PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named acj.ksl in the archive.
;<SU-UTILITIES>ACJ.MAC.24, 12-May-83 22:06:29, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Disallow setting TTY speed on hardwired, local lines
;<SU-UTILITIES>ACJ.MAC.22, 27-Mar-83 13:36:19, Edit by LOUGHEED
; GOCDEL unmaps target directory by mapping in <SYSTEM>
;<SU-UTILITIES>ACJ.MAC.21, 26-Mar-83 00:49:04, Edit by LOUGHEED
;<LOUGHEED>ACJ.MAC.3, 26-Mar-83 00:47:46, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Don't log killing FILES-ONLY directories
;<LOUGHEED>ACJ.MAC.2, 23-Mar-83 16:21:51, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Allow creation of FILES-ONLY subdirectories by non-WOPR's
; Log directory deletions by non-WOPR's
;<FMF>ACJ.MAC.7, 24-Feb-83 23:49:10, Edit by LOUGHEED
;<FMF>ACJ.MAC.6, 24-Feb-83 23:46:50, Edit by LOUGHEED
; (You should leave edit histories, Frank)
; Code cleanup after FMF merged Score code for recording of NVT site on LGOUT%
;<SU-UTILITIES>ACJ.MAC.18, 29-Jan-83 15:29:20, Edit by LOUGHEED
;Ethernet Access hook does nothing
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.17, 3-Jan-83 01:55:09, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Always allow broadcasts on the Ethernet - breaks much software otherwise
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.16, 2-Jan-83 01:11:50, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Fix .GOENA to reflect recent monitor changes
;<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.15, 27-Dec-82 23:54:48, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Increase MAXTTY from 250 to 500
;<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.14, 26-Dec-82 15:01:27, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.12, 26-Dec-82 14:41:37, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Preliminary Ethernet support
;<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.11, 4-Dec-82 00:14:41, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;LOGIN% and ATACH% code smarter about detached terminals
;<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.10, 31-Oct-82 02:57:20, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;If OPERATOR is changing a scheduler class, don't bother logging it
;<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.9, 31-Oct-82 02:47:20, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Always allow OPERATOR to log in detached (for CRJOB%'ing SYSJB1)
;<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.8, 24-Oct-82 20:07:30, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.7, 24-Oct-82 19:48:10, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Allow consultants (usergroup 2) to log onto consulting terminals even
; if they're over their console allocation.
;<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.6, 14-Oct-82 20:59:35, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;UPDGSB returns +2 always
;<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.5, 11-Oct-82 00:15:30, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Not fatal if a TTMSG% times out - new in Release 5
;<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.4, 5-Oct-82 21:39:09, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;LOGRES looks at FTLGOK cell in LINSRV.BIN for free terminal login policy
;<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.3, 2-Oct-82 02:13:28, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Fix bug that prevented over allocation login during free time
;<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>ACJ.MAC.2, 13-Sep-82 01:35:08, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Create Release 5 ACJ for LOTS and GSB from Release 4 version
TITLE ACJ - LOTS/GSB Access Control Job
Subttl Kirk Lougheed / August 1980 / Stanford University
Search Monsym, Macsym
.Require sys:macrel
comment \
Stanford LOTS/GSB Access Control Job for Tops-20 Release 5
This is the source to the Access Control Job for the LOTS and GSB
Computer Facilities at Stanford University. Features are selected
with site dependent assembly parameters, usually specified in a
separate header file, for example, the command line for compiling
the LOTS version of ACJ would be:
If you want to know what the parameters mean and what the ACJ does,
read on.
Subttl Definitions
;site dependent assembly parameters
define sym(symbol,value) <
ifndef symbol,<symbol==value>
sym dh4f,0 ;the Terman DH4F kludge is on this system
sym queue,0 ;we are running the LOTS queueing system
sym lotfng,0 ;we are using the LOTS Finger program
sym gsbfng,0 ;we are using the GSB Finger program
sym banner,0 ;prevent banner programs
sym allocf,0 ;we are using the LOTS allocation system
sym lotcls,0 ;LOTS form of class scheduling
sym howact,0 ;CACCT% check in use at GSB-HOW
sym maxfrk,^D8 ;maximum number of forks any one job may have
sym congrp,2 ;consultant's usergroup (LOTS)
sym .gogam,400001 ;GETOK% - can we play a game now?
sym .goopn,400002 ;GETOK% - can we run OPEN on this terminal?
sym .gotxt,400004 ;GETOK% - can we use a text formatter?
sym lodmax,5.0 ;maximum load for games (.GOGAM)
sym lodwrn,4.0 ;warning load for games (.GOGAM)
sym lodtxt,5.0 ;maximum load for text processing (.GOTXT)
sym quemax,3 ;maximum queue for games (.GOGAM)
sym quewrn,2 ;warning queue for games (.GOGAM)
sym quetxt,12 ;maximum queue for text formatting (.GOTXT)
;site independent assembly parameters
sym pdllen,200 ;length of stack
sym rcvlen,100 ;length of RCVOK% argument block
sym skdlen,20 ;length of SKED% argument block
sym hsylen,^D18 ;two date/time words plus 16 string words
sym gtdlen,.cddfe ;size of GTDIR% value block
sym grplen,^D100 ;maximum number of groups we handle
sym maxtty,500 ;many tty lines
sym maxusr,17777 ;maximum usernumber
sym usrlh,500000 ;code for a usernumber
sym dirlh,540000 ;structure code for PS directories
sym .wann,22 ;maximum length of a GTWAA% argument block
sym gtwaa%,nop ;in case someone didn't define it
;accumulator definitions
a=1 ;JSYS arguments, temporaries
f=5 ;flags used within function processors
t=6 ;usually a terminal number
u=7 ;usually a 36 bit usernumber
pt=10 ;pointer to base of GETOK% argument block
p=17 ;stack pointer
;parameters for terminal reservation checking
respag==100 ;page for TTYRES table
ttyres==respag*1000 ;start address of TTYRES table
nrespg==1 ;number of pages reserved
r%low==1B17 ;Low priority reservation
;parameters for queuing data
quepag==110 ;page for queueing data file
quelen==quepag*1000 ;first word of file (total in queue)
quecer==quelen+1 ;length of CERAS queue
queter==quelen+2 ;length of Terman queue
ftlgok==quelen+5 ;-1 if free terminal logins permitted
;parameters for TTYINI terminal database
ttypag==120 ;first page of terminal database
ttyadr==ttypag*1000 ;first word in file
ttyrec==ttyadr+1 ;no. of words per record located here
b%bits==16 ;offset of terminal bits
b%cons==1b0 ;consultants' terminal
b%assi==1b1 ;assignable (in the queueing system)
b%over==1b2 ;overhead terminal
b%operator==1b12 ;operations terminal
;parameters for FINGER data gathering
bldpag==240 ;base page of FINGER.BIN file
bldloc==bldpag*1000 ;base address of same
hstpag==600 ;last possible page of FINGER.BIN
fngsig==bldloc ;sixbit FINGER
fngaut==fngsig+1 ;usernumber of last writer
fngtim==fngaut+1 ;TAD of last write
fnglok==fngtim+1 ;zero if file is unlocked
fnginf==fnglok+3 ;address of header of keyword table
died==4 ;offset of TAD of logout
r.i.p.==died+1 ;offset of location of logout
;parameters for logout logging for LOTS FINGER
lgtpag==700 ;page to map LGOUT% log file
lgtadr==lgtpag*1000 ;address of first word of log file
Subttl Macros
;print a warning message on the CTY and return
define warn (str) <
call [ call logtad ;;time stamp
tmsg <Warning - str
> ;;warning message
ret ] ;;return to caller
;print an error message on the CTY and halt
define error (str) <
jrst [ call logtad ;;time stamp
tmsg <Fatal - str
> ;;print error message
haltf% ;;halt
jrst .-1 ] ;;and stay halted
define msg (str) <
if1,<printx str>
Subttl Impure Storage
pdl: block pdllen ;stack
rcvblk: block rcvlen ;RCVOK% argument block
getblk: block .jimax ;GETJI% argument block
gtwblk: block .wann ;GTWAA% argument block
line: block maxtty ;terminal data
skdarg: block skdlen ;SKED% argument block
hsytab: block hsylen ;HSYS% argument block
hsytb1: block hsylen ;auxillary readin block for HSYS% processing
tmpbuf: block 30 ;scratch buffer
msgbuf: block 50 ;buffer for building messages
bugacs: block 20 ;save the AC's here on a crash
usrnam: block 10 ;buffer for writing a username
packet: block 7 ;argument block for IPCF routines
alpha: block 1 ;start of free time (seconds after midnight)
gamma: block 1 ;end of free time (seconds after midnight)
srvpid: block 1 ;PID of LINSRV daemon
ourpid: block 1 ;our PID
sysnet: block 1 ;our Ethernet subnet number (zero -) no Ether)
syshst: block 1 ;our Ethernet host number (zero -) no Ether)
dbugsf: block 1 ;-1 if DBUGSW was set to 2 at startup
messgf: block 1 ;-1 if we have a message for the requestor
fngbad: block 1 ;-1 if FINGER data file is clobbered
hsydnp: block 1 ;-1 if an HSYS% needs doing
dwnjfi: block 1 ;input jfn for downtime queue
dwnjfo: block 1 ;output jfn for downtime queue
msgptr: block 1 ;pointer into message buffer
fngjfn: block 1 ;jfn of FINGER data file
oprnum: block 1 ;usernumber of OPERATOR
sysnum: block 1 ;directory number of PS:<SYSTEM>
subsys: block 1 ;directory number of PS:<SUBSYS>
ctynum: block 1 ;tty number of CTY
nvtmin: block 1 ;lowest nvt number
nvtmax: block 1 ;highest nvt number
tvtmin: block 1 ;lowest tvt number
tvtmax: block 1 ;highest tvt number
pnvmin: block 1 ;lowest pnv number
pnvmax: block 1 ;highest pnv number
$nvtpu: block 1 ;nvtpup table
$pupfp: block 1 ;pupfpt table
$pupbu: block 1 ;pupbuf table
pupbuf: block 1 ;address of pup free storage
lev1pc: block 1 ;level 1 interrupts
lev2pc: block 1 ;level 2 interrupts
lev3pc: block 1 ;level 3 interrupts
nlines: block 1 ;negative number of terminals
ttyoff: block 1 ;offset between words in tty initialization
;these blocks are +1 since they begin with a count word
gtdblk: block gtdlen+1 ;GTDIR% value block
usrgrp: block grplen+1 ;user group list for user doing connect
dirgrp: block grplen+1 ;directory group list for user doing connect
Subttl Constant Storage
dwnque: asciz/SYSTEM:DOWNTIME.QUEUE/ ;name of the downtime queue
crshnm: asciz/SYSTEM:ACJ.CRASH/ ;name of ACJ crash dump file
tresnm: asciz/SYSTEM:TTYRES.BIN/ ;name of the TTYRES table
queunm: asciz/SYSTEM:LINSRV.BIN/ ;name of data file for LOTS queueing system
lgtnam: asciz/SYSTEM:LOGOUT.DAT/ ;name of LGOUT% data file
ttynam: asciz/SYSTEM:TTYINI.BIN/ ;name of TTYINI database file
fngnam: asciz/FINGER:FINGER.BIN/ ;name of FINGER data file
chntab: block 11 ;0 - 8
1,,panic ;9
block 1 ;10
1,,panic ;11
1,,panic ;12
block 2 ;13 - 14
1,,panic ;15
1,,panic ;16
1,,panic ;17
block 2 ;18 - 19
1,,panic ;20
block 17 ;21 - 35
chans: 1b9!1b11!1b12!1b15!1b16!1b17!1b20 ;interrupt channel mask
levtab: lev1pc ;level 1 interrupts
lev2pc ;level 2 interrupts
lev3pc ;level 3 interrupts
Subttl ACJ Function Tables
;ACJ function dispatch tables
;MONTAB and USRTAB are information bearing macros that should be defined
;in the header file. An example of MONTAB:
; define montab,<
; fnc (golog,sf%eok,sf%dok) ;;LOGIN% ACJ hook
; fnc (golgo,sf%eok,sf%dok) ;;LGOUT% ACJ hook
; >;end define montab
ifndef montab,<msg (No monitor ACJ functions defined)>
ifndef usrtab,<msg (No user ACJ functions defined)>
define fnc (fc,ena,def)
< ife <sf%eok-ena>,<xwd .'fc,fc>
dsptab: montab
usrdsp: usrtab
;ACJ function enable table
define fnc (fc,ena,def)
< ifnb <def>,<<ena>!<def>! .'fc>
ifb <def>,<<ena>! .'fc>
enatab: montab ;table of monitor GETOK% functions
sf%eok!400000 ;enable for user mode GETOK%'s
Subttl ACJ Main Program
;startup code and main loop
start: reset% ;clean up world
move p,[iowd pdllen, pdl] ;initialize stack
call init ;miscellaneous initalization routines
call settty ;get terminal data
call maptty ;map in TTYINI database file
ifn queue,<
call mapres ;map in the terminal reservation table
call mapque ;map in the queueing data file
>;ifn queue
ifn lotfng,<
call maplot ;map in logout data file
>;ifn lotfng
ifn gsbfng,<
call mapgsb ;map in FINGER data file
>;ifn gsbfng
call ethini ;get subnet, host number if on Ethernet
call setdwn ;initialize downtime queue and HSYS%
loop: movei a,rcvblk ;a/ address of receiving block
movei b,rcvlen ;b/ length of receiving block
rcvok% ;get a request
erjmp rcverr ;some error, go check it out
move pt,rcvblk+.rcara ;set up pointer to GETOK% argument block
hlrz a,rcvblk+.rcfcj ;check function code
dmove b,[ dsptab ;set up for dispatch for monitor request
dsptln ]
trne a,400000 ;but is it really a user request?
