
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/pchist.rel
There are no other files named pchist.rel in the archive.
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PCHIST: Fork/Job Run-Time Program Counter Histogram Utility
	Versio	 rn of [24-Sep-83]
	You must have WHEEL capability to run this program because it 
	S	 zNOOPs into the running Monitor to insert a timer breakpoint routine!

Name of 	 the program being observed: P
Include time spent in MONITOR mode? (Y or N) 	 
Starting address of region to be observed (octal): 
Bucket size (octal): 
Job	  number (or non-digit to look at a fork): 
Fork number of FORK being watched: 	 
[PCHIST - Clearing tables and inserting Monitor traps] +-
[PCHIST 	 %- Traps installed]

Type <CTL-B> to break, <CTL-Y> for status report 
[PCHIST 	 -breaking]

Confirm with <CR> to print PC histogram,
or type <CTL-P> to resume coll	 6ection as if CTL-B had not been typed 
[PCHIST proceeding]

PC histogram colle	 >ction terminated and Monitor unpatched.

Output histogram and timing results to fi	 Gle:   " U$@+ + +> " U$@+ + Z@	 @O	+ +>
Logarithmic histogram scale? (Y or N) 
PCHIST: Fork/Job Run-Ti	 Xme Program Counter Histogram Utility
	Version of [24-Sep-83]

PC Histogram of Prog	 `ram 

Total samples taken =  (number of traps to PCHIST)
Total samples used	 i =  (%) (difference from total is Scheduler)

PC values outside selected ra	 qnge are accumulated in nearest endpoint bucket.

Hits	Bucket  Percent		0.1		1.0		 z	10.		100

Hits	Bucket  Percent		000000000.111111111.222222222.333333333.4444	 44444.555555555.666666666.777777777.888888888.999999999
				123456789012345678901234	 567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
[PCHIST exit - type CONTINUE to print histogram again]!yx @	 
Total PC samples: 	In program: 	In Monitor: 	In interrupt handlers:  @$aa:A you must type Y or N! 	b/4H2].[pKZm4o[AZnZn\4QZv	[
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