
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - stanford/makimp/makfil.sai
There are no other files named makfil.sai in the archive.
!   MakeExt, MakeDir, GetDir, HasDir, GetExt, HasExt?;

! ********** L O W E R *********;
simp string procedure lower(string s);
	string new, c;
	while not (length(s)=0) do 
		if c"A" and c"Z" then c_(c+"a"-"A")&"";

! ********** M A K E  E X T **********;
procedure makeext (reference string s; string ext);
	BEGIN "-- make extension --"
	integer e,d;	d_0; if s="" then begin s_"."&ext; return end;
	do d_d+1 until  d = length(s)      or
			equ(s[d+1 for 1],"[") or
			equ(s[d+1 for 1],".");
	if equ(s[d+1 for 1],".") then
		begin "-- remove old extension --"
		e_d;  do e_e+1 until equ(s[e for 1],"[") or equ(e,length(s));
		if e=length(s) then s _ s[1 for d]
 		else  s _ s[1 for d] & s[e for length(s)-e+1];
		end   "-- remove old extension --";
	s _ s[1 for d] & "." & ext & s[d+1 to length(s)];
	END   "-- make extension --";
string procedure getext(string name);
    BEGIN "-- get ext --"
    integer j,i,e;   string ext;   j_i_1;   e_length(name);  
    if name="" then return("");
    while not (equ(name[i for 1],".") or i=e) DO i_i+1;
    if i=e then return("");
    while not (equ(name[j+1 for 1],"[") or j=e) DO j_j+1;
    if i=j  then  ext _ ""  else  ext _ name[i+1 to j];
    if length(ext)>3 then ext_ext[1 to 3];
    END   "-- get ext --";

define hasext(name) = "(not getext(name)=null)";

! ********** M A K E  D I R **********;
procedure makedir (reference string s; string dir);
	BEGIN "-- make directory --"
	integer d;	d_0;
	do d_d+1 until equ(d,length(s)) or equ(s[d+1 for 1],"[");
	s _ s[1 for d] & dir;
	END   "-- make directory --";

string procedure getdir(string name);
    BEGIN "-- get dir --"  
    integer i,e;   string dir;   i_1;   e_length(name);  
    while not (equ(name[i for 1],"[") or i=e) DO i_i+1;
    if equ(name[e for 1],"]") then e_e-1;
    if i=e  then  dir _ ""  else  dir _ name[i+1 to e];
    return (lower(dir));
    END   "-- get dir --";

define hasdir(name) = "(not getdir(name)=null)";
require "scflnm.sai"source!file; ! filename scanning utility;

! ********** M A K E  E X T **********;
internal simp procedure makeext (reference string s; string ext);
	begin "-- make extension --"
	string logname,direct,filname;

	s_logname&direct&filname&(if not equ(ext,"") then "."&ext else "")
	end "-- make extension --";

! ********** G E T E X T **********;
internal simp string procedure getext(reference string name);
	begin "-- get ext --"
	string ext;

	return (lower(ext))
	end "-- get ext --";

! ********** H A S E X T **********;
define hasext(name) = "(not getext(name)=null)";

! ********** M A K E  D I R **********;
internal simp procedure makedir (reference string s; string dir);
	begin "-- make directory --"
	string logname,filname,ext,gen;

	if not equ(ext,"") then 
		if not equ(gen,"") then s_s&"."&ext&"."&gen
				   else s_s&"."&ext;	
	end   "-- make directory --";

! ********** G E T D I R **********;
Internal simp string procedure getdir(reference string name);
	begin "-- get dir --"  
	string direct;

	return (lower(direct))
	end   "-- get dir --";

!	B Y T E S I N
! ***********************************************************************
! For TOPS-20 fileinfo.  Pentti Kanerva, 27-Oct-81; 
! ***********************************************************************;
internal simp integer procedure Bytesin (integer chan,bytesize);
	begin "-- BytesIn --"  
	integer bpw;
	own integer array fdb [0:'24];

	gtFDB (chan, fdb);                         ! File descriptor block;
	if fdb['12] = 0 then return (0);           ! Empty file;
	if bytesize = ((fdb['11] rot 12) land '77) then return(fdb['12]);
						   ! File size in bytes;
	bpw_36 div ((fdb['11] rot 12) land '77);   ! Bytes per word;
	return ( (36 div bytesize)*((fdb['12] + bpw - 1) div bpw) )
						   ! Words in file;
	end   "-- BytesIn --";