dmove b,[ usrdsp ;yes, get address of user table
usrdln ]
movns c ;create pointer to table
jumpe c,loopx ;if table empty, then illegal request
hrl b,c ;set up aobjn counter
loop1: hlrz c,(b) ;get the function code
camn c,a ;found a match?
jrst loop2 ;yes, go execute it
aobjn b,loop1 ;look through the whole table
jrst loopx ;not there
;here to dispatch to the appropriate subroutine to verify access
loop2: hrrz a,(b) ;get the dispatch address
call (a) ;go log the function
jrst [ call deny ;deny access
jrst loop ]
call allow ;grant access
jrst loop ;loop back for next request
;LOOPX - here on an unknown function code. Access is granted
loopx: push p,a ;save function code on stack
call logtad ;time stamp
tmsg <Unknown function code: >
pop p,b
call logoct ;log an octal number
tmsg <, access granted to >
move b,rcvblk+.rcuno ;fetch user number
call logusr ;say who the strange one was
call crlf ;finish entry
call allow ;grant the access
jrst loop ;loop back for next request
;RCVERR - here on a RCVOK% or GIVOK% error to possibly restart
;only restart if GOKER3 and we are running under SYSJOB
rcverr: gjinf% ;get job number in c
movei a,.fhslf ;a/ our fork handle
geter% ;get last error
hrrzs b ;clear bits on left
skipn c ;not job 0?
caie b,goker3 ;or error other than timeout?
call fatal ;something else, go die
warn <RCVOK% timeout detected, restarting....>
seto a, ;a/ -1 to unmap
move b,[xwd .fhslf,respag] ;b/ starting with first data file
move c,[pm%cnt+<777-respag>] ;c/ unmap to end of memory
pmap% ;do so
movei a,.fhslf ;this process
clzff% ;close the files
jrst start ;jump to start address
;DENY - deny access
;takes a/ error number
; b/ string pointer to error message
deny: skipe messgf ;skip if no message
call sndmsg ;send user a message
trne a,400000 ;is this a legal error code?
tlne a,-1 ;cannot have bits in left half
movei a,400000 ;illegal access error code
tlc b,-1 ;check for a legal string pointer
tlcn b,-1
hrli b,(point 7,0) ;get string pointer
ldb c,[point 6,b,11] ;get byte size
caie c,7 ;must be an ascii byte pointer
hrroi b,[asciz/Unexplained denial from Access Control Job/]
move c,b ;set up for GIVOK%
move b,a ;error number
move a,rcvblk+.rcrqn ;get the request number
givok% ;deny request
erjmp rcverr ;error, check if fatal or restartable
ret ;return to caller
;ALLOW - allow access
allow: skipe messgf ;skip if no message
call sndmsg ;send user a message
move a,rcvblk+.rcrqn ;get the request number
setzb b,c ;give the ok
givok% ;do it
erjmp rcverr ;error, check if fatal or restartable
ret ;return to caller
Subttl Initialization Routines
;INIT - perform assorted program initialization functions
;returns +1 always
init: movei a,.fhslf ;a/ current process
rpcap% ;fetch capabilities
move b,c ;b/ capabilities to enable
epcap% ;enable all capabilities
move b,[xwd ^D50,1] ;50% percent of machine, always in Queue 0
spriw% ;set process priority
setzm dbugsf ;assume system is not standalone for debugging
movei a,.dbugsw ;a/ table number
getab% ;get value of DBUGSW
ercal fatal ;some error
cain a,2 ;are we standalone?
setom dbugsf ;yes, set the flag
movx a,.sflcl ;a/ local logins function
movei b,1 ;b/ enable
skipe dbugsf ;are we standalone?
smon% ;yes, allow local logins
ercal fatal ;some error
movx a,.sfpty ;a/ PTY logins function
movei b,1 ;b/ enable
skipe dbugsf ;are we standalone?
smon% ;yes, allow PTY logins as well
ercal fatal ;some error
setzb a,c ;a,c/ no flags
hrroi b,[asciz/OPERATOR/] ;b/ name of operator
rcusr% ;get user number
ercal fatal ;some error
movem c,oprnum ;save for later
setzb a,c ;a,c / no flags
hrroi b,[asciz/PS:<SYSTEM>/] ;b/ name of directory
rcdir% ;get directory number
ercal fatal ;some error
movem c,sysnum ;save for later
setzb a,c ;a,c / no flags
hrroi b,[asciz/PS:<SUBSYS>/] ;b/ name of directory
rcdir% ;get directory number
ercal fatal ;some error
movem c,subsys ;save for later
setzm messgf ;no messages to be sent
move a,[xwd 1,.logde] ;want logging device (the CTY)
getab% ;get it
ercal fatal ;fatal if this fails
txz a,.ttdes ;clear device bits
hrrzm a,ctynum ;store CTY number
call ininvt ;get NVT/TVT/PNV information
ifn allocf,<
call iniall ;get LOTS/GSB allocation information
>;ifn allocf
movsi d,-enatln ;set up to scan table of functions
init0: movei a,.sfsok ;set access function
move b,enatab(d) ;get function to set up
smon% ;enable it
ercal fatal ;some error
aobjn d,init0 ;loop back for all functions
movei a,.fhslf ;a/ current process
move b,[xwd levtab, chntab] ;b/ addresses of level and channel tables
sir% ;set up interrupt system
eir% ;enable interrupt system
move b,chans ;b/ channel mask
aic% ;activate interrupt channels
ret ;return to caller
;ININVT - initialize NVT/TVT/PNV data
;Returns +1 always
ininvt: hrloi a,377777
movem a,nvtmin ;assume no NCP
movem a,nvtmax
movem a,tvtmin ;assume no TCP
movem a,tvtmax
movem a,pnvmin ;assume no PUP
movem a,pnvmax
movei a,.gtnsz ;get NCP data
erjmp ininv0 ;no arpanet here
hrrzm c,nvtmin ;set first nvt
hlro b,c ;- number of nvts
sub c,b ;1+first nvt number
hrrzm c,nvtmax
ininv0: movx a,tcp%nt ;get tvt function
erjmp ininv1 ;no tcp here
hrrzm b,tvtmin ;set first tvt
hlro c,b ;- number of tvts
sub b,c ;1+last tvt number
hrrzm b,tvtmax
ininv1: move a,[sixbit/PUPPAR/]
sysgt% ;get -nbr,,1st pup nvt
jumpe b,ininv2 ;forget if no such table
hrrzm a,pnvmin ;save tty nbr of 1st pup nvt
hlre d,a
subi a,1(d)
hrrzm a,pnvmax ;and tty nbr of last pup nvt
movei a,(b) ;get getab table nbr
hrli a,1 ;next item in table
erjmp ininv2
movem a,pupbuf ;addr of pup free storage (in monitor space)
move a,[sixbit/NVTPUP/]
ercal fatal
movem b,$nvtpu
move a,[sixbit/PUPFPT/]
ercal fatal
movem b,$pupfp
move a,[sixbit/PUPBUF/]
ercal fatal
movem b,$pupbu
ininv2: ret
;INIALL - get allocation information for LOTS/GSB
;Returns +1 always
iniall: movx a,.snpsy ;want a symbol value
move b,[radix50 0,ALPHA] ;symbol name
move c,[radix50 0,GTWAA] ;module name
snoop% ;get the symbol address
ercal fatal ;some error
hrrz a,b ;get monitor address in right half
hrli a,1 ;word count in left
movei b,alpha ;user address
peek% ;get value of ALPHA (beginning of free time)
ercal fatal ;some error
movx a,.snpsy ;want a symbol value
move b,[radix50 0,GAMMA] ;symbol name
move c,[radix50 0,GTWAA] ;module name
snoop% ;get the symbol address
ercal fatal ;some error
hrrz a,b ;get monitor address in right half
hrli a,1 ;word count in left
movei b,gamma ;user address
peek% ;get value of GAMMA (end of free time)
ercal fatal ;some error
ret ;return to caller
;SETTTY - get data on all our tty lines
;Data is put in the table LINE indexed by terminal number
;Returns +1 always
;Each entry contains one of the following flags:
.ttlcl==0 ;Local, hardwired line
.ttrem==1 ;Remote, dialup line
.ttpty==2 ;PTY
.ttpnv==3 ;Ethernet NVT
settty: hrroi a,.ttyjo ;a/ want length of TTYJOB table
getab% ;get the word
ercal fatal ;fatal error
movem a,nlines ;save negative total number of lines
movns a ;get positive length
caile a,maxtty ;skip if within range
error <Too many TTY lines> ;reassemble with larger MAXTTY
setzm line ;clear first table entry
move b,[xwd line, line+1] ;make an aobjn pointer
blt b,<line-1>(a) ;clear the table
hrlz d,nlines ;get negative tty count in left
hllzs d ;clear right hand bits to make aobjn pointer
settt0: movei a,.ttdes(d) ;a/ terminal designator
movei b,.morsp ;b/ read tty speed
mtopr% ;read tty speed
ercal fatal ;couldn't do it
movei c,.ttrem ;get flag ready
txne b,mo%rmt ;remote?
