table will be ignored.  The addresses in this table
        come into effect only after the execution of a Load  MCAT  command.
        This  table  must  be  allocated beginning on a four word boundary.
        Once this table has been allocated and its address specified in the
        PCB, its location cannot be changed.

        6.4  Queue Structures

             Queued structures comprise the basic communication between the
        host  driver  and the NI port.  This section describes these memory

        6.4.1  Queue Headers -

             The format ofthe queue header is illustrated below:

              |                Queue Interlock Word                    |
              |                    Queue FLINK                         |
              |                    Queue BLINK                         |
              |                 Queue Entry Length                     |
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 18

                              Queue Entry Length
|       The Queue Entry Length specifies the length, in bytes, of the queue
|       entries on the queue.  This queue length included the FLINK, BLINK,
|       reserved, and opcode words.  All entries on a queue are of the same
|       length.

                            Reserved For Software

             The reserved word may  be  used  by  the  driver  program  for
        whatever  purpose  it wishes.  The independent queue header must be
        allocated on a four word boundary.  Independent queue  headers  are
        subject  to  the  same  rules  for interlocking that the PCB queues

        6.4.2  Queue Entries -

             Queue entries are the structures out  of  which  commands  and
        responses  are  built.  They possess forward and backward links, to
        enable the construction of a doubly-linked list.  The format  of  a
        queue entry is given below:

              |                         FLINK                          |
              |                         BLINK                          |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |              Operation Code (Entry type)               |
              |                      Queue Data 0                      |
              |                      Queue Data 1                      |
              |                      Queue Data N                      |
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 19

             The FLINK points to the  next  entry  of  the  queue  (Forward
        LINK).   BLINK,  on  the  other  hand, points to the previous queue
        entry.  If there is no next entry, then the FLINK  points  back  to
        the  queue  header FLINK.  If there is no previous entry, the BLINK
        points back to the FLINK word of the queue header.

             The word reserved  for  software  will  never  be  altered  or
        examined by the LCG NI port.  The Operation Code specifies the type
        of  the  entry;   i.e.,  Send  Datagram,  Load  MCAT,  etc.   Words
        following the Operation code are type dependent.

        6.4.3  Protocol Type Table -

             The Protocol Type Table specifies a  set  of  protocol  types,
        with  their  associated  free  queue  pointers  that are considered
        enabled by the port.  When a  message  which  passes  the  received
        address filter is detected, this table will be examined.  Thus, for
        a multi-cast packet to be  received  into  a  protocol  type  queue
        (either  known  or unknown) its destination address must be enabled
        in the multi-cast  address  table.   If  the  protocol  type  of  a
        received  packet  matches  an entry in the PTT, then the associated
        free queue of that PROTOCOL TYPE entry is used to supply  the  free
        queue  entry used to store the incoming packet.  A protocol type is
        not considered unless the corresponding enable bit  (sign  bit)  is
        on.   It is required to have the protocols arranged in the table in
        ascending numerical order.   This  allows  the  microcode  to  stop
        searching  the table after the first time that the protocol type of
        the incoming packet is less than an examined entry in the  protocol
        type table.

             The number of protocol types allowed for a particular  version
        of   the   NI  microcode  is  specified  in  the  NI  read  station
        information.  The port driver must read this  number  in  order  to
        discover  how many entries are available for both MCAT entries, and
        PTT entries.  The Protocol Type Table must be  allocated  beginning
        on  a  four word boundary.  The table must be built with the number
        of entries specified in the NI read station  information,  even  if
        some  of  the entries are not enabled.  Listed below is the general
        format of the Protocol Type Table:
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 20

                                 Protocol Type Table
            |   0    |<1---------------15>|       <16-31>         |  |  0
            | Enable |       MBZ          | Protocol Type value 0 |  |
            |               FREEQ 0 queue header address             |  1
            |                 Reserved for Software                  |  2
            |   0    |<1---------------15>|       <16-31>         |  |  3
            | Enable |       MBZ          | Protocol Type value 1 |  |
            |               FREEQ 1 queue header address             |  4
            |                 Reserved for Software                  |  5
            |   0    |<1---------------15>|       <16-31>         |  |  6
            | Enable |       MBZ          | Protocol Type value 2 |  |
            |               FREEQ 2 queue header address             |  7
            |                 Reserved for Software                  |  10
            |   0    |<1---------------15>|       <16-31>         |  |  11
            | Enable |       MBZ          | Protocol Type value 3 |  |
            |               FREEQ 3 queue header address             |  12
            |                 Reserved for Software                  |  13
            |   0    |<1---------------15>|       <16-31>         |  |  14
            | Enable |       MBZ          | Protocol Type value 4 |  |
            |               FREEQ 4 queue header address             |  15
            |                 Reserved for Software                  |  16
            |   0    |<1---------------15>|       <16-31>         |  |  17
            | Enable |       MBZ          | Protocol Type value 5 |  |
            |               FREEQ 5 queue header address             |  20
            |                 Reserved for Software                  |  21
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 21

                                      .                                 .
                                      .                                 .
                                      .                                 .

            |   0    |<1---------------15>|       <16-31>         |  |  M-2
            | Enable |       MBZ          | Protocol Type value N |  |
            |             FREEQ N queue header address               |  M-1
            |                 Reserved for Software                  |  M

        The LCG NI caches the PTT internally when the LOAD PTT  command  is
        issued.   The driver is free to alter the PTT whenever the LOAD PTT
        command is not pending.  The protocol values within the table  must
        be  assembled  in ascending numerical order.  Only the binary value
        of the protocol type itself is considered  in  the  sorting  order.
        Non enabled protocol types are ignored.

             If a protocol type is received which is not in this table, the
        message  will  be  placed  onto  the  Unknown  Protocol Type queue,
        anchored in the PCB.

             If the port is enabled without having  loaded  the  PTT  after
        initialization,  all  protocol types are disabled, except for those
        MOP protocol types which are implied active by the setting  of  the
        RMOP mode bit.


             This bit, when set, indicates  that  the  associated  protocol
        type is valid, and should be considered when the PTT is cached.

                             Protocol Type Value

             This variable specifies the value of protocol type that should
        be  placed  on  the associated queue when a message of the protocol
        type is received.

             Note that the free queue indirection scheme such  as  the  one
        discussed  above  allows  the  sharing  of free queue lists between
        protocol types.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 22

                             Queue Header Address

             This word contains the physical address of the FLINK  word  of
        the associated free standing queue header block.

        6.4.4  Buffer Descriptors -

             At times it is desirable  to  have  different  portions  of  a
        datagram  be  in  different  packing  modes,  or to allow different
        portions of a datagram to  be  built  at  different  times  without
        incurring  substantial overhead in copying the datagram from buffer
        to buffer.  An example of this is  when  lower  layers  of  network
        software  wish  to  prepend  data  to  a  user's  data  in order to
        facilitate flow  control,  routing,  session  control,  etc.   This
        feature is accomplished through the mechanism of buffers.

             The use of buffers for a commands is activated by setting  the
        BSD bit of the flags byte.

             A buffer consists of  a  list  of  segments  of  memory,  each
        segment  being  physically contiguous, and resident within physical
        memory.  Different segments of a buffer are not assumed contiguous,
        and may lie anywhere within the physical address space of the host.
        It is assumed in normal use that different segments of a buffer are
        unique  (i.e.,  they  do  not overlap) within a host, and that each
        segment is in only one packing mode.  A buffer is  described  by  a
        list of Buffer Segment Descriptors (BSDs).

             Each buffer segment descriptor describes a  single  contiguous
        piece of a buffer.  Each descriptor is a four word block, allocated
        on a four word boundary, and built by the driver in  physical  host
        memory.   In  each  of  these  blocks  is  a  pointer  to  the next
        descriptor block (if any), a pointer to the segment of  the  buffer
        so  described, and a field indicating what packing mode the segment
        is in.  In addition, within each block is a field giving  the  size
        of the buffer segment in bytes.

             A buffer is referenced by giving the physical address  of  the
        first  word of the first BSD in the chain of BSDs.  This address is
        called out in the SEND DATAGRAM command packet, when the flags byte
        of  that command indicates that buffer descriptors are in use.  The
        format of the SEND DATAGRAM command is effectd by  the  setting  of
        this flags bit.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 23

             Note that this is unlike the CI20, wherein buffers are  called
        out  by  name  and  a  key, and are referenced by indexing within a
        table of buffer header blocks in order to obtain the address of the
        chain  of  buffer segment descriptors.  The BSD format is specified
|                             (buffer segment descriptor)
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |        |      <6>     |      |          <12-35>        |
|          0  |   MBZ  | Packing Mode | MBZ  |  Segment Base address   |
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |                              |         <12-35>         |
|          1  |            MBZ               |    Next BSD address     |>---+
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+    |
|             |                                       |<20----------35>|    |
|          2  |                 MBZ                   | Segment Length |    |
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+    |
|          3  |              Reserved for use by software              |    |
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+    |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|                            (buffer segment descriptor)                    |
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+    |
|             |        |     <6>      |      |         <12-35>         |    |
|          0  |   MBZ  | Packing Mode | MBZ  |  Segment Base address   |<---+
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |                              |         <12-35>         |
|          1  |            MBZ               |    Next BSD address     |
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |                                       |<20----------35>|
|          2  |                 MBZ                   | Segment Length |
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|          3  |              Reserved for use by software              |
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|                             Packing Mode 0<6>
|          0 = industry compatible mode
|          1 = This mode is reserved for future DEC use.

                        Segment Base Address 0<12-35>

             This field gives the physical address of the beginning of  the
        buffer  segment.   The  buffer  segment  must begin on a whole word
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 24

                          Next BSD address 1<12-35>

             The next BSD address points to the  first  word  of  the  next
        buffer  segment  descriptor in the chain.  If the next BSD field is
        zero, then there is no next segment descriptor.

                           Segment Length 2<20-35>

             This field gives the length in bytes  of  the  buffer  segment
        pointed  to.   Note that the total legal length of the text portion
        of an Ethernet packet is 1500 bytes.

