
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - stanford/ftp/tcpxfr.mac
There are no other files named tcpxfr.mac in the archive.
;<FTP>TCPXFR.MAC.143,  5-Mar-85 19:18:30, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Zero last page on a paged receive so that the EXEC's checksumming
;  routine works on files received in such a fashion.
;<FTP>TCPXFR.MAC.142, 29-Oct-84 16:23:20, Edit by LOUGHEED
; From Rutgers: send file attributes according to KEEP parameters
;<FTP>TCPXFR.MAC.141, 21-Aug-84 18:00:49, Edit by KRONJ
; Try slight rearrangement in T36GET so that P1 doesn't get messed
; up at end of buffer refill by the ADDI P1,9 at T36TOP
;<FTP>TCPXFR.MAC.140, 27-Apr-84 14:54:04, Edit by KRONJ
; Clean up paged transfer code a little - use symbolic names for page
; types and for offsets in page block header.  I know, if it ain't broke...
;<FTP>TCPXFR.MAC.139, 26-Apr-84 21:59:38, Edit by KRONJ
; Not quite counting bits correctly in T36GET
; (was screwing paged receives of more than 770 words of data)
	TTITLE(TCPXFR, -- Low-level data transfer for user/server TCP FTP)
	SUBTTL David Eppstein / Stanford University / 2-Feb-1984

	;; Copyright (C) 1984 Board of Trustees, Stanford University
	;; The information in this software is subject to change without
	;; notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Stanford
	;; University.  Stanford assumes no responsibility for the use or
	;; reliability of this software.


LS TCXJFN			; JFN for data connection
LS MODCOR			; Which coroutine to use for net I/O

; Definitions for paged transfer header
; these are DEFINE rather than real constants because FILPAG is EXTERN
DEFINE PAGHDR <FILPAG-5>	; Header starts five words before file data
DEFINE HDRLEN <FILPAG-5>	; First word is number of header words
DEFINE PAGNO <FILPAG-4>		; Second word is number of page in file
DEFINE DATLEN <FILPAG-3>	; Third word is number of words of data
DEFINE PAGTYP <FILPAG-2>	; Fourth word is type of page
	PGT$LP==:0		; Last page
	PGT$SP==:1		; Simple data page
	PGT$DP==:2		; Descriptor page
	PGT$AP==:3		; Access controlled page
DEFINE PAGACS <FILPAG-1>	; Fifth word is page access (known by SETPAG)

; Table of coroutines, indexed by mode number
MODCTB::TCSBLK,,TCRBLK		; MD.ABK auto-block uses block unless can't
	TCSSTR,,TCRSTR		; MD.STR stream mode
	TCSBLK,,TCRBLK		; MD.BLK block mode
	TCSCMP,,TCRCMP		; MD.CMP compressed mode
SUBTTL Reception of data from net

; TCXREC - Receive file from net
; takes opened JFN in FILJFN, file properties in FILPRP
; TCPSET and TCXOPN must already have been done
; TCXCLS will be done if necessary
; returns +1/failure, +2/success

TCXREC::SAVEAC <P1>		; Save register to use for coroutine
	HRRZ P1,MODCOR		; Get output coroutine to use
	CALL SHXINI		; Start typing excls
	SETZM NBYTES		; No bytes put yet
	SETOM NXTPAG		; No pages either
	JRST @[	TCRBIN		; TT.UNS unspecified - image
		TCRTXT		; TT.TXT text
		TCRBIN		; TT.BIN binary
		TCRPAG		; TT.PAG paged
		TCRDIR		; TT.DIR directory
		TCRPAG		; TT.MEI other style paged
		TCRBIN ](A)	; TT.IMG image (treated as binary)

TCRDIR:	TYPE <%% Directory transfers not possible%/>
; Receive EBCDIC transfer

TCREBC:	SAVEAC <P2>		; Use this register
	MOVEI P2,TREBCC		; Get coroutine
	MVI. 5000,BCOUNT	; One page of 5 bytes per word
	MVI. 7,FILBSZ		; 7 bits per byte
	MVI. <-1,,FILPAG>,FILPTR ; Into where PUTPAG expects it
	  SETZM FILBYT		; Don't count bytes yet
	  MOVE B,[POINT 7,FILPAG] ; Point to start of page
	  JSP P2,(P2)		; Get data
	   JRST SFBSZ		; No more
	  JSP P2,(P2)		; Get other half of data
	   NOP			; Got some, make sure page goes out
	  CALL PUTPAG		; Send them off
	  LOOP.			; Back for next page

TREBCC:	PUSH P,B		; Save pointer
	MOVE B,[POINT 8,NETPAG]	; Point to another buffer
	MOVNI C,2400		; Half a pageful of ASCII
	JSP P1,(P1)		; Get some
	ADDM C,FILBYT		; Count some bytes
	ADDI C,2400		; Get number of bytes
	POP P,B			; Get pointer back
	MOVE D,[POINT 8,NETPAG]	; and point to start of net page
	HRRZ A,EBCTAB(A)	; Convert to ASCII
	IDPB A,B		; Deposit in receive buffer
	SOJG C,TREBCL		; Count off and go back for more
	JSP P2,1(P2)		; Return success
	JRST TREBCC		; Back for another load

TREBCR:	POP P,B			; Get pointer back
TREBCZ:	JSP P2,(P2)		; Return +1 for out of data
	JRST TREBCZ		; Allow caller to try again but don't give any
; Receive paged transfer

TCRPAG:	SAVEAC <P2>		; Save register for coroutine
	XMOVEI P2,T36COR	; Get 36-bit coroutine
	MVI. 1000,BCOUNT	; Set count of bytes per page
	MVI. ^D36,FILBSZ	; And size of each byte

; Here to read the next paged block of data from the connection
TCRPGL:	MOVE D,[-4,,PAGHDR]	; Set up pointer for start of header
	JSP P2,(P2)		; Read that much in
	 JRST SHXEND		; No more data, done

	;; Set up access control word from header or make it up if not given
	MOVE D,HDRLEN		; Get header count
	CAIE D,5		; If we have an access word
	  HRROI D,PAGACS	; Point to it
	  JSP P2,(P2)		; Read that much in
	   JRST TCRPGE		; Unexpected end of data
	  SETOM PAGACS		; Not access controlled, use all ones
	  CAIE D,4		; Header length not 5, must be 4
	   JRST TCRPGH		; Not 4 or 5, complain about strange length

	;; Now read in page data
	SKIPN D,DATLEN		; Get number of words in this page
	 JRST TCRPG0		; No data, so go figure out what to do
	CAIN D,1000		; Not a full page of data?
	  SETZM FILPAG		; Yes, clear first word of page
	  MOVE A,[XWD FILPAG, FILPAG+1]	; Set up BLT pointer
	  BLT A,FILPAG+777	; Ensure zeros on unused part of page 
	MOVNS D			; Negate the word count
	HRLZS D			; Into left half
	HRRI D,FILPAG		; Into file page
	JSP P2,(P2)		; Read page contents
	 JRST TCRPGE		; Unexpected end of data

	;; Page all read, figure out what to do with it
TCRPG0:	SKIPN D,PAGTYP		; Last page?
	CAIE D,PGT$SP		; Simple page
	 CAIN D,PGT$AP		; or access controlled page?
	TYPE <%_%% Unknown page type %4D in paged transfer, ignored%/>
	JRST TCRPGL		; Don't do anything with strange type

; Here with an actual page of data
TCRPGP:	MOVE D,PAGNO		; Get page number
	HRRM D,PAGACS		; Add to access bits where SETPAG expects it
	CALL SETPAG		; Put the page into the file
	JRST TCRPGL			; Back for another page

; Here when the header length was other than 4 or 5
TCRPGH:	ETYPE <Unexpected length %4D for paged header%/>
	JRST TCXABT		; Lose lose

; Here when we didn't get as much data as we expected there to be
TCRPGE:	ETYPE <Unexpected end of data in paged connection%/>
	JRST TCXABT		; Flush data conn

; Here for descriptor page PGT$DP, i.e. FDB
	JRST TCRPGL		; Back for another page

; Here when page type is PGT$LP, last page
TCRPGZ:	SKIPE D,DATLEN	; Yes, any data?
	 TYPE <%_%% %4D words of data on terminal page%/>
	JRST SHXEND		; Done with reading pages
; Receive binary or image transfer
; we tell the server different things for binary and image,
; but treat them the same ourself - packed bits to be
; broken into bytes.

