
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - QT020_T20_4.1_6.1_SWSKIT_851021 - swskit-documentation/tcpip.mem
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   o	Overview (R6-ARPANET.TXT)
   o	Functional Specification (TCPIP-SPEC.DOC)
   o	NI-based TCP/IP driver specification (IPNIDV.TXT)

                          "ARPANET Overview"

Release 6 of TOPS-20AN supports a new set of network software for the
ARPANET environment. All the protocols below the user level have been
completely  changed.  Protocols at and above the user level have been
modified to use TCP instead of NCP. The new protocols are based  upon
the  Internet  Protocol  (IP)  and  the Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP). The family of  protocols  making  up  the  "new"  ARPANET  are
collectively called TCP/IP.

The  new  family  of  protocols  was  developed  by the Department of
Defense (DOD) to facilitate the interconnection of various homogenous
and heterogenous packet switching networks.  TCP/IP  is  the  current
standard  (and  required)  protocol  to  be  used  on  all DOD packet
switching networks. The TCP/IP implementation used in  release  6  is
based  on  the TCP/IP software developed by Bolt, Beranek, and Newman
(BBN) under contract  the  the  Defense  Advanced  Research  Projects
Agency (DARPA).

The ARPANET uses the Interface Message Processor (IMP) as the primary
backbone  processors  of  the  network.  The  IMP  is  responsble for
delivering messages sent from a source host on  the  network  to  the
specified destination host. At this time the IMPs provide an orderly,
reliable, and flow controlled communications path on the ARPANET.

The  DECSYSTEM20  interfaces  to  the  IMP  via  the  AN20 (AKA AN10)
hardware interface. The AN20 provides the  requried  control  signals
and  a bit serial data stream. The AN20 is capable of passing data to
and from the IMP at speeds in excess of 100Kb.

TOPS20AN interfaces to the IMP at the software level (as do all hosts
at this time) by using the 1822 Host/IMP interface protocol. The 1822
protocol  provides  for  a  simple  flow  control,  status, and error
reporting mechanism. Datagrams from the IMP are received by the  1822
procotol modules and passed to the IP protocol modules.

Datagrams  received by the IP modules are first checked for errors in
the IP header. IP options are processed and fragmented datagrams  are
reassembled.  The  IP  datagram  is  now  passed  to the TCP protocol
modules (or some other protocol above IP).

Datagrams received by the TCP modules from IP are first checksumed to
check for data errors. TCP options are also processed. If  everything
is  correct  the data in the TCP message is acknowledged and the data
is passed to the user.

User  data is sent via TCP/IP in much the same way as it is received,
except that the protocol transisitions are reversed. Data  is  passed
from  the user the the TCP modules. The TCP modules checksum the data
and encapsulate it with TCP headers. The message is  then  passed  to
the  IP  modules  where  the  messsage may be fragmented into several
datagrams to  faciltate  transmission  through  he  various  nettwork
interfces.  The  message  is encapsulated within the IP header (which
includes various IP options). The message is then passed to the  1822
protocol  layers  for  transmission  to  the IMP and the rest of the
                    "TCP/IP Implementation Notes"

The  TCP/IP  software  is  implemented is much the same manner as the
older NCP (Network Control Protocol) ARPANET software. NCP  was  used
up until release 6 of TOPS-20AN.

Very  little of the TCP/IP software runs at interrupt level. The only
code running at interrupt level (currently PI  channel  six)  is  the
device  driver  for  the  AN20. The AN20 is capable of both input and
output at the same time independently of eachother. The AN20 uses two
device codes. ANI is the input side of the AN20 and  is  device  code
520. ANO is the output side of the AN20 and is device code 524.

The  TCP/IP  was  developed  to be able to interface to more than one
network interface. At this time we support one and only one interface
and the interface we support is to  the  ARPANET  via  an  AN20.  The
interrupt  instructions for the AN20 are find in the NCT for the AN20
interface. Since we only support one NCT the AN20 has the  only  NCT.
The  AN20  NCT begins at the symbol ".NCT0". The definintions for the
offsets in the NCT are found in the ANAUNV module.

Most  of  the TCP/IP activity occurs in an asynchrous monitor context
fork called the internet fork.  INTFRK  contains  the  FORKX  of  the
internet  fork.  The INTFRK uses UPDL for its stack space. The INTFRK
is made up of several "processes". The  INTFRK  "processes"  are  not
separate   forks   but   instead  resemble  coroutines.  The  current
"processes" are as follows:

Name		Handle	Description
Background	BG	The  background  process  is  used to perform
                        various background tasks such as the creation
                        of  buffers,  interface  state  checks,   and
                        gateway pinging.

Delayed Action	DY	The delayed action process is used to perform
                        various  random tasks that are not gauranteed
                        to  be  performed  in  other  places.   Tasks
                        include  the scanning for dead (and currently
                        unused connection blocks.

Input Processor	IP	The   input  processor  is  used  to  process
                        incoming IP datagrams destined for  TCP.  The
                        IP performs TCP message processing.

Packetizer	PZ	The   packetizer   is   used  to  output  TCP
                        messages. The TCP  messages  are  transformed
                        into  IP  datagrams  and queued for output to
                        the IMP via the 1822 software. The packetizer
                        is also responsible for  the  acking  of  TCP
                        messages  from  the  host at the other end of
                        the TCP connection. The  packetizer  is  also
                        responsible  for sending flow control (window
                        information) to the host at the other end  of
                        a connection.

Reasembler	RA	The   reasembler   is   used   to   reasemble
                        fragmented   IP   datagrams   into   complete
                        datagrams before being processed by TCP.

Retransmitter	RX	The  retransmitter  is used to retransmit TCP
                        messages  which  may  have  gotten  lost   or
                        dropped    in    the    network.   TCP   will
                        automatically retransmit  message  until  the
                        are acking.
     "ARPANET 1822 Host to Imp Message with TCP/IP Message Header Formats"

1822	|  MBZ  |Format	| Dest. Net. MBZ|  MBZ	|T|Flags| Message Type	| 0
H to I	| Handling Type	|  Dest. Host	|      Destination IMP		| 1
Leader	|      Message ID.	|Subtype|        Message Length		| 2
      	|Version|Hdr Len|Type of Service|     Total Length of Datagram	| 0
Inter-	|                               |M|D|M|                         |
net     |    Datagram Identifier	|B|F|F|	     Fragment Offset	| 1
 	|                               |Z| | |                         |
Data-	-----------------------------------------------------------------
gram   	| Time to Live  |   Protocol    |        Header Checksum        | 2
Header	|	              Source Host Address                       | 3
Format	|		   Destination Host Address                     | 4
	|                 Protocol Options            	| Padding	| 5
	|          Source Port          |     Destination Port          | 0
Trans-	-----------------------------------------------------------------
Mission	|                       Sequence Number                         | 1
Control	|                    Acknowledgment Number                      | 2
Proto-	| Data  |	    |U|A|P|R|S|F|                               |
col	|Offset | Reserved  |R|C|S|S|Y|I|    Flow Control Window        | 3
	|       |           |G|K|H|T|N|N|                               |
Header	-----------------------------------------------------------------
	|	  Checksum		|        Urgent Pointer         | 4
Format	-----------------------------------------------------------------
	|     Transmission Control Protocol Options  	|    Padding    | 5
	|			      data				| 0
	|			      data				| 1
Message	-----------------------------------------------------------------
	|			      data				| .
Data	-----------------------------------------------------------------
	|			      data				| .
	|			      data				| n
                      "ARPANET TCP/IP Protocol Layerings"

               |  User Level Protocols |
               | eg. TELNET, FTP, SMTP |
	     	   ______/||\________ ___________________ __________________
                   | Transmission   | | Internet        | | Gateway to	   |
                   | Control        | | Control Message | | Gateway 	   |
                   | Protocol (TCP) | | Protocol (ICMP) | | Protocol (GGP) |
                   ------\||/-------- --\||/------------- ------\||/--------
                          ||		 ||    __________________||
                          ||		 ||    |__________________|
                          ||		 ||    ||
                       | Internet Protocol (IP)   |
                          | IMP Interface    |
                          | (1822 Protocol)  |
              "ARPANET Protocol Specification Documents"

ARPANET  protocol  specifications  are  available  from  the  ARPANET
Network  Information  Center (NIC) at the following mail address. The
protocols are also available online  on  the  NIC's  system  (SRI-NIC   in  the  <NETINFO>  directory.  Most  ARPANET  protocols
documents are refered to as "Request for Comments" (RFC).

                      Network Information Center
                          SRI International
                         Menlo Park, CA 94025
                    ARPANET mail address: NIC@NIC

The  following  documents  specify  ARPANET  the  most  common TCP/IP

Specifications for the Interconnection of a Host and an Imp (1822).

          BBN Report No. 1822. This document specifies the electrical
          and software requirements for interfacing a host to an IMP.

Internet Protocol (IP).

          RFC-791.  This document specifies the DOD Standard Internet
          Protocol. IP provides an internetwork datagram transmission
          facility. IP is the backbone protocol of the  Internet.  IP
          is  layered above the physical data link level. In the case
          of ARPANET the  physical  data  link  level  protocol  (and
          electrical specification) is 1822.

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).

          RFC-792.  This document specifies the DOD Standard Internet
          Control Message Protocol. ICMP is used by destination hosts
          and gateways to notify  other  hosts  of  anomalies  in  IP
          datagram processing. ICMP is layered above the IP protocol.

User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

          RFC-768.  This  document  specifies  the  DOD Standard User
          Datagram Protocol. UDP  is  used  to  implement  a  service
          whereby  users  can  send  and  receive  datagrams  for  an
          apllications  which does not require the gauranteed orderly
          delivery of messages that the TCP provides. UDP is  layered
          above the IP protocol.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

          RFC-793.   This   document   describes   the  DOD  Standard
          Tranmission Control Protocol.  TCP  provides  a  very  high
          reliability  host  to  host level protocol for the Internet
          environment.   TCP   provides   for    data    verification
          (checksumming),  flow control, and ordered delivery of user
          data. TCP is layered above the IP protocol.

Telnet Protocol Specification (TELNET).

