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There are 2 other files named pkopr.mac in the archive. Click here to see a list.
;<6-1-MONITOR>PKOPR.MAC.75, 18-Mar-85 00:15:39, Edit by LOUGHEED
;<6-1-MONITOR>PKOPR.MAC.73, 15-Mar-85 15:01:46, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Move into extended code section
; Flush old edit history
TTITLE (PKOPR,PKOPR,< - Network dependent packet level operations>)
SUBTTL Kirk Lougheed / Stanford University / 7-May-83 /KSL/JPB
; Copyright (c) 1983, 1984, 1985
; The Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford, CA 94305
; All Rights Reserved.
; The information in this software is subject to change without notice
; and should not be construed as a commitment by Stanford University.
; Stanford assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of
; this software.
EXTN <STAERC> ;Statistics cell defined in ENET.
EXTN <.NCTS> ;Start of NCT storage. Defined in STG.
IFNDEF REL6,<REL6==1> ;Default to 6.X series monitor
SUBTTL Definitions and Storage
XSWAPCD ;We start out swappable
;Types of transport media
.PK3MB==0 ;3MB Ethernet MEIS
.PK10E==1 ;10MB Ethernet MEIS
.PKANA==2 ;1822 interface - AN20
MAXPKN==.PKANA ;Maximum network (transport medium) number
;Function codes
.PKOPN==0 ;Open a connection
.PKCLZ==1 ;Close a connection
.PKSND==2 ;Send a packet
.PKRCV==3 ;Receive a packet
.PKOWF==4 ;Open/setup a process for WAIF processing
.PKCWF==5 ;Close a process for WAIF processing
.PKRWF==6 ;Receive a WAIF packet
.PKSPM==7 ;Set promiscuous mode
.PKCPM==10 ;Clear promiscuous mode
.PKSLL==11 ;Set local loopback mode
.PKCLL==12 ;Clear local loopback mode
.PKNCT==13 ;Copy NCT to user buffer
;Offsets into the argument block
.PKLEN==0 ;Count of words in block, including this word
.PKNET==1 ;Network type code
.PKINT==2 ;Network interface
.PKPRT==3 ;Protocol type (network dependent)
.PKFLG==4 ;Flag word
PK%MOD==1B0 ;Set data mode from .PKNTD offset
PK%FLG==1B1 ;Get waif flags from LH of .PKNTD offset
.PKBUF==5 ;Buffer address
.PKBYT==6 ;Packet length (network dependent)
.PKNTD==7 ;Network dependent data
;Waif flags
WA%INT==:1B0 ;Interrupt level waifs accepted
WA%ARP==:1B1 ;Input ARP packets accepted
WA%IPG==:1B2 ;Gateway IP's accepted
WA%IPB==:1B3 ;Discarded IP's accepted
WA%IPA==:1B4 ;All good IP's accepted
;Offsets into Internet buffers used by PKOPR%
;N.B. there are only 6 available offsets (we are using 4 of them)
..PKT==PKTSII-LCLPKT ;We are using datagram relative pointers
PKOTAD==..PKT+0 ;TAD of receipt
PKONET==..PKT+1 ;Interface/network,,protocol
PKOBYT==..PKT+2 ;Packet length according to hardware
PKOINP==..PKT+3 ;Input queue index
NPKCON==6 ;Max number of interface/net/protocol triples
NPKIQS==6 ;Max number of input queues
MAXPKQ==^D10 ;Max number of queued packets/input queue
RS PKSTGB,0 ;Beginning of PKOPR% resident storage
;The following tables are in parallel, but in no particular order
RS PKTRPL,NPKCON ;(Interface/network,,protocol) or -1 if free
RS PKINPQ,NPKCON ;Index into input queue tables
RS PKNETD,NPKCON ;Network dependent connection data
;PKOPR% input queues - Internet conventions followed
; Each input queue is unique to a fork. A fork may sign up for any number
; of interface/network/protocol triples. Input for each triple goes to
; the same input queue. These tables are in parallel with no particular order.
RS PKOWNR,NPKIQS ;Owning fork or -1 if free
RS PKIQCT,NPKIQS ;PKTRPL triple count,,count of queued packets
RS PKIQHD,NPKIQS ;Input queue head
RS PKIQTL,NPKIQS ;Input queue tail
RS WAIFRK,1 ;Fork number of the waif listening process
RS WAIFOF,1 ;Index into the database table
RS WAIFLG,1 ;Flag word for selecting classes of waifs
RS PKSTGE,0 ;End of PKOPR% resident storage
;Defstr's for PKIQCT
DEFSTR PKISHR,PKIQCT,17,18 ;Share count for this input queue
DEFSTR PKICNT,PKIQCT,35,18 ;Count of packets in input queue
;Defstr's for PKTRPL, etc.
DEFSTR NETWRK,,17,9 ;Network type code
DEFSTR INTRFC,,8,9 ;Interface code
DEFSTR PRTOCL,,35,18 ;Protocol code
;Defstr's for PKNETD
DEFSTR NETMOD,PKNETD,3,4 ;MEIS data mode (for 3 and 10MB Ethernet)
SUBTTL Literals, tables, data
;Table of PKOPR% functions
FNCTAB: DSP (PKOOPN) ;Sign up for an triple
DSP (PKOCLZ) ;Release a tiple assignment
DSP (PKOSND) ;Send a packet
DSP (PKORCV) ;Receive a packet
DSP (PKOOWF) ;Set up waif process
DSP (PKOCWF) ;Close the waif process
DSP (PKORWF) ;Read waif packet
DSP (PKOSPM) ;Set MEIS promiscuous mode
DSP (PKOCPM) ;Clear MEIS promiscuous mode
DSP (PKOSLL) ;Set MEIS local loopback mode
DSP (PKOCLL) ;Clear MEIS local loopback mode
DSP (PKONCT) ;Copy NCT to user buffer
MAXPKF==.-FNCTAB ;Maximum function number
;Network dependent open routines
OPNNET: DSP (OPNMEI) ;Set data mode for MEIS-based 3MB Ethernet.
