PDP-10 Archives
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Title MTVRFY - Tape test program for old tapes
Subttl M. Raspuzzi/MDR May 1985
search macsym,monsym
.require sys:macrel
.direct flblst
; MTVRFY is a product of the monitor support group of Software Services.
; It's primary function is to test old magtapes to see if they can still
; be used for data storage.
; Version Information
vwho==1 ; Software Specialist
vmajor==1 ; Major version
vminor==0 ; Minor version
vedit==^d1 ; Edit number
Subttl Table of Contents
; Table of Contents Page
; ----- -- -------- ----
; 1. M. Raspuzzi/MDR May 1985........................1
; 2. Table of Contents...............................2
; 3. Revsion History.................................3
; 4. Definitions.....................................4
; 5. Storage.........................................5
; 6. Command tables/Entry vector.....................6
; 7. ASSIGN Command Routine..........................7
; 8. VERIFY Command Parser...........................8
; 9. Assign Error messages...........................9
; 10. EXIT Command Handler...........................10
; 11. UNLOAD Command/Routine.........................11
; 12. REWIND Command Parser..........................12
; 13. HELP command & Message.........................13
; 14. Verifying Routine..............................15
; 15. Devtst Routine.................................16
; 16. Chkok Routine..................................17
; 17. Chkhdr Routine.................................18
; 18. PUSH Handler...................................19
; 19. SET Command Parsing............................20
; 20. INFORMATION Command Handler....................21
; 21. DEASSIGN Command Routine.......................22
; 22. Fill Tape Routine..............................23
; 23. Rewind Routine.................................24
; 24. Read/verify Tape Routine.......................25
; 25. Tape header Routine............................26
; 26. Compare Routine................................27
; 27. Make Data Section Routine......................28
; 28. Enable ^A Interrupt Routine....................29
; 29. Disable ^A Interrupt...........................30
; 30. Interrupt Channel 0 Server Routine.............31
; 31. Back Space Routine.............................32
; 32. Interrupt Channel 1 Server Routine.............33
; 33. Interrupt Channel 2 Server Routine.............34
Subttl Revision History
; Revision history:
; 1 MDR 28-May-85
; Start keeping revision history.
; 2 MDR 28-May-85
; Eliminate ASSIGN command. Assign drives tranparently
; using the VERIFY command. Insert SET commands too.
; 3 MDR 28-May-85
; Add override features. Have header put on tape to
; indicate tape has been checked.
; 4 MDR 3-Jun-85
; Put ASSIGN command back in. Add UNLOAD command so
; that user has the choice to unload the tape at prompt.
; 5 MDR 4-Jun-85
; Insert ^A so that when the tape is being verified the
; user can see if things are happening.
; 6 MDR 4-Jun-85
; Add in error recovery so that when a bad read or write
; is encountered, we don't die until after a specified
; number of consecutive read/write errors occur.
; 7 MDR 7-Jun-85
; Add ^E abort routine and prevent the user from ^C at
; the most inopertune time.
; 8 MDR 25-Sep-85
; Add ERROR macro after MTOPR% calls so we don't blow up
; if twit makes our tape drive go off line.
Subttl Useful Macro Definitions for COMND
; Parse a string of noise words
movei t2,[FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<-1,,[asciz /string/]>]
erjmp [error]
txne t1,CM%NOP
jrst [error] > ; Definition NOISE
; Obtain confirmation, an end of line indication. Tie off
; command line also.
movei t2,[FLDDB. .CMCFM]
erjmp [error]
txne t1,CM%NOP
jrst [error] > ; Definition CONFIRM
; Call this macro to help build the command table. This macro is
; more complex (and more useful) than the CMD macro defined in MACSYM
ifnb <DISP>,<..DISP==DISP> ;; If a dispatch is given, use it
ifb <DISP>,<..DISP==.'NAME> ;; If none, default to .NAME
ifb <FLAGS>,<[asciz /NAME/],,..DISP> ;; If no flags, assemble just the name
ifnb <FLAGS>,<[FLAGS!CM%FW ;; If flags, use them and set CM%FW
asciz /NAME/],,..DISP> ;;
purge ..DISP > ; TBL macro
define fatal <
hrroi t1,[asciz /ERROR: /] ; Send error typeout
movei t1,.CTTRM ; Message to this terminal
hrloi t2,.FHSLF ; This fork, most recent error
setz t3, ; No limit byte to count
ERSTR% ; Convert last error to string
jfcl ; Would you believe two...
