
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/pclook.mac
There are no other files named pclook.mac in the archive.
;<BEEBE.UTILITY>PCLOOK.MAC.94, 12-May-84 18:10:27, Edit by BEEBE
;[NHFB0033]	Force SYMLST back to 0 when symbol not found
;		and updated vedit and startup message
;<BEEBE.UTILITY>PCLOOK.MAC.93,  7-May-84 13:36:55, Edit by BEEBE
;[NHFB0032]	Save RUN command text for output by TYPE/LIST/APPEND commands
;<BEEBE.UTILITY>PCLOOK.MAC.90,  7-May-84 12:47:40, Edit by BEEBE
;[NHFB0030]	inserted missing RET in literal subroutine at LSTPC+20
       title	PCLOOK -- User-Mode PC histogram look at a subprocess

This program consists of the files:

	HLP:PCLOOK.HLP   	(help file)

PCLOOK has uncertain origin;  it was obtained as a file LOOK.EXE  (minus
source and  help) via  Namur,  Belgium who  got  it from  a  now-defunct
software distribution center in Cologne.  The present authors are:

Cedric Griss, Pieter Bowman, and Nelson Beebe
College of Science Computer
Department of Physics
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Cedric did the  DDT patches to  allow a command-line  text string to  be
passed  to  the  sampled  program,   Pieter  did  the  massive  job   of
disassembling, commenting, and testing the source code, and Nelson  made
a few changes to the histograms  to include module totals and  percents,
added the  INFORMATION  command  interface  to  XINFO,  and  wrote  this
documentation and  the help  file.   We consider  this a  PUBLIC  DOMAIN
utility, and if you make any improvements, or fix any bugs, please  send
the new version to us.

Unlike DEC's  PCHIST,  which  requires WHEEL  capability  to  patch  the
running monitor timer code and to lock its histogram tables into memory,
and can then look at any job or fork in the system at intervals of a few
microseconds, PCLOOK runs a user program in a lower fork and wakes up at
regular intervals  to  request the fork status  and PC  value  which  it
records.  This makes it available to unprivileged users, at the  expense
of  considerably  lower  sampling  frequency  (about  20   milliseconds,
according to the DISMS% JSYS documentation).

PCHIST at present has  no capability of getting  symbols for PC  values;
this routine maps  the watched fork's  symbol table pages  into its  own
space and can therefore obtain  symbolic values for each histogram  bar.
Symbol  table   access   is  relegated   to   a  modified   version   of
FORTRAN-callable subroutine PCSYMB which in turn was taken largely  from
Ralph Gorin's  excellent book:  "Introduction to  DECSYSTEM-20  Assembly
Language Programming", Digital Press, Bedford, MA (1981), p. 424.


        search  MONSYM, MACSYM
	extern	PCSYMB

        subttl  Constant assignments

;	vedit==27
;	vedit==30		;[NHFB0030]
;	vedit==32		;[NHFB0032]
	vedit==33		;[NHFB0033]

; Accumulator symbols


.JBSYM==116			; Missing in MACSYM/MONSYM

DEFINT==^D25			; Default wakeup interval
FRKPAG==100			; Fork table page
FRKTAB==FRKPAG_^D9		;  "     "   address.  Need siztab words
PCshft==2			; PC shift count: bucket size = 2**PCshft
SIZTAB==<1000000_<-<PCshft>>>	; table size
SYMPAG==<FRKPAG+<<FRKTAB+SIZTAB>_<-^D9>>>	; Symbol table page
SYMTAB==SYMPAG_^D9		;   "      "   address

	subttl	Macro definitions

define	blkb(bytes%, bsize%<7>)	<block	<bytes%/<^D36/bsize%>>+1>

define	retskp	<jrst	rskp>	; Return +2

	subttl	Storage

STOBGN==.			; Start of zero'd storage
XINFRK:	0			; XINFO fork handle
STCNT:	block	10
INTRVL:	0			; Interval
SCALE:	0			; Scale factor
IRFMOD:	0			; Init. term. mode word
IRFCOC:	block	2		; Init. term. CCOC words
CRFCOC:	block	2
IRTIW:	0			; Terminal interrupt word
INTCHR:	0			; Interrupt char.
PRGCHR:	0			; Program status char.
SAVPDL:	0			; Save stack pointer
FILNAM:	blkb	^D30
OURNAM:	block	2		; Words .JISNM & .JIPNM from GETJI (SIXBIT)
PRGNAM:	block	2		; Program name (SIXBIT)
FRKNAM:	blkb	^D200		; Fork name
PRGADD:	0			; [9 Oct 83] Program address
MODULE:	blkb	^D200		; current module name (7-bit ASCII)
MODCNT:	0			; count of bars printed for this module
MODSUM:	0			; count of PC hits for this module
MODHIT:	0			; save area for current count
CUMHIT:	0			; cumulative count for
				; percent field of TYPE/LIST
MARKER:	0			; histogram marker
SYMPTR:	0			; Symbol pointer
SYMLST:	0			; Last symbol table module pointer
				; (updated by PCSYMB)
TOTFLG:	0			; Total flag
TTLTXT:	blkb	^D200		; Title text
SBTTXT:	blkb	^D200		; Subtitle text
SCRLEN:	0			; [9 Oct 83] SCRBUF length
SCRBUF:	blkb	^D200		; Scratch buffer
CHN1PC:	0			; Ch. 1 PC
RNGBEG:	0			; Begin address for histogram display
RNGEND:	0			; End   address for histogram display
XRFMOD:	block	1
XRFCOC:	block	2
XRTIW:	block	3
XMORLW:	block	1
XMORLL:	block	1
PDL:	block	PDLLEN		; Stack
STOEND==.-1			; End zero'd storage area

	subttl	COMND JSYS storage

$CMBLK:	block	12		; COMND state block
$GJBLK:	block	17		; GTJFN block (COMND)

$CMBUF:	blkb	$CMBLN		; COMND buffer

$ATBUF:	blkb	$ATBLN		; COMND atom buffer

$TXBUF:	blkb	$TXBLN		; Text buffer
$PRGNM:	blkb	^D10		; Program name (asciz)
$NOFLG:	0			; NO keyword used
$RSCNT:	0			; Rescan count

$JFTLN==12			; Length of JFN table
$JFTAB:	block	$JFTLN		; JFN table
$PRMPT:	blkb	^D10		; COMND prompt string
$SVPDL:	0			; Save stack pointer here
RSCBUF:	blkb	^D200		; Rescan buffer
RUNTXT: blkb	$CMBLN		; [NHFB0032]  GET/MERGE/RUN command string



TOTINC==0			; zero value for default flag (TOTFLG is
TOTEXC==1			; in zeroed memory)


	[asciz"FRK WT"],,STCNT+4

LEVTAB:	CHN1PC			; Level table
	block	2

CHNLST:	1b0!1b1!1b19		; Channels 0, 1, 19

CHNTAB:	1,,BREAK		; Interrupt Channel table, chn. 0.
	1,,CTLY			; Prg status char., Chn. 1.
	block	21
	1,,FRKTRM		; Fork termination, Chn. 19.
	block	20

	subttl	PCLOOK code

$$$EV$:	jrst	PCLOOK		; Start location
	jrst	REENTE		; Reenter location
	<vwho>b2 + <vmajor>b11 + <vminor>b17 + <vedit>