DSP (OPNMEI) ;Set data mode for MEIS-based 10MB Ethernet.
DSP (R) ;No data modes for AN20 based 1822 networks
;Network dependent send routines
TONET: DSP (SND3MB) ;Send a packet to the 3MB Ethernet
DSP (SNDETH) ;Send a packet to the 10MB Ethernet
DSP (SNDANA) ;Send a packet to the 1822 network
;Network dependent reception routines
FRMNET: DSP (RCVETH) ;Receive a packet from the 3MB Ethernet
DSP (RCVETH) ;Receive a packet from the 10MB Ethernet
DSP (RCVANA) ;Receive a packet from the 1822 network
;Mapping of PKOPR% hardware types to Multinet hardware types
NETTYP: NT.3MB ;3MB Ethernet
NT.ETH ;10MB Ethernet
NT.NCP ;1822 network
SUBTTL Central processing routine
;The PKOPR% jsys has the following calling conventions:
; T1/ function code
; T2/ argument block address
; T3/ reserved, should be zero
; T4/ reserved, should be zero
;PKOPR% returns +1 always, illegal instruction interrupt on error.
;TRVAR usage:
; IQINDX - input queue index
; DBINDX - database index
; NETPRT - interface/network,,protocol triple
; MONBUF - monitor buffer address
;AC usage:
; Q1 - function code
; Q2 - (user) address of argument block
; P1 - NCT address
MCENT ;Enter monitor context
SKIPN INTON ;Internet up?
ITERR(ETHRX1) ;No, "Ethernet service not available"
SKIPL Q1,T1 ;Range check the function code
ITERR(ARGX02) ;Bad, return "Invalid function" error
SKIPG Q2,T2 ;Positive argument block address?
ITERR(ARGX02) ;No, return "Invalid function" error
MOVE T3,CAPENB ;Get enabled capabilities
CAIE Q1,.PKSND ;If sending a packet
TXNE T3,SC%WHL!SC%OPR!SC%NWZ ;Or user has WOPR or Net wizard
TRNA ;Allow the function
ITERR(NTWZX1) ;Else return "NET WIZARD capability required"
CALL @FNCTAB(Q1) ;Perform the requested function
ITERR() ;Pass errors back to user
MRETNG ;Good return to caller
SUBTTL Process user datagram reception and transmission
;PKOOPN - sign up for a interface/network/protocol triple
;Takes Q2/ address of argument block
;Returns +1 error, T1/ code
; +2 success, process signed up
PKOOPN: CALL GETNET ;Get triple from user
RETBAD() ;Pass error back
NOSKED ;No timing races please
CALL PKDBLK ;Look up the entry
TRNA ;Not in table, we can sign up
RETBAD(OPNX7,<OKSKED>) ;"Device already assigned to another job"
SKIPGE T2 ;Skip if we have a free index
RETBAD(MONX01,<OKSKED>) ;"Insufficient system resources"
MOVEM T2,DBINDX ;Save database index
MOVE T1,FORKX ;Get our fork number
CALL PKIQLK ;Look up our input queue
JUMPL T1,[RETBAD(MONX01,<OKSKED>)] ;"Insufficient system resources"
MOVE T2,DBINDX ;Get back database index
MOVE T3,NETPRT ;Interface/Network/protocol triple
CALL ASGPKO ;Assign PKOPR% database
NOINT ;Interlock so we are uninterruptable
OKSKED ;Resume scheduling and stay NOINT
MOVE T1,DBINDX ;Get database index
LOAD T2,NETWRK,NETPRT ;Get network type
CALL @OPNNET(T2) ;Set network dependent data
OKINT ;Reallow PSI
RETSKP ;Return to caller
;PKOCLZ - release sign up for a triple
;Calling process must own the triple being released
;Takes Q2/ address of argument block
;Returns +1 error, T1/ code
; +2 success, assignment released
PKOCLZ: CALL GETNET ;Get interface/network/protocol triple
RETBAD() ;Pass error back to caller
CALL PKDBLK ;Look up the triple, get database index
RETSKP ;Not assigned, just quietly return
MOVE T1,PKINPQ(T2) ;Get input queue index
MOVE T1,PKOWNR(T1) ;Get owner of our input queue
CAME T1,FORKX ;Triple owned by this process?
RETBAD(DESX5) ;No. "File is not open"
MOVE T1,T2 ;Get database index into place
CALL RELPKO ;Release PKOPR% database
RETSKP ;Return to caller
;PKOSND - transmit a packet
;Takes Q2/ address of argument block
;Returns +1 error, T1/ code
; +2 success
PKOSND: CALL GETNET ;Get interface/network/protocol triple
RETBAD() ;Pass error back to caller
CALL GETBFF ;Get a free Internet buffer
OKINT ;No buffers. Reallow PSI.