          RFC-764.  This  document  describes the DOD Standard Telnet
          protocol. The TELNET protocol is used to provide a general,
          eight bit byte, bidirectional communications facility.  The
          primary use of the TELNET protocol is to provide a standard
          method  of interfacing Internet systems for remote terminal
          service. The TELNET  protocol  is  layered  above  the  TCP

File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

          RFC-765.  This  document  describes  the  DOD Standard File
          Transfer Protocol. The objective of FTP  is  to  provide  a
          facility  for  sharing  programs  and data in a file format
          between the  various  Internet  hosts.  The  File  transfer
          protocol is layered above the TCP protocol.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

          RFC-788.  This  document  describes the DOD standard Simple
          Mail Transfer Protocol. The objective of the SMTP  protocol
          is  provide  for  the  reliable  and  efficient transfer of
          electronic computer mail between hosts on the Internet. The
          SMTP protocol is layered above the TCP protocol.
! d i g i t a l !   I N T E R O F F I C E  M E M O R A N D U M

                                        DATE:   26-Sept-1983
TO:     TOPS20 Group
                                        FROM:   Kevin W. Paetzold
                                        DEPT:   LCG S.E.
                                        DTN:    231-7420
                                        LOC:    MRO1-2/L10
                                        FILE:   TCPIP-SPEC.MEM

SUBJ:   Functional Specification - Release 6 TCP/IP Support

1.0  Introduction

     The  following  describes  the Release 6.0 TOPS-20AN support for
the ARPANET Transmission  Control  Protocol  (TCP)  and  the  ARPANET
Internet Protocol (IP). It is assumed the reader is familiar with the
following documents:

2.0  References

     The   following   documents  specify  the  DOD  Standard  TCP/IP
protocols.   The   documents   are   available   in   the   directory

     1.  "Internet Protocol", RFC791.

     2.	 "Internet Control Message Protocol", RFC792.

     3.  "Transmission Control Protocol", RFC793.

     4.  "Telnet Protocol", RFC764.

     5.  "Assigned Numbers", RFC820.

     6.  "Service Mappings", RFC795.

     7.  "Address Mappings", RFC796.

     8.  "Specification for the Interconnection of a Host and 
	  an IMP - BBN Report No. 1822".
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 2

3.0  Protocol Overview

     The  1822 protocol is used for communication between the TOPS-20
Monitor and the ARPANET Internet Message Processor  (IMP).  The  1822
protocol  used  for  communicating  with  the  IMP  has  not  changed
significantly for support of TCP/IP (versus NCP).

     The  Internet  Protocol  (IP)  is a new protocol used to provide
internetwork  datagram  service  in  heterogenous  packet   switching
network environment. The IP supports many protocol fields and options
to  control  datagram lifetime, datagram routing, and multiple higher
level protocol support.

     The  Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is used to provide
host gateway control communication, simple host gateway flow control,
and IP level error reporting. The ICMP is also layered above  the  IP

     The  Transmission  Control Protocol (TCP) is a new protocol used
in the ARPANET environment to provide a reliable host to host virtual
circuit tranmission facility. The TCP is layered above the IP  layer.
The  TCP  provides  data  verification,  flow control, and sequencing

     The  TELNET  protocol is used to provide remote terminal service
and has not changed. The  NCP  versions  of  TOPS20AN  supported  two
TELNET  protocols (the "old" and the "new" TELNET protocols). The old
telnet protocol has been removed.  The  Telnet  protocol  is  layered
above the TCP protocol.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 3

     The following diagram shows the relationship and layering of the
ARPANET protocols:

	| Telnet Protocol |
	  ||  .--------------.
	  ||  | Customer     |
	  ||  |	Defined	     |
	  ||  |	Applications |
	  ||  `------\||/----'
	  ||	      ||      
	| Transmission   |   
	| Control        |   
	| Protocol (TCP) |   
	     |  Internet Protocol (IP)                  |
	     |  Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)|
	| IMP Interface    |  
	| Via KL AN20      |  
	| (1822 Protocol)  |  
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 4

4.0  Removal of NCP Support

     The  current  ARPANET  software  (release  5.1) in the TOPS-20AN
monitor supports the old Network Control Protocol (NCP). There is  no
longer  any need for the support of NCP in an ARPANET environment and
its support in the monitor has been  removed.  This  means  that  the
"NET:"  device  will  not  be  supported  in  release 6.0 and will be
removed. Also the GTNCP%, CVSKT%, CVHST%, and  FLHST  JSYS'  will  be
removed.  The GTHST% JSYS will be the only NCP era ARPANET JSYS which
will remain in monitors after release 6.0.

     The  only  remaining  ARPANET  related  GETAB% table will be the
NETRDY table. The following GETAB% tables were required  for  support
of  the  NCP  software  and have been removed: GNTFSK, HOSTN, HSTSTS,
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 5

5.0  Required SYSTEM: files

are  no  longer  required  to  be  in  the  SYSTEM: area. These files
supported the NIC host table format from the NCP "era".

     The   following  files  are  required  to  be  in  SYSTEM:.  The
SYSTEM:HOSTS.TXT file contains information about  the  names  of  the
defined  INTERNET  hosts.  The SYSTEM:INTERNET.GATEWAYS file contains
information about the various networks (and their gateways) connected
to  the   INTERNET.   The   SYSTEM:SITE-ADDRESS.TXT   file   contains
information about the INTERNET address and interface of the customers
system.  The SYSTEM:SITE-ADDRESS.TXT file replaces the "HOST" keyword
file  must  be  updated  for  the  address of the customers HOST. 

available from the ARPANET Network Information  Center  (NIC).  Sites
installing  ARPANET  with TCP/IP support should be sure to obtain the
most recent versions of these files from the NIC.

     The following is an example SYSTEM:SITE-ADDRESS.TXT  file.  Each
site should change the address (following the "AN20#0," to correspond
to  the  Internet  address  for  the site. The address of DEC-TOPS20 is

;;; SITE-ADDRESS file for host DEC-TOPS20
AN20#0, 10 0 0 79,NCP,PACKET-SIZE:1004,LOGICAL-HOST-MASK:0 0 255 0
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 6

The following is an example of the SYSTEM:INTERNET.GATEWAYS file.

; Created by DYER on 25 February 1983 18:58-PST
; Derived from HOSTS3 format file:
;       DSK:<DYER>HOSTS.TXT version 261
;       Compiled by DYER at 830225-185538
;       Send additions or corrections to DYER@SRI-NIC

CREATED 25 FEB 1983 1858-PST
; GW/PRIME Internet Gateways.  These speak full GGP.
PRIME 1 0 0 11, 3 0 0 62
PRIME 10 0 0 38, 9 0 0 11
PRIME 10 0 0 94, 192 5 2 6
PRIME 10 1 0 20, 21 0 0 2
PRIME 10 1 0 20, 4 0 0 24
PRIME 10 1 0 49, 128 11 0 1
PRIME 10 3 0 72, 3 3 0 8
PRIME 10 3 0 80, 47 0 0 11
PRIME 11 1 0 0, 128 16 0 0
PRIME 4 0 0 60, 32 3 0 42
PRIME 4 0 0 60, 35 7 0 0
; GW/DUMB gateways do not speak GGP, but are OK to use
DUMB 10 0 0 77, 18 8 0 4
DUMB 10 5 0 49, 4 0 0 30
DUMB 21 0 0 3, 28 10 0 0
; GW/ALWAYS-UP gateways.  Basically dumb, but will not respond to a ping.
ALWAYS-UP 10 1 3 51, 28 11 0 0
ALWAYS-UP 10 3 0 29, 192 5 21 5
; Host IP/GW gateways.  Use only as a last resort.
HOST 10 1 0 54, 192 5 7 2
HOST 10 3 0 49, 3 3 0 49
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 7

6.0  JFN JSYS Interface

     The major goal of the TCP interface is to be consistant with the
other  TOPS-20  network  interfaces.  The  existing  TCP interface as
developed by Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN) is not consistant with the
"TOPS-20 way of doing things".

     The  new  TCP  interface will use the standard TOPS-20 JSYS' for
most functions. Any TCP specific functions will be accessable through
a new JSYS (TCOPR%) specifically designed for TCP.

     The  programmer using the TCP interface must provide information
to the operating system about the virtual connection  information  as
well  as  various  parameters  dealing  with  the type and quality of
service required. Connections are established using  the  GTJFN%  and
OPENF%  JSYS'.  Input  and  Output is performed with the BIN%, BOUT%,
SIN%, SOUT%, SINR%, SOUTR%, and TCOPR% JSYSi. Status  information  is
obtained from the TCOPR%, SOBE%, SOBF%, and GDSTS% JSYS.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 8


     The GTJFN% JSYS is used to obtain an indexable file handle on  a
TCP  connection.  The  format  of the GTJFN% JSYS call for TCP is the
same as for any other GTJFN% call (see  the  TOPS-20  JSYS  reference
manual).  The  file name string for a TCP GTJFN% specifies data about
the desired connection. This format is similiar to the  formats  used
in GTJFN% calls for DECNET and the ARPANET NCP.

     The format for the GTJFN% file specification is as follows:

TCP:[LOCAL_HOST-][LOCAL_PORT[#]] (continued...)

     Bracket  pairs  indicate  optional  parameters.  This  does  not
indicate  the  parameters  are always optional. It does indicate that
not all parameters must be supplied at all times.

     "TCP:" indicates that this JFN will be associated with TCP  (not
unlike "NET" for ARPANET NCP and "DCN:/SRV:" for DNA).

     "LOCAL_HOST-"   specifies   the  local  host  address  for  this
connection. This is usefull  for  hosts  which  have  multiple  local
addresses  (multihoming).  This  field  will  default  to the ARPANET
address of the local host. This field  may  be  specified  using  the
alphanumeric  host  name  (eg. DEC-MARLBORO) or the octal host number
(eg. 1200200117, NOT decimal and NOT the aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd format). The
"-" after the host name is  required  to  delimit  between  the  host
name/number and the port number. The "-" is required even if the port
number is omited.

     "LOCAL_PORT" specifies the local port number to be used for this
connection. The port number specified is in decimal (not octal). This
field  is  optional.  Port numbers are in the range 1:65535. Ports in
the range 1:255 are special ports which require  special  priviledges
in  order  to  be  assigned.  The  "#"  (in  reality a "^V#") must be
appended to a port in  the  range  of  1:255  and  in  the  range  of
32768:65535  to  prevent  accidental  assignment.  Ports in the range
256:32767 are reserved for users. Ports in the range 32768:65535  are
assigned  on  an  as  need basis as default port numbers. If no local
port is specified a number in the range 32768:65535 will be assigned.
A local port in the range 1:255 will require SC%WHL, SC%OPR,  SC%NAS,
or SC%NWZ priviledges.

     The  "."  is  a  delimitor  separating the local host connection
values from the foreign host connection values.

     "FOREIGN_HOST-" is used to specify  the  specific  foreign  host
that this connection is destined for. It is an optional field. If the
FOREIGN_HOST  is  not specified any host using any port is allowed to
connect to this connection. This is most usefull for system servers.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 9

     "FOREIGN_PORT"  is  used  to  specify the foreign port that this
connection is destined for. If this field is omited any foreign  port
will be allowed to connect to this connection.

     ";A1.."  and ";A2.." are used to specify various attributes that
this connection will use. The valid attributes are detailed below.

     A GTJFN% for any valid host name/port pair is allowed.  Checking
for  conflicts with other connections does not occur until the OPENF%
is performed. A GTJFN%  for  the  same  local  parameters  with  wild
foreign parameters is legal.

