PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named merlin.mac in the archive.
;<SU-UTILITIES>MERLIN.MAC.16, 20-Apr-83 19:51:06, Edit by KRONJ
; Confirmation is always from the terminal
;<SU-UTILITIES>MERLIN.MAC.15, 28-Mar-83 20:16:18, Edit by KRONJ
; Add UPDATE command
; Add /NoFiles, rename /FilesOnly to be /NoSubdirs
; Start edit history
title Merlin - copy/rename/delete directories
subttl David Eppstein / Stanford University / 13-Mar-83
search monsym,macsym
.require sys:macrel
vmajor==2 ;major version number
vminor==0 ;minor version number
vedit==2 ;edit number
vwho==4 ;who edited (4 = Stanford)
f=:0 ;flags -- left half global, right half switches
f%dlok==1,,0 ;type [OK] in delete
f%dsub==2,,0 ;delete subdirectories
f%renm==4,,0 ;rename command (not copy)
f%kold==10,,0 ;must kill old directory
f%nsub==1 ;no subdirectories
f%verb==2 ;verbose file listing
f%nprs==4 ;don't preserve superior quotas
f%nfil==10 ;don't copy contents
a=:1 ;scratch and jsys use
fp=:15 ;trvar frame pointer
cx=:16 ;macsym scratch
p=:17 ;stack pointer
subttl Macros
define fatal (msg<Fatal error>) <
call [ hrroi a,[asciz/msg - /]
jrst .fatal ]
define pmsg (msg) < ;; parse error
jrst [ ifb <msg>,<hrroi a,[asciz//]>
ifnb <msg>,<hrroi a,[asciz/msg - /]>
jrst .pmsg ]
define xpmsg (msg) < ;; parse error with no jsys error
jrst [ hrroi a,[asciz/msg/]
jrst .xpmsg ]
define xfatal (msg) < ;; fatal error with no jsys error
jrst [ hrroi a,[asciz/msg/]
jrst .xfatl ]
define noise (words) < ;; parse guidance message
movei b,[flddb. .cmnoi,,<-1,,[asciz\words\]>]
call .comnd
define upcase (ac) < ;; make sure a character is uppercase
trne ac,100
trz ac,40
define mkptr (ac) < ;; make sure it is a real byte pointer
tlc ac,-1
tlcn ac,-1
hrli ac,(point 7)
define type (loc) <
hrroi a,loc
subttl Impure uninitialized storage
pdl: block pdlen ;control stack
atmbuf: block buflen ;atom buffer
cmdbuf: block buflen ;command buffer
odirnm: block 1 ;source directory number
ndirnm: block 1 ;new dir number - prevent infinite recursion
olddir: block 10 ;source directory name
newdir: block 10 ;new directory name
savpdl: block 1 ;saved stack pointer for command processing
temp: block 100 ;some more temporary storage
maploc: block 1 ;return address from mapdir
curjfn: block 1 ;what we're working on now
curpag: block 1 ;the page of it we're doing
define groups < ;; call macro for all types of groups
dogroup (cdugp) ;; user groups
dogroup (cddgp) ;; directory groups
dogroup (cdcug) ;; subdirectory user groups allowed
define dogroup (name) <$'name: block maxgrp>
crdlen==.cddfe+1 ;size of crdir block
crdblk: block crdlen ;crdir block
$cdpsw: block 10 ;password storage area
$cddac: block 10 ;default account for login
maxgrp==40 ;nobody's gonna have more groups than this
groups ;allocate storage blocks for groups
cpypag==200 ;where to map files to copy them
ch1pc: block 1 ;interrupt pc saved location
ch2pc: block 1
ch3pc: block 1
subttl Impure initialized storage
csb: 0 ;.cmflg -- flags ,, reparse address
.priin,,.priou ;.cmioj -- input ,, output jfn
0 ;.cmrty -- prompt pointer (set in setcmd)
-1,,cmdbuf ;.cmbfp -- ptr to start of command buffer
-1,,cmdbuf ;.cmptr -- ptr to next input
<5*buflen>-1 ;.cmcnt -- size of buffer
0 ;.cminc -- chars left in buffer
-1,,atmbuf ;.cmabp -- atom buffer pointer
<5*buflen>-1 ;.cmabc -- size of atom buffer
cmdgtj ;.cmgjb -- long-form gtjfn% block
levtab: ch1pc ;interrupt level table
chntab: 1,,status ;channel 0: ctrl/a interrupt
repeat ^d35,<0> ;no other interrupts
cmdgtj: gj%old!gj%ifg!gj%flg!.gjall ;this block is for wild command parsing
repeat 3,<0> ;comnd% will fill in jfns
repeat 2,<point 7,[asciz/*/]> ;wildcard name and extension
repeat 8,<0> ;fill out rest of block
wljblk: gj%old!gj%ifg!gj%flg!gj%del!gj%xtn!.gjall
.nulio,,.nulio ;no source jfns
repeat 2,<0> ;no default device or directory
repeat 2,<point 7,[asciz/*/]> ;wildcard name and extension
repeat 3,<0> ;.gjpro, .gjact, .gjjfn unused
g1%iin ;.gjf2 -- more flags (ignore invisible)
repeat 5,<0> ;.gjcpp, .gjcpc, .gjrty, .gjbfp, .gjatr
gtjblk: gj%old!gj%del!gj%xtn ;this block is for normal files
.nulio,,.nulio ;no source jfns
repeat 7,<0> ;no defaults
