
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/runner.fai
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Title RUNNER - Run a program
Search Monsym, Macsym
.require sys:macrel.rel
extern .jbsym			;for symbolic pc lookup in error routine

bugs==:0			;no bugs
pdllen==:100			;stack size
buflen==:200			;command and atom buffer size

sym==:6				;ac used by error routines for symbol address
.chdqt==:42			;char defn ala Macsym

define parse (field) <
	movei b,field
	call parser

define putchr (char) <
	movei c,char
	idpb c,a

define putstr (ptr) <
	move b,ptr
	call cpystr

define makptr (ac) <
	tlc ac,-1
	tlce ac,-1
	 tlnn ac,-1
	  hrli ac,(<point 7,0>)

define amsg (msg) <
ifn bugs,<
	push p,a
	tmsg <msg>
	pop p,a

define dmsg (msg) <
ifn bugs,<
	push p,a
	hrroi a,[asciz \
	call domsg
	pop p,a

define trace (lbl) <
	dmsg <lbl:

define show (nam,loc) <
ifn bugs,<
	dmsg <	nam = >
	push p,b
ifnb <loc>,<move b,loc>
ifb <loc>,<move b,nam>
	call shower
	pop p,b
	call pcrlf

define say (nam,loc) <
ifn bugs,<
	dmsg <	nam = >
	push p,sym
ifnb <loc>,<move sym,loc>
ifb <loc>,<move sym,nam>
	call what
	pop p,sym
	call pcrlf

define saystk (n) <
ifn bugs,<
	dmsg <	stack = >
	push p,b
	hlrz b,n-1(p)
	call shower
	pop p,b
	amsg <,,>
	push p,sym
	hrrz sym,n-1(p)
	call what
	pop p,sym
	call pcrlf
	Subttl	Storage

evpt:	block 1			;entry vector point desired
exejfn:	block 1			;file handle on program to run
exefrk:	block 1			;fork handle on program to run
snames:	block 2			;system and program names
rparse:	block 1			;reparse address
rparsp:	block 1			;stack value at reparse
prserr:	block 1			;alternate branch address for parsing error
cmderr:	block 1			;alternate branch address for comndjsys error
cstate:	block .cmgjb+1		;command state block
 csbend==:.-1			;end of CSB
gjfnbk:	block .gjatr+1		;long form get-jfn block
 gjbend==:.-1			;end of GJB
combuf:	block buflen		;command buffer
atmbuf:	block buflen		;atom buffer
rscbuf:	block buflen+9		;rescan buffer buffer
filnam:	block 8			;put the program filename here
errpc:	block 1			;pc error routine called from
erracs:	block 17		;acs preserved by error routines
pdl:	block pdllen		;stack
	Subttl	Main

start:	jsp p,init
	call getjcl		;input command line
	call putjcl		;load rescan buffer
	call runfrk		;run the program in a subfork
stop:	HALTF%
	jrst stop

;JSP P,INIT [a]			!init routine called before stack set up

init:	setzm zerbeg		;note that this clears stack, so give
	move a,[zerbeg,,zerbeg+1]  ; thanks our return address is not there
	blt a,zerend
	movem p,pdl		;store our return address on the stack
	move p,pdlini		;init the stack pointer
	ret			;and return as if called normally

getjcl:	trace getjcl
	call inicsb		;initialize parser command state block
	movei a,.nulio		;set command jfns not to echo
	hrrm a,cstate+.cmioj
	hrroi a,zero		;no prompt string needed at this point
	movei b,jcltop		;reparse address
	call promp1
	movei a,.rsini		;look for jcl
	 erjmp askjcl		;none if error
	jumple a,askjcl		;none if zero chars
jcltop:	trace jcltop
	movei a,askjcl		;set up so parse error in jcl
	movem a,prserr		; will simply go prompt user
	parse runcmd		;look for RUNNER
toplvl:	trace toplvl
	parse evnum		;parse number defaulted to 0
	jumpl b,everr		;as entry vector offset, negative is error
	movem b,evpt
	call prssys		;parse name of system program
	movem b,exejfn
	parse rscmd		;parse text to pass as command line arg
	call cpycmd		;copy atom buffer to rescan buffer
	call confrm