	 MOVEI B,^D8		; Eight if not specified
	MOVE C,B		; Copy
	LSH C,^D24		; Shift into place
	IOR C,[440000,,FILPAG]	; To make byte pointer
	MOVEI C,^D36		; Get number of bits in a word
	IDIVI C,(B)		; Divide by number of bits in a byte
	IMULI C,1000		; And multiply by number of words in a page
	MOVEM C,BCOUNT		; To get number of bytes in a page
	JRST @[ REPEAT ^D4,<TCRB36> ; 1 through 4 bits fit into 36
		TCRBSH		; 5 bits - shuffle
		TCRB36		; 6 bits fit into 36
		TCRBSH		; 7 bits - shuffle
		TCRB8		; 8 bits don't need any shuffling
		TCRB36		; 9 bits fit into 36
		TCRBSH		; 10 bits - shuffle
		TCRBSH		; 11 bits - shuffle
		TCRB36		; 12 bits fit into 36
		REPEAT ^D3,<TCRBSH> ; 13 through 15 bits - shuffle
		TCRB8		; 16 bits don't need any shuffling
		TCRBSH		; 17 bits - shuffle
		TCRB36		; 18 bits fit into 36
		REPEAT ^D13,<TCRBSH> ; 19 through 31 bits - shuffle
		TCRB8		; 32 bits don't need any shuffling
		REPEAT ^D3,<TCRBSH> ; 33 through 35 bits - shuffle
		TCRB36 ]-1(B)	; 36 bits fit into 36

; Here for 8, 16, 32-bit logical bytes - read in 8-bit, send without shuffle
TCRB8:	SAVEAC <P2>		; Use this register
	JFFO B,.+2		; Find number of bit
	 FATAL <No bits at TCRB8>
	HRREI P2,-^D32(C)	; Get shift factor
	  MOVE B,[POINT 8,FILPAG] ; With appropriate pointer
	  MOVNI C,4000		; And appropriate number of bytes
	  JSP P1,(P1)		; Get some data
	   JRST SFBSZ		; Done, finish up
	  LSH C,(P2)		; Shift count appropriately
	  MOVEM C,FILBYT	; Save number of bytes for PUTPAG
	  CALL PUTPAG		; Send them off
	  LOOP.			; Back for next page
; Binary transfer for random byte sizes

; NETBYT contains any bits left over from previous words, right-aligned
; NBFPTR contains a byte pointer to the next place to put a word
; NETROT contains the number of data bits in NETBYT

; This code is intentionally not very efficient.
; I don't expect it to be run very often - in fact perhaps
; not for years.  It is much more important for it to run bug-free
; than for it to run quickly, as by the time any bug is noticed
; there may be no one around to fix it.

; Main entry point
TCRBSH:	SAVEAC <P2>		; Use another register
	SETZM NETBYT		; No bits left over
	SETZM NETROT		; Zero of them
	JRST TCRBS0		; Start new page

; Here from TCRBS3 when we didn't have enough data for a full word.
; Read in another set of bytes from the data connection.
; First we have to store away the rest of the old data for later.
TCRBS4:	MOVE B,A		; Copy count of total bits
	SUB B,NETROT		; Don't include the old ones
	LSHC C,(B)		; Shift them all into one word
	MOVEM A,NETROT		; Save as new count of bits
	MOVEM C,NETBYT		; and extra bits

	;; Old data set, now get some new stuff
	MOVE B,[POINT 8,P2]	; Drop bits into this register
	MOVNI C,4		; Four whole bytes
	JSP P1,(P1)		; Get net data
	 JRST TCRBS2		; No more, done
	MOVEI A,4(C)		; Make number of bytes received
	LSH A,3			; As number of bits
	ADD A,NETROT		; As total bits of this word and prev
	MOVE C,NETBYT		; Get previous bits word
	MOVE D,P2		; and current bits
; 	JRST TCRBS3		; Go store word if we now have enough

; Here to put data
; A/total bits left, NETROT/bits in first word, C+D/the bits
; send them off to NBFPTR until we run out of bits or fill a page
TCRBS3:	CAIGE A,FILBSZ		; Do we have enough for one byte?
	 JRST TCRBS4		; No, go store data out

	;; Have enough for a whole word, make one and store it
	MOVE B,FILBSZ		; Get count
	SUB B,NETROT		; Not including what we have now
	SUB A,FILBSZ		; Count off from total bits left
	LSHC C,(B)		; Shift word in
	IDPB C,NBFPTR		; Deposit byte
	SETZB C,NETROT		; Clear bits for next byte
	AOSGE FILBYT		; Count off a byte sent
	 JRST TCRBS3		; Page not full yet, get another byte

	;; Have filled a page, store values back for later and send off
	;; all the bits are currently in D
	LSHC C,(A)		; Shift rest of bits in
	MOVEM C,NETBYT		; Save as new leftover bits
	MOVEM A,NETROT		; and save how many of them there are
	CALL PUTPAG		; Send page off to file
; 	JRST TCRBS0		; Back to start of a new page

; Here to set up vars to fill start of a new input page.
TCRBS0:	MV. FILPTR,NBFPTR	; Point to start of buffer
	MOVN A,BCOUNT		; Get negative byte count
	MOVEM A,FILBYT		; Set up number of words to store
	MOVE A,NETROT		; Get bit count in first word
	MOVE C,NETBYT		; and the bits themselves
	SETZ D,			; Nothing in second word
	JRST TCRBS3		; See if can make a byte with what was left

; Here when receive data coroutine returned nothing left
TCRBS2:	CALL PUTPAG		; Out of data, send off what we have
	JRST SFBSZ		; And finish transfer
; 36-bit binary transfer

TCRB36:	SAVEAC <P2>		; Save register for coroutine
	XMOVEI P2,T36COR	; Get 36-bit coroutine
	  MOVN D,BCOUNT		; Get byte count
	  MOVEM D,FILBYT	; Count in bytes put
	  MOVX D,<-1000,,FILPAG> ; Make aobjn pointer to data storage block
	  JSP P2,(P2)		; Get some data
	   JRST SFBSZ		; Done, finish up
	  CALL PUTPAG		; Send them off
	  LOOP.			; Back for next page
; Coroutine for 36-bit data
; Call with D/aobjn pointer to words wanted
; returns +1/no more data, +2/success, FILBYT updated for PUTPAG
; will get an integral number of words unless EOF encountered

; Have to be very careful about not trying to read too much as
; paged transfers will signal end with a page type zero and not
; include any data with it.

; Data locations for coroutine:
;   A and B are scratch for putting words together
;   C contains 36-bit words left in buffer
;   D contains AOBJN pointer to data storage area
;   P1 contains pointer to buffer
;   NETROT saves the coroutine normally found in P1
;   NBFPTR points to the next place to read in data
;   NETBYT contains max bytes to fill buffer with in left half,
; 	   number of bits left over from fullword in right half

	LSHC A,^D<SH1>		;; Shift first word into place
	MOVE B,OFF(P1)		;; Get word at offset
	LSHC A,^D<SH2>		;; Now shift over again
	MOVEM A,(D)		;; Store into user space
	AOBJN D,%TG1		;; Count off words returned
	JSP P2,1(P2)		;; That was the last, get another request
	CALL T36GET		;; Refill buffer
	  MOVE B,OFF(P1)	;; Got more, get word again
	  LSH B,^D<SH2>		;; Shift into place
	  JRST %TG2		;; Go on to next word
	HRRZ B,NETBYT		;; Get count of left over bits
	IDIV B,FILBSZ		;; Get count of bytes
	JUMPE B,T36EOF		;; If none, done now
	ADDM B,FILBYT		;; Else count into byte count
	MOVE B,OFF(P1)		;; Lost, get last word again
	LSH B,^D<SH2>		;; Shift into place
	MOVEM B,(D)		;; Store away
	JSP P2,1(P2)		;; Return with them
	JRST T36EOF		;; Now have EOF

