
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - stanford/makimp/service.sai
There are no other files named service.sai in the archive.
COMMENT  CHECK!QUOTA routine to abort if we are continued after a PMAP% blows;
COMMENT  up because of a quota exceeded error. Prevents creation of a;
COMMENT  corrupted IMP file;

!	Some global variables, ResetOut, CloseImp;

define Emptymark = -1,
	  NAmark = -1;

External simp procedure GetRasterInfo(integer font, pointer, space, dest);

Internal Integer OutPtr, 	! Pointer to output buffer area;
	     	 ImpPageCnt, 	! number of bytes in output file;
	    	 NextImpPage; 	! File in which to write next output;

! for use in AC3 when using PMAP; 
define  RepetiCnt = {'500000000000 lor (LastImpPage - FirstImpPage + 1)},
	   EndCnt = '500000000000; 	

define FBIZ = '12; ! Index to EOF pointer in file descriptor block;

Procedure check!quota;
! Call this routine after a call to PMAP.  If we find that the last process;
!  error was a quota exceeded error, then the PMAP must have failed and we;
!  were continued.  Since the PMAP will not restart properly, and because;
!  we don't want to spend the time to do things right (i.e. use SOUT%), we;
!  issue a warning and shutdown rather than create a corrupted IMP file.;
	integer quota!flag;

	movei 3,access(quota!flag);  comment address of quota!flag;
	setzm 0,0(3);        comment assume goodness;
	movei 1,'400000;     comment .fhslf;
	geter;               comment get last error code;
	hrrz 1,2;            comment isolate error code;
	cain 1,'601440;      comment quota exceeded was last error?;
	 setom 0,0(3)        comment set quota!flag to badness;
	end;                 comment end of this hack.   -KSL;

	if quota!flag neq 0 then
	   print("?IMP file corrupted because of quota error, can't continue");
	      jrst .-1;

!	R E S E T   O U T P U T
! *******************************************************************
! Unmaps the output buffer when it has filled.
! *******************************************************************;
Internal simp procedure ResetOut;
	begin "-- reset output --"

	printo1(<nl,"ResetOut, Pointer = ",cvos(OutPtr),", lastword = ",cvos(lastword),
		", Impress Page Count = ",ImpPageCnt,", NextImpPage = ",NextImpPage>)
	Pmap((curfork lsh 18) lor FirstImpPage,
	     (ImpJfn lsh 18) lor NextImpPage, RepetiCnt);
	ImpPageCnt_ImpPageCnt + lastImpPage - FirstImpPage + 1;
	NextImpPage_NextImpPage + LastImpPage - FirstImpPage + 1
	end   "-- reset output --";

!	C L O S E   I M P
! *******************************************************************
! Unmaps filled portion of output buffer and sets EOF pointer in FDB.
! *******************************************************************;
simp procedure CloseImp;
	begin "-- close imp file --"
	integer pages;

	printo0(nl,"ResetOut, OutPtr = ",OutPtr,", ImpPageCnt = ",ImpPageCnt)
	pages_((OutPtr land AddrMask) div 512) - FirstImpPage + 1;
		! number of pages that still need to be mapped out;
	Pmap((curfork lsh 18) lor FirstImpPage,
	     (Impjfn lsh 18) lor NextImpPage, EndCnt lor pages);
	OutPtr_OutPtr + (ImpPageCnt - FirstImpPage)*512;
		! Correct byte pointer in preparation for setting EOF mark;
	chfdb(ImpChan, FBIZ, -1,ByteCount(OutPtr));
	chfdb(ImpChan,'11,'77 lsh 24,OutBpB lsh 24);
	if not cfile(ImpChan) then Error("Can't close "&outfname)
	end   "-- close imp file --";

!	B L O C K   T R A N S F E R
! ********************************************************************
! Transfers blocks of data from input to output.
! ********************************************************************;
Internal simp procedure BlkTrnsfr(reference integer source; integer count;
						reference integer dest);
	if dest = -1 then while count>0 do
		begin "-- output block transfer --"
		integer i,total;

		print6(<nl,"In BlkTrnsfr, source = ",cvos(source),
			    ", count = ", count,", OutPtr = ",cvos(OutPtr)>)
		total_(lastword + 1)*OutBpW - ByteCount(OutPtr);
		for i_1 step 1 until (count min total) do 
		if totalcount then ResetOut;
		count_count - i + 1
		end   "-- output block transfer --"
		begin "-- other block transfer --"
		integer i;

		print6(<nl,"In BlkTrnsfr, source = ",cvos(source),
			  ", count = ",count,", destination = ",cvos(dest)>)
		for i_1 step 1 until count do idpb(ildb(source),dest);
		end   "-- other block transfer --";
!	ShrinkGlyst;

