
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/find.sai
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begin "find"

comment This program was developed on WAITS and adapted for use on T(W)ENEX.
	Where differences between the two versions are required, the following
	macros are used.  Note that JFNS is pre-declared only in T(W)ENEX SAIL.;

comment Note to WAITS wizards: If you want to try out a new version of FIND without
	replacing the old one, you can bring it up as SYS:TEST.DMP and use the TEST
	command.  TEST/O gets you OFIND and TEST/D gets you DFIND.;

comment For a functional description of this program, see FIND.DON[UP,DOC] on WAITS.;

require "{}<>" delimiters;

define	TENEX = declaration(jfns),
	!!TENEXONLY = {ifc tenex thenc},
	!!WAITSONLY = {ifc not tenex thenc},
	!!ENDTENEX = {endc},
	!!ENDWAITS = {endc},
	!! = {};

!!	require "  (Compiling WAITS version)  " message;

!!	require "  (Compiling TENEX version)  " message;

define	! = {comment};
! Macros and compile-time parameters;

define	 = {begin},
	S = {startcode},
	Q = {quickcode},
	 = {end},
	TAB = {'11},
	LF = {'12},
	FF = {'14},
	CR = {'15},
	 = {CR&LF},
	thru = {step 1 until},
	exit = {Q ifc TENEX thenc jsys '170 elsec calli '12 endc };

!!	require &"	REMEMBER! Must SAVE before starting for first time!"& message;
!!	! (else INIACS won't get set up for interface from E's DFIND command);

define KEYLENG = 3;
	! KEYLENG*36 is approx the max leng of combined keys.  Current value was
	  based on upper length of WAITS command lines.  (No sense leaving room for
	  text that can't be typed!)  Invoking FIND from the editor (see documentation)
	  makes it possible to exceed this limit, but the space/convenience tradeoff
	  had to be made somewhere.;
define MAXUNION = ifc TENEX thenc 786 elsec 1162 endc;
	! MAXUNION is a measure of the max complexity of the key, should be one less than a
	  prime.  If much larger than now, runs risk of core overflow from TABLE + BUF.
	  Smaller value for TENEX is because SAIL bug requires program fit in 256 pages, not 512.;
define BUFSIZE = (ifc TENEX thenc 160 elsec 800 endc) * 128;	! size of input buffer, must be mult of 128 words;
define CTVAR = 0;		! random compile-time variable (must be given initial value);

! The basic scheme employed in this program is two-fold: First, the key is parsed and
  converted into a transition table for a non-deterministic finite-state automaton
  having at most KEYLENG*36 states.  The achievable unions of states are computed and
  are made the states of a deterministic FSA, with a maximum of about 0.9*MAXUNION
  (to avoid over-crowding the hash table involved).  The transition table for this
  DFSA is what drives the tight inner loop.;


!!	external integer SKIP;
!!	integer array INFO[0:'37];
!!	define viaE = false;

!!	! Hairier command-line parsing applies only to WAITS -- uses various breaktables;
!!	evaldefine	crlfbreak = 1,			spacecapsbreak = 4,
!!			nonalphnumbreak = 2,		coloncapsbreak = 5,
!!			bracketbreak = 3,		colonslashcapsbreak = 6;
!!	preloadwith cvsix("godmod"), '26, [5]0;
!!	safe integer array MTAPEDAT[0:6], INFO[1:'20];
!!	external integer RPGSW, INIACS;		! RPGSW will be TRUE when invoked from E;
!!	define AC (n) = {memory[location(INIACS)+n]};	! value of accumulator when started;
!!	define viaE = {RPGSW};

! Some of the special characters recognised in the key are different depending on
  whether the WAITS "extended ASCII" is available.;

define	QuoteChar = ifc TENEX thenc {"="} elsec {""} endc,
	NegChar = ifc TENEX thenc {"~"} elsec {""} endc,
	AnyChar = ifc TENEX thenc {"?"} elsec {""} endc,
	NondlmChar = ifc TENEX thenc {"!"} elsec {""} endc,
	InfChar = ifc TENEX thenc {"*"} elsec {""} endc;
! Exit routines: REPLY, BOMB;

!! procedure REPLY (string MSG);	! give final message (maybe to other terminal invoking us via E);
!! 	integer NUM, I;
!!	Q setom 1; ttcall 6,1; movem 1,NUM ;	! get our terminal status bits (-1 if detached);
!!	if NUM  -1 or ac('12) land '777777000000  cvsix("ret   ") or	! E starts us up w/ ac12 = 'ret',,invoker's-tty;
!!		(I _ call (ac('12) land '777777, "ttyjob"))  0 or 	! make sure said tty has some job on it;
!!		INFO['17]  call (I + call ('211, "peek"), "peek") then	! and that said job's PPN matches ours;
!!		print (, MSG, );	! either we weren't called from E, or the caller has gone away;
!!		exit
!!	;
!!	INFO[1] _ cvsix("TTY"&cvos(ac('12) land '777777));	! prepare info block for message-sending;
!!	NUM _ (length(MSG _ ";;"&MSG) + 4) % 5;			! length of message in words;
!!	if length(MSG) > 2 then					! don't bother with null message;
!!		integer array TEXT[1:NUM];
!!		for I _ 1 thru NUM do TEXT[I] _ cvasc(MSG[I*5-4 for 5]);	! copy text to word boundary;
!!		INFO[2] _ length(MSG) lsh 18 + location (TEXT[1]);	! complete message-sending command block;
!!		call (location (INFO[1]), "ttymes")		! send reply to other terminal;
!!	;
!!	call (ac('12) land '777777, "beep");	! get the person's attention;
!!	exit
!! ;

simple procedure BOMB (string MSG);	! go away mad (after parting shot);

!!	if viaE then reply ("** DFIND command aborted ** ERROR ** "&MSG&);
	print (, MSG, );
! Special file-name parsing: DEVICE, HACKS;

