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Title NETIME - TOPS-20AN NCP Fork Performance Utility - KWPaetzold
comment \
This program written by:
Kevin W. Paetzold
Digital Equipment Corporation
This program will display the system performance figures for the
NCP fork. The NCP fork is used by the TOPS-20AN arpanet code to process
asynchronous tasks such as the handling of NVT's and packing/unpacking
buffers. The arpanet driver code actually just handles the H2I and I2H
level functions. The use and output from this program is more or less
like the watch or friday programs.
The following is a description of data items:
Where Name Description
Header Period Time interval data was collected over. In
HHH:MM:SS:MSEcs. On first report data is from
system reload.
Header Runtime Total runtime of NCPFRK during interval in
format of HHH.MM.SS.MSEcs.
Header Percent Percent of system NCPFRK used during interval.
Body Clock Desc. Description of what clock represents.
Body CPUtime CPU time spent doing work for specified clock
during last interval. HHH:MM:SS:MSEcs.
Body Frequency Frequency of clock ruuning during last interval.
Body CPUtime/count Average amount of CPU time used by clock each
time it runs.
Body Percent Percent of the time the NCPFRK is using this clock.
subttl acs and flags
define sym(a,b),<a=b>
define syms(a,b),<a==b>
define dsym(a,b),<ifndef a,<a=b>>
define dsyms(a,b),<ifndef a,<a==b>>
dsyms debug,<0> ; debug mode listing if on
search monsym,macsym
.require sys:macrel.rel
ife debug,<sall>
ife debug,<asuppress>
; version information
dsyms vwho,1 ; who last hacked
dsyms vmajor,2 ; major version number
dsyms vminor,0 ; minor version number
dsyms vedit,0 ; edit number
; ac names
sym f,0 ; flags
sym t1,1 ; \
sym t2,2 ; \
sym t3,3 ; > temporaries
sym t4,4 ; /
sym t5,5 ; /
sym bp,6 ; buffer pointer ac
sym cx,16 ; Macsym's ac
sym p,17 ; pdl stack pointer
; flag names
syms f%init,1b0 ; init done flag
syms f%tty,1b1 ; tty mode
dsyms assume,-1 ; assume item in correct place
dsyms bufsiz,^d10000 ; output buffer size
define jsysf,<ercal .jsysf>
define noerr,<erjmp .+1>
subttl macros for io to tty
define type(str),<
hrroi t1,[asciz\
define typen(str),<
hrroi t1,[asciz\str\]
define numo(adr,rdx,siz),<
move t2,adr
movei t1,.priou
movx t3,<<siz>b17!<rdx>b35>
subttl macro for io to buffer
define ftype(str),<
hrroi t2,[asciz\
setzb t3,t4
move t1,bp
move bp,t1>
define ftypen(str),<
hrroi t2,[asciz\str\]
move t1,bp
setzb t3,t4
move bp,t1>
define ftypec(chr),<
movx t2,chr
move t1,bp
move bp,t1>
define ftypea(adr),<
hrro t2,adr
move t1,bp
setzb t3,t4
move bp,t1>
define fnumo(adr,rdx,siz),<
move t2,adr
move t1,bp
movx t3,<no%lfl!<siz>b17!<rdx>b35>
move bp,t1>
define fnumo2(adr,rdx,siz),<
move t2,adr
move t1,bp
movx t3,<no%lfl!no%zro!<siz>b17!<rdx>b35>
move bp,t1>
define fnumo3(adr,rdx,siz),<
move t2,adr
move t1,bp
movx t3,<<siz>b17!<rdx>b35>
move bp,t1>
define fnumof(adr,fst,snd),<
move t2,adr
move t1,bp
movx t3,<fl%one!fl%pnt!<fst>b23!<snd>b29>
move bp,t1>
subttl mainline
evec: ; entry vector
jrst netime ; startint address
jrst netim2 ; reenter address
evecl==.-evec ; length of entry vector
netime: ; this is where it all begins
reset ; reset the world
move p,[iowd pdlsiz,pdl] ; get stack pointer
setz f, ; reset all flags
movei t1,.fhslf ; this fork
rpcap ; get our privs
txnn t3,<sc%whl!sc%opr!sc%mnt> ; are we holy?
