
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - stanford/makimp/makimp.hlp
There are no other files named makimp.hlp in the archive.
MAKIMP converts text files and DVI files into Impress (IMP) files which can
then be printed on the Canon (Imprint-10) laserprinter.  See HELP CANON for
details on using the Canon printers.

The simplest use of MAKIMP is to just give it a filename on the command
line, for example:

	@makimp myfile.dvi

You can also give switches to MAKIMP if you run the program without
specifying the filename on the command line, like so:


	 Input file name: myfile.txt /font:cmr12

See the subtopic "Switches" for a list of the switches MAKIMP knows about.

The version of MAKIMP on Sierra knows about the following switches.

/mag:x.x		Change magnification,  e.g. /mag:1.2
/font:<name>		Specify a font
/dvi			Input file is a DVI file
/list			Input file is a text file
/lisp			Input file is an Interlisp file
/scribe			Input file is a Scribe file
/header			Put header line on text files
/nohead			No header line on text files
/notitle		No title page
/spacing:n		Set interline spacing
/dspace			Double space
/pages:n:m		Specify a range of pages, i.e. print from page n to m
/lm:n			Left margin, in inches			
/tm:n			Right margin, in inches
/wd:n			Page width, in inches
/ht:n			Page heigth in inches