
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - mm-new/binaries/mmhelp.rel
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The HEADERS command takes one argument, a message sequence.  It will then
out	 Lput all the headers of that sequence in order of lowest message number
to highest.
The HEADER command outputs the one-line header summary of the current
me	 ]ssage sequence.
The STATUS command tells you relevant information and stat	 fistics about
your current message file, i.e. how many messages are deleted, unseen, 	 nhow
large the file is, etc.
The TYPE command takes a single argument, a	 w message sequence.  It then
types out the bodies of those messages.

The	 @ TYPE command types out the message again.

The TYPE command types out the cu	 rrent message (not the one you are sending!).

The LITERAL-TYPE command tak	 es a single argument, a message sequence. It then
types out the bodies of those mess	 ages, without regard to ONLY-TYPE-HEADERS
The LITE	 !RAL-TYPE command types out the message again, without suppressing
any headers.
The LITERAL-TYPE command types out the current message (not the one you are
s	 @2ending!), without suppressing any headers.
The MARK command takes one argume	 ;nt, a message sequence.  It will then mark
the messages in that sequence as seen.
The MARK command marks the message currently being read as seen.
The	 L DELETE command takes one argument, a message sequence and marks it
for deletion.  T	 The messages are not erased until the EXPUNGE or EXIT
command is given.
The	 ] DELETE command deletes the message currently being read.  The
messages are not eras	  eed until the EXPUNGE or EXIT command is given at
top level.
The KILL comm	 nand takes one argument, a message sequence and marks it
for deletion.  The messages 	 vare not erased until the EXPUNGE or EXIT
command is given.  It then does an implicit	  NEXT command.

The KILL command deletes the message currently being read.	   The
messages are not erased until the EXPUNGE or EXIT command is given at
top lev	 el.  It then does an implicit NEXT command.

The KEYWORDS command takes t	 wo arguments, a keywords list and a message
sequence.  It will then mark the message	 !s in that sequence as being
included in the keyword.  To define a keyword, put a lin	 )e in your MM.INIT
of the form:
	KEYWORDS list-of-keywords
This feature is useful f	 2or classifying old messages.
The UNKEYWORDS command takes two arguments,	 : a keywords list and a message
sequence.  It will then mark the messages in that seq	 Cuence as not being
included in the keyword.
The KEYWORDS command takes a	 K keywords list as an argument and marks
the current message being included in the ke	 @Tyword.
The UNKEYWORDS command takes a keywords list as an argument and unma	 \rks
the current message so that it is no longer included in the keyword.
e	 e
The NEXT command goes to the next message in the file (or message sequence
if in R	 mEAD mode) and types it if undeleted.
The PREVIOUS command goes to the previ	 vous message in the file and types it
if undeleted.
The JUMP command allows	 ~ you to specify a message in the current message
file to "jump" to.  In other words,	  this allows you to set the current
message number.  Most commands do an implicit JU	 MP to the last message
they operated on, so this command is normally not needed.
The FLAG command takes one argument, a message sequence. It marks the
message	  s in that sequence with the FLAG bit. So with other commands that
take message seque	 )nces as arguments, the FLAGGED sequence will access
those messages.
The	 1 FLAG command flags the message currently being read.
The UNFLAG command	 : takes a single argument, a message sequence and unflags
all the messages in that se	 Bquence.  Use the FLAG command to make messages
of importance "stand out" in your mes	 Ksage file.  You can then access them
via the FLAGGED message sequence.
The	 S UNFLAG command unflags the message currently being read.
The UNMARK command	 \ takes a single argument, a message sequnce and then
unmarks all the messages in tha	 @dt sequence, i.e. makes them appear unseen.
The UNMARK command removes the ma	 mrked status from the message currently
being read, i.e. makes it appear unseen.
The UNANSWER command takes a single argument, a message sequnce and then
remo	 ~ves the answered status from all the messages in that sequence.

The UNAN	 SWER command removes the answered status from the message
currently being read.
The UNDELETE command takes a single argument, a message sequence and then
und	 @eletes all the messages in that sequence.

