
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - stanford/ftp/notes.txt
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Things to do:

Fix RSCAN% handling to check the first field of the command line to
make sure it is FTP and not something like START or CONTINUE etc.

Test the following if I ever find a TCP server that handles them:
    Block mode
    Compressed mode
    Logical byte sizes that don't go evenly into 32 or 36
    EBCDIC transfers

Improve account string handling:
    Need to give to server even if it doesn't ask for it
    Prompt for it without username if server asks for it later
    MRC suggests *not* parsing it in the LOGIN command

Fix OPEN command so can type socket without first typing protocol

Find a better justification for not doing third-party transfers

Think about Chaos, DECnet
Advantages over other TCP FTP programs:

- COMND% JSYS interface including abortable subcommands and every
  command synonym you're likely to use.

- Extensive internal self-documentation with HELP command.
  Printed (Scribe format) version of this also exists.

- Highly customizable including default login usernames for hosts.

- Intelligent wildcard filling for destination filespecs.

- INSTALL and UPDATE commands for conditional file transfers.  Due to
  deficiencies in the TCP protocol this can only work to other TOPS-20s.
  (Similarly with UPDATE for Pup, but INSTALL works with everything).
  Same code is used to provide nicely formatted directory listings
  using the STAT command (and thus not needing a data connection).

- Error conditions often handled without aborting command, e.g.
  if login necessary will run login command and then retry command
  that needed login instead of throwing to top level.
  Similarly all commands are available when no connection has been
  opened - if a command needs a connection it will prompt to open one.

- Multi-protocol (currently only Stanford Pup and TCP, but would
  probably be possible to extend to Chaos, DECnet, or your favorite
  local network protocol, given enough programmer time)
  so users only need to know about one FTP program.

- Full TELNET protocol on the TELNET connection.  This is part of the
  official TCP FTP protocol of course, but some programs don't handle
  IACs and therefore take a long time to close down connections.

- Multiple logical byte sizes and modes available.  All modes, and all
  byte sizes from 1 to 36.  Even EBCDIC.  And you can set the remote
  type independantly of the local type if you can think of a reason why.

- Efficient PMAP output to disk files even for non-paged transfers.
  Transfers to non-disk files are still possible (except paged type).

- Modular well-commented coding style (in assembler, sigh).

- Single synchronous fork rather than unpredictable PSI or multi-forking
  (but timeouts in critical points for extra robustness).

- Use of TCP: device rather than crufty BBN JSYSes
Naming conventions:

    FTPxxx.MAC are protocol-independant modules
    PUPxxx.MAC are Pup FTP user and server modules
    TCPxxx.MAC  "  TCP  "   " ....

    The Internet FTP server should probably still be called FTPSRT.EXE
    because other programs expect that.  The sources should nevertheless
    abide by the above conventions.

    H.xxxx are help for commands and SET commands
    C.xxxx are top-level commands
    S.xxxx are SET commands
    x%xxxx are various flags (K%... keep, F%... main, D%... dir format) are operating systems are end-of-line conventions are transfer types

    In PUPFTP module:
    PUPxxx are main labels (entries in vector)
    Px.yyy are labels within main routines (e.g. for PUPGET)
PUPFTP MEIS data mode synchronization

(1) The data mode has to be switched at a time when the other side is
    waiting for you to send data.  If it is sending data itself, then
    some of that data may come in in different modes than others.

(2) You should always send 36-bit mode data if the other side is
    expecting to read it in that mode and cares about the text.  If
    non-36-bit data is read in 36-bit mode, the last byte or so may be
    lost if it does not come up to a word boundary.

For Store and New-Store commands:
    Server changes data mode before sending [Plist] or [Yes]
    User changes data mode before sending [Here-is-file]
    User changes back (usually) before sending [No] or [Yes]
    Server changes back after reading [No] or [Yes]

For Retrieve command:
    Server changes before sending [Plist]
    User changes before sending [Yes]
    Server changes before sending [EOC]
    User changes after reading [EOC]
(user can't change back any other time since it doesn't have control, and
 so server must stick with 36-bit mode to not drop final bytes of text)
PUPFTP old edit history:

