
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - pascal-demo/user.hdr
There are no other files named user.hdr in the archive.
{This is a file designed to declare the external procedures and
 types needed to write an IPCF user.  You should use it with
 INCLUDE '<HEDRICK>USER.HDR', immediately after your PROGRAM

{Your program should include a type declaration for MESSAGE.
 It declares the form of the message to be passed to the server.
 It can be anything you like, so long as the size is not bigger
 than 512 words.  Here is an example:
 This should go in the TYPE section of your program}


function user(name:alfa):messpt; extern;
  {User should be used to initialize your program to send
   requests to a server program.  NAME is the name of the server you
   want to deal with, e.g.
     M := USER('MYSERVE   ').
   You and your server have to agree on the name, since the name is 
   the only handle you have on the server. Also, if several projects 
   are going on, make sure they use different names, since there may
   only be one server with a given name at a time on the whole system.
      USER returns a pointer to a MESSAGE (whatever that may be).
   All data sent or received will go where this pointer points.}

procedure sendrequest; extern;
  {Sendrequest should be used when you are ready to send a request
   to the server.  It get your message from the place pointed
   to by the pointer returned by USER.} 

procedure getreply; extern.
  {Getreply should be used when you are ready to get the reply from the
   server.  The message is put at the place pointed to by the pointer
   returned by USER.}