MOVE T1,[XWD INTNFI,DISGT] ;Wait until free buffer count non-zero
JRST PKOSN0 ;Try again
MOVEM T1,MONBUF ;Save pointer to buffer
LOAD T1,NETWRK,NETPRT ;Get the network type
CALL @TONET(T1) ;Send the packet to the net
PUSH P,T1 ;Save error code
MOVE T1,MONBUF ;Get address of monitor buffer
CALL RETBUF ;Release it
POP P,T1 ;Restore error code
RETBAD(,<OKINT>) ;Allow PSI and pass error back to user
OKINT ;Reallow software interrupts
RETSKP ;Return to caller
;PKORCV - receive next packet for this fork
;Takes Q2/ address of argument block
;Returns +1 error, T1/ code
; +2 success, user argument block updated
PKORCV: CALL GETNET ;Set up network information
RETBAD() ;Bad arguments
MOVE T1,FORKX ;Get system fork number
CALL PKIQLK ;Look up input queue index
RETBAD(IOX1) ;"File is not opened for reading"
MOVEM T1,IQINDX ;Save input queue index
CALL PKIDEQ ;Dequeue a packet
OKINT ;Allow software interrupts again
MOVE T1,IQINDX ;Get back input queue index
MOVSI T1,PKIQHD(T1) ;Form swapped address of input queue head
HRRI T1,DISNT ;Test is wait for non-zero queue head
MOVE T1,IQINDX ;Test satisfied, get back index
JRST PKORC0 ;Go try again
MOVEM T1,MONBUF ;Save pointer to dequeued packet
LOAD T1,NETWRK,PKONET(T1) ;Get network information
CALL @FRMNET(T1) ;Copy packet to user buffer
NOP ;No error conditions yet
MOVE T1,MONBUF ;Get address of monitor buffer
LOAD T2,NETWRK,PKONET(T1) ;Get network type code
UMOVEM T2,.PKNET(Q2) ;Update user argument block
LOAD T2,INTRFC,PKONET(T1) ;Get interface number
UMOVEM T2,.PKINT(Q2) ;Update user argument block
LOAD T2,PRTOCL,PKONET(T1) ;Get protocol type
UMOVEM T2,.PKPRT(Q2) ;Update user argument block
MOVE T2,PKOBYT(T1) ;Get byte count
UMOVEM T2,.PKBYT(Q2) ;Update user argument block
CALL RETBUF ;Return buffer to the Internet queue
RETSKP ;Take success return
SUBTTL Waif Reception
;PKOOWF - sign up for the waif listening process
;Takes Q2/ address of argument block
;Returns +1 error, T1/ code
; +2 success, process signed up
PKOOWF: SKIPE WAIFRK ;Another waif fork?
RETBAD(OPNX7) ;"Device already assigned to another job"
NOINT ;Turn off PSI
CALL PKOOPN ;Open up a PKOPR% port
RETBAD(,<OKINT>) ;Some error
MOVE T2,DBINDX ;Get database index
MOVEM T2,WAIFOF ;Store it as the waif database index
SETO T4, ;Default to setting all waif flags
UMOVE T2,.PKLEN(Q2) ;Get length of argument block
CAIGE T2,.PKNTD+1 ;Must be at least this long
UMOVE T2,.PKFLG(Q2) ;Get flags
TXNE T2,PK%FLG ;Get flags from user
UMOVE T4,.PKNTD(Q2) ;Yes, get them from user
MOVEM T4,WAIFLG ;Set up waif selection flags
MOVE T2,FORKX ;Get the fork number
MOVEM T2,WAIFRK ;Store it as the fork of the waif process
OKINT ;Reallow PSI
RETSKP ;Success return
;PKOCWF - release sign up for the waif process
;Calling process must be the waif process
;Takes Q2/ address of argument block
;Returns: +1 error, T1/ code
; +2 success, waif assignment released
PKOCWF: CALL GETNET ;Get interface/network/protocol triple
RETBAD() ;Pass error back to caller
MOVE T1,FORKX ;get the fork number.
CAME T1,WAIFRK ;Is it the waif fork?
RETBAD(DESX5) ;"File is not open"
MOVE T1,WAIFOF ;Get the waif offset
CAMN T1,[-1] ;Sanity check
RETSKP ;Do nothing if already not assigned
NOINT ;Disable PSI to keep things consistent
CALL RELPKO ;Release PKOPR% database
SETZM WAIFRK ;Clear the waif fork number
SETOM WAIFOF ;No offset into triple database
OKINT ;Reallow interrupts
RETSKP ;Success return
;PKORWF - receive next packet for the waif queue
;Takes Q2/ address of argument block
;Returns +1 error, T1/ code
; +2 success, user argument block updated
PKORWF: CALL GETNET ;Set up network information
RETBAD() ;Bad arguments
MOVE T1,FORKX ;Is this the waif fork?
RETBAD(IOX1) ;"File is not opened for reading"
MOVE T1,WAIFOF ;Get the offset into the input queue
MOVE T2,PKINPQ(T1) ; ...