!	S H R I N K   G L Y S T
! **********************************************************************
! Removes updated entries in glyst.
! **********************************************************************;
simp procedure ShrinkGlyst;
	begin "-- shrink glyst --"
	define  en = "glyst[newend]",
	       nex = "glyst[next]";

	integer newend, next;

	simp procedure move;
		begin "-- move down --"
		print6(<nl,"next:",next,", newend:",newend>)
		glyph[(en lsh -7) land '77, en land '177,0] _ newend;
			! Tell glyph of the move;
		end   "-- move down --";

	newend_0; next_-1;
	print2(<nl,"shrinkglyst, next deletion queue record = ",nexglyrec,
					       ", page pointer = ",pageptr>)
	while ((next_next+1) < pageptr) do if nex  -1 then move;
	next_next-1; pageptr_newend;
	while ((next_next+1) < nexglyrec) do move;
	print2(<nl,"glyst shrunk, next deletion queue record = ",nexglyrec,
					       ", page pointer = ",pageptr>)
	end   "-- shrink glyst --";
!	Compact;

!	C O M P A C T
! ***********************************************************************
! If the glyst has become full, get rid of unused entries and, if
! necessary, delete 10 glyphs.
! ***********************************************************************;
simp boolean procedure Compact;
	begin "-- compact --"
	print2(<nl,"Compacting, page pointer = ",pageptr>)
	if nexglyrec  MAXR then return(TRUE) 
	else if pageptr = 0 then return(FALSE)
		begin "-- delete 10 glyphs --"
		integer i;
		for i_0 step 1 until (9 min pageptr) do
			begin "-- delete a char --"
			glydata_glydata-glyph[(glyst[i] lsh -7) land '77,
						glyst[i] land '177,3];	    
						! record gain of space;
			DlGlyph(glyst[i]);	! delete glyph;
			glyph[(glyst[i] lsh -7) land '77,
						glyst[i] land '177,0] _ -1;
						! tell firstglyph;
			end   "-- delete a char --";                    

		if nexglyrec > MAXR then return(FALSE)
		else return(TRUE)
		end   "-- delete 10 glyphs --"
	end   "-- compact --";
!	InitPage;

!	I N I T   P A G E 
! **********************************************************************
! Initializes some typsetting and book keeping variables before each 
! page.
! **********************************************************************;
Internal simp procedure initpage;
	begin "-- initialize page --"
	chrpnt_glypage_0; pageptr_nexglyrec; 	 ! book keeping;
	marg_curx_cury_0; 			 ! typsetting;
	end   "-- initialize page --";
!   	Delete!Pack;

! 	D E L E T E  !  P A C K
! ***********************************************************************
! if there is not enough space in memory, delete the least number of 
! unused glyphs necessary to free up enough space
! ***********************************************************************;
simp procedure delete!pack;
	begin "-- delete pack --"
	define nex = "glyst[next]";
	integer next;

	next_-1; print2(<nl,"delete!pack ng = ",nexglyrec>) 

	while ((next_next+1) < pageptr) and (glydata  MAXD) do 
	    if nex  -1 then
		begin "-- delete a char --"
       		glydata_glydata - glyph[(nex lsh -7) land '77,
				nex land '177,3]; ! record gain of space;
		DlGlyph(nex); ! delete glyph;
		glyph[(nex lsh -7) land '77, nex land '177,0] _ -1; ! Tell glyph;
		end   "-- delete a char --";                    
	end   "-- delete pack --";
!	OGlyMsk;

!	O U T P U T   G L Y P H   M A S K S
! *********************************************************************
! Outputs the glyph masks needed for this page.
! *********************************************************************;
Internal simp procedure OGlyMsk(integer curpage);
	begin "-- output masks --"
	integer pntr;

	print3(<nl,"Outputting glyphs.  Total glyph space used ", glydata,
		  ", On current page ", glypage>)

	if glypage > maxd then
		Error("Glyph table overflow on page "&cvs(curpage)&
		      ".  Space used "&cvs(glypage)&", maximum allowed "

		!  P A C K  if necessary;
	if (glydata)>maxd then 
		begin "-- delete pack --"
		print2(<nl,"Before Delete!Pack glyph space = ",glydata>)
		print2(<nl,"After Delete!Pack glyph space = ",glydata>)
		end   "-- delete pack --";

	while pntr < chrpnt do
		begin "-- ship a mask --"
		integer fontno,charno,advw,width,height,x,y;

		define space = {chars[pntr+6]},
		       pointr = {chars[pntr+7]};

		fontno_chars[pntr]; charno_chars[pntr + 1];
		x_chars[pntr + 2]; y_chars[pntr + 3];
		height_chars[pntr + 4]; width_chars[pntr + 5];

		print6(<nl,"OGlyMsk, Fontno ",fontno,", charno ",charno,
			", pntr = ",pntr,", space = ",space,
						     ", pointr = ",pointr>)

! The following statement (handling the case of the invisible glyph) is
  entered so as to suppress undefined glyph errors in RELEASE 1 and more
  recent IMAGENs;
                if space = 0 then 
		        begin "-- empty mask --"
			end   "-- empty mask --"
		        begin "-- normal mask --"
			end   "-- normal mask --"
		end "-- ship a mask --";
	end   "-- output masks --";