The UNDELETE command undeletes th	  e message currently being read.
The BLANK command blanks the terminal scree	 (n if it is a display.
The EXIT command is used to erase any deleted message	 1s in the current
message file and end a session with MM.
The LOGOUT command	 9 will stop MM, expunge your message file, and log you
out from the system.
B	 B
The EXPUNGE command is used to erase deleted messages from the current
message fil	 @Je and write out a new copy of the file.
The ANSWER command takes 1 argume	 Snt, a message sequence you would like to
answer. So, to reply to message 3 you would	 [ say ANSWER 3 where 3 is the
message number. Or you could answer any other message s	 dequence. After
typing ANSWER 3 and then carriage return it asks you "Reply message #	 l3 to:"
and awaits one of "ALL" or "SENDER". If you respond with ALL, then your
answ	 uer will go to everyone in the header of the message: the person who
sent it to you a	 }nd everyone else.  If you respond with SENDER, then your
answer will only go to the 	 sender of the message.  The REPLY command is a
synonym for this command.
The COUNT command takes a message sequence, and prints out the number
of messages 	 in that sequence.

The APPEND command takes a message sequence, and appends t	 @hose messages
together into one message.
The READ command takes one argume	 (nt, a message sequence and starts reading
the messages in that sequence in special r	 0ead-mode.
The SEND command sends the message.  Also, if you simply type c	 9arriage
return in send mode, it will attempt to send out the message.
The	 A SEND command starts sending a message.  It prompts for the
addresses, subjects and 	 Jtext of the message.  After typing the
text, type either CTRL/Z or ESCAPE; this will	 R either put you in
send-mode or send the message immediately, depending upon the
se	 [tting of the ESCAPE-AUTOMATIC-SEND profile option.  In send-mode,
either confirm wit	 ch a carriage return or the SEND command to actually
send the message.  To modify or 	 ledit the message before sending it,
use the EDIT command in send-mode.
The	 t CONTINUE command resumes a SEND which was interrupted or QUITed
out of.
}	 }
The QUIT command gets out of this mode and returns back to the top level
The EDIT command edits the message currently being read.

The	  EDIT command takes one of the following arguments:

	HEADERS	-- edit the headers o	 f the message
	TEXT	-- edit the text of the message

(If you simply type EDIT foll	 owed by a carriage return it defaults to
The DELIVERY-OPTIONS co	 'mmand takes one argument, a delivery option name.
This decides whether to mail the m	 0essage and/or send it to the recipient's
The AFTER command takes	 8 one argument, a date/time parameter in standard
TOPS-20 format, and requests the sy	 Astem mailer to suppress delivery of
this message until after the specified time.
The ERASE command takes one of the following arguments:

	ALL	   -- erase th	 Re entire message
	BCC	   -- erase the blind carbon-copies address list
	CC	   -- er	 Zase the carbon-copies address list
	REPLY-DATE -- erase the reply date
	SUBJECT	   	 c-- erase the subject
	TEXT	   -- erase the text
	TO	   -- erase the to address list	"k
The DISPLAY command takes one of the following arguments:

	ALL 	-- sho	 tws the entire message
	BCC 	-- shows only the blind-carbon copy addresses
	CC  	-- 	 |shows only the carbon copy addresses
	FROM	-- shows only the from address
	HEADER	-	 - shows only the message header
	REPLY-TO -- shows only the reply-to addresses
	SUB	h the subject
	TEXT	-- shows only the text
	TO	-- shows only the t	 o recipients

(If you simply type DISPLAY followed by a carriage return it displays	  the
entire message.)
The REPLY command replies to the message currently be	 'ing read.  You have
the option of replying to all recipients of the current message 	 /or just
the sender, and to include or not include the text of the current message
i	 8n the reply.
The USER-HEADER command takes two arguments; a header keyword a	 @s
defined in the USER-HEADERS line in the MM.INIT file, and a header
text line, and	 I inserts the line with that name in the message
The SAVE-DRAFT tak	 Qes one argument, a file name, and saves the message
currently being composed into th	 Zat file to be retrieved later using the
The REST	 bORE-DRAFT command takes a single argument, a file name created
by the SAVE-DRAFT com	  kmand, and restores the state of the send from that
The COPY comm	 sand takes one argument, a file name, and copies the message
currently being read int	 |o that file.
The COPY command takes two arguments.  The first is a file name	  and the
second is a message sequence.  It copies the specified message sequence
in	ge leaving it intact in the current file.