PCLOOK:	move	p, [iowd PDLLEN, PDL]	; Main entry point entered in
					; response to an EXEC START
					; command or a PCLOOK RESET
					; command.
	call	CLRSYM		; Clear the program symbols
	setzb 	STOBGN
	move	t1, [xwd STOBGN, STOBGN+1]
	blt	t1, STOEND	; Zero the storage area
	movei	t1, 777777
	movem	t1, RNGEND	; Initial memory range
;PCLOOK -- PC Histogram Utility -- Version of 20-Oct-83
	hrroi	t1, [asciz/
PCLOOK  -- PC Histogram Utility -- Version 3.2(33) of 12-May-84
Type CTL-Y for program status, CTL-C to interrupt sampled fork.
Minimum sampling interval is about 20 msec due to job scheduler
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
	setz	t1,		; USE whatever the system calls us
				; for our name
	call	$CMINI		; Init. COMND parse
	hrroi	t1, [asciz/RUN (program from file)/]
	call	$CMIN7		; command line can be "prgnam.exe parameters"
	 jfcl			; which will fake a RUN command
	movx	t1, .FHSLF
	move	t2, [xwd LEVTAB, CHNTAB]
	move	t2, CHNLST	; channels 0,1,19
	movei	t1, 1
	movem	t1, SCALE	; Default SCALE factor = 1
	movx	t1, DEFINT
	movem	t1, INTRVL	; Set the init. interval
	movx	t1, .TICCC
	movem	t1, INTCHR
	movx	t1, .TICCY	;Use CTL-Y for status in order
				;to preserve EXEC's CTL-T.
	movem	t1, PRGCHR
	seto	t1,
	MOVE	t2, [xwd -2, OURNAM]
	movx	t3, .JISNM
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	movx	t1, .PRIIN
	movem	t2, IRFMOD
	dmovem	t2, IRFCOC
	movx	t1, .FHJOB
	movem	t2, IRTIW
	movx	t1, .FHSLF
	txnn	t2, SC%CTC
	 call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz"? ^C Capability required"]
		jrst	$ERSTR]
	txon	t3, SC%CTC
	  ercal	$ERJSY
	call	CMDLP
	jrst	.-1

CMDLP:	movem	p, SAVPDL
	hrli	t1, [FLDDB. .CMKEY,,NOCTAB]
	hrri	t1, [FLDDB. .CMKEY,,CMDTAB]
	call	$CMTLC

	subttl	MERGE, RUN, GET commands
$MERGE:	seto	p4,
	jrst	$GET1

$RUN:	movei	p4, 1
	jrst	$GET1

$GET:	setz	p4,
$GET1:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/program from file/]>]
	call	$CMNOI
	movx	t1, GJ%OLD	; Want a file which exists
	setz	t2,		; NO default device
	skipe	t3, FILNAM	; Have a file name?
	 hrroi	t3, FILNAM	; Yes, use as default
	hrroi	t4, [asciz/EXE/]	; .EXE default extension
	call	$CMFIL		; Parse a file
	move	p3, t2		; Save the JFN in p3
	call	$CMRSC		; Get confirm or text in rescan buffer
	hrroi	t1, RUNTXT
	hrroi	t2, $CMBUF
	setz	t3,
	SOUT%			; save GET/MERGE/RUN command string
	jumpl	p4, $GET3	; Merging?
	skipe	t1, FRKFRK	; Have a fork already?
	 KFORK%			; Yes, kill old fork first.
	setzm	FRKFRK
	movx	t1, CR%CAP
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	movem	t1, FRKFRK	; Save the fork handle
	hrroi	t1, FILNAM
	hrrz	t2, P3
	movx	t3, FLD(.JSAOF, JS%NAM)
	JFNS%			; Get the programs name
	move	t1, [SIXBIT/(PRIV)/]
	movem	t1, PRGNAM	; The sub-system is "(PRIV)"
	setzm	PRGNAM+1	; No program name yet
	move	t1, [point 7, FILNAM]
	move	t2, [point 6, PRGNAM+1]
	movei	t3, 6
$GETNL:	ildb	t4, T1		; Copy the first 6 chars. of the file name to
	jumpe	t4, $GETNX	; be the SIXBIT program name
	trc	t4, 140
	trnn	t4, 140
	 tro	t4, 140
	idpb	t4, T2
	sojg	t3, $GETNL
$GETNX:	hrroi	t1, FRKNAM
	jrst	$GET4
$GET3:	skipn	t1, FRKFRK
	 call	NOPRG
	move	p1, t2
	move	t1, FRKNMP
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/ + /]
	call	LSTSTR
$GET4:	hrrz	t2, P3
	movem	t1, FRKNMP	; Save the pointer to the fork's name
	hrlz	t1, FRKFRK	; Fork handle
	hrr	t1, P3		; JFN
	movei	t2, 777		; Address range (0 - 777)
	GET%			; GET the program (section zero only)
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	jumpl	p4, $GET7	; Merging?
	skipg	SYMPTR		; Have symbols?
	 call	$SYM1		; No, go get them.
	setzm	CRFMOD		; No term. mode word
	call	$CLR1		; Clear the look stuff
	jumpg	p4, $STRT2	; Running program?
$GET7:	hrroi	t2, [asciz"Entry vector is at "]
	call	$TYSMS
	move	t1, FRKFRK
	GEVEC%			; Get the entry vector
	hrrz	t1, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ
	push	p, t2
	hrrz	t2, T2
	call	LSTPC
	hrroi	t2, [asciz", length is "]
	call	$TYSTR
	pop	p, t2
	hlrz	t2, T2
	hrrz	t1, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ
	call	LSTOCT
	call	$TYEMS
	move	t1, FRKFRK
	move	t2, P1
	SEVEC%			; Set the entry vector

	subttl	CLEAR and RESET commands

$CLEAR:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/PC histogram tables/]>]
	call	$CMNCF
$CLR1:	skipn	t1, FRKFRK
	 call	NOPRG
	RUNTM%			; Get the current runtime for the program
	movem	t1, CRUNTM
	TIME%			; Get the current system up time.
	movem	t1, CTIME
	setzm	TOTAL
	move	t1, [xwd TOTAL, TOTAL+1]
	blt	t1, STCNT+7	; Clear info tables
	setzm	FRKTAB
	move	t1, [xwd frktab, frktab+1]
	blt	t1, FRKTAB+<siztab-1>	; Clear fork's tables

$RESET:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/the world/]>]
	call	$CMNCF
	jrst	PCLOOK


$PROGR:	movx	p1, PRGCHR	; Getting program status char. (Default ^Y)
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/code is/]>]
	call	$CMNOI
	call	$CMCMD
	 call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Invalid response/]
		 jrst	$ERATM]
	hrre	p3, (t2)	; rhs of BRKTAB entry
	jumpge	p3, $BRK2	; positive if not CONTROL
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMFLD,,,<Alphabetic character>,Y]
	jrst	$BRK1		; join common code

$BREAK:	movx	p1, INTCHR	; Getting interrupt char. (Default ^C)
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/code is/]>]
	call	$CMNOI
	call	$CMCMD
	 call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Invalid response/]
		 jrst	$ERATM]
	hrre	p3, (t2)	; rhs of BRKTAB entry
	jumpge	p3, $BRK2	; positive if not CONTROL
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMFLD,,,<Alphabetic character>,C]
$BRK1:	call	$CMCMD
	 call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Invalid control character/]
		 jrst	$ERATM]
	move	t2, $CMBLK+.CMABP
	ildb	p3, t2
	cail	p3, "a"
	 caile	p3, "z"
	  jrst	.+2
	subi	p3, "a"-"A"	; convert lowercase to uppercase
	cail	p3, "A"		; Must be an uppercase char.
	 caile	p3, "Z"
	  call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Invalid control character/]
		jrst	$ERATM]
	subi	p3, 100		; Make into control char.
	ildb	t1, T2
	jumpe	t1, $BRK2
	caie	t1, 12
	 call	[hrroi	t2,[asciz/Invalid control character/]
		 jrst	$ERATM]
	jrst	$BRK3
$BRK2:	call	$CMCFM
$BRK3:	movem	p3, (p1)

BRKTAB:	10,,10
	[asciz"CONTROL"],,777777	; special -1 flag

	subttl	INTERVAL and SCALE commands

$INTER:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/in milliseconds between looks is/]>]
	movx	p4, INTRVL
	call	$CMNOI
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNUM,,^D10,<milliseconds>,25]
	jrst	$SCL1		; join common code

