
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_1_19910112 - 5-galaxy/photo.log
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[PHOTO:  Recording initiated  Thu 14-Jul-88 1:41pm]

!void tac:
VOID 2.1(1404)-1, IFPACK 2
TAC database loaded, 77 items defined.
Void> help xcheck
XCHECK <test> (output results to file) <file>
    The XCHECK command is used for cross-checking the consistency
of a database and making sure that no internal errors are present.
It is a good idea to do an XCHECK ALL every once in a while, to make sure
that the database has not become corrupted for some unusual reason.
As usual, the terminal is used for printout of messages if no output
file is specified.  The possible tests are:

  ALL - Perform all tests.
  ALL-AND-COMPACT - Perform all tests.  If no errors, then
        does a COMPACT ALL.  This is mainly for use by
        an unattended batch job.
  LINKS (for records) <record-seq>
        Checks the specified records to verify that their link items
        (if any) are consistent.  Typically this is used to make sure
        that every record listed in a "MEMBERS" item has a "GROUPS"
        entry which points back to the original record.
  RAT - Reads in every existing record and makes sure that
        each is properly entered in the various sort-tables.
  SORT-TABLE (using test) ALL/QUICK (for) <item>
        Goes through all entries in the specified sort-table,
        checks their ordering, and verifies that the indicated
        records exist.  If the ALL subtest is used instead of
        QUICK, each record is also read in for comparison with
        its entry in the sort-table.  This is slower.
  PGT - Scans through the PGT for specified item and checks
        its ordering/consistency.
  CPGT - same but uses current PGT.
  RECORDS <record-seq> - Check the specified records.
        e.g. Use XCHECK RECORD ALL <sort-item> to check all records
        that exist in a specific sort-table.  This differs from
        XCHECK SORT-TABLE ALL in that the latter only compares
        the specific item in question, whereas the former checks
        all items of each record.  XCHECK RECORD ALL RAT is
        equivalent to XCHECK RAT.
Void> xcheck all-and-Compact (do all tests and compact if no errors) 
?Database is not write-locked
Void> upd st
Begin modifying database? 
OK, ready.
Void> xcheck all-and-Compact (do all tests and compact if no errors) (output res
ults to) 
--- #1 Checking RAT uniqueness -----------------------------
--- #2 Checking PGT consistency ----------------------------
 ...PGT for item (0) "Handle"
 ...PGT for item (69) "PDC"
--- #3 Checking Sort-Tables for consistency/uniqueness -----
 ...PGT for item (0) "Handle"
 ...PGT for item (69) "PDC"
--- #4 Cross-checking RAT (all records) with sort-tables ---
--- #5 Cross-checking sort-tables with RAT (all records) ---
 ...PGT for item (0) "Handle"
 ...PGT for item (69) "PDC"
Done, no errors.
Void> status
General VOID+IFPACK status:
        Selected: TAC
        Loaded: [R] PS:<AUDIT-TRAIL>TAC.ACCESS.208  10 pages
Void> upd fil
Update access file? 
TAC database loaded, 77 items defined.
Void> q

[PHOTO:  Recording terminated Thu 14-Jul-88 1:45pm]