g1%iin ;allow invisible files
repeat 5,<0>
subttl Startup and main loop
evec: jrst start ;entry
jrst start ;re-entry
byte (3) vwho (9) vmajor (6) vminor (18) vedit
start: reset% ;clean up the world
move p,[iowd pdlen,pdl] ;make a stack pointer
setz f, ;clear flags
setzm curjfn ;no current jfn
setom curpag ;no current page
movx a,.fhslf ;on our own process
move b,[levtab,,chntab] ;with normal level and channel tables
sir% ;set up interrupt system
eir% ;and enable it
movx b,1b0 ;get mask of channels to activate
aic% ;and activate them
movx a,<.ticca,,0> ;control-a, channel 0
ati% ;set up interrupt for that key
movx a,.rsini ;function to read from rscan buffer
rscan% ;read jcl input
fatal ;can't fail
jumpe a,cmdini ;none, go on
movei a,.nulio ;get null jfn
hrrm a,csb+.cmioj ;save as output jfn
hrroi a,[asciz//] ;no prompt
call setcmd ;set up for command processing
movei b,[flddb. .cmfld] ;field (our program name)
call .comnd ;parse and ignore
jrst norscn ;failed, give up on jcl
movei b,[flddb. .cmcfm] ;confirmation (if succeeds then no jcl)
call .comnd ;parse it
jrst cparse ;failed, go process jcl
norscn: movei a,.priou ;normal output jfn
hrrm a,csb+.cmioj ;save as output jfn
hrroi a,[asciz//] ;get null string
rscan% ;clear rscan buffer with it
cmdini: hrrz a,csb+.cmioj ;get output jfn
caie a,.nulio ;redirected?
haltf% ;stop the program (continuable)
jrst norscn ;go fix rscan buffer
hrroi a,[asciz/Merlin> /]
call setcmd ;initialize parser
cparse: setzm ndirnm ;clear new dir number once here
txz f,f%kold ;clear flags used in parse
movei b,[flddb. .cmkey,,cmdtab]
call .comnd ;parse a command name
hrrz b,(b) ;get dispatch routine
call (b) ;run the routine
jrst cmdini ;back for another
subttl Table of commands
define t (key,flags) <
[ ifnb <flags>,<cm%fw!flags>
asciz\key\ ] ,, .'key
cmdtab: ncmds,,ncmds
t QUIT,cm%inv
subttl Copy command
.copy: call odir ;parse source directory
noise <to>
call ndir ;and destination
setz d, ;all flags apply
call pflags ;parse them
call confrm ;finish command parse
hrroi a,newdir ;point to new dir
move b,odirnm ;and get old dir num
txz f,f%renm ;copying with no deletion
; jrst cpydir ;do the copy
define dogroup (name) < ;; set crdir block entry for a group
movei b,$'name ;; point to block for that group
movem b,crdblk+.'name ;; set it in block
movem a,(b) ;; set size of the group
setzm 1(b) ;; no groups there yet
cpydir: camn b,ndirnm ;are we copying the new directory?
ret ;yes, don't recurse indefinitely
trvar <dest,source,<newnam,20>,newptr,savjfn,savctl,savbyv>
movem a,dest ;save destination directory name
movem b,source ;save source directory number
setzm savjfn ;haven't run across any files yet
movei a,maxgrp ;get maximum group block size
groups ;set the crdir block entries
hrroi a,$cddac ;get default account for login
movem a,crdblk+.cddac ;save in the block
move a,source ;from the old directory
movei b,crdblk ;into crdir block
hrroi c,$cdpsw ;and password string
gtdir% ;get directory information
move a,dest ;point to destination directory
movx b,cd%psw!cd%liq!cd%prv!cd%mod!cd%loq!cd%fpt!cd%dpt!cd%ret!cd%lld!cd%ugp!cd%dgp!cd%sdq!cd%cug!cd%dac
call .crdir ;make the new directory
tmsg <%Couldn't create >
move a,dest ;point to original name of new directory
psout% ;type it
jrst erdash ;type dash and error message, then return
skipn ndirnm ;if no new directory number yet
movem a,ndirnm ;then this is it
; Made the new directory, now copy the contents across
move b,a ;get number into b
hrroi a,newnam ;point to new name space
dirst% ;translate to string
movem a,newptr ;save pointer to new name
move b,source ;from the old directory
call mapdir ;map over all files and subdirs
call cp1fil ;copy a file
call cpysub ;copy a subdir
call unsave ;now make sure the last file is deleted or not
tmsg < > ;start message
movei a,.priou ;to terminal
move b,source ;from old directory name
dirst% ;type as a string
tmsg ( => )
movei a,">" ;get a close bracket
dpb a,newptr ;make sure new name ends with it
setz a, ;get a null
idpb a,newptr ;drop at end of new directory name
type newnam ;type the new name
tmsg < [OK]
> ;finish message
txnn f,f%renm ;renaming?