6.1.1  GTJFN File Specification Attributes


          This  attribute is used to indicate if the operating system
     should actively connect to the foreign system.  The  default  is


          With  an  argument of 0, attempt to open the connection and
     keep trying until successful. If n is given, try for n  seconds,
     at which time an error return is given if no connection has been
     established.  An  attempt is made every m seconds, where m is an
     estimate of the round trip delay between systems or provided  by
     the  user.  If no persistence is given, 30 seconds will be used.
     The default for "n" is 30 seconds and the default for "m:  is  5


           The  amount  of  time  allowed  to pass while waiting for a
      message from the foreign system before an error is given to  the
      user.  If  not  given, a default 30 seconds will be used. If the
      value of n is 0, no timeout will occur. N may be in the range of
      0 to 2^18-1.


           The  type  of  service  required by the user indicates what
      tradeoffs are to be made in providing data transmission.  N  may
      be  in  the  range of 0 to (2^18-1). The TCP implementation will
      only use the low order 8 bits. This attribute is not used by TCP
      but is used by the IP layer underneath. Values other  than  zero
      require SC%NWZ, SC%WHL, or SC%OPR priveledges. The default value
      is zero.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 10


           The  security field of the connection is a sixteen (16) bit
      number. The values are described in the Internet  Protocol  (IP)
      specification. If this value is omitted the system default level
      will  be  used.  The system default level is set via the .TCSDSL
      function of the TCOPR% JSYS. The system default  security  level
      is  normally zero. This attribute is not used by TCP but is used
      by the IP layer underneath.


           The  COMPARTMENTALIZATION  of  the  connection is a sixteen
      (16) bit number. If not specified a value of zero is  used.  The
      meaning  of  this  field  is  described in the Internet Protocol
      specification. This attribute is not used by TCP but is used  by
      the IP layer underneath.


           The  HANDLING  RESTRICTIONS  option  of the connection is a
      sixteen (16) bit number. The meaning of this field is  described
      in  the  Internet  Protocol specification. This attribute is not
      used by TCP but is used by the IP layer underneath.


           The  TRANSMISSION  CONTROL  option  of  the connection is a
      twenty-four (24) bit  number.  The  meaning  of  this  field  is
      described in the Internet Protocol specification. This attribute
      is not used by TCP but is used by the IP layer underneath.


           The LOCAL-HOST attribute is an alternate way to specify the
      thirty-two  (32)  bit  local host number. "a", "b", "c", and "d"
      are decimal octets  forming  the  host  number.  The  "."  is  a
      required delimitor. A field of zero must be represented as zero.


           The FOREIGN-HOST:a.b.c.d attribute is an alternative way to
      specify the thirty-two (32) bit foreign host address.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 11

6.1.2  GTJFN File Specification Examples

     The  following  are  valid  examples  of  GTJFN% strings for the
"TCP:" device.

     "TCP:1200200117-12345.1200000117-54321" specifies  a  connection
from DEC-MARLBORO port 12345 to DEC-2136 port 54321.

     "TCP:4500000121-23456.1200000117-65432"  specifies  a connection
from the DECNET side of DEC-MARLBORO  port  23456  to  DEC-2136  port

     "TCP:DEC-2136-32145.DEC-MARLBORO-21211"    is    the   same   as
"TCP:32145.DEC-MARLBORO-21211"       is       the       same       as
"TCP:32145.1200200117-21211" (assuming the local host is DEC-2136).

     "TCP:27#" specifies a connection "listening" for a connection on
port  27  (decimal  23).  This connection will allow any foreign host
with any port to connect.

     "TCP:27#.DEC-2136-" specifies a  connection  "listening"  for  a
connection from DEC-2136 on any port.

   "TCP:27#.2345"   specifies   a   connection  "listening"  for  a
connection on port 2345 from any host.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 12


     The OPENF% JSYS is used to force the TOPS-20 monitor to initiate
the  connection.  The OPENF% JSYS call is issued after a GTJFN% call.
Many parameters pertaining to this connection may also be set via the
TCOPR% JSYS. Some parameters (eg. Security levels) must be set before
the OPENF% JSYS is issued. The format of the OPENF% JSYS call for TCP
is the same as for other devices.

     The only byte sizes (AC2 B0:B5) currently supported at eight (8)
and thirty two (32) bit bytes. All TCP data transfers are  made  with
eight bit bytes. Thirty two (32) bit mode is only provided as an easy
way  to  lower  byte  instructions  required  for  data transfer. TCP
connections are full duplex. OF%RD and OF%WR are ignored.

6.2.1  OPENF JSYS IO Modes

     Several data modes are supported (AC2 B6:9). The modes supported
correspond to the modes used in the OPENF% JSYS call for the  ARPANET
NCP interface.

Mode            Description
.TCMWI (1)      Interactive  mode.  Wait  for  connection to be fully
                open before returning from the OPENF% JSYS. Wait  for
                the  connection  to  be fully closed before returning
                from the CLOSF% JSYS.  Send  all  bytes  as  soon  as
                possible  (ie.  Send  data after each SOUT% or BOUT).
                This mode attempts to  give  the  most  "interactive"
                response possible by sending many small messages.

.TCMWH (2)      High  throughput  mode.  Same action as mode zero for
                OPENF% and CLOSF%. Hold data in local  buffers  until
                accumulated   bytes   are  sufficient  for  efficient
                transmission, or until transmission is requested with
                the TCOPR% or SOUTR% JSYS. The mode attempts to  give
                high  throughput  at  low  overhead  by sending large

.TCMII (3)      Immediate   return   mode.  Return  to  user  program
                immediately without waiting on  a  OPENF%  or  CLOSF%
                JSYS. Send all bytes as soon as possible (interactive

.TCMIH (4)      Buffered Immediate return mode. Same as mode 1 except
                that OPENF% and CLOSF% return immediately.

6.2.2  OPENF JSYS Connection Rules

     In  TCP  a connection is identified by both the foreign port and
the local port. Two connection from system A to system B are  allowed
to  have  the  same local ports or the same foreign ports but not the
same local and foreign ports. A connection using a default local port
will always be different from any other connection  using  a  default
local  port  (because  of  the  way  default  local  port numbers are
assigned). Wild connections (ie. a connections which will  allow  any
foreign  host and/or foreign port) may be duplicated in multiple JFNs
(in this job or other jobs).
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 13


     The BIN% and BOUT% JSYSi have the same functionality and calling
sequences  for  the TCP device as for other devices. BIN% will read a
single byte and BOUT% will send a single byte.

     The SIN% and SOUT% JSYSi have the same functionality and calling
sequences used with other devices. SIN% will read a stream  of  bytes
and SOUT% will send a stream of bytes.

     The  SOUTR%  JSYS  has  the same functionality as the SOUT% JSYS
with one addition. The SOUTR% JSYS will set the TCP PUSH flag for the
last message generated by this call. This will also  force  all  data
currently held in local buffers to be sent immediately.

     The  SINR% JSYS has the same functionality as the SIN% JSYS with
one addition. The SINR% JSYS will return when a TCP message with  the
PUSH flag is received. The SINR% will also return when the byte count
is exhausted.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 14

6.4  SOBE and SOBF JSYS'

     The  SOBE%  and  SOBF%  JSYSi  have  the  same functionality and
calling sequence for the TCP device as with other devices. The  SOBE%
and SOBF% JSYSi are documented in the TOPS-20 JSYS Reference Manual.


     The  GDSTS%  JSYS  is  used  to  obtain  the  status  of a given
connection. The TCOPR% JSYS may also be used for  this  purpose.  The
GDSTS%  JSYS  is implemented for completeness. GDSTS% accepts the JFN
of the connection  in  AC1.  The  current  status  of  the  specified
connection  is  returned  in AC2. The send side status is returned in
the left half and the receive side status is returned  in  the  right
half.  The  states  are  documented  in the .TCTCS word of the .TCRCS
function of the TCOPR% JSYS. The foreign host number is  returned  in
AC3. The foreign port number is returned in AC4.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 15

6.6  GTHST% JSYS Additions

The  GTHST%  JSYS  has two additional functions. Documentation of the
new functions follows:

Code    Symbol  Function
6       .GTHLN  Returns hostnumber of this host on an Internet network.

                AC2:    Network number, or host number on a network.

                Returns+1 if host has no address on specified network.
                Returns+2 if host has address on specified network.

                AC2:    Host number on specified network.

7       .GTHNT  Get status of an Internet Network.

                AC2:    Network number, or host number on a network.
                AC3:    Address of location to store data.
                AC4:    -Number of words,,Offset of first word of data

                Returns+1 if no such network or invalid offset.
                Returns+2 if valid network and arguments.

Offset  Description
0       Interface status.  0 means down, >0 means going down, and <0
        means up.

1       Desired Interface status.  0 means off, <0 means on, >0 means

2       Network has an unreported state change if >0.

3       Network has output enabled if -1.

4       Time and Date last time network was cycled.

5       Time and Date last time network went off.

6       Time and Data last time network came on.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 16


TCOPR% JSYS - Transmission Control Protocol Operations

The following are the TCOPR functions related to  the  TCP:   device.
These  functions  are like the MTOPR JSYS, but are only used with the
TCP device.

ACCEPTS AC1:    JFN of connection
        AC2:    function code (see below)
        AC3:    function argument or address of argument block.
                See each function for details.

RETURNS +1      always

        Symbol          Meaning

        .TCSUD          Send urgent data.  AC3 points to a  block  of
                        the form

                0       Pointer to data
                1       Count of bytes or 0
                2       Byte to terminate output on

                        (note that these are the same as AC2 - AC4 of
                         the SOUT and SOUTR JSYS's)

        .TCPSH          Cause all local buffered data to be sent
                        immediately.  Also set the TCP PUSH flag
                        for the last message of the data being

        .TCSPA          Set passive/active flag.  TC%APF  is  set  in
                        AC3  to  indicate  an  active connection, and
                        cleared to indicate a passive connection.

        .TCSPP          Set persistence parameters.  AC3 is the  time
                        to wait for connections.

                        If AC3 is 0, do not timeout the connection.

                        If AC3 contains 0,,n an  attempt  to  connect
                        will    be    made   for   n   seconds   with
                        retransmission time estimated by the system

                        If AC3 contains m,,n an  attempt  to  connect
                        will    be    made   for   n   seconds   with
                        retransmission every m seconds.   M  must  be
                        less than n.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 17

        .TCSTP          Set timeout  parameters.   AC3  contains  the
                        time  to  wait  before  a timeout.  The value
                        given must be in the range of 0 to 2^18-1.

                        If AC3 contains a 0, no timeout will occur.

        .TCSTS          Set Type-of-service.  AC3 contains  the  type
                        of service desired.  The value must be in the
                        range of 0 to 2^18-1.  TCP will only use the
                        low order eight bits. The values are described
                        in the Internet Protocol specification.

        .TCSSC          Set security  and  compartment  levels.   AC3
                        contains   the   security   level   and   the
                        compartment    levels     in     the     form
                        Security and compartment are sixteen bit numbers
                        described in the Internet Protocol specification.