movem c,line(d) ;yes, mark the entry
aobjn d,settt0 ;repeat until done
movei a,.ptypar ;a/ get # of ptys,,# of first pty
getab% ;get word from table
ercal fatal ;some error
hlrz b,a ;get number of PTYs
movns b ;negate
hrl a,b ;form an AOJBN pointer in A
movei b,.ttpty ;get the argument in place
movem b,line(a) ;mark a PTY
aobjn a,.-1 ;repeat until done
move a,[sixbit/PUPPAR/] ;name of pup parameter table
sysgt% ;get its index
jumpe b,settt1 ;table doesn't exist. No more Ethernet stuff.
hrrz a,b ;first offset,,table number
getab% ; ...
ercal fatal ;shouldn't have happened
movei b,.ttpnv ;get Ethernet NVT flag ready
movem b,line(a) ;Set it
aobjn a,.-1 ;mark all of them
settt1: ret ;return to caller
Subttl File Mapping Routines
;MAPRES - map in and/or create the terminal reservation data file
;Information used by .GOLOG, .GOOPN, and .GOATJ functions
;This file is maintained by queueing daemon, created by ACJ
;Returns +1 always
mapres: hrroi b,tresnm ;b/ file specification
movei c,respag ;c/ initial page in memory
movx d,of%rd+of%wr+of%thw ;d/ read, write, and thawed access
call mapit ;map in the file
jrst mapre0 ;couldn't do it. Build a new file
ret ;return to caller
mapre0: hrroi b,tresnm ;b/ file specification
movei c,nrespg ;c/ number of pages
movei d,respag ;d/ initial memory page
call makfil ;make a new file
call fatal ;some error
jrst mapres ;try mapping in the file again
;MAPQUE - map in the queueing data file
;The data file is created and written by the queueing system
;Returns +1 always
mapque: hrroi b,queunm ;b/ file name
movei c,quepag ;c/ memory page
movx d,of%rd+of%thw ;d/ read, thawed access
call mapit ;map the file
warn <Unable to map queueing system data file.> ;some error
ret ;return to caller
;MAPLOT - map in the LGOUT% data file for the LOTS FINGER program
;Format: word 0 - maximum usernumber
; word 1 - last TAD of update
; Thereafter is a sequence of word pairs indexed by twice the right
; half of a usernumber. The first word of the pair contains TAD of
; last logout; the second word contains the terminal where the logout
; took place (-1 if logout while detached).
;file is updated by ACJ, but is not currently used by ACJ
;returns +1 always
maplot: hrroi b,lgtnam ;b/ file name
movei c,lgtpag ;c/ memory page
movx d,of%rd+of%wr+of%thw ;d/ full word, write, thawed access
call mapit ;map the file
jrst maplt0 ;some error, probably need to create the file
move a,lgtadr ;fetch first word pair
caie a,maxusr ;maximum usernumber match?
warn <Bad version of logout data file>
ret ;yes, return to caller
maplt0: movei a,maxusr ;fetch maximum usernumber
movem a,lgtadr ;stash it
gtad% ;get current date and time
movem a,lgtadr+1 ;stash it
hrroi b,lgtnam ;b/ file specification
movei c,maxusr*2 ;c/ no. pages is twice max no. of directories
lsh c,-11 ;...convert to a page count
addi c,1 ;...and round up
movei d,lgtpag ;d/ initial memory page
call makfil ;make a new file
call fatal ;some error
jrst maplot ;try mapping in the file again
;MAPTTY - map in the TTYINI database file
;format of data file documented in TTYINI.MAC
;returns +1 always
maptty: hrroi b,ttynam ;b/ file name
movei c,ttypag ;c/ memory page
movx d,of%rd ;d/ read access
call mapit ;map the file
warn <Unable to map TTYINI database> ;some error, just give a warning
ret ;return to caller
;MAPGSB - map the GSB FINGER data file
;Returns +1 always
mapgsb: setzm fngbad ;say FINGER data file is good
movx a,gj%old+gj%sht ;a/ want an old file
hrroi b,fngnam ;b/ file spec
gtjfn% ;get a handle on it
erjmp mapgsx ;file not found
movem a,fngnam ;save jfn
movx b,of%rd+of%wr+of%thw ;b/ full word, read write thawed access
openf% ;open the file
erjmp mapgsx ;some failure
hrlzs a ;get jfn into place
hrri a,bldpag ;a/ jfn,,first file page
move b,[xwd .fhslf,bldpag] ;b/ process,,first process page
move c,[pm%cnt+pm%rd+pm%wr+<hstpag-bldpag>] ;c/ flags, repeat count
pmap% ;map in the file
erjmp mapgsx ;some failure
setom fnglok ;unlock the file
move a,fngsig ;fetch header word
camn a,[sixbit/FINGER/] ;sixbit FINGER?
ret ;yes, good file, return now
warn <FINGER data file has bad format> ;put a warning on the console
setom fngbad ;flag a bad file
ret ;return to caller
mapgsx: warn <Unable to map in FINGER data file> ;warning on console
setom fngbad ;flag a bad file
ret ;return to caller
Subttl HSYS% trapping - Maintaining Downtime Queue
;GOHSY - manipulate the HSYS% downtime **stack** (is NOT a queue!)
;Returns +1 always
gohsy: movsi b,-hsylen ;get this many table words
gohsy0: movei a,.dwnti ;from the DWNTIM table
hrl a,b ;offset into table
getab% ;get a word from the table
ercal fatal ;some error
movem a,hsytab(b) ;put it in my HSYTAB table
aobjn b,gohsy0 ;loop and get another word until done
gtad% ;get the current date/time
move 0,a ;store it away someplace "safe"
skipn hsytab ;always paw over the queue on a cancel
jrst hsyqu1
addi a,3*5*^D60 ;fuzz up a few minutes or so
caml a,hsytab ;is it a very soon downtime?
retskp ;yes, punt the queue
hsyqu1: movsi a,(gj%fou!gj%old!gj%sht) ;get a handle on the downtime queue
hrroi b,dwnque
erjmp newque
hrrzm a,dwnjfo ;stask jfn away
move b,[44b5!of%wr!of%rtd]
erjmp [move a,dwnjfo ;some cretin is trying to screw us
warn <Cannot open downtime queue>
movsi a,(gj%old!gj%sht) ;get read jfn on file
hrroi b,dwnque
ercal fatal ;bullshit; we have the file open!
hrrzm a,dwnjfi
move b,[44b5!of%rd]
ercal fatal
skipn hsytab ;is this a new shutdown request?
jrst hsycan ;no, a cancellation - process it
setom hsydnp ;flag an hsys% needs to be done
; jrst hsyffr
;drops in from previous page
hsyffr: move a,dwnjfi ;search for the first record after this cease
move b,[point 36,hsytb1]
movni c,hsylen
erjmp [move a,dwnjfo ;none, insert new record here
move b,[point 36,hsytab]
movni c,hsylen
ercal fatal
jrst hsyxit] ;and leave
caml hsytb1 ;is this time valid?
jrst hsyffr ;bad time, flush this record
move a,hsytb1 ;is this time before the new time?
camle a,hsytab
move a,dwnjfo ;no, write record out
move b,[point 36,hsytb1]
movni c,hsylen
ercal fatal
skipn hsydnp ;does an HSYS% need to be done?
jrst hsyffr ;no, flush
setzm hsydnp ;doesn't need to be done any more
dmove a,hsytb1 ;get time down/time up
movei c,hsytb1+2 ;pointer to string
hsys% ;set the new cease
ercal fatal
jrst hsyffr ;and continue scan
move a,dwnjfo ;yes, insert new record here
move b,[point 36,hsytab]
movni c,hsylen
ercal fatal
hsycop: move b,[point 36,hsytb1] ;and continue copying the rest of the file
movni c,hsylen
ercal fatal
move a,dwnjfi ;get yet another record
move b,[point 36,hsytb1]
movni c,hsylen
erjmp hsyxit ;end of file, all done
move a,dwnjfo ;still more, get output jfn and continue
jrst hsycop
;here to cancel the top request of the queue
hsycan: move a,dwnjfi ;flush the first record
move b,[point 36,hsytab]
movni c,hsylen
erjmp hsyxit ;file probably empty somehow
hsycn0: move b,[point 36,hsytab] ;get new downtime request
movni c,hsylen
erjmp hsyxit ;at end, punt
gtad% ;verify that this new time is in the future
caml a,hsytab
jrst hsycn0 ;bad time, flush this record
dmove a,hsytab ;get time down/time up
movei c,hsytab+2 ;pointer to string
hsys% ;set the new cease
ercal fatal
hsycn1: move a,dwnjfo ;write record out, repeat for each record
move b,[point 36,hsytab] ;(probably should check invalid date/time
movni c,hsylen ; here too, but since it's "impossible" i
sout% ; didn't want to bother. up above is to
ercal fatal ; prevent a cancel bringing down the system!)
move a,dwnjfi ;get back input jfn
move b,[point 36,hsytab] ;read next record
movni c,hsylen
erjmp hsyxit ;at end, punt
jrst hsycn1 ;loop back for next record
;here to create a new downtime queue
newque: skipn hsytab ;is this a cease request?