%TG1:!	SOJLE C,T36END		;; Count off data, if still left then go on
; 36-bit receive coroutine continued

; Here for the actual coroutine
T36COR:	MOVEM P1,NETROT		; Save other coroutine
	SETZM NETBYT		; No more bytes in buffer
T36FIL:	CALL T36GET		; Fill buffer
	 JRST T36EOF		; No more, done
T36TOP:	ADDI P1,9		; Adjust pointer to top of next frame
	MOVE B,0(P1)		; Get first word
	T36MAC(32,4,1)		; Put word
	T36MAC(28,8,2)		; and another
	T36MAC(24,12,3)		; and another
	T36MAC(20,16,4)		; and another
	T36MAC(16,20,5)		; and another
	T36MAC(12,24,6)		; and another
	T36MAC(8,28,7)		; and another
	T36MAC(4,32,8)		; and another
	JRST T36TOP		; Back for more

; Here when ran out of data in middle of transfer
T36END:	SKIPN NETBYT		; Was that the real end?
	  MOVEM B,(D)		; Yes, save last word
	  HRRZ B,NETBYT		; Get count of left over bits
	  IDIV B,FILBSZ		; Get count of bytes
	  ADDM B,FILBYT		; Count in number of bytes left
	  CALL T36GET		; Get more data
	   IFSKP. <JRST T36TOP>	; Got some, go use it
	JSP P2,1(P2)		; Done, return with last batch
T36EOF:	JSP P2,0(P2)		; Done with transfer
	FATAL <Paged receive coroutine called after EOF>

; Here from T36GET (below) when out out data
T36GTX:	MV. ONTBYT,NETBYT	; Here when out of data, restore old NETBYT
	MOVE D,OAOBJN		; and AOBJN pointer
	EXCH P1,NETROT		; and pointer to input buffer
	RET			; and return +1
; 36-bit receive coroutine continued

; Here to refill buffer
	MOVEM D,OAOBJN		; Save AOBJN pointer

	;; Calculate A/num bits needed
	HLRE A,D		; Get number of words wanted
	IMULI A,^D36		; Turn into number of bits

	;; Calculate B/ptr to buffer, C/bits to buffer top
	SKIPE C,NETBYT		; Want to start over?
	  MOVE B,[POINT 8,NETPAG] ; Yes, point to net page
	  MOVNI C,37400		; Can use this many (770 wds, 40 bits/wd)
	  MOVEI P1,NETPAG-9	; Set ptr, adjust for ADDI at T36TOP
	  ADDI A,(C)		; Already have some bits, don't count twice
	  MOVE B,NBFPTR		; Not starting over, get old pointer
	  HLRE C,NETBYT		; and number of bits allowed

	;; Check bits needed against buffer top
	CAMG C,A		; Is there room?
	IFSKP.			; No
	  SETZM NETBYT		; Won't have anything after this
	ELSE.			; Is room
	  TXZ A,4		; Make multiple of eight bits wanted
	  SUB C,A		; Make number of bits we can use after that
	  HRLZM C,NETBYT	; Save for next time through
	  MOVE C,A		; Get number of bits we want

	;; Ask lower level coroutine for more data
	MOVEM C,ASKBTS		; Save number of bits we ask for
	ASH C,-3		; Turn bits into bytes
	EXCH P1,NETROT		; Get data coroutine back
	JSP P1,(P1)		; Ask for some data
	 JRST T36GTX		; None more, lose
	EXCH P1,NETROT		; Restore buffer pointer and save coroutine
	MOVEM B,NBFPTR		; Save latest pointer to end of buffer

	;; Count the data we got back
	LSH C,3			; Get count of bits back
	SUB C,ASKBTS		; Form count of bits read in
	HRRZ D,ONTBYT		; Get old extra bit count
	ADD C,D			; Count them
	IDIVI C,^D36		; Count words
	HRRM D,NETBYT		; Save new number of extra bits
	MOVE A,C		; Copy word count
	IMULI A,^D36		; Just those bits
	IDIV A,FILBSZ		; Number of bytes
	ADDM A,FILBYT		; Count off
	MOVE D,OAOBJN		; Restore AOBJN pointer
	RETSKP			; Return success
; Receive text transfer

TCRTXT:	MVI. 5000,BCOUNT	; One page of 5 bytes per word
	MVI. 7,FILBSZ		; 7 bits per byte
	MVI. <-1,,FILPAG>,FILPTR ; Into where PUTPAG expects it
	  MOVE B,FILPTR		; With appropriate pointer
	  MOVN C,BCOUNT		; With number of bytes
	  JSP P1,(P1)		; Get some data
	   JRST SFBSZ		; Done, finish up
	  MOVEM C,FILBYT	; Save number of bytes for PUTPAG
	  CALL PUTPAG		; Send them off
	  LOOP.			; Back for next page
; Coroutines for network data reception
; call by JSP P1,(P1) with B/byte pointer, C/-count
; may expect F%TEMP preserved over calls but will end with it zero
; return +1/EOF, +2/B and C updated (C all used unless EOF)

; Stream mode
	SIN%			; Read in data
	 ERJMP TCREOF		; No more, must be done
	JSP P1,1(P1)		; Return success
	JRST TCRSTR		; And get more

; Here from various modes when nothing left
TCRBBY:	DMOVE B,NETPSV		; Get byte pointer and count back
TCREOF:	CALL TCXCLS		; Done, close data connection
TCREND:	JSP P1,1(P1)		; Return success
	JSP P1,0(P1)		; Nothing more
	FATAL <TCP receive coroutine called after EOF>

; Here to restore ACs from save block and go signal EOF
TCRNBY:	DMOVE B,NETPSV		; Yes, Get ACs back for caller
	JRST TCREND		; Go finish up

; Here on error in SIN% when extra bytes needed are counted in NETHDR
TCRHBY:	ADD C,NETHDR		; Remember extra bytes in count
	JRST TCREOF		; Go return EOF
; Block mode receive
; see RFC765 pages 17-19

; Here on startup of coroutine
TCRBLK:	TXZ F,F%TEMP		; Set flag to say no EOF yet
				; Drop into...

; Here when we know not EOF, to get another block from the net
TCRBK1:	DMOVEM B,NETPSV		; Save pointer and count
	SKIPA A,TCXJFN		; Get network JFN
				; Skip into...

; Here with saved ACs, read in some more data (A still contains JFN)
; jumped into at TCRBK0 when previous block was worthless - read another
; skipped into from TCRBK1 to avoid EOF check
	  SKIPA B,[POINT 8,NETHDR] ; No, point to block header
	   JRST TCRNBY		; Yes, go handle
	MOVNI C,3		; Three bytes
	SIN%			; Read them in
	 ERJMP TCRBBY		; None more?  Signal EOF

	;; Now we have header bytes (see RFC765 page 18 for details).
	;; Separate the count out and look at the bits in the first byte.
	MOVE C,NETHDR		; Get pointer back
	LSH C,^D12		; Shift number into place
	ANDI C,177777		; Keep only number
	MOVE B,NETHDR		; Copy header again
	TXNE B,1B1		; EOF?
	 TXO F,F%TEMP		; Yes, light flag to remember that
	JUMPE C,TCRBK0		; If no bytes, ignore this block
	IFXN. B,1B3		; Restart marker?
	  MOVE B,[POINT 8,TEMP]	; Yes, point to trash space
	  MOVNS C		; Negate count
	  SIN%			; Read and flush
	  JRST TCRBK0		; Back for some real data
	MOVNM C,NETHDR		; Save negation of byte count for later
	DMOVE B,NETPSV		; Get pointer and requested byte count back

	;; Here with ACs normal and negative data count in NETHDR
	;; Read until we get a request too big for the rest of this block.
	  CAMG C,NETHDR		; Do we want less bytes than available?
	   EXIT.		; No, need more or equal, go handle specially
	  EXCH C,NETHDR		; Yes, exchange for subtraction
	  SUB C,NETHDR		; Count off bytes we will use
	  EXCH C,NETHDR		; and exchange back
	  SIN%			; Just read things in
	   ERJMP TCREOF		; Failed?  Assume ran out
	  JSP P1,1(P1)		; Return success with data
	  MOVE A,TCXJFN		; Get network JFN again
	  LOOP.			; Back for more

