PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named lpdqsr.mac in the archive.
;XS:<5-GALAXY>LPDQSR.MAC.17, 4-May-87 14:55:12, Edit by KNIGHT
; Close the stupid file in check for PostScript file
;XS:<5-GALAXY>LPDQSR.MAC.16, 22-Jan-87 13:48:34, Edit by KNIGHT
; Check for %! as the first two chars of a file - if so it's PostScript
;XS:<5-GALAXY>LPDQSR.MAC.15, 22-Jan-87 09:53:07, Edit by KNIGHT
;XS:<5-GALAXY>LPDQSR.MAC.14, 21-Jan-87 17:00:13, Edit by KNIGHT
; Clear up QUEUE% argument block errors
;XS:<5-GALAXY>LPDQSR.MAC.13, 21-Jan-87 14:42:31, Edit by KNIGHT
;XS:<5-GALAXY>LPDQSR.MAC.12, 21-Jan-87 10:24:19, Edit by KNIGHT
; Convert CREATE to QUEUE% JSYS. Makes things MUCH easier
; flush previous edit history
title lpdqsr - quasar interface for lpd
search monsym,macsym
search glxmac,qsrmac
; this is the galaxy interface for lpd, which is supports spooling from
; berkeley unix to TOPS-20 printers with tcp.
; note: galaxy and macsym have conflicting definitions for
; register names and various macros. we search macsym before
; the galaxy files, so macsym definitions have precedence.
; this module assumes that columbia and cmu modifications have been made
; to quasar and friends. if not, removing the code involving non-DEC fields
; and removing the code which sets the owner name should make this work.
; some of this code is adapted from EXECQU and DAPLIB
search lpdmac ; only stuff for cancel at moment
; there are three local features that are included under the "cu" conditional.
; the first allows you to specify orientation and single/double-sided output.
; the second allows the use of arbitrary strings for the owner field; this
; is easy to change in the vanilla galaxy, by changing a few lines in qsrque.
; just change the code that does an rcusr% to validate the username string, so
; that strings rejected by rcusr% are accepted iff the requesting job has
; wheel privileges.
; finally, network printers are selected by "unit name", so you'll have
; to change the code in routine "miscre" to use the sixbit printer name
; as a forms name (I don't have a vanilla galaxy to test this with).
stdac. ; standard ac definitions
a=:1 ; plus short names for temporaries
defstr pageno,,26,9 ; page number field from address
subttl getpid - get quasar's pid
; creates a pid for this process, and determines quasar's pid
; returns:
; +1 failed
; +2 success, with
; qsrpid/ quasar's pid
; mypid/ pid for self
getpid::acvar <<argblk,3>> ; allocate argument block
gjinf% ; get our user number
movem a,userno ; save it for quasar
movei a,3 ; a/ block length
movei b,argblk ; b/ block address
movx argblk,.mucre ; function code
movx argblk+1,ip%noa!.fhslf ; flags
mutil% ; create a pid for me
erjmp r
movem argblk+2,mypid
movei a,3
movei b,argblk
movx argblk,.mursp ; function - read a system pid
movx argblk+1,.spqsr ; the pid we want is quasar's
mutil% ; get quasar's pid
erjmp r
movem argblk+2,qsrpid ; save it away
retskp ; return success
subttl create - submit a printer request to quasar
; accepts:
; a/ jfn of file to spool (need not be open)
; b/ pointer to owner name string
; c/ pointer to printer name (6 chars max)
; d/ pointer to note string
; returns:
; +1 failed
; +2 success
create::asubr <jfn,on,lp,note>
movx a,qu%nrs!fld(.quprt,qf%fnc)
movem a,qsrpag
setzm qsrpag+1
movx a,fld(^d50,qa%len)!fld(.qbfil,qa%typ)
movem a,qsrpag+2
hrroi a,quefil
movem a,qsrpag+3
move b,jfn
movx c,fld(.jsaof,js%dev)!fld(.jsaof,js%dir)!fld(.jsaof,js%nam)!fld(.jsaof,js%typ)!fld(.jsaof,js%gen)!js%paf
movx a,qa%imm!fld(1,qa%len)!fld(.qbcop,qa%typ)
movem a,qsrpag+4
movei a,1
movem a,qsrpag+5
movem a,qsrpag+7
movx a,qa%imm!fld(1,qa%len)!fld(.qbodp,qa%typ)
movem a,qsrpag+6
movx a,fld(2,qa%len)!fld(.qbact,qa%typ)
movem a,qsrpag+10
hrroi a,[asciz/LPTACC/]
movem a,qsrpag+11
movx a,fld(10,qa%len)!fld(.qbnam,qa%typ) ; requestor's name
movem a,qsrpag+12
move a,on
movem a,qsrpag+13
movx a,fld(2,qa%len)!fld(.qbnte,qa%typ)
movem a,qsrpag+14
movei a,quenot
movem a,qsrpag+15
move b,note ; get note string pointer
call tosix ; convert to sixbit
movem a,qsrpag+17 ; store them
movem a,quenot
setz a, ; clear second word
skipn c ; string exhausted?