MOVEM T2,IQINDX ;Save input queue index
JRST PKORC0 ;Go to common datagram reception code
SUBTTL Set/clear MEIS promiscuous/loopback modes
;PKOSPM - set promiscuous mode on a network
;Returns - +1 error, T1/ error code
; +2 success, MEIS promiscuous mode set
PKOSPM: CALL GETNET ;Figure out which interface
RETBAD() ;Pass error back
SKIPN T1,NTENCU(P1) ;T1/ CDB,,UDB for this interface
RETBAD(IOX5) ;Not a MEIS. "Device or data error"
SETO T2, ;T2/ -1 to enable feature
CALL MEIPRM ;Place in promiscuous mode
MOVE T1,INTNIB ;Get count of input buffers
LSH T1,2 ;Quadruple that count
MOVEM T1,INTNIB ;And update count
AOS INTFLG ;Run Internet fork right away
RETSKP ;Return to caller
;PKOCPM - clear promiscuous mode on a network
;Returns - +1 error, T1/ error code
; +2 success, MEIS promiscuous mode cleared
PKOCPM: CALL GETNET ;Figure out which interface
RETBAD() ;Pass error back
SKIPN T1,NTENCU(P1) ;T1/ CDB,,UDB for this interface
RETBAD(IOX5) ;Not a MEIS. "Device or data error"
SETZ T2, ;T2/ 0 to disable feature
CALL MEIPRM ;Take out of promiscuous mode
MOVE T1,INTNIB ;Get count of input buffers
LSH T1,-2 ;Reduce the count
MOVEM T1,INTNIB ;And update it
RETSKP ;Return to caller
;PKOSLL - set local loopback on a network
;Returns - +1 error, T1/ error code
; +2 success, MEIS loopback mode set
PKOSLL: CALL GETNET ;Figure out which interface
RETBAD() ;Pass error back
SKIPN T1,NTENCU(P1) ;T1/ CDB,,UDB for this interface
RETBAD(IOX5) ;Not a MEIS. "Device or data error"
SETO T2, ;T2/ -1 to enable feature
CALL MEILLP ;Place in local loopback
RETSKP ;Return to caller
;PKOCLL - clear local loopback mode on a network
;Returns - +1 error, T1/ error code
; +2 success, MEIS loopback mode cleared
PKOCLL: CALL GETNET ;Figure out which interface
RETBAD() ;Pass error back
SKIPN T1,NTENCU(P1) ;T1/ CDB,,UDB for this interface
RETBAD(IOX5) ;Not a MEIS. "Device or data error"
SETZ T2, ;T2/ 0 to disable feature
CALL MEILLP ;Take out of local loopback
RETSKP ;Return to caller
SUBTTL Read a Network Control Table
;PKONCT - copy NCT of specified interface to user space
;Takes Q2/ pointer to argument block in user space
;Returns +1 error, T1/ error code
; +2 success, interface copied to user space, .PKNET offset updated
PKONCT: UMOVE T1,.PKLEN(Q2) ;Get length of argument block
CAIGE T1,.PKBUF+1 ;Minimum length for this function
RETBAD(ARGX17) ;"Invalid argument block length"
UMOVE T1,.PKINT(Q2) ;Copy interface number specified by user
XMOVEI P1,NCTVT ;Pointer to NCT vector table
PKONC0: LOAD P1,NTLNK,(P1) ;Get next NCT
JUMPE P1,[RETBAD(DEVX5)] ;Error return if no such beast
LOAD T2,NTNUM,(P1) ;Get interface number
CAME T1,T2 ;Match what user wants?
JRST PKONC0 ;No, try another NCT
MOVEI T1,<NCTVT-.NCTS>/%NETS ;T1/ length of an NCT
MOVE T2,P1 ;T2/ source address (monitor)
UMOVE T3,.PKBUF(Q2) ;T3/ destination address (user)
CALL BLTMU1 ;Copy from monitor to user
MOVSI T1,-<MAXPKN+1> ;Set up counter for PKOPR% hardware types
LOAD T2,NTTYP,(P1) ;Get Multinet hardware type for this interface
PKONC1: CAME T2,NETTYP(T1) ;Compare with PKOPR% hardware type
AOBJN T1,PKONC1 ;If no match, keep on looking
SKIPL T1 ;Skip if we have a match
SETO T1, ;Else return -1 as hardware type (unsupported)
XCTU [HRRZM T1,.PKNET(Q2)] ;Update user argument block
RETSKP ;All done
SUBTTL Utility routines
;GETNET - read interface/network/protocol triple from user
;Takes Q2/ pointer to argument block in user space
;Returns +1 error, T1/ error code
; +2 success, T1/ byte(9)<interface>,<network>,byte(18)<protocol>
; copy of T1 in NETPRT trvar
; P1/ address of appropriate NCT
GETNET: UMOVE T1,.PKLEN(Q2) ;Get length of argument block
CAIGE T1,4 ;Minimum length
RETBAD(ARGX17) ;"Invalid argument block length"
UMOVE T3,.PKINT(Q2) ;Get network interface number
UMOVE T2,.PKNET(Q2) ;Get network type code
CAILE T2,MAXPKN ;Within range?
RETBAD(DEVX5) ;"No such device"
MOVE T4,NETTYP(T2) ;Get Multinet network type number
XMOVEI P1,NCTVT ;Pointer to NCT vector table
GETNT0: LOAD P1,NTLNK,(P1) ;Get next NCT
JUMPE P1,[RETBAD(DEVX5)] ;Error return if no such beast
LOAD T1,NTNUM,(P1) ;Get interface number
CAME T1,T3 ;Match what user wants?
JRST GETNT0 ;No, try another NCT
LOAD T1,NTTYP,(P1) ;Get network type
CAME T1,T4 ;Match what user wants?