jrst nopriv ; no
type < NETIME - TOPS-20AN NCPFRK Time Accumlators>
setzm uptime ; reset the uptime
setzm syword ; reset first word of data area
movx t1,<syword,,syword+1> ; get blt ac
blt t1,syword+<<tblsiz*2>-1> ; zero the entire data area
call symlok ; go get values for all symbols
txo f,f%init ; set init done flag
netim2: ; reenter address
txnn f,f%init ; init done?
jrst netime ; no so do it now
netim3: ; here to get the time interval
type <>
type < Enter time interval in seconds: >
movei t1,.priin ; input from tty
movei t3,12 ; in base 10
nin ; input the number
movem t2,snooze ; get snooze time
jumpge t2,netim4 ; trap illegals
typen <?Invalid time interval>
jrst netim3 ; try again
netim4: ; now get the output file
skipn snooze ; is time zero
txo f,f%tty ; yes so set flag
typen < Enter output file name: >
movx t1,<gj%sht!gj%fns> ; get flags for gtjfn
movx t2,<.priin,,.priou> ; get io stuff for gtjfn
gtjfn ; get the jfn
jsysf ; handle errors
movem t1,jfno ; save the jfn
call opnfil ; open up the file for io
call clsfil ; since it opened now close it
netim5: ; here we are
call lookup ; get symbol values
hrroi bp,buffer ; get a pointer to the bbffer
call tblprt ; print the report
setz t1, ; get a null byte
idpb t1,bp ; append it
call opnfil ; open up the file
move t1,jfno ; get the jfn
hrroi t2,buffer ; get buffer pointer
setzb t3,t4 ; nothing special
sout ; empty the buffer
call clsfil ; close the file
move t1,snooze ; get snooze time
txne f,f%tty ; tty mode?
jrst netim6 ; yes
imuli t1,^d1000 ; make it msecs
disms ; go to sleep
jrst netim5 ; and loop forever
netim6: ; here for tty mode
movei t1,.priin ; input from tty
hrroi t2,buffer ; put it into buffer for now
movei t3,bufsiz ; max is bufsiz
movei t4,"J"-100 ; terminate on a line feed
sin ; read from tty
jrst netim5 ; and loop it
subttl misc subroutines
nopriv: ; here when not holy
type <?NETIME needs Wheel, Operator, or Maintenance capabilities>
type <>
haltf ; stop
jrst netime ; try again on continues
.jsysf: ; jsys error handler
movem 17,erracs+17 ; save ac 17
hrrzi 17,erracs ; get blt ac
blt 17,erracs+16 ; save acs 0-16
move 17,erracs+17 ; get ac 17 back again
type <?JSYS error at user PC >
numo 0(p),10,0 ; output pc
type <?Error - >
movei t1,.priou ; output to tty
movx t2,<.fhslf,,-1> ; my last error
setzb t3,t4
erstr ; output error string
type <>
haltf ; stop
jrst .-1 ; no continues
subttl file access routines
opnfil: ; routine to openf output file
move t1,jfno ; get the jfn
movx t2,<7b5!of%thw!of%app> ; append mode
openf ; open up the file
ret ; return to caller
clsfil: ; routine to close the file
move t1,jfno ; get the jfn
txo t1,co%nrj ; dont release the jfn
closf ; close the file
ret ; return to caller
subttl symbol lookup routines
symlok: ; routine to lookup values for symbols
ifn assume,< ; if we assuming
movei t1,.snpsy ; snoop symbol lookup fnc
move t2,sytime ; get first symbol name
movx t3,<squoze 0,stg> ; symbol is in stg
snoop ; get symbol value
movem t2,syval ; save symbol value
ret ; return to caller
> ; end of ifn assume
ife assume,< ; if we dont assume
setz t5, ; reset index
symlop: ; this is the loop
movei t1,.snpsy ; snoop symbol lookup functions
move t2,sytime(t5) ; get symbol name
movx t3,<squoze 0,stg> ; symbol is in stg
snoop ; lookup symbol value
movem t2,syval(t5) ; save symbol value
movei t1,.snpsy ; symbol lookup function
move t2,sycont(t5) ; get symbol name
movx t3,<squoze 0,stg> ; symbol is in stg
snoop ; lookup the symbol
jsysf ; trap errors
movem t2,syval+tblsiz(t5) ; save the symbol value
caige t5,tblmax ; all entries looked up?