!! simple string procedure DEVICE (reference string FILE);
!! 	boolean QUOTE; integer K;
!!	QUOTE _ false;
!!	for K _ 1 thru length(FILE) do
!!		if FILE[K for 1] = "" then QUOTE _ not QUOTE
!!		else if FILE[K for 1] = ":" and not QUOTE then
!!			QUOTE _ cvsix(FILE[1 to K-1]);
!!			FILE _ FILE[K+1 to ];	
!!			return (cv6str(QUOTE))
!!		;
!!	return ("DSK")
!! ;

simple string procedure HACKS (string F; boolean OUTPUT (false));	! parse file name, yield string for LOOKUP/ENTER;
	integer BRK, EX, PP; string F2, DEV;
!!	if OUTPUT then	! don't allow special files to be used with "writing" clause;
!!		if length(F) = 7 and cvsix(F) = cvsix("nothin") and F[7 for 1] lor '40 = "g" then
!!			return (0)	! special string (length=1, string=0) suppresses all hit output;
!!	else if length(F) = 5 and cvsix(F) = cvsix("phone") then F _ "whozat[p,doc]"	! (CVSIX vs EQU to ignore case);
!!	else if length(F) = 4 and cvsix(F) = cvsix("dict") then F _ "unabrd.dic[lib,doc]"
!!	else if length(F) = 7 and cvsix(F) = cvsix("forwar") and F[7 for 1] lor '40 = "d" then
!!		F _ "forwrd.txt[mai,sys]";
!!		if DELIM = -2 = DEFDELIM then DELIM _ -1	! if no delimiter specified yet, FORWARD implies LINE;
!!	else if F = "" then	! oh good grief, all the crocks for mail-related files;
!!		BRK _ lop(F);
!!		while F = " " do BRK _ lop(F);
!!		if length(F2 _ scan (F, nonalphnumbreak, BRK)) then F2 _ "   " & ("   "&F2)[-2 for 3]
!!		else if BRK = "*" then  BRK _ lop(F); F2 _ "NOTICE" 
!!		else F2 _ cvxstr(call(0,"getppn") land '777777);
!!		while F = " " do BRK _ lop(F);
!!		if F  "." then F2 _ F2 & (if F2="N" then ".TXT" else ".MSG");
!!		F2 _ F2 & scan (F, bracketbreak, BRK);
!!		if DELIM = -2 = DEFDELIM then DELIM _ "";
!!		F _ F2 & (if BRK = "[" then F else "[2,2]")
!!	;
!!	DEV _ device (F);		! extract device name, if any;
!!	F _ cvxstr(cvfil(F,EX,PP));	! now then, what does SAIL think of this string?;
!!	while F[ for 1] = " " do F _ F[1 to -1];	! create canonical form--flush trailing blanks;
!!	if EX land '777777000000 then F _ F & "." & cvxstr(EX)[1 to 3];	! add extension only if non-null;
!!	while F[ for 1] = " " do F _ F[1 to -1];	! flush trailing blanks from extension;
!!	if PP then					! add PPN only if non-null;
!!		F2 _ cvxstr(PP)[1 for 3];		! first half of PPN;
!!		while F2 = " " do BRK _ lop(F2);	! flush LEADING blanks;
!!		F _ F & "[" & F2 & ",";
!!		F2 _ cvxstr(PP)[4 for 3];		! second half;
!!		while F2 = " " do BRK _ lop(F2);
!!		F _ F & F2 & "]"
!!	;
!!	F _ DEV & ":" & F;
	return (F)	! note that, on TENEX, we just return the string unchanged (at present);
! First-step scanning: WRITING, OPTIONS;

simple procedure WRITING (reference string INP, INTO);	! scan for " writing <file>" option;
	integer K;
	for K _ 1 thru length(INP)-8 do		! look for " writing " not preceded by quoting character;
		if cvsix(INP[K for 6]) = cvsix(" writi") and cvsix(INP[K+6 for 3]) = cvsix("ng ")
			and INP[K-1 for 1]  QuoteChar then
			if not OUTOK then bomb ("Must be logged in to use WRITING feature.");
			INTO _ INP[K+9 to ];	! extract filename;
			INP _ INP[1 to K-1];	! flush from end of command text;

simple procedure OPTIONS (reference string INP, FIL, OMT, INTO; reference integer DLM);	! scan command line for options;
	integer K;
	string NEW;
	for K _ 1 thru length(INP)-3 do		! look for " in <filename>" (not preceded by quoting character);
		if cvsix(INP[K for 4]) = cvsix(" in ") and INP[K-1 for 1]  QuoteChar then
			FIL _ INP[K+4 to ];	! override default filename;
			INP _ INP[1 to K-1];	! flush from end of command text;
			K _ 0;			! flag that " in " clause was found;
	if K = 0 then writing (FIL, INTO) else writing (INP, INTO);
	for K _ 1 thru length(INP)-5 do		! look for " omit[ting] <omitchars>";
		if cvsix(INP[K for 5]) = cvsix(" omit") and INP[K-1 for 1]  QuoteChar and
			(INP[K+5 for 1] = " " or cvsix(INP[K+5 for 5]) = cvsix("ting ")) then
			NEW _ INP[K+5 to ];
			do until lop(NEW) = " ";	! throw away "ting" if "omitting" instead of "omit";
			INP _ INP[1 to K-1];		! flush from command text;
			OMT _ (if cvsix(NEW[1 to 5])  cvsix("only ") then OMT&NEW else NEW[6 to ]);
	while INP = " " do K _ lop(INP);	! flush leading blanks;
	if cvsix(INP[1 for 6]) = cvsix("within") and INP[7 for 1] = " " then	! override default delimiter;
		INP _ INP[8 to ];	! we'll set up DLM to be <delimvalue>,,<command-word-length>;
		if cvsix(INP[1 for 5]) = cvsix("line ") then DLM _ (-1) lsh 18 + 6
!!		else if cvsix(INP[1 for 4]) = cvsix("msg ") then DLM _ "" lsh 18 + 5
		else if cvsix(INP[1 for 5]) = cvsix("page ") then DLM _ FF lsh 18 + 6
		else if cvsix(INP[1 for 5]) = cvsix("graf ") then DLM _ CR lsh 18 + 6
		else if cvsix(INP[1 for 6]) = cvsix("paragr") and cvsix(INP[7 for 4]) = cvsix("aph ") then
			DLM _ CR lsh 18 + 11
		else if INP[2 for 1] = " " then DLM _ lop(INP) lsh 18 + 2
		else bomb ("Illegal WITHIN clause; must be single char or " &
			(ifc TENEX thenc null elsec "MSG/" endc) & "LINE/PAGE/GRAF.");
		INP _ INP[DLM land '777777 to ];	! discard keyword from command;
		DLM _ DLM ash -18			! bring back delimiter spec;
	if cvsix(INP[1 for 6]) = cvsix("surrou") and cvsix(INP[7 for 3]) = cvsix("nd ") then
		INP _ INP[10 to ];
		while "0"  INP  "9" do SURROUND _ SURROUND*10 + lop(INP)-"0";
		if SURROUND  0 or 0  lop(INP)  " " then bomb ("Illegal SURROUND clause!")
! Final-step scanning: PARSE;