$SCALE:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/for asterisks in listing/]>]
	movei	p4, SCALE
	call	$CMNOI
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNUM,,^D10,<integral divisor>,1]
$SCL1:	call	$CMCMD
	 call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Invalid decimal number/]
		jrst	$ERATM]
	skipg	t4, T2
	 call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Number must be greater than zero/]
		jrst	$ERATM]
	call	$CMCFM
	movem	t4, (p4)

	subttl	SUBTITLE and TITLE commands

$SUBTI:	hrroi	p4, SBTTXT
	jrst	$TITL1

$TITLE:	hrroi	p4, TTLTXT
$TITL1:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/text for listing is/]>]
	call	$CMNOI
	setzm	$ATBUF
	move	t2, [xwd $ATBUF, $ATBUF+1]
	blt	t2, $TXBUF+<$TXBLN/5>-1
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMTXT]
	call	$CMCMD
	 call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Invalid text/]
		jrst	$ERATM]
	setzm	(p4)
	move	t1, p4
	move	t2, $CMBLK+.CMABP
	call	LSTSTR
	idpb	t3, T1

	subttl	RANGE command

$RANGE:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [ascii/of memory in histogram from/]>]
	call	$CMNOI
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNUM,,^D8,<beginning address>,0]
	call	$CMCMD
	 call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Invalid octal address/]
		jrst	$ERATM]
	caig	t2, 777777
	 caige	t2, 0
	  call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Octal address out of range 0..777777/]
		jrst	$ERATM]
	push	p, t2
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [ascii/to/]>]
	call	$CMNOI
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNUM,,^D8,<ending address>,777777]
	call	$CMCMD
	 call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Invalid octal address/]
		jrst	$ERATM]
	caig	t2, 777777
	 caige	t2, 0
	  call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Octal address out of range 0..777777/]
		jrst	$ERATM]
	camge	t2, 0(p)
	 call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Beginning address > ending address/]
		jrst	$ERATM]
	push	p, t2
	call	$CMCFM
	pop	p, RNGEND
	pop	p, RNGBEG

	subttl	SYMBOL command

$SYMBO:	skipe	$NOFLG
	 jrst	[call	$CMCFM
		 movei	t1, 1
		 movem	t1, SYMPTR
		 jrst	CLRSYM]
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/from pointer at/]>]
	call	$CMNOI
	call	GETOCT
$SYM1:	movei	t2, .JBSYM
	setzm	SYMPTR
	skipn	FRKFRK
	 call	NOPRG
	hrro	p1, t2		; Pointer to location of symbol table pointer
	call	MAPSYM		; Map page with pointer.
	 jrst	$SYM9		; Couldn't map page.
	skipge	p1, (p1)	; Is there a symbol table pointer?
	 call	MAPSYM		; .JBSYM contains (-length,,address) map it.
$SYM9:	  setz	p1,		; No symbols found.
	movem	p1, SYMPTR
	jumpge	p1, [call	[hrroi	t2,[asciz/No symbols available/]
			    	jrst	$ERWRN]
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/Loaded /]
	call	$TYSMS
	hlre	t2, p1		; Get neg. length sym table
	movn	t2, t2		; ABS()
	lsh	t2, -1		; Change from # words to # syms.
	hrrz	t1, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ
	call	LSTDEC
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/ symbols/]
	call	$TYSTR
	jrst	$TYEMS

	hrrz	t1, p1		; Address of symbol table pointer
	hlre	t3, p1		; Neg. length of map in words
	movn	t3, t3
	addi	t3, 777(t1)	; Get number of words to map + addr.
	lsh	t1, -^D9	; Change to page #
	lsh	t3, -^D9
	sub	t3, t1		; Number of pages to map
	hrl	t1, FRKFRK
	RPACS%			; Get page access of process
	txne	t2, PA%PEX	; Page exist
	 txnn	t2, PA%RD	; and read access?
	  ret			; No, return.
	move	t2, [xwd .FHSLF, SYMPAG]
	txo	t3, PM%CNT!PM%RD
	trz	p1, 777000	; Address in page of symbol table pointer
	addi	p1, SYMTAB	; this page.

CLRSYM:	seto	t1,		; CLEAR the symbol pages.
	move	t2, [xwd .FHSLF, SYMPAG]
	movx	t3, PM%CNT!FLD(100, PM%RPT)

GETOCT:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNUM,,^D8,<Carriage return or>]
	call	$CMCMD
	 jrst	$CMCFM
	push	p, t2
	call	$CMCFM
	pop	p, t2

	subttl	TOTAL command
$TOTAL:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/lines in histogram/]>]
	call	$CMNOI
	call	$CMCMD
	 call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Invalid response/]
		 jrst	$ERATM]
	hrrz	t0, (t2)	; rhs of TOTTAB entry
	push	p, t0		; save value until confirmed
	call	$CMCFM
	pop	p, TOTFLG	; store new flag value

	subttl	CONTINUE, REENTER, and START commands and PC sampling

PROGRM:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/program/]>]
	call	$CMNOI
	jrst	$CMCFM

NOPRG:	hrroi	t2, [asciz/No program/]
	jrst	$ERSTR

$CONTI:	call	PROGRM		; Continue program
	skipn	t1, FRKFRK
	 call	NOPRG
	RFSTS%			; Return fork status
	load	t1, RF%STS, t1
	caie	t1, .RFHLT	; Process halted
	 cain	t1, .RFFPT	; or forced process termination?
	  jrst	STFRKP		; Continue
	jrst	DOLOOK		; Start

	movei	t2, 1
	jrst	STFRKV

$START:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/program/]>]
	call	$CMNOI
	call	GETOCT
	 jrst	$STRT2
STFRKP:	skipn	t1, FRKFRK
	 call	NOPRG
	SFORK%			; Start fork
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	jrst	DOLOOK
$STRT2:	setz	t2,
STFRKV:	skipn	t1, FRKFRK
	 call	NOPRG
	SFRKV%			; Start the fork
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	hrri	t1, 1
	ATI%			; Activate Interrupt "Prgm status char." chn. 1
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	hrlz	t1, INTCHR
	ATI%			; Activate Interrupt "Interrupt char." chn. 0
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	movx	t1, RT%DIM!.FHSLF
	RTIW%			; Return deferred term. int. mask
	movn	t4, INTCHR
	movx	t3, 1B0
	lsh	t3, (t4)
	STIW%			; Set deferred term. int. mask for "INTCHR"
	skipn	t2, CRFMOD
	 jrst	DOLK1
	movx	t1, .PRIIN
	SFMOD%			; Set term. mode word
	dmove	t2, CRFCOC
	SFCOC%			; Set term. CCOC words
	movx	t1, .FHJOB
	move	t2, CRTIW
	STIW%			; Set term. int. word mask
	 ercal	$ERJSY
DOLK1:	dmove	t1, PRGNAM
	SETSN%			; Set subsys and program names
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	setzm	$RSCNT		; Nothing in ReSCAN buffer
	movem	p, SAVPDL	; Save stack pointer
	setom	RUNFLG
	move	t1, FRKFRK
	RFORK%			; Resume fork
	DISMS%			; Wait for a little while
	aos	TOTAL		; Increment count of times through here
	move	t1, FRKFRK
	RFSTS%			; Return fork status
	hrrz	t2, t2		; Zero PC flags
	lsh	t2, -PCshft	; Drop low-order bits of PC address
	load	t1, RF%STS, t1	; Get fork's status
	skipn	t1		; Count only if running, .RFRUN (= 0)
	 aos	FRKTAB(t2)	; Running at area as shown by t2
	aos	STCNT(t1)	; Count of status for is in.
	jrst	LKLOOP		; Back to do again.