call tosix ; no, convert next six chars
movem a,quenot+1 ; store them
movx a,qa%imm!fld(1,qa%len)!fld(.qbjbn,qa%typ)
movem a,qsrpag+16 ; store them
movx a,qa%imm!fld(1,qa%len)!fld(.qbpnm,qa%typ)
movem a,qsrpag+20
move b,lp ;get pointer to unit name
call tosix ;get it in sixbit
movem a,qsrpag+21 ;save the printername
move a,jfn ; get the jfn
move b,[xwd 1,.fbbyv] ; we want the byte size and page count
movei c,d ; and we want it in d
gtfdb% ; get them
erjmp r ; failed...
load b,fb%bsz,d ; get the byte size
lsh b,^d30 ; set up for openf%
txo b,of%rd ; open for read
move a,jfn
ifnje. ; we SHOULDN'T get an error
bin% ; get first character of file
caie b,"%" ; percent?
ifskp. ; yes, check for second char !
caie b,"!" ; is it?
ifskp. ; yes...
hrli a,.fbctl ; change that word
movx b,fb%fcf ; change the file class field
movx c,fld(.fbps,fb%fcf) ; ...
move a,jfn
move a,jfn
load c,fb%bsz,d ; get the byte size
caie c,8 ; is it 8?
movx a,qa%imm!fld(1,qa%len)!fld(.qbfmt,qa%typ)
movem a,qsrpag+22
movx b,.fpf8b ; yes, tell lptspl and friends
movem b,qsrpag+23
movei a,24 ; length of arg block
movei a,22 ; ...
movei b,qsrpag ; get address of arg block
queue% ; queue the request
subttl cancel - cancel a print request
; accepts:
; a/ address of argument block
; returns:
; +1 failed
; +2 success, with
; a/ request page number
; and argument block set up for sndqsr
; argument block format (see LPDMAC)
; 0/ pointer to request owner name
; 1/ job name (or zero)
; 2/ job name mask
; 3/ request number
; 4/ pointer to foreign owner name (e.g. can pri */user:lougheed)
; 5/ lpt name pointer
cancel::acvar <ma,ab>
movem a,ab
movei ma,qsrpag
trze ma,777
addi ma,1000 ; set up pointer to message page
setzm (ma) ; clear the page
hrl a,ma
hrri a,1(ma)
blt a,777(ma)
movx a,mshsiz+rdbsiz+1 ; request length
stor a,ms.cnt,.mstyp(ma) ; store it
movx a,.qokil ; request type
stor a,ms.typ,.mstyp(ma) ; store it
movei a,.otlpt ;queue is always lpt, nowadays
movem a,kil.ot(ma) ;put queue name in slot
skipn b,cn.jn(ab) ; get the job name
call tosix ; convert to sixbit
movem a,kil.rq+.rdbjb(ma) ; save it
setzm kil.rq+.rdbjb(ma)
skipn b,cn.jnm(ab) ; get the job name mask
call tosix ; convert to sixbit
movem a,kil.rq+.rdbjm(ma) ; save it
setzm kil.rq+.rdbjm(ma)
skipe b,cn.req(ab) ;request number?
movem b,kil.rq+.rdbrq(ma) ;stuff it in block
hrroi a,kil.rq+.rdbow(ma) ; point at owner name field
skipn b,cn.fon(ab) ;foreign owner?
move b,cn.ron(ab) ;get request owner name
movei c,^d39 ; max length is 39 chars
setzm d ; but stop on null
sout% ; copy the string
erjmp r
load a,pageno,ma ; return the ipcf page
retskp ; all done
subttl sndqsr - send a request page to quasar
; accepts:
; a/ request page number
; returns:
; via rcvqsr
sndqsr::asubr <pn> ; must match storage for rcvqsr
acvar <<argblk,4>> ; " " " " "
lsh a,9 ; convert page number to address
aos b,unique ; get unique message number
movem b,.mscod(a) ; save it
setone mf.ack,.msflg(a) ; say we want an acknowledgement
movei a,4
movei b,argblk
movx argblk+.ipcfl,ip%cfv ;.IPCFL/ flags
move argblk+.ipcfs,mypid ;.IPCFS/ sender's pid
move argblk+.ipcfr,qsrpid ;.IPCFR/ recipient's pid
move argblk+.ipcfp,pn ;.IPCFP/ pointer to page to send
hrli argblk+.ipcfp,1000
msend% ; send the page off
erjmp r ; failed?