             It is allowed that BSDs may be built in the queue  entries  on
        the  command  queues.   Indeed,  it  is  assumed  that  this is the
        standard use.  BSDs must be allocated on a four word boundary.

        6.5  Multi-cast Address Table

             The  MCAT  is  the  Multi-Cast  address  table.   This   table
        specifies  which  multi-cast NI addresses are to be accepted by the
        LCG NI address filter.  Note that an address is not considered  for
        comparison unless the associated enable bit is on.

             The MCAT is cached internally when the Load  MCAT  command  is
        issued.  The port driver should refrain from altering the MCAT when
        such a load command is pending,  that  is,  after  the  command  is
        linked  onto  the  command  queue  and before the command is linked
        either onto the response queue or the unknown  protocol  type  free
        queue.   The port will not examine the MCAT until such a command is
        issued.  The port will never change data in the MCAT,  although  it
        will read all entries whenever the load command is issued.

             In  ALL  MULTI-CAST  mode,  all  received  packets  with   the
        MULTI-CAST  bit  set  in the destination address will pass received
        packet address filtering.  In order to enable ALL MULTI-CAST  mode,
        the  driver  must  set  the AMC bit in the write NI Station Address
        command for the KL10.  The following is the arrangement of  a  pair
        of  words that specify one multi-cast address.  Byte 0 is the first
        byte received or transmitted over the NI wire.  Byte 5 is the  last
|       byte  received  or transmitted.  Therefore, bit 7 of the first word
|       of the pair is the first bit on the wire, and is thus the MULTICAST
|       bit.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 25

|                      Binary Order Of Multi-cast Address
|        0.........7 8.........15 16........23 24........31  32-35
|        +--------------------------------------------------------+
|        | Byte 0   |   Byte 1   |  Byte 2    |  Byte 3    |  MBZ |  Word 0
|        +--------------------------------------------------------+
|                  ^
|            multicast bit
|       0..........7 8.........15 16........23 24...........34 35
|        +--------------------------------------------------------+
|        | Byte 4   |   Byte 5   |             MBZ            |ENA|  Word 1
|        +--------------------------------------------------------+
        The following illustrates the format of  the  MCAT.   Entries  that
        have  the  enable  bit  off  when the MCA is cached are not used in
        address comparison.  Each MCAT entry conforms to the  binary  order
        of NI addresses format shown above.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 26

|                                    MCAT Format
|             <  0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31> <32:34><35>
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |              Multi-cast address 0, Word 0    |   MBZ   |
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |              Multi-cast address 0, Word 1          |ENA|
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |              Multi-cast address 1, Word 0    |   MBZ   |
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |              Multi-cast address 1, Word 1          |ENA|
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |              Multi-cast address 2, Word 0    |   MBZ   |
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |              Multi-cast address 2, Word 1          |ENA|
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |              Multi-cast address 3, Word 0    |   MBZ   |
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |              Multi-cast address 3, Word 1          |ENA|
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |              Multi-cast address 4, Word 0    |   MBZ   |
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |              Multi-cast address 4, Word 1          |ENA|
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|                                         .
|                                         .
|                                         .
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |              Multi-cast address N-1, word 0  |   MBZ   |
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |              Multi-cast address N-1ord 1           |ENA|
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |              Multi-cast address N, Word 0    |   MBZ   |
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
|             |              Multi-cast address N, Word 1          |ENA|
|             +--------------------------------------------------------+
        The table is always considered full (i.e.,  the  port  will  always
        read  the entire table), although word pairs without the enable bit
        on are not considered.  The MCAT must be allocated beginning  on  a
        four  word  block.  The number of MCAT entries allowed is specified
        by the NI Configuration port register.

             Note that the high order bit of word 1 of each MCAT  entry  is
        an enable bit.  This enable bit specifies whether the two word pair
        is to be treated as a valid multi-cast address  or  not.   The  bit
        must be set for the address to be considered valid.  The enable bit
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 27

        is not considered when sorting the addresses within  the  table  in
        order to present them in numerical order.

             If the port is enabled after  initialization  without  loading
        the  MCAT,  no  multi-cast addresses are enabled.  The only packets
        that will pass the receive address filter will be those that  match
        the  physical  address  of  the  port,  and  BROADCAST (destination
        address of all ones) packets.

        6.6  Received Packet Filtering

             For a packet to be processed by the  port  it  must  pass  the
        receive  address  filter.   This filtering occurs according to mode
        for every packet received over the NI wire.  Packets which  do  not
        pass  the  address  filter  are  discarded  without  increment of a
        Datagram Discarded event counter;  by definition packets which fail
        to pass the address filter are not addressed to the receiving port.

             Received packet filetering only occurs for packets intercepted
        by the NI link while the microcode is in the ENABLED state.

             If a received packet has an address of BROADCAST  (destination
        field all ones,) then the packet passes the receive address filter,
        and is processed.

             If PROMISCUOUS mode is set, all packets received by  the  port
        are considered addressed to it, and are processed.  Otherwise...

             If ALL MULTI-CAST mode is set, all received packets  with  the
        multi-cast  address  bit  in the destination address field set will
        pass the address filter.  This  mode  is  a  promiscuous  mode  for
        multi-cast  packets  only.   In  addition  under  this  mode,  if a
        received packet's destination matches the physical address  of  the
        port, the packet passes the receive address filter.  Otherwise...

             A packet passes the filter if its destination address  matches
        the  port  physical  address,  or  if  the destination address is a
        multi-cast address, and matches a multi-cast address enabled in the
        multi-cast address table.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 28

        6.7  Port Commands And Responses

             Commands and Responses are the packets that the driver and the
        port  send  to  each other in order to communicate.  A Command is a
        request from the port driver for the port to provide some  service.
        The  placing  of a command on the command queue triggers processing
        in the NI port.  "Placing a command on the queue" includes  setting
        the  command queue available bit in the port status register if the
        command is linked onto an empty command queue.

             A response is a packet from the port to the  driver  informing
        it  of  an  event.   This event may be the reception of an incoming
        packet, the completion of a command, or  an  error  which  occurred
        while processing a command.

        6.7.1  Command Processing -

             When commands are present upon the  command  queue,  the  port
        microcode  will  delink  the  first  command  on the command queue,
        process the command, and  build  a  response  if  either  an  error
        occurred  or  if  the port driver specifically requested a response
        packet by setting the Response bit (R bit) in the FLAGS field.

             Command processing commences when the port discovers it has  a
        packet  linked  on the command queue (see PCB definition.) The port
        always checks after processing a command to see if  another  exists
        on  the command queue.  If not, the port goes idle.  The port wakes
        up again after the NI driver has placed a command upon the  command
        queue,  and  writes  the  Command  Queue  Available  bit in the CSR
        Register to indicate that a new command is available.

        6.7.2  Responses -

             Responses to commands are built if either  an  error  occurred
        while  processing a command, or if the RESP bit is set in the FLAGS
        field of the original command packet.  If a response is not  built,
        then the command entry is linked onto the end of one of the various
        free queues, depending upon the protocol type of  the  message,  if
        the  command is a Send Datagram, and onto the Unknown Protocol Type
        free queue if the command does not generate a packet.

             When a response is built, it will be linked onto  the  end  of
        the  Response  queue  anchored in the PCB.  The driver is to remove
        these entries by delinking them from the head  of  the  queue,  and
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 29

        processing  them.   If the response queue is empty when a new entry
        is added by the port,  then  a  host  interrupt  is  submitted,  if
        interrupts are enabled.

        6.7.3  Remote Responses -

             Packets which are received over  the  NI  wire  also  generate
        response  packets,  which  are  linked onto the end of the response
        queue, as above.  Received datagrams  are  marked  as  such  by  an
        opcode  of  5.   There  is  no  BSD  type  processing  for incoming

             Remote responses are built in queue entries gotten from one or
        the other of the free queues.  If the Protocol Type of the received
        datagram is found as an enabled entry in the Protocol  Type  Table,
        then  the  free  queue  entry  is obtained from the free entry list
        pointed to by the queue header pointer of the PTT  entry.   If  the
        Protocol  Type  is  not  found  in  the PTT, then the free entry is
        obtained from the Unknown Protocol Type free queue, anchored in the
        PCB.   If  the  queue  examined  in  order to get the free entry is
        empty, then the received datagram is DISCARDED,  and  the  Datagram
        Discarded event counter for that queue is incremented.

             Note that processing of a received packet takes priority  over
        processing  a  command  packet.  Processing of both command packets
        and received packets are atomic operations, and will not  interrupt
        each other.

        6.7.4  Self Directed Commands -

             It is specifically allowed for a datagram  transmitted  to  be
        destined  for  the transmitting node.  The design of the NI Adapter
        (the   NI   physical   channel),   however,    shares    the    CRC
        generator/checker between the receive and transmit circuits.  Thus,
        since the CRC circuits must be used to check the  incoming  packet,
        packets  destined  for the transmitting node must supply a CRC code
        that will be transmitted in place of the internally generated  CRC.
        This driver CRC is appended onto the end of the normal data packet,
        and the ICRC (Included CRC) bit of the packet FLAGS field  is  set.
        The  text  length  does not include the appended CRC, which must be
        generated  according  the  algorithm  specified  in  the   Ethernet
        bluebook specification.  This CRC is four bytes in length.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 30

        6.7.5  Port Functions -

             The following functions are available to the port driver:

        1.  SNDDG - Send Datagram - Causes a NI datagram to  be  built  and
            transmitted as an Ethernet packet.

        2.  LDPTT - Load Protocol Type Table -  Causes  the  Protocol  Type
            Table (PTT) to be internally cached by the port.

        3.  LDMCAT - Load Multi-cast Address Table - Causes the  Multi-cast
            Address Table (MCAT) to be internally cached by the port.

        4.  RCCNT - Read and Clear Counters -  Causes  the  event  counters
            kept by the port microcode to be cleared according to the FLAGS
            bit CLRCTR supplied in the command  packet.   If  the  Response
            (RESP)  bit  in the FLAGS field is set, a response is generated
            containing the event counters kept by the port microcode.  This
            command is a performance monitoring and diagnostic feature.

        5.  WRTPLI - Write PLI- Causes  a  PLI  write  with  the  specified
            function and data byte.  This command is a diagnostic feature.