ret ;no, done
move b,source ;from source
txz f,f%dlok!f%dsub ;being quiet, not deleting subdirs
jrst deldir ;delete the directory
; Copy subroutines
; Given JFN of old file in A, copy or rename into new directory
; also given .FBCTL word in C
cp1fil: txne f,f%nfil ;copying files?
ret ;no, don't do so
stkvar <oldjfn,newbyv,newctl>
movem a,oldjfn ;save jfn for later
movem c,newctl ;save flag word for later
move a,newptr ;with the pointer at the end of the new dir
movei b,">" ;get a close bracket
dpb b,a ;make sure directory ends with it
move b,oldjfn ;from the given jfn
movx c,fld(.jsaof,js%nam)!fld(.jsaof,js%typ)!fld(.jsaof,js%gen)!js%paf
jfns% ;add the file name at the end
movx a,gj%sht!gj%fou ;flags for an output file
hrroi b,newnam ;now point to the start of the string
gtjfn% ;and get a jfn on it
exch a,oldjfn ;get old jfn, save new
movx b,<1,,.fbbyv> ;word with various random fields
movei c,newbyv ;into stack variable
gtfdb% ;get fdb word
move b,oldjfn ;now get new
txnn f,f%renm ;renaming?
setzm curjfn ;yes, rename will lose the jfn
call .rnamf ;do the rename
call cpyfil ;else just copy the files
move a,oldjfn ;get jfn for the file we just made
move c,newbyv ;get gen retention count word back
move d,newctl
; jrst unsave
; Set flag words in file from previous cycle
; call with a/jfn for next cycle, c/next .fbbyv, d/next .fbctl
unsave: exch a,savjfn ;get back the one we saved from last time
ife. a ;if zero
movem c,savbyv ;save flag word
movem d,savctl ;and gen-ret count
hrli a,.fbbyv ;into gen-ret-count word
movx b,fb%ret ;only the generation retention count
exch c,savbyv ;with oldv
chfdb% ;set fdb words
erjmp .+1
hrli a,.fbctl
movx b,fb%tmp!fb%prm!fb%del!fb%nod!fb%inv!fb%fcf
move c,savctl ;get old saved bits back
movem d,savctl ;and save the new ones
chfdb% ;set them in the file
erjmp .+1
rljfn% ;release the jfn now that we are done with it
cpysub: txne f,f%nsub ;copying subdirectories?
ret ;no, don't do this one
hrroi a,temp ;into temporary storage
dirst% ;copy old directory name
move a,[point 7,temp] ;now point to it
ildb d,a ;get the next char
cain d,"." ;dot?
move c,a ;yes, save this pointer
jumpn d,top. ;maybe go back for more
move a,newptr ;point to end of new directory
movei d,"." ;get a dot
dpb d,a ;drop it in in place of close bracket
ildb d,c ;get next subdir name char
idpb d,a ;drop it in
jumpn d,top. ;maybe go back for more
hrroi a,newnam ;now point to start of string
jrst cpydir ;recursively call directory copier
subttl Delete command
.delete:call odir ;parse directory to be deleted
movx d,f%nsub!f%verb!f%nfil ;these flags don't mean anything here
call pflags
call confrm ;finish command parse
move a,odirnm ;with that directory number
txo f,f%dlok!f%dsub ;typing verbose messages, deleting subdirs
; jrst delcnf ;delete with confirmation
; Delete a directory, confirming with user if not empty.
; call with a/directory number
; returns +1/always
delcnf: trvar <dldirn>
movem a,dldirn ;save directory number
gtdal% ;find out how much of the dir is being used
ifn. b ;if there are non-null files
hrroi a,[asciz/is non-empty/]
call doconf ;make sure user wants to go through with it
hrroi a,temp ;into temporary storage
move b,dldirn ;with the old directory number
dirst% ;make a string
movei b,"." ;now a dot
dpb b,a ;in place of the close bracket
movei b,"*" ;and a star
idpb b,a
movei b,">" ;and a close bracket
idpb b,a
setz c, ;and a null
idpb c,a ;to make <DIR.*>
movx a,rc%awl ;wildcard rcdir%
hrroi b,temp ;point to string we just made
call .rcdir ;check if directory exists
hrroi a,[asciz/has sub-directories/]
call doconf ;get confirmation from user
move b,dldirn ;with the old directory
; jrst deldir ;delete the directory
deldir: txnn f,f%dsub ;deleting subdirs?