	;; Requested data too much for remainder of this block
	;; Read in last of block and go back for more data.
	SUB C,NETHDR		; Get how many extra bytes we will want
	EXCH C,NETHDR		; Keep safe for transfer, get block count
	SIN%			; Read as much as we know is there
	 ERJMP TCRHBY		; Lost, go get byte count back
	MOVE C,NETHDR		; Get count left
	TXZE F,F%TEMP		; If that was the last block
	 JRST TCREND		; Go return EOF
	SKIPN C			; If those were all the bytes we wanted
	 JSP P1,(P1)		; Get another caller request
	JRST TCRBK1		; Go get more data
; Compressed mode receive
; see RFC765 pages 19-20

; Main entry
TCRCMP:	CALL SETPAD		; Set pad char
	TXZ F,F%TEMP		; No EOF yet
	JRST TCRCP0		; Go get some

; Here when ran out of filler bytes.  Back to very top of loop...
TCRCP5:	AOJL C,TCRCP0		; Count off user space, if want more back now
;	JRST TCRCP6		; Else need to make another request

; Here when finished with user request, ask for more
TCRCP6:	TXZE F,F%TEMP		; More to come?
	 JRST TCREND		; No, that was it
	JSP P1,1(P1)		; Yes, more, ask for another request
;	JRST TCRCP0		; And go back with new request

; Here with a new request, read in some data
	MOVE A,TCXJFN		; Get connection JFN
;	JRST TCRCP1		; Check for more data and get it

; First make sure there is more data to get
	 JRST TCREND		; Yes, stop
;	JRST TCRCP2		; Start up reading data

; Read first char of block header
TCRCP2:	BIN%			; Read char from it
	 ERJMP TCRBBY		; End of file, go restore ACs and close

	;; Got header byte, see what it is
	;; First check if it's the escape byte
	IFE. B			; Escape is all zeros.  Is that what we have?
	  BIN%			; Yes, read in following byte
	   ERJMP TCRBBY		; Lost
	  TXNE B,100		; EOF?
	   TXO F,F%TEMP		; Yes, remember that
	  TXNN B,20		; Restart marker?
	   JRST TCRCP2		; No, just go back for more
	  BIN%			; Yes, see what kind
	  TXZE B,200		; Top bit lit?
	    MOVN C,B		; Yes, get count
	    MOVE B,[POINT 8,TEMP] ; Point to throwaway buffer
	    SIN%		; Read trash in
	     ERJMP TCRBBY	; Lost
	    JRST TCRCP1		; Go back for more
	  TXNN B,100		; Filler?
	   BIN%			; No, replicated byte, flush that
	    ERJMP TCRBBY	; Lost
	  JRST TCRCP1		; Ignore marker and go back for next real data

	;; Next possibility is number of bytes to read
	TXZE B,200		; Top bit lit?
	IFSKP.			; No, must be pure string
	  MOVNM B,NETHDR	; Save number of bytes in string
	  DMOVE B,NETPSV	; Get pointers back
	    CAMG C,NETHDR	; Room for request and more?
	     EXIT.		; No, don't ask for more
	    EXCH C,NETHDR	; Have room, switch counts
	    SUB C,NETHDR	; To count off bytes in how much left
	    EXCH C,NETHDR	; Now exchange back again
	    SIN%		; Ask for full amount of user request
	     ERJMP TCREOF	; Lost, assume end of file
	    JSP P1,1(P1)	; Get another request
	    MOVE A,TCXJFN	; Get JFN back again
	    LOOP.		; Back until we overflow string length
	  SUB C,NETHDR		; No room, find out how much will be left over
	  EXCH C,NETHDR		; Get how much we can get now
	  SIN%			; Read that much in
	   ERJMP TCRHBY		; Lost, go finish losing
	  SKIPE C,NETHDR	; Success, get extra bytes back.  If want more
	   JRST TCRCP0		; Go get them now
	  JRST TCRCP6		; More wanted, go get request

	;; Replicated byte, either padding or given in next byte
	;; see which then do it (input pointers are still in NETPSV)
	MOVE C,B		; Copy that byte
	TXZE C,100		; Filler?
	 SKIPA B,PADCHR		; Yes, get padding character
	  BIN%			; Replicated byte, get which one
	   ERJMP TCRBBY		; Lost, treat as end of file
	HRRM B,NETHDR		; Save fill byte
	HRLM C,NETHDR		; And count
	DMOVE D,NETPSV		; Get saved caller pointers back

	;; Loop dropping that byte into caller space until we run out of reps.
	;; If we run out of user pointer, just ask for some more...
	;; NETHDR contains count,,byte - first put them in ACs for easy access
	  HLRZ A,NETHDR		; Get count of bytes
	  HRRZ D,NETHDR		; and byte to use
	    IDPB D,B		; Drop in
	    SOJLE A,TCRCP5	; Count off bytes used
	    AOJL C,TOP.		; Count off in user space
	  HRLM A,NETHDR		; Ran out, save count
	  JSP P1,1(P1)		; Ask for another input request
	  LOOP.			; And go back for it
SUBTTL Sending of data to net

; TCXSND - Send file to net
; takes opened JFN in FILJFN, file properties in FILPRP
; TCPSET and TCXOPN must already have been done
; TCXCLS will be done if necessary
; returns +1/failure, +2/success

TCXSND::SAVEAC <P1>		; Save register to use for coroutine
	HLRZ P1,MODCOR		; Get output coroutine to use
	CALL SHXINI		; Start typing excls
	SETOM INPPAG		; No input page found yet
	JRST @[	TCSBIN		; TT.UNS unspecified - image
		TCSTXT		; TT.TXT text
		TCSBIN		; TT.BIN binary
		TCSPAG		; TT.PAG paged
		TCSDIR		; TT.DIR directory
		TCSPAG		; TT.MEI other style paged
		TCSBIN ](A)	; TT.IMG image (treated as binary)

TCSDIR:	TYPE <%% Directory transfers not possible%/>
; Send ASCII data

TCSTXT:	MVI. 5000,BCOUNT	; Set number of bytes per page
	MVI. <-1,,FILPAG>,FILPTR ; Set pointer to where to get input from file
	MVI. <POINT 7,FILPAG>,NBFPTR ; And what to use to output to the net
	SETZM NETROT		; No shift of count

; Here to send simple data streams off to net
; BCOUNT/number of file bytes per buffer
; FILPTR/pointer to buffer for file input (must be to FILPAG)
; NBFPTR/pointer to same buffer for net output
; NETROT/how much to shift file byte count to make net byte count

TCSLOP:	CALL SETBSZ		; Set file number of bytes
	  CALL GETPAG		; Read file page
	   EXIT.		; That was all
	  SKIPN C,NBYTES	; Get number of bytes left
	   EXIT.		; Didn't get any, done
	  CAMLE C,BCOUNT	; Have more than that?
	   MOVE C,BCOUNT	; Yes, just use one buffer full
	  MOVNS C		; Negate for sending
	  ADDM C,NBYTES		; Count off in total byte count
	  MOVE B,NETROT		; Get shift count
	  LSH C,(B)		; Shift word count up to make bytes
	  MOVE B,NBFPTR		; Get pointer to top of buffer
	  JSP P1,2(P1)		; Send it off
	   RET			; Lost
	  LOOP.			; Sent that page, now go on to the next

; All data sent, now clean up tail of connection
TCSEND:	SETZ C,			; No more data
TCSFIN:	JSP P1,0(P1)		; Force last data out and close connection
	 RET			; Lost
; Send binary data