jfcl ; ...possible returns?
hrroi t1,bl ; Insert a CRLF
define error <
hrroi t1,[asciz /MTVRFY: /] ; Send error typeout
movei t1,.CTTRM ; Message to this terminal
hrloi t2,.FHSLF ; This fork, most recent error
setz t3, ; No limit byte to count
ERSTR% ; Convert last error to string
jfcl ; Would you believe two...
jfcl ; ...possible returns?
hrroi t1,bl ; Insert a CRLF
ret ; Non-fatal error
; Data Storage
pdlen==500 ; Stack length
cmdbsz==^d50 ; Length of command text buffer (250 chars)
atmbsz==^d20 ; Length of atom buffer (100 chars)
datpag==13000 ; Page where the data is stored to be moved on tape
bufpag==20000 ; Page where the data is taken off tape and placed
maxtry==3 ; Maximum number of data errors per tape
stkptr: 0 ; Storage for the stack pointer
tapdes: 0 ; Device designator for tape drive
excjfn: 0 ; JFN for SYSTEM:EXEC
fkhan: 0 ; Fork handle for EXEC.EXE
tapjfn: 0 ; JFN for tape drive
errcod: 0 ; Error code safe spot
ovride: 0 ; Override tape header flag
unflg: 0 ; Unload on done flag
pclev1: 0 ; Place for level 1 interrupt PC
pclev2: 0 ; Place for level 2 interrupt PC
pclev3: 0 ; Place for level 3 interrupt PC
tries: 0 ; Data error retry attempts
chntab: 3,,chn0sv ; Priority 3 for channel 0
1,,chn1sv ; Priority 1 for channel 1
2,,chn2sv ; Priority 2 for channel 2
block 35 ; Fill in remaining channels
levtab: 0,,pclev1 ; Level 1 PC save address
0,,pclev2 ; Level 2 PC save address
0,,pclev3 ; Level 3 PC save address
finloc: <datpag+datlen> ; Final location for BLT when making data page
source: <data> ; Source of BLT for making data page
dest: <datpag> ; Destination for BLT when making data page
stack: block pdlen ; Stack
lv2ac: block 20 ; Place for level 2 interrupt ACs
lv3ac: block 20 ; Place for level 3 interrupt ACs
tapinf: 15 ; Number of words following this one
block 15 ; Block for tape information
atmbuf: block atmbsz ; Atom buffer
cmdbuf: block cmdbsz ; Command buffer
jfnmta: block 2 ; Should only need 7 characters (string)
adrcom: iowd 2000,datpag ; Transfer2 pages starting at data (onto tape)
0 ; End of command list
getdat: iowd 2000,bufpag ; Retrieve 2 pages and put into buffer
0 ; End of command list
mess: iowd 100,msg ; Commands for putting on sniff message
msg: block 1000 ; Sniff message for beginning of tape
bl: byte(7)15,12,0 ; CRLF for error routine
data: asciz /ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 !@#$%^&*()
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-=`[];',.\_+~{}:"<>?|/ ; Data BLTed to a page
datlen==<.-data>-1 ; Find out how many words in data
; Command state block
cmdblk: 0,,cmrprs ; Flags,,address of reparse routine
.PRIIN,,.PRIOU ; Primary input,,primary output
-1,,[asciz /MTVRFY>/] ; Prompt string
-1,,cmdbuf ; Pointer to start of text buffer
-1,,cmdbuf ; Pointer to start of next input
cmdbsz*5-1 ; Size of command buffer in bytes
0 ; Number of unparsed characters
-1,,atmbuf ; Pointer to start of atom buffer
atmbsz*5-1 ; Size of atom buffer
; Command table
cmdtab: cmdtbl,,cmdtbl ; Actual,,maximum number of entries
tbl (A,CM%INV!CM%ABR,$ASSD) ; Make sure we parse A and AS
tbl (ASS,CM%NOR,0) ; Let's not be rude
$assd: tbl (ASSIGN,,.ASIND)
tbl (EXIT)
tbl (HELP)
tbl (PUSH)
tbl (SET)
evec: jrst begin ; Entry vector
jrst begin ; Re-entry point
versio: byte (3)vwho(9)vmajor(6)vminor(18)vedit
begin: RESET% ; Start properly
setzm tapjfn ; In case of CONT
setom ovride ; Init override flag
setzm unflg ; Init unload flag
move p,[iowd pdlen,stack] ; Stack initialization
call makdat
toplev: call getcmd ; Get a command and run it
; Anything that needs to be done here (tie up loose JFNS)
jrst toplev ; Loop back to top level
getcmd: movei t1,cmdblk ; Point to state block
movei t2,[FLDDB. .CMINI] ; Initialize the state block, watch
COMND% ; for CTRL/H. do output prompt.