JRST GETNT0 ;No, try another NCT
UMOVE T1,.PKPRT(Q2) ;Get protocol type
STOR T2,NETWRK,T1 ;Add network type
STOR T3,INTRFC,T1 ;Set interface number
MOVEM T1,NETPRT ;Save copy of the triple
RETSKP ;Return to caller
;PKDBLK - look up a triple
;Called from either process or interrupt level
;Takes T1/ interface/network,,protocol triple
;Returns +1 not in table, T2/ first free database index or -1 if full
; +2 in table, T2/ database index
;Clobbers T2-T4
PKDBLK: MOVSI T2,-NPKCON ;Loop over all triples
SETO T4, ;Flag no free entries yet
PKDBL0: SKIPL T3,PKTRPL(T2) ;Get triple
JUMPGE T4,PKDBL1 ;Free entry, jump if we already have an index
MOVEI T4,(T2) ;Set free index in case we fail
JRST PKDBL1 ;Go on to next slot
CAME T1,T3 ;Match?
MOVEI T2,(T2) ;Return index of matching entry
RETSKP ;Skip return to caller
PKDBL1: AOBJN T2,PKDBL0 ;Loop over all entries
MOVE T2,T4 ;Failure, return first free index or -1
RET ;Return to caller
;ASGPKO - assign PKOPR% database entries
;Call from process level, scheduler turned off
;Takes T1/ input queue index
; T2/ database index
; T3/ interface/network,,protocol triple
;Returns +1 always
;Clobbers T3
ASGPKO: PIOFF ;Turn off interrupts
MOVEM T3,PKTRPL(T2) ;Set up network
MOVEM T1,PKINPQ(T2) ;Set up input queue index
MOVE T3,PKOWNR(T1) ;Get fork number of input queue owner
CAMN T3,FORKX ;Same as our fork number?
CAME T3,[-1] ;Different, was it not set before?
BUG.(CHK,AGPKOX,PKOPR,SOFT,<PKOPR% database screwed up>) ;Bug
MOVE T3,FORKX ;First owner, get our fork number
MOVEM T3,PKOWNR(T1) ;Set up fork index
INCR PKISHR,(T1) ;Increment share count of triples
PION ;Reallow interrupts
RET ;Return to caller
;RELPKO - release PKOPR% database entries
;Call from process level
;Takes T1/ database index
;Returns +1 always
;Clobbers T3
RELPKO: PIOFF ;Turn off interrupts (and scheduler)
SETOM PKTRPL(T1) ;Release network assignment
MOVE T2,PKINPQ(T1) ;Get input queue index
SETZM PKINPQ(T1) ;Release queue assignment
DECR PKISHR,(T2) ;Decrement share count
OPSTR <SKIPE>,PKISHR,(T2) ;Has share gone to zero?
CALL PKIDEQ ;Dequeue a packet
EXIT. ;Queue is empty
PUSH P,T2 ;Save input queue index
CALL RETBUF ;Release the packet to Internet free queue
POP P,T2 ;Restore index
LOOP. ;Loop over all packets
SKIPE PKIQCT(T2) ;Sanity check (neither owners nor packets)
BUG.(CHK,RLPKOX,PKOPR,SOFT,<Bad PKOPR% deletion>) ;Bugchk
SETOM PKOWNR(T2) ;Finish deleting input queue
PION ;Reallow interrupts
RET ;Return to caller
;PKIQLK - look up input queue index
;Takes T1/ fork number
;Returns +1 no queue assigned, T1/ first free queue index, or -1 if full
; +2 queue assigned, T1/ input queue index
;Clobbers T2-T4
PKIQLK: SETO T4, ;No free index yet
MOVSI T2,-NPKIQS ;Loop over all entries
JUMPGE T4,PKIQL1 ;No, keep on if already know a free index
MOVEI T4,(T2) ;Set up free index
JRST PKIQL1 ;Keep looking
CAME T1,T3 ;Match?
MOVEI T1,(T2) ;Yes, set up index
RETSKP ;And take success return
PKIQL1: AOBJN T2,PKIQL0 ;Loop over all entries
MOVE T1,T4 ;Not found, return free index or -1
RET ;Take failure return
;PKIDEQ - dequeue a packet from an input queue
;Decrements queued packet count as well
;Takes T2/ input queue index
;Returns +1 queue empty
; +2 packet dequeued, T1/ packet pointer
;Clobbers T1-T4
PIOFF ;Preserve queue integrity
MOVE T1,PKIQHD(T2) ;Get head of queue
JUMPE T1,PKIDE1 ;Queue is empty
LOAD T3,NBQUE,(T1) ;Get successor, if any.
JUMPN T3,PKIDE0 ;Queue not about to run dry
SETZM PKIQTL(T2) ;Make empty queue
SKIPA ;Don't set section bits on nil pointer
PKIDE0: SETSEC T3,INTSEC ;Set extended address
MOVEM T3,PKIQHD(T2) ;Update queue head
DECR PKICNT,(T2) ;Decrement input packet count
AOS (P) ;Prepare skip return
PION ;Reallow interrupts
RET ;Return +1 or +2 to caller
SUBTTL PKOPR% support routines
;PKOINI - initialize PKOPR% database
;Returns +1 always
SETZM PKSTGB ;Clear first word of resident storage
BLT T1,PKSTGE-1 ;Clear all PKOPR% resident storage
BLT T1,PKTRPL+NPKCON-1 ;Set network entries to -1 (free)
BLT T1,PKOWNR+NPKIQS-1 ;Set input queue entries to -1 (free)
RET ;Return to caller
;PKOCHK - periodic timeout of unused input packets
;Called from 100 ms clock in scheduler
;Returns +1 always
PKOTMO==^D60000 ;Timeout is 60 seconds.