	 MOVEI B,^D8		; Eight if not specified
	MOVE C,B		; Copy
	LSH C,^D24		; Shift into place
	IOR C,[440000,,FILPAG]	; To make byte pointer
	MOVEI C,^D36		; Get number of bits in a word
	IDIVI C,(B)		; Divide by number of bits in a byte
	IMULI C,1000		; And multiply by number of words in a page
	MOVEM C,BCOUNT		; To get number of bytes in a page
	JRST @[ REPEAT ^D4,<TCSB36> ; 1 through 4 bits fit into 36
		TCSBSH		; 5 bits - shuffle
		TCSB36		; 6 bits fit into 36
		TCSBSH		; 7 bits - shuffle
		TCSB8		; 8 bits don't need any shuffling
		TCSB36		; 9 bits fit into 36
		TCSBSH		; 10 bits - shuffle
		TCSBSH		; 11 bits - shuffle
		TCSB36		; 12 bits fit into 36
		REPEAT ^D3,<TCSBSH> ; 13 through 15 bits - shuffle
		TCSB8		; 16 bits don't need any shuffling
		TCSBSH		; 17 bits - shuffle
		TCSB36		; 18 bits fit into 36
		REPEAT ^D13,<TCSBSH> ; 19 through 31 bits - shuffle
		TCSB8		; 32 bits don't need any shuffling
		REPEAT ^D3,<TCSBSH> ; 33 through 35 bits - shuffle
		TCSB36 ]-1(B)	; 36 bits fit into 36

; Here for 8, 16, and 32
TCSB8:	MVI. <POINT 8,FILPAG>,NBFPTR ; Make pointer for sending data off
	JFFO B,.+2		; Find bit in byte size
	 FATAL <No bits in 8-bit binary byte size>
	MOVNI C,-40(C)		; Get correct count in right half
	HRRZM C,NETROT		; Save how much to shift to get 8-bit count
	JRST TCSLOP		; Join common code with ASCII mode
; Send binary data with strange byte sizes

; NETROT/number of bits left over, negated
; NETBYT/the bits, right justified
; NETPAG/used as scratch

TCSBSH:	SETZM NETROT		; No bits left from previous cycle
	CALL SETBSZ		; Set file number of bytes

; Here to get a new page full of data
TCSBST:	CALL GETPAG		; Read page full of data
	 JRST TCSBSX		; That was all
	SKIPN C,NBYTES		; Get number of bytes left
	 JRST TCSBSX		; Didn't get any, done
	CAMLE C,BCOUNT		; Have more than that?
	 MOVE C,BCOUNT		; Yes, just use one buffer full
	MOVNS C			; Negate for sending
	ADDM C,NBYTES		; Count off in total byte count
	IMUL C,FILBSZ		; Turn into number of bits
	MOVE D,FILPTR		; Get byte pointer to start

; Here to send the data off
; here with NETROT, NETBYT as above, number of bits and byte pointer in C,D
TCSBSL:	ILDB B,D		; Get next byte
	ADD C,FILBSZ		; Count off bits
	MOVN A,FILBSZ		; Number of bits in it
	LSH B,^D36(A)		; Left justify byte
	SKIPLE C		; Did we run out of bits?
	 ADD A,C		; Yes, don't count what we don't have
	DMOVEM C,NETPAG		; Save pointer and count
	MOVE C,A		; Get number of bits in new byte
	MOVE A,NETBYT		; Get old bits left
	MOVE D,NETROT		; And how many there were

	;; Loop sending quads of 8-bit bytes from the that file byte
	;; A,B/bits, C/neg bits in B, D/neg bits in A
	  LSHC A,^D32(D)	; Get four bytes in A
	  ADDI C,^D32(D)	; Count off in file bit count
	  JUMPG C,ENDLP.	; If not enough for full byte, stop
	  DMOVEM B,NETPAG+2	; Save old bits
	  LSH A,4		; Left justify new ones
	  MOVEM A,NETPAG+4	; Save for coroutine
	  MOVE B,[POINT 8,NETPAG+4] ; Point to those bytes
	  MOVNI C,4		; Four of them
	  JSP P1,2(P1)		; Send them off
	   RET			; Lost
	  DMOVE B,NETPAG+2	; Get old bits back
	  SETZ D,		; Nothing in A
	  LOOP.			; Iterate so we can exit correctly

	;; That byte all sent, get the next
	LSH A,(C)		; Right justify remaining bits
	MOVEM A,NETBYT		; Save as new remaining bits
	MOVNI C,^D32(C)		; Count how many there are
	MOVEM C,NETROT		; Count off
	DMOVE C,NETPAG		; Get counters back
	JUMPG C,TCSBSL		; If have more data, go send it
	JRST TCSBST		; No more, get another page

; Here when that was the last of the data
TCSBSX:	MOVE A,NETBYT		; Get last bits
	MOVE C,NETROT		; Negative of how many there are
	LSH A,^D36(C)		; Left justify
	MOVEM A,NETBYT		; Save new bits
	ASH C,-3		; Turn number of bits into number of bytes
	MOVE B,[POINT 8,NETBYT]	; Point to the bytes we have
	CALLRET TCSFIN		; Send last data and return
; Send binary data in integral 36-bit words

TCSB36:	MOVEM B,FILBSZ		; Save byte size
	SETZM NETROT		; No bits left over
	CALL SETBSZ		; Set bytes in file
	  CALL GETPAG		; Read file page
	   EXIT.		; That was all
	  SKIPN C,NBYTES	; Get number of bytes left
	   EXIT.		; Didn't get any, done
	  CAMLE C,BCOUNT	; Have more than that?
	   MOVE C,BCOUNT	; Yes, just use one buffer full
	  MOVN D,C		; Negate for sending
	  ADDM D,NBYTES		; Count off in total byte count
	  IMUL C,FILBSZ		; Get as number of bits
	  MOVEI D,FILPAG	; Point to file page again
	  CALL T36SND		; Send 36-bit data
	   RET			; Lost
	  LOOP.			; Sent that page, now go on to the next
	TXO F,F%TEMP		; Need to close connection
	CALL T36LST		; Send out last bits of data
	 RET			; Lost
; Send paged data

TCSPAG:	SETZM NETROT		; No bits left over
	  ;; Get page of data and information about page
	  CALL GETPAG		; Get page of file
	   EXIT.		; That was all, go finish transfer
	  MVI. 5,HDRLEN		; Five words in header
	  HRRZM A,PAGNO		; Save page number

	  ;; Count data words in the page
	  MOVEI D,1000		; Get how many words we think there are
	    SKIPN FILPAG-1(D)	; Anything there?
	     SOJG D,TOP.	; No, don't send that word
	  SKIPG D		; If we ran off the edge of the whole page
	   MOVEI D,1		; Send one data word to avoid confusion
	  MOVEM D,DATLEN	; Save data length in words

	  ;; Always use access controlled pages, set access bits
	  MVI. PGT$AP,PAGTYP	; Save page type - access controlled page
	  RPACS%		; Read page access control words
	  MOVEM B,PAGACS	; Save in header

	  ;; Send the data page off
	  MOVEI C,5(D)		; Get header and data length
	  IMULI C,^D36		; In number of bits
	  MOVEI D,PAGHDR	; Pointing to top of header
	  CALL T36SND		; Send words off
	   RET			; Lost
	  LOOP.			; Done with that page, on to next

	;; Actual pages all sent, now send FDB and final page together
	CALL UNMAP		; Lose last page of file
	MVI. 4,HDRLEN		; Four words in this header
	SETZM PAGNO		; No page number
	MVI. PGT$DP,PAGTYP	; This is a descriptor block
	HRRZ A,FILJFN		; With source file
	MOVSI B,.FBLEN		; Full FDB starting at the top
	MOVEI C,PAGACS		; Into buffer immediately after header words
	GTFDB%			; Read FDB words in
	MOVE C,PAGACS		; Find next free word - this is FDB size
	ANDI C,77
	HRROI A,PAGACS(C)	; Now have first string
	TXNN KF,K%RDAT		; read date?
	 SETOM PAGACS+.FBREF	; no, kill it
	TXNN KF,K%CDAT		; creation date?
	 SETOM PAGACS+.FBCRV	; no, kill it
	TXNN KF,K%WDAT		; write date?
	 SETOM PAGACS+.FBCRE	; no, kill both
	MOVX D,<-FDTXTN,,FDTXT>	; Make up the string section
	 HLRZ B,(D)		; FDB offset
	 SKIPGE B,PAGACS(B)	; Get time
	 IFSKP.			; if we want to pass it
	   ERJMP .+1
	  HRROI B,[ASCIZ /none/] ;if not, generate an error
	  SETZ C,
	 SETZ B,		; make asciz
	 HRROI A,1(A)		; get to next free word
	MOVE B,A		; pointer must now be in B
	  HRRZ A,FILJFN		; File
	  HLL A,(D)		; Function
	  SETZ A,
	  IDPB A,B		; make asciz
	  HRROI B,1(B)		; get to next free word
	HRRZI C,-<PAGACS>(B)	; number of words sent
	MOVEM C,DATLEN		; put it in header
	MVI. 4,(B)		; Next block also has four words in header
	SETZM 1(B)		; No page number
	SETZM 2(B)		; No data
	SETZM 3(B)		; This is an EOF page (PGT$LP)
	ADDI C,^D8		; number of words in data plus 2 headers
	IMULI C,^D36		; number of bits
	MOVEI D,PAGHDR		; Starting at top of buffer
	CALL T36SND		; Send them off
	 RET			; Propagate fail return
	TXZ F,F%TEMP		; Want to keep actual data connection open
	CALL T36LST		; Force rest of buffer
	 RET			; Propagate fail return
	CALLRET SHXEND		; Done, return success