erjmp [fatal] ; Fatal error that should never happen
movem p,stkptr ; Save stack pointer for reparse
cmrprs: move p,stkptr ; Restore stack pointer for reparse
movei t2,[FLDDB. .CMKEY,,cmdtab,<A command,>]
erjmp [fatal]
txne t1,CM%NOP ; Did the parse fail?
jrst [error] ; Yes, report the error and return
hrrz t2,(t2) ; Get address of command server
jrst (t2) ; Dispatch to it
Subttl Command servers
Subttl Assign command
; This routine will assgin the requested tape drive to this job.
.asind: noise (TAPE)
movei t2,[FLDDB. .CMDEV,,,<A tape>]
COMND% ; Parse tape drive device name
erjmp [fatal]
txne t1,CM%NOP ; Did we parse correctly?
jrst [error] ; Apparantly not
movem t2,tapdes ; Safe keeping for tape drive device designator
confirm ; Tie off command
move t1,tapdes ; Recapture tape drive device designator
DVCHR% ; Find device characteristics
txnn t2,<FLD(.DVMTA,DV%TYP)> ; Did user type magtape?
jrst nottap
ASND% ; Attempt to assign device
erjmp notasd ; Fatal assigning error
tmsg <Tape drive assigned - [OK]
skipe tapjfn ; Do we already have a JFN?
jrst gotjfn ; Yes, don't get another one
hrroi t1,jfnmta ; Pointer to place where tape drive string is going
move t2,tapdes ; Drive's device designator
DEVST% ; Get ASCIZ string name
erjmp [fatal]
movei t2,":" ; DEVST% doesn't end string with colon
idpb t2,t1 ; So we'll do it
setz t2, ; Let's also be sure there is a NUL
idpb t2,t1
movx t1,GJ%SHT ; Let's try to get a JFN
hrroi t2,jfnmta ; On the tape drive
erjmp [fatal] ; We didn't
movem t1,tapjfn ; Save the drive's JFN
gotjfn: ret
Subttl Verfiy Parser
; This routine begins the verification process.
.verfy: skipe tapdes ; Already assigned?
jrst [noise (CONFIRM) ; Yes, don't ask for tape name
jrst alrdy]
noise (TAPE NAMED)
movei t2,[FLDDB. .CMDEV,,,<A tape>]
COMND% ; Parse tape drive device name
erjmp [fatal]
txne t1,CM%NOP ; Did we parse correctly?
jrst [error] ; Apparantly not
movem t2,tapdes ; Safe keeping for tape drive device designator
alrdy: confirm ; Tie off command
move t1,tapdes ; Recapture tape drive device designator
DVCHR% ; Find device characteristics
txnn t2,<FLD(.DVMTA,DV%TYP)> ; Did user type magtape?
jrst nottap
ASND% ; Attempt to assign device
erjmp notasd ; Fatal assigning error
call dovrfy
Subttl Assign Errors
; This routine handles the errors associated with assigning the tape
; drive to the user.
nottap: tmsg <ERROR: Device is not MAGTAPE - fix device name.
setzm tapdes ; There is no tape designator
ret ; Start parsing over
notasd: tmsg <Tape drive not assigned - run OPR and set the drive unavailable, or
mount the tape via the MOUNT command.
setzm tapdes ; We have no tape designator
Subttl Exit command
; Straight forward.
.exit: noise (FROM PROGRAM)
skipe tapdes ; We will deassign tape drive...
call deasn1 ; ...if necessary
HALTF% ; Return to EXEC
jrst evec ; Continue starts us over
Subttl Unload command
; To unload a tape drive.