recursive string procedure PARSE (integer NESTED (0));	! parse single keychar position, return string of matching chars;
							! uses (and modifies) global string S;
	own safe integer array BT[0:3];
	string CS;
	integer C;
	if (C _ lop(S)) = QuoteChar then	! quoting -- just grab next char (if any);
		if length(S) = 0 then bomb ("Can't end key with `" & QuoteChar & "'!")
		else return (lop(S))
	else if C = "," then		! comma separates multiple keys -- return special value: null;
		if NESTED = 0 then
			return (null)
		else			! we're inside { or  processing;
			bomb ("Unquoted comma illegal after `"&NESTED&"'.")
	else if C = "{" then		! collect set of chars until close-brace;
		if NESTED  "{" then
			CS _ null;
			while length(S)  0 and S  "}" do CS _ CS & parse ("{");
			if lop(S)  "}" then bomb ("Missing closing brace!");
			if length(CS) = 0 then bomb ("Empty string between braces can never match anything.");
			return (CS)
			bomb ("Nested braces illegal; quote inner `{' with `" & QuoteChar & "'.")
	else if C = NegChar then	! negate whatever keychar follows;
		if length(S) = 0 then bomb ("Can't end key with `" & NegChar & "'!")
			CS _ parse (NegChar);
			arrclr (BT);	! use bit array to save multiple scans of CS;
			while length(CS) do
				BT[(C_lop(CS)) lsh -5] _ BT[C lsh -5] lor (1 lsh (C land '37));
			for C _ 0 thru '177 do
				if BT[C lsh -5] land (1 lsh (C land '37)) = 0 then
					CS _ CS & C;
			if length(CS) = 0 then bomb ("`" & NegChar & AnyChar & "' can never match anything;" &
				" perhaps you meant `" & NegChar & NondlmChar & "'.");
			return (CS)
	else if C = "'" then	! next three chars are octal value of char;
		for C _ 1 thru 3 do
			if not "0"  S[C for 1]  "7" then
				bomb ("Apostrophe must be quoted with " & QuoteChar & " or followed by 3 octal digits.");
		CS _ cvo(S[1 to 3]);
		S _ S[4 to ];
		return (CS)
	else if C = AnyChar or C = NondlmChar or C = "|" then	! various common multichars;
		CS _ (if C  NondlmChar then CR&LF&" "&TAB&FF else null);
		if C  "|" then
			for C _ 0 thru '177 do
				if CRCLF and " "CTAB and CFF then CS _ CS & C;
		return (CS)
	else if "a"  (C lor '40)  "z" then	! upper- or lower-case yields both;
		return ((C lor '40) & (C land '137))
	else			! anything else is just a vanilla single char;
		return (C)

define decrptr = {Q movni '13,1; ibp '13,PTR; movem '13,PTR; aos COUNT };	! backs up PTR by 1 byte & adjusts count;

! The next two routines take care of low-level processing of each hit as it occurs.
  For non-E invokation, COLLECT just prints a string.  For invokation via E with a
  delimiter other than LINE, it collects the text for shipping to the invoking terminal
  when we're all done (stopping after the first 3 hits).  In both of these cases COLLECT
  returns FALSE.  Otherwise it does nothing but return true to tell the caller to take
  care of first/shortest/last processing if this is HANDLE calling us.  COLLECT is called
  directly for subsidiary text like the "..." surrounding long hits, and is called via
  HANDLE for the hit itself.;

simple boolean procedure COLLECT (string X);
	if FILEOUT then out (OUTCHAN, X);
	if viaE then
		if DELIM  -1 then  if HITS  3 then FIRST _ FIRST & X 
		else return (true)
	else if length(FILEOUT) = 0 then print (X);
	return (false)

simple procedure HANDLE (string X);
	if collect ((if DELIM=-1 then null else if STAR then "*" else ">") & X) and not STAR then
		if length(FIRST) = 0 then FIRST _ X else LAST _ X;
		if length(SHORTEST) = 0 or length(SHORTEST) > length(X) then SHORTEST _ X

simple procedure SUMMARY;	! report total # of hits, including summary if invoked via E;
	string S;
	boolean INCLSHORT;
	S _ (if FILEOUT then (FILEOUT&" contains ") else null) &
		cvs(HITS) & " hit" & (if HITS=1 then null else "s") & " on " &
		(if viaE then null else "key ") & """" & SSAV & """";
	if not viaE then
		print (, S, (if equ(FILEIN,DEFFL) then null else
			((if FILEOUT then " from " else " in ")&FILEIN)), ".", )
!!	else
!!		if HITS = 0 then reply ("** DFIND failed ** " & S & "." & );
!!		S _ "** DFIND ** " & S;
!!		if length(FILEOUT)0=FILEOUT then reply (S & "." & );	! "writing nothing"--don't show hits;
!!		if HITS = 1 then reply (S & ": " & FIRST);
!!		if DELIM  -1 then reply (S & (if HITS > 3 then ", including:" else ":") & FIRST);
!!		INCLSHORT _ not equ (FIRST, SHORTEST) and not equ (LAST, SHORTEST);
!!		if HITS > (if INCLSHORT then 3 else 2) then S _ S & ", including " else S _ S & ": ";
!!		reply (S & FIRST[1 to -2] & (if INCLSHORT then ", "&SHORTEST[1 to -2]&"," else null) & " and " & LAST)