call mapdir ;map over everything in the directory
nop ;ignoring normal files
call deldir ;and calling self recursively on subdirectories
hrroi a,temp ;into temporary storage
dirst% ;translate dir number into a string
txne f,f%nprs ;if keeping superior quotas
setzm crdblk+.cdliq ;then we have to set quotas to zero first
setzm crdblk+.cdloq ;because CD%DEL ignores CD%NSQ
hrroi a,temp ;with the directory name we just made
movx b,cd%liq!cd%loq ;setting both quotas
call .crdir ;do the crdir
annsk. ;if it didn't work
tmsg <%Quotas will not be preserved - >
call ertemp ;type temp, dash, error
hrroi a,temp ;with name we just made
movx b,cd%del ;deleting, make sure quotas get seen
call .crdir ;do the CRDIR%
txnn f,f%dlok ;are we typing messages?
ret ;no, don't do so
tmsg < > ;type a space
type temp ;type name of directory
tmsg < [OK]
tmsg <%Couldn't delete >
ertemp: type temp ;type name of directory
erdash: tmsg < - >
call .erstr ;say why it couldn't be deleted
tmsg <
> ;finish message
; Confirm to delete a non-empty directory
doconf: call pushio ;make sure command i/o is to the terminal
push p,a ;save the prompt
hrroi a,temp ;into temporary storage
move b,dldirn ;with given directory number
dirst% ;translate to a string
movei b," " ;now get a space
idpb b,a ;to separate them
pop p,b ;get prompt back
call strcpy
hrroi b,[asciz/ [Confirm] /]
call strcpy ;finish up
idpb c,a ;drop null in
movei a,.priin ;with the terminal
cfibf% ;clear input buffer
hrroi a,temp ;now with prompt we built
call setcmd ;set up for confirmation parse
jrst confrm ;confirm it
pushio: push p,a ;save a register
move a,[.priin,,.priou] ;get command jfns we want
camn a,csb+.cmioj ;normal?
exch a,csb+.cmioj ;no, set jfns to tty and get what they were
exch a,(p) ;save on stack and restore register
call @-1(p) ;call caller
pop p,csb+.cmioj ;restore original jfns
pop p,a ;get reg back or flush caller from stack
ret ;return to caller or caller's caller
strcpy: mkptr (a) ;make sure we have real byte pointers
mkptr (b)
ildb c,b ;get a character
jumpe c,r ;if null stop
idpb c,a ;else drop it in
subttl Exit command
.quit: ;(invisible synonym)
.exit: noise <from Merlin>
call confrm ;finish command parse
haltf% ;stop the program
ret ;allow continue
subttl Help command
.help: noise <with Merlin>
call confrm ;finish command parse
type hlptxt ;give the help
hlptxt: asciz\Merlin performs various directory manipulations. Commands are:
COPY - Copy the contents of one directory into another.
The old directory is not affected.
DELETE - Remove a directory from the filesystem.
Merlin will ask for confirmation if it is not empty.
EXIT - Return to the EXEC.
HELP - Type this text.
RENAME - Change a directory's name to something else.
The new directory may be on a different structure.
UPDATE - Copy recently-modified files into a directory.
Switches for COPY, DELETE, and RENAME are:
/NoFiles - keep directory structure but don't copy contents.
/NoSubdirs - don't recursively copy subdirectories (COPY only).
/UpdateQuotas - don't preserve superior directory quotas.
/Verbose - confirm each file copy or rename.
subttl Rename command
.rename:call odir ;parse source directory
noise <to be>
call ndir ;parse a new name for it
move a,[point 7,olddir]
move b,[point 7,newdir]
ildb c,a ;get a char from the old name
ildb d,b ;and from the new name
caie c,">" ;closing directory name?
cain c,"]" ;or this kind of close?