retskp ;a cancellation and no file, go away
movsi a,(gj%fou!gj%new!gj%sht) ;a/ new output file
hrroi b,dwnque ;b/ pointer to file spec
gtjfn% ;get a handle on a new fie
ercal fatal ;some error
hrrzm a,dwnjfo ;stask jfn away
move b,[44b5!of%wr!of%rtd] ;b/ full word, write access
openf% ;open the file
erjmp [ move a,dwnjfo ;a/ bum jfn
rljfn% ;release the jfn
jfcl ;ignore error here
warn <Cannot create downtime queue>
retskp ]
move b,[point 36,hsytab] ;pointer to request
movni c,hsylen ;length of request
sout% ;write it
ercal fatal ;some error
closf% ;close off the file
ercal fatal ;some error
retskp ;grant the request
;here when downtime queue munging done. Flush the jfns and exit
hsyxit: move a,dwnjfi ;a/ jfn of input queue file
hrli a,(co%nrj) ;a/ don't flush the jfn
closf% ;close the file
ercal fatal ;fatal if can't close file
hrli a,(df%exp) ;a/ delete and expunge the old file
delf% ;do it
jfcl ;ignore error here
move a,dwnjfo ;a/ jfn of output queue file
closf% ;close new file
ercal fatal ;some error
retskp ;grant the request
;SETDWN - set cease from the downtime queue and update downtime queue
;Called when ACJ starts up
setdwn: movsi a,(gj%fou!gj%old!gj%sht) ;a/ flags
hrroi b,dwnque ;b/ file spec
gtjfn% ;get a handle on the downtime queue
erjmp r ;no queue, return now
hrrzm a,dwnjfo ;a/ stash jfn away
move b,[44b5+of%wr!of%rtd] ;b/ full word, write access
openf% ;open the file
ercal fatal ;some error, die
movsi a,(gj%old!gj%sht) ;a/ flags
hrroi b,dwnque ;b/ file spec
gtjfn% ;get another jfn
ercal fatal ;some error die
hrrzm a,dwnjfi ;stash the jfn away
move b,[44b5!of%rd] ;b/ full word, read access
openf% ;open the file
ercal fatal ;some error, die
setob d,hsydnp ;flag an HSYS% needs to be done
setdw0: move a,dwnjfi ;a/ jfn of input file
move b,[point 36,hsytab] ;b/ put HSYS% record here
movni c,hsylen ;c/ record is this long
sin% ;read in a record
erjmp setdw1 ;end of file, go finish up
caml d,hsytab ;reasonable entry?
jrst setdw0 ;no, ignore out of order entries
move d,hsytab ;shuffle the TAD header
gtad% ;get current time
caml a,hsytab ;is the record reasonable?
jrst setdw0 ;it isn't, try next time
move a,dwnjfo ;a/ jfn of output file
move b,[point 36,hsytab] ;b/ pointer to the record
movni c,hsylen ;c/ length of recofd
sout% ;write to the new file
ercal fatal ;some error, shouldn't happen
skipn hsydnp ;does an HSYS% need to be done?
jrst setdw0 ;no, next record
setzm hsydnp ;flag that we're doing it now
dmove a,hsytab ;get time down/time up
movei c,hsytab+2 ;pointer to string
hsys% ;set the new cease
ercal fatal ;some error
jrst setdw0 ;loop back to finish processing queue
;here to finish up processing the downtime queue
setdw1: setzm hsydnp ;clear the flag
move a,dwnjfi ;a/ jfn of input file
hrli a,(co%nrj) ;don't flush the jfn just yet
closf% ;close the file
ercal fatal ;some error
hrli a,(df%exp) ;a/ jfn on input file, want to expunge it
delf% ;delete and expunge the old file
jfcl ;don't terribly care
move a,dwnjfo ;a/ jfn of output file
closf% ;close the file and release the jfn
ercal fatal ;some error
ret ;return to caller
Subttl Setting Terminal Speed
;GOTBR - examine setting of terminal speed
;disallow setting speeds of local terminals except by WOPR
; .GELIN - line number
; .GESPD - input speed,,output speed
gotbr: move a,rcvblk+.rccap ;fetch capabilities
txne a,sc%whl+sc%opr+sc%mnt ;special?
retskp ;yes, let it be done without question
move t,rcvblk+.rcter ;get controlling terminal
came t,.gelin(pt) ;is user setting own terminal?
ret ;no, disallow
movei a,.ttdes(t) ;a/ terminal designator
movei b,.morsp ;b/ function is return terminal speed info.
mtopr% ;do so
erjmp rskp ;some error, grant request
txne b,mo%rmt ;is it a remote line?
retskp ;yes, always allow it
repeat 1,<
ret ;no, disallow the speed change
>;repeat 1
repeat 0,<
hrrz a,.gespd(pt) ;get output speed
jumpe a,r ;zero is the no-no...
hlrz a,.gespd(pt) ;get input speed
jumpe a,r ;can't be zero
retskp ;allow it
>;repeat 0
Subttl Check for non-PS: User Group Match
;GOACC - here on an ACESS% failure see if there is a user group match
; .GOAC0 - flags from ACESS% jsys
; .GOAC1 - directory number
goacc: move b,.goac1(b) ;get directory number wants to connect to
dmove a,[grplen
gtdlen ] ;set up size of blocks
movem a,usrgrp ;user group lists
movem a,dirgrp ;and directory group list
movem b,gtdblk ;gtdir% block
movei a,usrgrp ;return user groups for user
movem a,gtdblk+.cdugp
setzb a,gtdblk+.cddgp ;not directory groups, clear rcdir% flags
move b,rcvblk+.rcuno ;get her user number
rcdir% ;convert to directory number
ercal fatal
move a,c ;get directory number from c
call $gtdir ;do a GTDIR%, argument block loaded
ret ;jsys error, deny access
movei a,dirgrp ;now get directory groups for directory user
movem a,gtdblk+.cddgp ; wants to connect to
setzm gtdblk+.cdugp ;not user groups
move a,.goac1(pt) ;get directory number she wants to connect to
call $gtdir ;do a GTDIR%, argument block loaded
ret ;jsys error, deny access
movei a,dp%cn_6 ;is connecting to directory w/o psw allowed?
tdnn a,gtdblk+.cddpt
ret ;too bad
sosle a,usrgrp ;get user group list count
sosg b,dirgrp ;ditto for directory group
ret ;user or directory not in any groups
hrloi a,-1(a) ;form aobjn pointers to lists
eqvi a,usrgrp+1
hrloi b,-1(b)
eqvi b,dirgrp+1
usglup: move d,(a) ;get a group this user is in
move c,b ;see if there is a directory group match
drglup: camn d,(c) ;match?
retskp ;user wins
aobjn c,drglup ;try next directory
aobjn a,usglup ;no groups match, try next user group
ret ;no match at all
Subttl LGOUT% logging
;GOLGO - perform various checks and updating at logout
; .GOUSD - Number of disk pages in use
; .GOQUO - Directory quota
; .GORLG - Argument in AC1 for the LGOUT%
; 4 - Job runtime (ms) (Stanford only)
; 5 - Job connect time (ms) (Stanford only)
golgo: skipge a,.gerlg(pt) ;a/ fetch job number argument to LGOUT%
hrrz a,rcvblk+.rcfcj ;-1 means requestor is killing self
move b,[xwd -.jimax,getblk] ;b/ put the data here
movei c,.jijno ;c/ start with the job number
getji% ;get job information
erjmp rskp ;some error, give good return
ifn banner,<
call nobann ;disallow banner crocks
ret ;luser lost. deny logout
>;ifn banner
ifn lotfng,<
call lotupd ;update logout data for LOTS FINGER
>;ifn lotfng
ifn gsbfng,<
call gsbupd ;update logout data for GSB FINGER
>;ifn gsbfng
ifn queue,<
call doipcf ;tell LINSRV someone is logging out
nop ;ignore an error return
>;ifn queue
ifn allocf,<
move a,4(pt) ;a/ job runtime (ms)
move b,5(pt) ;b/ job connect time (ms)
move c,getblk+.jiuno ;c/ usernumber
call updwa ;do allocation system stuff
warn <Error updating usage information> ;some error
>;ifn allocf
retskp ;give a good return
;LOTUPD - update logout data for LOTS FINGER program
;Takes GETBLK - GETJI% information for job
;Returns +1 always
lotupd: hrrz b,getblk+.jiuno ;get right half of usernumber
jumpe b,r ;quit now if we have a bad usernumber
imuli b,2 ;compute index into logout table
gtad% ;get present time and date
movem a,lgtadr(b) ;store TAD
movem a,lgtadr+1 ;update the last write date of data file
move c,getblk+.jitno ;get number of controlling tty
movem c,lgtadr+1(b) ;store controlling tty number
ret ;return to caller
;GSBUPD - update information for GSB FINGER program
;if file is inconsistent, FNGBAD is set as a warning to do updates
;Takes GETBLK - GETJI% information for job logging out
;Returns +2 always
gsbupd: skipe fngbad ;is the FINGER file okay?
retskp ;no, can't do anything
move a,fngsig ;get the header word
came a,[sixbit/FINGER/] ;is it sixbit/finger/?
jrst [ warn <FINGER file apparently clobbered, ignoring logouts>
setom fngbad
retskp ] ;no, file is bad, set flag and return
aosn fnglok ;good file, try to lock it
jrst gsbup0 ;got the lock
gtad% ;file locked, check time now
subi a,^D10*3 ;minus 10 seconds in the past
camge a,fngtim ;was file locked more than 10 seconds ago?
jrst [ warn <FINGER data file locked, ignoring logout>
retskp ] ;can't lock file, grant the logout
warn <FINGER file spuriously locked, ignoring lock>
gsbup0: skipe b,getblk+.jiuno ;is job not logged in?
aosn getblk+.jibat ;or controlled by batch?
jrst gsbup1 ;yes, don't record it
hrroi a,usrnam ;pointer to buffer for username string
dirst% ;write it
erjmp gsbup1 ;some error, quit now
move a,fnginf ;pointer to user lookup area
hrroi b,usrnam ;user name of this person
tbluk% ;find user
erjmp gsbup1 ;user not in database
txnn b,tl%exm ;exact match?
jrst gsbup1 ;forget it
hrrz u,(a) ;put address of user info in U
gtad% ;get the time now
movem a,died(u) ;save it
movem a,fngtim ;set the last writer time as well
move a,oprnum ;assume we are being run under OPERATOR
movem a,fngaut ;set last author
move e,getblk+.jitno ;get terminal number in this ac
skipge b,e ;terminal number
jrst gsbup2 ;detached, don't check for NVT
caml b,nvtmin ;is it an NVT?
caml b,nvtmax
jrst gsbup3
movei a,.gtnni ;get NVT line status
movei c,e ;destination
hrroi d,.ncfhs ;get foreign host
erjmp gsbup2 ;maybe logged out
gsbup5: move b,e
jrst gsbup2
gsbup3: caml b,tvtmin ;is it a TVT?
caml b,tvtmax
jrst gsbup4
move e,b ;save TTY # in case error
movx a,tcp%tv ;argument is TVT
hrr a,b ;TVT number
hrroi b,7 ;want host number (should be a symbolic name)
hrroi c,e ;location of last logout
erjmp gsbup5
jrst gsbup5
gsbup4: caml b,pnvmin ;is it a Pup NVT?
camle b,pnvmax
jrst gsbup2 ;out of range to be a PNV
move e,b
sub b,pnvmin
movs a,b
hrr a,$nvtpu ;get its TTYPUP word
erjmp gsbup5
jumpe a,gsbup5 ;must have just disconnected
movss a
hrr a,$pupfp
getab% ;get foreign port addr (in monitor space)
erjmp gsbup5
jumpe a,gsbup5
sub a,pupbuf ;get offset from start of Pup free storage
movsi a,1(a) ;really want 2nd word
hrr a,$pupbu
getab% ;get foreign host name
erjmp gsbup5
move b,a
tlo b,400000 ;flag so FINGER knows its an Ethernet host
gsbup2: movem b,r.i.p.(u) ;location of last logout
gsbup1: setom fnglok ;now unlock the database
hrlz a,fngjfn ;jfn of finger file
hrri a,bldpag ;first page to update
move b,[uf%now+<hstpag-bldpag>] ;don't block, page count
ufpgs% ;update file pages
erjmp rskp ;ignore an error
retskp ;give a good return
;DOIPCF - send a short, wakeup request to LINSRV
;We don't expect any reply. No action is taken if there is no queue.