! SHOW prints out a hit, starting at the current byte (via global PTR) and continuing
  until the delimiter ending the text block.  Returns TRUE if the current input buffer
  ends before the end of the hit, in which case SHOW will again be invoked after more
  text has been input.;

! DELIM = -1 for LINE (delimit with LF), = CR for paragraph (i.e., CR is first thing
  on the line), = FF for page (FF is first thing on first line of new page).  Note that
  FF also acts as delimiter for paragraphs.  Note also that (CR land '176) = FF.;

simple boolean procedure SHOW;
	while true do
		if MATCH = LF and DELIM = -1 or MATCH = FF = DELIM land '176 then done;
			! MATCH is the previous character.;
		if COUNT = 0 then return (true);
		if 0  (CH _ ildb(PTR))  FF then SS _ SS & CH;	! global SS accumulates line of hit;
		COUNT _ COUNT - 1;
		if (not LF  MATCH  FF) and CH = DELIM then done;	! found DELIM at start of line (or page);
		if CH  0 and (MATCH _ CH) = LF then	! first half of test keeps us from copying nulls into MATCH;
			handle (SS);	! end of line, handle this line of the hit;
			STAR _ true;	! later lines will have "*" instead of ">" prefix;
			SS _ null;
			if (LINES _ LINES+1) > SURROUND then	! hit too large, truncate;
				collect ("*  . . ." & );
	while CR  ldb(PTR)  FF do decrptr;	! ran out of buffer, back up to front of line;
	return (false)

! BACK is called when we find a hit.  It backs up the global PTR to the beginning
  of the text block (unless that's too far back, in which case it truncates the hit)
  and prints the line(s) leading up to the hit.  Then it calls SHOW to show the lines
  following the hit, and returns the value returned by SHOW (= TRUE if there's more
  to come).;

simple boolean procedure BACK;
	if PREVHIT = PTR then return (false);	! don't show same hit twice;
	if ildb(PREVHIT) = '12 and PREVHIT = PTR then return (false);	! found LF after CR;
	MAXBACKUP _ (OVERLAP * 5 - 10) min ((PTR land '777777 - BUF0) * 5 + (36-(PTR lsh -30)) div 7);
	! Guarantees that we'll back up to start of BUF ONLY if start of file.;
	if MAXBACKUP  0 then return (false);	! found bogus hit in initial crlf;
	HITS _ HITS + 1;
	LINES _ MATCH _ 0;	! MATCH will be TRUE if most recent char backed over was delimiter
				  (in which case we're done if preceding char is LF or FF);
	! First we back up to the beginning of the hit (if not too far).;
	do 	if not FF  (CH_ldb(PTR))  LF then
			if MATCH or CH = FF = DELIM land '176 then done
			else if CH = LF and (LINES _ LINES+1) > SURROUND then
				collect ( & "*  . . .");	! too many lines, truncate;
		MATCH _ (not CH  DELIM  -1) or (MATCH and CH = 0);
	 until (MAXBACKUP _ MAXBACKUP-1) = 0;
	! If we gave up due to too many chars (not too many lines), give truncation warning.;
	if MAXBACKUP = 0 and PTR land '777777  BUF0 then
		collect ( & "*  . . .");
		do 	CH _ ildb(PTR);		! advance PTR to line boundary (give up after 300 chars);
			COUNT _ COUNT - 1;
		 until (not FF  CH  LF) or (MAXBACKUP _ MAXBACKUP+1) > 300
	if DELIM  -1 then collect ();		! blank lines between hits unless delim = LINE;
	STAR _ true;				! prefix lines with "*" until "hit" line itself;
	SS _ null;
	LINES _ -1;
	while true do
		if 0  (CH _ ildb(PTR))  FF then SS _ SS & CH;	! don't print nulls or pagemarks;
		COUNT _ COUNT - 1;
		if PTR = ENDPTR then done;	! stop when we hit the byte that ended the hit;
		if CH = LF then 		! but meanwhile process each accumulated line;
			if DELIM  CR or (LINES_LINES+1) > 0 or not equ(SS,) then handle (SS);
			! Ignore initial blank line on paragraphs.;
			SS _ null
	STAR _ false;				! this line gets a ">" prefix;
	LINES _ 0;				! count for truncation on lines following;
	if (MATCH _ ldb(PTR)) = LF then		! if hit ended at LF, handle it now (also set up MATCH for SHOW);
		handle (SS);
		STAR _ true;
		SS _ null
	return (show)				! show the rest of the hit;
! Help text and top-level scanning: DESCRIBE, GETCMD, SCANCMD;