The MOVE command t	 akes one argument, a file name.  It moves the message
currently being read into that	  file and deletes the message.
The MOVE command takes two arguments.  The 	 &first is a file name and the
second is a message sequence.  It moves the specified m	 /essage sequence into
thegivenfile7and deletes the sequence from the current file.
The LIST command prints the message currently being read on the listing
	 @device (usually the lineprinter).
The LIST command takes two arguments: 	 Han optional switch (/HEADERS-ONLY
or /SEPARATE-PAGES), and then a message sequence. 	 Q It lists the sequence
on the listing device (usually the lineprinter).  Use FILE-LI	 YST to list
messages to an arbitrary file.  The switch, if specified, must occur
bef	  bore the message sequence.
The FILE-LIST command is similar to LIST, except	 j that it takes an
argument which specifies the file to which you would like to LIST 	 sthe
message currently being read.
The FILE-LIST command is similar to LI	 {ST, except that it first takes an
argument which specifies the file to which you wou	 	ld like to LIST.
After the file argument, it takes an optional switch (/HEADERS-ONLY	 	
/SEPARATE-PAGES), and a message sequence.  The switch, if specified,
must occur	 	 before the message sequence.
The FORWARD command takes one argument, the	 	 list of addresses to
forward to.  It forwards the message currently being read to t	 	&hat
list.  If the argument is not specified, it is prompted for with
To: when you t	  	.ry to send the message.
The FORWARD command takes one argument, a messag	 	7e sequence.  It forwards the
messages in the sequence to an address which you specif	 	?y after typing
carriage return.
The REMAIL command is similar to FORWARD, e	 	Hxcept instead of inserting
the message after typein, the message is sent as is with 	 	Pthe header
modified to indicate who did the remailing.
The SYSTEM-MSGS co	 	Ymmand will read in the system messages file
The	 	a BBOARD command takes a single argument, which is the name of
the Bulletin Board fil	 	je to read in.  An index is maintained for
BBoard files in order to speed up the file	 	r-parsing process.  The
index file also records the time of the last read for each us	 	{er
on the system, so that users may view only unread mail.

The last read date is 	 
updated when the file is read in, whether
or not you decide to read the unseen messa	 @

The DAYTIME command displays the current date and time.

 ALIAS command takes a single argument, a user name.  It then
causes MM to behave as	 
 if you were that user; all mail sent will be
"from" that user (your login name will	 
% be the "sender"), MM will be
read the aliased user's mail file, and MM will use the	  
. aliased user's

You are currently at READ level, invoked by givi	 
6ng the READ command.  READ
allows you to process your new messages (or for that matt	 
?er old ones) in a
sequential obvious manner. Type a ? for a list of the commands you	 
G can use
at this level. They represent a subset of the top level commands, and
Pss otherwise specified each command operates only on the message you
are currently r	 
Xeading. For more information type HELP followed by ? for a
list of the things you ca	 
an get help on here.

You are currently at SEND level, invoked by giving th	 
ie SEND command.  SEND
allows you to compose a message to send to someone and edit th	 
re particular
fields of interest (subject, to-list, cc-list, bcc-list, text, etc.). Y	 
may use your editor to edit the text by giving the text command. Note that
while	  typing text in you may type ^K to have what you have typed thus far
re-displayed, ^	 E to invoke your editor, and ^B to insert a file. To exit,
use ^Z or <ESC>. For more	  help, you can type HELP ? to get a list of the
commands help is available for at th	 is level.

A message sequence is a series of messages that have some trait	 % in
common.  Various specifiers, listed below, identify a message sequence;
the int	 -ersection of the specifiers given determine the messages to be
processed.  Some spec	 6ifiers are compound and have the form of a numeric
list or keyword followed by argum	 >ent (e.g., "1:9,11,27", "FROM FOO", or
"SINCE date/time").  These must be terminated	 G by a <CR>.

If there is only one such compound specifier in the sequence, the
seq	 Ouence may appear all on one line with the compound element at the end

If more than one compound element is given, the sequence 	 `must start with
",<CR>" after which specifier sequences as defined above may appear 	 ion
successive lines.  A bare <CR> terminates this.