;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.462,  9-Oct-83 00:56:30, Edit by LOUGHEED
; TIMEIN forces output buffer to speed up data mode switching
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.461,  1-Oct-83 15:43:09, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix DIRECTORY when filename contains no dir terminators
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.460, 26-Sep-83 14:30:25, Edit by KRONJ
; Confirmation for UPDATE and INSTALL
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.459, 12-Sep-83 09:52:18, Edit by KRONJ
; CONFRM reparses on error rather than starting at the top
; Fix "MEIS modes not in effect" message in DISPLAY for Kirk
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.458,  6-Sep-83 10:56:39, Edit by KRONJ
; Don't abort command file for unknown host in SET USER
; C is an abbreviation for CONNECT (and CD and CHDIR)
; CREATE-INIT command
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.457,  5-Sep-83 12:05:46, Edit by KRONJ
; Make aborts robust in the face of nesting
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.456, 26-Aug-83 15:25:53, Edit by KRONJ
; Clean up various set commands
; OPEN only calls NOHALT if top-level command
; Top-level LOGIN command calls NOHALT
; Delete types server's response
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.455, 25-Aug-83 14:48:10, Edit by KRONJ
; ^G aborts losing connection attempt, command file input
; Flag cataclysm
; More careful about pulling JFNS out from under .COMND in ABTINT
; Flush SOKDEB control of debugging sockets
; Remove unnecessary pushes etc around CONFRM and NOHALT
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.454, 17-Aug-83 21:00:57, Edit by KRONJ
; Don't change FILPRP+P.TYPE in CHKMTT unless it was MEIS-Paged
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.453, 16-Aug-83 21:46:19, Edit by KRONJ
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.452, 16-Aug-83 17:28:54, Edit by KRONJ
; GYESNO doesn't type "No" response so less verbiage in INSTALL
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.451, 16-Aug-83 11:23:32, Edit by KRONJ
; Add PUPPAR storage cell for PUPXFR
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.450, 16-Aug-83 10:10:30, Edit by KRONJ
; Handle automagic switch from MEIS-Paged to Tenex-Paged
; (both for server and for our PUPXFR unable to handle)
; Forget differences between Tenex and TOPS-20
; Bump minor version
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.449, 12-Aug-83 09:45:06, Edit by KRONJ
; MEIS-Paged transfer type
; Distinguish between TOPS-20 and TENEX operating systems
; Include file size in verbose directory options
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.448,  9-Aug-83 13:06:49, Edit by KRONJ
; Rename some flags to avoid conflict with new MONSYM
; EVERYTHING in dir subcommand prompt must not include L%NO
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.447,  1-Aug-83 16:53:53, Edit by KRONJ
; Quote parens and quotes in filenames
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.446,  1-Aug-83 11:27:16, Edit by KRONJ
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.445,  1-Aug-83 10:45:01, Edit by KRONJ
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.444,  1-Aug-83 10:38:22, Edit by KRONJ
; Set binary 36-bit transfers for SAIL (it won't tell you to do so itself).
; This is safe even for text files, since both WAITS and TOPS-20 use
; the same format for packing ASCII.
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.443, 28-Jul-83 23:01:56, Edit by KRONJ
; Flush EOC in STOABT (except when called after PROCNO)
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.442, 23-Jul-83 21:30:04, Edit by KRONJ
; Alphabetize SET KEEP commands
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.441, 22-Jul-83 17:18:42, Edit by KRONJ
; SET [NO] FANCY-QUIT for Andy
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.440, 20-Jul-83 21:53:31, Edit by KRONJ
; Pass on server's text when it aborts a file retrieval
; instead of simply saying "Transfer aborted by server"
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.437, 29-Jun-83 11:05:09, Edit by KRONJ
; Add SET KEEP (on) RENAME, make keep flags easier to handle
; Fix generation defaulting in FRNFIL
; Convert to MACSYM character names
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.436, 26-Jun-83 17:45:32, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Rename SCKSUM to BSPSTS, have it always set high volume flag
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.435, 24-Jun-83 15:59:08, Edit by KRONJ
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.433, 23-Jun-83 16:56:00, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix typeout of statistics switch in Display command
; Merged from LOTS:
;   File-Author properties for files to the lineprinter
;   Type text regardless if LPT: destination.
;   FRNFIL defaults wildcard version if given default JFN says so.
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.432, 12-Jun-83 19:22:05, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Add "TOPS20" to OPSTAB.  Network directory no longer has "TOPS-20"
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.431, 10-Jun-83 18:02:32, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Move AC F flag definitions to PUPDEF 
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.430,  4-Jun-83 21:53:49, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix TERSEF display in SHOW, add noise to SET VERBOSE
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.429, 17-May-83 21:38:04, Edit by KRONJ
; Save registers in CONFRM
; Allow blank lines in forced OPEN command
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.428, 10-May-83 22:58:44, Edit by KRONJ
; Make sure pointer given to MKPTR is real
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.427,  7-May-83 12:47:41, Edit by KRONJ
; Fudge dates in UPDATE and INSTALL
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.426,  5-May-83 21:29:06, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix GET with no confirmation - need JFNs in GTJFN block
; Install MV. and MVI. macros from MACSYM
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.425,  4-May-83 14:57:49, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix wildcard SEND with SET NO CONFIRM
; Fix lowercasing in same circumstance
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.424, 26-Apr-83 12:45:58, Edit by KRONJ
; Allow OPEN with con already open if confirmed
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.423, 19-Apr-83 20:29:42, Edit by KRONJ
; Add NO to subcommands for DIRECTORY
; Clean up various macro definitions
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.422, 11-Apr-83 17:04:25, Edit by KRONJ
; Make TABLUK ignore invisible keywords
; ASCII is an invisible synonym for type TEXT
; Allow SCNPRP to return -1 for unrecognized transfer type
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.421,  7-Apr-83 01:08:21, Edit by KRONJ
; Clean up check for byte-size match in SEND
; Allow mismatch after confirmation
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.420,  5-Apr-83 13:03:00, Edit by KRONJ
; Use correct socket for second JFN on connection
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.419,  4-Apr-83 12:22:48, Edit by KRONJ
; Split Type missing and Byte-Size missing errors
; Give somewhat more informative error messages for them
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.418,  3-Apr-83 15:03:39, Edit by KRONJ
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.417,  3-Apr-83 13:13:45, Edit by KRONJ
; Add SETVER in PUPDEF to do all sorts of things
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.416,  3-Apr-83 01:29:42, Edit by KRONJ
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.415,  1-Apr-83 14:27:22, Edit by KRONJ
; Pull some flags into PUPDEF
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.414, 31-Mar-83 12:12:22, Edit by KRONJ
; Use .SFUST routine to preserve lower case
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.413, 30-Mar-83 13:13:57, Edit by KRONJ
; Wrong parity of test in SCKSUM
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.412, 30-Mar-83 12:11:30, Edit by KRONJ
; Add to SHOW display, clean up a bit
; SOKDEB cell to control initial ALTERNATE-SOCKETS behavior
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.411, 28-Mar-83 16:00:30, Edit by KRONJ
; Don't send directories and nonexistent files
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFTP.MAC.410, 23-Mar-83 17:46:09, Edit by KRONJ
; Handle quota exceeded message passed on to us by PUPXFR
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.409, 15-Mar-83 14:23:31, Edit by KRONJ
; Flush extra blank line in "Not confirmed" error
; Try simpler version text macros
; Clean up command table macros
; Remove modified FLDDB. macros
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.408, 14-Mar-83 22:49:25, Edit by KRONJ
; Break long lines in DIRECTORY
; Be more terse in typing dir names in DIRECTORY
; Update DIRECTORY help
; Random code cleanups (mostly installing DO. macro)
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.407, 12-Mar-83 16:18:31, Edit by KRONJ
; Symbolic offsets in CHNTAB
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.406, 11-Mar-83 21:45:32, Edit by KRONJ
; Still more fixing to DOCONF
; Same problem with PROCNO - forgot that SETABORT mungs stack
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.405, 11-Mar-83 21:37:09, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix ABTINT - ^G was popping too much
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.404, 11-Mar-83 21:08:49, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix DOCONF - was returning +2/+3 instead of +1/+2
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.403, 11-Mar-83 12:08:51, Edit by KRONJ
; More informative error when given a bogus socket
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.402, 11-Mar-83 11:35:32, Edit by KRONJ
; Allow user to specify socket to connect to
; Clean up SHOW a little
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.401,  4-Mar-83 21:38:13, Edit by KRONJ
; Clear aborts on <cr> and QUIT from DIRECTORY subcom
; so we don't return to the old value of ABTLOC
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.400,  2-Mar-83 12:03:43, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix TYPE and PRINT commands to interact with new ^G
; multiple-file transfer aborts
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.399,  1-Mar-83 12:39:05, Edit by KRONJ
; Don't prompt for SET DIRECTORY if we never did so in the
; first place -- error 12 can be caused by either a bad
; (Directory ...) property or a bad filename, we can only
; handle the first in PROCNO.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.398,  1-Mar-83 00:27:46, Edit by KRONJ
; Various data errors give meaningful PC
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.397, 26-Feb-83 23:39:21, Edit by KRONJ
; Ignore comments if TERSEF set
; Set TERSEF when discarding in DIR, GET aborts
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.396, 26-Feb-83 23:30:57, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix previous edit
; Restore byte-size and type when filling SEND names
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.395, 26-Feb-83 23:19:49, Edit by KRONJ
; ^G always aborts any TAKE files
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.393, 26-Feb-83 22:26:46, Edit by KRONJ
; More abort cleanup
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.391, 26-Feb-83 20:17:22, Edit by KRONJ
; Clean up error message handling
; CLRABORT done in abort handler
; Abort directory and multiple-file transfers with ^G
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.390, 26-Feb-83 19:52:36, Edit by KRONJ
; Always set a file default in FRNFIL - use *.*.* if none given
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.389, 26-Feb-83 12:46:00, Edit by KRONJ
; Set default in SET KEEP parse of ALL
; Initialize SET KEEP attributes to all but VERSION
; Fix UPDATE - was transferring files with = write dates
; Make SET NO PRESERVATION invisible, update SET NO help
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.388, 25-Feb-83 13:18:48, Edit by KRONJ
; Using wrong plist to set kept dates in GET
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.387, 24-Feb-83 17:46:24, Edit by KRONJ
; One-line send with no wild was ignoring K%VERS
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.386, 24-Feb-83 16:35:50, Edit by KRONJ
; Don't type "Source => Dest" if debugging
; Start adding INSTALL command
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.382, 22-Feb-83 14:40:33, Edit by KRONJ
; Type SET USER, SET KEEP info in SHOW
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.375, 22-Feb-83 13:41:47, Edit by KRONJ
; Finish TYPE command
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.374, 22-Feb-83 00:19:28, Edit by KRONJ
; Keep everything else
; Bump minor version - this is a fairly large total change
; Need to do:	finish TYPE command
;		show KEEP stuff in INFORMATION
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.371, 21-Feb-83 23:56:43, Edit by KRONJ
; Keep everything in SEND
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.369, 21-Feb-83 22:46:16, Edit by KRONJ
; Keep author and protection in GET
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.366, 21-Feb-83 15:32:19, Edit by KRONJ
; Add SET KEEP parameters, flush PREVRF
; (the only thing actually kept now is VERSION)
; Add HELP to DIRECTORY for subcommand list
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.363, 21-Feb-83 14:06:29, Edit by KRONJ
; TT.FOO transfer type definitions
; Use Original-Author, Foo-Access in DIRECTORY
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.362, 16-Feb-83 16:47:26, Edit by KRONJ
; Better noise word for UPDATE (use new NOISE2 macro)
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.361, 15-Feb-83 12:24:20, Edit by KRONJ
; Remove "..." at end of default login message
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.360, 12-Feb-83 23:57:04, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix multi-line SEND
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.359,  9-Feb-83 12:42:41, Edit by KRONJ
; That should be GJ%OFG - give up on real filenames to allow wildcarding
; Bulletproof CHKDSK in case we're given a nonexistent device
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.358,  9-Feb-83 12:21:03, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix GET if no such file type exists etc - only GJ%IFG, not GJ%IFG!GJ%OFG
; SKPDIR never takes ^V-quoted chars as directory terminators
; PRINT never uses New-Store so filenames look pretty in FOO => LPT: typeout
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.357,  7-Feb-83 21:28:00, Edit by KRONJ
; Don't type space in front of "Setting default transfer type..."
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.356,  6-Feb-83 15:53:02, Edit by KRONJ
; Change IFN LOTSW to IFE SCORSW - no need to inflict
; Crispin's lossage on the rest of the world
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.354, 31-Jan-83 13:52:44, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Last edit broke first open with user default
; Startup banner and ? verbiage are in LOTSW
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.353, 31-Jan-83 13:18:57, Edit by K.KRONJ
; SET NO USER (sets UD%NDF in header word of default block)
; If logged in before opening connection, ignore SET USER
; Remove some unnecessary definitions
; SHOW types info about SET VERBOSE
; Flush previous edit history - was becoming immense
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.352, 30-Jan-83 23:41:30, Edit by K.KRONJ
; INFORMATION is another synonym for SHOW
; Make more things terse
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.351, 30-Jan-83 23:29:00, Edit by K.KRONJ
; SET USER (default for login at) (to)
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.350, 22-Jan-83 16:11:38, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Use Name-Body if possible when getting JFN on remote file
; Implement UPDATE (like GET but looks at write date first)
; RETRIEVE is another synonym for GET
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.349,  8-Jan-83 14:06:41, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Set default version -1 when parsing new foreign file
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.348,  5-Jan-83 18:43:21, Edit by K.KRONJ
; More of not-always-defaulting
; Blank text after directory is *.* only on TOPS-20
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.347,  5-Jan-83 14:01:42, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Don't default blank fields in SEND
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.346,  5-Jan-83 13:36:44, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Skip over spaces before, not after, FRNFIL parse
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.345,  5-Jan-83 12:28:17, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Add INSET macro
; Add comma to directory-term chars for SAIL files
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.344, 28-Dec-82 17:09:48, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Allow octal host numbers in OPEN parse
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.342, 25-Dec-82 15:52:30, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Noise word was smashing JFN - move it
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.341, 23-Dec-82 14:00:05, Edit by K.KRONJ
; More noise words in GET
; Check Page-mode before sending one-line GET request
; SAVE is a synonym for SEND
; PRINT command jumps into SEND code
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.340, 20-Dec-82 20:25:54, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Don't include flags in command tables if there are none
; Add VDIRECTORY command
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.339, 19-Dec-82 21:18:31, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Fix one-line GET with wildcard versions
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.338, 18-Dec-82 21:13:55, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Close all files on fatal error
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.337, 12-Dec-82 23:48:46, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Set transfer type to paged for FILPRP as well as DEFPRP
; Clear paged transfer type on connection to non-paged host
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.335, 12-Dec-82 20:11:19, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Don't open EXE files thawed unless non-thawed doesn't work
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.333,  9-Dec-82 11:25:26, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Clear directory default on connection to new machine
; Display it with other parameters
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.332,  8-Dec-82 19:43:24, Edit by K.KRONJ
; CLOSE is a synonym for BYE and DISCONNECT
; Add SET DIRECTORY command
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.331,  6-Dec-82 17:37:25, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Flush SCREWUP - no longer needed
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.330,  6-Dec-82 00:34:29, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Rewrite network-directory parsing routines so never need to
;    do a PUPNM jsys (so attrib check feature can be flushed)
; Check for directory begin as well as dir end chars in FRNFIL
;    file-parse-ended-with char test for SAIL
; Include filename in print so jobname gets set
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.329,  5-Dec-82 13:57:50, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Type "Yes" response to Rename
; Improve string defaulting in FRNFIL
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.328,  4-Dec-82 21:17:34, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Make TMPPRP for not munging FILPRP with New-Store reply
; Try to make FRNFIL smart if file parse ended in directory
;    terminator character (for UNIX filenames)
; Add DDT command for debugging
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.326,  3-Dec-82 17:13:24, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Strip device, anglebrackets from C.GET directory default
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.325,  3-Dec-82 16:23:47, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Convert from SCREWUP to FATAL and JFATAL
; Doublequote atom buffer when typing parse errors
; Set directory default if none to make GET FOO.* *.* win
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.324, 28-Nov-82 16:57:27, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Don't take 0 default in FRNFIL as JFN
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.322, 27-Nov-82 14:00:37, Edit by K.KRONJ
; GTJDFT was overlapping words somehow
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.318, 27-Nov-82 00:31:07, Edit by K.KRONJ
; More intelligent "No" typeout handling - overload NOPREF
; Make commands check CONOPF after parse, make conn if none
; Stop pretending some messages were from the server
; Don't set default transfer type permanently in PRINT
; Clean up format of statistics typeout
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.316, 26-Nov-82 00:25:23, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Fix input JFN check in DOCONF
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.313, 23-Nov-82 23:36:03, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Make PROCNO handle typing out of "No" text.
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.310, 23-Nov-82 21:56:08, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Clean up SEND command parsing (don't special-case non-wild)
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.309, 23-Nov-82 20:31:13, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Save A around "Type Paged illegal" message.
; Set left half of JFN to zero in call to GTVERS in FRNFIL.
; Code to do New-Store if possible.
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.307, 23-Nov-82 16:45:53, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Fix zero page count in statistics of GET command.
; Fix extension being copied from filename in one-line GET.
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.302, 21-Nov-82 19:57:21, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Improve one-line GET wildcarding.
; Fix bug in one-line SEND with DSKDVF being set wrong.
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.285, 20-Nov-82 18:05:06, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Complete one-liner GET command.
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.276, 20-Nov-82 14:53:34, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Complete one-liner SEND command wildcard filling.
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.273, 19-Nov-82 23:38:42, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Give up on spaces in remote filenames
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.264, 19-Nov-82 21:42:27, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Start introducing one-liner commands.
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.263, 19-Nov-82 12:49:41, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Do ended-with-comma checking in C.DIRE instead of FRNFIL
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.262, 18-Nov-82 23:53:33, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Fix call to FRNFIL in STORE, add statistics code
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.246, 18-Nov-82 14:50:41, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Do COMND defaulting right in FRNFIL
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.243, 18-Nov-82 13:57:28, Edit by K.KRONJ
; .CMUQS doesn't set atom buffer, copy from command buffer.
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.240, 18-Nov-82 13:27:16, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Add ATMCMA flag for DIRECTORY command
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.239, 18-Nov-82 13:13:04, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Bundle all remote file parsing into FRNFIL routine
;BX:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.238, 18-Nov-82 11:34:11, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Start improving filename parses - change .CMTXT to .CMUQS
;ACCT:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.237, 17-Nov-82 12:53:58, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Make paged-op-sys lookup win even if not first op-sys in table
;ACCT:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.236,  5-Nov-82 00:45:32, Edit by K.KRONJ
;ACCT:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.235,  4-Nov-82 23:13:19, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Make CRASHX leave a believable PC, misc code cleanups
;ACCT:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.234, 30-Sep-82 11:26:34, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Don't halt after SET commands from JCL
;ACCT:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.233, 28-Sep-82 00:58:30, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Don't print welcome banner if read init file
;ACCT:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.232, 28-Sep-82 00:41:28, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Fix ENDTAK in case run when .CMIOJ is zero
;ACCT:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.231, 27-Sep-82 17:02:56, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Read command file at startup, improve JCL handling
;ACCT:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.230, 25-Sep-82 20:16:28, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Don't try to read JCL if none.  Don't stop after JCL if was an OPEN command.
;MRC:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.229, 23-Sep-82 14:37:10, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Rename some commands, call FLSTAK from PROCNO
;MRC:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.221, 22-Sep-82 22:11:32, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Improve SCREWUP - make it say what the JSYS error is
;MRC:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.220, 22-Sep-82 22:02:16, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Different noise words for STATUS and DISPLAY
;MRC:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.219, 22-Sep-82 21:56:21, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Read command files with TAKE command
;MRC:<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.216, 22-Sep-82 20:09:52, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Read JCL command line
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.214, 17-Sep-82 18:55:38, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Check for IOX5 (most likely timeout) when closing connection errs
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.212, 16-Sep-82 15:54:39, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Fix DISPLAY of remote username, add some command synonyms
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.210,  7-Sep-82 17:30:37, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Flush unused flags
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.209,  7-Sep-82 16:54:47, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Fix FIXNAM - P.DIRE is a string not a user number
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.207,  7-Sep-82 15:41:48, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Clean up KILFIL, flush DOJFNS
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.205,  7-Sep-82 14:49:53, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Make some global labels local
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.204,  6-Sep-82 22:58:40, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Move SET subcommand help messages to before each handler routine
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.198,  6-Sep-82 21:30:45, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Start flushing lower-fork-runnable code
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.196,  6-Sep-82 21:02:00, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Merge module PFUDEF.  Merged edit history:
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUDEF.MAC.21,  6-Sep-82 18:29:43, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; Accumulators for PFUDIR
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUDEF.MAC.20,  5-Sep-82 17:47:58, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; DEFTAB for building command table macros
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUDEF.MAC.17,  5-Sep-82 17:32:31, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUDEF.MAC.16,  2-Sep-82 13:48:28, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; LOGCNF instead of RENCNF
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUDEF.MAC.14, 27-Aug-82 16:00:42, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; SE is another abbrev for SEND
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUDEF.MAC.4, 23-Aug-82 15:42:30, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; Rework command table
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUDEF.MAC.3, 23-Aug-82 14:44:42, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; Define SETABORT and CLRABORT
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC.5,  9-Jul-82 10:36:47, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Add some flags.
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC.4,  9-Jul-82 10:12:12, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Commands have totally changed.
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC.3,  6-Jul-82 15:21:15, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Remove DIRECTORY command, add CNFRMF.
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC.2,  6-May-82 16:04:33, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Add DISPLAY command.
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC.1, 21-Apr-82 14:43:11, Edit by R.RMK
    ; TOPS-20.
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC.13	19-Jan-81	Edit by SCHOEN
    ; Add LSTWF flag for PFUDIR 
    ; Define to TEMP flags TEMPF and TEMPF2 in RH of F
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC.12	24-Nov-80 13:15, Edit by SCHOEN
    ; Added PRINT (LPT) command
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC;11	5-Aug-80 9:52:35, Edit by SCHOEN
    ; Added definitions for lower fork runnable PUPFTP
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC;10     2-SEP-79 15:57:36    EDIT BY TAFT
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC;9     2-JUN-77 21:27:34    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Add "List" and "Rename" commands
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC;8    15-APR-77 09:57:01    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Move some flag bits to avoid conflict with PUPDEF
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC;7    12-APR-77 10:11:57    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Remove VERTXT to PUPFTP.MAC
    ; Add "Exec" and "Halt" commands
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC;6    19-MAR-77 20:05:08    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Add "Delete" and "Preserve" commands
    ; Add "No" prefix
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC;5    18-MAR-77 17:05:22    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Remove mark and property definitions to PUPDEF.MAC
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC;4    15-MAR-77 19:33:33    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Improve the help strings a bit
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC;3    15-MAR-77 18:54:55    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Change "Selective" to "Automatic", add "List" and "Version"
    ;<PUP>PFUDEF.MAC;2    10-MAR-77 14:16:52    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Split out from PUPFTP.MAC
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.189,  6-Sep-82 20:24:22, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Set version numbers in entry vector
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.176,  6-Sep-82 18:26:20, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Merge module PFUDIR
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.173,  6-Sep-82 17:34:28, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Don't show list of hosts from top level ?
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.170,  6-Sep-82 14:08:46, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Merge module PFUUTL.  Merged edit history:
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUUTL.MAC.19,  1-Sep-82 00:19:35, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; Flush SETREM and CHKWLD - no longer used
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUUTL.MAC.18, 31-Aug-82 23:21:58, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; Call DOECHO if PROCNO is aborted
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUUTL.MAC.17, 31-Aug-82 22:24:38, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; Make GETCMD more careful to avoid IO Data errors
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUUTL.MAC.15, 23-Aug-82 14:45:08, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; Add ^G abort from PROCNO
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUUTL.MAC.10, 21-Aug-82 15:09:17, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; Fix reparse bug in PROCNO
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUUTL.MAC.8, 20-Aug-82 22:06:35, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; Add noise words to PRCTAB
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUUTL.MAC.7, 20-Aug-82 21:45:11, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; PROCNO handles error 2 (user-name needed and none given)
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUUTL.MAC.6, 20-Aug-82 15:37:43, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; Space before text of Comment
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUUTL.MAC.5, 19-Aug-82 23:45:50, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; Space before text of NO response in GYESNO
    ;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PFUUTL.MAC.2, 18-Aug-82 23:14:46, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; Fix reparsing in PROCNO
    ;MRC:<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.14, 17-Aug-82 17:22:00, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
    ; Don't set both GJ%IFG and GJ%OFG when parsing remote filespec
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.13     2-Aug-82 18:56:39    TECO'd by ADMIN.MRC
    ; Suppress terminating dot if null extension
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.12,  9-Jul-82 18:12:56, Edit by R.RMK
    ; FIXNAM should write .version, not ;version.
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.11,  9-Jul-82 17:15:00, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Change PROCNO to reflect new command syntax.
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.10,  8-Jul-82 09:39:39, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Want next higher generation set up in SETREM.
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.9,  6-Jul-82 16:25:26, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Remove directory entry in PRCTAB.
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.8,  6-Jul-82 15:13:58, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Clean up assembly errors.
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.7,  2-Jul-82 12:09:46, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Add routine CHKWLD for checking compatibility of file specifications.
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.6,  2-Jul-82 11:36:04, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Add routine SETREM - set up GTJFN block for remote files.
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.5, 24-Jun-82 13:37:17, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Clean up PROCNO.
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.4, 24-Jun-82 09:53:08, Edit by R.RMK
    ; At ENDCMD, send partial PUP.
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.3, 17-May-82 13:18:35, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Remove temporaries for debugging.
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.2, 21-Apr-82 14:55:21, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Clear out assembly errors.
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.1, 20-Apr-82 16:12:55, Edit by R.RMK
    ; TOPS-20-ize.
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.4   21-Jan-81 17:08:37	Edit by SCHOEN
    ; Make PROCNO process Connect, Type, Eol, Byte-size, and
    ;  Default directory errors
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.3    5-Sept-80 17:08:37	Edit by SCHOEN
    ; Add TRZ F,NEOLEF to PROCN1 because typing <cr> to <account> doeesn't work
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC.2    19-Mar-80 10:59:17    TECO'd by GILMURRAY
    ; Search MONSYM, not STENEX
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC;4     4-NOV-79 12:40:18    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Restore "Sender" property
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC;3     2-SEP-79 15:57:50    EDIT BY TAFT
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC;2     3-JUN-77 11:03:04    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Remove dummy "Sender" and "Distribution" property parsers
    ;<PUP>PFUUTL.MAC;1     2-JUN-77 21:35:25    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Split out from PUPFTP.MAC
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.168,  5-Sep-82 22:16:54, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Flush original default type of PAGED, set default in SET BYTE-SIZE parse
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.165,  5-Sep-82 21:50:24, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Change some TYPEs to TMSG
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.163,  5-Sep-82 17:35:04, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Include COMMANDS macro from PFUDEF
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.160,  2-Sep-82 14:38:25, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Confirmation for old login on new machine
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.158,  2-Sep-82 13:48:45, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Extended help for SET subcommands
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.153, 31-Aug-82 23:50:00, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Allow ^G abort from GETPAS (careful since can be called from PROCNO)
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.152, 31-Aug-82 18:19:57, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Don't include +FTP in display of connection status
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.150, 31-Aug-82 14:38:24, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Fix display of end-of-line convention
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.147, 30-Aug-82 23:48:58, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Allow default byte size of 0 (unspecified), flush unused break masks
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.141, 30-Aug-82 14:12:48, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Improve error messages
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.140, 27-Aug-82 01:57:21, Edit by ADMIN.LOUGHEED
; More verbose help message for SEND command
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.133, 25-Aug-82 22:11:25, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Add help strings, allow ^G in DOCONF, fix OUTPUT directory subcommand
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.128, 24-Aug-82 13:37:00, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Make send/retrieve terminal messages more TOPS20-like
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.115, 23-Aug-82 15:14:32, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Change format of command tables
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.114, 23-Aug-82 14:46:18, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Use more version fields, set ^G aborts
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.103, 20-Aug-82 21:55:04, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Improve help strings for CMCFMs or make them invisible
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.101, 20-Aug-82 21:38:14, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Allow null username in LOGIN, clean up some FLDDBs
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.97, 20-Aug-82 17:48:05, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Don't type messages twice when debugging
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.93, 20-Aug-82 16:39:28, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Add QUIT subcommand for DIRECTORY command
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.92, 20-Aug-82 16:31:01, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; SETCMD does all .CMINI
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.91, 20-Aug-82 15:54:47, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Fix DELETE to parse text instead of filename
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.89, 20-Aug-82 15:17:07, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Clean up GET command
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.73, 20-Aug-82 01:15:40, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; GETPAS was zeroing wrong word if no password given
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.71, 20-Aug-82 00:51:42, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Clean up DIRECTORY command
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.70, 20-Aug-82 00:29:21, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Parse CONNECT directory as .CMTXT, not .CMFLD
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.68, 19-Aug-82 23:56:15, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Try using Server-Filename instead of Name-Body in SEND
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.63, 19-Aug-82 17:52:59, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Flush CHKPTY - no longer needed
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.62, 19-Aug-82 16:01:21, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Unconfirmed DELETE sends NO back to server
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.59, 19-Aug-82 00:08:03, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Better confirmation for DELETE
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.55, 18-Aug-82 23:16:34, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Only have one command block
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.52, 18-Aug-82 22:06:07, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Save stack pointer in subcommand parses
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.51, 18-Aug-82 21:43:17, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Try setting TT%ECO instead of TT%DAM in NOECHO and DOECHO
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.41, 18-Aug-82 17:58:52, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Parse password as CMTXT so ? doesn't display it
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.37, 18-Aug-82 17:30:40, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Parse passwords on separate lines, flush CM%WKF
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.35, 17-Aug-82 17:38:05, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Flush typeahead on parsing errors
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.21, 12-Aug-82 03:05:41, Edit by ADMIN.LOUGHEED
; Rewrite the SEND command to be more general - less TOPS-20 specific
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.7, 11-Aug-82 02:47:16, Edit by ADMIN.LOUGHEED
; Release all JFNS on a reparse
; Replace CONFIRM macro with CONFRM subroutinea
; Initialize flag settings to always confirm commands
; Don't set password (not always a wopr) and don't set connected directory
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.6, 11-Aug-82 02:19:18, Edit by ADMIN.LOUGHEED
; CLRTMP, CPYATM routines.  Fix DISPLAY command.
; Put quick and dirty confirmation routines in for SEND, RETR, DELETE
;  (dirty because jfn's are left around)
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPFTP.MAC.2, 11-Aug-82 01:33:02, Edit by ADMIN.LOUGHEED
; LOGIN command - fix break mask to allow comma, e.g. LOT,KSL
; PCRIF routine for pretty printing error messages
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.21, 10-Jul-82 00:11:22, Edit by R.RMK
; Upgrade DISPLAY command.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.20,  9-Jul-82 21:28:31, Edit by R.RMK
; Generation cleanups for file transfers.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.19,  9-Jul-82 17:42:57, Edit by R.RMK
; Clean up some more.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.18,  9-Jul-82 17:00:04, Edit by R.RMK
; Clean up command syntax, rework most commands' file parsing.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.17,  8-Jul-82 09:40:00, Edit by R.RMK
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.16,  7-Jul-82 13:42:49, Edit by R.RMK
; Rework send/store command.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.15,  6-Jul-82 16:35:04, Edit by R.RMK
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.14,  6-Jul-82 15:08:06, Edit by R.RMK
; Rework retrieve command.  Store command is next.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.13, 24-Jun-82 13:44:56, Edit by R.RMK
; Make .COMND global.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.12, 24-Jun-82 12:48:49, Edit by R.RMK
; Clean up flag setting in LIST command.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.11, 24-Jun-82 12:31:28, Edit by R.RMK
; Use directory breakset at C.CONN.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.10, 24-Jun-82 12:06:34, Edit by R.RMK
; Get password on startup.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.9, 24-Jun-82 10:06:11, Edit by R.RMK
; Turn on echoing at REPARS.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.8, 24-Jun-82 10:01:06, Edit by R.RMK
; Fix brain damage with DSTJFN at C.RT61.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.7, 17-May-82 13:16:22, Edit by R.RMK
; Remove temporaries for debugging without net.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.6,  6-May-82 16:22:40, Edit by R.RMK
; Add first incarnation of DISPLAY command.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.5,  3-May-82 09:49:29, Edit by R.RMK
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.4, 30-Apr-82 12:32:52, Edit by R.RMK
; Clean up some bugs - .BYTE help wrong, add modified FLDDB. macros
; to give better defaulting.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.3, 21-Apr-82 15:02:42, Edit by R.RMK
; More assembly errors.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.2, 21-Apr-82 14:53:21, Edit by R.RMK
; Clear out assembly errors.  Add code to clear PSECTS. Rip out code
; that performed function that FTPLUD now does.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC.1, 20-Apr-82 14:12:22, Edit by R.RMK
; TOPS-20 conversion.
;<4.PUP.SUMEX.USER>PUPFTP.MAC.6, 26-Oct-81 06:41:30, Edit by WOHL
; CS36 Use CHxPC,STACK etc from psvdef
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;13  		9/22/81		Edit by RINDFLEISCH
; Set up PSSTR for use in PUPSUP
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;11  8-Sep-81 13:11:20, Edit by SCHOEN
; LIST command now has OUTPUT (to file) subcommand,
;  all output from LIST now buffered on a per-line basis
; OPNCON checks net status (PUPON) before attempting connection
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;6	26-Jan-81 10:56:27	Edit by SCHOEN
; On Tops20, don't clobber terminator to filename input after
; call to GETJFN## in C.RET6.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;6	21-Jan-81 12:28:50	Edit by SCHOEN
; Modify C.CONN, C.DIRE, C.BYTE, C.EOL, C.TYPE so they can be 
; called from PROCNO
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;6	20-Jan-81 20:19:20	Edit by SCHOEN
; Make Tenex/Tops20 runtime selectable
; Use routines from PFUDIR.MAC to read PUP network directory
;  and create command table for OPEN command
; Use newly defined attributes under OP-SYS to replace hardwired
;  table of TWENEX hosts on the network
; Use newly defined attributes under SERVICES to check for
;  lineprinter on remote host (LPT/PRINT command)
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;5	24-Nov-80 13:39:34	Edit by SCHOEN
; Implement PRINT (LPT) command
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;4	4-Sept-80 11:54:11	Edit by SCHOEN
; Implement auto retrieve
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;3	3-Sept-80 8:50:13   Edit by SCHOEN
; Implement lower fork runnable option of PUPFTP.  Start at 
; EntVec+2, pass commands via shared page (SHRPAG)
; only auto store implemented
; Converted MAXC defaults to SUMEX
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;26     4-NOV-79 12:35:06    EDIT BY TAFT
; Revise MAXTAB
; Set file creation date from incoming property list during Retrieve
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;25     2-SEP-79 16:00:11    EDIT BY TAFT
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;24    28-AUG-77 17:39:38    EDIT BY TAFT
; Fix "Rename" to send default directory in both property lists
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;23    24-JUL-77 16:52:33    EDIT BY TAFT
; Repair buggy NOUT in List command
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;22     3-JUN-77 11:23:07    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add "List" and "Rename" commands
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;19     2-JUN-77 19:16:37    EDIT BY TAFT
; Split out some subroutines into separate module PFUUTL.MAC
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;18    12-APR-77 10:39:42    EDIT BY TAFT
; Move VERTXT here
; Add "Exec" and "Halt" commands
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;17     2-APR-77 16:49:49    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add dummy routines for mail-related properties
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;16    19-MAR-77 20:04:57    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add "Delete" command
; Add "Preserve Version"
; Add "No" prefix for "Debug" and "Preserve"
; Straighten out who clobbers what property lists.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;14    19-MAR-77 13:46:36    EDIT BY TAFT
; Fix crash caused by typing in ";?"
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;13    18-MAR-77 18:09:13    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add REFILL procedure for property list parser
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;12    18-MAR-77 17:18:12    EDIT BY TAFT
; Just send EOC when SCNPRP fails since SCNPRP now generates the
; appropriate "No" response internally.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;11    15-MAR-77 19:25:28    EDIT BY TAFT
; Change "Selective" to "Automatic", add "List" and "Version".
; "Quit" now closes connection.
; Call "Login" command automatically in appropriate places.
; Default user name in "Login".
; Add Tenex-paged type
; Add kludge to make Tenex-paged the default when connect to Maxc
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;8    10-MAR-77 14:37:48    EDIT BY TAFT
; Break out major pieces of the program:
; PUPDEF.MAC -- definitions shared by PUPFTP and PUPSRV
; PFUDEF.MAC -- definitions specific to PUPFTP
; PFUCMD.MAC -- keyboard command interpreter
; PFUPRP.MAC -- property list parser
; PUPXFR.MAC -- data transfer routines, shared with PUPSRV
; PUPUUO.MAC -- UUO handler, shared with PUPSRV
; What remain are the top-level command handlers and various
; subroutines.
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;5     8-APR-76 01:53:54    EDIT BY TAFT
; Make "Debug" toggle the debug flag on and off
; Add command for setting eol convention
; Add common procedure GNTPAR for generating type, byte size, eol
; convention properties
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;3    25-MAR-76 22:38:34    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add "Close" command (equivalent to "Disconnect")
;<PUP>PUPFTP.MAC;2    25-MAR-76 00:56:33    EDIT BY TAFT
; Send Type and Byte-Size in "Retrieve" property list if we have them
; Properly handle error returns from INKEY

