PDP-10 Archives
There is 1 other file named phase2.tec in the archive. Click here to see a list.
WPH 0x8 g8 0l
0a-76"E2d 168u1oTMH' !*Last quarter*!
0a-78"E2d -336u1oTMH' !*New moon*!
d 0a-81"Ed -168u1oTMH' !*First Quarter*!
d 0u1 !*Full moon*!
!TMH! 1u7 0a-45"E-1u7' d \u2 0aMG-68"E q7*q2*24+q1u1 2c \u2'
0aMG-72"E q2*q7+q1u1 2c \u2'
0aMG-77"E q2-29"G q7+q1u1''
0kk q1+336"Lq1+672u1' js. 0l
16<s -c .u5 e .-q5-2u5 q1*q5/336u7
q7"G -c q7<-c32f>'
q7"L -1-q5c -q7<32fc>'
L>' zj .u7 g8 q7j 0u5
0a-76"E2diMoon's Last QuarteroTM'
0a-78"E2diNew MoonoTM'
d 0a-81"EdiMoon's First QuarteroTM'
d iFull Moon
!TM! 0a-61"E.,zk' .-z"Ei is NOW! oEND' 0a-45"E i will occur in 1u5 oTX'
i was !TX! d .u2 1:SD."Nq2j\u4q2,.+2kq4\i Dayq4-1"Nis'.-z"Ni, ''
.u2 1:SH."Nq2j\u4q2,.+2kq4\i Hourq4-1"Nis'.-z"Ni, ''
.u2 1:SM."Nq2j\u4q2,.+2kq4\i Minuteq4-1"Nis'.-z"Ni, ''
.u2 1:SS."Nq2j\u4q2,.+2kq4\i Secondq4-1"Nis'' q5"Ei ago'i.
-1:s,"N."G di and'' !END! j iThe date is wdayi.
-s i; the time is <0a-32"N0; 'd> i
j wup 900^t; >^t:u1-26"E^CoSR'q1-12"EoST'wvisihkgzqyj
!* Isnt this what an editor is for?
The creation of two utter chaotics (who have no shame)
Namely, Spider Boardman and Scott Mayo *!