The message sequences availabl	 qe are:

AFTER		Equivalent to SINCE
ALL		Every message in your file, whether delete	 zd or not.
ANSWERED	Messages you have REPLY'd to or ANSWER'd
BEFORE		Messages before	 
 a given date
CURRENT		MM keeps a pointer to the current message it is
		set at.  T	 
his sequence (which consists of only 1
		message obviously) is that message.
D		Messages you have marked for deletion with the
		DELETE command or the MOVE comma	 
FLAGGED		Messages you have marked with the FLAG command
FROM		Followed with a wo	 
$rd or phrase denoting the
		the senders of the message; e.g. HEADERS FROM SMITH
-ould show all the headers of the messages you've
		received from SMITH.
5is is the exact opposite of ALL. Instead of
		of taking the sequence as lowest messa	 
>ge number to
		highest, it takes it from highest to lowest
KEYWORDS	Messages includ	 
Fed in the specified keyword
LAST		Followed with a number specifying the last n messa	 
		in the file
NEW		Messages that are new as of this MM session
ON		Messages on	 
W a given date
		The last sequence used in an MM command
`Messages that were new as of this MM session but which
		have already been seen
hN		Messages that you have read
SINCE		Messages after a given date (entered as	DATE-M	 
		or mm/dd/yy)
SUBJECT		Followed with a word or phrase denoting the subje	 
		of the message; e.g. HEADERS SUBJECT MEETING would show
		youhallethegheaderst	e
		(assuming they say MEETING in the header)
ollowed with a word, phrase or sentence denoting
		the text ofZtheEmessage; e.g. HEA	 
		would show you all the headers of the messages with
		theRwordn	r
TO		Followed with the name of a recipient, shows messages
		w	 ields contain that recipient.
UNANSWERED	Messages you have not REPLY'	 
UNDELETED	Messages that haven't been deleted via the DELETE or
		M	m
UNFLAGGED	Messages that haven't been flagged by the FLAG command
UNKEY	st included in the specified keyword
UNSEEN		Messages youThaven'tmse	 

Also, messageenumbers are allowed to be specified 	 
	1,2,3,5,8   -	 Messages 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8
	1:3,5:8hrou-	 Messa	r
	5	    -	 Message number 5
	6#3	nd 8-	 Messages 6, 	 

The ECHO command takes a text line as an argument and echos it 	 
terminal.  This is useful in "TAKE" files.

ThesENABLEccommandtenab	oany) and attempts
tormakewanye"read-only" file be	 

The DISABLE command disables your capabilities (if you had any)	 @ and makes
the current file read-only.

The QUIT command quits out of MM 	 
without erasing any deleted messages.

The BUG command can be used to report 	 problems or suggestions you
have for MM to the maintainers of MM.  BUG puts you into	  SEND
mode with a predefined list of addresses to send the bug to.  You
send it the	 # normal way you would send a message.  The response
may take a short while, e.g. sev	 ,eral days.
The VERSION command shows the version number of the current MM,	 4 including
its configuration.
The FROM command allows you to specify the 	 ="From:" field for the
currentmessage; entering a null field defaults to the normal
"From:" field generated by MM.
The FROM command allows you to specify the 	 N"From: " field for all
subsequent messages; entering a null field defaults to the no	 Vrmal
"From:" field generated by MM.
The REPLY-TO command allows you to spe	 _cify the "Reply-To: " field
for the current message.    Entering a null field defaul	 gts to
the user login name if a "From:" field has been set up via the
FROM command; 	  potherwise it removes the "Reply-To:" specification
The REPLY-TO 	 xcommand allows you to specify the "Reply-To:" field
for all subsequent messages.  En	 tering a null field defaults to
the user login name if a "From:" field has been set 	 	up via the
FROM command; otherwise it removes the "Reply-To:" specification
entirel	"y.

The SORT command takes one argument, a message sequence, and sorts it
ch	 ronologically by the dates the messages were generated.
The CHECK command 	 #is used to check for new messages that may have arrived
while you are using MM.
The STEP command steps to the next BBoard that has mail unread by
the user.  	 4Use the FIND command to start the search with the
first BBoard in the list.  Use the	 < SET BBOARD-FILES to create a
list, which may be saved with the CREATE-INIT command.	"E
The FIND command reads BBoard files from the list that the user
has set 	 Mup with the SET BBOARD-FILES command, until it finds a
file that has mail that the u	 Vser has not yet seen.  It then
leavestheuser at top-level with this file read in.

