PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named sysdpy.anc-display in the archive.
31-Mar-84 19:01:10-PST,1156;000000000001
Mail-From: KRONJ created at 31-Mar-84 19:01:08
Date: 31 Mar 1984 19:01 PST (Sat)
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
From: David Eppstein <[email protected]>
To: Kirk Lougheed <[email protected]>
Subject: ideas for tcb display in sysdpy
In-reply-to: Msg of 31 Mar 1984 18:39-PST from Kirk Lougheed <Lougheed at SU-SIERRA.ARPA>
Ok, here are some:
. Creation of TCB
. RCV state change (NOT => SYN, SYN => EST, etc)
. SND state change
. New data sent
. Anything sent (new data, retransmission, etc)
. Data received
. Ack received
. Anything received
. BBN jsys called (SEND%, CLOSE%, ...)
. DEC jsys called (SOUT%, CLOSF%, ...)
Here's a sample format for printing it out:
Data Ack Any Call When
Created 10:20AM Send +1500 +1500 +1500 DEC SOUTR% +1450
Last in bkg 10:24AM Recv -3500 +2400 +2400 BBN SEND% +1500
(I am not sure what sort of time printing format would be appropriate,
whether real-time or offset from something and in what increments)
If I think of other useful displays I'm sure I'll mention it...