FDTXT:	XWD .FBCRV,PAGACS+50	; Times  FDB offset,,String variable

FDTXUG:	XWD .GFAUT,PAGACS+100	; User name  Function code,,String variable
; Send 36-bit data for binary and paged transfers

; NETROT/count of bits left over from previous time
; NETBYT/bits that were left, right justified

; Call with D/pointer to data, C/number of bits, NETROT/zero first time
; Must always be an integral multiple of 36 bits except the last call
; returns +1/failed, +2/success, all bits sent
T36SND:	SAVEAC <P2>		; Get another register
T36SNT:	MOVX P2,<-770,,NETPAG>	; Set output pointer
	MOVE A,NETBYT		; Get last time's leftover bytes
	MOVN B,NETROT		; And how many there were
	ADDI C,(B)		; Take into account bits we had left over
	LSH B,-2		; Count nibbles
	JRST @[ T36SN0		; Jump to middle of coroutine
		T36SN8 ](B)	; Depending on how many nibbles there were

DEFINE T36SNM (SH,LAB) <	;; Helper macro:
    IFN <^D<SH>>,<
	MOVE B,(D)		;; Get data word
	LSHC A,^D<SH>		;; Shift into place
	AOS D			;; Count off word
	SUBI C,^D32		;; Sending 32 of them off
	JUMPL C,T36SNZ		;; No more, done
	LSH A,^D4		;; Left justify
	MOVEM A,(P2)		;; Put away
    IFN <^D<SH>>,<LSHC A,^D<36-SH>> ;; Shift rest of bits in
    IFE <^D<SH>>,<SETZB A,B>	;; None left, clear out for next cycle
	AOBJN P2,LAB		;; Count off in how much we have buffered
    IFN <^D<SH>>,<
	MOVNI B,^D<36-SH>	;; Get how many of them there are
	JRST T36SNB		;; Send buffer out

T36SN0:	T36SNM (32,T36SN1)
T36SN1:	T36SNM (28,T36SN2)
T36SN2:	T36SNM (24,T36SN3)
T36SN3:	T36SNM (20,T36SN4)
T36SN4:	T36SNM (16,T36SN5)
T36SN5:	T36SNM (12,T36SN6)
T36SN6:	T36SNM (8,T36SN7)
T36SN7:	T36SNM (4,T36SN8)
T36SN8:	T36SNM (0,T36SN0)

; Here when out of buffer in which to put data
; this must be immediately after the T36SNM(0).
T36SNB:	MOVEM A,NETBYT		; Save last bits
	MOVEM B,NETROT		; and how many there are
	ADD C,B			; Don't count twice when we do it again
	CALL T36SNS		; Send buffer
	 RET			; Propagate fail return
	JRST T36SNT		; Start it all over again

; Here when out of data to send
T36SNZ:	LSH A,(C)		; Shift bits into right justification
	ADDI C,^D32		; Count back bits
	MOVEM A,NETBYT		; Save last byte
	MOVNM C,NETROT		; Remember how much to use next time
T36SNS:	SAVEAC <C,D>		; Enter here for end of buffer routine
	MOVNI C,-NETPAG(P2)	; Get count of 32-bit words stuffed
	LSH C,2			; Make into count of 8-bit bytes
	MOVE B,[POINT 8,NETPAG]	; Point to the buffer
	JSP P1,2(P1)		; Send away
	 RET			; Lost
	RETSKP			; Won

; Here to send off last bit of info
; set F%TEMP to close data conn, clear F%TEMP not to
T36LST:	TXZN F,F%TEMP		; Want to close?
	 AOS P1			; No, so don't do so
	MOVE C,NETROT		; Get count of bits left
	MOVE B,NETBYT		; Get the bits
	LSH B,^D36(C)		; Shift into left justification
	MOVEM B,NETBYT		; Save again
	ASH C,-3		; Turn into number of 8-bit bytes
	MOVE B,[POINT 8,NETBYT]	; Pointing to the bits left over
	JSP P1,(P1)		; Send off last data
	 RET			; Lost
	RETSKP			; Won
; Send EBCDIC data

TCSEBC:	MVI. 5000,BCOUNT	; One page of 5 bytes per word
	MVI. <-1,,FILPAG>,FILPTR ; Into where GETPAG expects it
	MVI. <POINT 7,FILPAG>,NBFPTR ; And where coroutine can find
	CALL SETBSZ		; Set file number of bytes
	  CALL GETPAG		; Read file page
	   JRST TCSEND		; That was all
	  MOVE A,NBFPTR		; Point to start
	  CALL TSEBCC		; Send some
	   RET			; Propagate fail return
	  CALL TSEBCC		; Send other half
	   RET			; Propagate fail return
	  LOOP.			; All done with that page, back for the next.

; Send a 1.25k-char block of EBCDIC to the net
; call with A/ptr to input, returns +1/fail, +2/success
TSEBCC:	SKIPN C,NBYTES		; Get number of bytes left
	 RETSKP			; None, done
	CAILE C,2400		; Room for them in net buffer?
	 MOVEI C,2400		; No, just use what we can take
	MOVNS C			; Negate for send count
	ADDM C,NBYTES		; Count off in total byte count
	MOVE B,[POINT 8,NETPAG]	; Point to buffer
	PUSH P,C		; Save count
	  ILDB D,A		; Get next 7-bit byte
	  HLRZ D,EBCTAB(D)	; Convert to EBCDIC
	  IDPB D,B		; Add to EBCDIC string
	  AOJL C,TOP.		; Back for more
	MOVE B,[POINT 8,NETPAG]	; Point to buffer again
	POP P,C			; Restore count
	SAVEAC <A>		; Don't lose byte pointer to source
	JSP P1,2(P1)		; Send bytes off
	 RET			; Lost
	RETSKP			; Won
; Coroutines for network data transmission
; call by JSP P1,(P1) with B/byte pointer, C/-count
; call +1/this is the last data to send, +2/last data but keep connection,
;      +3/more data to come, so don't do anything special
; C may be zero iff this is the last block (if so nothing sent).
; may use F%TEMP but don't need it preserved (if used will zero it).
; after +1 end call, call again +1 to signal EOF unless page mode.
; return +1/some error, +2/success on all styles of call

; Stream mode write
TCSSTT:	JSP P1,1(P1)		; Return success and get another request
TCSSTR: JRST TCSSTC		; Want to push data and close
	JRST TCSSTP		; Want to push data but not close
	MOVE A,TCXJFN		; Yes, get connection JFN
	SKIPE C			; Have anything?
	 SOUT%			; Yes, send data off
 	  ERJMP TCSERR		; Couldn't
	JRST TCSSTT		; Go ask for another request

; Here to push last data, maybe closing connection
TCSSTC:	TXOA F,F%TEMP		; Want to close connection
TCSSTP:	 TXZ F,F%TEMP		; Force data but don't close connection
	MOVE A,TCXJFN		; Get connection JFN
	SKIPN C			; Have anything?
	 HRROI B,C		; No, point to a zero since we end on null
	SOUTR%			; Send off and push
	 ERJMP TCSERR		; Couldn't
	TXZE F,F%TEMP		; If we wanted to do so,
	 CALL TCXCLS		; close down data connection
	JSP P1,1(P1)		; Return success at closing it
	FATAL <TCP send coroutine called after EOF>

; Here on output error
; don't send an ABOR because it is not clear whether or not to wait
; for the 226 reply that might come after a 426 reply.
; Also then I would have to do a complicated sequence of IACs,
; and it was likely that the same error already got to the server anyway.