        6.  RDPLI - Read PLI  -  Causes  a  PLI  read  with  the  specified
            function.   If  a  response is built for this command, the data
            byte read  from  the  PLI  is  returned.   This  command  is  a
            diagnostic feature.

        7.  RDNSA - Read NI Station Address - Reads the NI station  address
            from  the  NI  link  physical  address ROMs.  This command also
            reports the state of several link mode bits.

        8.  WRTNSA - Write NI Station Address - Writes the NI station  into
            the  NI link address RAMs.  Also sets the state of several link
            mode bits.

        6.8  Error Handling

             The port microcode is capable of retrying many operations that
        fail;   this  allows a large part of the error recovery to be built
        into the port microcode, and removed from the  port  driver.   When
        the  port  encounters a fatal, non-recoverable error, the port will
        stop processing any more commands.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 31

             The error handling procedures for the NI20  are  specified  in
        the KLNI Error Specification, written by Joe Holewa.

        6.8.1  Port Hardware Errors -

             In addition, there are a class of  more  severe  errors  which
        cause  the  port  to cease operations immediately, and to exit to a
        special microcode location that  has  a  CRAM  parity  error.   The
        console  will notice the error location, and will re-initialize the
        port, if possible.  The errors  that  result  in  this  action  are
        listed below:

        1.  Loc.  7750 -INTERNAL.ERROR -internal consistancy error

        2.  Loc.  7751 -FAIL.SELFTEST -start up self test failed

        3.  Loc.  7752 -FAIL.EBUS -ebus parity error

        4.  Loc.  7753  -FAIL.EBUS.QUE  -ebus  parity  error  during  queue

        5.  Loc.  7754 -FAIL.PLIPE -unrecoverable PLI parity error

        6.  Loc.  7755 -FAIL.CBUSPE -unrecoverable cbus parity error

        7.  Loc.   7756  -FAIL.PARPRE   -unrecoverable   formatter   parity
            predictor error

        8.  Loc.  7757 -CBUS.REQ.TIMEOUT -cbus request timeout

        9.  Loc.  7760 -EBUS.REQ.TIMEOUT -ebus request timeout

       10.  Loc.  7761 -GRANT.CSR.TIMEOUT -csr grant timeout

       11.  Loc.  7762 -CHANNEL.ERROR -channel error

       12.  Loc.  7763 -SPUR.CHAN.ERROR -spurrious channel error

       13.  Loc.  7764 -FAIL.XMIT.AT -spurrious transmitter attention

       14.  Loc.  7765 -USED.BUFFER.PE -used buffer list parity error

       15.  Loc.  7766 -FREE.BUFFER.PE -free buffer list parity error
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 32

       16.  Loc.   7767  -XMIT.BUFFER.PE  -unrecoverable  transmit   buffer
            parity error

        6.8.2  Error Events -

             Various errors may occur which  do  not  necessarily  imply  a
        hardware  malfunction.   These errors include excessive collisions,
        CRC errors, Framing errors, etc.  The occurrence  of  these  errors
        terminates  the  packet  transmission or reception in progress when
        the error occurs,  but  do  not  effect  the  processing  of  other
        commands  or  packets  being  received.   Errors  of  this sort are
        reported by creating a response packet for the  transfer  involved,
        and setting the STATUS field accordingly.  A list of possible error
        conditions is provided below:

        1.  Unrecognized command - Packet has invalid operation code.

        2.  Buffer length violation - BSD has  inconsistent  buffer  length

        3.  CRC error - Received packet has CRC error.

        4.  Framing error - Received data not byte aligned.

        5.  Packet too long - Packet length exceeds maximum Ethernet packet

        6.  Excessive Collisions - Packet collided 16 times in succession.

        7.  Carrier Lost - Carrier lost before end of packet detected.

        8.  Collision detect check - Collision detect heartbeat  failed  to

        6.8.3  Datagram Discarded -

             Under certain conditions, received datagrams may be  discarded
        due  to insufficient buffer space.  This is a characteristic of the
        datagram class service that is offered by the NI port.  To wit,  if
        a  received  datagram  is  occupying  buffer  space in the NIA, and
        obtaining a free queue entry from some free queue fails,  then  the
        datagram involved is discarded, and the Datagrams Discarded counter
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 33

        for the appropriate free queue is incremented.  This occurs even if
        buffer  space  in  the  link is still available.  The rationale for
        this is that 1) other packets being received  may  be  able  to  be
        stored  since  the  free  queue  error  condition  is protocol type
        dependent, and 2) if the link fills up, datagrams will be discarded
        without increment of a Datagrams Discarded event counter.  No other
        error indication or response is made.  It is up to higher levels of
        the network to detect and recover from such errors.

             If the port is addressed by a burst of packets such  that  the
        internal  buffer  space  in  the  NI physical channel is exhausted,
        datagrams may be  discarded  without  increment  of  the  Datagrams
        Discarded  counter.   The  buffer  space  allowed  in  the physical
        channel (NI link) is sufficient to  make  this  a  low  probability
        event.   The  NIA  has 16K bytes of buffering organized as 32 X 512
        byte buffers.  This is sufficient to store thirty two (32)  minimum
        sized packets and ten (10) maximum sized packets.

        6.9  Event Counters

             In  order  to  provide  for   performance   measurement,   and
        diagnostic purposes, a number of event counters are provided by the
        port.  These record the occurrence of certain events,  and  can  be
        read  and  cleared upon command by the driver program.  These event
        counters do not necessarily  record,  or  imply,  abnormal  errors,
        although high counting rates for some of them may indeed point to a
        hardware or software failure.  A list of the applicable  events  is
        given below:

        1.  Received a byte [1]

        2.  Transmited a byte [1]

        3.  Received a frame

        4.  Transmited a frame

        5.  Received a multi-cast byte [1]

        6.  Received a multi-cast frame

        7.  Transmited a frame that was initially defered

        8.  Transmited a frame with a single collision
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 34

        9.  Transmited a frame with multiple collisions

       10.  Failed to successfully transmit a frame

       11.  Send failure reason bit mask [2]

       12.  Transmited a frame with a late collision

       13.  Collision detect check failed to assert

       14.  Failed to successfully receive a frame

       15.  Received failure reason bit mask [2]

       16.  Discarded a datagram for Unknown Protocol Type free queue

       17.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 1 free queue

       18.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 2 free queue

       19.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 3 free queue

       20.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 4 free queue

       21.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 5 free queue

       22.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 6 free queue

       23.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 7 free queue

       24.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 8 free queue

       25.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 9 free queue

       26.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 10 free queue

       27.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 11 free queue

       28.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 12 free queue

       29.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 13 free queue

       30.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 14 free queue

       31.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 15 free queue
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 35

       32.  Discarded a datagram for Protocol Type entry 16 free queue

             [1] Although this counter is indicated as counting when a byte
        is  transfered,  in  the  interest of efficiency the total of bytes
        transfered in  a  packet  transmit  or  receive  is  added  to  the
        appropriate  counter after the transfer is complete.  Listing these
        event counters in the fashion indicated is a good abstraction.

             [2] This bit mask provides an indication of which errors  have
        occured,  but  does  not  indicate  how  many  of which errors have
        occured.  The bit mask is defined in  the  section  describing  the
        Read Counters command.

             The Read and Clear  Performance  Counters  command  reads  the
        values of these counters and returns them in a response packet.

        6.10  MOP Message Handling

             It is required by the  Network  Managment  specification  that
        each   NI   node  handle  certain  Maintenance  Operation  Protocol
        messages, in particular, Request ID (REQID), Loopback  (LPBK),  and
        Read   Counters  (RDCNT.)  In  addition,  the  Ethernet  blue  book
        specifies these client layer protocols.   Due  to  microcode  space
        considerations, these features are not implemented in the NI20 port

        6.11  Broadcast Of System ID

             It is required by the NI product architecture for each NI node
        to  periodically  transmit  a  system  ID  message  on  the  system
        configuration multicast address.  The port will  not  perform  this
        function.   It  is  the  responsibility  of  the  port  driver  and
        operating system to provide this feature.


             The following sections  discuss  the  format  of  the  various
        commands  and  responses  that  the LCG NI port recognizes, and can
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 36

        7.1  FLAGS Field

             The format of the FLAGS field is show below:  Note that  there
        are  two  formats;   one for the Send Datagram command and response
        (and the  Datagram  Received  response,)  and  one  for  all  other
        commands and responses.

                                    Send Datagram

             0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7
         | Pack  |  ICRC |  PAD  |  RSVD |  BSD  |  RSVD | RSVD  | Resp  |

                                  Not Send Datagram

         | RSVD  |  RSVD |  RSVD |  RSVD |  RSVD |  RSVD |CLRCTR | Resp  |

|          0 = industry compatible mode
|          1 = This mode is reserved for future DEC use.


             Buffer Segment Descriptor - If this bit is 1, the datagram  is
        using the BSD format described under the Send Datagram command.  If
        the bit is 0, the datagram is in 'immediate' mode;   that  is,  the
        data to be transmitted follows the destination address in the queue


             When set, the port driver has appended a four character CRC at
        the  end  of  the  datagram.  This CRC is to be used instead of the
        internally generated  CRC.   This  feature  must  be  used  in  the
        transmission  of self-directed datagrams.  The length fields in the
        command packets do NOT reflect  the  addition  of  the  four  extra
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 37


             When set, the port will pad packets  less  than  the  Ethernet
        minimum  size by appending bytes of zeros to the end of the packet.
        In addition, two bytes indicating the valid  data  length  will  be
        prepended to the text data.  These length bytes are transmitted low
        order byte first, and indicate the number of actual text bytes (not
        including  padding)  that  occur within the packet.  The two length
        bytes are always transmitted when padding is enabled, regardless of
        whether padding was necessary for a particular packet transmitted.

             When clear, the port does not do such padding.  If a packet is
        padded,  it will be padded with zeros.  If a packet is presented to
        the port without this bit set, and it is less  than  46  bytes,  an
        error response for a "runt" packet is generated.  Packets presented
        that are larger than the maximum Ethernet packet size always  cause
        a length error, and generate an error response packet.