        .TCSPC          Set PSI channels.  AC3  contains  four 6  bit
                        fields as follows

                TC%TPU  1st byte, Urgent data channel
                TC%TER  2th byte, Error channel
                TC%TSC  3th byte, State change
                TC%TXX  4th byte, unused, must be 77 (octal)

                        To indicate that no interrupt is desired  for
                        a   given  function,  specify  the  value  77
                        (octal) for the channel.

        .TCRTW          Read  a  single  entry  from  the  TCB.   AC3
                        contains the word of the TCB that is desired.
                        On return, AC3 will contain the value of  the
                        word in question.

                        For a list of the words that may be returned,
                        see the function .TCRCS.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 18

7.0  I/O Interelationships

     This  section  describes  the relations of various monitor calls
which relate to performing I/O for a TCP device.

     First, the user may execute a TCOPR JSYS to set  various  fields
within  the transmission control block (TCB). Some of these functions
are allowed only before the OPENF.

     If  the user has enabled for PSI interrupts on state changes, an
interrupt will be  given  the  user  every  time  the  state  of  the
connection changes.

     If the user has enabled interrupts for URGENT data, an interrupt
will  be  given  to  the  user  each  time the urgent data pointer is
increased, that is, we have been notified of more urgent data than we
previously knew about. If the user has not read all of  the  previous
urgent data, the interrupt will still be sent.

     If  the  user has enabled interrupts for errors, a PSI interrupt
will be given under the following conditions:

     1.  A timeout has  occured  (either  in  communications,
         or  in opening the channel).

     2.  An ABORT or RST (reset) message was received.

     At  any  time,  a  SIBE  will  return the number of unread bytes
available to the user, i.e. those bytes which have been acknowledged.
This is not the receive window size. To determine  the  size  of  the
receive window, the program must use a TCOPR JSYS.

     If  the user executes a JSYS which will cause output or input to
occur the user will block until the connection is established and the
data specified by the JSYS is moved into the  monitor,  or  an  event
which will cause the user to be notified of an error occurs.

     A  SOBE or SOBF will return the number of bytes which are in the
output buffer, i.e. the number of  bytes  which  are  have  not  been
acknowledged by the foreign host.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 19

8.0  Message Retranmission

     This section describes the data retransmission parameters, Alpha
and Beta.

     The  functions  used  provide  an  "elongation  factor" or delay
variance, Alpha, as well as an exponential  smoothing  function  with
weighting of Beta. Assume the following:

     RTT is the delay between the sending of an octet and the ACK for
     that octet.

     SRTT is the exponentially weighted round trip delay.

     UBND is the upper bound for data retransmission.

     LBND is the lower bound for data retransmission.

     RTO is the retransmission timeout for this data set.

     SRTT may be calculated from the following.

     SRTT = ( Beta * SRTT ) + ( ( 1 - Beta ) * RTT )

     RTT  and  SRTT are initially set to an estimated delay time. The
retransmission time out, RTO, may be calculated as follows:

        RTO = max ( LBND, min ( UBND, Alpha * SRTT ))

     By  default,  the lower bound, LBND, will be set to 1 second and
the upper bound, UBND will be set to 250 seconds. These values may be
changed with the .TCSLB and .TCSUB functions of the TCOPR% JSYS. Beta
must be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. It will initially be set to  0.9.
Alpha  must  be  in  the range of 0.0 to 250.0. The default value for
Alpha is 1.5. Although numbers less than 1.0 and larger than 10.0 are
fairly useless, they are allowed.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 20

9.0  Internet Protocol JSYS Interface Introduction

     The Internet Jsyses provide a facility for user programs to send
and  receive  Internet packets. SC%NWZ capability is required for use
of the Internet Message Queues. The Internet Message Queues provide a
service not unlike the  IMP  special  queue  facility.  The  Internet
Message  queue  facility allows the user to interface at the IP level
instead of the 1822 level.

9.1  Internet Protocol JSYS Interface Description

     In order to use the Internet calls a program must  first  assign
an Internet Queue using ASNIQ%. The arguments for this JSYS are a set
of  mask and value words that determine what messages may be sent and
which of the incoming messages will be delivered to the owning job. A
successful ASNIQ% returns with a handle (a small  number,  short-hand
for  the  queue),  in  T1  which is then given to SNDIN%, RCVIN%, and
RELIQ%. In addition ASNIQ% returns the maximum buffer size acceptable
to SNDIN% in T2 if the assignment is successful.

     The  arguments  for  SNDIN%  are  an Internet Queue Handle and a
pointer to a buffer of data in the caller's  space.  Word-0  of  this
buffer  is  the  size  (in words) of the buffer, including this count
word. Words 1 through 5 must have a Version 4  Internet  Header  (see
last  page).  Various  fields of the header are checked for legality,
the source host word is filled in, and the Internet  header  checksum
inserted. A network interface is then selected and a local leader for
that  network is constructed in the packet. The packet is then queued
for output on that interface and SNDIN returns.

     RCVIN% takes the same arguments, an Internet Queue Handle and  a
buffer pointer (the right half of word-0 is the maximum length of the
buffer  including  the  count  word).  Normally,  if  no messages are
already waiting on the queue, RCVIN% waits. This wait can be defeated
by turning on the "don't wait" control bit (RIQ%NW) which  forces  an
error  return  (error  code  -1)  if  no messages are waiting. When a
message is available, it is placed into the user supplied buffer. The
number of words filled is set into the left half of word-0 (the count
word) of the buffer. Ordinarily this  can  be  ignored,  but  if  the
message  was  too big for the buffer, this tells how much space would
have been required.

     When finished, the queue handle can be released by using RELIQ%.
All  handles  owned by the job may be released by supplying -1 as the

     All Internet Jsys calls use only the LEFT 32 bits of each  word.
This is true of both the ASNIQ% argument block and of data buffers.

     Messages  left  waiting  on  an  input  queue  for  a  long time
(currently 30 seconds) will be deleted. Also, the number of  messages
which  will be placed into a queue is limited (currently 8). Flooding
the input queue of a slow receiver will result in  dropped  messages.
(Note  that  these  monitor assembly parameters may vary from site to
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 21

     Messages addressed  to  the  sending  host  will  ordinarily  be
delivered  without sending over any network at all and are reasonably

     User programs have no control over which network a given message
will be sent out over. This decision will be made by the host gateway
module  on  the  basis of routing information supplied to it by other
Internet gateways. This means that all networks to which  a  host  is
connected  must  go  down  before  Internet  communications  will  be
completely  stifled,  and  even then, processes within a host will be
able to communicate due to the local delivery mechanism.

     Programs using Internet messages must be aware that messages are
not  necessarily delivered in the order in which they were sent, some
messages may be dropped and others duplicated. Some  may  traverse  a
broadcast network and be clobbered by other packets, lightning, flaky
intermediate  gateways,  etc.  Thus,  some  higher  level protocol is
needed in most cases. TCP is one example, but there are  others  (the
"Datagram Protocol", XNET, etc.).

     If  a  particular  protocol  is implemented in the monitor (e.g.
ICMP, TCP) and that protocol module is turned on, no messages of that
protocol type will be passed to users via Internet queues.  Assigning
a  queue  will  still be possible, but no traffic will reach the user
unless that protocol module is disabled.

     Not  all  Internet protocols have ports. If you are implementing
one which does not, be sure that .IQPTM in the ASNIQ block contains a
zero. If the protocol uses both local and  foreign  ports,  they  are
expected  to  be in the first two 16-bit bytes following the Internet
header, source port in leftmost 16 bits and destination port  in  the
next  16  bits.  The  location  of  this  word is found by adding the
contents of the Internet data offset field  to  the  address  of  the
zeroth word of the Internet header.

     Provision  has  been  made for protocols such as XNET which have
only a local port. Turning on  the  AQ%SPT  control  flag  for  ASNIQ
selects  single  port  mode.  The  first  16-bit  byte  following the
Internet header is expected to contain the port. This  port  is  used
both for demultiplexing incoming packets and for checking access when
packets are being sent.

     Note  that  for  a  given set of addresses and protocol numbers,
etc., a  single-port  protocol  queue  will  not  be  assigned  if  a
dual-port  version  already exists, and vice versa. This rule permits
an incoming packet to specify a unique queue. Without the rule either
the first or second 16-bit field following the Internet header  would
have  to  be  used  for  demultiplexing,  but we could not know which
unless there was  something  else  to  tell  which  queue  was  being
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 22

     The  host  may receive ICMP error messages relating to datagrams
for an Internet User queue. Normally these  messages  are  discarded.
The  user  may,  however, request that these datagrams be placed into
the input queue so that they may be read using RCVIN. To enable  this
option, the AQ%ICM bit must be sepcified when the queue is assigned.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 23 


ASNIQ% (JSYS 756) - Assign Internet Queue

1/      Flags,,Pointer to queue descriptor block
2/      (Unused, must be 0)
3/      (Unused, must be 0)

Ret+1:   Failed.  Error code in T1.  Confliciting job number in T2.
Ret+2:  Success.  Internet queue handle in T1.  Max. SNDIN count in T2.


AQ%SPT  Single-port protocol.
AQ%ICM  Deliver ICMP error datagrams to this queue.

                Queue Descriptor Block Format:

Offset  Usage

 .IQPRV Internet protocol number in bit 24-31.  Others should be 0.

 .IQFHV Internet foreign host value word in bits 0-31.

 .IQSHV Internet source host value word in bits 0-31.  Used for
        logical host selection.

 .IQPTV Internet port value word.  Local port value in bits 0-15,
        foreign port in 16-31.  Foreign port bits ignored if AQ%SPT
        ("single-port" control flag) is set.

 .IQPRM Mask word corresponding to .IQPRV.

 .IQFHM Mask word corresponding to .IQFHV

 .IQSHM Mask word corresponding to .IQSHV

 .IQPTM Mask word corresponding to .IQPTV (Use 0 for portless

     The  mask words specify those bit positions where an exact match
is required. Thus, one can make .IQFHM contain 0 in order to talk  to
all Internet hosts. Or by making say the low 3 bits of the local port
mask  word be 0, one owns eight ports. Note that an error will result
unless the current queue descriptor block differs in  the  masked  in
bits from all other Internet queues which are assigned at the instant
the ASNIQ is issued.

Possible errors:

NTWZX1  NET WIZARD capability  required
ASNSX1  All Internet queues in use (or IP not initialized)
ASNSX2  Conflict with some other job (# in T2)
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 24



1/      An Internet Queue Handle or -1 for all or job process handle
2/      (Not used.  Must be 0)
3/      (Not used.  Must be 0)

Ret+1:   Failed.  Error code in T1.
Ret+2:  Success.

     RELIQ releases ownership of an Internet queue so that other jobs
can  assign  it. See the TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual for a
description of the various process handles.

Possible errors:

SQX1    Internet queue handle out of range
SQX2    Internet queue not assigned
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 25



1/      Internet Queue Handle
2/      Pointer to buffer containing message
3/      (Not used. Must be 0.)