;<PUP.FTP>PUPDEF.MAC.48, 26-Sep-83 11:24:20, Edit by KRONJ
; Confirmation for UPDATE and INSTALL
;<PUP.FTP>PUPDEF.MAC.47, 25-Aug-83 14:38:22, Edit by KRONJ
; Flag cataclysm
;<PUP.FTP>PUPDEF.MAC.46, 12-Aug-83 09:35:08, Edit by KRONJ
; Add MEIS-Paged transfer type
;<PUP.FTP>PUPDEF.MAC.45, 22-Jul-83 17:01:28, Edit by KRONJ
;<PUP.FTP>PUPDEF.MAC.44, 23-Jun-83 17:38:09, Edit by KRONJ
; File-Author property for sending to lineprinter (from LOTS)
;<PUP.FTP>PUPDEF.MAC.43, 22-Jun-83 22:37:24, Edit by KRONJ
; LOGCKF and friends must be permanent flags
;<PUP.FTP>PUPDEF.MAC.42, 10-Jun-83 18:35:59, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Support up to five Event Report servers
;<PUP.FTP>PUPDEF.MAC.41, 10-Jun-83 18:03:29, Edit by LOUGHEED
;<PUP.FTP>PUPDEF.MAC.40, 10-Jun-83 17:46:15, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Define all flag bits for AC F in this module
;<PUP.FTP>PUPDEF.MAC.39, 18-Apr-83 12:33:00, Edit by KRONJ
; Make SENDER property longer
;<PUP.FTP>PUPDEF.MAC.37,  3-Apr-83 13:15:32, Edit by KRONJ
; Define SETVER
;<PUP.FTP>PUPDEF.MAC.36,  3-Apr-83 01:58:12, Edit by KRONJ
; Flush some unused symbols
;<PUP.FTP>PUPDEF.MAC.35,  3-Apr-83 01:34:36, Edit by KRONJ
; No longer need SEARCH PSVDEF in TTITLE
;<PUP.FTP>PUPDEF.MAC.34,  3-Apr-83 01:21:32, Edit by KRONJ
; Rework ACs
; Merge module PSVDEF.  Merged edit history:
    ;BX:<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC.15, 31-Dec-82 13:44:54, Edit by K.KRONJ
    ; Give mail server it's own start address
    ;BX:<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC.14, 28-Dec-82 16:19:52, Edit by K.KRONJ
    ; Flush some useless stuff
    ;BX:<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC.13, 14-Dec-82 14:28:52, Edit by K.KRONJ
    ; Turn off misc services
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC.12, 13-Dec-82 21:33:03, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
    ; Turn off Gateway-Info socket
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC.11, 26-Nov-82 23:29:46, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
    ; Turn off Telnet and Echo sockets now that NETSRV works at LOTS
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC.10, 23-Sep-82 18:58:21, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
    ; Turn on Telnet and Echo sockets
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC.9,  7-Aug-82 12:09:25, Edit by ADMIN.LOUGHEED
    ; Slow down gateway information server
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC.8,  3-Aug-82 19:26:57, Edit by ADMIN.LOUGHEED
    ; Comment out Echo server
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC.7, 26-Jul-82 01:39:11, Edit by ADMIN.MRC
    ; Comment out Telnet server
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC.6, 15-Apr-82 22:38:22, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC.5, 15-Apr-82 20:46:24, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
    ; Move storage declarations into PUPSRV
    ; Flush many, many unnecessary definitions
    ;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>NSVDEF.MAC.3,  1-Apr-82 11:23:26, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Make PBHEAD a global.
    ;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>NSVDEF.MAC.2, 31-Mar-82 11:41:04, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Make NSVDEF.
    ;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>PSVDEF.MAC.4, 31-Mar-82 08:29:20, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Add STANSW for symbols defined in PUPSYM.
    ;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>PSVDEF.MAC.3, 30-Mar-82 12:23:55, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Up NNETS to 64.
    ;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>PSVDEF.MAC.2, 25-Mar-82 19:55:22, Edit by R.RMK
    ; Make TOPVAR, etc...internal...
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC;9     22-Jul-80 14:58:07 Edit by SCHOEN
    ; Added ESP declarations
    ; Upped NNETS from ^D50 to ^D60
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC;8     4-NOV-79 12:44:35    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Revise MAXHOP
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC;7     2-SEP-79 15:58:31    EDIT BY TAFT
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC;6    24-NOV-78 19:10:23    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Increase LOGBFS to 2 pages
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC;5    15-APR-77 09:49:19    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Move flag bits to avoid conflict with PUPDEF.MAC
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC;4    31-MAR-77 20:18:43    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Add mail server to table
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC;3    18-MAR-77 19:02:06    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Raise start of global storage
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC;2    18-MAR-77 17:47:28    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Make symbols defined by the local GS, LS, etc. macros be internal
    ;<PUP>PSVDEF.MAC;1    10-MAR-77 14:02:43    EDIT BY TAFT
    ; Split out from PUPDEF.MAC
    ; This is stuff specific to the server (PUPSRV)
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.32, 24-Feb-83 15:35:38, Edit by KRONJ
; User-Access, Previous-Write-Date
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.29, 21-Feb-83 13:57:22, Edit by KRONJ
; Owner-Access, Group-Access, Public-Access, Original-Author props
; TT.FOO definitions for transfer type numbers
;BX:<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.28, 28-Dec-82 16:24:44, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Flush some useless cruft
;BX:<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.27,  6-Dec-82 17:52:03, Edit by K.KRONJ
; ^V doesn't work, use backslash
;BX:<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.26,  6-Dec-82 17:26:11, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Use ^V instead of / to delimit FATAL and JFATAL strings
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.25, 10-Jul-82 23:10:39, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
; Look in PUPPAR instead of PUPSYM for pup header definitions
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.24, 20-Apr-82 13:28:49, Edit by R.RMK
; Flush NOISE, PROMPT UUOs and macros.
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.22, 19-Apr-82 02:40:45, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.18, 19-Apr-82 02:07:16, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;PCLEAR macro
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.16, 19-Apr-82 01:11:52, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Define FATAL, JFATAL macros
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.14, 19-Apr-82 00:32:16, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.11, 16-Apr-82 03:07:05, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Define TTITLE macro
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.10, 16-Apr-82 01:50:02, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.9, 16-Apr-82 01:41:40, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.8, 15-Apr-82 23:42:15, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.7, 15-Apr-82 23:34:01, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.6, 15-Apr-82 23:19:41, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.5, 15-Apr-82 22:56:30, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.4, 15-Apr-82 22:38:43, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.3, 15-Apr-82 20:27:35, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Use psects
;Flush previous edit history
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>NUPDEF.MAC.2, 31-Mar-82 11:40:35, Edit by R.RMK
; Make universal NUPDEF.
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>PUPDEF.MAC.2, 29-Mar-82 10:41:23, Edit by R.RMK
; Search SYSDEF always.
; Added SAVE/RSTR macros for PUSH/POP and CALL/RET for PUSHJ/POPJ
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;7	20-Aug-80 13:12:12  Edit by SCHOEN
; Added RUNM UUO for lower-fork runnable PUPFTP
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;6	11-Jul-80 13:06:53  Edit by SCHOEN
; Added SHXINT, SHXFLG defns for user "!" typeout when not debugging
;<PUP>SYSDEF.MAC;5	4/23/80		Edit by SCHOEN
; SEARCH SYSDEF so calls to VACCT and GDACC simulations don't fail
; on Tops20
; Added macros to simulate VACCT and GDACC JSYSs
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;3    25-Mar-80 12:45:08    EDIT BY SCHOEN
; Changed (no)tenex/tops20 opdefs to macro so they work
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;2    21-Mar-80 12:45:08    EDIT BY SCHOEN
; Define (no)tenex/tops20 macros for conditional assembly
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;30     2-SEP-79 15:58:49    EDIT BY TAFT
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;29    11-APR-79 17:31:43    EDIT BY TAFT
; Put Sender property in its right alphabetical sequence, dummy
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;28    18-MAR-79 19:18:28    EDIT BY TAFT
; Put back Sender property
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;27    24-MAY-78 18:12:41    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add New-Store mark
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;26    15-SEP-77 11:19:01    EDIT BY TAFT
; Fix [Mailbox-exception] command to take sub-codes
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;25     1-SEP-77 15:52:10    EDIT BY TAFT
; Revise property and mark tables for updated Mail Transfer Protocol
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;24     3-JUN-77 11:04:13    EDIT BY TAFT
; Remove "Sender" and "Distribution" properties
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;23     2-JUN-77 21:33:43    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add "Size" and "Author" properties
; Add "Rename" command mark
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;22    15-APR-77 10:03:57    EDIT BY TAFT
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;21    31-MAR-77 20:16:42    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add marks and properties for Mail Transfer Protocol
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;20    19-MAR-77 20:24:21    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add "delete" mark type
; Add date properties
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;18    18-MAR-77 17:05:38    EDIT BY TAFT
; Move mark and property definitions here from PFUDEF.MAC.
; Add some common flag bits.
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;16    10-MAR-77 14:24:40    EDIT BY TAFT
; Divide into two definitions files:
; PUPDEF.MAC contains definitions common to PUPSRV and PUPFTP
; PSVDEF.MAC contains stuff specific to PUPSRV
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;14    20-OCT-76 13:27:17    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add defs for net directory server
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;13     2-OCT-76 23:16:30    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add defs for gateway info server
;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;11    30-JUN-76 18:04:45    EDIT BY TAFT
; Revise storage assignment macros
; Add defs for event report server