             Response - When this bit is 1, the port will  always  build  a
        response after processing the command.


             This field is valid only for the Read  Counters  command.   If
        this  bit  is  set,  all  the  counters will be cleared after their
        values are reported in the response packet for this command.

        7.2  Status Field

             The following field is used by the port to report  the  status
        of  a  completed command.  This field appears in the command opcode
        word of the queue entry.  When  valid,  this  field  indicates  the
        logging of an exception event.

              0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7
          | spare | Send/ |               Error Type              | Error |
          |       |Receive|       |       |       |       |       |       |
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 38

                                Send / Receive

             When this bit is zero, an error occurred on receive;   receive
        failed.   When  this  bit  is  one,  an error occurred on transmit;
        transmission failed.

                                  Error Type

             This field indicates the error event being logged.  The  field
        is set according to the following table:
             Bit value   Event type

                00      Excessive collisions [2]
                01      Carrier check failed (carrier lost) [2]
                02      Collision detect check failed
                03      Short circuit [4]
                04      Open circuit [4]
                05      Frame too long
                06      Remote failure to defer (late collision)
                07      Block check error (CRC error)
                10      Framing error
                11      Data overrun (NIA buffer space exhausted)
                12      Unrecognized protocol type
                13      Frame too short [3]
|               27      Spurious Channel error
|               30      Channel error wc not eql zero
|               31      Queue Length violation [5]
|               32      Illegal PLI function
|               33      Unrecognized command
|               34      Buffer length violation [1]
|               35      Rsvd
|               36      Transmit buffer parity error
|               37      Internal error
|       [1] This error means that the length information  in  the  BSD  was
|       inconsistent.   One  such  case  is  when  the  length field of the
|       transmitted datagram does not match the total length of the BSDs to
|       be transmitted.

             [2] When this event is being logged, bits 26-35 of the  opcode
        word  in  the  queue entry become the TDR reference number obtained
        from the NIA when the error occurred.  This indicates the time,  in
        100  nsec  tics,  from  the time the transmission started until the
        error event was detected by the NIA hardware.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 39

             [3] This error occurs only when  padding  of  the  transmitted
        frame  is  disabled,  and  the  frame  length  is  smaller than the
        smallest legal Ethernet frame size  of  46  data  bytes  (64  bytes
        including all physical channel protocol.) No indication is given if
        the frame size would be runt, and  padding  is  enabled.   In  that
        case,  the  frame  is padded as noted in the description of the PAD

             [4] These errors are not  detectable  using  the  NIA  module.
        These  error  bits will never be set.  They are included to conform
        with the Network Management functional specification.
|            [5] This error means that host  memory  free  space  for  this
|       frame  was  exhausted  while  there  was  data remianing in the NIA
|       receive buffer.

             When this bit is zero, the status field has no  meaning;   and
        Must  Be Zero.  When this bit is one, the status field is reporting
        an error event;  the above definition of the error type fields, and
        of the direction field comes into effect.

        7.3  Send Datagram

             Send Datagram causes an NI datagram to be built  and  sent  to
        the destination port address.

        7.3.1  SNDDG Command -

             The queue entry must be allocated on  a  four  word  boundary.
        Data bytes are always transmitted from left to right.  That is, for
        a given word, the data in bits 0-7 is transmitted first,  the  data
        in  bits  8-15  is  transmitted  second,  the data in bits 16-24 is
        transmitted third, etc.  This left to right format is the norm  for
        all data transmitted.

             Note that chains of BSDs and text length  fields  must  always
        describe  full  bytes.   It is illegal for a buffer to terminate in
        the middle of a byte.  The result if this restriction  is  violated
        is undefined;  the system may fail.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 40

             A byte may be split accross two  BSDs  if  both  are  in  high
        density mode, and the first BSD terminates in a word boundary which
        is the end of the first word of a two word pair.

             The format of  this  command  as  a  command  queue  entry  is
        specified below:

                             SNDDG Command Format (BSDs)

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |
              |              <0-19>              |       <20-35>       |
              |               MBZ                | Length of text data |
              |                             |       <16-31>         |  |
              |            MBZ              |  Protocol Type Value  |  |
              |                  FREEQ header address                  |
              |                 High order Destination                 |
              |                 Low order Destination                  |
              |                    BSD base address                    |
              |                       *Queue End                       |

             Note that although the BSD may be allocated within  the  queue
        entry  that  the  BSD header must still be allocated on a four word
        boundary.  From the diagram it is clear that the BSD  base  address
        is not allocated at the end of a four word block.  Thus, the driver
        cannot start the BSD until the first four word  boundary  following
        the  BSD  base  address  pointer.  Also remember that this BSD base
        pointer is a physical address.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 41

                            SNDDG Command Format (non-BSD)

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |
              |              <0-19>              |       <20-35>       |
              |               MBZ                | Length of text data |
              |                             |       <16-31>         |  |
              |            MBZ              |  Protocol Type Value  |  |
              |                  FREEQ header address                  |
              |                 High order Destination                 |
              |                 Low order Destination                  |
              |                      Text Data 0                       |
              |                      Text Data 1                       |
              |                      Text Data 2                       |
              |                     Text Data N-1                      |
              |                      Text Data N                       |
              |                       *Queue End                       |

             When this command is issued, the port will build  and  send  a
        datagram to the port designated.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 42


             For a Send Datagram command, the opcode field is a 1.

                            High / Low Destination
|       These two words specify the  destination  address  of  the  packet.
|       Their  format  is  described  below:  Note that byte 0 is the first
|       byte  transmitted  on  the  NI,  and  byte  5  is  the  last   byte
|       transmitted.   Bit 7 of the high order destination is therefore the
|       Multicast address bit.
|                         Destination Address Format
|        0.........7 8.........15 16........23 24........31  32-35
|        +--------------------------------------------------------+
|        |  Byte 0  |   Byte 1   |   Byte 2   |   Byte 3   |  MBZ |  Word 0
|        +--------------------------------------------------------+
|                  ^
|            multicast bit
|       0..........7 8.........15 16.............................35
|        +--------------------------------------------------------+
|        |  Byte 4  |   Byte 5   |               MBZ              |  Word 1
|        +--------------------------------------------------------+

        7.3.2  DGSNT Response -

             A response to the SNDDG command will be built if 1)  an  error
        occurred  during  processing  of the command, or 2) the Resp bit of
        the FLAGS field of the  original  datagram  packet  was  set.   The
        format of the returned packet is shown below.  Note that the format
        of the command follows the format of the original response;   i.e.,
        if the BSD bit of the FLAGS field was on, then the response will be
        in BSD format as well.  The format will be as follows for a Non-BSD
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 43

                           DGSNT Response Format (Non-BSD)

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |
              |              <0-19>              |       <20-35>       |
              |               MBZ                | Length of text data |
              |                             |       <16-31>         |  |
              |            MBZ              |  Protocol Type Value  |  |
              |                  FREEQ header address                  |
              |                 High order Destination                 |
              |                 Low order Destination                  |
              |                      Text Data 0                       |
              |                      Text Data 1                       |
              |                      Text Data 2                       |
              |                     Text Data N-1                      |
              |                      Text Data N                       |

             The format of a response for a send  datagram  command  packet
        with the BSD bit of the FLAGS field set is shown below:
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 44

                             DGSNT Response Format (BSD)

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |
              |              <0-19>              |       <20-35>       |
              |               MBZ                | Length of text data |
              |                             |       <16-31>         |  |
              |            MBZ              |  Protocol Type Value  |  |
              |                  FREEQ header address                  |
              |                 High order Destination                 |
              |                 Low order Destination                  |
              |                    BSD base address                    |
              |                         Text N                         |

             The format of  the  individual  words  and  the  bits  therein
        conform  to  the  information  given  for the Send Datagram command
        format, above.

        7.3.3  DGRCV Response -
|            When a datagram is received, a response packet is built.   The
|       format  of a received datagram is as follows.  Note that a received
|       datagram is always received as a BSD packet.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 45

|                           DGRCV Response Format
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|         |                      Queue FLINK                       | 0
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|         |                      Queue BLINK                       | 1
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|         |                 Reserved for Software                  | 2
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|         |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    | 
|         | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         | 3
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|         |              <0-19>              |       <20-35>       | 
|         |               MBZ                | Length of text data | 4
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|         |                 High order Destination                 | 5
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|         |                 Low order Destination                  | 6
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|         |                   High order Source                    | 7
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|         |                    Low order Source                    | 10
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|         |                             |       <16-31>         |  | 
|         |            MBZ              |  Protocol Type Value  |  | 11
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|       +-|                    BSD Base Address                    | 12
|       | +--------------------------------------------------------+
|       | 
|       |
|       |
|       |                 (buffer segment descriptor)                   
|       | +--------------------------------------------------------+   
|       +>|        |     <6>      |      |         <12-35>         |    
|         |   MBZ  | Packing Mode | MBZ  |  Segment Base address   |---+
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+   |
|         |                              |         <12-35>         |   |
|         |            MBZ               |    Next BSD address     |   |
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+   |
|         |                                       |<20----------35>|   |
|         |                 MBZ                   | Segment Length |   |
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+   |
|         |              Reserved for use by software              |   |
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+   |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      V
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 46

|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+   |
|         |                      Text Data 0                       |<--+
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|         |                      Text Data 1                       |
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|         |                      Text Data 2                       |
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|                                     .
|                                     .
|                                     .
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|         |                     Text Data N-1                      |
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+
|         |                      Text Data N                       |
|         +--------------------------------------------------------+


             The Opcode field for a received datagram is 5.

                             Length of Text Data

             This field contains the length of the transfered text data  in
        bytes,  plus  four (4) to include the cyclic redundancy check bytes
        at the end of the packet.The length  value  does  not  include  the
        packet  header.   This  is  the  length  of the data portion of the
        datagram.  The packet length  field  always  indicates  the  actual
        number  of  bytes in the packet, even if the packet is too long, or
        in an error of some sort occurs.  Note that the received CRC  bytes
        are  placed  into  the host memory buffer immediately following the
        end of memory data.  This is to allow a software  double  check  of
        packet  integrity.   If  the  packet is too large for the receiving
        buffer, data is delivered until the end of the buffer  is  reached.
        No  CRC  is appended to the data in this case.  In no case will the
        data transfered to memory (including CRC) exceed  the  boundary  of
        the buffer.