	hrroi	p1, [asciz/Reenter/]
	jrst	BREAKM

FRKTRM:	hrroi	p1, [asciz/Program HALT/]
	move	t1, FRKFRK
	load	t2, RF%STS, t1
	caie	t2, .RFFPT	; Forced process termination?
	 jrst	BREAKM		; No.
	hrrz	t1, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ	; get current primary output jfn
	move	p1, t1
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/Program error: /]
	call	LSTSTR
	hrlo	t2, FRKFRK
	setz	t3,
	ERSTR%			; Get the error which caused the HALT
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/,
	call	LSTSTR
	jrst	BREAKM

BREAK:	hrroi	p1, [asciz/Break/]
BREAKM:	skipe	t1, FRKFRK
	 FFORK%			; Freeze the fork
	hrrz	t1, PRGCHR
	DTI%			; Disable term. int. prog. status char.
	hrrz	t1, INTCHR
	DTI%			; Disable term. int. int. char.
	aose	RUNFLG		; Inc. RUNFLG, zero yet?
	 jrst	BREAKX		; No.
	move	t2, p1
	call	$TYSMS
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/ from /]
	call	$TYSTR
	call	TYPSTS
	call	$TYEMS
	movx	t1, .PRIIN
	RFMOD%			; Get the current term. mode word
	movem	t2, CRFMOD
	RFCOC%			; Get the current term. CCOC words
	dmovem	t2, CRFCOC
	movx	t1, .FHJOB
	RTIW%			; Get the current term. int. word
	movem	t2, CRTIW
	movx	t1, .PRIIN
	move	t2, IRFMOD
	SFMOD%			; Set the term. mode word to init.
	movx	t1, .PRIIN
	move	t2, IRFMOD
	STPAR%			; Set the term. mode word to init.
	movx	t1, .PRIIN
	dmove	t2, IRFCOC
	SFCOC%			; Set CCOC words to init.
	movx	t1, .FHJOB
	move	t2, IRTIW
	STIW%			; Reset term. int. word to init.
	seto	t1,
	MOVE	t2, [xwd -2, prgnam]
	movx	t3, .JISNM
	GETJI%			; Get the current SUBSYS and PROG names
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	dmove	t1, OURNAM
	SETSN%			; Set our SUBSYS and PROG names
	 ercal	$ERJSY
BREAKX:	move	p, SAVPDL	; Restore old stack pointer
	movei	t1, CPOPJ	; Where to DEBRK to
	exch	t1, CHN1PC
	jumpe	t1, CPOPJ	; No int., just return then

CTLY:	push	p, t1		; ^Y typed (Program status char.)
	push	p, t2
	push	p, t3
	push	p, t4
	hrrz	t1, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ	; get current primary output jfn
	movem	t1, P3
	skipn	frkfrk
	 jrst	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/No program/]
		 call	$ERWRN
		 jrst	CTLYX]
	hrroi	t2, FRKNAM
	call	$TYSMS
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/
	call	$TYSTR
	call	TYPSTS
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/ used /]
	call	$TYSTR
	move	t1, FRKFRK
	RUNTM%			; Get the fork's runtime
	call	LSTTM		; List CPU time
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/ in /]
	call	$TYSTR
	sub	t1, CTIME	; Amount of time since last run.
	call	LSTTM		; List console time
	pop	p, t4
	pop	p, t3
	pop	p, t2
	pop	p, t1
	DEBRK%			; return from interrupt

	RFSTS%			; Return fork's status
	push	p, t2		; Save PC
	load	t1, RF%STS, t1
	move	t2, STSTAB(t1)	; Get message which goes with status
	call	$TYSTR
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/ at /]
	call	$TYSTR
	hrrz	t1, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ
	pop	p, t2
	jrst	LSTPC

STSTAB:	point	7, [asciz/Running/]	; .RFRUN
	point	7, [asciz/IO wait/]	; .RFIO
	point	7, [asciz/Halt/]	; .RFHLT
	point	7, [asciz/Error/]	; .RFFPT
	point	7, [asciz/Fork wait/]	; .RFWAT
	point	7, [asciz/Sleep/]	; .RFSLP
	point	7, [asciz/Break/]	; .RFTRP
	point	7, [asciz/Error/]	; .RFABK

	subttl	APPEND, LIST, and TYPE commands

$TYPE:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/PCLOOK data on terminal/]>]
	call	$CMNCF
	hrrz	p3, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ
	jrst	$LIST2

$APPEN:	movx	t4, GJ%MSG
	jrst	$LIST1

$LIST:	movx	t4, GJ%FOU!GJ%MSG
$LIST1:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/PCLOOK data to file/]>]
	call	$CMNOI
	move	t1, t4
	setz	t2,
	 hrroi	t3, FILNAM
	hrroi	t4, [asciz/PCLOOK/]
	call	$CMFIL
	hrrz	p3, t2		; Save output JFN
	call	$CMCFM
	move	t1, P3
	movx	t2, FLD(7, OF%BSZ)!OF%APP
	 ercal	$ERJSY
$LIST2:	skipn	frkfrk
	 call	NOPRG
	move	t1, P3
	movei 	p4, ^D132	; Default page width
	load	t2, DV%TYP, t2
	caie	t2, .DVTTY	; Listing to TTY?
	 jrst	LSTHDR		; No, use default page width
	move	t1, P3
	load	p4, TT%WID, t2	; Get the page width
	caige	p4, ^D16	; Width < 16?
	 addi	p4, ^D128	; width = width + 128
LSTHDR:	move	t1, P3
	skipn	TTLTXT		; Have a title?
	 jrst	LSTHD2		; No, don't list it.
	hrroi	t2, TTLTXT
	call	LSTSTR		; list title
	call	LSTCR
LSTHD2:	hrroi	t2, FRKNAM
	call	LSTSTR		; List the fork's name
	call	LSTTAB
	seto	t2,
	SETZ	t3,
	ODTIM%			; Current time and date
	call	LSTCR
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/ Interval: /]
	call	LSTSTR
	move	t2, INTRVL
	call	LSTDEC		; Interval in milliseconds
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/ msec, Scale factor: /]
	call	LSTSTR
	move	t2, SCALE
	call	LSTDEC		; Scale factor
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/, Run time: /]
	call	LSTSTR
	move	t1, FRKFRK
	RUNTM%			; Get the fork's runtime
	sub	t1, CRUNTM	; ms of runtime (current - last)
	call	LSTTM
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/, Elapsed time: /]
	call	LSTSTR
	sub	t1, CTIME	; Amount of time since last run.
	call	LSTTM
	call	LSTCR
	skipn	SBTTXT		; Have a subtitle?
	 jrst	LSTHD4		; No, skip listing it then
	hrroi	t2, SBTTXT
	call	LSTSTR		; List subtitle
	call	LSTCR
	hrroi	t2, RUNTXT	; [NHFB0032] print GET/MERGE/RUN command
	call	LSTSTR
	call	LSTCR
	call	LSTCR
	movsi	p1, -SPCLEN	; AOBJN pointer/counter for status PC table
	movei	t4, "="
	movem	t4, MARKER
	setzm	CUMHIT		; Clear cumulative hit count