The record of last read date is updated to the current time-date,
whether or not 	 gyou actually read the messages.

FIND FIRST scans from the beginning of the BBOARD-	 oFILES list, while
FIND NEXT continues to the next file with new mail.  Note that
a 	 xFIND FIRST command must be given before FIND NEXT; and that
FIND<return> will act li	 ke FIND FIRST when first typed, and as
FIND NEXT (or STEP) thereafter.

The	 	 IGNORE command may be used to indicate that the user is not interested
in the curre	 nt BBoard.  The read date is updated as though all of the 
messages had been read, a	  nd a STEP command is done.

The BBDATE command changes the stored date of th	 "e last-read BBoard message
for the current BBoard file.  The single argument is the 	 +starting date
for assuming a message hasn't been seen.
The GET command ta	 3kes one argument, a file name.  It will read in that
message file, parse the message	 <s and act as if that were the default
message file.  All commands now apply to that 	 @Dfile.
The EXAMINE command takes one argument, a file name.  It is like the	 M
GET command, except that the file is read-only, and the file reference
date is not	 U updated.  Any command which alters the file is a no-op.
The NET-MAIL comma	 ^nd will attempt to send any messages that may be queued
in your directory.
f	 f
The PUSH command will give you a new EXEC. This means that you'll get a
fresh copy	 o of the TOPS-20 command interpreter which prompts you with @. At
this point you can 	  wthen do anything, and you may get back to MM by typing
The TEXT comm	  and allows you to continue typing the text of the message.

The INSERT co	 mmand takes one argument, a file name. It inserts that file
after the current text o	 f the message.

The SUBJECT command takes a line of text as an argument to	  make the
subject of the message you are sending.

The BCC command takes a	 "n argument consisting of addresses separated by
commas. These addresses will receive	 * blind carbon copies of your outgoing
message which means that those recipients who 	 3are addressed in the normal
manner, i.e. TO: and CC: will not see that the BCC: addr	 @;esses have
received the message as well.
The CC command takes an arugment 	 Dconsisting of addresses separated by
commas. These addresses will receive carbon cop	 Lies of your outgoing
The TO command takes a list of addresses se	 Uparated by commas as an
argument.  It adds these address as to recipients for the me	 @]ssage.
The REMOVE command takes a list of addresses separated by commas as 	 fan
argument. It removes those from the recipient lists of the message.
The	 n SPELL command invokes the SPELL program on the whole message.
See the SPELL program	 w's documentation for how to use it.
The SPELL command invokes the SPELL pr	 ogram in the TEXT field of the message.
See the SPELL program's documentation for ho	 w to use it.

The EDIT command takes one argument, a message sequence.  It pr	 oceeds to
edit each message in that message sequence using the editor specified by
	 the EDITOR: logical name.  For example, to use EMACS as your editor in
MM (and other	 ! programs), do:
(or wherever EMACS lives on your system) 	 *at EXEC command level or in
your LOGIN.CMD file.
The DIRED command takes	 2 a list of message sequences, and starts the
DIRED subsystem of the MMAIL package to	 ; maintain your message file
ala disk DIRED (the message headers are your mail file's	 C "directory").

To use DIRED, your editor must be EMACS and you must load the MMAIL	 L
library.  The default EMACS.INIT will do this for you.
The PROFILE comman	 Td will help you setup an environment for using MM
corresponding to your desires in m	 ]essage handling. It asks you a series of
questions and then makes MM remember them (	 evia the MM.INIT file).

It does not go through all of the MM.INIT options possible.	 n  To set the
fancier options, you can use the SET command along with CREATE-INIT, or	 v
use an editor on the MM.INIT file.  HELP SET <option-name> will document
that part	 @icular option, e.g. HELP SET USER-NAME.