;<PUP.FTP>PUPERS.MAC.13, 10-Jun-83 18:41:46, Edit by LOUGHEED
;<PUP.FTP>PUPERS.MAC.12, 10-Jun-83 18:31:38, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Set ERPTIM to +INF if no command file (i.e. not using event report server)
;SS:<PUP.FTP>PUPERS.MAC.11,  12-Apr-82 14:35:05, TV'd by SWEER
; Moved LOGLAT definition from PSVDEF
;BX:<PUP>PUPERS.MAC.10,  6-Dec-82 17:02:05, Edit by K.KRONJ
;<PUP>PUPERS.MAC.9,  7-Aug-82 12:17:00, Edit by ADMIN.LOUGHEED
; No complaints if PUPSRV.RUN isn't found - we never use it 
;<PUP>PUPERS.MAC.8, 18-Apr-82 19:08:33, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPERS.MAC.7, 16-Apr-82 09:44:02, Edit by R.RMK
; Still more Slops-20 stuff.
;<PUP>PUPERS.MAC.6, 16-Apr-82 03:17:26, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPERS.MAC.5, 15-Apr-82 21:49:09, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;TOPS-20 stuff
;ERPSRV is definitely wrong
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>NUPERS.MAC.4, 31-Mar-82 12:18:28, Edit by R.RMK
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>NUPERS.MAC.3, 31-Mar-82 12:11:33, Edit by R.RMK
; Convert to Stanford MEIS PUP headers (in STANSW).
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>NUPERS.MAC.2, 31-Mar-82 11:42:39, Edit by R.RMK
;<4.PUP.SUMEX.USER>PUPERS.MAC.2,  8-Oct-81 08:33:03, Edit by WOHL
;CS36 Look for PUPSRV.RUN on SYSTEM:
;<PUP>PUPERS.MAC;13	31-Jul-81 16:39:50	Edit by SCHOEN
; Open event report file thawed
;<PUP>PUPERS.MAC;12	23-APR-80	Edit by Schoen
; Added Tenex/tops20 assembly conditionals
;<PUP>PUPERS.MAC;11     2-SEP-79 15:59:54    EDIT BY TAFT
;<PUP>PUPERS.MAC;10    18-MAR-77 17:09:08    EDIT BY TAFT
;<PUP>PUPERS.MAC;9    14-AUG-76 18:31:50    EDIT BY TAFT
; Fix bug in DMPEVB