jrst dorecv ; go get first response
; rcvqsr - receive a response page from quasar
; accepts:
; a/ page number
; returns:
; +1 mrecv% error
; +2 success, with
; a/ address of message text
; b/ zero, or page number if more messages follow
rcvqsr::asubr <pn> ; must match storage for sndqsr
acvar <<argblk,4>> ; " " " " "
dorecv: movei a,4 ; length of the argument block
movei b,argblk ; it's address
setzm argblk+.ipcfl ;.IPCFL/ no flags this time
move argblk+.ipcfr,mypid ;.IPCFR/ recipient's pid
move argblk+.ipcfp,pn ;.IPCFP/ length,,address of block
lsh argblk+.ipcfp,9
hrli argblk+.ipcfp,1000
mrecv% ; wait for a reply
caie a,ipcf16 ; the usual error code?
ret ; nope, return now
movei a,4 ; yes, try a page-mode receive
movx argblk+.ipcfl,ip%cfv
hrr argblk+.ipcfp,pn
mrecv% ; try again
erjmp r ; failed, just return now
came argblk+.ipcfs,qsrpid ; was it from quasar?
jrst dorecv ; no, ignore it
move a,pn
lsh a,9
move b,.mscod(a) ; get the acknowledgement code
came b,unique ; does it match?
jrst dorecv ; no, listen some more
load b,pageno,a ; return the page number
move c,.msflg(a) ; get the message flags
txne c,mf.fat ; fatal message?
setzm b ; yes, no more will follow
txnn c,wt.mor ; no, more follow?
setzm b ; neither, say no more messages
txnn c,mf.nom ; but no text?
skipe a,b ; no, another message follows?
jrst dorecv ; yes, go get it
movei c,.ohdrs+arg.hd(a) ; get address of message blocks
move d,.oargc(a) ; get message block count
load a,ar.typ,arg.hd(c) ; get the type field
caie a,.cmtxt ; text? (what a stupid symbol to use!)
movei a,arg.da(c) ; yes, return the data
retskp ; ...
load a,ar.len,arg.hd(c) ; else, get length of this block
addm a,c ; update pointer
sojg d,top. ; loop if more blocks remain
movei a,[asciz /no response from Quasar/]
od. ; return dummy message if none found
retskp ; return
subttl listq - return queue information
; accepts:
; a/ pointer to printer name
; returns:
; +1 failed
; +2 success, with
; a/ pointer to reply string
; b/ non-zero if more info follows
listq:: acvar <ma,pn>
movem a,pn ; save the printer name
movei ma,qsrpag
trze ma,777
addi ma,1000 ; set up pointer to message page
setzm (ma) ; clear the page
hrl a,ma
hrri a,1(ma)
blt a,777(ma)
movei a,mshsiz+.ohdrs+2 ; size of request
stor a,ms.cnt,.mstyp(ma) ; set it
movei a,.qolis ; we want a list
stor a,ms.typ,.mstyp(ma) ; store it
setzm .oflag(ma) ; no flags yet
movei a,1
movem a,.oargc(ma) ; we're sending two blocks
movei a,2 ; arg block length is 2
stor a,ar.len,.ohdrs+arg.hd(ma) ; store it
movei a,.lsque ; we want to list the queues
stor a,ar.typ,.ohdrs+arg.hd(ma) ; store first message block
movx a,liqlpt ; we want the line printer queue
movem a,.ohdrs+arg.da(ma) ; store it
move a,[xwd 2,.lsuni]
movem a,.ohdrs+arg.da+1(ma)
move b,pn ; get the printer name
call tosix ; convert to sixbit
movem a,.ohdrs+arg.da+2(ma) ; save it
load a,pageno,ma ; return the page number
endav. ; flush acvar symbols
subttl tosix - convert a string to sixbit
; accepts:
; b/ pointer to string
; returns:
; a/ sixbit word
; b/ updated pointer
; c/ 0 or number of trailing blanks in a (source string exhausted)
tosix:: acvar <tmp>
setzm a ; clear a
tlc b,-1 ; check for -1,,address
tlcn b,-1
hrli b,(point 7)
movei c,6 ; initialize count
move d,[point 6,a] ; set up sixbit byte pointer
ildb tmp,b ; get a character
skipge tmp,ascsix(tmp) ; get it's sixbit equivalent
idpb tmp,d ; deposit it
sojg c,top. ; loop if count not exhausted
subttl data area
; ascii-to-sixbit conversion table
ascsix: repeat <40>,<-1>
repeat <100>,<.-ascsix-40>
repeat <40>,<.-ascsix-100>
qsrpag: block 3000
quefil: block ^d50
quenot: block 2
qsrpid: z
mypid: z
userno: z ; my user number
unique: z ; unique message id