camn c,d ;no, see if the same character
loop. ;yes, go back for another try
cain d,"." ;then the other better not be a subdir
xpmsg <Can't rename a directory into its own subdirectory>
movx d,f%nsub ;this flag doesn't mean anything
call pflags ;parse flags
call confrm ;finish command parse
hrroi a,newdir ;point to new dir
move b,odirnm ;and get old dir num
txo f,f%renm ;renaming
jrst cpydir ;do the copy
subttl Update command
.update:trvar <updjfn,updptr,<updstr,20>>
noise <from files>
movei b,[flddb. .cmfil,cm%sdh,,<files from which to update directory>]
call .comnd ;parse wildcard filespec
movem b,updjfn ;save the JFN
noise <into directory> ;parse in this order to be consistent w/PUPFTP
call odirnn ;parse directory into which to update
call confrm ;finish the parse
hrroi a,updstr ;point to string space
move b,odirnm ;with old directory
dirst% ;make a string
movem a,updptr
txo f,f%verb ;set verbose flag for cpyfil
call updfil ;update one file
move a,updjfn ;get jfn back
gnjfn% ;get the next one
ret ;if none, finished
loop. ;else go back for the next
; update one file
; call with updjfn/jfn, updptr/pointer to end of dir name in updstr
updfil: move a,updptr ;get pointer to end of dir name
hrrz b,updjfn ;get jfn to handle
movx c,fld(.jsaof,js%nam)!fld(.jsaof,js%typ)!js%paf
jfns% ;make string for jfn
movx a,gj%sht!gj%old ;looking for an old jfn
hrroi b,updstr ;from string we just built
gtjfn% ;get a jfn on it
ifnje. ;if that succeeded
movx b,<1,,.fbwrt> ;then for the write date of the file
movei c,d ;into d
gtfdb% ;get fdb word
rljfn% ;now flush useless jfn
hrrz a,updjfn ;with current jfn
movei c,c ;into c
gtfdb% ;get write date again
camg c,d ;if source is not later than dest
ret ;then skip that file
move a,updptr ;now get pointer to dir name again
hrrz b,updjfn ;get jfn to update from
movx c,fld(.jsaof,js%nam)!fld(.jsaof,js%typ)!fld(.jsaof,js%gen)!js%paf
jfns% ;make string for jfn, copying gen this time
movx a,gj%sht!gj%fou ;short form, for output
hrroi b,updstr ;from string we just built
gtjfn% ;get a jfn on the file
movem a,curjfn ;save as current jfn
move b,a ;and use as destination jfn
hrrz a,updjfn ;get source jfn
call cpyfil ;copy the file
setz a, ;get zero
exch a,curjfn ;and copy into current file jfn, getting into a
rljfn% ;flush the old jfn
ret ;all done
tmsg <%Couldn't get JFN for >
type updstr ;gtjfn% failed, type losing file spec
jrst erdash ;and go say why it failed
subttl Parse flags
; d/inapplicable flags
; returns +1/always, flags set in right half of f
pflags: hllzs f ;clear out switchable flags
movei b,[flddb. .cmswi,,switab]
call .comnd ;parse a switch
ret ;failed, stop parsing
hrrz b,(b) ;get dispatch word
trne d,(b) ;applicable for this command?
xpmsg <Switch inapplicable to this command>
iori f,(b) ;set in flags
define t (key,val,flags) <
[ ifnb <flags>,<cm%fw!flags>
asciz\key\ ] ,, val
switab: nswit,,nswit
t NoFiles,f%nfil ;don't copy contents
t NoSubdirs,f%nsub ;don't copy subdirectories
t UpdateQuotas,f%nprs ;don't preserve superior quotas
t Verbose,f%verb ;notify user for each file transfer
subttl Directory parse routines
odir: noise <directory>
odirnn: movei b,[flddb. .cmdir,cm%sdh,,<existing directory>]
call .comnd
movem b,odirnm ;save number
hrroi a,olddir ;point to place to store dir string
dirst% ;get name of directory
ndir: movei b,[flddb. .cmdir,cm%sdh!cm%po,,<directory to create>]
call .comnd ;read parse-only directory name
hrroi b,atmbuf ;with the new directory name
call dirchk ;check if directory exists
camn b,odirnm ;is it the same as the source directory number?
xpmsg <Illegal to copy or rename to self>
movem b,ndirnm ;old but not same as source, save for later
txo f,f%kold ;remember we have to kill it before making anew
hrroi a,newdir ;into new directory name buffer
dirst% ;translate back into a canonicalized string
move a,[point 7,olddir] ;point to source string
move b,[point 7,newdir] ;and our destination string
ildb c,a ;get an old-dir char
ildb d,b ;and a new-dir char
caie d,">" ;if it's a close bracket
caie c,">" ;then if old is close bracket (impossible)
cain c,"." ;or dot
xpmsg <Illegal to copy or rename to superior>
camn c,d ;not a close. if they're the same
jumpn c,top. ;then go back for another
; Got here means directory doesn't exist. Canonicalize after finding superior.
call super ;get superior directory, leave pointers in A, B
movei c,"." ;get a dot
dpb c,a ;drop it in to start subdirectory name
ildb c,b ;get next char of subdir name
upcase (c) ;make sure it is uppercase
caie c,"[" ;if it's a funny open
cain c,"]" ;or its a funny close
subi c,"["-"<" ;turn it into an angle bracket instead
idpb c,a ;drop it in
jumpn c,top. ;loop back until done
; Return the new directory's superior
; returns +1/top level, a => STR:
; +2/a => STR:<SUPER>
; in either case b points to the rest of the directory (with "<" if top level)
super: stkvar <dotptr,clnptr,savptr>
move a,[point 7,newdir] ;point to destination buffer
move b,[point 7,atmbuf] ;and source buffer
setzm dotptr
setzm clnptr ;found no dots or colons yet
movem b,savptr ;save where to copy from
ildb d,b ;get next char
upcase (d) ;make it uppercase
cain d,"[" ;if its a square bracket
movei d,"<" ;use this kind instead
idpb d,a ;drop it in
caie d,"." ;if it's a dot
movem a,dotptr ;save it
movem b,savptr ;and where we got it from
caie d,":" ;if it's a colon
movem a,clnptr ;save that too
movem b,savptr
jumpn d,top.