;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.77,  9-Oct-83 01:02:22, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Force output buffers before starting to send or receive.  Speeds
;  up switching between data modes.
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.76,  9-Sep-83 17:30:16, Edit by KRONJ
; Cut timeout in CHKRFC
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.75,  9-Sep-83 14:03:58, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix CHKRFC to set correct time for duplicate RFC
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.74,  8-Sep-83 21:30:01, Edit by KRONJ
; Use anonymous login if none given
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.73, 25-Aug-83 14:42:15, Edit by KRONJ
; Flag cataclysm
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.71, 16-Aug-83 10:37:53, Edit by KRONJ
; Complain if PUPXFR doesn't like MEIS-Paged transfer type
; Bump minor version
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.70, 12-Aug-83 23:00:38, Edit by KRONJ
; Replace a BOUT% with an IDPB
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.69, 12-Aug-83 10:04:32, Edit by KRONJ
; MEIS-Paged transfer type
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.68,  8-Aug-83 10:23:57, Edit by KRONJ
; Make directory list remaining files even if first is protected
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.67,  3-Aug-83 10:32:15, Edit by KRONJ
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.66,  3-Aug-83 09:55:24, Edit by KRONJ
; Use device part of supplied directory if no device specified
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.65, 28-Jul-83 22:46:36, Edit by KRONJ
; If we say file open, ready for data in Store and
; then user says no, must send no back (was just sending EOC)
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.64,  5-Jul-83 16:44:41, Edit by KRONJ
; Don't flush ^V from Server-Filenames
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.63, 26-Jun-83 17:49:44, Edit by LOUGHEED
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.62, 26-Jun-83 17:39:14, Edit by LOUGHEED
; High Volume flag set by SDSTS% for all FTP connections
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.61, 23-Jun-83 17:49:36, Edit by KRONJ
; File-Author (set by PUPFTP for lineprinter sends)
; Use TMPPRP instead of FILPRP in SETAUT
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.60, 10-Jun-83 18:24:52, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Changes from SUMEX
;   Support Error Report Server
;   Don't clutter CTY with random error messages unless debugging
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.59, 10-Jun-83 17:41:42, Edit by LOUGHEED
; We had a flag definition mixup
;   Move AC F's flag definitions to PUPDEF to keep definitions consistent
;   Replace remaining TLxx and TRxx references with TXxx references
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.58, 10-May-83 20:14:31, Edit by KRONJ
; Flush some unused code
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.57, 27-Apr-83 20:01:22, Edit by KRONJ
; Flush XMAILR support - no longer used at Stanford
; Use IPCF wakeup of MMAILR for faster delivery
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.56, 20-Apr-83 14:59:11, Edit by KRONJ
; Rewrite "Failed to open" error to not use percent sign
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.55, 18-Apr-83 20:20:25, Edit by KRONJ
; Wrong parity test for mailbox exception
; If no domain routing sender's user name was being truncated
; Some other minor cleanups
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.54, 18-Apr-83 12:36:56, Edit by KRONJ
; Make SENDER property longer
; Flush out a lot of code used by old Tenex mail queuing
; No longer use HOSTS2 - let MMAILR worry about hosts
; Allow domain routing (@FOO:USER@BAR) in sender
; Put XMAILR code in XMAISW condition for easy removal
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.53, 17-Apr-83 16:08:30, Edit by KRONJ
; Allow access to subdirectory of login directory
; Flush several useless routines left over from PUPSRV
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.52, 11-Apr-83 16:43:31, Edit by KRONJ
; Improve byte-size mismatch check at RTYBIN
; Allow SCNPRP to return -1 in P.TYPE if unrecognized
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.51,  3-Apr-83 15:56:09, Edit by KRONJ
; Ignore ".ARPA" at the ends of domain names
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.50,  3-Apr-83 15:04:34, Edit by KRONJ
; Flush a lot of unused HOSTS2 routines
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.49,  3-Apr-83 13:16:26, Edit by KRONJ
; Use new SETVER macro in PUPDEF
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.48,  3-Apr-83 01:29:10, Edit by KRONJ
; CX is now CNX
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.47,  2-Apr-83 14:53:58, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix C.RMAI by writing small local xfer routines
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.46,  1-Apr-83 15:56:51, Edit by KRONJ
; Disable C.RMAI -- used old crufty XFR conventions
; Someday soon this should be re-written
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.44, 31-Mar-83 12:13:27, Edit by KRONJ
; Use .SFUST routine to preserve lower case
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.43, 30-Mar-83 17:57:25, Edit by KRONJ
; Gotta have a dest JFN to write the header to
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.42, 30-Mar-83 17:49:58, Edit by KRONJ
; Write Received: header instead of Mail-from:
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.41, 23-Mar-83 17:43:35, Edit by KRONJ
; Handle quota exceeded given to us by PUPXFR
;<PUP.FTP>PUPFSV.MAC.40, 21-Mar-83 14:20:24, Edit by KRONJ
; Abort killed file rather than deleting
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.39, 15-Mar-83 17:02:52, Edit by KRONJ
; Byte pointer with ac index was losing in FIXNAM
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.38, 10-Mar-83 15:16:40, Edit by KRONJ
; MLRTYP and MLQNAM are globals
; Run CHEKMM before making temporary filename
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.37, 26-Feb-83 13:45:19, Edit by KRONJ
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.35, 25-Feb-83 13:40:11, Edit by KRONJ
; If XMailr then never try to use MAILQ: to queue
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.34, 24-Feb-83 19:34:36, Edit by MRC
; Rewrite MMailr/XMailr testing code
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.33, 24-Feb-83 18:00:46, Edit by KRONJ
; Save register in CHEKMM
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.32, 24-Feb-83 17:13:52, Edit by KRONJ
; Don't OPENF stored file until after OKed by user
; (yes, I know the OPEN could fail and the user should
;  have known about it earlier, but more often the user
;  says no to an existing file but  having been opened
;  for write the file contents are now permanently gone)
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.31, 24-Feb-83 16:26:38, Edit by KRONJ
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.30, 24-Feb-83 16:21:47, Edit by KRONJ
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.29, 24-Feb-83 16:11:14, Edit by KRONJ
; Opposite parity test for New-Store -- oops
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.27, 24-Feb-83 15:55:58, Edit by KRONJ
; Previous-Write-Date in New-Store for PUPFTP INSTALL command
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.26, 24-Feb-83 15:33:40, Edit by KRONJ
; Support MMAILR
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.25, 22-Feb-83 15:10:27, Edit by KRONJ
; Fix protection default - was screwing GTJFN and
; causing "Illegal Filename" errors if no prot given
; bump version, date in VERTXT
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.22, 21-Feb-83 23:36:47, Edit by KRONJ
; Use author, protection, date fields for new files
; if supplied in property list.
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.19, 21-Feb-83 23:00:42, Edit by KRONJ
; RETRIEVE sends more properties back
; Say (Type Directory) in DIR for directory files
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.17, 21-Feb-83 14:32:52, Edit by KRONJ
; Move GENAUT into PUPPRP, also generate file protection
; (soon use these if they are given)
;<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.16,  6-Feb-83 19:54:43, Edit by KRONJ
; Type warning message on console if run in job 0
;BX:<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.14,  4-Feb-83 22:30:23, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Don't send obnoxious comment when retrieving 36-bit binary
;   and file is some other size (requested by people at SAIL)
;BX:<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.13,  4-Feb-83 16:14:25, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Allow ANONYMOUS login with any password if <ANONYMOUS> exists
; Make sure any other directory is not Frozen or Root-Dir-Subdir
; Send back End-Of-Line-Convention if not CR
; Don't try getting EXE files in thawed mode
; Ignore directories and nonexistent files (but send Comment)
;BX:<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.12, 10-Jan-83 20:49:33, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Don't complain when user RESETs his PUPFTP
; Save A in CHKGRP so CONNECT password works
;BX:<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.11,  7-Jan-83 02:16:48, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
; Change PUPNM% to PUPNM in schema strings
;BX:<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.10, 31-Dec-82 13:48:56, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Disallow Mail from standalone system
;BX:<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.9, 28-Dec-82 16:34:35, Edit by K.KRONJ
; No longer need RNSTAT, RNERR
;BX:<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.7, 26-Dec-82 20:07:08, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Add CHKRFC to catch and ignore duplicate requests
;BX:<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.5, 21-Dec-82 00:28:05, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Normal time stamp for console messages
;BX:<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.4, 21-Dec-82 00:04:30, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Flush logging code
;BX:<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.3, 20-Dec-82 21:23:10, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Different active channels between controller and FTP forks
;BX:<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.2, 18-Dec-82 22:39:29, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Flush error-report code (PUPERS)
; Flush SUMEX spooling code (PUPSPL)
;BX:<PUP>PUPFSV.MAC.2, 18-Dec-82 00:44:07, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Dike out all non-FTP/Mail code

...large gap in here.  also see PUPSSV, PUPMSV, PUPESV, PUPGSV...