SPLOOP:	hrrz	t4, SPCTAB(p1)
	skipn	t4, (t4)	; Equal to zero?
	 jrst	SPLPX		; Yes, don't output
	hlro	t2, SPCTAB(p1)
	call	LSTSTR		; Output string
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/:		/]
	call	LSTSTR
  	call	LSTHST		; Output hist. of value
SPLPX:	aobjn	p1, SPLOOP
	call	LSTCR

	hrroi	t2, [asciz /Histogram printing for address range /]
	call	LSTSTR
	move	t2, RNGBEG
	call	LSTOCT
	hrroi	t2, [asciz / : /]
	call	LSTSTR
	move	t2, RNGEND
	call	LSTOCT
	call	LSTCR

	hrroi	t2, [asciz /
..........Address..........   .......Hits....... Scale	Histogram Bar
 Value	Module_local+offset   Count   Cumulative
	call	LSTSTR

	setzm	CUMHIT		; Clear counters
	setzm	MODCNT
	setzm	MODHIT
	setzm	MODSUM

	movei	t4, "*"
	movem	t4, MARKER	; Default histogram bar marker

	move	p1, RNGEND
	addi	p1, 1_<PCshft>	; RNGEND + bucketsize
	aos	p1		; RNGEND + bucketsize + 1
	sub	p1, RNGBEG	; (RNGEND + bucketsize + 1 - RNGBEG) =
				; (size of section to print)
	caile	p1, 777777
	 movei	p1, 777777	; enforce maximum range in 0..777777
	lsh	p1, -PCshft	; form FRKTAB table index
	movn	p1, p1		; -size
	hrl	p1, p1		; -size,,-size
	move	t2, RNGBEG
	lsh	t2, -PCshft	; form FRKTAB table index
	hrr	p1, t2		; -size,,begin_offset for loop control
	setzm	SYMLST		; must force search of entire symbol
				; table initially

CTLOOP:	skipn	t2, FRKTAB(p1)	; Zero?
	 jrst	CTLPX		; Yes, don't output
	addm	t2, CUMHIT	; No, update cumulative hit count
	hrrz	t2, p1		; Get address in table
	lsh	t2, PCshft	; Make into address in program
	call	LSTSYM		; Output as symbol
	 skipa	t2, [point 7, [asciz"		"]]	; Value only printed
	  hrroi	t2, [asciz"	"]	; Value + Symbol printed
	move	t0, TOTFLG
	cain	t0, TOTONL
	 jrst	CTLPX		; TOTALS ONLY wanted
	move	t4, FRKTAB(p1)	; [18-Oct-83] get count
	camge	t4, SCALE	; [18-Oct-83] smaller than SCALE?
	 jrst	CTLPX		; No, suppress it since it would be
				; smaller than one asterisk
	move	t3, SCRLEN
	caige	t3, ^D16	; Longest symbol, no tabs to print!
	 call	LSTSTR
	move	t4, FRKTAB(p1)
	call	LSTHST		; Output histogram bar
CTLPX:	aobjn	p1, CTLOOP

	hrroi	t2,[asciz /=====================================================================
	call	LSTSTR
	hrroi	t2, [BYTE (7).CHFFD]
	call	LSTSTR
	camn	t2, t1		; Using terminal?
	 ret			; Yes, all done
	CLOSF%			; No, close listing file first
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	call	$JFCLR		; then remove jfn from table

; Routine to print current PC value in form
; oooooo<TAB>module_local+offset
; if a symbol can be found, otherwise as
; oooooo
; Expects jfn in t1, PC value in t2, destroys t3, t4.
; Returns +1 always.

LSTPC:	push	p, t2		; Save it
	push	p, p4
	hrrz	t2, t2		; Address part of PC only (no flags)
	movem	t2, PRGADD	; address to print
	movx	t2, .MORLW
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	move	p4, t3		; Terminal width
	setzm	SYMLST		; must force search of entire symbol table
	push	p, t1		; Save t1
	movei	ap, SYMSTF
	call	PCSYMB		; Get a symbol
	pop	p, t1		; restore t1 (jfn)
	move	t2, PRGADD
	movx	t3, NO%LFL!FLD(^D8,NO%RDX)!FLD(6,NO%COL)
	call	LSTNUM		; oooooo
	skipe	SCRLEN
	 call	[call	LSTTAB	; oooooo<TAB>
		hrroi	t2, SCRBUF
		call	LSTSTR	; oooooo<TAB>module_localsymbol+offset
		ret		; [NHFB0030] - missed this
	pop	p, p4
	pop	p, t2		; Restore rhs of PC

; Routine to print out program address and nearest preceding symbol
; in form
; oooooo<TAB>module_local+offset
; or
; oooooo<TAB>
; A module total of the form
; <TAB>module_{total}<TAB>{optional scale factor, else TAB}#########
; will be printed if the module has changed.
; On entry, t1 contains the destination designator, t2 the address,
; and p1 the hit table index.  If the hit count is smaller than SCALE,
; nothing is printed, but the two returns are taken as if printing was
; done.
; Printing is also affected by the value of TOTFLG (TOTINC, TOTEXC, and
; Returns +1 if only value printed, or +2 if value plus symbol printed.
; t0,t2..t4 are destroyed.
LSTSYM:	movem	t2, PRGADD	; address to print
	move	t4, FRKTAB(p1)	; get hit count and
	movem	t4, MODHIT	; save it
	movei	ap, SYMSTF
	call	PCSYMB		; Get a symbol
	skipn	SCRLEN		; Symbol found?
	 jrst	[setzm	SYMLST	; [NHFB0033] no, make search restart next time
		movx	t3, NO%LFL!FLD(^D8,NO%RDX)!FLD(6,NO%COL)
		move	t0, TOTFLG	; No symbol available
		cain	t0, TOTONL
		 ret		; TOTAL ONLY wanted, no output if no symbol
		move	t0, MODHIT
		camge	t0, SCALE
		 ret		; no output when MODHIT less than SCALE
		call	LSTNUM	; No, just output value and
		call	LSTTAB	; tab

	call	LSTSUM		; Update and possibly output cumulative
				; module count
	move	t0, TOTFLG
	cain	t0, TOTONL
	 ret			; TOTAL ONLY wanted, so no more output
	move	t4, MODHIT	; Get hit count for this symbol.
	camge	t4, SCALE	; [18-Oct-83] smaller than SCALE?
	 retskp			; No, suppress it since it would be
				; smaller than one asterisk

	move	t2, PRGADD
	movx	t3, NO%LFL!FLD(^D8,NO%RDX)!FLD(6,NO%COL)
	call	LSTNUM		; oooooo
	call	LSTTAB		; oooooo<TAB>
	hrroi	t2, SCRBUF
	call	LSTSTR		; oooooo<TAB>module_localsymbol+offset
	retskp			; Skip return to flag printing of symbol

	-5,,0			; -argcount,,0 (arglist for PCSYMB)
SYMSTF:	PRGADD			; address of searched symbol
	SYMPTR			; symbol table pointer (-count,,firstaddress)
	SCRBUF			; symbol name area (returned)
	SCRLEN			; symbol length (returned)
	SYMLST			; last module symbol table index (returned)
				; if 0, search starts from beginning and
				; is MUCH slower

; Routine to update module histogram count and print it if the module
; has changed.  SCRBUF is expected to contain the name of the last
; symbol, MODHIT the current PC bucket count, and p3 the output jfn.
; If any printing occurs, the file position is at the beginning of a new
; line on return.
; Returns +1 always.  Destroys t0,t2..t4.

LSTSUM:	move	t1, [point 7,MODULE]	; current module name
	move	t3, [point 7,SCRBUF]	; new module name

MODLOP:	ildb	t0, t1		; get current module byte
	ildb	t2, t3		; get new module byte
	caie	t0, "_"		; end of current string?
	 jrst	MODCMP		; no
	caie	t2, "_"		; end of new string?
	  jrst	MODCMP		; no
	jrst	MODDON		; yes, names match
MODCMP:	camn	t0, t2		; same?
	 jrst	MODLOP		; yes, continue scan
				; names are different, so
	move	t2, MODCNT	; we have a new module
	caig	t2, 1		; more than one bucket in
				; previous module?
	 jrst	[hrroi	t1, MODULE	; no, first time, so
		hrroi	t2, SCRBUF	; save module name
		movei	t3, 7
		movei	t4, "_"
		movei	t1, 1
		movem	t1, MODCNT	; set MODCNT = 1
		setzm	MODSUM	; clear hit count for this module
		jrst	MODDON]

	move	t1, MODSUM	; yes, get cumulative hits of previous module
	camge	t1, SCALE
	 jrst	MODNEW		; no output when count less than SCALE
	move	t0, TOTFLG
	cain	t0, TOTEXC
	 jrst	MODNEW		; no output when TOTAL EXCLUDED
	move	t1, p3		; jfn
	call	LSTTAB		; <TAB>
	hrroi	t2, MODULE
	movei	t3, 7
	movei	t4, "_"
				; <TAB>module_
	hrroi	t2,[asciz/{total}	/]
	call	LSTSTR		; <TAB>module_{total}<TAB>

	move	t4, MODSUM	; get previous module total hit count
	push	p, MARKER	; save current marker symbol
	movei	t0, "#"		; flag with different symbol
	movem	t0, MARKER
	call	LSTHST		; histogram bar
	pop	p, MARKER	; restore marker symbol

MODNEW:	setzm	MODSUM		; clear for new module
	setzm	MODCNT

MODDON:	aos	MODCNT		; increment module count
	move	t1, MODHIT
	addm	t1, MODSUM	; update module hit count
	move	t1, p3		; restore jfn
	ret			; return to caller

; Routine to print hh:mm:ss.  On entry, t1 contains the time, and p3 the
; output jfn.  Returns +1 always.