.unld: noise (CURRENT TAPE)
.unld1: skipn tapdes ; Do we have a tape?
jrst [tmsg <%No tape to unload.
move t1,tapjfn
OPENF% ; Get tape ready for verification
ercal devtst ; Is device assigned?
tmsg <Unloading tape - >
move t1,tapjfn ; Get tape's JFN
movei t2,.MORUL ; Rewind it and unload it
erjmp labld ; Can't must be labelled tape
jrst labld ; Let's be neat and deassign tape drive too
okunl: tmsg <[OK]
setzm tapdes ; Reset memory
setzm tapjfn ; No JFN either
labld: move t1,tapjfn ; Get rid of JFN and close it
CLOSF% ; So we can deassign it
jfcl ; No biggie
move t1,tapdes ; Get tape's JFN
RELD% ; Get rid of device
erjmp [error]
jrst okunl
Subttl Rewind command
; Rewind the tape
.rewin: noise (CURRENT TAPE)
skipn tapdes ; Do we have a tape drive
jrst notap ; No, can't rewind
skipe tapjfn ; Do we have a JFN for the tape?
jrst dorew ; Yes, rewind tape
hrroi t1,jfnmta ; Pointer to place where tape drive string is going
move t2,tapdes ; Drive's device designator
DEVST% ; Get ASCIZ string name
erjmp [fatal]
movei t2,":" ; DEVST% doesn't end string with colon
idpb t2,t1 ; So we'll do it
setz t2, ; Let's also be sure there is a NUL
idpb t2,t1
movx t1,GJ%SHT ; Let's try to get a JFN
hrroi t2,jfnmta ; On the tape drive
erjmp [fatal] ; We didn't
movem t1,tapjfn ; Save the drive's JFN
dorew: tmsg <Rewinding...>
call rewind
tmsg <
Subttl Help command
.help: confirm
hrroi t1,hlpmsg ; Get help text
PSOUT% ; Now show it off
hlpmsg: asciz /
This program is used to check tape data integrity. It will write data from
the begining of the tape all the way until the end. Then it will check what
was just written against the data that was supposed to be written. Commands
are as follows:
ASSIGN [tape]
The ASSIGN command will allow you to assign a tape drive that has been
set available for system usage and is not under MOUNTR's control.
This will deassign the tape drive that you have assigned. It works like
DISMOUNT on a labelled tape.
To exit from the program. Note: If a tape drive has been assigned, it
will be deassigned upon exitting.
This is it.
INFORMATION (about parameter settings)
This will show you the settings for OVERRIDE and UNLOAD.
To push to a lower EXEC.
This allows you to rewind the tape on the assigned drive.
Used to SET one of the following flags:
UNLOAD - SET UNLOAD ON sets a flag so that after tape verification, the
tape drive will be unloaded. Note, if tape verification fails,
the tape will still be unloaded.
SET UNLOAD OFF sets a flag so that after verification, the tape
drive remains loaded. This is the default.
OVERRIDE [ON,OFF] - If a tape has been verified good or bad, a "stamp"
is placed at the beginning of the tape. SET OVERRIDE ON tells
the program to ignore this stamp and verfiy the tape anyway.
SET OVERRIDE OFF will allow a check to see if the tape has been
already checked. Default setting: ON.
This will unload or DISMOUNT the current tape in use.
VERIFY [tape]
Begins verification procedure. The program will write data on the tape,
will rewind, and then read the data off the tape. If there are any tape
errors, it will be reported. The tape name does not have to be supplied
if a drive has been assigned using the ASSIGN command.
In addition to the above commands, the user may type a control-A during tape
verification for status information. This will enable the program to report
to the user which record the program is currently on. To abort the verification
process, type a control-E. This can only be done during verification.
A tape with a write ring must be placed in the assigned drive or an error
will occur. The tape drive must also be on line.
Subttl Verifying Routine
; This routine takes care of the tape verification.
dovrfy: skipn tapdes ; Do we have a drive?
jrst notap ; No, can't verify something we don't have
skipe tapjfn ; Do we already have a JFN?
jrst havjfn ; Yes, don't get another one
hrroi t1,jfnmta ; Pointer to place where tape drive string is going
move t2,tapdes ; Drive's device designator
DEVST% ; Get ASCIZ string name
erjmp [fatal]
movei t2,":" ; DEVST% doesn't end string with colon
idpb t2,t1 ; So we'll do it
setz t2, ; Let's also be sure there is a NUL
idpb t2,t1
movx t1,GJ%SHT ; Let's try to get a JFN
hrroi t2,jfnmta ; On the tape drive
erjmp [fatal] ; We didn't
movem t1,tapjfn ; Save the drive's JFN
havjfn: move t1,tapjfn
OPENF% ; Get tape ready for verification
ercal devtst ; Is device assigned?