;no valid command line, need to prompt user

askjcl:	trace askjcl
	skipn p,rparsp		;restore stack
	 move p,pdlini
	hrroi a,runner		;print a meaningful prompt
	call prompt
	jrst toplvl

everr:	skipe prserr		;look for non-default error handler
	 jrst @prserr		;use special handler
	hrroi a,[asciz /Entry vector offset cannot be negative/]
	jrst noprs1		;reprompt
	Subttl	Utilities

cpycmd:	move a,fnptr		;get the filename proper of the program
	move b,exejfn
	movx c,<fld .jsaof,js%nam>
	move a,rscptr		;put the program name in its cmd line
	putstr fnptr
	ldb b,atmpt1		;check for no data line
	jumpe b,cpycm1
	putchr .chspc		;space
	putstr atmptr		;plus the specified command line arg
cpycm1:	putchr .chlfd		;terminate line with lf
	putchr .chnul		;make asciz

putjcl:	move a,rscptr		;send it
	 ercal warn

;CALL GTSNMS [a-c]		!get subsystem/program names into SNAMES
;gives	snames/ subsystem name
;	snames+1/ program name

gtsnms:	skipe snames		;only if we have not done so once
	seto a,
	move b,[-2,,snames]
	movei c,.jisnm		;note .jipnm = .jisnm + 1
	 ercal fatal

;CALL PCRIF			!print a crlf if not at left margin already

pcrif:	saveac <a,b>
	movei a,.priou		;cursor position as vert,,horiz
	jxn b,.rhalf,pcrlf1	;print a crlf if rh neq 0

pcrlf:	saveac a
pcrlf1:	hrroi a,crlf		;print a crlf on primary output

;CALL DOMSG (a)	 		!print a message
;takes	a/ string pointer to message

domsg:	saveac b
	makptr a		;convert -1 or zero lh in arg into byte ptr
	push p,a		;save arg
	movei a,.priou		;cursor position as vert,,horiz
	pop p,a			;restore arg
	jxn b,.rhalf,domsg1	;skip crlf if all rh bits 0
	ibp a
	ibp a
domsg1:	PSOUT%

;CALL SHOWER (b)		!show numeric value
;takes	b/ value

shower:	saveac <a,c>
	movei a,.priou
	movei c,8
	 ercal warn

;CALL WHAT (sym)		!show symbolic value
;takes	sym/ value to display symbolically

what:	saveac <a,b,c,d,e>
	callret symout

;dumb string copy

cpyst1:	idpb c,a		;copy an asciz not including the zero
cpystr:	ildb c,b
	jumpn c,cpyst1

;CALL RLJFNS [a]		!releases jfns

rljfns:	seto a,
	RLJFN%			;release jfns
	 ercal warn		;just print message on error
	Subttl	Command processing


inicsb:	move b,[csbini,,cstate]	;initialize command state block
	blt b,csbend
	setzm prserr		;reset error handlers to default 
	setzm cmderr		; (reparse address must reinitialize)

;CALL PROMPT (a) [b]		!usual way of setting up command parse
;takes	a/ ptr to prompt string

prompt:	trace prompt
	call inicsb		;initialize command parser jsys
	hrrz b,(p)		;set reparse address automagically
promp1:	movem a,cstate+.cmrty	;set prompt
	movem b,rparse
	move a,p		;save where to restore stack on reparse
	adjsp a,-1
	movem a,rparsp
promp0:	movei b,cmini
	jrst parser