LSTTM:	imuli	t1, 1750	; time * 1000.
	idiv	t1, t2		; time / 1000.
	move	t2, t1		; Store time
	hrrz	t1, P3
	idiv	t2, [^D3600000]	; time / 1 hour
	push	p, t3		; mod(time, 1 hour)
	jumpe	t2, LSTTM2	; no hours.
	call	LSTDEC		; output hours
	movei	t2, ":"
LSTTM2:	pop	p, t2		; restore time (less hours)
	idivi	t2, ^D60000	; time / 1 minute
	push	p, t3		; mod(time, 1 minute)
	call	LSTDC2		; output minutes
	movei	t2, ":"
	pop	p, t2		; restore time (less hours, minutes)
	idivi	t2, ^D1000	; time / 1 second
	push	p, t3		; mod(time, 1 second)
	call	LSTDC2		; output seconds
	movei	t2, "."
	pop	p, t2		; restore time (fraction of seconds)
	idivi	t2, ^D10	; 10ths of second

LSTDC2:	skipa	t3, [NO%LFL!NO%ZRO!FLD(2, NO%COL)!FLD(^D10, NO%RDX)]
LSTDEC:	movx	t3, FLD(^D10, NO%RDX)
	 ercal	$ERJSY
LSTOCT:	movx	t3, FLD(^D8, NO%RDX)
	jrst	LSTNUM
	 ercal	$ERJSY
; Routine to print histogram bar.  Expects jfn in t1, count in t4, line
; width in p4.  Destroys t0, t2..t4.
; Returns +1 always.
LSTHST:	move	t2, t4		; Get value to output
	push	p, t2		; save it
	movx	t3, NO%LFL!NO%OOV!FLD(7,NO%COL)!FLD(^D10,NO%RDX)
	call	LSTNUM
	fltr	t2, t2
	fltr	t0, STCNT	; RUN time (TOTAL - SLEEP - I/O)
	fdvr	t2, T0
	fmpr	t2, [100.0]	; type a percent of value in t2
	call	LSTFLT
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/% /]
	call	LSTSTR
	fltr	t2, CUMHIT
	fltr	t0, STCNT	; RUN time (TOTAL - SLEEP - I/O)
	fdvr	t2, T0
	fmpr	t2, [100.0]	; type a percent of value in t2
	call	LSTFLT
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/% /]
	call	LSTSTR
	pop	p, t2		; restore number of hits
	move	t4, t2
	hrrei	t3, -1(t4)
	add	t3, SCALE
	idiv	t3, SCALE	; number of stars = (count+SCALE-1)/SCALE
	caig	t3, -30(p4)	; Length < width - 24?
	 jrst	LSTHS2		; Yes,
	movei	t2, "x"		; No, create scale factor of 10, 100, etc.
	movei	t2, "1"

LSTHS1:	caig	t3, -40(p4)	; Length < width - 32?
	 jrst	LSTHS2		; Yes, exit loop
	idivi	t3, ^D10
	movei	t2, "0"
	jrst	LSTHS1

LSTHS2:	push	p, t3
	call	LSTTAB		; <TAB>
	pop	p, t3

LSTHS3:	move	t2, MARKER
	BOUT%			; Output marker symbol
	sojg	t3, LSTHS3

	call	LSTCR

LSTSTR:	setz	t3,

LSTTAB:	hrroi	t2, [asciz/	/]
	call	LSTSTR

LSTCR:	hrroi	t2, [asciz/
	call	LSTSTR

	subttl	COMND JSYS support tables and routines

$CMSIN:	$CMREP			; Initial COMND state block
	point	7, $PRMPT
	point	7, $CMBUF
	point	7, $CMBUF
	point	7, $ATBUF
$CMINI::			; Initialize COMND
	setzm	$CMBEG
	move	t4, [xwd $CMBEG, $CMBEG+1]
	blt	t4, $SVPDL
	move	t4, [xwd $CMSIN, $CMBLK]
	blt	t4, $CMBLK+.CMGJB
	skipn	t2, t1		; Have pointer to program name?
	 jrst	$CMIN1		; No, go get our own
	hrroi	t1, $PRGNM
	movei	t3, 11
	setz	t4,
	SOUT%			; move up to 9 chars. for program name
	jrst	$CMIN6

$CMIN1:	GETNM%			; Ask the system for our name
	move	t2, [point 6, t1]
	move	t3, [point 7, $PRGNM]
	movei	t4, 6

$CMIN2:	ildb	c, t2
	jumpe	c, $CMIN3
	addi	c, " "
	idpb	c, t3
	sojg	t4, $CMIN2

$CMIN6:	hrroi	t1, $PRMPT
	hrroi	t2, $PRGNM
	call	$MVSTR		; Copy program name for prompt
	movei	c, ">"		; Make prompt look like "prog name>"
	idpb	c, t1
	setz	c,
	idpb	c, t1		; End prompt string with NUL

$CMIN7:	tlc	t1, 777777	; Check to see if pointer is of type -1,,addr.
	tlcn	t1, 777777	; if it is then make it 440700,,addr.
	 hrli	t1, 440700	; otherwise leave it alone.
	setz	t4,

$CMRS1:	ildb	c, t1		; Copy string pointed to by t1 into COMND's
	jumpe	c, $CMRS2	; buffer.
	idpb	c, $CMBLK+.CMPTR
	aoja	t4, $CMRS1

$CMRS2:	movx	t1, .RSINI	; Init. ReSCAN
	 erjmp	cpopj
	move	t3, t1		; Save the number of chars. in Rescan buffer
	call	RSCHSK
	move	t2, [point 7, $TXBUF]

$CMRS5:	cail	t1, "A"		; Lowercase letter?
	 subi	t1, 40		; Yes, make in to uppercase
	cail	t1, "A"
	 caile	t1, "Z"
	  jrst	[cail t1, "0"	; If t1 < "0" or t1 > "9" THEN not a number
		 caile t1, "9"
		  jrst [caie t1, "-"	; If t1 <> "-" and "_" THEN done here.
			 cain t1, "_"
			  jrst $CMRS5+5
			jrst $CMRS6]
		jrst $CMRS5+5]
	idpb	t1, t2		; Store the letter
	call	RSCHAR		; Get the next char.
	 ret			; None left.
	jrst	$CMRS5		; Got it.

$CMRS6:	setz	c,
	idpb	c, t2		; Finish off string
	call	RSCHS1		; Get the rest of the rescan buffer (if any)

$CMRS7:	idpb	t1, $CMBLK+.CMPTR	; Store the byte read from rescan buf.
	call	RSCHAR		; Read another char.
	 skipa			; No more chars left.
	aoja	t4, $CMRS7	; Increment the count of chars read
	hrroi	t1, $PRGNM
	hrroi	t2, $TXBUF
	STCMP%			; Does the program name match ours?
	txnn	t1, SC%SUB
	 jumpn	t1, CPOPJ	; Program names don't match.
	movem	t4, $RSCNT

$CMRS0:	hrroi	t1, RSCBUF	; Start rescan buffer off with file name of
	move	t2, P3		; program being run.
	movx	t3, FLD(.JSSSD, JS%NAM)
	movei	t2, " "
	idpb	t2, t1		; Then a space.