;If there is a queue, we also take the precaution of reserving the terminal
;for the queueing system. This beats people who log out just before they
;get an autologout warning and then log back in.
;returns +1 some type of failure
; +2 success
doipcf: skiple t,rcvblk+.rcter ;if detached
skipn quelen ;or no queue
retskp ;then do nothing
move a,ttyrec ;get length of a ttyini record
imul a,t ;calculate a relative offset
move b,ttyadr+b%bits(a) ;get ttyini bits
txnn b,b%assi ;in the queueing system?
retskp ;no, quit now
hllos ttyres(t) ;reserve tty for system (0,,-1)
movx a,ip%cpd ;get create PID flag into place
skipe ourpid ;do we already have a pid?
setz a, ;yes, no special flags needed
movem a,packet+.ipcfl ;set up flag word
move a,ourpid
movem a,packet+.ipcfs ;we are the sender
setzm packet+.ipcfr ;info is the receiver
move a,[xwd 4,tmpbuf]
movem a,packet+.ipcfp ;set up pointer to argument block
movx a,.ipciw
movem a,tmpbuf+.ipci0 ;get pid for this name
setzm tmpbuf+.ipci1 ;no duplicate
dmove a,[asciz/LINSRV/]
dmovem a,tmpbuf+.ipci2 ;stash the id
movei a,4
movei b,packet
msend% ;ask info for server pid, maybe create our pid
erjmp r ;some error, just quite quietly
move a,packet+.ipcfs ;fetch our pid
movem a,ourpid ;save it in case it was just created
movem a,packet+.ipcfr ;we are now receiving on that PID
setzm packet+.ipcfl ;no special flags
movei a,4
movei b,packet
mrecv% ;receive reply from info
erjmp r ;some error
ldb a,[point 6,packet+.ipcfl,29] ;get info error code field
jumpn a,r ;some error, quit
move a,tmpbuf+.ipci1
movem a,srvpid ;store server's pid
move a,ourpid
movem a,packet+.ipcfs ;we are the sender
move a,srvpid
movem a,packet+.ipcfr ;the server is the receiver
setzm packet+.ipcfp ;no data associated with this request
movei a,4
movei b,packet
msend% ;send off the request
erjmp r ;ignore an error
retskp ;skip return if all went well
;NOBANN - foil people who write personal banner programs.
;These programs usually work by printing a banner, then detaching and
;logging out. (This problem may be fixed in Release 5 --KSL)
;We forbid self-logouts while detached, thereby causing the user to
;run up allocation charges. B.F. Skinner would approve.
;Takes GETBLK - GETJI% information on job that will be logged out
;Takes pt/ pointer to base of GETOK% argument block
;Returns +1 deny logout
; +2 nice user, let him/her logout
nobann: skipl .gerlg(pt) ;skip if logging self out
retskp ;remote logout always succeeds
move a,rcvblk+.rccap ;fetch requestor's capability word
skipge getblk+.jitno ;skip if not detached
txne a,sc%whl+sc%opr ;skip if not privileged
retskp ;all is good, permit the logout
ret ;detached, non-WOPR can't logout self
;UPDWA - update rate of usage information.
;Updates total and chargeable for console time (sec.) and runtime (millisec.)
;Takes a/ runtime for job (in millisec)
; b/ console connect time (in millisec)
; c/ user number
;Returns +1 failure, unable to update information or bad arguments
; +2 success, allocation information updated
updwa: stkvar <runamt,conamt,conchr,runchr,userno> ;declare local storage
skipl a ;bad argument if runtime is negative
camle a,b ;if runtime .gt. connecttime then error
ret ;bad argument, punt
movem c,userno
movem a,runamt ;in millisec.
idivi b,^d1000 ;convert to seconds
movem b,conamt
seto b, ;get current time as reference point
setz d, ;no flags -- just the time!
odcnv% ;convert to local time
erjmp r ;some error, quit now
hrrz d,d ;convert to time (in sec.) only, relative to
sub d,alpha ; beginning of uncharged period
skipg d ;modulo 24 hrs.
addi d,^d<24*3600>
move b,conamt ;currently unaccounted amount of connect time
setz c, ;amount of chargeable time (starts at 0)
camle d,gamma ;do we start out in free time?
jrst updwa2 ; no
sub b,d ;don't charge for free time
updwa1: movei d,^d<24*3600> ;assume midnight
updwa2: jumple b,updwa5 ;done when connect time falls to 0
move a,d ;x := current - gamma
sub a,gamma
camg a,b ;is beginning of session in charged period?
jrst [ add c,a ; no. charge := charge+current-gamma
sub b,d ;connect := connect - current.
jrst updwa1] ;loop for previous day
add c,b
updwa5: movem c,conchr ;save chargeable console time
mul c,runamt ;compute average cpu usage over chargeable
div c,conamt ; period (uses d)
movem c,runchr ;save chargeable runtime
setzm gtwblk
move a,[xwd gtwblk, gtwblk+1]
blt a,gtwblk+.wann-1 ;clear GTWAA% argument block
movei a,gtwblk ;base address of argument block
move b,conamt
move c,conchr
addm c,.walc(a) ;console time charged this week
addm c,.walq(a) ; " " " " quarter
addm b,.walu(a) ; " " used " week
addm b,.walt(a) ; " " " " quarter
move b,runamt
move c,runchr
addm c,.wacc(a) ;c.p.u. time charged this week
addm c,.wacq(a) ; " " " " quarter
addm b,.wacu(a) ; " " used " week
addm b,.wact(a) ; " " " " quarter
move a,userno ;a/ user we are charging
move b,[wa%in+.wann] ;b/ perform an increment function
movei c,gtwblk ;c/ address of argument block
gtwaa% ;set allocation information
erjmp r ;some error, take single return
retskp ;successful return
Subttl LOGIN% and ATACH% Checking
;GOATJ - check attaches
; .GOTJB - usernumber requestor wants
; .GOTTY - destination TTY
goatj: hrrz a,rcvblk+.rcuno ;get usernumber of requestor
jumpe a,goatj0 ;skip this check if not logged in
move a,rcvblk+.rccap ;fetch enabled capabilities
txne a,sc%whl+sc%opr ;WOPR?
retskp ;yes, always allow attaches
goatj0: move u,.gotjb(pt) ;fetch usernumber of person to be attached
move t,.gotty(pt) ;and destination terminal
jrst golog0 ;join common code
;GOLOG - check logins
; .GELUN - usernumber wanted
golog: setzb a,c ;no input flags
move b,.gelun(pt) ;get user number user wants to log in under
rcdir% ;get info about this directory
erjmp r ;let LOGIN% deny user
txne a,cd%dir!cd%nvd!cd%rtd ;files, frozen, or rtd?
ret ;yes, failure return
move t,rcvblk+.rcter ;get terminal number
move u,.gelun(pt) ;get user number user wants
golog0: hrre t,t ;make -1,,-1 and 0,,-1 be the same (-1,,-1)
skipe dbugsf ;is the system standalone?
jrst logwhl ;yes, make sure user is WOPR
camn u,oprnum ;trying to become operator?
jrst logopr ;yes, allow only certain terminals
camn t,ctynum ;logging in on the CTY?
jrst logcty ;yes, make a special check
ifn queue,<
call logres ;check reservations
ret ;user name does not match reservation
>;ifn queue
ifn allocf,<
call logcon ;check console allocation
ret ;over allocation
>;ifn allocf
retskp ;passed all checks
;LOGRES - check terminal reservation
;Always allows login if WHEEL or OPERATOR.
;Builds an appropriate message if user is denied.
;takes t/ tty number
; u/ usernumber
;returns +1 access denied
; +2 access granted
logres: jumple t,rskp ;always allow a detached login (SYSJB1)
move a,line(t) ;get line flags
caie a,.ttlcl ;local, hardwired line?
retskp ;no, we don't regulate NVT's, PTY's, or dialups
hrrz a,ttyres(t) ;get user reservation
jumpe a,rskp ;not reserved, grant access
cain a,(u) ;reservation match?
retskp ;yes, grant access
move b,quecer ;get length of CERAS queue
ifn dh4f,<
caile t,60 ;kludge - assume only Terman ttys above 60
move b,queter ;get length of Terman queue
>;ifn dh4f
skipn b ;non-zero queue, forbid the login
skipn ftlgok ;free terminal logins permissible?
jrst logrs0 ;no, user must go through the queue
cain a,-1 ;is the terminal reserved for q. system?
retskp ;yes, let the user override
logrs0: call cpyset ;begin building a message
hrroi a,[asciz/?Username does not match reservation. Reserved for /]
call cpystr ;leadin string
hrrz a,ttyres(t) ;get reservation again
jumpe a,rskp ;it changed on us! User wins a timing race.
cain a,-1 ;reserved for queueing program?
move a,sysnum ;yes, call it SYSTEM
hrli a,usrlh ;make sure we have a usernumber
call cpyusr ;reserved for whom?
call cpyend ;end message
call luserp ;privileges?
skipa ;yes, allow override with warning
ret ;no, give error
hrrz a,ttyres(t) ;fetch reservation
jumpe a,rskp ;it changed on us! User wins a timing race.
cain a,-1 ;held by queueing system?
retskp ;yes, don't bother logging this
call logtad ;time stamp
tmsg <Reservation for terminal >
move b,rcvblk+.rcter
call logoct
tmsg < overridden by >
move b,u ;fetch user number
call logusr ;log the name of the culprit
call crlf ;finish entry
retskp ;return to caller
;LOGCON - check a user's allocation
;Always allow login if free time, user is OPERATOR, or user has WOPR privs.