                                Protocol Type
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 47

             This field contains the protocol type of the received  packet.
        The  format  for  this  field  is the same as for the send datagram
        command, and as for the protocol type field of an PTT entry.   Note
        that  the  protocol  type free queue header address is omitted from
        the received packet.  In this case, the information is superfluous.

                             Destination High/Low

             This field contains the destination port address  as  received
        from the NI wire.  This field is included so that messages received
        for a multicast address can be distinguished from messages received
        for the physical address of the port.

                               Source High/Low
|       This field contains the originating port address.   The  format  of
|       this  address  is given below.  In the following diagram, byte 0 is
|       the first byte received over the NI wire.  Byte 5 is the last  byte
|       received.  Thus, bit 7 is the multicast address bit.

|                           Port Address Format
|        0.........7 8.........15 16........23 24........31  32-35
|        +--------------------------------------------------------+
|        | Byte 0   |   Byte 1   |  Byte 2    |  Byte 3    |  MBZ |  Word 0
|        +--------------------------------------------------------+
|                  ^
|            multicast bit
|       0..........7 8.........15 16.............................35
|        +--------------------------------------------------------+
|        | Byte 4   |   Byte 5   |               MBZ              |  Word 1
|        +--------------------------------------------------------+

                                 Data Pointer

             This word contains the physical address of the area where data
        is  stored.   The text area pointed to is assumed word aligned, and
        in industry compatible mode.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 48

                                  Text Data

             Text Data 0 contains the first byte of  the  received  packet.
        The  text  portion  of a received datagram is always stored left to
        right.  That is, the first byte of text  received  will  be  placed
        into  bits  0-7  of  the  first  text word, the second byte of text
        received will be placed into bits 8-15, the third into bits  16-23,
        the fourth into bits 24-31, etc.  This occurs for all data modes.

        7.4  Load Protocol Type Table

             When this command is issued, the PTT specified will be  cached
        internally  to  the  port.   Note  that  the  protocol  free  queue
        addresses are cached internally as well;  this means that the  free
        queue headers cannot change addresses unless this command is issued
        as well.  Note that the addresses specified in this table point  to
        the  free  queue  header, not to the first queue entry of the queue

             After port initialization, no protocol types are enabled.  All
        frames  which  pass  receive address filtering will be delivered to
        the Unknown Protocol Type queue.

             The address of the PTT specified in the PCB may not be altered
        in a running port without doing an initialization.

             In order to add or delete a new protocol type  to  or  from  a
        running  port,  a  new protocol type table is built over the old at
        the address specified by the driver in the PCB pointer to the  PTT,
        including  the new protocol types, and omitting any which are to be
        deleted.  As before, the table must be built with the protocols  in
        ascending  order.   This applies even to entries which are disabled
        when the table is loaded.  The port sets the  enable  bits  of  the
        protocol  types  that  are  to  be  enabled,  and  issues the LDPTT
        command.  When the PTTLD response is received by  the  driver,  the
        new protocol types are in effect.

             Since no responses to received datagrams will be started while
        the  load  of  this  table  is  in  progress, there is no danger of
        compromising the queue structures.

             In order to enable or disable a given  protocol  type  without
        removing  or  adding protocols from the PTT, the port need only set
        the enable bits in the protocol  type  table  as  appropriate,  and
        issue a LDPTT command as before.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 49

        7.4.1  LDPTT Command - The format  of  this  command  is  specified

                                 LDPTT Command Format

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |


             The opcode for this command packet is 3.  When the command  is
        recognized, the Protocol Type Table is internally cached.  There is
        no additional queue data.

             If the LDPTT command is not executed before enabling the  port
        after  initialization,  then  no  protocol  types are enabled.  Any
        packets that pass the receive address filter will  be  linked  onto
        the Unknown Protocol Type queue.

        7.4.2  PTTLD Response -

             The Load Protocol Type Table  command  signals  completion  by
        building  a response, and putting that response onto the end of the
        response queue.  The format of that response is given below:
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 50

                                PTTLD Response Format

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |

             The driver should not assume that a  protocol  type  has  been
        enabled  until  this  response is received from a Load PTT command.
        The Opcode and flags are not modified by this command.

        7.5  Load Multi-cast Address Table

             When this command is  issued,  the  Multi-cast  address  table
        (MCAT)  is  loaded from the table whose address is specified by the
        PCB.  At initialization time, no multi cast addresses are enabled.

             In order to add or delete a multi-cast address to  or  from  a
        running  port,  a MCAT is built in memory at the address pointed to
        by the  PCB  MCAT  base  address  pointer  with  the  addresses  in
        increasing  numerical  order.   Then  the LDMCAT command is issued.
        When the response  to  this  command  is  returned  the  multi-cast
        addresses specified in this table are in effect.

        7.5.1  LDMCAT Command -

             The table is loaded into the internal cache of the port.  This
        table  must follow the format stated for the MCAT.  This table must
        be loaded before address checking will take effect.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 51

                                LDMCAT Command Format

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |


             The operation code for this command is 2.  There is  no  other
        queue data.

             If the multi-cast address table is not loaded before  enabling
        the  port  after  initialization,  then  no  multi-cast address are
        enabled.  The receive address filter  will  reject  all  multi-cast
        packets, except for those noted above.

        7.5.2  MCATLD Response -

             The successful completion of the LDMCAT command is signaled by
        the  building of the following response on the response queue.  The
        format of the response is illustrated below:  Note that the  driver
        can  assume  that  the  specified Multi-cast address table has been
        loaded only after it has received this response packet.

                                MCATLD Response Format

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 52

        Note that the response is built only if the driver  sets  the  RESP
        bit of the flags field in the original command packet.  The command
        opcode and flags are not modified by this command.

        7.6  Read And Clear Performance Counters

             This command will read  the  performance  counters,  returning
        their  value in the CNTRC response, and clear the performance event
        counters as specified by the CLCNT bit in the  flags  byte  of  the

        7.6.1  RCCNT Command -

             The format of the command queue entry to  accomplish  this  is
        given below:

                                RCCNT Command Format

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>  |<8-13> <14>   <15>| <16-23> |                 |
              | Status  | Flags CLRCTR     | Opcode  |      MBZ        |


             The opcode for this command packet is 4.   This  command  does
        not  generate an NI packet.  A response is built if the RESP bit in
        the flags word is set.

                         CLRCTR <14> (Clear Counters)

             This bit  in  the  flags  byte  specifies  whether  the  event
        counters  are  to  be  cleared  by the command after the values are
        read.  If this bit is a 1, then the counters will be cleared.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 53

             The Datagrams discarded counters are  kept  for  each  of  the
        protocol  type  queues,  and  for  the unknown protocol type queue.
        Thus, the driver can get an indication when a  protocol  type  free
        queue  is  exhausted  by  execution  of this command.  A counter is
        returned for every protocol type entry allowed in the  PTT.   Those
        counters  which correspond with protocol type entries which are not
        enabled are returned with a value of zero.

        7.6.2  CNTRC Response -

             If the RESP of the FLAGS field of the original command  packet
        is on, then a response to the above command is built.  The response
        has the following format:
|                             CNTCL Response Format
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                      Queue FLINK                       |  0
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                      Queue BLINK                       |  1
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                 Reserved for Software                  |  2
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |  3
|           | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+  
|           |                           BR                           |  4
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                           BX                           |  5
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                           FR                           |  6
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                           FX                           |  7
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                          MCBR                          |  10
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                          MCFR                          |  11
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                          FXID                          |  12
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                          FXSC                          |  13
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                          FXMC                          |  14
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                           XF                           |  15
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 54

|           |                          XFBM                          |  16
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                          CDCF                          |  17
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                           RF                           |  20
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                          RFBM                          |  21
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                         DDUPT                          |  22
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                         DDPT1                          |  23
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                         DDPT2                          |  24
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                         DDPT3                          |  25
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                         DDPT4                          |  26
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                         DDPT5                          |  27
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                         DDPT6                          |  30
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                         DDPT7                          |  31
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                         DDPT8                          |  32
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                         DDPT9                          |  33
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                        DDPT10                          |  34
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                        DDPT11                          |  35
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                        DDPT12                          |  36
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                        DDPT13                          |  37
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                        DDPT14                          |  40
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                        DDPT15                          |  41
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                        DDPT16                          |  42
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                         URFD                           |  43
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                         DOVR                           |  44
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |                         SBUA                           |  45
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 55

|           |                         UBUA                           |  46
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |0  PLI REG RD PAR ERROR  17|18     PLI PARITY ERROR   35|  47
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |0  MOVER PARITY ERROR    17|18     CBUS PARITY ERROR  35|  50
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |0   EBUS PARITY ERROR    17|18  EBUS QUE PARITY ERROR 35|  51
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |0    CHANNEL ERROR       17|18   SPUR CHANNEL ERROR   35|  52
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |0  SPUR XMIT ATTN ERROR  17|18 CBUS REQ TIMEOUT ERROR 35|  53
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |0     RSVD FOR uCODE     17|18     RSVD FOR uCODE     35|  55
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |0     RSVD FOR uCODE     17|18     RSVD FOR uCODE     35|  56
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |0     RSVD FOR uCODE     17|18     RSVD FOR uCODE     35|  57
|           +--------------------------------------------------------+

             By combining the read and clear  commands,  the  driver  knows
        that  the  event  counters  are  not skewed when a clear command is
        issued.  In the following, note that a  packet  is  not  "received"
        unless it passes the receive address filter.

                                Bytes Received

             This  counter  represents  the  number  of  8  bit  data  text
        characters received as datagrams over the NI.

                              Bytes Transmitted

             This counter  represents  the  number  of  8  bits  data  text
        characters transmitted successfully as datagrams over the NI.

                               Frames Received

             This counter represents the number of  frames  (packets)  that
        have been received over the NI wire.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 56

                              Frames Transmitted

             This counter represents the number of  frames  (packets)  that
        have been successfully transmitted over the NI wire.