Ret+1:   Failed.  Error code in T1.
Ret+2:  Success.

     The  buffer  must  contain a word count (including this word) in
the right-most 18 bits of word-0, a  valid  Internet  header  in  the
left-most 32 bits of words 1 through 5, and possibly some data in the
left-most  32  bits  of  words  6 and following. If port filtering is
being used (.IQPTM was non-zero  for  ASNIQ),  the  port(s)  must  be
located  in  the  word  following the Internet header. The address of
this word is found by adding the address of word-1 in the  buffer  to
the number in the Internet data offset field.

     The  monitor  fills  in  the source host field in the packet and
also the Internet header checksum. The rest of the header is supplied
by the user.

Possible errors:

SQX1    Internet queue handle out of range
SQX2    Internet queue not assigned
SNDIX1  Invalid message size
SNDIX2  Insufficient resources (No buffers available)
SNDIX4  Invalid header value for this queue
        (Includes Internet Packet Length too big, Data
        offset too small, filtering on ports but packet
        length says packet does not contain a port word,
        and header does not fit the ASNIQ arguments).
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 26



1/      Flags,,Internet Queue Handle
2/      Pointer to buffer where message will be put
3/      (Not used.  Must be 0.)

Ret+1:   Failed.  Error code in T1.
Ret+2:  Success.


RIQ%NW  On to cause fail return instead of waiting.

     Each RCVIN gets one message from the named queue. These messages
match  the  values  in  the queue descriptor block when masked by the
mask words in the block. The maximum size of  the  buffer  (including
the  count  word)  is expected in the right-most 18 bits of word-0 of
the buffer when the RCVIN is executed. The  number  of  words  filled
plus one (counting the count word) is placed in the left-most 18 bits
of  word-0 of the buffer. If the message was too big as determined by
the Internet data length field, as much as will fit in the buffer  is
transferred  and an error return given. No retry for the same message
is possible.

Possible errors:

SQX1    Internet queue handle out of range
SQX2    Internet queue not assigned
SNDIX1  Invalid message size
        777777 means that RIQ%NW was on and no messages were waiting
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 27

9.6  IP Message Format

     The following DEFSTRs show the format of the header words for an
IP  buffer.  The header words in a buffer sent or received via RCVIN%
or SNDIN% are supplied or must be supplied.

Word offsets:

.IPKVR==0                          ; Word with version, type of service, etc
.IPKSG==1                          ; Word with segmentation info
.IPKPR==2                          ; Word with time to live, checksum, protocol
.IPKSH==3                          ; Word with source host
.IPKDH==4                          ; Word with destination host





Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 28



ACCEPTS AC1/  Function Code
        AC2/  Function Dependent Argument
        AC3/  Function Dependent Argument

RETURNS +1 Always.  Error code in T1 if failure.

Function        Description

.IPSNT          Change network state.  AC2 contains the ARPANET
                network number (ARPANET is number 10.).  AC3 contains
                the desired network state (nonzero for enable and
                and zero for disable).

.IPRNT          Determine network state.  AC2 contains the ARPANET
                network number (ARPANET is number 10.).  Network
                state is returned in AC3 (zero for disabled and
                non zero for enabled).

.IPINI        Reload ARPANET host table.

.IPGWY	Reload ARPANET gateway table.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 29

10.0 Dependancies

     The  TCP/IP  has  very  few  requirements  from  the rest of the
monitor. The biggest requirement of the TCP/IP  monitors  is  address
space.  The TCP/IP code also assumes that the code in the monitor for
dealings with JFNs in the general case works. The TCP code  uses  all
(or  most)  of  the JSYS' for dealing with JFNs. The TCP/IP code uses
its own free space management.  The  TCP/IP  software  calls  several
general  utility subroutines found throughout the monitor (eg. UPSHR,
DWNSHR, PSIRQ, etc...).

     Acceptable  performance  of  the TCP/IP code currently relies on
the improved performance of one word global  byte  pointers.  If  the
performance  of  OWGBPs  is  not  improved the performance of the TCP
software will not be considered acceptable.
Release 6.0 ARPANET TCP/IP Functional Specification - Page 30

Appendix A.

The following is an example of the SYSTEM:HOSTS.TXT file.

; DoD Internet Host Table
;  27-May-83
; Changes, corrections, comments or questions to (NIC@SRI-NIC)
; The format of this file is documented in RFC 810, "DoD Internet
; Host Table Specification", which is available on-line at SRI-NIC
; as the file
;              [SRI-NIC]<NETINFO>RFC810.TXT
; It may be retrieved via FTP using username ANONYMOUS with
; any password.
; NOTE CAREFULLY: RFC 810 has been slightly revised since the original
; version was written.  In particular, the version printed in the
; "Internet Protocol Transition Notebook" does not document the
; added "machine type" field (between the host-name and system-name
; fields).
; The format for entries is:
; Where:
;;  ADDR = internet address in decimal, e.g.,
;;  CPUTYPE = machine type (PDP-11/70, VAX-11/780, FOONLY-F3, C/30, etc.)
;;  OPSYS = operating system (UNIX, TOPS-20, TENEX, ITS, etc.)
;;  PROTOCOLS = transport/service (NCP/FTP,TCP/TELNET,TCP/FTP, etc.)
;;  : (colon) = field delimiter
;;  :: (2 colons) = null field

HOST : : SRI-NSC11,NSC11,DNSRI : PDP-11/40 : UNIX : NCP :


HOST : : SRI-STA6 ::::
HOST : : RU-GREEN : DEC-2060 : TOPS20 : TCP/SMTP :
HOST : : SRI-STA2 ::::
HOST : : RU-BLUE : DEC-2060 : TOPS20 : TCP/SMTP :
HOST : : SRI-PRMH : PDP-11/44 : UNIX : TCP :

!   !   !   !   !   !   !   !                   i n t e r o f f i c e
! d ! i ! g ! i ! t ! a ! l !
!   !   !   !   !   !   !   !                    m e m o r a n d u m

                                                Date: 29-Feb-84
                                                From: Kevin W. Paetzold
                                                Dept: TOPS-20 Monitor Group
                                                DTN:  231-7430
                                                LOC/MAIL STOP: MRO1-2/L10

                                                Revision Level: 1.3

Subject:  Early NI Support Project for the DOD TCP/IP Networking Protocols

1.0  Description of Document

This  document is intended to clarify the current plans for the support
of the Department of Defense (DOD) Tranmission Control  Protocol  (TCP)
and  Internet  Protocol  (IP)  on  the  Network Interconnect (NI) for a
release 5.1 based  TOPS-20  monitor.  The  NI  is  also  known  as  the
Ethernet.  This  monitor  will  also  support  the  existing 1822 (IMP)
ARPANET interface.

     1.1  Related and Required Documents

     The following documents specify the DOD Standard TCP/IP protocols.
     DOD Standard Internet Protocol (IP) - RFC791
     DOD Standard Internet Control Mesage Protocol (ICMP) - RFC792
     DOD Standard Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) - RFC793
     DOD Standard Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) RFC827

     NISRV Functional Specification - GIDNEY::R61SPC:?.?
     NIDLL Functional Specification - GIDNEY::R61SPC:NIDLL.DOC
     IPNIDV Design Specification - R61SPC:IPNIDV.TXT

     The  following  document  specifies  the  ethernet  environment as
     agreed upon by DEC, Xerox, and Intel. "The Ethernet, A Local  Area
     Network, Data Link Layer and Physical Layer Specifications".

2.0  Relationship to Other Monitors

     2.1  TOPS20 Release 5.3 Description (Existing Product)
     Currently ARPANET customers are running release 5.3 of TOPS20 in an
     "Alpha  test"  mode.  Release 5.3 is based on Release 5.1 of TOPS20
     with changes to support the TCP/IP protocols.  

     2.2  TOPS20 Release 5.3 Relationship to the TCP/IP NI Monitor

     The  TCP/IP  NI  Monitor  will be known as release 5.4 of TOPS-20.
     Release 5.4 will be the same as release 5.3 with the  addition  of
     NI  support.  Release  5.4  will  replace  release 5.3 at customer
     sites. Customers currently running release 5.3 will  be  moved  to
     5.4  as  soon  as  possible  after the 5.4 monitor has stabilized.
     Release 5.4 will also be available in an "Alpha  test"  mode  just
     like release 5.3 was.

3.0  NI Support Description and Relationship to DECNET

Release  5.4 will support a minimum of the NI software required for the
transmission of Internet Protocol datagrams over the Ethernet.  Release
5.4  will  not  support  the tranmission of any form of Digital Network
Architecture (DNA or DECNET) messages. Release 5.4 DECNET software will
NOT be modified to support the NI.  Release  5.4  DECNET  support  will
remain at the DECNET Phase III levels.

4.0  Project Goals

The  primary goal of this project is to provide a base level of support
for the transmission of IP datagrams over the NI on or about  April  1,
1984.  This  project  will  support  the NI using the current NI device
driver (NISRV) being developed for Release 6.1 of TOPS20. NISRV will be
transported to a release 5.1 based monitor. NISRV is currently made  up
of the modules NISRV and PHYKNI.

It  is  a  goal of this monitor to support both the AN20 and the NI for
the tranmission of IP datagrams. A machine with only  the  NI  hardware
(no  AN20) will still require support for an AN20 in the monitor. It is
not possible to remove the AN20 software support  in  the  time  period
this project allows.

A minimum of the Low Level Operation Maintainance Protocol (LLMOP) will
be  supported  in  order  to meet Ethernet Blue Book (Xerox, Intel, and
Digital Ethernet Agreement) Requirements for the Ethernet Configuration
Testing Protocol.  The LLMOP JSYS interface will not be supported.

The  JSYS  Interface  to  NISRV allowing direct user mode access to the
Ethernet will not be supported. The Timesharing diagnostic DFNIB  which
requires the NISRV JSYS interface will not be supported. It is also not
clear  that  DFNIB will be available in time. The timesharing and stand
alone diagnostic DFNIA requires no additional support from the  monitor
and will be supported.

It is a goal of this project that Digital Field Service will be able to
support  the  NI  as  a standard piece of Digital hardware. Diagnostics
will be made available to Field Service on the KLAD pack.

An  important  goal of this project is to cause a mimimum impact on the
TOPS20 Release 6.0 and 6.1 schedules  via  either  human  resources  or
machine resources.

It  is a goal that TOPS20 Release 5.4 will able to communicate with the
DEC Ultrix  Operating  system  using  the  TCP/IP  protocols  over  the
Ethernet.  It  is  also  a  goal  that  release  5.4  will  be  able to
communicate with any other system  running  a  compatable  IP  Ethernet
Transport Protocol.

5.0  Project Non Goals

It is not a goal of this project to support DECNET Phase IV in any form
or to allow any DECNET messages to be transmitted over the NI.