;Takes u/ usernumber
; t/ terminal number
;Returns +1 user is over allocation
; +2 user can log in
logcon: camn u,oprnum ;OPERATOR?
retskp ;yes, always allow
move a,u ;a/ usernumber
move b,[wa%rd+.wann] ;b/ want to read .WANN words
movei c,gtwblk ;c/ and put it here
gtwaa% ;get allocation information
erjmp [ warn <GTWAA% failure in LOGCON>
retskp ] ;warn in case we don't have GTWAA% jsys
txne b,wa%ft ;free time?
retskp ;yes, let user login
move b,gtwblk+.wala ;get weekly allocation
sub b,gtwblk+.walc ;subtract the charges
jumple b,logcnx ;if non-positive, then lose
caile b,^d30*^d60 ;30 mins left?
retskp ;no, return now
call cpyset ;set up message buffer
hrroi a,[asciz/%Warning - you have only /]
call cpystr ;lead in
idivi b,^d60 ;convert to minutes
move a,b ;get number in correct place
call cpydec ;put a decimal number into the buffer
hrroi a,[asciz/ minutes of console allocation left this week!/]
call cpystr ;add more string
call cpyend ;finish off with a CRLF, null
retskp ;give good return to caller
;here if the user is over allocation for this week and it isn't free time
logcnx: call cpyset ;set up message buffer
hrroi a,[asciz/?You have exceeded your weekly console allocation/]
call cpystr ;tell this to the user
call cpyend ;end with a CRLF, null
call luserp ;check for privileges
retskp ;WOPR, complain, but allow login
jumpl t,r ;always deny login if detached
move a,ttyrec ;get length of a ttyini record
imul a,t ;calculate a relative offset
move b,ttyadr+b%bits(a) ;get ttyini bits
txne b,b%cons ;consultant's terminal?
call consp ;and is this person a consultant?
ret ;no, deny the login
retskp ;let consultants login over allocation
;LOGCTY - check attempts to log onto or attach to the console
;takes u/ usernumber
;returns +1 permission denied
; +2 user permitted
logcty: camn u,oprnum ;is it the operator?
retskp ;yes, operator can log onto CTY
call luserp ;privileges?
retskp ;yes, grant access
call cpyset ;begin message
hrroi a,[asciz/?WHEEL or OPERATOR privileges required to use console./]
call cpystr ;why the user lost
call cpyend ;finish message
ret ;return denial
;LOGOPR - check attempts to login or attach the OPERATOR user
;allow logging or attaching to the CTY, OPRTTY, and OPERATOR controlled PTYs
;takes t/ terminal number
;returns +1 denial
; +2 success
logopr: skipl t ;logging in detached? (SYSJB1)
camn t,ctynum ;or logging onto CTY?
retskp ;yes, always allow
move a,ttyrec ;get length of a ttyini record
imul a,t ;calculate a relative offset
move b,ttyadr+b%bits(a) ;get ttyini bits
txne b,b%operator ;operations terminal?
retskp ;yes, good return
hrrz a,rcvblk+.rcfcj ;potential operator's job number
hrroi b,a ;put answer in a
movei c,.jicpj ;get job number of pty mother
erjmp rskp ;some error, grant access
jumpl a,logopx ;not on a pty or operator terminal, lose
hrroi b,a ;on a pty, get user number of pty owner
movei c,.jiuno ;c/ want a usernumber
getji% ;get job information
erjmp rskp ;some error, grant access
camn a,oprnum ;does this pty belong to OPERATOR?
retskp ;yes, grant access
logopx: call cpyset ;begin mesage
hrroi a,[asciz/?OPERATOR may not use this terminal/]
call cpystr ;why
call cpyend ;finish message
ret ;return denial
;LOGWHL - check if user is WOPR when system is standalone (DBUGSW = 2)
;Takes u/ usernumber
;Returns +1 denial
; +2 permission
logwhl: camn u,oprnum ;OPERATOR?
retskp ;yes, always allow this account
call luserp ;a privileged user?
retskp ;yes, quit now
call cpyset ;begin message
hrroi a,[asciz/?System is standalone for debugging/]
call cpystr ;why the user lost
call cpyend ;finish message
ret ;return denial
Subttl CRDIR% Logging
;GOCRD - examine and log directory creations and modifications
;This is a Stanford only GETOK% function
; 1. CRDIR% flags
; 2. 36-bit directory number
; 3. .CDMOD flags
gocrd: skipe dbugsf ;standalone?
retskp ;yes, ignore all directory munging
move f,1(pt) ;fetch CRDIR% flags
move u,2(pt) ;directory number or zero if doesn't exist
txne f,cd%del ;deletion?
jrst gocdel ;yes...
txne f,cd%prv ;privileges?
call gocprv ;yes, note if changing something
move a,rcvblk+.rccap ;fetch enabled capabilities
txne a,sc%whl+sc%opr ;WOPR?
retskp ;yes, always allow
skipe u ;always check a new directory
txne f,cd%mod ;check change to mode word of an old directory
trna ; ...
retskp ;old directory, no mode word change, is good
move a,3(pt) ;get mode word we are setting
txne a,cd%dir ;FILES-ONLY?
retskp ;yes, allow people to create F-O subdirs
ret ;no, don't let them create login subdirs
;GOCDEL - log directory deletions
;If running LOTS FINGER, the LGOUT% data file is updated if appropriate
gocdel: jumpe u,rskp ;do nothing if directory doesn't exist
move a,u ;get more information on directory
call .gtdir ;do a GTDIR%
retskp ;some error, let it pass
push p,gtdblk+.cdmod ;save mode word
move a,sysnum ;now do a GTDIR% on <SYSTEM>
call .gtdir ;so as to unmap the directory we are killing
nop ;ignore failure return
pop p,a ;restore desired mode word
txne a,cd%dir ;if FILES-ONLY ...
retskp ;we don't terribly much care
call logtad ;print tad and banner
tmsg <Deletion of login directory >
move b,u ;fetch directory number
call logdir ;log the directory name
tmsg < by >
move b,rcvblk+.rcuno ;fetch user number
call logusr ;log the name of the culprit
call crlf ;finish entry
ifn lotfng,<
hlrz a,u ;fetch directory number again
caie a,dirlh ;directory on public structure?
retskp ;no, no need to update data files
hrrz a,u ;clear LHS bits to make an index
imuli a,2 ;compute index into LGOUT% data
setzm lgtadr(a) ;clear TAD of last logout
setzm lgtadr+1(a) ;clear location of last logout
>;ifn lotfng
retskp ;skip return to caller
;GOCPRV - log granting of privileges
gocprv: move a,rcvblk+.rccap ;fetch requestor's capabilities
txnn a,sc%whl!sc%opr ;WHEEL/OPERATOR?
ret ;no, CRDIR% will fail. No message.
call logtad ;print TAD and banner
tmsg <Capabilities of >
move b,u ;fetch directory number, if any
call logdir ;log the directory name
tmsg < were changed by >
move b,rcvblk+.rcuno ;fetch user number
call logusr ;log the name of the culprit
callret crlf ;finish entry
Subttl Miscellaneous Checks
;MDDT% logging - who crashed the system messing with the monitor?
gomdd: skipe dbugsf ;standalone?
retskp ;yes, ignore user playing with MDDT
call logtad ;log time and date
tmsg <Entry into Monitor DDT by >
move b,rcvblk+.rcuno ;fetch user number
call logusr ;log the name of the culprit
call crlf ;finish entry
retskp ;grant access
;CFORK% check - limit number of user forks to something reasonable
; .GEFCT - count of forks in use
gocfk: move a,.gefct(pt) ;get number of forks she is using
caig a,maxfrk ;too many?
retskp ;no
move a,rcvblk+.rccap ;fetch capabilities
txnn a,sc%whl!sc%opr ;WOPR?
ret ;no, deny the CFORK%
retskp ;yes, allow this
;CRJOB% check - allow only WHEEL/OPERATOR to create jobs
gocjb: move a,rcvblk+.rccap ;fetch capabilities of sender
txne a,sc%whl!sc%opr ;WOPR?
retskp ;yes, allow
ret ;no, disallow
Subttl Class Scheduling
;GOCLS - check changing of scheduler class
;Allow only WOPR and log it
; .GEJOB - job number
; .GECLS - class desired
gocls: move a,rcvblk+.rccap ;fetch capabilities of sender
txnn a,sc%whl+sc%opr ;WOPR?
ret ;no, return denial
move a,rcvblk+.rcuno ;b/ usernumber
camn a,oprnum ;OPERATOR?
retskp ;yes, don't bother logging it
call logtad ;time stamp
move b,rcvblk+.rcuno ;b/ usernumber
call logusr ;print the username
tmsg < changed scheduler class of job > ;what was done
move b,.gejob(pt)
call logdec ;print job number
tmsg <, user >
move a,.gejob(pt)
hrroi b,c
movei c,.jiuno
erjmp rskp
move b,c
call logusr ;log user who is getting diddled
tmsg <, to >
move b,.gecls(pt) ;b/ this is the class number
call logdec ;log the new class
tmsg < from >
movei a,3
movem a,skdarg+.sacnt ;word count
move a,.gejob(pt)
movem a,skdarg+.sajob ;job number
movei a,.skrjp
movei b,skdarg
sked% ;get job parameters
erjmp rskp
move b,skdarg+.sajcl
call logdec ;log the old class
call crlf ;finish the entry
retskp ;return to caller
;GOCL0 - set scheduler class at LOGIN% time
ifn lotcls,<
call setcls ;set scheduler class
nop ;ignore failure return
>;ifn lotcls
retskp ;return to caller
;SETCLS - set scheduler class at login at LOTS
;presently, everyone but OPERATOR jobs are in class 0
;SYSJOB and friends are in class 1, other OPERATOR jobs are in class 2
;takes no arguments
;returns +2 always
class0==0 ;the world
class1==1 ;SYSJOB and friends
class2==2 ;system dumps
class3==3 ;dregs class
setcls: move a,rcvblk+.rcuno ;fetch usernumber
came a,oprnum ;is it OPERATOR?
retskp ;no, leave user in class 0
movei d,class2 ;assume we will be put in class 2
hrrz a,rcvblk+.rcfcj ;a/ job number
hrroi b,a ;b/ dump information into A
movei c,.jicpj ;c/ want job number of PTY owner
getji% ;get job information
erjmp rskp ;some error, leave in class 0
jumpl a,gocl00 ;not on a PTY, put in class 2
hrroi b,a ;b/ dump information into A
movei c,.jiuno ;c/ get owner's user number
getji% ;get job information
erjmp rskp ;some error, leave in class 0
camn a,oprnum ;are we OPERATOR controlled by OPERATOR?
movei d,class1 ;yes, we're probably a SYSJOB subjob
gocl00: movei a,3
movem a,skdarg+.sacnt ;argument block is three words long
hrrz a,rcvblk+.rcfcj
movem a,skdarg+.sajob ;we are setting scheduler class for this job
movem d,skdarg+.sajcl ;this is the class we want
movei a,.skscj ;a/ function is set class of job
movei b,skdarg ;b/ address of argument block
sked% ;set scheduler class
erjmp .+1 ;ignore an error here
retskp ;good return
Subttl CACCT% Hook
;.GOACT - CACCT% permission/denial
;This is a Stanford only GETOK% hook
; 1. job runtime (ms)
; 2. console connect time (ms)
; 3. AC1 CACCT% argument
ifn howact,<
call slmacc ;do stuff for Sandy
ret ;disallow CACCT% change
>;ifn howact
ifn allocf,<
move a,1(pt) ;a/ job runtime (ms)
move b,2(pt) ;b/ job connect time (ms)
move c,rcvblk+.rcuno ;c/ usernumber
call updwa ;do allocation system stuff
warn <Error updating usage information> ;some error
>;ifn allocf
retskp ;success return (just in case)
;SLMACC - Sandy Lerner Memorial Access Checking Crock
;(do the CACCT% checking for GSB-HOW)
;If the requestor already has an account, deny the change. User must logout
;and requeue to change his or her account string.