move t1,tapjfn ; Tape's JFN
movei t2,.MOSDN ; Set tape density...
movei t3,.SJD16 ; 1600 bpi
erjmp [error]
move t1,tapjfn ; Get tape's JFN
movei t2,.MOSDM ; Set data mode...
movei t3,.SJDMC ; 36 bit dump mode
erjmp [error]
skipe ovride
call chkok ; Tape been doen already?
tmsg <Writing data on tape...>
call filtap ; Write all over the tape
call discta ; Disable ^A while rewinding
tmsg <Rewinding...>
call rewind ; Rewind tape
tmsg <
tmsg <
Verifying tape...>
move t1,tapjfn
OPENF% ; Get tape ready for verification
ercal devtst ; Is device assigned?
call vertap ; Verify what was written
notap: tmsg <You must assign a tape drive first.
Subttl Devtst Routine
; This routine tests to see if the OPENF% JSYS generates a meaningful
; error or if it is insignificant (%Device already opened or off-line).
devtst: movem t1,errcod ; Save error code (just in case)
caie t1,OPNX8 ; Is the drive on line?
jrst chkmor ; No, check for different error
tmsg <%Tape drive is not on line.
pop p, ; We don't want to return to OPENF%
ring: tmsg <%Tape is write protected. Insert a write ring.
movx t1,CO%NRJ ; Don't release the JFN
hrr t1,tapjfn ; Put JFN in right side
CLOSF% ; Close the drive
erjmp [ move t1,tapjfn ; Try using...
txo t1,CZ%ABT ; ...this set
CLOSF% ; Do it again
jfcl ; We don't care, we got paid
jrst .+1 ]
pop p, ; We don't want to return to OPENF%
chkmor: caie t1,OPNX25 ; Device write locked?
jrst [caie t1,OPNX1 ; File already opened?
jrst [fatal] ; Nope. Real trouble.
ret] ; All is OK
move t1,tapjfn ; See if user inserted a write ring
txne t2,[MT%ILW] ; Is tape drive write protected?
jrst ring ; Yep, put in a ring
Subttl Chkok routine
; This routine checks to see if the tape has already been verified
; by this program already. If so, it will tell the user the results.
chkok: call rewind ; Let's get to the beginning first
move t1,tapjfn
OPENF% ; Get tape ready for reading of header
ercal devtst ; Is device assigned?
move t1,tapjfn ; Get tape's JFN
movei t2,rethdr ; Read the tape's header
jfcl ; Ignore
call rewind ; Rewind the tape before beginning
move t1,tapjfn
OPENF% ; Get tape ready for reading of header
ercal devtst ; Is device assigned?
call chkhdr ; Check the tape header
ret ; Here if no header
pop p, ; Tape header there, return to commands
rethdr: iowd 100,hdr ; 100 words for header
hdr: asciz /ABCDE/ ; To make sure header was read
block 77
Subttl Chkhdr Routine
; This will check the tape's header to see if if has been done yet.
; It returns +1 if there is no recognizeable header. It will return
; +2 if the header is recognizeable and it will tell the user what the
; tape status is, either OK or junk.
chkhdr: setz t3, ; Counter offset
setz t1, ; Are we ones or zeroes?
came t1,hdr
seto t1, ; Must be ones
tstmor: came t1,hdr(t3) ; Recognize?
ret ; No header here.
addi t3,1 ; Next word
caige t3,100 ; All done?
jrst tstmor ; No, look at more of header
came t1,[0,,0] ; We have done this one, was it OK?
jrst allone ; No it wasn't
tmsg <%Tape already verified, verification was [OK]
allone: tmsg <%Tape already verified, verification failed, possible junk tape
Subttl Push command
.push: noise (TO EXEC)
movx t1,GJ%SHT!GJ%OLD ; Try to get an EXEC
hrroi t2,[asciz /SYSTEM:EXEC.EXE/]
erjmp [fatal]
movem t1,excjfn ; Safe keeping of JFN
movx t1,CR%CAP ; Same capabilities for inferior
CFORK% ; Create another fork
erjmp [fatal]
movem t1,fkhan ; Save fork handle for later
hrl t1,excjfn ; This gives JFN,,fork handle
movs t1,t1 ; We want fork handle,,JFN
GET% ; Map in .EXE pages into fork
erjmp [fatal]
move t1,fkhan ; Restore the fork handle
setz t2, ; No offset in entry vector
SFRKV% ; Start the fork
erjmp [fatal]
WFORK% ; Wait for it to finish
KFORK% ; Get rid of it
ret ; Continue with this program
Subttl Set command
; Set one of the flags
.set: movei t2,[FLDDB. .CMKEY,,settab]
COMND% ; Parse set option
erjmp [fatal] ; Lots of problems
txne t1,CM%NOP ; No parse?