aoja t5,symlop ; no so keep looping
ret ; yes so return to caller
> ; end of ife assume
subttl peek routine to get data from tops-20
lookup: ; routine to lookup symbol contents
move t1,uptime ; get the old uptime
movem t1,uptimo ; and save it
time ; get the current uptime
movem t1,uptime ; and save it
movx t1,<syword,,syoldw> ; get blt ac
blt t1,syoldw+<<2*tblsiz>-1> ; save the old values
ifn assume,< ; only if we are assuming
move t1,syval ; get symbol address
hrli t1,<tblsiz*2> ; number of words we want
movei t2,syword ; destination address
peek ; get symbol from tops20
ret ; return to caller
> ; end of ifn assume
ife assume,< ; only if we are not asuuming
setz t5, ; initialize index
looklp: ; symbol peek loop
move t1,syval(t5) ; get symbol value
hrli t1,1 ; we want one word
movei t2,syword(t5) ; get destination address
peek ; get symbol contents
jsysf ; trap errors
move t1,syval+tblsiz(t5) ; get symbol value
hrli t1,1 ; we want one word
movei t2,syword+tblsiz(t5) ; get dest. address
peek ; get symbol value
jsysf ; trap errors
caige t5,tblmax ; all words looked up?
aoja t5,looklp ; no so keep going
type <>
ret ; yes so return to caller
> ; end of ife assume
subttl routine to print report
tblprt: ; routine to type report
stkvar <timttl>
setzm timttl ; reset total time count
setz t5, ; reset the index
tblpr2: ; loop address
move t1,syword(t5) ; get the time
sub t1,syoldw(t5) ; subtract the old value
addm t1,timttl ; add it to the total
caige t5,tblmax ; all items added?
aoja t5,tblpr2 ; no so continue
ftype <>
ftype < Period >
move t1,uptime ; get the uptime
sub t1,uptimo ; subtract the old uptime
call timeo ; output the elapsed time
ftypen <, Runtime >
move t1,timttl ; get the runtime
call timeo ; output it
ftypen < , Percent >
fltr t2,timttl ; get total runtime
move t3,uptime ; get the uptime
sub t3,uptimo ; get incremental uptime
fltr t3,t3 ; make it real
fdvr t2,t3 ; divide runtime by elapsed
fmpr t2,[100.] ; multiply by 100
fnumof t2,3,2 ; output percent
ftype <> ; extra crlf
ftype < Clock Description CPUtime Freq. CPUtime Percent>
ftype < hhh:mm:ss:msc /Count CPUtime>
ftype < ----------------------------------------------------------------------->
setz t5, ; initialize index
tbloop: ; table loop
ftype < > ; do crlf
ftypea sytext(t5) ; type out descriptor
ftypec " " ; do a space
move t1,syword(t5) ; get the clock value
sub t1,syoldw(t5) ; subtract the old value
call timeo ; output it in time format
ftypec " " ; delimit
move t2,syword+tblsiz(t5) ; get the count
sub t2,syoldw+tblsiz(t5) ; subtract the old value
fltr t2,t2 ; make it a floating point number
move t3,uptime ; get the uptime
sub t3,uptimo ; subtract the old uptime
fltr t3,t3 ; make it floating point
fdvr t3,[1000.] ; convert uptime to seconds
fdvr t2,t3 ; get count/seconds
fnumof t2,3,3 ; output counts/sec (freq)
ftypec " " ; do a space
move t2,syword(t5) ; get time in msecs
sub t2,syoldw(t5) ; subtract the old value
fltr t2,t2 ; make it floating point
move t3,syword+tblsiz(t5) ; get the count
sub t3,syoldw+tblsiz(t5) ; subtract the old count
fltr t3,t3 ; make it floting point
fdvr t2,t3 ; get runtime/count
fnumof t2,5,3 ; output the runtime/count
ftypen < > ; separate
move t2,syword(t5) ; get the runtime
sub t2,syoldw(t5) ; subtract old runtime
fltr t2,t2 ; make it real
fltr t3,timttl ; get total time used
fdvr t2,t3 ; get percent of runtime
fmpr t2,[100.] ; multiply by 100
fnumof t2,3,2 ; output percent of runtime
caige t5,tblmax ; all entries done?