;<4.PUP.SUMEX.USER>PUPSRV.MAC.3, 13-Oct-81 09:15:15, Edit by WOHL
;CS36 Set name on startup
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.25 25-Sep-81 12:33:21, Edit by SCHOEN
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;24 		9/20/81		Edit by RINDFLEISCH
; Added code to queue mail in MAIL:
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;22 30-Jun-81 21:47:00, Edit by SCHOEN
; Add Address Lookup to miscellaneous server
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.21	28-Mar-81 22:24:03	Edit by SCHOEN
; Add boot server
; Add boot directory reply
; Fix MAIL CHECK on Tops20 AND Tenex
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.20	3/1/81			Edit by RINDFLEISCH
; Removed ARPANET code
; Added code to process HOSTSL.BIN network/host/address file
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.19	1/5/81			Edit by RINDFLEISCH
; Added storage for local host number
; Added IFT20 and IFARPN runtime variables to test where we are
; [SMX #1] Record ARPANET host information if appropriate
; [SMX #1] Incorporate Eric Schoen's spooler check
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.18     1-Aug-80 09:25:46    TECO'd by GILMURRAY
; Must quote !, #, and + (via ^V) for 2020 GTJFN
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.17  19-Jul-80 15:04:30, Edit by SCHOEN
; Made ^F output via ELOG, so LOGTTY always gets output
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.16,  9-Jul-80 15:46:55, Edit by SCHOEN
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.13,  9-Jul-80 14:52:50, Edit by SCHOEN
; Removed Tenex conditional around check for detached job
; Tops20 will now run as normal in PTY/detached mode
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.12,  8-Jul-80 09:53:04, Edit by GILMURRAY
; DEBUGF only if controlled by job 0.
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.11     3-Jul-80 15:15:54    TECO'd by GILMURRAY
; If not detached (Tenex) or not on PTY (Tops20), set DEBUGF
; If DEBUGF set then also set PUPBGF (log Pup bugs)
; Always run enabled on Tenex and Tops20 (even if DEBUGF set)
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.10    24-Jun-80 09:50:55    TECO'd by GILMURRAY
; Use ^F instead of ^S for statistics because ^S
; gets in the way of flow control
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.9, 19-Jun-80 08:48:53, Edit by SCHOEN
; Another BBN Tops20 bug.  HRRI A,JOBTTY  -> HRR A,JOBTTY
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.9 17-Jun-80 14:34:06, Edit by SCHOEN
;CAMN D,P1 at WHRUS1+4 should have been CAME...
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.8 16-Jun-80 12:30:59, Edit by SCHOEN
;tops20: do SMON to open PUP network entry flag after PUPSRV initialized
;tops20: if not detached, set PUPBGF to log PUPBUGs
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.7, 12-Jun-80 17:07:55, Edit by SCHOEN
;Fixed CALL to .CFGRP on 16.70
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC.4, 10-Jun-80 13:10:18, Edit by SCHOEN
; (Tops20) Give lower forks wheel capabililty.
; 	   Remove NVTPUP, JOBDIR, change TMON to look at .SFPNV (bit 35)
; PUPFTS on Tops20 needs wheel capability to do GTDIRs for password.
; Install Tops20/Tenex assembly conditionals 
; Add call to search sysdef to find out what system we're on
; gives tops20, tenex, notops20, notenex conditionals
; Changed MAXC defaults to SUMEX
; Added code to set primary i/o to 377777,,400000 if started detached
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;51     2-SEP-79 16:01:20    EDIT BY TAFT
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;50    18-MAR-79 19:20:42    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add call to mail server initialization
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;49    24-NOV-78 19:09:08    EDIT BY TAFT
; Fix log code so that only the top fork tries to write on the log file
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;48    23-NOV-78 19:24:37    EDIT BY TAFT
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;47    21-NOV-78 18:36:57    EDIT BY TAFT
; Fix race between fork creation and fork termination interrupt.
; Add code to record loss of log entries.
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;45    26-OCT-78 21:50:20    EDIT BY TAFT
; Log server creation before starting fork -- else scramble log entries
; Log duplicate RFCs only if debugging
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;43    16-MAY-78 14:07:03    EDIT BY TAFT
; Change Laurel MailCheck to require non-empty as well as undeleted mailbox
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;42    28-APR-78 11:16:38    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add Laurel variant of Mail Check request
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;41    24-APR-78 19:37:28    EDIT BY TAFT
; Remove server for old Alto time standard
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;40    11-JAN-78 17:15:09    EDIT BY TAFT
; Raise lower-case password in authentication server
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;38    31-DEC-77 20:30:55    EDIT BY TAFT
; Conform to revised local time parameter format
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;37    18-DEC-77 16:01:26    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add server for new Alto time standard
; Add user authentication server
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;36    15-SEP-77 11:50:58    EDIT BY TAFT
; Map DDT down to inferior fork if present in top fork.
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;35    15-APR-77 09:51:15    EDIT BY TAFT
; Set SERVF during initialization
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;34     7-APR-77 19:03:57    EDIT BY TAFT
; Improve handling of various fork states in DELFRK
; Prevent some possible (but unlikely) races in fork manipulation
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;33    18-MAR-77 17:43:46    EDIT BY TAFT
; Rip out UUO handler -- now share PUPUUO.MAC with PUPFTP.
; Absorb the few remaining routines from PUPUTL back into PUPSRV.
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;31    25-OCT-76 21:09:26    EDIT BY TAFT
; Put in better random number generator
; Top loop computes dismiss time based on next timer to expire
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;30    20-OCT-76 13:27:23    EDIT BY TAFT
; Remove name lookup to PUPDIR.MAC
; Add hooks for network directory update logic
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;29     5-OCT-76 02:09:20    EDIT BY TAFT
; Fix FNDCON bug when purging obsolete entry
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;28     3-OCT-76 00:16:43    EDIT BY TAFT
; Split out gateway info stuff into separate file PUPGAT.MAC
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;26    14-AUG-76 18:05:14    EDIT BY TAFT
; Print octal numbers unsigned
; Control-S forces event buffer dump also
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;25    13-AUG-76 17:36:35    EDIT BY TAFT
; Log illegal pup type errors only if debugging.
; Fix MAKPRT to handle errors properly.
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;24    30-JUN-76 20:02:03    EDIT BY TAFT
; Remove various utility routines to PUPUTL.MAC
; Modify initialization for new storage assignment mechanisms
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;21     1-JUN-76 18:02:26    EDIT BY TAFT
; Change MAKPRT to generate foreign port address as constant, not symbolically
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;20    14-MAY-76 19:50:29    EDIT BY TAFT
; Fix race between DELFRK and fork termination interrupt
; Add code to release log lock when a fork crashes
;<PUP>PUPSRV.MAC;19     7-MAR-76 00:23:44    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add check for illegal zero fields in incoming RFCs

;<PUP.FTP>PUPPRP.MAC.38, 25-Aug-83 14:43:17, Edit by KRONJ
; Flag cataclysm
;<PUP.FTP>PUPPRP.MAC.37, 12-Aug-83 22:41:24, Edit by KRONJ
; Rewrite to avoid SK2RET
;<PUP.FTP>PUPPRP.MAC.36, 12-Aug-83 09:34:51, Edit by KRONJ
; Add MEIS-Paged transfer type
;<PUP.FTP>PUPPRP.MAC.35,  1-Aug-83 16:34:37, Edit by KRONJ
; Obey Ctrl-V in Name-Body
;ACCT:<PUP.FTP>PUPPRP.MAC.34, 14-Jun-83 16:17:27, Edit by R.RMK
; File-author support.
;<PUP.FTP>PUPPRP.MAC.33, 11-Apr-83 17:28:35, Edit by KRONJ
; Unrecognized transfer types get passed on as -1 to caller
;<PUP.FTP>PUPPRP.MAC.32,  3-Apr-83 15:03:17, Edit by KRONJ
;<PUP.FTP>PUPPRP.MAC.31,  3-Apr-83 01:23:29, Edit by KRONJ
;<PUP.FTP>PUPPRP.MAC.30,  2-Apr-83 22:24:25, Edit by KRONJ
; Can't use SAVEAC either
;<PUP.FTP>PUPPRP.MAC.29,  1-Apr-83 15:43:21, Edit by KRONJ
; Oops!  Can't have STKVARs in code for PUPFSV
;<PUP.FTP>PUPPRP.MAC.28, 31-Mar-83 12:10:54, Edit by KRONJ
; Steal .SFUST routine from MMAILR
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.27, 11-Mar-83 11:58:57, Edit by KRONJ
; Clean up externs
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.26, 24-Feb-83 15:41:04, Edit by KRONJ
; Previous-Write-Date so I can implement New-Store
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.25, 21-Feb-83 23:18:17, Edit by KRONJ
; Make 76 protections become 77 (since we have no letter for 1)
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.20, 21-Feb-83 14:41:32, Edit by KRONJ
; Move in GENAUT from PUPFSV
; add GENPRO to make access properties
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.17, 21-Feb-83 14:00:08, Edit by KRONJ
; Owner/Group/Public-Access, Original-Author
; Directory pseudo-transfer type
;BX:<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.16,  4-Feb-83 22:43:31, Edit by K.KRONJ
; EOLTAB is global (used in PUPFSV)
;BX:<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.15, 19-Jan-83 16:54:07, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Allow 39-char passwords
;MRC:<PUP.WORKING>PUPPRP.MAC.1, 17-Sep-82 13:35:57, Edit by CSD.KRONJ
; Bulletproof GSTDR (RCDIR was erring with connect and no login)
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.13, 30-Jun-82 08:35:00, Edit by R.RMK
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.12, 29-Jun-82 13:20:02, Edit by R.RMK
; Remove STKVAR at GSTDR.
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.11, 29-Jun-82 12:59:36, Edit by R.RMK
; Make GSTUS really return a user number.
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.10, 24-Jun-82 16:55:40, Edit by R.RMK
; TENEX RCUSRs and RCDIRs skip, SLOPS-20 ones don't...
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.9, 22-Apr-82 11:37:12, Edit by R.RMK
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.8, 22-Apr-82 11:24:51, Edit by R.RMK
; Rewrite GSTDR and GSTUS so I can flush PUPSUP out of PUPFTP.
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.7, 16-Apr-82 14:55:06, Edit by R.RMK
; More of same.
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.6, 16-Apr-82 03:27:06, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.5, 16-Apr-82 03:21:01, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.4, 16-Apr-82 01:15:10, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.3, 15-Apr-82 21:59:15, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;TOPS-20 Stuff
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>NUPPRP.MAC.2, 31-Mar-82 11:45:33, Edit by R.RMK
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>PUPPRP.MAC.3, 29-Mar-82 10:46:36, Edit by R.RMK
; Search SYSDEF.
;<NORMAL>PUPPRP.MAC.7 10-Jan-81 21:01:11    Edit by SCHOEN
; Made twenex runtime compatible
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.6    30-Jul-80 15:47:12    TECO'd by GILMURRAY
; Remove 2 and Z and insert !, #, and + in FILQUO table
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.6, 17-Jun-80 14:51:28, Edit by SCHOEN
; tops20: Fixed missing stack clean-up in GSTUSR,GSTDIR
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC.5, 12-Jun-80 17:23:27, Edit by SCHOEN
; Created GSTUSR routine to do RCUSR for PPUNAM, GSTDIR 
; routine for PPCNAM (Tops20).
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC;9  12-Jun-80  Edit by Schoen
; Fixed directory # handling in PPUNAM, GSTDIR in tops20 version
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC;8     15-APR-80    Edit by Schoen
; Add Tenex/Tops20 conditional assembly
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC;7     2-SEP-79 16:00:50    EDIT BY TAFT
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC;6     2-JUN-77 21:32:49    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add "Author" and "Size" property parsers
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC;5    31-MAR-77 20:25:23    EDIT BY TAFT
; Put in hooks for mail server
; Make individual property interpreters conditionally external
; Reinstate forcing device and directory to upper-case.
; (I knew there was a reason.  Damn silly Tenex problem!)
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC;3    19-MAR-77 20:05:26    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add code to parse date properties
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC;2    18-MAR-77 18:14:45    EDIT BY TAFT
; Call external REFILL procedure in SCNPRP
;<PUP>PUPPRP.MAC;1    18-MAR-77 17:06:55    EDIT BY TAFT
; Modified to be usable in both server and user
; Renamed PUPPRP.MAC
; Uniformly generate "No" response before giving error return.
; Remove device/directory name check -- it will be caught later if
; actually used.
;<PUP>PFUPRP.MAC;3    15-MAR-77 18:54:26    EDIT BY TAFT
; Add Tenex-paged type
;<PUP>PFUPRP.MAC;2    10-MAR-77 14:21:00    EDIT BY TAFT
; Split out from PUPFTP.MAC