jrst [error] ; Something GAKKED
hrrz t2,(t2) ; Keyword
jrst (t2) ; Dispatch to keyword handler
settab: endset,,endset ; Secondary keyword table for SET
onoff: endon,,endon ; Table for UNLOAD and OVERRIDE
tbl (OFF)
tbl (ON)
.unlod: movei t2,[FLDDB. .CMKEY,,onoff,,OFF]
COMND% ; Parse ON or OFF
erjmp [fatal] ; Monitor blues
txne t1,CM%NOP ; Did we get one?
jrst [error] ; Tell them so
seto t4, ; Flag that we are setting UNLOAD
hrrz t2,(t2)
jrst (t2) ; Dispatch to flag setting
.ovrd: movei t2,[FLDDB. .CMKEY,,onoff,,ON]
COMND% ; Parse ON or OFF
erjmp [fatal] ; Monitor blues
txne t1,CM%NOP ; Did we get one?
jrst [error] ; Tell them so
setz t4, ; Flag that we are setting OVERRIDE
hrrz t2,(t2)
jrst (t2) ; Dispatch to flag setting
.on: confirm
camn t4,[0,,0] ; Override?
jrst [setom ovride ; Set override flag
setom unflg ; Set unload flag
.off: confirm
camn t4,[0,,0] ; Override?
jrst [setzm ovride ; Set override flag
setzm unflg ; Set unload flag
Subttl Information command handler
; Shows settings for OVERRIDE and UNLOAD.
tmsg <Unloading after verification: >
skipe unflg ; Setting off?
jrst unflg1 ; No, it is on
tmsg <OFF
skipa unflg ; Now show override flag
unflg1: tmsg <ON
tmsg <Override tape header: >
skipe ovride ; Is override off?
jrst tison ; No, 'tis on
tmsg <OFF
tison: tmsg <ON
Subttl Deassign command
; To deassign the tape drive from user's job.
.deasn: noise (CURRENT TAPE)
skipn tapdes ; Has a drive been assigned?
jrst nodrv ; No, say so.
deasn1: move t1,tapjfn ; Put JFN in right side
CLOSF% ; Close the drive
erjmp [ move t1,tapjfn ; Try using...
txo t1,CZ%ABT ; ...this set
CLOSF% ; Do it again
jfcl ; We don't care, we got paid
jrst .+1 ]
move t1,tapdes ; Release the tape drive
erjmp [fatal]
setzm tapdes ; Get rid of device designator
tmsg <Tape drive deassigned - [OK]
setz t1, ; Get rid of tape drive name
setz t2,
dmovem t1,jfnmta ; Zero tape drive's name out
nodrv: tmsg <%No tape drive has been assigned, aborting command.
Subttl Filtap
; This routine will attempt to fill a tape in the assigned drive
; with data until the EOT marker is reached.
filtap: call ctrla ; Enable the ^A interrupt
$fill: move t1,tapjfn ; Clear any errors in tape status word
movei t2,.MOCLE
erjmp [error]
move t1,tapjfn ; Tape's JFN
movei t2,adrcom ; Address of command list (no flags, wait until data is dumped)
DUMPO% ; Dump data on tape
erjmp done ; EOT?
move t1,tapjfn ; Get tape's JFN
GDSTS% ; Get its status
txne t2,MT%DAE ; Data error in tape?
call backup ; Yes, back up and try again (ret +2)
setzm tries ; Zero out error retry counter
jrst $fill ; Keep filing it.
done: caie t1,IOX4 ; EOF?
call [caie t1,IOX5 ; EOT?
jrst [fatal] ; Nope. *GAK*
ret] ; Yes, OK
move t1,tapjfn ; Find out if we are at EOT or EOF
txnn t2,MT%EOT!MT%EOF ; End of tape or EOF?