aoja t5,tbloop ; no so keep going
ftype <>
ret ; yes so return
subttl routine to type out the time
timeo: ; routine to output time in
stkvar <timusr,timehh,timemm,timess,timems>
movem t1,timusr ; save the time the user gave us
idivi t1,^d1000 ; get number of seconds
movem t2,timems ; save number of milleseconds
idivi t1,^d60 ; get number of minutes
movem t2,timess ; save number of seconds
idivi t1,^d60 ; get number of hours
movem t2,timemm ; save number of minutes
movem t1,timehh ; save number of hours
fnumo timehh,12,3 ; output number of hours
ftypec ":" ; do a space
fnumo2 timemm,12,2 ; output number of mins
ftypec ":"
fnumo2 timess,12,2 ; output number of seconds
ftypec "." ; do a dot
fnumo3 timems,12,3 ; output number of msecs
ret ; return to caller
subttl data storage
buffer: block <bufsiz/5>+1 ; output buffer
dsyms pdlsiz,100 ; pdl stack size
pdl: block pdlsiz ; pdl stack
snooze: z ; snooze time in seconds
jfno: z ; output jfn storage
uptime: z ; system uptime
uptimo: z ; old uptime value
erracs: block 20 ; error ac storage
dsyms tblsiz,^d13 ; number of entries
sytext: block tblsiz ; text to go with symbols
sytime: block tblsiz ; symbol for time word
sycont: block tblsiz ; symbol for count word
block 2*tblsiz ; leave room for symbol values and contents
block 2*tblsiz ; leave room for symbol contents
block 2*tblsiz ; leave room for old values
subttl table descriptions
tblnum==0 ; initialize table index
define deftbl(time,count,text),<
reloc sytime+tblnum
squoze 0,time
reloc sycont+tblnum
squoze 0,count
reloc sytext+tblnum
reloc syval+tblnum
reloc syval+tblsiz+tblnum
reloc tblend>
deftbl imcidl,imnidl,<idling >
deftbl imcnrb,imnnrb,<releasing buffers >
deftbl imcgc ,imngc ,<garbage collecting link tables>
deftbl imcgib,imngib,<assigning input buffers >
deftbl imccnp,imncnp,<processing control messages >
deftbl imcp1 ,imnp1 ,<dispatching input messages >
deftbl imc8xm,imn8xm,<processing irregular messages >
deftbl imcts ,imnts ,<scanning for NVT output >
deftbl imcnvi,imnnvi,<unpacking NVT input >
deftbl imcos ,imnos ,<scanning for output to do >
deftbl imcnck,imnnck,<probing network >
deftbl imcrfn,imnrfn,<checking for overdue RFNM's >
deftbl imcncc,imnncc,<ncp checks >
ife debug,<xlist> ; lit follows
ife debug,<list> ; end of lit
end <evecl,,evec> ; thats all folks