                          Multi-Cast Bytes Received

             This counter represents the number of 8 bit bytes received  in
        packets with the multi-cast bit set in the destination field.

                          Multi-Cast Frames Received

             This counter represents the number of  frames  (packets)  that
        were received with the multi-cast bit in the destination field set.

                    Frames Transmitted, Initially Deferred

             This  counter  represents  the  number  of  frames   (packets)
        transmitted  that  had  to  defer  to other tranffic on the NI wire
        before transmission.

                     Frames Transmitted, Single Collision

             This counter represents the number of  frames  (packets)  that
        were  successfully  transmitted,  and  which  collided with another
        transmission exactly once.

                   Frames Transmitted, Multiple Collisions

             This counter represents the number of  frames  (packets)  that
        were  successfully  transmitted,  and  which  collided with another
        transmission more than once.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 57

                              Transmit Failures

             This counter represents the number of  frames  that  were  not
        successfully   transmitted.    This   counter  is  incremented  for
        excessive  collisions,  parity  errors,  etc.   This   counter   is
        associated with the XFBM, which notes occurance of error classes.

                          Transmit Failure Bit Mask

             This counter gives the accumulated  reasons  for  transmission
        failures.  The bit meanings are listed below:

        1.  Bits 0-23 -- Unassigned

        2.  Bit 24 -- Loss of Carrier

        3.  Bit 25 -- Transmiter buffer parity error

        4.  Bit 26 -- Remote failure to defer

        5.  Bit 27 -- Frame too long

        6.  Bit 28 -- Open circuit

        7.  Bit 29 -- Short circuit

        8.  Bit 30 -- Carrier check failed (collision detect check failed)

        9.  Bit 31 -- Excessive collisions

                        Collision Detect Check Failed

             This counter gives the number  of  times  that  the  collision
        detect  check failed after a transmit.  This is the number of times
        that heartbeat failed to  assert  after  a  transmit  ended.   This
        counter has meaning only if the H4000 mode bit is set.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 58

                               Receive Failures

             This  counter  gives  the  number  of  received  frames  whose
        reception  ultimately  failed.  This counter is associated with the
        RFBM counter, which marks occurance of the various error types.

                           Receive Failure Bit Mask

             This  counter  gives  the  accumulated  reasons  for   receive
        failures.  The bit definitions are given below:

        1.  Bits 0-26 -- Unassigned

        2.  Bit 27 -- Free list parity error

        3.  Bit 28 -- Data overrun (No free buffers)

        4.  Bit 29 -- Frame too long

        5.  Bit 30 -- Framing error

        6.  Bit 31 -- Block check error

                 Datagram Discarded for Unknown Protocol Type

             This counter keeps track of the number of datagrams  discarded
        for  the  Unknown Protocol Type free queue.  Any time a datagram is
        discarded with an  unrecognized  protocol  type,  this  counter  is

                                DDPT1 - DDPT16
                    Datagram Discarded for Protocol Type N

             These counters keep track of the number of datagrams discarded
        for  each of the protocol type free queues.  Any time a datagram is
        discarded due to no available free space, one of these counters  is
        incremented, if the protocol type was enabled.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 59

                        UnRecognized Frame Destination

             This counter has no meaning for the NI20, and will  always  be
        reported as zero.

                                 Data Overrun

             This counter  represents  the  number  of  packets  that  were
        received   incorrectly  due  to  buffer  space  in  the  NIA  being

                          System Buffer UnAvailable

             This counter has no meaning for the NI20, and will  always  be
        reported as zero.

                           User Buffer UnAvailable

             This counter represents the total number of packets  discarded
        due  to a free queue being exhausted.  This number is the sum total
        of the Datagram Discarded for Protocol Type 'n' counters  plus  the
        Datagram Discarded for Unknown Protocol Type counter.

             Words 47-55 are the  NIA20  port  recoverable  errors.   These
        counters  have  an  initial  threshold of 5 that is set during port
        initialization.  This threshold count is variable and can set via a
        write station information command.

                            Reserved for Microcode

             These  counters  are  reserved  for  the  port  microcode  and
        presently it will be returned as zeroes.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 60
  WRTPLI Command -

             Note  that  execution  of  illegal  or  random  commands  will
        compromise  the  functionality of the interface in an indeterminate
        fashion.   It  is  recommended  that  the  port  not  be  executing
        meaningful  commands  when this command is issued.  This command is
        for diagnostic purposes only.

             The command has the following format:

                                WRTPLI Command Format

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |
              |                 | <20-23>  |               | <28-35>   |
              |      MBZ        | Control  |      MBZ      | PLI data  |


             The operation code for this packet is 6.  If the response  bit
        in  the  Flags  word  is on, then a response confirming the correct
        execution of this  command  will  be  built  and  placed  onto  the
        response  queue  anchored  in  the  PCB.   This command, along with
        RDPLI, gives the port driver the same visibility into the Port Link
        Interface that the port itself has.


             This field specifies the PLI command which is to be  put  onto
        the  PLI  when the write cycle is done.  The command codes map into
        PLI commands as defined in the following table:
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 61

              Value       Function

                0       - Illegal
                1       - REL.T0.XMIT.BUF
                2       - WR.FREE.LIST
                3       - SEL.REL.BUF
                4       - WR.XMIT.ACTION
                5       - RES.REL.ATTN
                6       - ENA.LINK.CTL
                7       - DIS.LINK.CTL
                10      - WR.PREP
                11      - WR.XMIT.BUF
                12      - WR.REG

             For  more  information  as   to   what   these   commands   do
        functionally,  please  consult the NIA hardware specification.  Any
        function attempted which is not defined by this table  will  return
        with the status field indicating an Illegal PLI function.

                                   PLI data

             This field specifies the PLI data bits to be placed  onto  the
        PLI when the write cycle is done.  This field is eight bits wide.

  PLIWRT Response -

             The Write PLI command results in a response if the RESP bit of
        the  FLAGS  field  of  the  original packet was set.  If built, the
        response has the following format:
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 62

                                PLIWRT Response Format

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |
              |                 | <20-23>  |               | <28-35>   |
              |      MBZ        | Control  |      MBZ      | PLI data  |

        The driver is assured that the port  interface  has  executed  this
        command only after the response has been received.

        7.6.3  Read Port/Link Interface -

             When executed, this command causes a  READ  PLI  cycle  to  be
        executed,  using  the control bits specified.  The data is returned
        in the response queue entry.

  RDPLI Command -

             The data for this command is returned in  the  response  entry
        built if the RESP flag is set when the command is executed.

             The format of this command is specified below:
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 63

                                 RDPLI Command Format

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |
              |                        | <20-23>  |                    |
              |         MBZ            | Control  |        MBZ         |

  PLIRD Response -

             The format of the response given to this command if the  Flags
        RESP bit is on is specified below:

                                PLIRD Response Format

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |
              |                        | <20-23>  |         | <28-35>  |
              |         MBZ            | Control  |   MBZ   | PLI data |


             The operation code for this packet is 7.   This  command  does
        not  generate  an NI packet.  Through this command, the port driver
        can read any quantity that the port processor itself can read  over
        the PLI.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 64


             These four bits specify the control function  to  be  executed
        during  the  read  cycle.   The function executed is defined by the
        following table:

              Value       Function

                0       - Illegal 
                1       - RD.REG
                2       - RD.REL.BUF
                3       - RD.USED.LIST
                4       - RD.XMIT.STATUS
                5       - RD.REL.STATUS

             If a command is selected which is not defined in this table as
        a  legal  function,  a  response will be generated which the status
        field set to "Illegal PLI function."

                                   PLI data

             This field (and the word that contains it) is present only  in
        the response built for this command.  This occurs when the RESP bit
        in the flags field is set.  In the response, this field is the data
        that was read from the PLI by the execution of the RDPLI command.

             It is not recommended for the driver to execute  this  command
        while  other  commands  are  pending  or  while packet reception is
        enabled.  Careless use of this command can cause  the  normal  port
        functionality to be compromised.

        7.6.4  Read NI Station Address -

             When executed, this command causes the NI station  address  to
        be  read  from  the  NI link module.  In addition, some status mode
        bits are read.  This data is returned in the response queue  entry,
        if specified by the RESP bit in the flags of the command.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 65
  RDNSA Command -

             The data for this command is returned in  the  response  entry
        built if the RESP flag is set in the command's flags field when the
        command is executed.  The  format  of  this  command  is  specified

                                 RDNSA Command Format

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |


             The operation code for this packet is 8.  If the response  bit
        in  the  flags  word  is  on,  a  response  confirming  the correct
        execution of the command will be built and placed onto the response
        queue anchored in the PCB

  NSARD Response -

             If built, the response to the RDNSA command is as follows:
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 66

                                RDNSA Response Format

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |
              |                 High Order NI Address           | MBZ  |
              |                  Low Order NI Address           | MBZ  |
              | <0---31>|   <32>  |   <33>   |    <34>    |    <35>    |
              |   MBZ   |   ACRC  |    AMC   | H4000 Mode | PRMSC Mode |
              |           MBZ          | Ucode Version | #MCAT | #PTT  |

                             High/Low NI Address

             This value is the  physical  station  address  stored  in  the
        physical  address  RAM on the NI link board.  It corresponds to the
        address of the NI link.  The format for these words is identical to
        the  NI  station  address  format  for  the  KL10  station  address
        registers described in  an  earlier  section.   The  initialization
        value  of  the  physical  address  RAM  is  the value stored in the
        physical address ROM of the NIA.


             This bit indicates whether the NI link will  discard  incoming
        packets  with CRC errors.  If set the link will accept all incoming
        packets with CRC errors and place them on the unknown protocol type
        free  queue  if  an  entry  is  availible.   If reset the link will
        discard all incoming packets with CRC errors.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 67

             The inialization value if this bit is zero


             This bit  indicates  whether  the  NI  link  will  accept  All
        Multi-Cast  packets,  (if  set),  or will perform normal multi-cast
        address filtering (if reset.)

             The initialization value of this bit is 0.

                                  H4000 Mode

             This bit shows the current state of the H4000 mode bit.   This
        bit  if  set enables the heartbeat detection checking for the H4000
        type NI bus tranceiver.  The initialization value of this bit is 0.