It  is  not  a  goal of this project to support the Local Area Terminal
(LAT) protocols.

It is not a goal of this  project  to  support  direct  access  to  the
Ethernet via JSYS calls to NISRV.

It  is  not  a  goal  of  this project to support any functionality not
required for the transmission of IP datagrams except for  functionality
required by the Ethernet Blue Book agreement.

6.0  TCP/IP Protocol Impact

The TCP/IP Protocol Suite is a layered protocol strategy. IP provides a
non  gauranteed  internetwork  datagram  tranmission  service.  TCP  is
layered  within  the IP protocol datagram and provides a reliable, flow
controlled, and sequenced message service.

The  IP  protocol was designed to allow tranmission over various packet
switching network mediums. This project will allow TOPS-20 to  transmit
and receive IP datagrams on the Ethernet.

The  TCP protocol is layered within the IP protocol. The tranmission of
TCP messages within IP datagrams over the Ethernet  is  transparent  to
the TCP protocol module. The tranmission of TCP messages within IP over
the  Ethernet will have no impact on the TCP JSYS interface or the user
level software used in this environment (ie. TELNET, MS, MM, FTP).

The  current  TOPS20 (5.3) TCP/IP support was designed with the ability
to interface multiple network interfaces to IP. The interface  code  is
known  as  Multinet.  Interfacing TCP/IP to the NI requires interfacing
the NI driver (NISRV) to the Multinet  code  (MNETDV).  The  module  to
interface NISRV to MNETDV will be known as IPNIDV.

7.0  New TCP/IP Functionality

Supporting  TCP/IP on the NI will allow much new functionality to exist
in TOPS20 with little development cost. TOPS20 systems on the  NI  will
be  able  to  communicate  with  other  TOPS20 and Ultrix systems using
TCP/IP on the NI  regardless  of  the  presence  of  an  AN20  hardware
interface  on  the  TOPS20  system.  A  TOPS-20  system will be able to
communicate over the  Ethernet  using  TCP/IP  with  any  other  system
running a compatable IP Ethernet Transport Protocol.

A  TOPS20  release 5.4 system with both an AN20 (interfacing to an IMP)
and an NI will act as a internet gateway between the local Ethernet and
any other interconnected  network.  TOPS20  will  act  as  an  Internet
Exterior Gateway (EGP Protocol).

An  exterior  gateway  is  the  sole connection between two networks. A
multiple gateway network interconnection is not allowed at this time by
the Internet Network Control Center (ie. administratively prohibited).

8.0  Development Strategy

The development strategy for the TCP/IP NI monitor is divided into four
parts or major milestones.

     8.1  IP Ethernet Transport Protocol Definition
     The first milestone is the definition of the IP Ethernet Transport
     Protocol. This protocol will specify the format of IP datagrams on
     the Ethernet.
     The  Defense  Communications  Agency  (DCA)  has  control over the
     establishment of standard protocol descriptions for  the  Internet
     Protocol  Suite.  DCA has not at this point issued a specification
     for the tranmission of IP datagrams over the Ethernet.
     Many organizations (eg. ISI,  SRI,  and  Stanford)  are  currently
     transmitting  IP  datagrams  over  the  Ethernet. The IP transport
     protocols used by various organizations are disimiliar due to  the
     lack of a standard from the DCA.
     Our  goal  is to implement an IP Ethernet Transport protocol which
     will be compatable with the Berkeley Unix  IP  Ethernet  Transport
     Protocol.  The  DEC  Ultrix  operating system is based on Berkeley
     Unix and uses the same protocols.

     8.2  TOPS-20 Release 6.1 TCP/IP Support

     The  second  milestone  of  this  project  is  to build and test a
     release 6.1 TCP/IP monitor without the TCP/NI support.
     TOPS-20 Release 6.1 has contained the code for  supporting  TCP/IP
     for  some  time. However the release 6.1 ARPANET code has not been
     tested. Release 6.1 currently has major address space restrictions
     which restrict the size and types of monitors available.

     8.3  TOPS-20 Release 6.1 TCP/IP NI Support
     The  third  milestone of this project is the implementation of the
     software required for the tranmission of  IP  datagrams  over  the
     Ethernet in release 6.1 of TOPS-20. Release 6.1 currently supports
     the NI device driver.

     8.4  TOPS-20 Release 5.4 NI support
     The  fourth and final milestone of this project is the 5.4 monitor
     This  part  entails transporting the release 6.1 Ethernet software
     to the 5.1 based TCP/IP monitor. The code to be transported  falls
     into  two  parts.  The  NI  driver  itself (NISRV)  and the TCP/IP
     Ethernet Protocol module (IPNIDV).

9.0  Required Resources

This  project requires standalone resources on multiple (2) KLs with NI
hardware. One of the KLs must also have an AN20 with  a  connection  to
the  IMP  in the software Lab. This requirement is easily met by adding
an NI to CHIP and connecting CHIP  to  RONCO  or  ETHER  over  the  NI.
Standalone  requirements  are  difficult  to accurately predict at this
time. An estimate is that we will require two hours a day of standalone
on Chip and Ronco (or Ether) for one week. We will  require  additional
standalone  on  both Chip and Ronco for final debuging and tuning. This
should amount to about one hour a day on both Chip and  Ronco  and  one
additional hour a day on Chip.

This  project also requires some consulting effort from the release 6.1
group on the NI device driver (NISRV) for general information  purposes
and bug fixes in NISRV.

10.0  Dependancies and Risks

Some  risks and dependancies exist. The resources mentioned in 9.0 is a
requirement. Without the above resources this project is not possible.

This  project  assumes  that  the  NI  device driver (NISRV) works well
enough to support the tranmission of IP datagrams at this time.  Having
to  debug  NISRV  will cause a slip in this project. It is assumed that
the 6.1 group will supply some resources for the debuging  of  problems

11.0  Support and Distribution to Customers

Through  an  extension  of  the  current release 5.3 alpha test license
customers will be able to run this software on  an  alpha  test  basis.
This  monitor  will be supported by software engineering as a pre field
test monitor. This is the same method that release 5.3  was  supported.
Maintenance  releases corresponding to release 5.1 autopatch tapes will
be supplied. Monitors will be built by Software  Engineering.  Monitors
will  be  supported on a best effort basis by Software Engineering. The
monitors will be initially distributed via the  ARPANET  (same  as  5.3
was).  We  will  make  a  tape which will be available for copying on a
special case basis for those customers who can not access the  software
via the ARPANET.

12.0  Testing

This  monitor  will be tested at selected customer sites before release
to the general TOPS-20 customer base. A few (about two) sites  will  be
chosen   for   testing.   The   customer  sites  should  have  multiple
DECSYSTEM20s and possible Berkeley Unix  or  Ultrix  systems.  Software
Engineering   will   provide  on  site  expertise  during  the  initial
installation and testing of the monitor.

13.0  Relationship to SPEAR

The  only  data  available to SPEAR from the NI support is the BUGINFs,
BUGCHKs, and BUGHLTs generated  from  NISRV,  IPNIDV,  and  the  TCP/IP
software modules.
Appendix A - TCP/IP Protocol Relationships

| Telnet Protocol |
  ||  .--------------.
  ||  | Customer     |
  ||  | Defined      |
  ||  | Applications |
  ||  `------\||/----'
  ||          ||     
  ||          ||     
./||\--------/||\.             .-----------------.
| Transmission   |             | Internet        |
| Control        |             | Control Message |
| Protocol (TCP) |             | Protocol        |
`-----\||/-------'             `-------\||/------'
       ||                               ||
    | Internet Protocol (IP)                    | 
    | Multinet Software                                   |
       ||                      ||                   ||
       ||                      ||                   ||
       ||                      ||                   ||
.-----/||\---------.    .-----/||\-----.      .----/||\----.
| IMP Interface    |    | Ethernet     |      | Customer   |
| Via KL AN20      |    | Interface    |      | Defined    |
| (1822 Protocol)  |    | (IPNIDV)     |      | Interfaces |
`------------------'    `-----\||/-----'      `------------'
                        | Ethernet     |
                        | Driver       |
                        | (NISRV)      |
Appendix B - TCP/IP, Ethernet, and 1822 Message Bit Maps
	! d i g i t a l !   I N T E R O F F I C E  M E M O R A N D U M
	                                        DATE:   Mar 1, 1984
	TO: TOPS-20 Software Engineering
	                                        FROM:   Mark Pratt
	                                        DEPT:   LCG S.E.
	                                        DTN:    231-6455
	                                        LOC:    MRO1-2/L10

	    This  document  describes  the  proposed  implementation for
	transmitting the DoD standard Internet  Protocol  messages  over
	Ethernet networks. The main goals of this implementation are:
	      o  To  provide  a  base  level  of  support  for the
	         transmission of IP datagrams over the NI hardware
	      o  To  be  able  to  communicate  with other TOPS-20
	         systems running the same TCP/IP/NI implementation
	      o  To  be able to communicate with Vax systems which
	         are running Digital's Ultrix operating system.
	    Even  though  the  standard  TOPS-20  TCP/IP uses an AN20 to
	connect the 20 to the Internet, BBN  designed  a  module  called
	Multinet  which  allows TCP/IP to be transmitted over any number
	of different hardware devices.  The basic concept is  that  each
	hardware  device  is  the  interface into a different physically
	seperate network.
	    To  allow  IP datagrams to be sent over the Ethernet we will
	create a new module called IPNIDV. IPNIDV will be the  interface
	between Multinet (MNETDV) and the NI software (NISRV). It's main
	function  will  be to service the requests of Multinet, requests
	such as network startup, network  shutdown,  start  I/O,  status
	checking,  etc.  IPNIDV  will  also  provide  some adminstrative
	gateway control for routing IP  messages  between  Internet  and
	hosts on the Ethernet.
	The new organization of the monitor modules will look like this:
	       TCP / IP             Multinet        1822 / AN20 driver
	|---------------------|    |---------|    |---------------------|
	.-------.     .-------.     .-------.     .-------.     .-------.
	|       |     |       |     |       |     |       |     |       |
	|TCPTCP |<--->|IPIPIP |<--->|MNETDV |<--->|IMPDV  |<--->|IMPANX |
	|       |     |       |     |       |     |       |     |       |
	|_______|     |_______|     |_______|     |_______|     |_______|
	                            .-------.     .-------------------.
	                            |       |     |                   |       
	                            |IPNIDV |<--->| NISRV  +  PHYKNI  |
	                            |       |     |                   |       
	                            |_______|     |___________________|