;{a-c} = CALL CONFRM		!waits for carriage return

confrm:	movei b,cmcfm
;	jrst parser

;{a-c} = CALL PARSER (b)
;takes	b/ address of parse list
;	cstate+.cmrty/ prompt string
;	rparse/ reparse address
;	rparsp/ stack pointer value at reparse address
;	prserr/ address of alternate parser error handler
;	cmderr/ address of alternate comndjsys error handler
;gives	a/ function code of field parsed
;	b/ comnd data
;	c/ address of field parsed

parser:	trace parser
	say field,b
	movei a,cstate		;command state block
	COMND%			;parse a field
	 erjmp cmdbad
	jxn a,cm%nop,nopars	;could we parse it?
	hrrzs c			;address of field parsed
	load a,cm%fnc,(c)	;yes, fetch what field type we parsed

nopars:	trace nopars
	skipe prserr		;look for non-default error handler
	 jrst @prserr
	call errout		;print informative error message
	ldb a,atmpt1		;print anything in the atom buffer
	jumpe a,noprs1		;skip it if nothing
	tmsg < - ">
	hrroi a,atmbuf		;print the guilty typein
	movei a,.chdqt
noprs1:	call promp0		;reprompt
;	jrst repars

repars:	trace repars
	skipn p,rparsp		;automate stack restore and avoid having to
	 move p,pdlini		; change reparse address in cstate
	call rljfns
	setzm prserr		;reset error handlers to default 
	setzm cmderr		; (reparse address must reinitialize)
	skipe rparse		;use reparse address provided if any
	 jrst @rparse
	jrst toplvl		;otherwise try going back to top

cmdbad:	trace cmdbad
	skipe cmderr		;look for non-default error handler
	 jrst @cmderr
	hlrz a,cstate+.cmioj	;normal input?
	cain a,.priin
	 jrst fatal		;yes, forget possibility of command file eof
	movei a,.fhslf
	camn b,[.fhslf,,iox4]	;end of file?
	 jrst cmdeof		;command file ended, go fix
	jrst fatal		;not just an eof, unrecoverable
cmdeof==:.-1			;What?  But no command files implemented!
	Subttl	Filename parsing

;parse a system program name

prssys:	trace prssys
	move a,[gjbini,,gjfnbk]	;set up file parse block
	blt a,gjbend
	hrroi a,[asciz /SYS/]	;default device SYS:
	movem a,gjfnbk+.gjdev
	hrroi a,[asciz /EXE/]	;default extension .EXE
	movem a,gjfnbk+.gjext
	movei a,prsif0		;retry w/non-exe file
	movem a,prserr		;joined here by PRSSYS
	parse cmfil		;input filename

;parse an input filename with no defaults

prsif0:	trace prsif0
	adjsp p,-1		;here on PRSSYS noparse, avoid recursion
	setzm prserr
prsifi:	trace prsifi
	move a,[gjbini,,gjfnbk]	;set up file parse block
	blt a,gjbend
	parse cmfil		;input filename
	Subttl	Fork processing

;takes	evpt/ entry vector offset to use
;	exefrk/ fork handle of existing fork to run, or zero if none
;	exejfn/ file handle on program to load into fork, or zero for EXEC

runfrk:	call gtsnms		;get system names
	skipe a,exefrk		;use existing fork if any
	 jrst confrk
getexe:	skipe exejfn		;use existing file, if any, otherwise run EXEC
	 jrst getfrk
	movx a,gj%old!gj%sht	;try to get an exec
	hrroi b,[asciz "SYSTEM:EXEC.EXE"]
	 ercal nofork
	movem a,exejfn		;save EXEC's jfn
getfrk:	movx a,cr%cap		;make an inferior fork
	 ercal nofork
	movem a,exefrk		;remember this program's fork handle
	move a,exejfn		;get jfn
	hrl a,exefrk		;stuff the fork
	 ercal norun
	setzm exejfn		;jfn got released on success
	movei a,.fhslf		;get my current capabilities
	move a,exefrk		;get back fork handle of inferior
	move c,b		;enough already, enable the bloody caps
	 ercal norun
	move a,exefrk		;run it and wait for it to stop
	move b,evpt		;start it at the desired entry point
	 ercal norun
waitfk:	RFORK%			;resume fork if frozen
	WFORK%			;wait for it to finish
	 ercal norun		;no need to make this a fatal error
	move a,exefrk		;short form rfsts to see if fork succeeded
	 erjmp endrun		;if we can't diagnose, that's life, give up
	load a,rf%sts,a
	cain a,.rfhlt		;normal halt condition?
	 jrst endrun
	hrroi a,[asciz/Error in inferior fork - /]
	hrlo b,exefrk		;go print last error in subfork
	call error1
endrun:	dmove a,snames		;restore system names
	 ercal warn