skipn c,dotptr ;if we found a superior directory
movei b,">" ;get a close bracket
dpb b,c ;drop it in
idpb d,c ;drop our null in to terminate
hrroi b,newdir ;with the new directory's superior
call dirchk ;check if directory exists
xpmsg <Superior does not exist>
hrroi a,newdir ;into the new directory string
dirst% ;translate the directory
move b,savptr ;get pointer to rest of directory
retskp ;all done
; Got here means the superior is <ROOT-DIRECTORY>
skipe a,clnptr ;if no colon found
ifskp. ;then we have to use connected directory
gjinf% ;find out which that is
hrroi a,newdir ;into new directory string space
dirst% ;copy the directory name
move a,[point 7,newdir] ;now point to the name we just got
ildb b,a ;get the next character
caie b,":" ;if not a colon
loop. ;then go back for more
move b,savptr ;get pointer to rest of directory
ret ;all done
; Skip if string in B points to a real directory name
; alternate entry .RCDIR lets caller give flags
; if directory exists, a directory number is returned in B
dirchk: movx a,rc%emo ;force exact match
.rcdir: setz c, ;no directory to step to
rcdir% ;translate string to directory
txne a,rc%nom ;matched?
ret ;no, give fail return
move b,c ;else leave directory number where it belongs
subttl Call the CRDIR jsys
.crdir: txnn f,f%nprs ;preserving?
txoa b,cd%len ;yes, make sure we use word with that flag
tdza c,c ;no, no flags
movx c,cd%nsq!crdlen ;else get quota flag, size of block
movem c,crdblk+.cdlen ;save word in crdir block
hrri b,crdblk ;get block number in right half of B
setz c, ;no password
crdir% ;do the jsys
erjmp r ;failed, return +1
subttl File manipulation routines
; Map over all files in a directory
; call with b/directory number, returns +3/always
; executes instructions following call:
; +1/routine to call with files, a/jfn
; +2/routine to call with directories, b/directory number
; neither instruction should skip
mapdir: pop p,a ;get return address
exch a,maploc ;save in standard place and get old value there
push p,a ;save in case recursively called
push p,b ;save dir number too
hrroi a,temp ;into temporary storage
dirst% ;get directory name
movei a,wljblk ;get wild gtjfn block
hrroi b,temp ;with the string we just built
gtjfn% ;get a jfn
movem a,curjfn ;save jfn for ctrl-a routine and nxtjfn
hrrzs a ;don't get confused by flag bits
movx b,<1,,.fbctl> ;file flags
movei c,c ;into c
gtfdb% ;get fdb word
hrrz b,a ;copy jfn for jfns taken by either branch
hrroi a,temp ;set output into temporary area
txne c,fb%dir ;is it a file (instead of a directory)?
push p,c ;save for callee
movx c,js%spc ;all fields
jfns% ;make a string for the jfn
movei a,gtjblk ;point to gtjfn block
hrroi b,temp ;with string we just made
gtjfn% ;get a new jfn to preserve ours from releasing
pop p,c ;restore saved .fbctl word
call nxtjfn ;move on to next jfn, save it on stack
movem a,curjfn ;use appropriate jfn in ^A interrupt
push p,a ;save new jfn
xct @maploc ;execute instruction following call
pop p,a ;get new jfn back
setzm curjfn ;forget current file if not already forgotten
rljfn% ;flush it
erjmp .+1 ;must have already been flushed
movx c,fld(.jsaof,js%dev)!fld(.jsaof,js%dir)!js%paf
jfns% ;it's a directory, translate superior to string
movei c,"." ;get a dot
dpb c,a ;drop it in instead of the close bracket
movx c,fld(.jsaof,js%nam)
jfns% ;now add the subdirectory name
movei c,">" ;get a close bracket
idpb c,a ;drop it in
setz c, ;get a null
idpb c,a ;drop that in too
call nxtjfn ;move it on to next jfn, save on stack
hrroi b,temp ;with name we just built
call dirchk ;make sure directory exists
move a,maploc ;get address following call
xct 1(a) ;execute the +2 instruction
tmsg <%Couldn't get directory number for >
type temp ;tell user we couldn't do it
tmsg <
pop p,a ;get jfn back from stack where nxtjfn left it
jumpn a,top. ;maybe go back (above routines do the gnjfn)
move a,maploc ;get return address
pop p,b ;restore saved dir number
pop p,maploc ;save old return in case recursive call
jrst 2(a) ;return +3
; Do GNJFN on jfn in B, leaving it pushed on the stack
nxtjfn: push p,a ;save caller's register
setz b, ;clear another register
exch b,curjfn ;get current jfn back, clear out temporarily
move a,b ;copy jfn so we don't lose flags
gnjfn% ;move on to next
setz b, ;none, clear out jfn to return
pop p,a ;now safe to restore saved register
exch b,(p) ;leave new jfn on stack, get return address
jrst (b) ;and return in this strange way
; Rename a file
; takes arguments just like RNAMF jsys, copies if rename fails
; returns +1/always
.rnamf: stkvar <oldjfn>
hrrzs a ;clear out left halves
hrrzs b ;in case this is a wildcard jfn
movem a,oldjfn ;save jfn in case rnamf fails
rnamf% ;try it the easy way first
jrst vrbfil ;type success notification
move a,oldjfn ;get jfns back (b still holds new jfn)
call cpyfil ;copy one to the other (will type "[OK]")
move a,oldjfn ;get jfn once more
txo a,df%exp ;expunging on delete
delf% ;delete the file
caia ;failed, go on
caie a,delfx2 ;can't be expunged?