MOVSI T4,-NPKIQS ;Set up loop count through input queues
PKOCH0: SKIPGE PKOWNR(T4) ;Skip if queue is assigned
JRST PKOCH3 ;Else go examine the next one
PIOFF ;Shut off PI to protect queues
PKOCH1: SKIPN T1,PKIQHD(T4) ;Get queue head
JRST PKOCH2 ;Done if head is nil
MOVE T2,PKOTAD(T1) ;Get time packet was received
ADDI T2,PKOTMO ;Add a timeout interval (in ms)
CAMLE T2,TODCLK ;Packet is old?
JRST PKOCH2 ;No, this and remaining packets are fresh
PUSH P,T4 ;Save our loop index
MOVEI T2,(T4) ;Get input queue index
CALL PKIDEQ ;Dequeue the timed out packet
POP P,T4 ;No more packets. Restore loop index
JRST PKOCH2 ;No packets, so quit now
CALL RETBUF ;Give it back to Internet
POP P,T4 ;Restore loop index for input queues
JRST PKOCH1 ;Loop over this queue (examine new head)
PKOCH2: PION ;Reallow PI
PKOCH3: AOBJN T4,PKOCH0 ;Try next input queue
MOVEI T1,PKOTMO ;Check again after another PKOTMO ms.
MOVEM T1,PKOTIM ;Reset timer
RET ;Return to caller
;PKOKFK - release PKOPR% resources when a fork goes away
;Returns +1 always
;Clobbers T1-T4
MOVE T1,FORKX ;Get our fork number
CALL PKIQLK ;Look up our input queue
JRST PKOKF2 ;None, can quit now
MOVSI T4,-NPKCON ;Loop over all triples
PKOKF0: SKIPGE PKTRPL(T4) ;Skip if slot in use
JRST PKOKF1 ;Free, go check next one
CAME T1,PKINPQ(T4) ;Does input queue index match?
PUSH P,T4 ;Save loop index
PUSH P,T1 ;Save input queue index
MOVEI T1,(T4) ;Database index
CALL RELPKO ;Release PKOPR% resources
POP P,T1 ;Restore input queue index
POP P,T4 ;Restore loop index
PKOKF1: AOBJN T4,PKOKF0 ;Loop over all entries
PKOKF2: MOVE T1,FORKX ;See if we are clobbering the WAIF fork
CAME T1,WAIFRK ;are we?
RET ;nope - return now
SETZM WAIFRK ;clear the WAIF fork number
SETOM WAIFOF ;clear the waif database offset
RET ;All done, return to caller
SUBTTL MEIS-based Ethernet support
;OPNMEI - set network dependent data for the MEIS-based Ethernet
;We set the data mode if the user requested it, else we default to .PM32
;Takes T1/ database index
; Q2/ pointer to argument block in user context
;Returns +1 always
OPNMEI: MOVX T4,.PM32 ;Assume 32-bit data mode
UMOVE T2,.PKLEN(Q2) ;Get length of argument block
CAIGE T2,.PKNTD+1 ;Must be at least this long
UMOVE T2,.PKFLG(Q2) ;Get flags
TXNE T2,PK%MOD ;Want special data mode?
UMOVE T4,.PKNTD(Q2) ;Yes, get it from user
ANDI T4,7 ;Flush any other bits
CAIL T4,.PM16 ;Range check data mode
CAILE T4,.PM9 ; ...
MOVX T4,.PM32 ;Bad value, force 32-bit mode (should reterr)
STOR T4,NETMOD,(T1) ;Set our data mode
RET ;Return to caller
;SND3MB - send a packet out over the 3MB Ethernet
;SNDETH - send a packet on the 10MB Ethernet
;Call from process context, NOINT
;Note that there is an (unimportant) timing race wrt to the PKDBLK call.
;Takes MONBUF/ address of monitor buffer
; NETPRT/ interface/network,,protocol triple
; Q2/ pointer to user argument block in user context
; P1/ NCT pointer
;Returns +1 failure, T1/ error code
; +2 success, packet queued to PHYSIO for transmission
SND3MB: UMOVE T3,.PKBUF(Q2) ;Get pointer to user buffer
UMOVE T3,0(T3) ;Get first word of buffer (encaps. word)
MOVX T2,.PK3MB ;3MB Ethernet transport medium code
JRST SNDET0 ;Join common code
SNDETH: UMOVE T3,.PKBUF(Q2) ;Get pointer to user buffer
UMOVE T3,3(T3) ;Get word of buffer containing type code
MOVX T2,.PK10E ;10MB Ethernet transport medium code
LDB T1,[POINT 16,T3,31] ;Get Ethernet type code
STOR T2,NETWRK,T1 ;Set hardware type
LOAD T2,INTRFC,NETPRT ;Get selected interface
CALL MEIMOD ;See if we have a listener, get data mode in T3
RETBAD(FILX01) ;No. "File is not open"
MOVEM T3,SNDMOD ;Remember that data mode
UMOVE T1,.PKBYT(Q2) ;Fetch byte or word count of buffer
MOVEM T1,SNDCNT ;Remember it
CAIN T3,.PM36 ;36-bit mode?