simple procedure DESCRIBE;	! this is what you get if you give a null command;
	print (, "Command format:", ,
"	[D|O]FIND[ WITHIN <delim>][ SURROUND <num>] <key>
	    [ OMIT[TING] [ONLY ]<omits>][ IN <file>][ WRITING <file>]
where [] represents an optional field and | separates mutually exclusive
choices.", ,
"	[D]FIND[ WITHIN <delim>][ SURROUND <num>] <key>
	    [ OMIT[TING] [ONLY ]<omits>][ IN <file>][ WRITING <file>]
where [] represents an optional field.", ,
Default <file> to search is the people directory (for FIND) or the
unabridged dictionary word list (for DFIND).  Default <omits> (chars
to ignore in the file) is '012'000, i.e., ignore linefeeds and nuls.
Default ""writing"" file is null, i.e., print results at the terminal.", ,
"WRITING NOTHING discards all results except the total number of hits.", ,
"Default <num> (max number of lines printed before/after each hit) is 25.
<delim> is a single char or one of ",
The OFIND command looks at OPTION.TXT to override these defaults.", ,
In the <key>, the following mappings apply:

	comma	separates two strings to search for simultaneously
       letter	matches either upper- or lower-case in file
	'xxx	character with ascii code xxx (octal)
        {xyz}	any of the characters x, y, and z
	  " & AnyChar & "	any character
	  " & NondlmChar & "	any character except CR, LF, tab, space, or formfeed
	  |	any of: CR, LF, tab, space, FF (complement of " & NondlmChar & ")
	 " & NegChar & "x	any character except x (x can be {xyz} or whatever)
	 " & QuoteChar & "x	the character x (used to quote these special chars;
		can also be used to quote a letter to enforce case)
	 " & InfChar & "x	any number (including zero) of repetitions of x
		(x can be {xyz} or whatever)
	space	equivalent to " & InfChar & "|, i.e., zero or more delimiters; to
		match precisely one space, quote the space with `" & QuoteChar &"'

All but the """ & InfChar & """ and ""space"" constructs apply also to the <omits>.",
!!	, , "For further details, READ FIND.",

! GETCMD fetches the command line and decides what the command was (FIND, DFIND, etc.).;

simple procedure GETCMD;
	preloadwith cvsix("DF    "), cvsix("DF____"),
!!		     cvsix("OF    "), cvsix("OF____"),
!!		     cvsix("TES   "), cvsix("TES___"),
		     cvsix("FIND  "), cvsix("FIND__");
	own safe integer array COMMANDS[1:(ifc TENEX thenc 2 elsec 4 endc),1:2];

!!	if viaE then
!!		open (7, "dsk", 0, 2, 0, 500, CH, EOF_true);	! look in interface file for command text;
!!		if EOF then bomb ("Couldn't open DSK!");
!!		! Startup ac's held interface filename in sixbit, use MTAPE for lookup to save re-parsing filename;
!!		MTAPEDAT[2] _ ac('14);	MTAPEDAT[3] _ ac('13);	MTAPEDAT[4] _ 0;
!!		MTAPEDAT[5] _ ac('11);	MTAPEDAT[6] _ location (INFO[1]);
!!		S	movei 1,0;
!!			mtape 7,MTAPEDAT[0];
!!			 hrro 1,MTAPEDAT[3];	! MTAPE skips if lookup successful;
!!			movem 1,EOF
!!		;
!!		if EOF then bomb ("Couldn't find interface file!");
!!		S _ input (7, crlfbreak);	! get one line from file;
!!		if CH  LF then while length(S)  500 do S _ S & "xxxxx";	! no LF--guarantee overlength line;
!!		SURROUND _ 3			! less surrounding text permitted on calls from E;
!!	else
!!		backup;				! rescan most recent command line;
!!		S _ inchwl;
!!		SURROUND _ 25
!!	;

!!	Q	setz 1,;
!!		jsys '500;			! back up over command line;
!!		 setz 1,;
!!		movem 1,CH			! number of chars backed up over;
!!	;
!!	while (CH_CH-1)  0 do
!!		if (COMMAND _ inchrw) = "V"-'100 and CH > 0 then	! control-V's are TENEX command-quoters;
!!			S _ S & inchrw;
!!			CH _ CH - 1
!!		else if COMMAND  LF or CH  0 then S _ S & COMMAND;
!!	! can't use inchwl since it mucks up some control chars;
!!	SURROUND _ 25;

	while not " "  S  TAB do CH _ lop(S);	! ignore leading white space;
	COMMAND _ cvsix(S&"      ");		! pad with blanks, map to uppercase;
	for CH _ 1 thru arrinfo(COMMANDS,2) do if COMMANDS[CH,1]  COMMAND  COMMANDS[CH,2] then COMMAND _ S land '137;
	! If we find a winner, set COMMAND to be uppercase of first letter.  Note that
	  previous cvsix'ed value, if nonzero at all, had nonzero top byte.;
	if 0 < COMMAND  '177 then
		while "A"  S land '137  "Z" do CH _ lop(S)	! if we recognise command, skip over letters only;
		while (COMMAND_0)  lop(S)  ";" do;		! else wait for semicolon (might be R FIND<semi>...);
!!	if COMMAND = "T" and lop(S) = "/" then COMMAND _ lop(S) land '137;	! TEST/D=DFIND, TEST/O=OFIND, etc.;
!!	if (COMMAND = "O" or (COMMAND = "D" and viaE)) and lop(S) = "/" then
!!		OPTSTR _ "/" & scan (S, spacecapsbreak, CH)	! OFIND selection (see documentation);
!!	else
!!		OPTSTR _ null;
	while S = " " do CH _ lop(S);	! ignore white space after command name;
	if length(S) = 0 then
!!		if viaE then	! invoked from E with no text given -- use next line (copied from E text);
!!			S _ input (7, crlfbreak);
!!			if EOF then S _ null
!!			else if CH  LF then while length(S)  500 do S _ S & "xxxxx"
!!			else while S = " " do CH _ lop(S)
!!		else
			describe;	! otherwise, null text gets summary of syntax;
!!	if viaE then
!!		rename (7, null, 0, EOF);	! delete interface file;
!!		release (7);
!!		if length(S) = 0 then bomb ("Nothing to search for!")
!!		else if length(S) > 500 then bomb ("Command text too long!")