;BX:<PUP>PUPSPL.MAC.11,  6-Dec-82 17:13:37, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Convert from SCREWUP to FATAL and JFATAL
;<PUP>PUPSPL.MAC.10, 14-May-82 15:16:11, Edit by R.RMK
; Use PU%MEI so monitor doesn't frob the PUP headers.
;<PUP>PUPSPL.MAC.9, 16-Apr-82 16:52:21, Edit by R.RMK
; More of same.
;<PUP>PUPSPL.MAC.8, 16-Apr-82 03:24:32, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPSPL.MAC.7, 15-Apr-82 23:36:21, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPSPL.MAC.6, 15-Apr-82 23:18:23, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPSPL.MAC.5, 15-Apr-82 23:14:37, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPSPL.MAC.4, 15-Apr-82 21:35:01, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;TOPS-20 stuff
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>NUPSPL.MAC.3, 31-Mar-82 11:48:36, Edit by R.RMK
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>NUPSPL.MAC.2, 31-Mar-82 11:23:25, Edit by R.RMK
; Search MACSYM if STANSW.
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>NEW-PUPSPL.MAC.2, 31-Mar-82 10:30:21, Edit by R.RMK
; In STANSW, now use DEFSTRs from PUPSYM for MEIS PUPs.
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>PUPSPL.MAC.3, 30-Mar-82 21:02:56, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;install DAMN
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>PUPSPL.MAC.2, 29-Mar-82 10:54:28, Edit by R.RMK
; Search SYSDEF.

;<PUP.FTP>PUPUUO.MAC.23, 25-Aug-83 14:44:04, Edit by KRONJ
; Flag cataclysm
;<PUP.FTP>PUPUUO.MAC.22, 16-Aug-83 11:11:48, Edit by KRONJ
; Flush SAVE3 now too
;<PUP.FTP>PUPUUO.MAC.21, 12-Aug-83 22:48:07, Edit by KRONJ
; Flush SAVE4 and the various skip returns
; SAVE3 will go when PUPXFR is finally replaced by MEIXFR
; Use FBOUT in %Q for efficiency when copying to strings
;<PUP.FTP>PUPUUO.MAC.18,  1-Aug-83 16:47:57, Edit by KRONJ
; Add Q to macro format chars - quoted string
;BX:<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.17, 28-Dec-82 16:33:49, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Flush %URUNM
;BX:<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.16, 28-Dec-82 16:32:26, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Flush RUNF - no longer used
;BX:<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.15,  5-Dec-82 13:51:36, Edit by K.KRONJ
; Convert calls to SCREWUP to FATAL and JFATAL
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.14, 26-Jul-82 01:48:17, Edit by ADMIN.MRC
; Make RNERR and RNSTAT global
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.13, 22-Apr-82 09:37:44, Edit by R.RMK
; Flush RNERR, RNSTAT.  PUPFTP and PUPSRV will define these.
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.12, 18-Apr-82 23:45:06, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.11, 18-Apr-82 23:34:19, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.10, 18-Apr-82 23:31:28, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.9, 18-Apr-82 19:17:06, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.8, 16-Apr-82 12:14:54, Edit by R.RMK
; TOPS20 more of same.
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.7, 16-Apr-82 03:19:21, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.6, 16-Apr-82 02:24:41, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Use .ORG instead of LOC/RELOC to position LUUO block
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.5, 15-Apr-82 23:10:18, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.4, 15-Apr-82 22:58:04, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.3, 15-Apr-82 21:55:11, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;TOPS-20 Stuff
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>NUPUUO.MAC.2, 31-Mar-82 11:44:03, Edit by R.RMK
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>PUPUUO.MAC.5, 30-Mar-82 12:29:21, Edit by R.RMK
; Remove previous edit.
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>PUPUUO.MAC.4, 29-Mar-82 11:29:20, Edit by R.RMK
; Comment RNERR, RNSTAT for PUPFTP load.
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>PUPUUO.MAC.3, 29-Mar-82 10:45:33, Edit by R.RMK
; Search SYSDEF.
;ACCT:<PUP.USER-WORKING>PUPUUO.MAC.2, 25-Mar-82 17:40:13, Edit by R.RMK
; Add search of PSVDEF.
;<4.PUP.SUMEX.USER>PUPUUO.MAC.3, 26-Oct-81 06:39:15, Edit by WOHL
;Externalize RNERR and RNSTAT
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC;6    17-May-81 18:03:12    Edit by Schoen
; Fix %LETU to handle errors correctly on Tops20
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC;4    20-Jan-81 20:45:59    Edit by SCHOEN
; Fix %PRINT to handle PRINT EOL correctly on both Tops20 and Tenex
; Added storage for RNERR and RNSTAT
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC;4    20-Aug-80 11:35:24    Edit by SCHOEN
; %RUNM UUO for errors in lower fork runnable version
; %UERRO UUO modified to go to RNERR string in shared page if lower fork
; %UTYPE UUO modified to be noop in lower fork version
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC.3     9-Jul-80 23:35:18    Edit by SCHOEN
; %PRINT checked only 37 as EOL, not using EOL defn in PUPDEF
; This meant that tops20 version never sent <lf> after <cr>
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC;2     6-Dec-79 14:27:46    EDIT BY SWEER
; added DOLUUO to simulate Maxc UPSHJ opcode
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC;6     2-SEP-79 16:00:59    EDIT BY TAFT
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC;5    12-NOV-77 18:08:19    EDIT BY TAFT
; Print octal numbers unsigned
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC;4    15-APR-77 09:59:32    EDIT BY TAFT
; Different format for %F conversion if SERVF is set
;<PUP>PUPUUO.MAC;2    10-MAR-77 14:37:23    EDIT BY TAFT
; Split out from PUPFTP.MAC

	Kronj, 1-Oct
Bump major version of PUPFTP (which will no longer be PUPFTP).
Change PSECT definitions to match those of HSTNAM, TCPIO etc.
Put .REQUIRE etc in top-level modules so that they can be LOADed
  rather than needing ASMxxx.CMD files.
Rename modules to reflect new protocol-independance.
Convert PUPFTP to use HSTNAM

	Kronj, 2-Oct
Start removing ## construction in favor of EXTERN
Misc code cleanups especially in FTPUUO, flush the last old edit histories
Start rewrite of Pup-specific portions of user code

	Kronj, 9-Oct
Incorporate Kirk's fixes to PUPXFR
Finish removing ##
Make sure everyone refers to FTPDEF instead of PUPDEF

	Kronj, 16-Oct
Teach FRNFIL about files in doublequotes

	Kronj, 17-Oct
Rename SRCJFN and DSTJFN to be NETJFN and FILJFN.  Clean up much related code.
Flush lots of useless UUOs and other cruft
Make PUPFSV cooperate with PUPXFR in setting data modes
Clean up queueing of Pup mail - don't need two different files

	Kronj, 18-Oct
Work through GET command in FTP.MAC (still need to do it in PUPFTP.MAC)

	Kronj, 19-Oct
Clean up default type and byte size setting on connection opening
Make TT.MEI vs TT.PAG invisible to the user
Add @ in CALL @xxx(V)
Convert rest of FRKJFN(FX) to NETJFN in PUPFSV
Use duplex JFNs in PUPFSV (long since done in PUPFTP)
Start module PUPUTL, put MRKNAM and GETCMD there (still needs work)

	Kronj, 20-Oct
Write code to convert .PM36 into .PMASC (for GETCMD)

	Kronj, 21-Oct
Clean up some of FTP, start implementing .RECV in PUPFTP
Implement DELETE in both FTP.MAC and PUPFTP.MAC
Copy many random subroutines into PUPFTP frlm old PUPFTP

	Kronj, 22-Oct
Implement aborts in Pup Sends and Retrieves
Make sure all EOCs are flushed appropriately
Implement Pup .SEND, most of SEND command in FTP
Implement PRINT command in both Pup and FTP
Flush File-Author prop, PRINT command uses Author for that

	Kronj, 23-Oct
Move common code into FTPUUO, rename to be FTPUTL
Clean up large portions of PUPPRP and FTPUTL (flush binary search for TBLUK%)
Flush old %C and %P, make %C send one char, %T and %J smarter about lack of AC
Write remote filename parser to complete SEND command
Work through RENAME command - only thing left is DIRECTORY

	Kronj, 24-Oct
Make SEND hand the file version to .SEND if appropriate
Work through DIRECTORY command, remainder of FTP.MAC
Make DIRECTORY smart about SAIL's vs. everyone else's filenames

	Kronj, 25-Oct
Attempt first compilation.  Lots of errors.  Finally everything
compiles.  The problem that took the most time to work out was the
inability of MACRO to deal with TYPE(< %4S%/).  It works if there is a
space between the ( and the <.  Now to get everything to load...

	Kronj, 26-Oct
Make LOAD, make DIRECTORY work
PUPOPS still needs work, as does filling defaults in C.GET

	Kronj, 28-Oct
Make all sorts of things that didn't work do so.  No known bugs left.
Remove comma from list of directory terminator characters.

	Lougheed, 29-Oct
Clear storage areas before setting up stack and FRECOR.

	Kronj, 30-Oct
Fix SAVEAC in STRCMP to make INFORMATION show login defaults correctly.
Fix filename defaulting in GET command to not trash CSB
Fix wrong AC screwup in getting user login default
Make DIRECTORY without attributes keep files on separate lines
Add SAVEAC to CHKMEI so TYPE doesn't get wedged

	Kronj, 1-Nov
Fix check of whether disk file in GET to make sure correct JFN is used
(was breaking UPDATE with paged mode transfers).
Add square brackets to host name mask so can specify arbitrary ARPA hosts.
Add checks after fields parsed to make sure they are non-null.
Add MULTIPLE command to appease losing TCPFTP users.
Rework GET local filename wildcard filling.

	Kronj, 2-Nov
Go over HELP documentation
Make DEBUG typeout use U:... and S:... again instead of L: and R:
Make OPEN with previous disconnected LOGIN not use default again
Allow protocol handler routines to parse socket numbers
Flush ^F interrupt from PUPFSV
Make TYPE UUO buffer typeout and then do a PSOUT
Make SEND to dir name without filename automatically include filename

	Kronj, 6-Nov
Have to translate when sending out text in 36-bit mode
Work on data mode switch synchronization
Flush OKRETR and OKSTOR flags in mark byte dispatch
Synchronize EOCs in PUPFSV a little better, flush mail archiving
Reading in an EOC doesn't mung previous mark string

	Kronj, 7-Nov
More cleanup of PUPFSV

	Kronj, 26-Nov
Improve FRNFIL - set string default so escape completion can take
notice of SET LOWERCASE.  Rename SJFNS to the more mnemonic .JFNS and
use it in more places.  Use G1%NLN to avoid completion of generations
on files with not more than 6 chars in the filename and 3 in the
extension in an attempt to appease Brian Reid and the forces of
"intelligent user interfaces" while retaining "what you see is what
you get".  Meanwhile, Frank has been busily working on the TCP
protocol support.  The sticking point has been the data transfer
commands - TCPIO needs to be hacked up in order to control two
connections at once, and in order to open one connection in passive
rather than active mode.  Everything will be wonderful if Paetzold
ever gives us working DEC-interface support.