jrst [error] ; Nope. Something barfed out
tmsg <
Data written - [OK]
move t1,tapjfn ; Clear any errors in tape status word
movei t2,.MOCLE
erjmp [error]
Subttl Rewind
; This routine will rewind the tape.
rewind: move t1,tapjfn ; Get tape JFN
movx t2,<FLD(^d8,OF%BSZ)!FLD(.GSDMP,OF%MOD)!OF%RD>
OPENF% ; Get tape ready for verification
ercal devtst ; Is device assigned?
move t1,tapjfn ; Clear any errors in tape status word
movei t2,.MOCLE
erjmp [error]
move t1,tapjfn ; Get tape's JFN
movei t2,.MOREW ; Rewind the tape
erjmp [error]
move t1,tapjfn ; Get tape JFN
movei t2,.MOREW ; Issue a second rewind so we
MTOPR% ; so we don't do anything until...
erjmp [error] ; ...the tape is ready
movx t1,CO%NRJ ; Don't release the JFN
hrr t1,tapjfn ; Put JFN in right half
CLOSF% ; Close the drive
erjmp [ move t1,tapjfn ; Try using...
txo t1,CZ%ABT ; ...this set
CLOSF% ; Do it again
jfcl ; We don't care, we got paid
jrst .+1 ]
Subttl Vertap
; This routine reads each data block and verifies the data to make
; sure there are no tape errors.
vertap: call ctrla ; Enable the ^A interrupt
$verfy: move t1,tapjfn ; Clear any errors in tape status word
movei t2,.MOCLE
erjmp [error]
setzm bufpag ; First we clear first word in buffer
move t1,[bufpag,,bufpag+1] ; Source and
blt t1,bufpag+1777 ; destination of zeroing out
move t1,tapjfn ; Get tape's JFN
movei t2,getdat ; Wait until data is in memory
DUMPI% ; Read block
erjmp eoft ; EOT?
call cmpstr ; Test the data read in
call backup ; Try again on data error (return +2)
setzm tries ; Reset retry counter
jrst $verfy ; Continue reading data
eoft: caie t1,IOX4 ; Are we at EOF?
call [caie t1,IOX5 ; Are we at EOT?
jrst [fatal] ; Nope, something went a foul.
ret] ; Yes, OK
move t1,tapjfn ; Find out if we are at EOT
txnn t2,MT%EOT!MT%EOF ; End of tape?
jrst bogus ; Nope, something happened (bad tape)
tmsg <
Tape verified - [OK]
> ; Tape is A-OK
call discta ; Disable the ^A interrupt
tmsg <Rewinding...>
call rewind ; rewind tape first
call dogood ; Put good header on front
back: call rewind ; Rewind tape
tmsg <
skipe unflg ; Unload flag set?
call .unld1 ; Yes it is, so unload tape
ret ; No, just return
bogus: call discta ; Disable the ^A interrupt
tmsg <
%Data error - tape may be no good.
tmsg <Rewinding...>
call rewind ; Rewind tape first
call dobad ; Put bad header on front of tape
jrst back
Subttl Dogood routine
; This routine puts a "Good tape" message at the beginning of the tape.
dogood: setzm msg ; Set OK message up
move t1,[msg,,msg+1] ; Zero out entire block
blt t1,msg+100 ; Transfer data
domsg: move t1,tapjfn
OPENF% ; Put message on front of tape
ercal devtst ; Is device assigned?
move t1,tapjfn ; Get tape JFN
movei t2,mess ; Dump message on tape
jfcl ; Ignore
call rewind
dobad: setom msg ; Set BAD message
move t1,[msg,,msg+1] ; Make entire block the same
blt t1,msg+100
jrst domsg ; Put it on tape
Subttl Cmpstr
; This routine compares the data block read in to what was supposed to
; be written onto the tape. It returns +1 if there is a discrepancy and
; +2 if the data blocks match.
cmpstr: setz t1, ; We'll use this as index register
cmptst: move t2,datpag(t1) ; This is what it should look like
xor t2,bufpag(t1) ; This is what it actually is
came t2,[0,,0] ; Did they match?
ret ; No, data error, ret +1
addi t1,1 ; Next data location
caie t1,2000 ; All out of memory locations to test?
jrst cmptst ; No, test some more
retskp ; Yes, we had data integrity, ret +2
Subttl Makdat
; This routine fills up datpag with data. Datpag is the page to be trnasferred
; to tape.
makdat: hrl t1,source ; Source of transfer
hrr t1,dest ; Destination of transfer
blt t1,@finloc ; Transfer all data
move t2,finloc ; Get final location
movem t2,dest ; It now becomes new destination
addi t2,datlen ; Get new final location for BLT
movem t2,finloc ; Put it in memory
caig t2,datpag+777 ; Are we passed end of page?
jrst makdat ; Not yet
move t1,[datpag,,datpag+1000]; Make another page just like the other one
blt t1,datpag+1777 ; Transfer data
ret ; Now we are!