! SCANCMD sets up defaults based on the command name -- only hairy part is for OFIND.
  Then the command line is scanned to override the defaults.  Note DEFDELIM of -2
  indicates no default delimiter yet.  Eventually defaults to GRAF (DELIM = CR) but
  can be overridden by use of "" filename (implies default of MSG).  An explicit
  WITHIN clause or an implicit default (e.g., DFIND implies LINE) prevents "" names
  from affecting the delimiter.;

simple procedure SCANCMD;
	OMIT _ "'012'000";	! omit line feeds and nulls;
	FILEOUT _ null;	! default is to print results directly;
!!	DEFDELIM _ (if COMMAND = "D" then -1 else -2);
!!	if viaE then COMMAND _ "D";
!!	DEFFL _ (if COMMAND = "D" then "UNABRD.DIC[LIB,DOC]" else "WHOZAT[P,DOC]");
!!	DEFDELIM _ (if COMMAND = "D" then -1 else -2);
!!	if COMMAND = "O" or length(OPTSTR)  0 then		! fetch defaults from OPTION.TXT on login area;
!!		open (2, "dsk", 0, 4, 0, 500, CH, EOF_true);
!!		if EOF then bomb ("Can't open DSK to examine OPTION.TXT!");
!!		SS _ cvxstr(call(0,"getppn"));
!!		lookup (2, "option.txt["&SS[1 to 3]&","&SS[4 to 6]&"]", EOF);
!!		while not EOF do
!!			SS _ input (2, crlfbreak);
!!			if equ (scan (SS, (if length(OPTSTR) then coloncapsbreak
!!				else colonslashcapsbreak), CH), "FIND" & OPTSTR) then
!!				if SS[ for 1] = ";" then SS _ SS[1 to -1];
!!				if CH = "/" then scan (SS, coloncapsbreak, CH);
!!				while SS = " " do CH _ lop(SS);
!!				SS _ " " & (SSAV _ SS);
!!				! if OPTIONS doesn't like SS (leaves it unchanged), try old syntax;
!!				if equ(SS,SSAV) then options (SS _ " in "&SS, DEFFL, OMIT, FILEOUT, DEFDELIM);
!!				done
!!		;
!!		if EOF and not viaE then print ("No FIND", OPTSTR, " line in OPTION.TXT; why'd you use OFIND?", );
!!		release (2)
!!	;
	options (S, FILEIN _ null, OMIT, FILEOUT, DELIM _ -2);	! see what defaults overridden by command line;
!!	if length(FILEIN) = 0 then DEFDELIM _ -1;	! use line-delim if either default file is used;
	FILEIN _ hacks (if length(FILEIN) then FILEIN else DEFFL);
	if length(FILEOUT) then FILEOUT _ hacks (FILEOUT, true);
	if DELIM = -2 then DELIM _ (if DEFDELIM = -2 then CR else DEFDELIM);
	DEFFL _ hacks (DEFFL);
	if length(SSAV _ S) = 0 then bomb ("Null search string not permitted.")
! Main program;

!!	OUTOK _ (call (0, "jbtsts") land (1 lsh 30)  0) or (viaE and call (0, "getppn")  cvsix("100100"));
!!	! can't write files when not logged in, unless running as phantom via E's DFIND command;
!!	if not OUTOK then print ();
!!	setbreak (crlfbreak, LF, CR&FF, "i");
!!	setbreak (nonalphnumbreak, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789", null, "xr");
!!	setbreak (bracketbreak, "[", null, "ia");
!!	setbreak (spacecapsbreak, " ", null, "ik");
!!	setbreak (coloncapsbreak, ":", null, "ik");
!!	setbreak (colonslashcapsbreak, ":/", null, "ik");

!!	OUTOK _ true;


 "compute states"

	safe integer array TABLE[0:(9*MAXUNION%10),0:'177];	! predeclare max size to avoid extra pass;

	simple procedure INCRST;
		! shift multi-word one-bit-on mask indicating state of NDFSA;
		if (STBIT _ STBIT lsh 1) = 0 then
			if (STWORD _ STWORD + 1) > KEYLENG then
				bomb ("Key(s) too long.")
				STBIT _ 1

	simple integer procedure FINDUNION;
		! Searches UNIONS (hashed table, keys in HASH) for STATE, inserting if
		  not already there, returns index where found, with sign bit set if newly added.
		  Coded in assembler since this is a major bottleneck of the preprocessing stage.;
		integer HS;
		S	label ntfnd, dffrnt, search, cmplx;
			move 0,STATE[1];	! compute key = sum of union-words;
			forc CTVAR _ 2 stepc 1 untilc KEYLENG doc
			{	add 0,STATE[CTVAR];
			} endc
			movm 0,0;		! absolute value;
			movem 0,HS;		! save for quick testing (detects most hash conflicts);
		search:	idivi 0,MAXUNION+1;	! initial hash is value mod tablesize;
			skipge 2,HASH[0](1);	! fetch hash table entry, skip if not empty;
			 jrst ntfnd;		! it was empty -- add new union;
			came 2,HS;		! not empty -- does its abs-sum match ours?;
			 jrst dffrnt;		! no, so it's guaranteed to be a different union;
			movei 2,(1);		! yes, so check word-by-word to see if same union;
			imuli 2,KEYLENG+1;
			forc CTVAR _ 1 stepc 1 untilc KEYLENG doc
			{	move 0,UNIONS[0,CTVAR](2);
				came 0,STATE[CTVAR];
				 jrst dffrnt;	! nope, didn't match;
			} endc
			popj '17,;		! yes, we found it -- index is in ac 1;

		dffrnt:	move 2,HS;		! hashing conflict, do secondary hash;
			idivi 2,79;
			addi 1,1(3);
			movei 0,(1);
			jrst search;