                                  PRMSC Mode

             This bit if set  indicates  that  the  link  is  operating  in
        promiscious  mode.   All  packets  detected  on  the  wire  will be
        interpreted as being addressed to this  node.   The  initialization
        value of this bit is 0.

                                Ucode Version

             This field gives the version  of  microcode  loaded  into  the
        IPA20-L  port.  The initialization value of this field depends upon
        the microcode version loaded.


             This field  gives  the  number  of  Multi-Cast  Address  Table
        entries allowed.


             This field gives the number of  Protocol  Type  Table  entries
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 68

        7.6.5  Write NI Station Address -

             When executed, this command will set the physical address  RAM
        on  the  NI  link  board,  as well as set several mode bits for the
        datalink operation.

  WRTNSA Command -

             A response for this command is built only if the RESP  bit  in
        the command packet flags byte is on.  The format of this command is
        illustrated below:

                                 WRTNSA Command Format

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |
              |                 High Order NI Address          |  MBZ  |
              |                  Low Order NI Address           | MBZ  |
              | <0---31>|   <32>  |   <33>   |    <34>    |    <35>    |
              |   MBZ   |   ACRC  |    AMC   | H4000 Mode | PRMSC Mode |
              |<0-------------------------------23> <24-------------35>|
              |             Must Be Zero           | # Retries Allowed |


             The opcode for this command is 9.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 69

                             High/Low NI Address

             This address is written to the physical address RAM on the  NI
        link  board.   After the command completes, the NI link will accept
        packets with the physical address specified.


             This bit indicates whether the NI link will  discard  incoming
        packets  with CRC errors.  If set the link will accept all incoming
        packets with CRC errors and place them on the unknown protocol type
        free  queue  if  an  entry  is  availible.   If reset the link will
        discard all incoming packets with CRC errors.

             The inialization value if this bit is zero


             Setting this bit will put the port into Receive All Multi-Cast
        mode.   When  enabled  all multicast packets received are passed by
        the receive address filter.

             The initialization value of this bit is 0.

                                  H4000 Mode

             If set by the driver, this bit will enable H4000  mode;   this
        will  enable  heartbeat  detection checking by the bus transceiver.
        This feature is to allow the NI link to accept tranceivers that  do
        heartbeat checking (DEC only), or ones that do not.

                                  PRMSC Mode

             If set by the driver, this bit will enable  promiscious  mode.
        In  this  mode  all  packets  seen  on  the  NI cable will pass the
        received address filter.  This is a  diagnostic  feature.   Turning
        this  mode  on  can cause significant degradation of system network
        performance, depending upon network load.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 70

                              # Retries Allowed

             This field specifies how many retires of retrieable errors are
        to   be  attempted  by  the  port  before  the  error  is  declared
        uncorrectable.  The default number of retries is 5.

  NSAWRT Response -

             The response format to  the  command  listed  above  is  given

                                 NSAWRT Response Format

              |                      Queue FLINK                       |
              |                      Queue BLINK                       |
              |                 Reserved for Software                  |
              |  <0-7>   |  <8-15>  |   <16-23>   |                    |
              | Status   |  Flags   |   Opcode    |        MBZ         |
              |                 High Order NI Address          |  MBZ  |
              |                  Low Order NI Address           | MBZ  |
              | <0---31>|   <32>  |   <33>   |    <34>    |    <35>    |
              |   MBZ   |   ACRC  |    AMC   | H4000 Mode | PRMSC Mode |
              |             Must Be Zero           | # Retries Allowed |

             The  bits  for  this  response  will  be  unchanged  from  the
        definitions for the WRTNSA command.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 71

        8.0  PORT REGISTERS

             The  Control/Status  register  is  briefly  defined   in   the
        following  table.   In the table, the symbol "*" indicates that the
        bit is not writable and is always read as zero.  "R" means the  bit
        is  readable  and "W" means that the bit is writable.  Refer to the
        IPA20-L Port Hardware Specification for additional details.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 72

        |   |                +-----+-----++   |                +-----+-----+
        |NO.|                |KL10 | PORT||NO.|                |KL10 | PORT|
        |00 |PORT PRESENT    |  R  |  *  ||18 |CLEAR PORT      | R/W |  *  |
        |01 |DIAG RQST CSR   |  R  |  *  ||19 |DIAG TEST EBUF  | R/W |  *  |
        |02 |DIAG CSR CHNG   |  R  |  *  ||20 |DIAG GEN EBUS PE| R/W |  *  |
        |03 |DIAG INITIALIZED|  R  |  *  ||21 |DIAG SEL LAR/SQR| R/W |  *  |
        |04 |PI 00 L         |  R  |  R  ||22 |DIAG SINGLE CYC | R/W |  *  |
        |05 |RQST INTERRUPT  |  R  |  W  ||23 |                | R/W |  *  |
        |06 |CRAM PARITY ERR |  R  |  *  ||24 |EBUS PARITY ERR | R/W |  R  |
        |07 |MBUS ERROR      |  R  |  *  ||25 |FREE QUEUE ERR  | R/W | R/W |
        |08 |                |  *  |  *  ||26 |PORT ERROR      | R/W | R/W |
        |09 |                |  *  |  *  ||27 |CMD QUEUE AVAIL | R/W | R/W |
        |10 |                |  *  |  *  ||28 |RSP QUEUE AVAIL | R/W | R/W |
        |11 |IDLE LOOP       |  R  | R/W ||29 |SPARE           | R/W | R/W |
        |12 |DISABLE COMPLETE|  R  | R/W ||30 |DISABLE         | R/W | R/W |
        |13 |ENABLE  COMPLETE|  R  | R/W ||31 |ENABLE          | R/W | R/W |
        |14 |                |  *  |  *  ||32 |MPROC RUN       | R/W |  R  |
        |15 |                |  *  |  *  ||33 |PIA 00          | R/W |  R  |
        |16 |                |  *  |  *  ||34 |PIA 01          | R/W |  R  |
        |17 |                |  *  |  *  ||35 |PIA 02          | R/W |  R  |

        Bit 26, PORT ERROR is used by the KLNI to inform the driver that an
        error  has  occured.   When  this bit is set by the port, the error
        logout  area  of  the  PCB  has  been  written  with  valid   error
        information.   If  port  interrupts  are  enabled,  an interrupt is
        submitted.  Otherwise, the bits have the  same  definition  as  the
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 73

        KLIPA,  the KL Computer Interconnect device microcode.  This bit is
        cleared by reading the status register.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 74

|            NI20 supports only one data formatting  mode.   This  mode  is
|       industry compatible and is shown below.

        9.1  Industry Compatible Mode

             The following figure illustrates the industry compatible  mode
        for mapping 8 bit NI bytes into 36 bit KL10 words.

                            INDUSTRY COMPATIBLE

                                KL10 WORD

          0         7  8        15 16        23 24        31 32  35
        |            |            |            |            |      |
        |   Byte 0   |   Byte 1   |   Byte 2   |   Byte 3   | ZERO |
        |            |            |            |            |      |
         7         0   7        0   7        0   7        0 
                               PLI BYTE
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 75

        10.0  NI OPCODE SUMMARY

         command/response   NI packet       dec        octal       binary
         ****************   *********       ***        *****       ******

            snddg/dgsnt         dg            1           1        0000 0001

            ldmcat/mcatld       *             2           2        0000 0010

            ldptt/pttld         *             3           3        0000 0011

            rccnt/cntrc         *             4           4        0000 0100

               /dgrcvr          dg            5           5        0000 0101

            wrtpli/pliwrt       *             6           6        0000 0110

            rdpli/plird         *             7           7        0000 0111

            rdnsa/nsard         *             8          10        0000 1000

            wrtnsa/nsawrt       *             9          11        0000 1001
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 76


             The port driver uses KL10 I/O instructions to communicate with
        and  control  the  port.  Starting, stopping and communicating with
        the port is done by the CONI (CONditions In) and  CONO  (CONditions
        Out)  instructions.   Loading  and  dumping  of  the  microcode and
        manipulation of the port while it is not running  is  done  by  the
        DATAI (DATA IN) and DATAO (DATA OUT) instructions.

             The CSR (Control and Status Register) is the mechanism used by
        the port and the port driver to indicate happenings or events.  The
        format of the CSR is:

         0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  10  12  14    18  20  22  24  26  28  30  32  35
        |P|D|C| |R|R|C|M|    |I|D|E| |PRT|C|D|D|D|D| |E|F|D|C|R| |D|E|R|PIA|
        |P|R|C| |E|I|P|B|    |L|C|C| |ID |L|T|E|S|S| |P|Q|P|Q|Q| |I|N|U|   |
        | |C| | |D| |E|E|    | | | | |   |R|E|P|L|S| |E|E|E|A|A| |S|A|N|   |

            BITS    NAME                DESCRIPTION
            ====    ====                ===========
              0     PORT_PRESENT        This bit is a hardware wire which
                                        indicates the presence of a NIA20.
              1     DIAG_RQST_CSR       This is for diagnostic purposes only.
              2     DIAG_CSR_CHNG       This is for diagnostic purposes only.
              4     RQST_EXAM_DEP       This is for diagnostic purposes only.
              5     RQST_INT            This is for diagnostic purposes only.
              6     CRAM_PARITY_ERROR   Set by the port hardware when a word 
                                        with bad parity is read from the 
              7     MBUS_ERROR          Set by the port hardware when more 
                                        than 1 driver connected to the MBUS
                                        is detected as being active.
             11     IDLE_LOOP           Indicates when the microcode is in 
                                        the IDLE LOOP.
             12     DISABLE_COMPLETE    Indicates the microcode has placed
                                        the port in the Disabled state.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 77