Later that day: Brian has finally persuaded me to hack .-1 out of
filenames.  It is parameterized as SET MUNG-VERSION so I can turn it
off.  FRNFIL no longer string-defaults file names - that loses too
badly when the first parse (of a G1%NLN file) loses - it overwrites
the command buffer with the default and the user's typein of a
non-TOPS filename is destroyed.  Frank broke ^G interrupts when he
rearranged some channel numbers - fixed.  The code to call the next
nested interrupt when ^G from a password has been improved, and PUSHIO
was made to save the prompt (so a LOGIN command from FTP> followed by
^G wouldn't leave the prompt "Password:").

	Kronj, 2-Dec
Add CWD, BYTE, DEBUG, NO, and NODEBUG top-level commands in case some
poor loser gets confused when we switch from old ARPA FTP.

	Kronj, 18-Dec
Fix INSTALL in PUPFTP so that NO doesn't think we have unsynch EOC

	Kronj, 27-Dec
Fix PUSHIO - when I last changed it I forgot to change which piece of
the stack to increment for skip return from caller.
Only say "setting default transfer" when actually making different.

	Kronj, 1-Jan-1984
We were typing both server "no" message and user "i didn't see anything"
for a directory command with no matching files.  If server said something,
then don't also type the user message.

	Kronj, 5-Jan
Fix SET DIRECTORY for Pup connections - was typing string from wrong AC.

	Kronj, 6-Jan
Make PUPXFR type the final CRLF after those excls even if debugging.
That way the next debugging printout starts on a new line.  We still
don't type a space before the first excl, though.  Make calling
conventions to LOGCHK more normal - something strange was happenning
with the "return from caller" UFTPMs and I didn't want to find out what.
Fix massive security hole in LOGCHK.  You could always connect to a
wheeled directory, even with the wrong password (or no pw).  This is
because the check for "is he a wheel? if so don't check the pw" was
looking at the privileges of the dir to be connected to rather than
the logged in directory.  This was true even of the old FTP server, so
it must be a pretty old bug.  Don't wait for an EOC after we just got
one - some commands still don't handle their own EOCs.

Later that evening: improve debugging typeout of Pup GET command.
Don't want the "FOO => BAR" but include the local file name in the
user "yes" response so that I can see what it is.  Fix a long-standing
bug in GET where we were not releasing JFNs (yet another inverted skip).
This bit both me and Kirk with large update commands.  SET CONFIRM UPDATE
defaultly on (best to be safe, but my init turns it off anyway).

	Kronj, 7-Jan
Fix HELP SET CONFIRM to reflect new default.  Make .ERMS1 global for
Kirk (who has started working on TCPFTP as Frank hasn't done much in
the last month or so).  Work on text-to-36 conversion so it doesn't
lose last bytes.  Fix bug where -1 version on Send was causing whole
GTJFN% flag word to be -1.  Add MODE, STRUCTURE, FORMAT settings for
TCP FTP, and make SET TYPE and friends smarter.  Add EBCDIC transfer type.

	Kronj, 8-Jan
Improve access checking in PUPFSV - SEND command was getting JFN and
then using CHKAC to see if could write the file, rather than asking if
it could create a file in that directory.  Now also makes sure
protection of superseded file allows deletion.

	Kronj, 23-Jan
Start working on TCPFTP module.  No real changes yet - just some minor
cleanups to give me a feel for the code.  I can still open connections
and presumable do non-data-transfer commands.  Closing the connection
takes a long time though - Kirk thinks bugs in TCPBBN (in the monitor).

	Kronj, 30-Jan
Fix one-line GET to NUL: (multi-line is beyond hope).
Check for multiple files down to one in GET similarly to existing SEND check.
Add SET SMART-DIRECTORIES - I can parse TOPS20 STAT replies.
Ignore comments (number < 100) when reading TCP server responses.
Make TCP buffer reading flush final CRLF.
Start working on TOPS-20 SMART-DIRECTORY code.

	Kronj, 31-Jan
New verbosity level system rather than using flag bits
Make FTPM UUO protocol-dependant and use in TCPFTP
Change some strange calling conventions in TCPFTP, improve some labels
Extra-verbose TFTPM types machine-readable number as well as text
Add DTYPE macro so can do TFTPM without doing UTYPE by hand
Compile-time and load-time checks for protocol vector length
Fix structure, format, mode, type confusion
Make TCP data param setting know about above things
%C in format strings does nothing if null

	Kronj, 1-Feb
Make F%STYO actually suppress OPEN and GET negotiation typeout
Improve TCPFTP LOGIN, CWD, OPEN, and CLOSE to obey protocol and act nicely
Make top-level DEBUG etc commands not halt if JCL
Symbol table grew too large so rearrange PSECTS a little

	Kronj, 2-Feb
Finish renaming labels in TCPFTP
Split out data transfer code into new module TCPXFR
Import LOTS printing changes (Plot-File property and PUPPRT program)
Go over DELETE and RENAME to make sure they follow protocol

	Kronj, 3-Feb
Improve response to 332 and 532, clean up LOGIN some more
Make PUPFTP send name of program in VERS string
Plot-File property is also preserved on file retrievals

	Kronj, 6-Feb
Fix bugs with calling CHKDSK and with timing of data mode switches
causing lots of fun errors.  Make VRBSTY global in PUPFSV.

	Kronj, 8-Feb
MRC has fixed monitor so no longer need to use different ports for
data connections.  Also remove "%J" from MEIS mode FATAL text.

	Kronj, 9-Feb
At MRC's suggestion do TELNET protocol if necessary on the TELNET
connection.  This makes connections close much faster because the
server no longer waits for a timing mark reply that will never come.
"It's not just a good idea, it's the law."

	Kronj, 10-Feb
Move protocol-independant file transfer routines to FTPUTL from PUPXFR
Start working on TCP data receive - can do directory listings now,
i.e. knows about ASCII text with FILE structure and STREAM mode.
Improve TCPSET to only send commands for params that need setting
(this should cut down on a lot of useless TELNET connection traffic).
Start writing code for RECEIVE command - use NLST if possible.
Install aborts in smart T20 directory code (dumb code is hopeless).
Various routines smarter about making sure talking to terminal
rather than a file, so for instance JCL won't leave null prompts.
JCL halt now closes the connection.

	Kronj, 11-Feb
Fix text-to-36 conversion to make sure we get a null text byte in an
even number of halfwords.  There was code to do this but it was wrong.
Make TCPRSP handle multi-line replies as given on page 33 of RFC765.
Type FOO => BAR in GET only after connection is fully set up.
GET works!!  Now I just have to implement the other modes and types.

	Kronj, 12-Feb
Add SET MULTIPLE-GET, make MULTIPLE command do something.
Flush CREATE-INIT command - not very useful.  People can use EMACS.
Split STATUS command, make STATUS primary name, add protocol part.
Munch spaces in TCPTFM rather than TCPRSQ to keep them in STATUS.
Add HOST synonym for OPEN command.

	Kronj, 13-Feb
Flush some useless code (most interrupts, SRCDSP/ERRPDP/DSTDSP etc).
Add ETYPE UUO and replace all ESOUT% and EMSG with it.
Finish auto-block mode, implement block receive and stream send.
Find funny OPENF% error numbers in mon and get Kirk to fix them.
Add SET ALTERNATE-SOCKETS again.  It used to control 3 vs. 333 in
PUPFTP but that was less useful than typing sockets after host so
I flushed it.  Now it controls whether new socket each TCP data conn.

	Kronj, 14-Feb
Rearrange code in FTP.MAC to look prettier in page menu and such.
Make all SET commands available at top level, flush top-level synonyms.
Eliminate use of TMSG, make FTPLUD use UUOs a little.

	Kronj, 15-Feb
Make work with Tenex, including SMART-DIRECTORY stuff.
Make GET use SMART-DIR stuff for UPDATE and SET KEEP.

	Kronj, 16-Feb
Make TCPFTP smarter about remote filenames - fill out versions and
default directories for Tenex/TOPS-20 filenames if not included in string.
Also fill out default directories for relative UNIX pathnames.
Flush question marks from start of displayed server responses.
Making ^Vs and other unprintable chars line up in directory listings.

	Kronj, 21-Feb
I have been mostly working on 36-bit binary transfers.  I got them to
work, but I had to break them for paged transfers - I can't read in a
full buffer every time because paged transfers stop without closing
the connection (in clear violation of the layering principle).
It now works for paged as well as 36-bit binary reception.
GET now uses STAT and not NLST if it can (avoids switching data modes).
Fix bug in multi-line GET that overwrote file name defaults with prompt.
Add copyright notices to all modules.  Split out DIRPNT into FTPDIR.MAC.
Changed calling convention for TCPSET so GET could call KILFIL if aborted.

	Kronj, 22-Feb
Improve text-to-.pm36 conversion in PUPUTL in hope of fixing bug.
Make FTPUTL smarter about printing excls and "<FDB>".
Fix TCRPAG from returning +3.  Close data conn before TELNET.
Implement EBCDIC receive.  As with block mode this is unlikely to be
tested - I can find no servers willing to send me EBCDIC data.

	Kronj, 23-Feb
Implement another never-to-be-tested piece of code: compressed receive.
And yet one more: binary mode for sizes 5,7,10,11,...,31,33,34,35.
Add SET HASH-MARK to be compatible with CMUFTP.

	Kronj, 25-Feb
Finish TCPFTP.MAC - implement SEND and PRINT commands.
TCXSND in TCPXFR.MAC still needs a lot of work though.

	Kronj, 26-Feb
Close and re-open file when protocol demands new transfer type.
This includes all normal checks e.g. for byte size mismatch.
Change calling conventions for Pup protocol response readers
and have them jump to handler on end etc rather than needing that code
for each caller.  This can be done now that DISCON and EDISC run
KILFIL, and now that FILJFN is maintained more carefully.

	Kronj, 27-Feb
Make REENTER do something useful - read JCL and go back to top level.

	Kronj, 3-Mar
Don't lowercase filenames when sending to other PDP-10s.
TCP Send in text mode now works, after I added a timeout in closing
the data connection.  Without it I wait forever for CLOSF% to return.
Implement 8/16/32-bit binary, 1/2/3/4/6/9/12/18/36-bit binary, EBCDIC sends.
Split user data transfer routines from TCPXFR into TCPDAT.
Start implementing different modes for remote and local end of transfers.

	Kronj, 4-Mar
More work on independant settings of local and remote transfer types.

	Kronj, 6-Mar
Finish getting page mode send to work.  Now all that's left is the
useless stuff (block and compressed modes, and the remaining binary
byte sizes).  Turns out there were several bugs in my 36-bit binary
send code that weren't being exercised by the logical-byte 36 sends
but which paged mode cared about.  Now to start on the documentation...

	Kronj, 9-Mar
Documentation is updated, block and compressed mode sends are written.
Installed as NEW:FTP but not yet announced (Kirk is proofreading doc).

	Kronj, 10-Mar
TCP directories give one error instead of two if files not found.
TCP delete uses smart-dir to handle wildcards.
Fixed TYPE command to work with latest reworking of GET command.
Updated FTP.MSS so examples use TCP, start w/blank line, end w/new prompt.
Created FTP.HLP for a basic introduction to the program.

	Kronj, 12-Mar
Improve documentation.  Make setting of FORMAT work in SET TYPE ASCII.
Fix some bugs in TCPFTP - not setting P.XTYP in PRINT, MULTIPLE GET.

	Kronj, 14-Mar
Fix some UNIX file-parsing problems - how'd they get this far?
Move some mail from my Babyl file into FTP.MAIL (MM format).

	Kronj, 16-Mar
Lots of ERJMPs in the Pup code to quiet the console down if user ^Cs.

	Kronj, 18-Mar
Improve SEND multi-line parsing, allow user to give protocol name in OPEN.

	Kronj, 28-Mar
Finally got around to writing strange-byte-size binary send.
This is the last "development" change - from now on changes will be
reported in a normal edit history at the top of each file.
FTP has been installed as SYS:FTP and SYS:PUPFTP on Sierra for a week
now, with no bug reports whatsoever (or other mail for that matter).