	                           |---------|    |---------|---------|
	                            Interface     Data Link NI hardware
	                            to the NI       Layer     driver
	    There  were  a  number of problems which were studied before
	deciding that this implementation would succeed.  
	            A   "Request  for  Comment"  (RFC)  has  been  the
	        official forum for setting the  standards  within  the
	        Internet  environment.  Even  though  no  RFC has been
	        issued which proposes a standard for  transmitting  IP
	        datagrams  over Ethernet networks, several draft RFC's
	        have been proposed.
	            We  have  used  these  drafts  as  the  basis  for
	        deciding   what   our  implementation  will  use.  The
	        following issues were discussed  in  great  detail  in
	        these draft RFCs.
	            There  are  current Unix implementations of TCP/IP
	        over Ethernet which are designed to make use of paging
	        virtual memory systems to obtain higher throughput for
	        IP datagrams. The method they use  is  called  trailer
	            Trailers consist of an Ethernet header followed by
	        the  data  portion of an IP or TCP packet, followed by
	        the original IP and/or TCP  header  information.  This
	        allows  the  data to be page aligned and can be mapped
	        between kernal  and  user  address  space  with  doing
	        memory to memory transfers.
	            The  current  implementations of trailers allows a
	        host to turn off the use of trailers. Therefore  given
	        the  timeframe  in which we have to implement the IPNI
	        project, we will not be doing trailer encapsulation.
	            A  method  of  obtaining the Ethernet host address
	        given an Internet host address needs to be developed.
	            This  problem has been addressed by RFC826 but has
	        not been adopted as a standard. This RFC  defines  the
	        Address  Resolution  Protocol  (ARP).  ARP is based on
	        Ethernet broadcast mechanism. It allows us to send  an
	        ARP message to every Ethernet host. In the ARP message
	        is   the   Internet  host  number  which  we  want  to
	        communicate with. Each host can look at  this  message
	        and  decide  if the message is for it. The remote host
	        can then respond  to  us,  filling  in  it's  Ethernet
	            Even    though    ARP    is    used   in   certain
	        implementations, it does not have to be used. In  fact
	        there  are  provisions  for hosts which do not use it.
	        Therefore given the timeframe  in  which  we  have  to
	        implement the IPNI project, we will not be doing ARP.
	            In place of ARP, the monitor will maintain a table
	        that  will  contain  the  Internet  host  number,  the
	        Ethernet  host  number,  and  some host related flags.
	        This table will be used  to  obtain  the  Ethernet  or
	        Internet  host  number  given  the  other type of host
	            The protocol type has been more or less defined by
	        the  draft  RFCs. The protocol type is also defined by
	        the use of trailer encapsulations or not.
	            If a host is not using trailers, the protocol type
	        is defined as hex 008.
	            If  a host is using trailers, the protocol type is
	        based on the number  of  512  byte  pages  within  the
	        Ethernet  message.  The  protocol types range in value
	        from 1001 (1000(?)) and 1016, and 4096.
	            Since  we  are  not implementing trailers, we will
	        only enable the receiving of type 0008.
	    This  diagram  is  shows  what a possible TCP IP packet will
	look like when transmitted over  the  NI.  The  Ethernet  header
	information  is  generated  by  NISRV  and  is  not available to
              0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
              0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     E       .---------------------------------------------------------------.
     t  H    |Dst adr Byte 1 |Dst adr byte 2 |Dst adr byte 3 |Dst adr byte 4 |
     h  e    |---------------------------------------------------------------| 
     e  a    |Dst adr byte 5 |Dst adr byte 6 |Src adr byte 1 |Src adr byte 2 |
     r  d    |---------------------------------------------------------------| 
     n  e    |Src adr Byte 3 |Src adr byte 4 |Src adr byte 5 |Src adr byte 6 |
     e  r    |-------------------------------.-------------------------------' 
     t       |     Protocol Type             |                          
     ======= |==============================='-------------------------------. 
             |Version|Hdr Len|Type of Service|     Total Length of Datagram  | 0
     I  P    |                               |M|D|M|                         |
     n  r  H |    Datagram Identifier        |B|F|F|      Fragment Offset    | 1
     t  o  e |                               |Z| | |                         |
     e  t  a |---------------------------------------------------------------|
     r  o  d | Time to Live  |   Protocol    |        Header Checksum        | 2
     n  c  e |---------------------------------------------------------------|
     e  o  r |                     Source Host Address                       | 3
     t  l    |---------------------------------------------------------------|
             |                  Destination Host Address                     | 4
             |                 Protocol Options              | Padding       | 5
     ======= |===============================================================|
     T     P |          Source Port          |     Destination Port          | 0
     r     r |---------------------------------------------------------------|
     a  C  o |                       Sequence Number                         | 1
     n  o  t |---------------------------------------------------------------|
     s  n    |                    Acknowledgment Number                      | 2
     m  t  H |---------------------------------------------------------------|
     i  r  e | Data  |           |U|A|P|R|S|F|                               |
     s  o  a |Offset | Reserved  |R|C|S|S|Y|I|    Flow Control Window        | 3
     s  l  d |       |           |G|K|H|T|N|N|                               |
     i     e |---------------------------------------------------------------|
     o     r |         Checksum              |        Urgent Pointer         | 4
     n       |---------------------------------------------------------------|
             |     Transmission Control Protocol Options     |    Padding    | 5
     ======= |===============================================================|
             |                             data                              | 0
             |                             data                              | .
             |                             data                              | .
             |                             data                              | n
	    The following is a list which outlines the changes that will
	be made to the 6.1 monitor.
	        SYSFLG.MAC code for IPNI
	        Changes to STG
	                IPNIDV storage
	                LOADMODULE for IPNIDV
	        Changes to ANAUNV, add nct for IPNI device
	        Changes to MNETDV to add IPNI device to INTNAM table
	        Add IPOPR% jsys function to load IPNI host # lookup tables
	        Changes to IPFREE to get contiguous physical memory
	        Create IPNIDV, major routines are:
	          Miscellaneous routines:
	                read and verify host # lookup tables
	                internet host to ethernet host number lookup
	                ipni to multinet loopback
	                services privilege check by host # (gateway control)
	          Multinet callable routines:
	                network startup 
	                network reset
	                network shutdown
	                status check
	                start output
	          Calls to NISRV:
	                post a receive buffer
	                nisrv callback dispatch routine
	                open ni channel and enable protocol type
	                send datagram 
	          NISRV callable routines:
	                receive datagram callback
	                ni state change callback
	                datagram sent callback
			address change callback
	    MNETDV.MAC  contains  the  code  which  is  generally called
	Multinet. It is a number of subroutines which allow Internet  to
	support  a  number  of different networks, any of which can have
	it's own or shared hardware interface.
	    The  defintions which follow are in ANAUNV. They are used to
	call the routines within a network interface. In our  case,  the
	routines  within  IPNIDV.  P1 contains the Network Control Table
	(NCT) address for Ethernet. FOO is the NCT offset  for  whatever
	function needs to be performed.
	DEFINE  MNTCALL(FOO)<CALL @FOO(P1)>     ;Call a routine
	DEFINE  MNTJRST(FOO)<JRST @FOO(P1)>     ;Jump to a routine
	DEFINE  MNTXCT(FOO)<XCT FOO(P1)>        ;Execute an instruction
	    The Multinet code contains a table of known devices (such as
	the  AN20)  which can transmit IP datagrams. We will need to add
	an entry to specify the existence of Ethernet:
	     o  Change the table INTNAM to include IPNI.  This entry is
	        used for parsing the SYSTEM:SITE-ADDRESS.TXT file.
	    The  NCT  is  a  device dispatch table for specific hardware
	devices which can send Internet messages. Each entry contains  a
	device specific instruction or a dispatch address to a routine.
	        NOP                     ; NTCNSZ - CONSZ Input
	        NOP                     ; NTCNSO - CONSO Input
	        NOP                     ; NTCONO - CONO Input
	        NOP                     ; NTCONI - CONI Input
	        NOP                     ; NTDATO - DATAO Input
	        NOP                     ; NTDATI - DATAI Input
	        IFIW!NIPINI             ; NTINI  - Initialization instruction
	        IFIW!NIPKIL             ; NTKILL - Shutdown instruction
	        IFIW!NIPRST             ; NTRSRT - Restart instruction
	        IFIW!NIPSTI             ; NTISRT - Start input instruction
	        IFIW!NIPSTO             ; NTOSRT - Start output instruction
	        IFIW!R                  ; NTIDUN - Input done dispatch
	        IFIW!R                  ; NTODUN - Output done dispatch
	        IFIW!R                  ; NTLLDR - Make header instruction
	        IFIW!RSKP               ; NTOTOK - CLear packet for output
	        IFIW!R                  ; NTMAIN - Maintainance
	        IFIW!NIPSTS             ; NTSCHK - Status check instruction
	        BLOCK NTOCNO-NTIB       ; NTIB through  NTOTYP
	        NOP                     ; NTOCNO - CONO Output
	        NOP                     ; NTOCNI - CONI Output
	        NOP                     ; NTOCSO - CONSO Output
	        NOP                     ; NTOCSZ - CONSZ Output
	        NOP                     ; NTODTO - DATAO Output
	        NOP                     ; NTODTI - DATAI Output
	        XPCW .+1                ; NTIINT - Interrupt instruction
	        BLOCK 2                 ; NTIPCW - Inturrupt PC storage
	        EXP 0                   ; NTINPC - New flags (Input)
	        XWD MSEC1,.+1           ;          New PC (Input save)
	        MAKSAV (IMPPDP,NTIDSP)  ; NTIISV - 6 words of AC save routine
	        MAKRES (NTIPCW)         ; NTIIRS - 3 words of AC restore routine
	        XPCW .+1                ; NTOINT - Interrupt instruction
	        BLOCK 2                 ; NTOPCW - PC storage
	        EXP 0                   ; NTONPC - New flags
	        XWD MSEC1,.+1           ;          New PC (Output Save)
	        MAKSAV (IMPPDP,NTODSP)  ; NTIOSV _ 6 words of AC Save
	        MAKRES (NTOPCW)         ; NTIORS   3 words of AC restore
	        BLOCK 20                ; NTSVAC - AC storage
	A new symbol is needed to specify Ethernet IP. This is called 
	IPNIN.  It should be set to 1.
	    Multinet  requires  a  defintion  for  the  #  of  networks.
	Normally  this  is  set to the # of AN20 devices. This should be
	increased by 1.
	   ;add this line around the: %NETS==:ANXN  ;TOTAL # OF IP INTERFACES
	The IPNIDV module must be loaded when LINK is run.
	   ;add the following line
	    Another  feature  test  switch called FTIPNI will be used in
	SYSFLG which can be used for IPNI conditional assembly in the IP 
	    IPNIDV  reads  a  gateway  host  table  which  contains  the
	Internet  and  Ethernet host addresses, and some gateway control
	flags. The  maximum  number  of  entries  which  we  will  allow
	internally is set by this defintion.
	NIMAXH::^D32*NIHMDL	;reasonable maximum number of hosts 
	                	;we want to talk with on the ni
	STG - STORAGE (continued)
	    The  PC section storage required by IPNIDV will be kept to a
	minimum. Most  of  the  storage  required  will  come  from  the
	Internet storage section.
	    These  are  the  locations  which  I believe will need to be
	defined in STG:
	Name            Description
	----            -----------------
	NILPBK          Set to -1 if for local loopback testing of
	                messages. This will only apply to messages
	                which are sent to the local host using the 
	                local hosts IP/ENET host number. All other
	                messages  will be dumped as if the  remote
	                host were not up.
	NIPNCT          Holds NCT address for IPNI multinet data base.
	IUNBLK          Holds the address of the UN block
	GHTPNT          Holds the address of the gateway host table.
	GHTLEN          Holds the length of the GHT