             13     ENABLE_COMPLETE     Indicates the microcode has placed
                                        the port in the Enabled state.
             15-17  PORT_ID             A code for the type of port present. 
                                        Only 1 code is implemented at this
                                        time (7).
             18     CLEAR_PORT          When set by the port driver the port
                                        is placed in a RESET state.
             19     DIAG_TEST_EBUF      For diagnostic purposes only.
             20     DIAG_GEN_EBUS_PE    For diagnostic purposes only.
             21     DIAG_SELECT_LAR     For diagnostic purposes. If this bit
                                        is set by the port drivr when the
                                        port is not running a DATAI will get
                                        the contents of the Last Address 
                                        Register. The LAR contains the 
                                        address of the last microinstruction 
             22     DIAG_SINGLE_CYCLE   For diagnostic purposes only.
             24     EBUS_PARITY_ERROR   Set by the hardware when an EBUS
                                        Parity Error is detected by the
                                        port during an examine operation.
             25     FREE_QUEUE_ERROR    Set by the port microcode when it 
                                        detects that a received frame has to
                                        be discarded for an enabled protocol
                                        type. This occurs because the port 
                                        cannot get a free queue to store the
             26     DATA_PATH_ERROR     Set by the port microcode when it 
                                        detects the MVR/FMTR Error Threshold
                                        has been reached.
             27     CMD_QUEUE_AVAIL     Set by the port driver to indicate 
                                        that a command has been placed on a
                                        previously empty Command Queue in 
                                        the PCB.
             28     RSP_QUEUE_AVAIL     Set by the port microcode when a 
                                        command has been placed on the 
                                        Response Queue in the PCB and it
                                        was empty.
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 78

             30     DISABLE             Set by the port driver to put the 
                                        port into the Disabled state.
             31     ENABLE              Set by the port driver to put the
                                        port into the Enabled state.
             32     MPROC_RUN           Set by the port driver to start 
                                        the port microcode running.
           33-35    PIA                 These bits are set by the port 
                                        driver to indicate what priority 
                                        level an interrupt by the port 
                                        will be given.


             The port microcode generates an interrupt when it sets certain
        bits  in  the CSR, A CONI instruction is used by the port driver to
        read the contents of the CSR.  The CONO instruction is used by  the
        port  to  write bits 18-35 of the CSR.  When the port driver writes
        the CSR, bit 2 of the CSR gets set by  the  port  hardware  and  is
        sensed  by  the  port microcode.  When the port microcode reads the
        CSR bit 2 in the CSR is cleared.Both DATAI and  DATAO  instructions
        have multiple functions with this port.  A DATAI with bit 21 of the
        CSR set and bit 19 of the CSR not set reads the LAR  (Last  Address
        Register)  in  the  port.  The LAR contains the address of the last
        micro instruction fetched by the port.  The format of the LAR as it
        is returned by the DATAI is:

              0 1            13 14 15                             35
             |1|      LAR       |0|               -1                 | 


             If bit 19 of the CSR is set a DATAI reads the EBUF.  The  EBUF
        is  the  register  in the port that is used to communicate over the
        EBUS.  The format of the EBUF is:

              0                                                    35
             |                        EBUF                           |
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 79

             If both bits 19 and 21 of the CSR are not set  a  DATAI  reads
        either  the  right  or  left  half of a microword (see DATAO).  The
        format of the microword half returned by the DATAI is:

              0    5 6                                             35
             |  -1  |        BITS 0-29 OR 30-59 OF UWORD             |

             A DATAO with bit 19 of the CSR set  will  write  data  to  the
        EBUF.  The format of the written data is:

              0                                                    35
             |               EBUF DATA TO BE WRITTEN                 |

             A DATAO with bit 19 of the CSR not set will write data to  the
        right  or  left  half  of  the  microword addressed by the RAR (Ram
        Address Register).  The format of the data to be written is:

              0    5 6                                             35
             | N/A  |         BITS 0-29 OR 30-59 OF UWORD            |

             A DATAO with bit 0 of the CSR set and bit 19 of  the  CSR  not
        set will be write the RAR.  The RAR is used to address the CRAM for
        purpose of writing and reading the CRAM.  Bit 13 of the RAR is used
        to  indicate  on which half of the CRAM the operation is performed.
        The format of the data to be written is:

              0   1            13 14 15                              35
             |N/A|      RAR       |L|              N/A                 |
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0                  Page 80

             If bit 14 is set the operation is performed on the  left  half
        of  the microword.  If bit 14 is not set the operation is performed
        on the right half.

        11.2  Reset

             When a port reset is issued to a running  port,  the  hardware
        will  be  reset,  and  the port microcode PC will be set to zero so
        that the power-up, self-check initialization code will be executed.
        This guarantees that the port will enter a well defined state after
        the reset.  It is important to realize that all of the  port  state
        will be lost;  all state will revert to power-up state.

        11.3  Initialization

             When the LCG  NI  port  is  powered  up,  there  is  no  valid
        microcode  in  the  control  RAMs (CRAMS);  valid microcode must be
        loaded and started.  This  is  the  responsibility  of  the  TOPS20
        monitor  or  the  NI20  diagnostic.  During the initialization, the
        port microcode will perform a self-check  test  if  it  detects  an
        error  it  will stop at a preset CRAM parity error.  If there is no
        error, the microcode will also set the registers to  initialization
        values, and enter the DISABLED state.  When the port microcode sets
        the DISABLE COMPLETE bit in the CSR, the port  driver  should  then
        write the PCB and the PI Level.  It is not possible for the port to
        request a host interrupt until the PI level has been written with a
        valid assignment.

             It is recommended that queue entries for the Unknown  Protocol
        Type  Free Queue be large enough to hold the largest legal Ethernet
        packet.  Including flink, blink, and other overhead words, this  is
        388.  words for an industry compatible mode received datagram.

   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0           Page Index-1

   Address Filter, 16, 19, 27, 55       Destination Address, 42
     AMC, 24                            Error Logout Area, 11
     BROADCAST, 27                      Industry Compatible, 74
     Specification, 27                  Multi-cast Address, 24
                                        NI Packet, 6
   Buffer Header Descriptor, 23         Port Control Block, 10
   Buffer Segment Descriptors, 23,      Protocol Type Table, 19
     36, 38, 41                       Frame
                                        Cyclic Redundancy Check, 7,
   CCW                                    29, 36
     See Channel Command Word           Destination Address, 7
   Channel Command Word, 14             Format, 7, 37
   Command                              Protocol Type, 7
     List of, 30                        Size, 39
     Load Multi-cast Address Table,     Source address, 7
     Load Protocol Type Table, 48     Host Addressing, 8
     Processing, 28                       
     Read Counters, 35, 37, 52        Interlocks, 9
     Read NI Station Address, 65      Interrupts, 29
     Read PLI, 62                     IPA20-L, 71
     Self Directed, 29                    
     Send Datagram, 39                KL10
     Write NI Station Address, 68       Addressing, 8
     Write PLI, 60                      Cbus, 14
   CRC                                  Channel Errors, 14
     See Frame Cyclic Redundancy Check  Microcode Version, 67
                                        Mode bits
   Datagram Discard, 29, 33, 52, 58       ACRC, 66
   Destination Address, 7, 42, 47         AMC, 67
     BROADCAST, 27                        H4000, 67
                                          PRMSC, 67
   EPT, 14                              PLI Read, 63
   Error                                PLI Write, 61
     Counts, 32-33                      Read NI Station Address, 65
     Events, 14, 37, 39, 55, 57-58        
     Reporting, 72                    MOP Message Handling, 35
     Retries, 70                      Multi-cast Address, 51, 66
   Error Word, 12                       AMC, 24
                                        Format, 24
   FLAGS                                Table, 9, 19, 24, 27, 50-51
     BSD, 36, 39, 43                      Base address, 17
     CLRCTR, 37                       Multi-cast Address Table
     Format, 36                         Number of entries, 67
     ICRC, 29, 36                         
     Pack, 36                         NI Packet Format, 6
     PAD, 37                              
     Resp, 28, 37, 42, 52-53,         Opcode
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0           Page Index-2

       61-65, 68                        Datagram Received, 46
     Response Bit                       Load Multi-cast Address Table,
       See Resp                           51
   Format                               Load Protocol Type Table, 49
     Buffer Header Descriptor, 23       Read Counters, 52
     Buffer Segment Descriptors, 23     Read PLI, 63, 65
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0           Page Index-3

     Send Datagram, 42                    INTRPT ENABL, 72
     Summary, 75                          PORT ENABLD, 72
     Write NI Station Address, 68         PRMSC, 67
     Write PLI, 60                        PRMSC MODE, 27
                                          RSP AVAL, 72
   Packing Mode, 23                   Response, 28, 37
     for Datagrams, 36                  Counters Read and Cleared, 53
     in BSD, 23                         Datagram Received, 44
     Industry Compatible, 74            Datagram Sent, 42
   PCB                                  Local, 29
     see Port Control Block             Multi-cast Address Table Loaded,
   Port Control Block, 8, 17, 50          51
     Base Address, 14                   NI Station Address Read, 65
     Format, 10                         NI Station Address Written, 70
   Port State                           PLI Read, 63
     INITIALIZE, 14, 48                 PLI Written, 61
   Protocol Type, 7, 46                 Protocol Type Table Loaded, 49
     Table, 9, 19, 48-49                Remote, 28-29
       Base address, 17                   
       Format, 19                     Source Address, 47
   Protocol Type Table                    
     Number of entries, 67            Time Domain Reflectometry, 38
     BLINK, 9, 18-19                  
     Entry, 9, 18, 37                 
     FLINK, 9, 18-19                  
     Header, 9, 17                    
       Address, 22                    
     Interlocks, 9, 17                
     Length, 9, 18                    
   Queues, 8                          
     Command, 9, 15-16, 28            
     Response, 9, 16, 28              
     Unknown Protocol Type Free,      
       9, 16, 21                      
     Microcode Version, 67            
     NI Configuration, 19             
     NI Station Number, 65            
     PCB Base Address, 8              
     Port Status, 28                  
       ACRC, 66                       
       AMC, 27, 67                    
       CMD AVAL, 72                   
       ENABL PORT, 72                 
       ERROR, 72                      
   LCG NI Port Architecture Specification  REV 8.0           Page Index-4

       FREE Q AVAL, 72                
       FREE Q EMTY, 72                
       H4000, 67                      
       IDLE, 72                       
       INIT CMPLT, 72                 
       INIT PORT, 72                  
       INT REQD, 72