fatal <Couldn't delete file>
; Copy a file
; a/source jfn, b/destination
; both files must be on disk
; returns +1/always
cpyfil: stkvar <oldjfn,newjfn>
movem a,oldjfn ;save where it can be found by subroutines
movem b,newjfn
setom curpag ;no pages mapped yet
hrrz a,newjfn ;with the jfn for the new file
movx b,of%wr ;writing
openf% ;open the file
tmsg <%Couldn't open >
movei a,.priou ;to terminal
hrrz b,newjfn ;get failing jfn
setz c, ;normal typeout
jfns% ;make string for file name
jrst erdash ;type dash and error message, then return
hrrz a,oldjfn ;with the file we're copying from
movx b,of%rd ;reading
openf% ;open the file
hrrz a,oldjfn ;get jfn back for another try
txo b,of%thw ;try thawed mode
ifnsk. ;if didn't open that way either
;; If renaming might be deleted when directory is and bits lost.
;; That is unlikely, though, because someone has it open now...
;; It is probably best to continue on with the copy ignoring it.
hrrz a,newjfn ;get new file back
txo a,co%nrj!cz%abt ;don't want to release jfn but abort output
closf% ;close it - no point in keeping open
tmsg <%Couldn't open >
movei a,.priou ;to the terminal
hrrz b,oldjfn ;with the file we couldn't open
movx c,js%spc ;all fields
jfns% ;type file name
jrst erdash ;type error message, dash, new line, and return
aos a,curpag ;get next page
hrl a,oldjfn ;from the source file
ffufp% ;find first used file page
exit. ;no more, done
hrrzm a,curpag ;save back as current page
movx b,<.fhslf,,cpypag> ;into self at appropriate page
movx c,pm%rd!pm%cpy ;read access, copy-on-write
pmap% ;map it in
seto c, ;get -1 to flip all bits
xorm c,cpyadr ;do so to first word
xorm c,cpyadr ;and flip them back to dirty the page
movx a,<.fhslf,,cpypag> ;from self at appropriate page
move b,curpag ;into current page
hrl b,newjfn ;of the new file
movx c,pm%wr ;writing
pmap% ;map back out
caie a,ffufx3 ;is the error no more pages found?
fatal ;no, complain
setom curpag ;no page being mapped anymore
hrrz a,oldjfn ;get the old file
txo a,co%nrj ;without releasing the jfn
closf% ;close it
hrrz a,newjfn ;now the new file
txo a,co%nrj ;don't want to release jfn
closf% ;close it
; Copied the file's data, now copy its FDB words
define cpfdbw (wrd,bits<-1>) < ;; copy fdb word from old to new
hrli a,wrd ;; at the given offset
movx b,bits ;; with the bits given, or all possible
move c,temp+wrd ;; with the old word we read into temp
chfdb% ;; set them
erjmp .+1 ;; ignore errors
define cpust (fnc) < ;; copy author string from old to new
hrrz a,oldjfn ;; from the original file
hrli a,fnc ;; with function code given
hrroi b,temp ;; into temp storage
gfust% ;; get the string
hrr a,newjfn ;; now into the new file
hrroi b,temp ;; with the string we just got
sfust% ;; set the author string
erjmp .+1 ;; ignore errors
hrrz a,oldjfn ;with the old jfn
hrlzi b,.fblen ;all the way through
movei c,temp ;into temporary storage
gtfdb% ;read the file's fdb
hrrz a,newjfn ;now into the new file...
