
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - QT020_T20_4.1_6.1_SWSKIT_851021 - swskit-hacks/eisrv.hlp
There are no other files named eisrv.hlp in the archive.

You must send a message to SYS[INFO] to get the PID of EISRV.  Locically
enough, it's name to SYS[INFO] is "EISRV".

You "sign on" to the server before you issue it any other commands.
There is no sign off command - when you drop your PID, EISRV notices
and signs you out.

IPCF messages should be sent in page mode to the server; responses are also
in page mode.

The first word of the IPCF message is the command number. Illegal values
are ignored. The second word is a "transaction number"; if your command
causes the server to send a message back to you, it will send it back
with the transaction number in the answer (in most cases). It should
be limited to a 24bit value.

The format of following words depends on the command.  Generally, it
is a 2 word Ethernet address, followed by a "EISRV user number."

If the command causes NI traffic to another node, and the other node
doesn't acknowledge the request, you will receive message type
-5, node not answering. This can be delayed for up to 40 seconds
from the time of the request.

=========================User to Server===================================
0	signon

	0	0
	1	<anything, ignored>
	2	asciz/name, usually your username, max of 14 characters/

Your name is put into the server table and can be looked up by other
users.  You are assigned a "EISRV user number" that other server
users use to refer to you (you do not get this number returned to you -
the server keeps track of you by the PID assigned to you).

This command will return a IPCF message indicating whether your signon
is sucessful (see the section on server responses);  the reply will be
one of 0,-1,-2,-3.  0 means a sucessful signon.

	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+
1	send text

	0	1 (send text)
	1	<transaction number>
	2	Ethernet address, 1st four 8bit bytes
	3	Ethernet address, last 2 bytes
	4	Destination server user number
	5	asciz/text, max of about 1400 characters/

You get no response unless there is no such user number at the remote
node, or remote node isn't running the server (see server responses).

	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+
2	Request Load average

	0	2 (load average)
	1	<transaction number>
	2,3	Ethernet node address

The response sent by the remote server is a text message containing the
node name and load average.

	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+
3	List known nodes running servers

	0	3 (list known nodes)

The response is 3, nodelist (see the section on server responses)

	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+
4	Find user on node

	0	4 (find user)
	1	<transaction number>
	2,3	Ethernet address
	4	<ignored>
	5	asciz/name text to find/

The response is normally 4 (user found), but can be -5, node not answering.

	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+
5	Who is

	0	5 (who is user)
	1	<transaction number>
	2,3	Etherner address
	4	serveruser number

response is 4 (user found), but can be -5
	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+

6	Dump local server stats

	0	5	(dump stats)

The response is normally 6, Stats

Server responses

If you have not signed in, you will get the following response to any command:

-4	please sign on

format:	0	-4	(not signed in)

	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+

In response to a signon (command 0), possible responses are:

0	signon OK

	0	0	(OK)
	1	<ignore>
	2	nodelist, of the form:
		 ethernet address or 0 for end of list	! repeated for
		 ethernet address, 2nd word		! each node the server
		 nodename, first 4 bytes, 8BIT ascii	! knows about
		 nodename, last 2 bytes, 8BIT ascii	!

-1	no room
	0	-1	(no room)

The server has no room for another user

-2	duplicate name
	0	-2	(duplicate)

The server has a user with that name signed in already; user names must be

-3	duplicate PID
	0	-3	(duplicate PID)

That PID has already signed in.

	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+
The response to a Load average response from another node, or text from
a remote user, comes in the form of a text message:

1	Text

	0	1	(text)
	1	<transaction number>
	2,3	Ethernet address from
	4	EISRV user number from (0 if from server)
	5	asciz/text/

	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+
3	Nodelist

	0	3	(nodelist)
	1	<ignore>
	2	nodelist, same format as the signon response message
	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+
4	User response
In response to commands 4 or 5

	0	4	(user search response)
	1	<transaction number>
	2,3	Ethernet address
	4	<ignore>
	5	job # of user, or 0 if not logged in, or >1000 if not checked
	6	server user number, or 0 if not signed in
	7	asciz/name of user/

	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	+
6	Dump stats

	0	6	(stats)
	1	<ignore>
	2	# of messages received by server
	3	# of ACk's received by server
	4	# of duplicate messages received
	5	# of messages sent
	6	# of Ack's sent
	7	# of messages resent
	10	# of times looped waiting for a node to talk to (startup)

	The rest of the page contains the following:

	11,12,13 <trash>

	14-600	local user signon blocks <format may change>