SUB T1,NTCAPB(P1) ;No, discount encapsulation bytes
MOVE T2,T3 ;Copy data mode
MOVE T3,NTCAPC(P1) ;16-bit words of encapsulation
CALL WRDCNV ;Compute total number of words
SKIPLE T1 ;Disallow garbage word count
CAMLE T1,INTXPW ;Packet must fit within an Internet buffer
RETBAD(ATSX11) ;"Byte count is too large"
UMOVE T2,.PKBUF(Q2) ;Source address in user space
MOVE T3,MONBUF ;Get address of monitor buffer
ADD T3,NTOFF(P1) ;Correct with offset of encapsulation data
CALL BLTUM1 ;Copy from user to monitor
MOVE T1,SNDCNT ;Get back byte or word count
MOVE T3,SNDMOD ;Get back data mode
CAIE T3,.PM36 ;36-bit data mode?
MOVE T2,NTCAPC(P1) ;Yes, get 16-bit words of encapsulation
LSH T2,-1 ;Convert to words
SUBI T1,(T2) ;Discount words of header bytes
CALL FRM36 ;Turn word count into byte count
SUB T1,NTCAPB(P1) ;Some other mode, just discount header bytes
MOVE T2,MONBUF ;T2/ buffer address
MOVEI T4,RETBUF ;T4/ buffer disposal routine
CALL BLDIOW ;Construct and queue up a transmission
RETSKP ;Give good return to caller
;RCVETH - copy Ethernet packet from input queue to user
;Takes MONBUF/ address of monitor buffer
;Returns +1 failure, T1/ error code
; +2 success
RCVETH: MOVE T2,MONBUF ;Get monitor buffer address
MOVE T1,PKONET(T2) ;Fetch key for database lookup
CALL MEIMOD ;Look up our data mode, return it in T3
RETBAD(RCDIX4) ;Vanished, call it "Monitor internal error"
MOVE T4,MONBUF ;Get buffer address
MOVE T1,PKOBYT(T4) ;T1/ byte count
SUB T1,NTCAPB(P1) ;Discount encapsulation bytes
MOVE T2,T3 ;T2/ data mode for this triple
MOVE T3,NTCAPC(P1) ;T3/ Count of 16-bit header words
PUSH P,T2 ;Save copy of data mode
CALL WRDCNV ;T1/ Compute count of 36-bit words
POP P,T2 ;Restore data mode
CAIN T2,.PM36 ;Was it 36-bit mode?
MOVEM T1,PKOBYT(T4) ;Yes, fudge PKOBYT for user update
MOVE T2,T4 ;Copy buffer address
ADD T2,NTOFF(P1) ;T2/ Offset to start of encapsulation data
UMOVE T3,.PKBUF(Q2) ;T3/ Get user address
CALL BLTMU1 ;Transfer to monitor to user
RETSKP ;All done, return to caller
;MEIMOD - find a packet's data mode by doing a database lookup
;Takes T1/ interface/network,,protocol specification
;Returns +1 failure, no such port
; +2 success, T3/ MEIS data mode
;Clobbers T1-T4
MEIMOD: NOSKED ;No deletions please
CALL PKDBLK ;Is someone here listening for this protocol?
MOVE T2,FORKX ;Get fork of caller
CAME T2,WAIFRK ;Is it the waif fork?
RETBAD(,<OKSKED>) ;No, take single return
MOVE T2,WAIFOF ;Yes, so get the index for this connection
LOAD T3,NETMOD,(T2) ;Get data mode for this connection
OKSKED ;Reallow scheduling
RETSKP ;Good return
;PKORCI - receive an arbitrary datagram
;Entry point PKORC2 if from PKOWAI
;Called at interrupt level, assumes environment set up by ETHRCI
;Takes P1/ NCT pointer
; T1/ byte count (including encapsulation)
;Returns +1 flush datagram
; +2 read datagram, T1/ iorb pointer
;Beware that we are using P2 and P3 as scratch storage!
PKORCI::AOS STAERC ;Count total "random" packets
CAMLE T1,NTCAPB(P1) ;There must be at least one data byte
CAMLE T1,INTXPB ;Packet must fit within an Internet buffer
RET ;Bad length, flush the packet
MOVX T3,.PK3MB ;Assume 3MB Ethernet
SKIPE NTETHR(P1) ;Skip if assumption correct
MOVX T3,.PK10E ;Type is 10MB Ethernet
STOR T3,NETWRK,T2 ;Set up network part of triple
LOAD T3,NTNUM,(P1) ;Get interface number
STOR T3,INTRFC,T2 ;Set interface number
MOVEM T2,P2 ;Stash triple in a safe place
MOVE T1,T2 ;PKDBLK wants its argument in T1
CALL PKDBLK ;Look up that combination in PKOPR% database
JRST PKOWAI ;Random packet, go see if waif watcher wants it
;We can get here with T2 being the triple offset, usually from PKOWAI
; P2 also contains the triple itself
PKORC2: MOVE T1,PKINPQ(T2) ;Get index into input queues
LOAD T1,PKICNT,(T1) ;Get count of packets already queued
CAIL T1,MAXPKQ ;More allowed?