$CMRSC:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMTXT,CM%SDH,,<Rescan command string for program>]
	call	$CMCMD
	 jrst	$ERJSY
	call	$CMRS0
	move	t2, $CMBLK+.CMABP
	ildb	t3, t2		; Pickup first char in atom buffer
	skipn	t3		; Nul?
	 ret			; Yes, no text for rescan buffer
	idpb	t3, t1		; Copy from atom buffer to RSCBUF
	ildb	t3, t2
	jumpn	t3, .-2		; Copy until NUL.
	movx	t4, .CHLFD
	idpb	t4, t1
	idpb	t3, t1
	hrroi	t1, RSCBUF	; Put RSCBUF in ReSCAN buffer
	 jrst	$ERJSY

RSCHSK:	call	RSCHAR		; Get char from Rescan buffer
	 ret			; None left.

RSCHS1:	caie	t1, " "		; A space
	 cain	t1, .CHTAB	; or tab?
	  jrst	RSCHSK		; YES, get next char.
	caie	t1, .CHLFD	; Line feed
	 cain	t1, .CHCRT	; or return?
	  jrst	RSCHSK		; YES, get next char

RSCHAR:	sojl	t3, CPOPJ	; Exhausted count of chars. in rescan buffer
	PBIN%			; Read char from rescan buffer
	retskp			; Return +2 if have one.

	movem	p, $SVPDL	; Save stack pointer
	movem	t1, $CMTLF	; Save addresses of FLDDB.s
	hrrz	t1, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ	; Get input designator
	hrroi	t2, $PRMPT	; Pointer to prompt
	skipn	$RSCNT		; Any chars in rescan?
	 caie	t1, .PRIOU	; No, Using primary IO?
	  hrroi	t2, [asciz//]	; Use null string for prompt.
	movem	t2, $CMBLK+.CMRTY	; Save prompt pointer.
	movei	t1, $CMBLK
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMINI]
	call	$CMCMD		; Do init for COMND
	skiple	t1, $RSCNT	; Any chars in rescan?
	 movem	t1, $CMBLK+.CMINC	; Yes, store here.

$CMREP:	setzm	$NOFLG		; No "NO"
	move	p, $SVPDL	; Get stack pointer back.
	call	$JFCLS		; Close all JFNs
	hrrz	t2, $CMTLF	; Get pointer to FLDDB.

$CMTL3:	call	$CMCMD		; Parse a word.
	 call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Unknown keyword/]
		    jrst	$ERATM]
	hrrz	t2, (t2)
	call	(T2)		; Dipatch to routine for keyword parsed.
	jrst	$CMDON
	jrst	$CMTL3

$CMDON:	skipn	p, $SVPDL	; Restore stack pointer
	 jrst	%%DIE		; No stack pointer saved, go die.
	call	$JFCLS		; Close JFNs
	skipn	t1, $RSCNT	; Doing rescan?
	 retskp			; No.
	setzm	$RSCNT		; Nothing in rescan.

$NO::	setcmm	$NOFLG		; "NO" has been parsed.
	hlrz	t2, $CMTLF	; Use "NO" FLDDB.

$ERWRN::			; t2 contains message.
	hrroi	t1, [asciz/% /]
	call	$TYMSG
	jrst	$TYCRL

$ERCMD:	hlrz	t1, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ
	txnn	t2, GS%EOF	; Hit EOF of take file?
	 call	$ERJSY		; Must've been jsys error.
	hrroi	t1, $TXBUF
	hlrz	t2, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ
	setz	t3,
	call	$CMCLS		; Close take file.
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/End of command file /]
	call	$TYSMS
	hrroi	t2, $TXBUF
	call	$TYSTR
	call	$TYEMS
	jrst	$CMDON

$ERATM::			; t2 contains pointer to message
	hrroi	t1, $TXBUF
	call	$MVSTR		; Output error message
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/ "/]
	call	$MVSTR
	hrroi	t2, $ATBUF
	call	$MVSTR		; then atom buffer.
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/"/]
	call	$MVSTR
	call	$MVEND
	jrst	$ERJS2

$ERJSS::			; t2 contains pointer to message
	hrroi	t1, $TXBUF
	call	$MVSTR
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/ /]
	call	$MVSTR
	jrst	$ERJS1
	hrroi	t1, $TXBUF
$ERJS1:	hrloi	t2, .FHSLF
	setz	t3,
	ERSTR%			; Get last error message for self
$ERJS2:	hrroi	t2, $TXBUF
	push	p, t2
	hrrz	t4, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ
	call	$CMCLS		; Close input and output JFNs
	movx	t1, .PRIIN
	pop	p, t2
	hrroi	t1, [asciz/? /]
	call	$TYMSG
	cain	t4, .PRIOU	; Using primary output?
	 jrst	$ERST2		; Yes.
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/:
	call	$TYSTR
	hrroi	t2, $PRMPT
	call	$TYSTR
	move	t1, $CMBLK+.CMINC
	ibp	t1, $CMBLK+.CMPTR
	call	$MVEND
	move	t2, $CMBLK+.CMBFP
	call	$TYSTR
$ERST2:	call	$TYTST
	jrst	$CMDON

$CMNCF::			; Confirm with noise
	call	$CMNOI
$CMCFM::			; Confirm
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMCFM]
	call	$CMCMD
	call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Invalid confirmation/]
		jrst	$ERSTR]

$CMNOI::			; Noise
	call	$CMCMD
	call	[hrroi	t2, [asciz/Invalid guide word/]
		jrst	$ERSTR]

$CMFIL::			; File spec
	setzm	$GJBLK
	move	c, [xwd $GJBLK, $GJBLK+1]
	blt	c, $GJBLK+15
	movem	t1, $GJBLK+.GJGEN
	movem	t2, $GJBLK+.GJDEV
	movem	t3, $GJBLK+.GJNAM
	movem	t4, $GJBLK+.GJEXT
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMFIL]
	call	$CMCMD
	 call	$ERJSY
	jrst	$JFSET

$CMCMD::			; Command (keyword)
	movei	t1, $CMBEG
	 erjmp	$ERCMD
	txne	t1, CM%NOP

$CMCLS:	move	t3, [xwd .PRIIN, .PRIOU]
	exch	t3, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ
	hrrz	t1, t3
	CLOSF%			; Close input JFN
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	hlrz	t1, t3
	CLOSF%			; Close output JFN
	 ercal	$ERJSY

$JFSET::			; Store JFN in table
	push	p, t1
	movsi	t1, -$JFTLN
SETJF1:	skipe	$JFTAB(t1)	; Looking for a place to put it.
	 aobjn	t1, SETJF1
	jumpge	t1, RLSJF0	; Ran out of room?
	hrrzm	t2, $JFTAB(t1)	; Store JFN
	pop	p, t1

$JFCLR::			; Clear JFN from table
	movsi	t2, -$JFTLN
CLRJF1:	camn	t1, $JFTAB(t2)	; Found JFN?
	 setzm	$JFTAB(t2)	; Yes, clear it.
	aobjn	t2, CLRJF1

$JFCLS::			; Close JFNs
	movsi	t2, -$JFTLN
CLSJF1:	skipn	t1, $JFTAB(t2)
	 jrst	CLSJF2
	txo	t1, CZ%ABT
	 erjmp	rlsjfn
CLSJF2:	setzm	$JFTAB(t2)
	aobjn	t2, CLSJF1

JFNTE:	hrroi	t2, [asciz/JFN table exhausted/]
	jrst	$ERSTR
RLSJFN:	move	t1, $JFTAB(t2)
	jrst	clsjf2