!	W O R D S I N
! ***********************************************************************
! For TOPS-20 fileinfo.  Pentti Kanerva, 27-Oct-81; 
! ***********************************************************************;
internal simp integer procedure Wordsin (integer chan);
	begin "-- wordsIn --"  
	integer bpw;
	own integer array fdb [0:'24];

	gtFDB (chan, fdb);                         ! File descriptor block;
	if fdb['12] = 0 then return (0);           ! Empty file;
	bpw_36 div ((fdb['11] rot 12) land '77);   ! Bytes per word;
	return ( (fdb['12] + bpw - 1) div bpw )    ! Words in file;
	end   "-- wordsIn --";

!	I N   M A P
! ***********************************************************************
! Maps specified file page to specified process page;
! ***********************************************************************;
internal simp procedure InMap(integer jfn, filepage, procpage, number);
	begin "-- in map --"
	integer ac1,ac2,ac3;

	printi3(<nl,"InMap, jfn ",jfn,", filepage ",cvos(filepage),
		", process page ",cvos(procpage),", number of pages ",number>)

	ac1_(jfn lsh 18) lor filepage;
	ac2_(curfork lsh 18) lor procpage;
	if number > 1 then ac3 _ '600000000000 lor number
	else ac3 _ '200000000000;
	end   "-- in map --";

!   SepSwitches;

!	S E P A R A T E   S W I T C H E S
! **********************************************************************
! Separate file names and switches in input line.
! **********************************************************************;
internal simp string procedure sepswitches(reference string line);
	begin "-- separate switches --"
	integer i,l;
	string s;

	l_length(line); i_0;
	while (equ(line[i for 1]," ") or equ(line[i for 1],'11)) and
					i  length(line) do i_i+1;
	if i > length(line) then return("");
	while not (equ(line[i for 1]," ") or equ(line[i for 1],'11) or
		equ(line[i for 1],"/") or equ(line[i for 1],"\")) and
					i  length(line) do i_i+1;
	if i>length(line) then return("");
	s_line[i+1 to l];
	line_line[1 to i-1];
	end   "-- separate switches --";
!   FileExists, TryExists;

!	F I L E   E X I S T S
! **************************************************************
! given a name of a file, returns true if the file exists
! **************************************************************;
internal simp boolean procedure fileexists(reference string name);
	integer sav, eof, brch, ch;
	open(ch_getchan,"DSK", '10, 2, 0, 512, brch, eof);
	lookup (ch, name, eof); sav_eof; 
	release(ch); return (not eof)

!	F I L E   E X I S T S
! **************************************************************
! given a name of a file, returns true if the file exists.
! This code accepts wildcards, and will reset filename if a match is
! found.  This section by Jan Stoeckenius, 1/2/82
! **************************************************************;
internal simp boolean procedure fileexists(reference string name);
	begin "-- file exists? --"
	integer ch;
	string s;

	if ch=-1 then return(FALSE)
		begin "-- yes --"
		MakeExt(name,JFNS(ch,'000100000000)); ! Get extension;
		end   "-- yes --"
	end   "-- file exists? --";

! 	T R Y   E X T E N S I O N S
! ******************************************************************
! TryExts tries to put different extensions on a file name until
! it finds a file that exists.  Num is the number of extensions 
! (followed by a space) in the passed string s.  When an extension
! works, the working name is returned in the reference string name
! and the ordinal number of the extension returned.  Otherwise,
! the extensions are deleted from the name and a 0 returned;
! ******************************************************************;
internal simp integer procedure tryexts(reference string file; 
				 string num, s);
	begin "-- try extensions --"
	integer i,n;
	string c,ext;  ! NOTE: an extension has NO ".";

	while not (length(num)=0) do
		begin "-- try one --"
		ext_""; n_intscan(num,i); 
		if not length(s)=0 then do ext _ ext & lop(s) until s="" or s=" "; 
		if fileexists(file) then return(n);
		if not s="" then c_lop(s) else 
			begin "-- no good --"
			end   "-- no good --"
		end   "-- try one --";
	makeext(file,""); return(0)
	end   "-- try extensions --";