PDP-10 Archives
There is 1 other file named cmfnc.h4 in the archive. Click here to see a list.
define(`_',`dnl')_ Use this to prevent extra newlines in the output...
_ ... and for comments!
_ Author: Andrew Lowry
_ Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, July 1986.
_ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, Trustees of Columbia University in the
_ City of New York. Permission is granted to any individual or
_ institution to use, copy, or redistribute this software so long as
_ it is not sold for profit, provided this copyright notice is
_ retained.
_ * This M4 source is designed to generate two header files for the
_ * ccmd package, based on information for specific parsing functions.
_ * The actual output stream from M4 contains lines of the form:
_ * #file xxx
_ * flush to the left margin, signaling the beginning of the text for
_ * file xxx. This output stream can be passed to the split program
_ * in order to distribute the text to the various files.
_ *
_ * The first output file is called cmfnc.h, and contains symbols and
_ * definitions required by application programs that use the ccmd
_ * package. The second file, cmfncs.h, contains system symbols and
_ * definitions required primarily by the ccmd package modules.
_ *
_ * The last line in this file is an include statement to read in and
_ * process the file cmconf.h4, which should generally be a series of
_ * fndecl statements for bringing in the files describing the various
_ * functions. For example, the line:
_ * fndecl(cfm)
_ * in cmconf.h4 would cause the system to be configured with the cmcfm
_ * parsing function. The line fndecl(xxx) causes an automatic include
_ * of the file cmxxx.h4.
_ *
_ * The files for the individual parse functions generally include the
_ * following items:
_ *
_ * fnerror(XXX,`error message')
_ * Causes a symbol such as CFMxXXX to be defined, and causes the
_ * given error message to be entered into an error table. The
_ * prefix is formed from the upper-cased fndecl argument.
_ *
_ * fnflag(XXX,x)
_ * Causes a symbol such as CFM_XXX to be defined, with the value x.
_ * If x is omitted, the value from the prior fnflag invocation is
_ * doubled. If this is the first invocation and x is omitted, 1
_ * is used. The prior value is cleared by the fndecl macro.
_ *
_ * fnconst(XXX,x)
_ * Causes a symbol such as _CFMXXX to be defined, with the value x.
_ * If x is omitted, the value from the prior fnconst invocation is
_ * bumped by 1. If this is the first invocation and x is omitted, 0
_ * is used. The prior value is cleared by the fndecl macro.
_ *
_ * pvtype(type expression)
_ * Adds a component to the pval union for returned parse values.
_ * The component will be named something like _pvxxx, where xxx
_ * is the parse function name. The component's type will be
_ * whatever is specified by the type expression. Parse functions
_ * that return integers, strings, characters, or floats need not
_ * include a pvtype line, as components of these types are preloaded.
_ *
_ * toapplic(`arbitrary text')
_ * Causes the given text to be included verbatim in the cmfnc.h file.
_ * Useful for defining special structures and the like.
_ *
_ * tosystem(`arbitrary text')
_ * Causes the given text to be included verbatim in the cmfncs.h file.
_ *
_ * Anything else
_ * Goes to the cmfnc.h file.
_ *
_ Load initial text for each file before defining any macros that might
_ interfere with their contents
_ cat returns its arguments concatenated together
_ nl - represents a newline
_ quote - Returns its argument with quotes around it
_ upper and lower convert letters to upper and lower case, resp.
_ fndecl - set up to configure a named parse function (use the 3-char ending
_ from the function name as the argument)
_ fnini - Set variables for a new function configuration
_ fncomment - Output an appropriate comment to each file
define(`fncomment',cat(``cat(nl`/* Configuration information for cm',
lname,` */',nl,nl)'',
``cat(nl,`/* Error table and other configuration data',
` for cm',lname,` */',nl,nl)'',
_ fncode - Output the function code symbol definition
define(`fncode',`cat(``#define _CM'',uname,` ',lastfunc,nl)')_
_ fnstub - Output a macro definition to stub out this parse function
define(`fnstub',cat(``cat(nl,`/* Macro to prevent loading of cm',
lname,` support */',nl,nl)'',
``cat(`#define ',uname,`_STUB ftspec ft_',lname,
` = { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }; \',nl)'',
``cat(` fnerr fe_',lname,` = { 0, NULL };',nl,nl)''))_
_ fnerror - Used to declare function-specific error messages
``cat(nl,` "',$2,")'',
``cat(`#define ',uname,`x',$1,
cat(` CMERR(',lastfunc,`,',lasterr,`)'))''))_
_ outerrs - Output the error table declaration and initializer
``cat(nl,`#ifdef ',uname,`ERR',nl)'',
``cat(`#else',nl,`extern fnerr fe_',lname,`;',nl)'',
define(`outerr1',`cat(nl,`fnerr fe_',lname,` = { 0, NULL };',nl)')_
``cat(`static char *(',lname,`err[',lasterr,`]) = {')'',
``cat(`fnerr fe_',lname,` = { ',
lasterr,`, ',lname,`err };',nl)''))_
_ fnflag - output a flag symbol definition to the cmfnc.h file
define(`fnflag',cat(``cat(``#define '',uname,`_',$1,` ')'',
_ hex - takes a decimal string and outputs it as a four-digit hex value
_ preceded by "0x"
_ fnconst - output a constant symbol definition to the cmfnc.h file
define(`fnconst',cat(``cat(``#define _'',uname,$1,` ')'',
_ pvtype - adds a component to the pval union declaration. All additions
_ accumulate in diversion 4.
``cat(` ',$1,` _pv',lname,`;',nl)'',
_ toapplic - Output the argument to the cmfnc.h file
_ tosystem - Output the argument to the cmfncs.h file
define(`tosystem',cat(``divert(2)'',`$1 ',``nl()'',``divert(1)''))_
_ generic - Outputs the generic error codes and error message table.
_ Mostly just a big kludge to invoke the macros called by fndecl after
_ faking the variables.
``tosystem(`/* Generic ccmd error messages */')'',
_ outlist - Output the function types in ftlist, each prefixed by the
_ first argument and with the column position initialized to the second
_ argument
_ Initialize function code counter so first code is 1, and set empty fn list
_ OK, here we go...
_ Now define the ftxxx macro so ftlist will expand correctly into a list
_ of parse function names, each prefixed by the value of ftprefix.
_ Newlines are inserted when the column counter exceeds 70, with new
_ lines indented two spaces.
cat(ftprefix,$1,ifelse($2,lastfunc,` ',``| '')))'',
``ifelse(eval(ftcolumn > 70),eval(1 > 0),
cat(nl,` ',``define(`ftcolumn',2)''))''))_
#file cmfnc.h
/* Union declaration for parse return values */
typedef union PVAL {
int _pvint;
float _pvflt;
char _pvchr;
char *_pvstr;
char **_pvstrvec;
} pval;
#file cmfncs.h
#ifdef STORAGE
/* Function handler table */
extern ftspec
ftspec *(cmfntb[lastfunc]) = {
/* Error table table */
fnerr *(fnetab[eval(lastfunc+1)]) = {
&fe_gen, outlist(`&fe_',11)
/* Number of defined functions */
int cmfmax = eval(lastfunc+1);
extern ftspec *(cmfntb[]);
extern fnerr *(fnetab[]);
extern int cmfmax;