The CREATE-INIT command will make	  a file, MM.INIT, in your
directory which MM subsequently reads when you run MM agai	 n.  In
it, you can set various switches to make your MM environment more
comfortabl	 e and easy to use for your own personal tastes.  You
can either edit MM.INIT with an	 ! editor or use the SET command to
change the settings of the MM.INIT parameters.  Th	 )e PROFILE
command will step you through some of the basic set variables,
and the SH	 2OW command will list all the current settings. The
"HELP SET var-name" command gives	 : more information about each
variable, as well as displaying the current settings.
TheDEFINEcommand allows you to define abbreviations, or "aliases", for
recipients or lists of recipients, to make it easier to type long or
hard-to-rememb	 Ter addresses.  The syntax is

	DEFINE (ALIAS) alias-keyword (AS) recipient-list

	 \where alias-keyword is a name consisting only of alphanumeric characters
or "-", and	 e recipient-list is a comma-separated list of addresses.  For

	MM>defINE	 m (ALIAS) mm-hackers (AS) chris, mrc@simtel20, mkl@nic

defines mm-hackers as an abb	 vreviation for "chris, mrc@simtel20, mkl@nic".
Since alias definitions are only valid	 ~ for the current invocation of MM,
you should put any "DEFINE" commands you wish to 	 use all the time in your
MM.CMD file (or use the CREATE-INIT command to save them in	  your MM.INIT).

The SHOW command displays the current MM environment varia	 ble
settings, as established by a SET command or in an MM.INIT file.
The PROFILE co	  mmand steps you through setting some basic
variables, and the "HELP SET var-name" co	 )mmand will describe
individual variables, as well as showing the current values. The	 1
WRITE-INIT command can be used to write-out the current set of
values to the MM.IN	 :IT file on your user directory.
The TAKE command takes one argument, a file	 B name.  It sets MM's
command input to be from that file.  MM closes the file and
re	 Kstores input from the terminal when any of the following
happen: end of file, comman	 Sd error, an ALIAS command (which has
to be able to do a TAKE of the aliased user's M	 \M.CMD), or a TAKE
command with no argument (this suppresses the "[End of ...]"
mess	 dage).  MM automatically TAKEs the file MM.CMD on your login
directory at startup.
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The SET command is used to change	  variables initialized from the MM.INIT
file on your user directory.  The changed va	 riables can be written to
your MM.INIT file with the CREATE-INIT command.  The PROFI	 LE command is
used	tocreate a basic environment and guides you through some of the
set options.  The HELP SET command takes a third argument which is a
variable name,	 ( resulting in individual help messages being printed for
each set variable, as well 	 1as displaying the current value.  The SHOW
command lists the current settings for al	 9l variables.

The SET PRINTER-DEFAULT command is used to set the default printer u	 Bnit
to use for the LIST commands you issue.  The units are the same as those
that w	 Jould be used on the UNIT: switch on the EXEC PRINT command.
Currently available unit	 Ss at the NIC are GRUMPY, SMOKEY, SPEEDY, and
PIPPIN, as well as DDNPMO for users at 	 [the DDN Progrom Management Office.

SET ALIAS <alias-name> <recipient-list> is 	 dused to define an abbreviations,
or "aliases" for lists of one or more recipients wh	 lose mail addresses are
hard to remember or type.  For instance, the command

	SET 	 uALIAS mm-hackers mrc@simtel20, mkl@sri-nic, chris@columia

causes "mm-hackers", whe	 }n specified as a recipient in the SEND command,
to be replaced by "mrc@simtel20, ...	 ".

N.B. Aliases are expanded only when you type them as arguments to the
SEND or 	 related commands.  In particular, they are not expanded when
they appear in your MM.	 INIT, in system-wide mailing lists, etc.

SET BBOARD-FILES takes a list of bulle	 tin board file names as an argument.
Fields not specifed in the file names default t	 (o POBOX:<BBOARD>MAIL.TXT,
so the command
would setup 	 0a list with POBOX:<FORUM>MAIL.TXT and POBOX:<BBOARD>AP.TXT as
the BBoard files of in	 9terest.  This list is used by the FIND and
STEP commands.  When a list is entered, a	 Any previously entered list is lost.