RET ;No, flush packet for now
MOVEM T2,P3 ;Save index into triple table
CALL GETBFF ;Get a packet buffer
RET ;Failed, return to caller
MOVE T2,T1 ;T2/ buffer pointer (for BLDIOR)
MOVE T1,P3 ;Restore triple index
LOAD T3,NETMOD,(T1) ;T3/ Get data mode (for BLDIOR)
MOVE T1,PKINPQ(T1) ;Get index into input queues
MOVEM T1,PKOINP(T2) ;Stash input queue index
MOVEM P2,PKONET(T2) ;Stash interface/network,,protocol
MOVE T1,RCILEN ;Get back hardware length
MOVEM T1,PKOBYT(T2) ;Stash hardware byte count
MOVE T1,TODCLK ;Get present TAD
MOVEM T1,PKOTAD(T2) ;Set time of reception
MOVE T1,RCILEN ;T1/ byte count
SUB T1,NTCAPB(P1) ;Discount Ethernet encapsulation bytes
MOVE T4,[XWD RETBUF, ETHAPP] ;T4/ done processing routines
CALL BLDIOR ;Construct read iorb
RET ;Can't, must flush packet
RETSKP ;Go queue up the read
;ETHAPP - append an Ethernet packet to a PKOPR% input queue
;Call at interrupt level
;Takes T1/ buffer pointer
;Returns +1 always
ETHAPP: MOVE T2,T1 ;Copy buffer pointer (calling convent. change)
MOVE T3,PKOINP(T2) ;Get input queue index
SKIPGE PKOWNR(T3) ;Queue still exists?
JRST RETBUF ;No, discard packet
INCR PKICNT,(T3) ;Count another packet in the queue
MOVE T1,PKIQTL(T3) ;Get input queue tail pointer
JUMPN T1,ETHAP0 ;Queue not empty, go append packet
MOVEM T2,PKIQHD(T3) ;Was empty. This is only item now.
SKIPA ;Make head and tail be same packet
ETHAP0: STOR T2,NBQUE,(T1) ;Make old packet point to newest packet
MOVEM T2,PKIQTL(T3) ;Set new tail pointer
RET ;Return to caller
;Here at process level to invoke ETHAPP.
ETHAP1: PIOFF ;Turn off PI system
CALL ETHAPP ;Append the packet
PION ;Reallow PI's
RET ;Return to caller
;PKOWAI - handle "waif" packets. Currently a waif is a datagram that:
; - Is a reasonable PUP packet, but no process claimed it, or
; - An IP packet with broadcast encapsulation, or
; - Something else that no PKOPR% listener claimed.
;Called at interrupt level, assumes environment set up by ETHRCI
; P registers have already been preserved, Q registers must be preserved.
;This routine is called throughout the monitor at interrupt level whenever
; a datagram is determined to be a waif.
;Takes P1/ NCT pointer
; RCITYP - datagram type code
; RCILEN - datagram length in bytes
;Returns +1 flush datagram
; +2 read datagram, T1/ iorb pointer
PKOWAI::SKIPE WAIFRK ;Must have a waif listener
SKIPGE T2,WAIFOF ;Load up index into waif triple storage
RET ;No waif listener or no index
MOVE T1,WAIFLG ;Get flag word
TXNN T1,WA%INT ;Want interrupt level waifs?
RET ;No, ignore these waifs
LOAD T1,INTRFC,PKTRPL(T2) ;Get NCT number of waif listner
LOAD T3,NTNUM,(P1) ;Get NCT number of current interface
CAME T1,T3 ;Match?
RET ;No, flush the datagram
MOVE P2,PKTRPL(T2) ;Yes, now set up P2 before joining common code
MOVE T1,RCITYP ;Get back protocol type
STOR T1,PRTOCL,P2 ;Set up protocol type for common code
CALL PKORC2 ;Invoke common reception code
RET ;Flush this packet
RETSKP ;T1/ iorb pointer
;PKOWAF - copy a packet onto the waif input queue
;Called from process level
;Takes T1/ pointer to buffer (offset zero is start of MAXLDR region)
; T2/ protocol type code
; T3/ byte count
;Returns +1 always
;Clobbers T1-T4
PKOWAF::SKIPN WAIFRK ;Is there a waif process?
RET ;No, return having done nothing
MOVE T2,WAIFOF ;Get database index
MOVE T3,PKINPQ(T2) ;Get index to input queue
LOAD T2,PKICNT,(T3) ;Get count of queued packets
CAIGE T2,MAXPKQ ;More allowed?
CALL GETBFF ;Get a resident buffer
RET ;No more can be queued or no buffers
MOVEM T1,PKTRES ;Store pointer to resident buffer
MOVE T3,T1 ;T3/ destination address
MOVE T2,PKTPTR ;T2/ source address
MOVE T1,PKTBYT ;Get byte count
ADDI T1,3 ;Round up before shifting
LSH T1,-2 ;T1/ 36-bit word count of packet
CALL XBLTA ;Copy swappable buffer to a resident buffer
MOVE T1,PKTRES ;Get back pointer to resident buffer
MOVE T2,WAIFOF ;Get database index of waif process
MOVE T2,PKINPQ(T2) ;Get input queue index
MOVEM T2,PKOINP(T1) ;Stash input queue
HRRO T2,PKTPRO ;-1 for unknown interface
MOVEM T2,PKONET(T1) ;Stash triple
MOVE T2,PKTBYT ;Get byte count
MOVEM T2,PKOBYT(T1) ;Stash it
MOVE T2,TODCLK ;Get present TAD
MOVEM T2,PKOTAD(T1) ;Set time of reception
CALL ETHAP1 ;Append packet in input queue
RET ;Return to caller
SUBTTL AN20-based 1822 Support
;SNDANA - send a datagram to the AN20
;Returns +1 always (NYI)
SNDANA: RET ;Not yet implemented
;RCVANA - receive a datagram from the AN20
;Returns +1 always (NYI)
RCVANA: RET ;Not yet implemented