		ntfnd:	move 0,HASHUSED;	! new union to add -- get ordinal for it;
			hrlm 0,QUEUE[0](1);	! left half of QUEUE used to save TABLE index for UNIONS entries;
			aos 2,HASHUSED;	! incr ordinal and check for overcrowded hash table;
			caile 2,9*MAXUNION%10;
			 jrst cmplx;		! too full;
			move 0,HS;		! plenty of room -- store abs-sum in HASH;
			movem 0,HASH[0](1);
			movei 2,(1);		! copy individual words of union into UNIONS;
			imuli 2,KEYLENG+1;
			forc CTVAR _ 1 stepc 1 untilc KEYLENG doc
			{	move 0,STATE[CTVAR];
				movem 0,UNIONS[0,CTVAR](2);
			} endc
			tlo 1,'400000;		! flag as newly added;
			popj '17,;		! return;

		cmplx:				! come here to fall through if table gets full;
		bomb ("Key(s) too complex.")
	! STATES[char] (where "char" indexes a block of KEYLENG words) contains union
	  of NDFSA states in which "char" as next character would move NDFSA to next state.;
	! INFINS[char] contains union of NDFSA states in which <char> occurs, i.e.,
	  "char" leaves NDFSA in same state.  If two  constructs are concatenated, the
	  state in which the first occurs is considered to imply the next higher state,
	  which is then the state in which the second  loops.  This is indicated by
	  turning on the bit for the higher state in INFEQV.  (This is necessary to keep
	  "ab" from matching "ba".);
	! WINNERS is union of NDFSA states in which we have reached end of key.;

	arrclr (STATES);
	arrclr (INFINS);
	arrclr (INFEQV);
	arrclr (WINNERS);
	ONEINF _ PREVHIT _ HITS _ 0;	! ONEINF detects consecutive  constructs;
	STBIT _ STWORD _ 1;		! bottom state of NDFSA;
	while length(S) do
		if not " "  S  InfChar then	! <space> is an implicit  construct;
			while S = InfChar do CH _ lop(S);
			if length(S) = 0 then bomb ("Can't end key with `" & InfChar & "'!");
			if S = " " then S _ "|" & S[2 to ];
			SS _ parse;	! find out what we're repeating;
			if ONEINF then	! previous token was also an  construct;
				ONEINF _ true;
			while length(SS) do INFINS[CH_lop(SS),STWORD] _ INFINS[CH,STWORD] lor STBIT
			if length(SS _ parse) = 0 then WINNERS[STWORD] _ WINNERS[STWORD] lor STBIT;
			! null string from PARSE indicates end of subkey (comma);
			ONEINF _ false;
			while length(SS) do STATES[CH_lop(SS),STWORD] _ STATES[CH,STWORD] lor STBIT
	WINNERS[0] _ 1 lsh 35;	! bogus bit "below" bottom NDFSA state to avoid boundary problems;
	BASE[0] _ STATE[0] _ 0;
	for KY _ 1 thru KEYLENG do BASE[KY] _ (WINNERS[KY] lsh 1) lor (WINNERS[KY-1] lsh -35);
	! BASE contains union of NDFSA states representing beginning of key(s).;

	OMIT  S;	! set OMIT to null and put OMIT string into S for parsing;
	while length(S) do OMIT _ OMIT & parse;

	! Now we set up a queue of achievable unions of NDFSA states (i.e., DFSA states).
	  Initially, we know BASE is achievable.  Then take closure: any DFSA state reached
	  when some char X occurs while in an achievable state, is achievable.;
	! TABLE entries are in the form of pointers to other TABLE entries, with the
	  index field set to index with ac 2.  (Ac 2 will have the input character in
	  the inner search loop.);

	arrclr (QUEUE);
	arrclr (HASH, -1);
	arrclr (TABLE);
	ZERO _ location(TABLE[0,0]) + (2 lsh 18);	! base value for TABLE entries;
	for KY _ 1 thru STWORD do STATE[KY] _ BASE[KY];
	QUEUE[QTOP_HASHUSED_0] _ findunion xor (1 lsh 35);	! we know this one will be newly added;
	QBOT _ -1;
	while (QBOT_QBOT+1)  QTOP do
		for CH _ 0 thru '177 do		! see what happens if CH occurs while in this DFSA state;
		 "x"	PTR _ QUEUE[QBOT] land '777777;	! get index into UNIONS;
			for KY _ 1 thru STWORD do
				STBIT _ (((UNIONS[PTR,KY] lsh 1) lor (UNIONS[PTR,KY-1] lsh -35)) land
				while ONEINF _ (((STBIT lsh 1) lor (STATE[KY-1] lsh -35))
					land INFEQV[KY] land lnot STBIT) do
				if STBIT land WINNERS[KY] then continue "x";	! winning states don't go in table;
			if (PTR _ findunion) < 0 then PTR _ QUEUE[QTOP_QTOP+1] _ QUEUE[QTOP] + (PTR land '777777);	
			TABLE[QBOT,CH] _ ZERO + (QUEUE[PTR] lsh -18) lsh 7	! create TABLE entries as we go;

	while length(OMIT) do	! override TABLE entries for omitted chars -- they become no-ops;
		CH _ lop(OMIT);
		for PTR _ 0 thru QTOP do
			TABLE[PTR,CH] _ ZERO + PTR lsh 7

 "main section"

	safe integer array BUF[0:BUFSIZE-1];