cpfdbw .fbprt,777777 ;copy flags, file access bits
cpfdbw .fbcre ;copy last-write date
setzro fb%ret,temp+.fbbyv ;clear gen-ret count so file is not deleted
cpfdbw .fbbyv ;copy file i/o information
cpfdbw .fbsiz ;copy number of bytes in file
cpfdbw .fbcrv ;copy creation date
cpfdbw .fbwrt ;copy last user write date
cpfdbw .fbref ;copy last read date
cpfdbw .fbcnt ;copy number of references to file
cpfdbw .fbbk0 ;copy dumper backup word
cpfdbw .fbbbt,777777 ;copy archive bits
cpfdbw .fbnet ;copy on-line expiration
cpfdbw .fbusw ;copy user-settable word
cpfdbw .fbtdt ;copy archive tape-write date
cpfdbw .fbfet ;copy offline expiration
cpfdbw .fbtp1 ;copy archive tape id
cpfdbw .fbss1 ;copy save set numbers
cpfdbw .fbtp2 ;copy tape id for second archive
cpfdbw .fbss2 ;copy save set for second archive
cpust .gfaut ;copy author string
cpust .gflwr ;and last-writer string
hrrz a,oldjfn ;now with the original jfn
hrroi b,temp ;into temporary storage
gactf% ;get the account string
hrroi b,temp ;got a string, get it again (else number in b)
hrrz a,newjfn ;into the new file
sactf% ;set the file's account
erjmp .+1 ;couldn't, don't worry
; jrst vrbfil ;type verbose file notification
vrbfil: txnn f,f%verb ;verbose file notification?
ret ;no, don't do anything
tmsg < > ;include some space
movei a,.priou ;to the terminal
hrrz b,newjfn ;with new jfn
movx c,fld(.jsaof,js%nam)!fld(.jsaof,js%typ)!fld(.jsaof,js%gen)!js%paf
jfns% ;type the filename
tmsg < [OK]
> ;finish message
subttl Control-A interrupt routine
status: call ptstat ;print the status
debrk% ;and return from interrupt
ptstat: skipn curjfn ;do we have a current file?
ret ;no, ignore interrupt
saveac <a,b,c> ;save used registers
movei a,.cttrm ;controlling tty
rfpos% ;read cursor position
trnn b,-1 ;are we at column 1?
tmsg <
> ;no, print a crlf
tmsg < Working on > ;start message
call ptcurj ;print current jfn
tmsg <
> ;finish off with a new line
ptcurj: movei a,.priou ;to the terminal
hrrz b,curjfn ;with the current jfn
movx c,js%spc ;all fields of the filename
jfns% ;type the file name
skipge b,curpag ;is there a current page?
ret ;no, done
tmsg <, page > ;yes, start more message
movei a,.priou ;to the terminal
movei c,^d10 ;decimal
nout% ;type the number
ret ;all done
tmsg <?JSYS error: > ;failed, start to say why
setzm curjfn ;don't type file name again
jrst .erstr ;go print jsys error message
subttl Command parsing routines
.comnd: movei a,csb ;with the normal command state block
comnd% ;parse the fdb given in b
txne a,cm%nop ;parsed?
ret ;no, give failure return
confrm: saveac <a,b,c> ;don't mung caller's registers
movei b,[flddb. .cmcfm]
call .comnd ;parse carriage return
txzn f,f%kold ;confirmed. did we have to delete some dir?
ret ;no, return now
move a,ndirnm ;else get the number for it
setzm ndirnm ;no more of that
txo f,f%nsub ;killing subdirs
txz f,f%dlok ;but not saying so
jrst delcnf ;delete after confirmation
hrroi a,[asciz/Not confirmed/]
esout% ;type message, no atom buffer in case was pswd
jrst cmdini
setcmd: movem a,csb+.cmrty ;save prompt
pop p,csb+.cmflg ;save reparse address
hrrzs csb+.cmflg ;don't leave any flags
movem p,savpdl ;save the stack pointer
movei b,[flddb. .cmini] ;fdb to initialize comnd%
call .comnd ;parse it
fatal <Fatal command initialization error>
repars: move p,savpdl ;restore stack
hrrz b,csb+.cmflg ;get reparse address
jrst (b) ;and jump to it
subttl Error handlers
.fatal: call prterr ;type error message and jsys error
tmsg < at > ;some text
movei a,.priou ;to the terminal
pop p,b ;with our return address
subi b,2 ;back two to the jsys or call
hrrzs b ;flush left-half bits
movei c,^d8 ;octal radix
nout% ;type address
xfatal <Couldn't type error location>
skipn curjfn ;if there's no current file
jrst .erhlt ;then don't say anything
tmsg < in >
call ptcurj ;print current jfn
jrst .erhlt ;stop the program
.xfatl: esout% ;type error message without using erstr%
.erhlt: haltf% ;stop the program
xfatal <Can't continue>
.xpmsg: esout% ;type error message
.pmsg: call prterr ;type error message and jsys error
move a,[point 7,atmbuf] ;point to atom buffer
ildb a,a ;get the first character there
jumpe a,cmdini ;nothing, go re-initialize command parser
tmsg < - ">
type atmbuf ;type out failed parse atom buffer
tmsg <">
jrst cmdini ;all done, go restart parse
prterr: esout% ;type start of error message
.erstr: movei a,.priou ;to the terminal
hrloi b,.fhslf ;with our last error
setz c, ;no character limit
erstr% ;type string for jsys error
xfatal <Undefined error number>
xfatal <Error within an error>
end <3,,evec>