$TYSMS::			; Type start message
	hrroi	t1, [asciz/[/]
$TYMSG::			; Type message
	push	p, t2
	push	p, t1
	call	$TYTST
	pop	p, t2
	call	$TYSTR
	hrroi	t2, $PRGNM
	call	$TYSTR
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/: /]
	call	$TYSTR
	pop	p, t2
	jrst	$TYSTR
$TYEMS::			; Type end message
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/]
	jrst	$TYSTR
$TYTST::			; Type test (where doing IO?)
	hrrz	t1, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ	; Get output JFN
	DOBE%			; Wait for output buffer to empty
	RFPOS%			; Return position
	trnn	t2, 777777	; Column position -1?
$TYCRL::			; Carriage return and linefeed
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/
$TYSTR::			; Type string
	hrrz	t1, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ
$MVSTR::			; move string
	call	LSTSTR
$MVEND::			; End string (NUL)
	setz	c,
	idpb	c, t1

	hrroi	t2, [asciz/Can't continue/]
	call	$ERSTR
	jrst	%%DIE

RSKP:	aos	(p)		; Return +2
CPOPJ:	ret			; Return +1

	subttl	TAKE command

$TAKE::	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/commands from file/]>]
	call	$CMNOI
	movx	t1, GJ%OLD
	setzb	t2, t3
	hrroi	t4, [asciz/CMD/]
	call	$CMFIL		; Parse command file spec
	hrlz	p1, t2		; Save input jfn here.
	setzm	$TXBUF
	hrroi	t1, $TXBUF
	movx	t3, FLD(.JSAOF, JS%NAM)
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/logging output on/]>]
	call	$CMNOI
	movx	t1, GJ%FOU!GJ%MSG
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/TTY/]
	skipe	t3, $TXBUF
	 hrroi	t3, $TXBUF
	hrroi	t4, [asciz/LOG/]
	call	$CMFIL
	hrr	p1, t2		; Save output jfn here.
	call	$CMCFM
	call	$CMCLS
	hlrz	t1, p1
	movx	t2, FLD(7, OF%BSZ)!OF%RD
	OPENF%			; Open input
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	hrrz	t1, p1
	movx	t2, FLD(7, OF%BSZ)!OF%APP
	OPENF%			; Open output
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	movem	p1, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ	; Setup COMND for parsing anew.
	call	$JFCLR
	hlrz	t1, p1
	jrst	$JFCLR

	subttl	EXIT and HELP commands

$EXIT::	hrroi	t2, [asciz/from /]
	call	$HLPEX
	setom	$RSCNT

$HELP::	hrroi	t2, [asciz/with /]
	call	$HLPEX
	hrroi	t1, $TXBUF
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/File HLP:/]
	call	$MVSTR
	hrroi	t2, $PRGNM
	call	$MVSTR
	hrroi	t2, [asciz/.HLP/]
	call	$MVSTR
	call	$MVEND
	movx	t1, GJ%OLD!GJ%SHT
	hrroi	t2, $TXBUF+1
	 ercal [hrroi	t2, $TXBUF
		jrst	$ERJSS]
	movx	t2, FLD(7, OF%BSZ)!OF%RD
	 ercal [hrroi	t2, $TXBUF
		jrst	$ERJSS]
$HELP1:	hrroi	t2, $TXBUF
	movei	t3, $TXBLN-1
	setz	t4,
	move	t4, t3
	push	p, t1
	setz	t1,
	idpb	t1, t2
	hrroi	t2, $TXBUF
	call	$TYSTR
	pop	p, t1
	jumpe	t4, $HELP1

$HLPEX:	hrroi	t1, $TXBUF
	call	$MVSTR
	hrroi	t2, $PRGNM
	call	$MVSTR
	call	$MVEND
	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, $TXBUF>]
	jrst	$CMNCF

	subttl	INFORMATION command

$XINFO:	movei	t2, [FLDDB. .CMNOI,,<point 7, [asciz/about PCLOOK via XINFO/]>]
	call	$CMNOI
	call	$CMCFM
	skipe	t1, XINFRK	; Do we have a fork yet?
	 jrst	XINFO1		; yes
	movx	t1, GJ%SHT!GJ%OLD
	hrroi	t2, [asciz /SYS:XINFO.EXE/]
	 erjmp	[hrroi	t2,[asciz /% SYS:XINFO.EXE is not available for this command.
Use HELP command instead.
		hrrz	t1, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ	; Get output JFN
		call	LSTSTR

	movem	t1, XINJFN	; save JFN
	movx	t1, CR%CAP
	CFORK%			; create a fork
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	movem	t1, XINFRK	; save fork handle

; GET the .EXE file into the just-created inferior fork.

	hrl	t1, XINFRK	; fork handle
	hrr	t1, XINJFN	; form Fork Handle,,JFN
	GET%			; Copy EXEFIL into inferior fork
				; and release the JFN.
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	setzm	XINJFN		; Clear the JFN

; Save the terminal characteristics

	movx	t1, .PRIOU
	RFMOD%			; Get the current term. mode word
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	movem	t2, XRFMOD
	RFCOC%			; Get the current term. CCOC words
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	dmovem	t2, XRFCOC
	movx	t1, .FHJOB
	RTIW%			; Get the current term. int. word
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	movem	t1, XRTIW
	dmovem	t2, XRTIW+1
	movx	t1, .PRIOU
	movx	t2, .MORLW
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	movem	t3, XMORLW
	movx	t2, .MORLL
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	movem	t3, XMORLL

; Clear the terminal input buffer and give XINFO some input before
; starting it.   The buffer clear is essential to prevent intermixed
; input.
	move	t4, [point 7, [asciz/G(DOC:PCLOOK.INFO)
/]]				; simulate terminal input string

XINSTI:	ildb	t2, t4		; get input byte
	jumpe	t2, XINRUN	; quit at end-of-string
	hrrz	t1, $CMBLK+.CMIOJ	; use current primary input
	STI%			; input the character
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	jrst	XINSTI		; keep stashing input

XINFO1:	hrrz	t1, XINFRK	; Fork handle
	RFSTS%			; Get fork status to test if handle OK
	 erjmp	XINDON		; Return on error
	load	t1, RF%STS, t1
	cain	t1, .RFHLT	; is the fork halted?
	 jrst	XINRUN		; yes
	move	t1, XINFRK	; Get the fork handle
	HFORK%			; Halt the fork
	 erjmp	XINDON		; Return on error
; Start XINFO.  Interrupts are disabled so that the full range of
; EMACS control characters is available, and so that fork termination
; will return here and not to FRKTRM routine.
XINRUN:	movx	t1, .FHSLF
	move	t2, CHNLST
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	movx	t1, .FHSLF
	DIR%			; disable our own interrupts
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	move	t1, XINFRK	; get the fork handle
	setz	t2,		; START at offset 0 in entry
				; vector
	SFRKV%			; start the fork
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	move	t1, XINFRK	; get the fork handle
	WFORK%			; wait for it to finish
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	movx	t1, .FHSLF
	move	t2, [xwd LEVTAB, CHNTAB]
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	move	t2, CHNLST	; channels 0,1,19
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	EIR%			; reactivate interrupt handling
	 ercal	$ERJSY
; Restore the terminal state
	movx	t1, .PRIOU
	move	t2, XRFMOD
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	movx	t1, .PRIOU
	move	t2, XRFMOD
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	movx	t1, .PRIOU
	dmove	t2, XRFCOC
	 ercal	$ERJSY
	move	t1, XRTIW
	dmove	t2, XRTIW+1
	 ercal	$ERJSY

	movx	t1, .PRIOU
	movx	t2, .MOSLW
	move	t3, XMORLW
	 ercal	$ERJSY

	movx	t2, .MOSLL
	move	t3, XMORLL
	 ercal	$ERJSY

XINDON:	ret			; Return to caller

	xlist			; do not want literals in listing
        END     3,,$$$EV$