The list may also be read from a BB.INIT file 	 Jwhen BB starts.  Use the
CREATE-INIT command after the SET BBOARD-FILES command.
SET DEFAULT-BBOARD takes a string of up to 47 characters, which is
used as the def	 [ault argument to the BBOARD command.  If no string
is specified, this defaults to PO	 cBOX:<BBOARD>MAIL.TXT

SET BBOARD-BEHAVIOR-ON-RESCAN takes a single numeric argum	 lent.
If zero, the FIND and BBOARD commands will return to EXEC command
level if no 	 tnew mail is read.  If non-zero, the FIND command will
step to the user's MAIL.TXT ra	 }ther than returning to EXEC, and
the BBOARD command will stay in the specified file 	 whether or not
new messages are found.  This applies ONLY to BBOARD and FIND
comman	 ds entered on the command line.

SET VERBOSE-BBOARD-MESSAGES takes a single numer	 ic argument.  If
non-zero, MM announces exciting events such as new index-file
crea	 tion.  Zero, the default, suppresses these messages.

SET TERSE-TEXT-PROMPT takes 	 'a single numeric argument.  If zero,
the default, MM prompts for message text input 	 0with a list of the
various control characters to exit text input and what they do.
	 8If non-zero, MM simply prompts with "Msg:".

SET BLANK-SCREEN-STARTUP takes a 	 Anumeric argument.  If non-zero,
the default, the screen is cleared at startup and be	 Ifore each
message typed out when in READ mode.

SET CONTROL-E-EDITOR takes a nume	 Rric argument.  If negative, never
enter the editor on ^E; if zero, ask if should ent	 Zer the editor; if
positive, the default, always enter the editor.

SET CONTROL-N	 c-ABORT takes a numeric argument.  If negative, never
abort on ^N; if zero, the defau	 klt, ask if should abort; if
positive, always abort.

SET DEFAULT-BCC-LIST takes a	 t list of addresses as an argument,
and specifies a default list to always bcc your o	 |utgoing messages

SET DEFAULT-CC-LIST takes a list of addresses as an argume	 nt, and
specifies a default list to always cc your outgoing messages to.

SET	PS takes a keyword list as an argument, and
specifies a list of head	 er keywords which should be suppressed by
TYPE and related commands.

SET ESCA	 PE-AUTOMATIC-SEND takes a numeric argument.  If zero, the
default, then both escape 	 'and ^Z in message text input mode will
return to send level unless MM was invoked fr	 /om the EXEC via a
command such as "MM SEND", "MAIL", or "SNDMSG", in which case
esc	 8ape enters send level and ^Z sends the message.  If positive,
then escape sends the 	 @message and ^Z returns to send level.  If
negative, then ^Z sends the message and es	 Icape returns to send

argument.  If non-zero, flagged messages are not automatically
shown when an	 Z automatic headers list of recent messages is done
(e.g. when reading in a mail file	 b or if new messages come in).
The default is zero.

SET GET-CONNECTED-DIRECTORY 	 ktakes a numeric argument.  If zero,
the default, ask where to read in the mail file 	 sfrom if connected
to a different directory from your login or postbox directory.
If	 | positive then read from the connected directory always; if
negative, then read from	  the postbox directory always.

SET HEADER-OPTIONS takes a text line as an argum	 
a header to be inserted by default in a message.

SET KEYWORDS 	 takes a keyword list as an argument, and specifies a
list of keywords by which you w	 ish to tag your messages using the
KEYWORD command.

SET LIST-CONFIRM-SUPPRESS ta	 &ke a single numeric argument.  If
zero, the default, LIST commands require a confirm	 /ation before
outputting to the list device (typically the lineprinter).  If
non-zer	 7o no confirmation is required.

SET LIST-DEVICE has been removed.  Use SET PRINT	 @ER-DEFAULT instead.

SET LIST-INCLUDE-HEADERS takes a numeric argument.  If non	 H-zero,
the default, output a list of headers at the beginning of a
listing made by 	 Qthe LIST command.

SET LIST-ON-SEPARATE-PAGES takes a numeric argument.  If
non-z	 Yero, each message is listed on a separate page.  The default
is zero.

SET MAIL	 b-COPY-FILE takes a file name argument, and specifies a
new file into which the text 	 jof an outgoing message is copied
into.  This differs from a SAVED-MESSAGES-FILE in t	 shat a mail
copy file is a temporary file, consists solely of the text of the
messag	 {e (e.g. does not include the message header), and an
individual copy is made for eac	 h message.  This is useful for
backup purposes or for sending the same message to mu	 
recipients under separate cover.  The default is MAIL.CPY on your
login dire	 ctory; a null name disables this feature.