Subttl Ctrla - To enable the ^A interrupt
; This routine will enable the control A interrupt so the user can
; find out what is going on. It also enables the CTRL/E interrupt
; so the user can abort operations.
ctrla: CIS% ; Let's get rid of any stray ^A's
movei t1,.FHSLF ; This fork
move t2,[levtab,,chntab] ; Setup interrupts
movei t1,.FHSLF ; This fork
EIR% ; Enable interrupts
movei t1,.FHSLF ; This fork
movx t2,1b0!1b1!1b2 ; Activate channels 0,1 & 2
move t1,[.TICCA,,0] ; Assign CTRL/A to channel 0
move t1,[.TICCE,,1] ; Assign CTRL/E to channel 1
move t1,[.TICCC,,2] ; Assign CTRL/C to channel 2
ret ; All done
Subttl Discta - To disable a no longer needed ^A
; This routine simply diables the CTRL/A interrupt since it won't
; be needed any more. It also disables the CTRL/E interrupt.
discta: movei t1,.FHSLF ; This fork
DIR% ; Disable interrupts
movx t1,.TICCA ; DEassign channel 0
movx t1,.TICCE ; Deassign channel 1
movx t1,.TICCC ; Deassign channel 2
CIS% ; Clear any stray interrupts
ret ; As simple as that!
Subttl Chn0sv - Channel 0 server
; This routine handles the ^A (channel 0) interrupt service.
chn0sv: movem t1,lv3ac ; Save ACs of interrupted process
move t1,[t2,,lv3ac+1] ; in private area for level 3
blt t1,lv3ac-t1+p
move t1,tapjfn ; Get tapes JFN
movei t2,.MOINF ; We want tape information
movei t3,tapinf ; Return data here
MTOPR% ; Get information
erjmp [error]
tmsg <
MTVRFY: At record >
movei t1,.CTTRM ; Print on this terminal
move t2,tapinf+.MOIRC ; How many records
movx t3,<FLD(7,NO%COL)+FLD(12,NO%RDX)>
NOUT% ; Tell us how many records
erjmp [fatal]
move p,[lv3ac,,t1] ; Restore ACs of interrupted
blt p,p ; process
DEBRK% ; Return to interrupted process
Subttl Back Routine
; This routine will back up a tape one record so that another attempt
; may be made to read/write from/to it. If there are more than 10
; consecutive errors, the tape is assumed to be bogus. This routine
; will always return +2 EXCEPT when a bogus tape is found.
backup: move t1,tapjfn ; Get tape's JFN
movei t2,.MOBKR ; Back up one record
erjmp [error]
aos tries ; Add one to number of tries
move t1,tries ; How many times have we done this?
cail t1,maxtry ; More than allowed?
jrst [pop p, ; Too many retries, pop twice so we can
pop p, ; return to command level
jrst bogus] ; Tape is no good
retskp ; Return +2 when less than max. retries
Subttl Chn1sv - Channel 1 interrupt service routine
; This routine handles the ^E interrupt. The user wants to abort
; verification.
chn1sv: movei t1,.PRIOU ; Let's not wait.
CFOBF% ; Clear output
call discta ; Can all interrupts
tmsg <
%Aborting verification...>
call rewind ; Rewind tape first
move p,[iowd pdlen,stack] ; Stack re-initialization
tmsg <
jrst toplev ; Back to top level
Subttl Chn2sv - Channel 2 service routine
; This routine prevents the user from ^C out of the verification
; process. ^E must be used for aborting.
chn2sv: movem t1,lv2ac ; Save ACs of interrupted process
move t1,[t2,,lv2ac+1] ; in private area for level 3
blt t1,lv2ac-t1+p
tmsg <
%Use ^E to abort verification.>
move p,[lv2ac,,t1] ; Restore ACs of interrupted
blt p,p ; process
DEBRK% ; Return to interrupted process
end <evecl,,evec>