TCSERR:	SKTERS VB.NRM		; Unless being terse
	 TYPE <%_%% Unexpected error sending data to connection - %J%/>
	CALL TCXABT		; Flush losing data connection
	JSP P1,0(P1)		; Return failure
	FATAL <TCP send coroutine called after error>
; Block mode send

TCSBK0:	JSP P1,1(P1)		; Here to return success from previous call
TCSBLK:	 NOP			; EOF and close, same as not close
	  TXZ F,F%TEMP		; Normal entry
	MOVE A,TCXJFN		; Get connection JFN
	DMOVEM B,NETPSV		; Save pointers given us
	TXNN F,F%TEMP		; Was that EOF?
	 TDZA B,B		; No, descriptor is zero
	  MOVEI B,^D64		; Yes, use flag signifying EOF
	BOUT%			; Send off
	MOVN D,NETPSV+1		; Get positive byte count
	MOVE B,[POINT 8,D,23]	; Point to byte count
	MOVNI C,2		; Two bytes
	SOUT%			; Send them off
	DMOVE B,NETPSV		; Get pointers back
	TXZE F,F%TEMP		; Was that EOF?
	 JRST TCSSTP		; Yes, send last block off
	SOUT%			; No, send off normally
	 ERJMP TCSERR		; Error, die
	JRST TCSBK0		; Won, go return success
; Compressed mode send

DEFINE TCSCENT (MORE) <		;;Macro to enter TCSCMP coroutine
	NOP			;;+1, same as +2
	 TXZA F,F%TEMP		;;+3, not EOF
	  IFSKP. <JUMPE C,MORE>	;;    check if there still is data

; Main entry point
TCSCMX:	JSP P1,1(P1)		; Here if we had no data
	SAVEAC <P2>		; Need another register
	CALL SETPAD		; Set up padding character
	IFE. C			; If that was all
	  MOVE B,[POINT 8,[BYTE (8) 0, ^D64, 300]]
	  MOVNI C,3		; Point to this special sequence
	  MOVE A,TCXJFN		; With data connection
	  SOUTR%		; Send it off
	  JRST TCSSTP		; Done sending compressed data
	ILDB D,B		; Get next byte

; Here when we have a char (in D) to do something with
	 JRST TCSCMS		; No, string
;	JRST TCSCMF		; Yes, handle it

; Here with D/new padding char
; enter at TCSCFC with NETPSV+1/count already set (e.g. +1 for dupl byte)
TCSCMF:	SETZM NETPSV+1		; No bytes yet
TCSCFC:	MOVEM D,NETPSV		; Save new padding char
TCSCFN:	AOS NETPSV+1		; Count byte
	IFXE. F,F%TEMP		; No, was that EOF?
	    JSP P1,1(P1)	; More data expected, get some
	    TCSCENT(TOP.)	; Reenter coroutine
	  JUMPN C,TCSCFD	; If have data now, go use it

	;; Out of data, send final replications off
	MOVE B,[POINT 8,[BYTE (8) 0, ^D64, 300]] ; Yes, point to fin seq
	CALL TCSCFF		; Get fill seq including EOF marker
	JRST TCSSTP		; All done sending

; Compressed mode send, handling padding, ready to read next char
TCSCFD:	ILDB D,B		; Get next char
	 JRST TCSCFN		; Yes, count and back again
	PUSH P,D		; No, save char
	CALL TCSCFF		; Get fill sequence and save ptrs in NETPSV
	POP P,D			; Get char back
	SOUT%			; Send sequence off
	DMOVE B,NETPSV		; Restore pointers
	JRST TCSCMC		; And go handle the new char
; Compressed mode send, make pointers to send pad string off
; mungs D, returns +1/always with A,B,C ready to SOUTR%, old ptrs in NETPSV
	MOVE D,NETPSV+1		; and how many of it there are
	DMOVEM B,NETPSV		; Now save pointers
	MOVE B,[POINT 8,NETBUF]	; Get pointer to buffer
	SETZ C,			; No bytes put yet

	;; First reduce until it will fit in one sequence
	  CAIG D,77		; Got more than one countfull?
	   EXIT.		; No, ok
	  SUBI D,77		; Yes, count off
	  CAME A,PADCHR		; Pad char?
	    MOVEI CX,377	; Yes, get full pad sequence
	    IDPB CX,B		; Drop in
	    SOJA C,TOP.		; Count bytes put and back for next
	  MOVEI CX,277		; Full replicated byte
	  IDPB CX,B		; Drop in
	  IDPB A,B		; Drop byte in too
	  SUBI C,2		; Two more bytes

	;; Now check for EOF
	SKIPN NETPSV+1		; Did we have any more chars to read?
	 TXZN F,F%TEMP		; No, was that all?
	    MOVEI CX,0		; Yes, get escape
	    IDPB CX,B		; Drop in
	    MOVEI CX,^D64	; And EOF bit
	    IDPB CX,B		; Drop that in too
	    SUBI C,2		; Count off bits put

	;; Now finish up output buffer with final replicated byte
	CAME A,PADCHR		; Fill char?
	  TXO D,300		; Yes, use fill char bits
	  IDPB D,B		; Drop in
	  SOS C			; Count
	  TXO D,200		; Normal replicated byte, get that
	  IDPB D,B		; Drop in
	  IDPB A,B		; With the byte itself
	  SUBI C,2		; Count off

	;; Buffer all set, return ready for SOUT%
	RET			; All done
; Compressed mode send, unreplicated string

TCSCMS:	SETZM NETPSV+1		; No bytes yet
	MVI. <POINT 8,NETBUF>,NETPSV ; Init pointer to buffer
TCSCSC:	MOVE P2,D		; Get char
	SOJG C,TCSCSD		; Count off in input data
	IFXE. F,F%TEMP		; Any more expected?
	    JSP P1,1(P1)	; Else ask for more data
	    TCSCENT(TOP.)	; Reenter coroutine
	  JUMPN C,TCSCSD	; If more data, go use it

	;; Here on EOF, send string and return
	IDPB P2,NETPSV		; Drop last byte in
	MOVE B,[POINT 8,[BYTE (8) 0, ^D64, 300]] ; Point to end seq
	MOVNI C,2		; Two bytes
	SOUT%			; Send off
	AOS B,NETPSV+1		; Get count
	BOUT%			; Send that too
	MOVN C,NETPSV+1		; Now get negation of count
	MOVE B,[POINT 8,NETBUF]	; and pointer to start of buffer
	JRST TCSSTP		; Go finish up sending
; Compressed mode send, unreplicated string continued

; Now we have more data to read, go look at it
TCSCSD:	ILDB D,B		; Get next char
	CAMN D,PADCHR		; Padding?
	CAMN D,P2		; Same as previous?
	IDPB P2,NETPSV		; Not same, drop old byte in
	AOS P2,NETPSV+1		; Get how many bytes left
	CAIE P2,177		; Time to finish this buffer?
	 JRST TCSCSC		; No, back for the next char

	;; Buffer is full, send off before asking for more
	DMOVEM B,NETPSV		; Save net pointers
	MOVEI B,177		; Full count
	BOUT%			; Send off count
	MOVE B,[POINT 8,NETBUF]	; Point to buffer
	MOVNI C,177		; Negative count
	SOUT%			; Send off string
	DMOVE B,NETPSV		; Now restore user pointers
	JRST TCSCMS		; And go start fresh string

; Here when we have a fill byte, send string and go handle
TCSCSP:	IDPB P2,NETPSV		; Yes, put away last char
	AOS NETPSV+1		; And save count
TCSCSF:	MOVE P2,NETPSV+1	; Get count
	DMOVEM B,NETPSV		; Save pointers
	MOVE A,TCXJFN		; Get net connection
	MOVE B,P2		; And count
	BOUT%			; Send off count
	MOVE B,[POINT 8,NETBUF]	; Point to net buffer
	MOVN C,P2		; Get count negated
	SOUT%			; Send string off
	DMOVE B,NETPSV		; Now get pointers back
	CAMN D,PADCHR		; Was that a padding char?
	 JRST TCSCMF		; Yes, only one of them
	MVI. 1,NETPSV+1		; No, set count for two
	JRST TCSCFC		; And go handle duplicated byte
; Setup of padding character for compressed sends and receives

; Note that we use P.XTYP rather than P.TYPE, whereas the rest of the
; code in this module uses P.TYPE.  This is because the server is not
; going to know about P.TYPE and this layer should be completely
; transparent.  Padding should expand at the remote end as exactly
; the byte it was encoded as here (and vice versa).