;If no account string is set, check with TTYRES data before setting string.
;Returns +1 deny account change
; +2 account change is okay
hipri==1 ;account number of course work users
lowpri==2 ;account number of general users
slmacc: move a,rcvblk+.rccap ;get requestor's capabilities
txne a,sc%opr!sc%whl!sc%cnf ;wizardly?
retskp ;yes, always allow an account change
setzm tmpbuf ;clear first word of temporary storage
hrrz a,rcvblk+.rcfcj ;get job number of requestor
hrroi b,tmpbuf ;put account string in tmpbuf
gacct% ;get account string
erjmp r ;some error, deny the change
skipe tmpbuf ;user already has an account string?
ret ;yes, disallow any changes
hlrz a,3(pt) ;get left side of CACCT% AC1 argument
trzn a,077777 ;clear uninteresting bits, skip if any on
caie a,500000 ;is this a numeric account?
ret ;no, toss out alphanumeric accounts
hrrz a,3(pt) ;get account number
caie a,hipri ;either high priority
cain a,lowpri ;or low priority
skipa ;yes, allow
ret ;neither, disallow the change
move t,rcvblk+.rcter ;get requestor's terminal
jumpl t,r ;deny if detached
move b,ttyres(t) ;get reservation data
txnn b,r%low ;skip if low priority flag is set
cain a,lowpri ;did user specifiy low priority?
retskp ;yes, allow the change
ret ;else disallow it
cain a,hipri ;other option is high priority. Specified?
retskp ;yes, allow the change
ret ;else disallow it
Subttl Extraordinary File Access
;.GOFIL - Extraordinary file access
;This is a Stanford only GETOK% hook
; 1. 18-bit file protection number
; 2. access bits (FP%XXX bits defined in MONSYM)
; 3. 36-bit directory number
;The following access bits are defined in MONSYM.
; fp%dir==:2 ;Directory listing
; fp%app==:4 ;Append
; fp%ex==:10 ;Execute
; fp%wr==:20 ;Write
; fp%rd==:40 ;Read
;The following code is by no means general. It implements the file access
;policy in effect at Stanford GSB-HOW.
actwnr: asciz/1/ ;account string of a winner
gofil: move a,3(pt) ;get directory number
came a,subsys ;SUBSYS?
ret ;no, deny access
move a,2(pt) ;get access requested
txne a,fp%app!fp%wr!fp%rd ;append, write, or read?
ret ;yes, disallow (allow list and execute)
hrrz a,rcvblk+.rcfcj ;get job number of requestor
hrroi b,tmpbuf ;pointer to storage for string
gacct% ;get account string
erjmp r ;some error, take failure return
hrroi a,tmpbuf ;a/ test account string
hrroi b,actwnr ;b/ account string of a winer
stcmp% ;compare
jumpe a,rskp ;a winner, allow access
ret ;deny all others
Subttl Ethernet Access Checking
;.GOENA - Ethernet access
;This is a Stanford only GETOK% hook
; 1. net,,host for foreign port
; 2. socket for foreign port
goena: skipn sysnet ;do we have a network number? Is there Ether?
retskp ;no, how did we get here?
move a,rcvblk+.rccap ;get capabilities of requestor
skipe 1(pt) ;broadcast?
txne a,sc%whl!sc%opr!sc%ana ;or privileges?
retskp ;yes, always allow
;;Put restrictive code here....
retskp ;allow
;ETHINI - obtain some Ethernet parameters
;Returns +1 always
ethini: setzm sysnet ;Clear storage in case restarted
setzm syshst ; ....
move a,[sixbit/PUPPAR/] ;Get address of pup parameter table
sysgt% ; ....
jumpe b,r ;Table doesn't exists, quit now
move a,b ;Get index into place
hrli a,2 ;Get second word of the table
getab% ; ....
ercal fatal ;Some error, maybe no such table
hrrzm a,sysnet ;Save the default network number
move a,[sixbit/PUPROU/] ;Get address of pup routing table
sysgt% ; ....
move a,b ;Get index into place
move b,sysnet ;Want network number
hrli a,-1(b) ;Less one
getab% ; ....
ercal fatal ;Some error, very strange
hrrzm a,syshst ;Save our host number on the default network
ret ;Return to caller
Subttl Playing Games
comment \
When the .GOGAM function of GETOK% returns a denial, the
following bits may be set in word 1 of the error block, depending on
actual conditions. Bit 18 will always be set.
The flags GM%K and GM%W are the logical OR's of the other
kickoff and warning flags. If either one is set, an appropriate
error string is passed back to the user
gm%ldw==1b35 ;load warning
gm%ldk==1b34 ;load kickoff
gm%quw==1b33 ;queue warning
gm%quk==1b32 ;queue kickoff
gm%rmw==1b31 ;remote line warning (not used)
gm%rmk==1b30 ;remote line kickoff
gm%tmw==1b29 ;time of day warning (not used)
gm%tmk==1b28 ;time of day kickoff (not used)
gm%w==1b27 ;general warning flag
gm%k==1b26 ;general kickoff flag
gm%ptw==1b25 ;PTY warning (not used)
gm%ptk==1b24 ;PTY kickoff
;GOGAM - process a request from a games player
;returns +1 if a warning or kickoff condition exists
; +2 if game playing is permissible
gogam: setz f, ;clear all flags
call chklcl ;check status of requestor's line
call chkque ;check queue length
call chklod ;check load average
jumpe f,rskp ;skip return now if no flags set
txne f,gm%ldw!gm%quw!gm%rmw!gm%tmw ;do we have a specific warning?
txo f,gm%w ;yes, set the general warning flag
txne f,gm%ldk!gm%quk!gm%rmk!gm%tmk!gm%ptk ;do we have a kickoff?
txo f,gm%k ;yes, set the general kickoff flag
txne f,gm%w ;was a warning flag set?
hrroi b,[asciz/
[From SYSTEM: Please don't play games when LOTS is crowded.]
txne f,gm%k ;was a kickoff flag set?
hrroi b,[asciz/
[From SYSTEM: Sorry! LOTS is too crowded to permit game playing.]
txne f,gm%rmk ;was the remote kickoff flag set?
hrroi b,[asciz/
[From SYSTEM: Sorry! Game playing on dial-in lines not permitted.]
txne f,gm%ptk ;was the PTY kickoff flag set?
hrroi b,[asciz/
[From SYSTEM: Sorry! Game playing on pseudo-terminals not permitted.]
tro f,400000 ;make a nice error code for GIVOK%
move a,f ;set up phony error message
ret ;send a denial
;here to set flags based on requestor's line
chklcl: move a,rcvblk+.rcter ;get requestor's tty no.
move b,line(a) ;get line flags
cain b,.ttpty ;pseudo-terminal?
txo f,gm%ptk ;flag a pseudo-terminal
cain b,.ttrem ;remote? (Dialup)
txo f,gm%rmk ;flag a remote line
ret ;return to caller
;here to set flags based on load average
;we check the 1 minute load average since R4 EXEC ^T shows only that number
chklod: call gtload ;return the load average in A
caml a,[lodmax] ;skip if less than maximum
txo f,gm%ldk ;load too high, set the flag
caml a,[lodwrn] ;skip if less than warning level
txo f,gm%ldw ;load is dangerously high, set the flag
ret ;return to caller
;here to set flags based on queue length
chkque: move a,quelen ;fetch queue length
cail a,quemax ;skip if less than maximum
txo f,gm%quk ;queue too long, set the flag
cail a,quewrn ;skip if less than warning level
txo f,gm%quw ;queue getting long, set the flag
ret ;return to caller
;GTLOAD - get the one minute load average as seen by the users
;returns +1 always with a floating point load average in A
gtload: movei a,skdlen ;length of argument block
movem a,skdarg+.sacnt ;set it
movei a,.skrcv ;a/ function is return status
movei b,skdarg ;b/ address of argument block
sked% ;get scheduler information
move a,skdarg+.sactl ;fetch status flags
txne a,sk%stp ;skip if class scheduler is on
jrst gtlod0 ;use GETAB% table instead
movei a,class0 ;we want class zero
movem a,skdarg+.sacls ;set it
movei a,.skrcs ;a/ function code
movei b,skdarg ;b/ address of argument block
sked% ;read class parameters
move a,skdarg+.sa1ml ;fetch one minute load average
ret ;return to caller
gtlod0: move a,[xwd 14,.systa] ;SYSTAT table, offset 14
getab% ;return 1 minute load average in A
nop ;ignore an error
ret ;return to caller
Subttl Running the OPEN Program
;GOOPN - check if a user can run the OPEN program
;permission granted if
; 1.) user is logged in and has WHEEL or CONFIDENTIAL privileges
; 2.) terminal is not reserved (ttyres = 0)
; 3.) terminal is reserved for queueing system (ttyres = 0,,
;returns +1 permission denied
; +2 permission granted
goopn: hrrz a,rcvblk+.rcuno ;fetch user number
jumpe a,goopn0 ;jump if not logged in
move a,rcvblk+.rccap ;fetch capabilities
txne a,sc%whl+sc%cnf ;WHEEL or CIA?
retskp ;yes, grant permission
ret ;no, can't run the program
goopn0: move b,rcvblk+.rcter ;fetch terminal number
hrrz a,ttyres(b) ;fetch TTYRES information
jumpe a,rskp ;not reserved, may run OPEN
cain a,-1 ;reserved by queueing system?
retskp ;yes, may run OPEN
tro a,400000 ;a/ error code
hrroi b,[asciz/
?Sorry, this terminal is reserved. Try another terminal.