NNIPIB is the value of the number buffers to keep queued
NIPNIB is the location where NNIPIB is stored
NIPNFI is the number of free input buffers we currently have
	[More to be defined]
	NIHINI - IPNI host table initialization. 
	    NIHINI  is  called at system startup, or by the IPOPR% jsys.
	It will read the Internet-Ethernet host number translation table
	file. This file contains the  information  which  allows  us  to
	handle  address resolution. It also contains the gateway control
	info which allows us to act like an  ACJ  to  control  what  TCP
	services  (Telnet,  Mail,  FTP,  etc) each Ethernet host can use
	when communicating between us or the outside world (Internet).
	    NIHINI  builds  the  gateway  host table (GHT) from a binary
	file produced by the IPHOST program. The name of this file is:
	    Format of this host table file is:
	|                   CHECKSUM                  |
	|              MONITOR VERSION #              |
	|              IPHOST VERSION #               |
	|         NUMBER OF WORDS THAT FOLLOW         |
	|=============================================|  -.
	|       STANDARD 32 BIT INTERNET ADDRESS      |   |
	|---------------------------------------------|   |  
	| BYTE 1 |  BYTE 2 | BYTE 3 |  BYTE 4 |  MBZ  |  1 group per host
	|---------------------------------------------|   |
	| BYTE 5 |  BYTE 6 |         MBZ              |   |
	|---------------------------------------------|   |
	|             GATEWAY CONTROL FLAGS           |   |
	|=============================================|  -'
	/                       .                     /
	/                       .                     /
	/                       .                     /
	The definitions for words in the GHT are in ANAUNV.MAC 
     as follows:
	.NICHK==:0              ;Computed checksum of file
	.NIGTD==:1              ;GTAD format for date/time of
	                        ;when the file was created
	.NIMVR==:2              ;Monitor version # when created
	.NIMIR==:3              ;IPHOST version # when created
	.NILEN==:4              ;Number of words which follow
	.NIINT==:0              ;the internet host number
	.NIEN1==:1              ;ethernet addr word 1
	.NIEN2==:2              ;ethernet addr word 2
	.NIGCF==:3              ;gateway control flags
	NIHMDL==:4              ;max length of per host data
	    The  checksum  word  in this file is generated by adding all
	words in the file together except the checksum word  itself.  If
	the  checksum  computed  by  the monitor does not agree with the
	file checksum, the table will not be accepted. Until there is  a
	GHT, no IP datagrams can be transmitted over the NI.
	    Changes can be made to the GHT by successive calls to NIHINI
	with  a  modified  file. The previous GHT will be used until the
	file has been successfully read and checked.
	NIHINI Returns + 1 on error
	               + 2 on success
	    NIHINI will perform the following steps:
	     o  set up some temporary TRVAR storage
	     o  open the file
	     o  read the header words and begin to compute checksum
	     o  check file length, if too long generate an error
	     o  get resident storage for gateway host table
	     o  save pointer to stoarge 
	     o  read 1 block of host data
	     o  check Internet host # for ascending order
	     o  compute a checksum on this block's data
	     o  store data in the free space
	     o  decrement the "words following" count
	     o  check for end of data
	     o  if more, go back to loop
	     o  test the computed checksum against the file checksum
	     o  get pointer to storage 
	     o  exchange this new pointer with the old pointer
	     o  if old pointer was non-zero, release the old storage
	     o  close the file
            Called from the start output code, this routine converts the
        destination  Internet  host number into Ethernet host number and
        places it into the UN block host address words.
	Call with:
	  T1/ Destination Internet host number
	  T2/ UN block address
	  Returns + 1 on error
	          + 2 on success
	     o  get the GHT adr of the destination Internet host number
	     o  retrieve the Ethernet host number, save in UN block
	    Called  from  CNVADR  and  the  received  datagram  callback
	routines  to  find an entry in the GHT that matches the Internet
	host number. It then returns the address of  the  entry  to  the
	Call with:
	  T1/ Internet host number
	  Returns + 1 if host number not found
	          + 2 on success with T1/ adr of GHT entry that matched
	     o	perform a binary search of the host number
	     o	if not found, ret
	     o	if found, return skip with address of entry

	    Called  from  MNTINI  when  initializing all of the networks
	known to Multinet.
	  Returns + 1 always
	     o  saves away the NCT address for the NI callbacks
	     o  makes sure that the GHT has been initialized
	     o  clears the "host going down" flag
	     o  set "we want the netowrk up" flag
	     o  do a reset of the driver code by calling restart code
	    Called  from  MNETDV  and  NIPINI  to restart the driver and
	start sending output.
	  Returns + 1 always
	    o   check the "we want the network up" flag
	    o   if not on, return
	    o   clear output hung timer
	    o   call the NIOPEN routine, lose if error
	    o   call NIPSTS to check the status, lose if error 
	    o   get a receive buffer
	    o   enable the protocol type
	    o   post the receive buffer 
	    o   set network on flags
	    o   set "time when interface came up" word
	    o   set "allow output" flag
	    o   call INTUP to say interface is up
	    o   start output if possible
	    o   flag job 0 to say network state has changed
	    This  routine  is  called from MNETDV and from the IPNI code
	itself. It checks the status of the NI. It skip returns  if  all
	is okay.
	  Returns + 1 when hardware/software has a problem, 
	              sets NTERRF and NTTOUT
	          + 2 on success
	    o   clear out "error flag" word
	    o   if in local loopback mode, always "win" (RETSKP)
	    o   call NI status routine
	    o   if channel is running then RETSKP
	    o   on errors, set "error flag" and set net hung timer word
	    Called from MNETDV code to shutdown the network.
	   Returns + 1 always
	    o   check and the set the netowrk ready words
	    o   clear the output hung timer
	    o   if already down, just RET
	    o   say NI, NET, and OUTPUT off
	    o   flag "just changed state"
	    o   flag job 0 to notice network state has changed
	    o   if in local loopback mode, RET
	    o   perform an NI close function
	    o	release unused buffers from IPNI free pool

	    Called  from  Multinet or from itself, NIPSTO tries to start
	output by passing the IP packet to NISRV. If local  loopback  is
	turned  on,  the  message, if destined for this host, is sent to
	the NI packet input routine.
	Call with:
	  NTIOBO(P1)/ address of the internet buffer 
	  Returns + 1 always
	    o   If no output or IPNI driver error is on, do nothing
	    o   Mark output as being in progress
	    o   Get the output buffer off the output queue
	    o   If loop back mode is on, goto loopback code
	When sending output to the NI:
	    o   Form an 8 bit OWGBP to the output buffer
	    o   Get remote Internet address
	    o   Convert the address to Ethernet addresses
	    o   If host not found in GHT
	            o   Increment an error counter
	            o   Release the buffer and ret
	    o   Check IP length to see if padding is needed
	    o   Pick up the IP packet size and save in UN
	    o   Lock the buffer
	    o   Give the packet to NISRV
	    o   If NISRV gives an error:
	            o	Unlock the buffer
	            o   Place the buffer in the free queue
	            o   Generate an error, return
	    o   Clear output hung timer
	    o   Try to start more output
	When in loopback mode:
	    o   Check the packet destination, if not for us:
	            o   Place the buffer on the free queue 
	            o   Try to start more output
	    o   Place on Internet input queue
	    NIOPEN  is  called  from the restart code. It sets up the UN
	block and calls NISRV to open a portal.
	  Returns +1 on error, error code in T1
	          +2 on success
	    o   reserve some IP free space for a UN block
	    o	lock the UN block
	    o   set up the callback vector
	    o   set up the user id as "TCPIP"
	    o   set the scan for a channel bit
	    o   set up the protocol type in the UN block
	    o   call NISRV to open the channel
	    o	if error,
		     o	unlock the un block
		     o	generate error and return
	    Called  from the restart code and from the datagram received
	callback to obtain resident free space  for  input  buffers.  At
	this  time, the NI hardware requires the boundaries of any given
	input buffer lie on physically contiguous pages of memory.
	    Buffers  are  obtained from the IPNI buffer free queue which
	is maintained by the Internet fork.
	   Returns + 1 on error
	           + 2 on success, T1/ address of buffer
	     o  call GETNIB to get a buffer
	     o  lock the buffer 
	    Routine  that  NISRV  calls  so  that  we  can do a callback
	Call with:
	  T1/ Callback function code
	  T2/ Address of the UN block
	  Returns + 1 always to NISRV from the individual routines
	    o   Check to see if callback vector is in range
	    o   Dispatch into dispatch table 
	    Callback vectors are:               Routine called:
	        Illegal function call back      IPCBIL
	        Datagram received               IPCBDR
	        Datagram sent                   IPCBDS
	        Line state changed              IPCBLS
	        Read counters complete          IPCBRC
	        Read channel info complete      IPCBRS
		Close done			IPCBCD
		Address change			IPCBAC
	    Uses  the request ID in the UN block which is the address of
	the sent buffer and places it on the free buffer list. Errors in
	the message transmission are ignored,  TCP  will  take  care  of
	Call with:
	  T1/ NU.XMT 
	  T2/ UN block address
	  Returns + 1 always
	    o   Save P1 for NISRV and pick up the NCT address
	    o   Get the request id (buffer address)
	    o	Unlock the buffer
	    o   Place the buffer on the free queue
	    o   If there are any errors from NISRV, possibly
	        generate a BUGxxx message
	    Called  by  NISRV  when we have received a datagram from the
	Ethernet. The address of the buffer is in the request id word of
	the UN block.
	Call with:
	  T1/ NU.RCV
	  T2/ UN block address
	  Returns + 1 always
	     o  get a new receive buffer from IPNI free queue
	     o  lock the buffer
	     o  post the new receive buffer
	     o  check status of the channel
	     o  if error, 
	             o  if channel shutting down,
	                     o  release the buffer and return
	             o  if size error,
	                     o  generate an ICMP error
	                     o  release the buffer and return
	             o  else
	                     o  generate an error
	                     o  release the buffer and return
	     o  get the buffer address from UNRID
	     o  place on Internet input queue
	    This routine is called from NISRV as a callback whenever our
	channel  is  changing  states from off to on, on to off, or when
	the NI is being reloaded.
	Call with:
	  T2/ xxxxxx
	  Returns + 1 always
	     o  get the status
	     o  if transistioning from on to off or being reloaded,
	             o  declare NI down
	             o  call the NIPKIL routine
	             o  return
	     o  else
	             o  declare NI up
	             o  call NIPRST 

[End of TCPIP.MEM]