
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - mm-new/sndsrv.rel
There is 1 other file named sndsrv.rel in the archive. Click here to see a list.
 0Rpe`Hp[)6ggSNDSRV/SAVE	 @A*tj $j HH
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)4k ,~SNDSRV confused!  Unknown error codeWHEEL or OPERATOR ca	 
pabilities requiredUnknown function codeUser has detached jobs only, use MAIL	 User is not logged in, use MAILUnable to identify requesting jobMessage too lon	 g to sendUser refusing messagesFunction not yet implementedUnable to send messa	 %ge, server timed outNo such userUnable to send messageNo such terminal	 .Message sent, but could not append to sends fileNobody logged inReceiving termi	 6nal is not in useMust be logged in to do thatCan't send to a batch jobFailu	 @?re in local sendFailure in net send|Insufficient privileges to run SNDS	& GRV:xY@9SNDSRV
}Another copy of SNDSRV is activexJError returned 	 Pby INFOMSEND% failureH at PC Last JSYS error: , Requestor: Unknown	 X
,>,>,>,pa:~,^,^,^,~ SNDSRV: Fatal JSYS error	 
aPanic channel interrupt~@TH  (to *)The SNDSRV Daemon
Statisti	 ical Summary:
Startup time was To users:  To lines:  All Other: Sent:	 r      Aborted:   Refused:   Timed out: No job:    Appends:   	 
z, Detached, , TTY, from ?\"}+<, from #TFPNot logged in Unknown userSENDS.TXT.0;P770606;TH O:s,~@: @	Ryp@96w,R*G'T"Z3R.2m:2O ,d2OE}x	2OL)[pKz#,HY;AHYs
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