/] ;b/ error string
ret ;deny access
Subttl Run a Text Formatter
;GOTXT - regulate text processors
;here to determine if the system is lightly loaded enough that we can
;permit the use of a text formatter, e.g. Runoff or DSR
;error codes returned:
; 400001 - load is too high
; 400002 - queue is too long
; 400003 - both load and queue are excessive
gotxt: move a,rcvblk+.rccap ;fetch capabilities
txne a,sc%whl+sc%opr ;WOPR?
retskp ;yes, permit it always
setz f, ;clear flags
call gtload ;return user load average in A
caml a,[lodtxt] ;skip if load is acceptable
tro f,400001 ;otherwise set the flag
move a,quelen ;fetch total queue length
cail a,quetxt ;skip if queue length is acceptable
tro f,400002 ;otherwise set the flags
jumpe f,rskp ;grant access if no flags set
move a,f ;a/ put flags in place
setz b, ;b/ no explanation
ret ;flags set, deny access
Subttl File Utility Routines
;MAPIT - map in a file for the specified access
;takes b/ pointer to file spec
; c/ initial memory page
; d/ OPENF bits
;returns +1 on error
; +2 success, with jfn in A, page count in C
mapit: stkvar <mapmod> ;local storage
setzm mapmod ;0 means map file for read access
txne d,of%wr ;but are we opening the file for write access?
setom mapmod ;yes, -1 to map the file for read and write
movsi a,(gj%sht!gj%old) ;a/ look for an old file
gtjfn% ;get a handle on the file
erjmp r ;some error
move b,d ;b/ open access bits
openf% ;open the file
erjmp r ;some error
move d,c ;save contents of C in D
sizef% ;get file size
erjmp r ;some error
hrlzs a ;a/ jfn,,page
hrli b,.fhslf
hrr b,d ;b/ fork,,page
tlo c,(pm%cnt!pm%rd) ;c/ access,,count
skipe c ;skip if just want read access
tlo c,(pm%wr) ;set write access as well
pmap% ;map in the file
erjmp r ;some error
hlrzs a ;get jfn in place
hrrzs c ;get page count in place
retskp ;give good return
;MAKFIL - create an empty file
;takes b/ pointer to file specification
; c/ page count
; d/ initial memory page
;returns +1 failure
; +2 success, file created and closed
makfil: stkvar <makjfn> ;local storage
movsi a,(gj%fou!gj%sht) ;a/ new file
gtjfn% ;get a jfn
erjmp r ;some error
movem a,makjfn ;save the jfn for later
move a,c ;put page count in A
move b,d ;put initial page in B
lsh b,11 ;make it an address
makfl0: skip (b) ;make sure all pages exist by
addi b,1000 ;touching them.
sojg a,makfl0 ;loop until all pages are touched
move a,makjfn ;a/ jfn
move b,[44b5+of%rd!of%wr!of%thw] ;b/ full word, thawed access
openf% ;open the file
erjmp r ;some error
hrli a,.fhslf
hrr a,d ;a/ fork,,memory page
hrlz b,makjfn ;b/ file,,file page
hll c,[pm%rd+pm%cnt] ;c/ access,,page count
pmap% ;from process to file, creating it
move a,makjfn ;a/ retrieve the jfn
closf% ;close the file
erjmp r ;some error
retskp ;success return
;.GTDIR, $GTDIR - get directory information
;enter at .GTDIR to zero argument block
;takes a/ 36 bit directory number
;returns +1 failure
; +2 success
.gtdir: setzm gtdblk ;clear first word
move b,[xwd gtdblk, gtdblk+1] ;form blt pointer
blt b,gtdblk+gtdlen-1 ;clear entire argument block
$gtdir: movei b,gtdblk ;b/ put directory information in GTDBLK
setz c, ;c/ no password wanted
gtdir% ;get directory information
erjmp r ;some error
retskp ;good return, GTDBLK loaded
;LUSERP - Check if user is unprivileged
;Takes u/ usernumber
;Returns +1 user has WOPR privileges
; +2 a luser
luserp: move a,u ;a/ put usernumber in place
hrli a,dirlh ;make it a PS directory number
call .gtdir ;get directory information
ret ;some error, err on side of generosity
move a,gtdblk+.cdprv ;get privileges of directory
txnn a,sc%whl!sc%opr ;an unprivileged user?
retskp ;yes, skip return
ret ;no, single return
;CONSP - Check if user is a LOTS consultant (user group 2)
;Takes u/ usernumber
;Returns +1 user is not a consultant
; +2 user is a consultant
consp: movei a,grplen ;max number of usergroups
movem a,usrgrp ;stash it
movei a,gtdlen ;length of the GTDIR% block
movem a,gtdblk ;stash it
movei a,usrgrp ;address of usergroup block
movem a,gtdblk+.cdugp ;stash it
move a,u ;a/ put usernumber in place
hrli a,dirlh ;make it a PS directory number
call $gtdir ;get directory information
ret ;some error, assume not a consultant
sosg a,usrgrp ;get usergroup count
ret ;not in any usergroups
hrloi a,-1(a) ;form aobjn pointer
eqvi a,usrgrp+1 ; ...
consp0: move b,(a) ;fetch usergroup
cain b,congrp ;consultant's group?
retskp ;yes, skip return
aobjn a,consp0 ;loop over all groups
ret ;exhausted groups, take failure return
Subttl CTY Logging Routines
;LOGTAD - log the time and date and print a banner phrase
logtad: movei a,.priou ;controlling terminal
rfpos% ;read cursor position
trne b,-1 ;against left margin?
call crlf ;no, print a crlf
movei a,.priou ;to the tty
seto b, ;current time and date
setz c, ;default format
odtim% ;print it
tmsg < ACJ: > ;identify ourself
ret ;return to caller
;CRLF - print a crlf on the CTY
crlf: tmsg <
;LOGOCT, LOGDEC - log either a decimal or octal a number
;Takes b/ number
logoct: skipa c,[10] ;c/ octal radix
logdec: movei c,12 ;c/ decimal radix
movei a,.priou ;a/ to the tty
nout ;print the number
jfcl ;ignore any error
ret ;return to caller
;LOGUSR - log a username
;takes b/ usernumber
logusr: movei a,.priou ;a/ tty is destination
hrli b,500000 ;b/ make damn sure we have a usernumber
dirst% ;write the username
erjmp [ tmsg <Unknown user>
ret ]
ret ;return to caller
;LOGDIR - log a directory name
;takes b/ directory number
logdir: ife. b ;zero means new directory
tmsg <new directory>
movei a,.priou ;a/ tty is destination
dirst% ;write the directory name
erjmp r
ret ;return to caller
Subttl TTY Message Buffer Building Routines
;N.B. All the buffer building routines take their arguments in AC1.
; All other accumulators are saved.
;CPYSET - set up message sending variables
;returns +1 always
cpyset: setom messgf ;flag that we are preparing a message
move a,[point 7,msgbuf] ;fetch byte pointer
movem a,msgptr ;store it
ret ;return to caller
;SNDMSG - send the message in MSGBUF to the requestor if MESSGF is set
;returns +1 always with MESSGF reset
sndmsg: setzm messgf ;clear flag now
skipge t,rcvblk+.rcter ;fetch requestor's terminal, skip if attached
ret ;don't send to detached jobs
push p,a ;save AC's
push p,b
movei a,.ttdes(t) ;a/ terminal designator
hrroi b,msgbuf ;b/ pointer to buffer
ttmsg% ;send to requestor
erjmp .+1 ;if error, probably timed out
pop p,b ;restore AC's
pop p,a
ret ;return to caller
;CPYSTR - copy an asciz string into the message buffer
;returns +1 always
cpystr: push p,b ;save B
hrli a,(<point 7,0>) ;form a standard byte pointer
cpyst0: ildb b,a ;fetch a byte
jumpe b,cpyst1 ;quit copying if we find a nul
idpb b,msgptr ;deposit the byte
jrst cpyst0 ;loop back for more
cpyst1: pop p,b ;restore B
ret ;return to caller
;CPYEND - tack a CRLF and a NUL onto the end of the buffer
cpyend: push p,a
movei a,.chcrt ;a CR
idpb a,msgptr
movei a,.chlfd ;a LF
idpb a,msgptr
movei a,.chnul ;a NUL
idpb a,msgptr
pop p,a
;CPYOCT, CPYDEC - copy an octal or decimal number into the buffer
;takes a/ number
;returns +1 always
cpyoct: push p,c
movei c,10
jrst cpycom
cpydec: push p,c
movei c,12
cpycom: push p,b
call cpynum
pop p,b
pop p,c
cpynum: idiv a,c
push p,b
skipe a
call cpynum
pop p,a
movei a,"0"(a)
idpb a,msgptr
;CPYDIR, CPYUSR - copy a directory or username into the message buffer
;takes a/ 36 bit number
cpyusr: push p,b ;save B
move b,a ;b/ 36 bit number
move a,msgptr ;a/ destination is the buffer
dirst% ;write the string
erjmp cpyusx ;some error, go handle it gracefully
movem a,msgptr ;update the byte pointer
pop p,b ;restore B
ret ;return to caller
cpyusx: hrlzs b ;clear junk from right hand side
hrroi a,[asciz/Unknown user/] ;assume a usernumber
caie b,usrlh ;user number?
hrroi a,[asciz/Unknown directory/] ;no, it's a directory number
call cpystr ;copy string into buffer
pop p,b ;restore B
ret ;return to caller
Subttl Fatal Error Handling
;FATAL - here on a fatal JSYS error
;we save the AC's at the time of the error in BUGACS
;the entire core image is saved in the file SYSTEM:ACJ.CRASH
fatal: movem 17,bugacs+17 ;save 17 for use as a BLT pointer
movei 17,bugacs+0 ;set up blt pointer
blt 17,bugacs+16 ;save all the AC's for later examination
move 17,bugacs+17 ;restore the AC we just clobbered
call logtad
tmsg <Fatal JSYS error - >
movei a,.priou ;display last error
hrloi b,.fhslf
setz c,
tmsg < at PC >
movei a,.priou ;output the PC
pop p,b
subi b,2 ;point pc at actual location of the jsys
hrrzs b ;not interested in PC flags
movei c,10 ;octal radix
call crlf ;finish entry
call crash ;make a crash dump
haltf% ;halt
jrst .-1 ;and stay that way
;PANIC - here on a panic channel interrupt
;we save the AC's at the time of the error in BUGACS
;the entire core image is saved in the file SYSTEM:ACJ.CRASH
panic: movem 17,bugacs+17 ;save 17 for use as a BLT pointer
movei 17,bugacs+0 ;set up blt pointer
blt 17,bugacs+16 ;save all the AC's for later examination
move 17,bugacs+17 ;restore the AC we just clobbered
call logtad
tmsg <Panic channel interrupt at PC >
movei a,.priou
hrrz b,lev1pc
movei c,10
tmsg <
Last error: >
movei a,.priou
hrloi b,.fhslf
setz c,
call crlf
call crash
jrst .-1
;CRASH - make a crash dump of our munged core image
crash: gjinf% ;get job information
jumpn c,r ;no core dump if not job zero
call logtad ;time stamp, again
tmsg <Creating crash dump file....
movsi a,(gj%fou!gj%sht) ;output file, short form
hrroi b,crshnm ;file spec
gtjfn% ;get a handle on the fie
error <Could not get JFN on crash file> ;some error
hrli a,.fhslf ;fork handle,,file jfn
move b,[-1000,,ss%cpy+ss%rd+ss%wr] ;dump the whole thing
ssave% ;dump our core image into a file
seto a, ;-1 to close all files
closf% ;shut everything down
error <Could not CLOSF% crash file> ;some error
ret ;return
;assemble literals here, but don't CREF them
;entry vector
evec: jrst start ;start address
jrst loop ;reenter address
end <evecl,,evec>