SET MESSAGE-SEQUENCE-PROMPT takes a st	 ring argument and specifies
the prompt meaning you're in msg-sequence mode.  The def	 &ault is

SET NEW-FILE-PROTECTION takes an octal protection code as an
argume	 .nt and specifies the default protection to be given to text
files created by MOVE, C	 7OPY, etc.  The default is the system
default protection.

SET ONLY-TYPE-HEADERS t	 ?akes a keyword list as an argument, and
specifies a list of headers that are the onl	 Hy ones to be typed
out by TYPE and related commands.

SET PERSONAL-NAME takes	 P a string argument and specifies a
personal name to be included in the From: item in	 Y outgoing
network mail messages.  The default is either the name from
FINGER (if FI	 aNGER supports the MM name lookup protocol) or blank.

SET PROMPT-FOR-BCC takes a n	 jumeric argument.  If non-zero, then
bcc recipients will be prompted for in the SEND 	 rcommand.

SET READ-PROMPT takes a string argument and specifies the prompt
me	 {aning you're in read mode.  The default is R>.

SET REPLY-CC-OTHERS takes a numer	 ic argument.  If non-zero, the
default, REPLY to ALL cc's everyone other than from. 	 
 If zero,
then people in the to-list are to'd, not cc'd.  Most people find
it confu	 sing to receive a reply when the to-list has other than
the from address being repli	 ed to.

SET REPLY-INCLUDE-ME takes a numeric argument.  If positive, then
includ	 %e yourself in replies, if negative then if message was
moved or copied to a file the	 .n the reply will go to that file as
well.  If zero, the default, you aren't included	 6 in replies.

SET REPLY-INITIAL-DISPLAY takes a numeric argument.  If non-zero
th	 ?en display text of reply initially.  The default is zero.

argument.  If non-zero then insert the current mes	 Psage into a
reply by default.  The default is zero.

SET REPLY-SENDER-ONLY-DEFAUL	 XT takes a numeric argument.  If
non-zero, the default, then default to replying only	 a to the
sender of the message.

SET SAVED-MESSAGES-FILE takes a file name argume	 int, and specifies
a file to receive copies of your outgoing messages.  The file is
	 rwritten in mail file format; you can use MM's GET command to read
a SAVED-MESSAGES-F	 zILE.  If the file does not already exist MM
will ask if you want to create it.
SET SEND-PROMPT takes a string argument and specifies the prompt
meaning you're in	  send mode.  The default is S>.

SET SEND-RETURN-SENDS takes a numeric argument. 	  If zero there is
nodefaultcommand at SEND level so an explicit SEND command must
be done to send the message.  If non-zero, the default, the
default command at SEND	 % level is SEND, so that just return will
send the message.

SET SEND-VERBOSE-F	 -LAG takes a numeric argument.  If negative,
then superterse, i.e. say nothing about 	 6sending mail.  If 0 then
tell of local delivery; if positive, the default, then
sup	 >erverbose, i.e. tell of the disposition of all messages.

SET SHORT-MESSAGE-LENGT	 GH takes a decimal numeric argument and specifies
the default message length in chara	 Octers separating "short" and "long"
messages.  The default is 1500 characters.
SET TOP-LEVEL-PROMPT takes a string argument and specifies the
prompt meaning you'	 `re at top level.  The default is MM>.

SET USE-EDITOR-AUTOMATICALLY takes a numeri	 ic argument.  If
non-zero, then go straight into the editor on any message text
inpu	 qt.  If zero, the default, go into normal text input allowing

SET USER-HEADERS takes a keyword list as an argument, and
specifies a list of	  special headers you may want to generate.
The send-mode USER-HEADER command will ad	 d it to the current

SET USER-NAME takes a user name string and defau	 lts to your
logged-in user name.  This variable is MM's internal idea of your
"logi	 n user name".  You are not allowed to set this variable to
other than your "real" us	 $er name (your logged-in name or as
established by ALIAS).  It is alright to use SET 	 -USER-NAME to
specify how your user name should be cased in outgoing mail
(e.g. user	 5 SMITH may want to do "SET USER-NAME Smith").
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