SETPAD:	SAVEAC <A,B>		; Don't mung registers
	MOVE A,FILPRP+P.XTYP	; Get file type remote system is using
	SETZ D,			; Assume no pad char
	CAIN A,TT.TXT		; For text
	 MOVEI D," "		; Pad char is space
	 HLRZ D,EBCTAB+" "	; Pad char is whatever space converts to
	MOVEM D,PADCHR		; Save it

; Stolen from TAPEIO, written by Brian Cox at Stanford GSB, 1979.
; I don't know where he got it from.

; Non-translatables are translated to SUB'S
; Believed to be the same as OPTCD=Q, except:
;    ASCII->EBCDIC: ! -> ! (instead of Vert Bar)
; 		    ^ -> Cent (instead of Not)
; 		    Tilde -> Not (instead of Tilde)
;    EBCDIC->ASCII: Cent -> ^ (instead of [)
; 		    Not -> Tilde (instead of ^)
; 		    ! > ! (instead of ])
; 		    [ -> [ (instead of Ctrl/Z)
; 		    ] -> ] (instead of Ctrl/Z)

	1,,1			; SOH,,SOH
	2,,2			; STX,,STX
	3,,3			; ETX,,ETX
	67,,32			; EOT,,PF
	55,,11			; ENQ,,HT
	56,,32			; ACK,,LC
	57,,177			; BEL,,DEL
	26,,32			; BS,,GE
	5,,32			; HT,,RLF
	45,,32			; LF,,SMM
	13,,13			; VT,,VT
	14,,14			; FF,,FF
	15,,15			; CR,,CR
	16,,16			; SO,,SO
	17,,17			; SI,,SI
	20,,20			; DLE,,DLE
	21,,21			; DC1,,DC1
	22,,22			; DC2,,DC2
	23,,23			; DC3,,TM
	74,,32			; DC4,,RES
	75,,32			; NAK,,NL
	62,,10			; SYN,,BS
	46,,32			; ETB,,IL
	30,,30			; CAN,,CAN
	31,,31			; EM,,EM
	77,,32			; SUB,,CC
	47,,32			; ESC,,CU1
	34,,34			; FS,,IFS
	35,,35			; GS,,IGS
	36,,36			; RS,,IRS
	37,,37			; US,,IUS
	100,,32			; BLANK,,DS
	132,,32			; !,,SOS
	177,,32			; ",,FS
	173,,32			; #,,
	133,,32			; $,,BYP
	154,,12			; %,,LF
	120,,27			; &,,ETB
	175,,33			; ',,ESC
	115,,32			; (,,
	135,,32			; ),,
	134,,32			; *,,SM
	116,,32			; +,,CU2
	153,,32			; ,,,
	140,,5			; -,,ENQ
	113,,6			; .,,ACK
	141,,7			; /,,BEL
	360,,32			; 0,,
	361,,32			; 1,,
	362,,26			; 2,,SYN
	363,,32			; 3,,
	364,,32			; 4,,PN
	365,,32			; 5,,RS
	366,,32			; 6,,UC
	367,,4			; 7,,EOT
	370,,32			; 8,,
	371,,32			; 9,,
	172,,32			; :,,
	136,,32			; ;,,CU3
	114,,24			; <,,DC4
	176,,25			; =,,NAK
	156,,32			; >,,
	157,,32			; ?,,SUB
	174,,40			; @,,BLANK
	301,,32			; A,,
	302,,32			; B,,
	303,,32			; C,,
	304,,32			; D,,
	305,,32			; E,,
	306,,32			; F,,
	307,,32			; G,,
	310,,32			; H,,
	311,,32			; I,,
	321,,136		; J,,CENT SIGN
	322,,56			; K,,.
	323,,74			; L,,<
	324,,50			; M,,(
	325,,53			; N,,+
	326,,41			; O,,VERTICAL BAR
	327,,46			; P,,&
	330,,32			; Q,,
	331,,32			; R,,
	342,,32			; S,,
	343,,32			; T,,
	344,,32			; U,,
	345,,32			; V,,
	346,,32			; W,,
	347,,32			; X,,
	350,,32			; Y,,
	351,,41			; Z,,!
	255,,44			; [,,$
	340,,52			; \,,*
	275,,51			; ],,)
	112,,73			; ^,,;
	155,,176		; _,,NOT SIGN [136]
	171,,55			; GRAVE,,-
	201,,57			; a,,/
	202,,32			; b,,
	203,,32			; c,,
	204,,32			; d,,
	205,,32			; e,,
	206,,32			; f,,
	207,,32			; g,,
	210,,32			; h,,
	211,,32			; i,,
	221,,174		; j,,|
	222,,54			; k,,,
	223,,45			; l,,%
	224,,137		; m,,_
	225,,76			; n,,>
	226,,77			; o,,?
	227,,32			; p,,
	230,,32			; q,,
	231,,32			; r,,
	242,,32			; s,,
	243,,32			; t,,
	244,,32			; u,,
	245,,32			; v,,
	246,,32			; w,,
	247,,32			; x,,
	250,,140		; y,,GRAVE
	251,,72			; z,,:
	300,,43			; {,,#
	152,,100		; |,,@
	320,,47			; },,'
	137,,75			; TILDE,,=
	7,,42			; DEL,,"
	77,,141			; ,,a
	77,,142			; ,,b
	77,,143			; ,,c
	77,,144			; ,,d
	77,,145			; ,,e
	77,,146			; ,,f
	77,,147			; ,,g
	77,,150			; ,,h
	77,,151			; ,,i
	77,,152			; ,,j
	77,,153			; ,,k
	77,,154			; ,,l
	77,,155			; ,,m
	77,,156			; ,,n
	77,,157			; ,,o
	77,,160			; ,,p
	77,,161			; ,,q
	77,,162			; ,,r
	77,,176			; ,,TILDE
	77,,163			; ,,s
	77,,164			; ,,t
	77,,165			; ,,u
	77,,166			; ,,v
	77,,167			; ,,w
	77,,170			; ,,x
	77,,171			; ,,y
	77,,172			; ,,z
	77,,133			; ,,[
	77,,135			; ,,]
	77,,173			; ,,{
	77,,101			; ,,A
	77,,102			; ,,B
	77,,103			; ,,C
	77,,104			; ,,D
	77,,105			; ,,E
	77,,106			; ,,F
	77,,107			; ,,G
	77,,110			; ,,H
	77,,111			; ,,I
	77,,175			; ,,}
	77,,112			; ,,J
	77,,113			; ,,K
	77,,114			; ,,L
	77,,115			; ,,M
	77,,116			; ,,N
	77,,117			; ,,O
	77,,120			; ,,P
	77,,121			; ,,Q
	77,,122			; ,,R
	77,,134			; ,,\
	77,,123			; ,,S
	77,,124			; ,,T
	77,,125			; ,,U
	77,,126			; ,,V
	77,,127			; ,,W
	77,,130			; ,,X
	77,,131			; ,,Y
	77,,132			; ,,Z
	77,,60			; ,,0
	77,,61			; ,,1
	77,,62			; ,,2
	77,,63			; ,,3
	77,,64			; ,,4
	77,,65			; ,,5
	77,,66			; ,,6
	77,,67			; ,,7
	77,,70			; ,,8
	77,,71			; ,,9