!!	open (INCHAN _ getchan, DEVIN _ device (FILEIN), 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, EOF_true);
!!	if EOF then bomb ("Can't open device "&DEVIN&"!");
!!	lookup (INCHAN, FILEIN, EOF);
!!	if EOF then bomb ("Can't find "&FILEIN&"!");
!!	fileinfo (INFO);
!!	LEFT _ -(INFO[4] rot 18);			! get size of file;
!!	arryin (INCHAN, BUF[128], BUFSIZE-128);	! read in first buffer-full;
!!	if BUF[128] = cvasc("COMME") and BUF[129] = cvasc("NT  ") then	! E directory -- skip past it;
!!		for PTR _ 256 step 128 until BUFSIZE-1 do if BUF[PTR] land ('177 rot -7) = (FF rot -7) then done;
!!		! E directory ends at start of second page, which is guaranteed to be on 128-word record boundary;
!!		if PTR  BUFSIZE then	! couldn't find end of E directory;
!!			if not viaE then print ("Invalid E directory will be included in the search.", );
!!			PTR _ 128
!!	else
!!		PTR _ 128;
!!	call (INCHAN, "showit");	! turn on wholine display of i/o channel status;
!!	LEFT _ LEFT - (PTR-128);	! number of words left in file (as opposed to this buffer);
!!	FIRST _ SHORTEST _ LAST _ (if DELIM = -1 then null else );

!!	INCHAN _ openfile (FILEIN, "REO");
!!	if SKIP then bomb ("Can't find "&FILEIN&"!");
!!	gtfdb (INCHAN, INFO);
!!	LEFT _ (INFO['11] lsh -24) land '77;	! byte size used in this file;
!!	if 7  LEFT  36 then
!!		bomb ("Invalid byte-size ("&cvs(LEFT)&") in "&FILEIN&"!");
!!	LEFT _ (if LEFT = 7 then (INFO['12]+4) div 5 else INFO['12]);	! size of file, in bytes, converted to words;
!!	arryin (INCHAN, BUF[128], BUFSIZE-128);	! get first buffer-full;
!!	PTR _ 128;
	BUF0 _ location(BUF[PTR]);	! for use in BACK;

	if FILEOUT then		! we've been told to send results to a file;
!!		open (OUTCHAN _ getchan, DEVOUT _ device (FILEOUT), 0, 0, 19, 0, 0, EOF2_true);
!!		if EOF2 then bomb ("Can't open device "&DEVOUT&"!");
!!		enter (OUTCHAN, FILEOUT, EOF2);
!!		if EOF2 then bomb ("Can't write "&FILEOUT&"!")
!!	;
!!		OUTCHAN _ openfile (FILEOUT, "WNE");
!!		if SKIP then bomb ("Can't write "&FILEOUT&"!")
!!	;

	BUFLEFT _ BUFSIZE - PTR;		! words left in this buffer;
	PTR _ point (7, BUF[PTR-1] _ CR lsh 8 + LF lsh 1, 20);	! convert BUF index into byte pointer;
	ZERO _ STWORD _ location(TABLE[0,0]) + (2 lsh 18);	! initial state of DFSA;
	PRINTING _ false;			! not in the middle of printing a hit;
	OVERLAP _ (if DELIM=-1 then 128 else 384);	! overlap between buffers (for BACK t back over), in words;
	while LEFT > 0 do	! while anything left in the file, process a buffer's worth;
		COUNT _ LEFT min BUFLEFT;	! max amount left to look at in this buffer;
		LEFT _ LEFT - COUNT;		! how much will be left in file after we look at this part;
		COUNT _ COUNT * 5;		! convert to byte count;
		if PTR lsh -30 = 15 then COUNT _ COUNT + 2;	! account for initial crlf;
		if PRINTING then PRINTING _ show;	! finish printing hit in progress, if any;
		define inlinereps = 1 lsh 5;
		S	label inloop, loop, wins, fini;
			move 3,STWORD;		! get current DFSA state (indexed pointer into TABLE);
		inloop:	skipg 1,COUNT;		! anything left?;
			 jrst fini;		! no, leave loop and go read more;
			movni 2,(1);		! get negative of byte count;
			andi 2,inlinereps-1;	! modulo number of inline reps of inner loop;
			imuli 2,3;		! compute where to enter inline stream so as to;
			trze 1,inlinereps-1;	! guarantee not running out of chars in middle;
			 addi 1,inlinereps;	! also round count (in ac 1) up to mult of inline reps;
			jrst loop(2);		! so count is as if we entered loop from the top;

		loop:	forc ctvar _ 1 stepc 1 untilc inlinereps doc
			{	ildb 2,PTR;	! inner loop: get next char, then index into TABLE to get;
				skipn 3,@3;	! next DFSA state (again as indexed ptr), = 0 if winner;
				 pushj '17,wins;	! executed only if winner found;
			} endc
			subi 1,inlinereps;	! decr byte count to account for "inlinereps" chars;
			jumpg 1,loop;		! if anything left, keep looping;
			jrst fini;		! else, exit loop and read some more;

		wins:	pop '17,6;		! fetch return addr and compute where in middle of loop we were;
			movei 6,(6);
			subi 6,loop;
			idivi 6,3;
			subi 1,(6);		! adjust byte count accordingly;
			movem 1,COUNT;
			pushj '17,back;		! report this hit;
			movem 1,PRINTING;	! save returned value as hit-in-progress flag;
			move 3,ZERO;		! DFSA goes back to initial state;
			jrst inloop;		! reenter main loop;

		fini:	movem 3,STWORD		! ran out of buffer -- save current state;
		arrblt (BUF[0], BUF[BUFSIZE-OVERLAP], OVERLAP);	! save overlap between buffers;
		arryin (INCHAN, BUF[OVERLAP], BUFSIZE-OVERLAP);	! read next chunk;
		if PREVHIT land '777777  location(BUF[BUFSIZE-OVERLAP]) then
			PREVHIT _ 0;
		PTR _ point (7, BUF[OVERLAP], -1);			! set up byte pointer again;
		BUF0 _ 0;						! beginning of file is now way back there;
		BUFLEFT _ BUFSIZE-OVERLAP				! amount left to look at in buffer;
	if PRINTING and not equ(SS,null) then handle (SS&)	! process any last chunk at end of file;

 "main section"  "compute states";

!!	call ('200000, "showit");	! turn off wholine i/o status display;

if FILEOUT then release (OUTCHAN);

end "find"