confrk:	txo a,sf%con		;continue the extant fork
	 erjmp getexe		;fork vanished or something
	jrst waitfk		;wait for it to finish

nofork:	setzm exefrk		;no fork
norun:	pop p,errpc		;grab the address of our caller
	call warn1		;non-fatal error (?)
	skipe a,exejfn		;get jfn back
	 RLJFN%			;flush it
	setzm exejfn
	jrst endrun
	Subttl	Error processing

error:	movem ac16,erracs+16	;save acs
	movei ac16,erracs
	blt ac16,erracs+15
	hrroi a,zero		;?
	hrloi b,.fhslf
error1:	movei a,.priou		;print the error
	setz c,

errout:	pop p,errpc		;grab the address of our caller
	push p,errpc
	call error		;error prolog
errend:	movsi ac16,erracs	;restore acs and return
	blt ac16,ac16

warn:	pop p,errpc		;grab the address of our caller
	push p,errpc
warn1:	sos errpc		;point at jsys
	call error		;error prolog
	tmsg <, >
	move sym,errpc		;get PC
	move sym,-1(sym)	;get jsys which lost
	call symout		;print it
	tmsg < at >
	move sym,errpc		;get back pc
	movei sym,-1(sym)	;output pc
	call symout
	callret errend		;and go finish up with the pc

fatal:	pop p,errpc		;grab the address of our caller
	push p,errpc
	call warn1
death:	HALTF%
	tmsg <?Cannot continue>
	jrst death
	Subttl	Symbol manipulation

;CALL SYMOUT (sym) [a-e]	!clever symbol table lookup routine.
;Takes	SYM/ desired symbol
;(For details, read "Introduction to DECSYSTEM-20 Assembly Language
; Programming", by Ralph Gorin, published by Digital Press, 1981.)

symout:	setzb c,e		;no current program name or best symbol
	move d,.jbsym		;symbol table pointer
	hlro a,d
	sub d,a			;-count,,ending address +1
symlup:	ldb a,[point 4,-2(d),3]	;symbol type
	jumpe a,nxtsym		;program names are uninteresting
	caile a,2		;0=prog name, 1=global, 2=local
	 jrst nxtsym		;none of the kind we want
	move a,-1(d)		;value of the symbol
	camn a,sym		;exact match?
	 jrst [	move e,d	;yes, select it
		jrst fndsym]
	caml a,sym		;smaller than value sought?
	 jrst nxtsym		;too large
	skipe b,e		;get best one so far if there is one
	 caml a,-1(b)		;compare to previous best
	  move e,d		;current symbol is best match so far
nxtsym:	add d,[2000000-2]	;add 2 in the left, sub 2 in the right
	jumpl d,symlup		;loop unless control count is exhausted
	skipn d,e		;did we find anything helpful?
	 jrst octsym

;;;Found an entry that looks close.  See if it really is and if so use it.

fndsym:	move a,sym		;desired value
	sub a,-1(d)		;less symbol's value = offset
	cail a,200		;is offset small enough?
	 jrst octsym		;no, not a good enough match
	move d,e		;get the symbol's address
	move a,-2(d)		;symbol name
	tlz a,740000		;clear flags
	call r50out		;print symbol name
	move b,sym		;get desired value
	sub b,-1(d)		;less this symbol's value
	jumpe b,r		;if no offset, don't print "+0"
	movei a,"+"		;add + to the output line
octsym:	 move b,sym		;here if pc must be in octal
	movei a,.priou		;and copy numeric offset to output
	movei c,8
	 halt .-1		;bleah

;CALL R50OUT (a) [b]		!output a squoze
;takes	a/ radix50 symbol
;This is a more or less standard routine.  Snarfed from TELNET.MID (Crispin,

r50out:	idivi a,50		;divide by 50
	push p,b		;save remainder, a character
	skipe a			;if a is now zero, unwind the stack
	 call r50out		;call self again, reduce a
	pop p,a			;get character
	adjbp a,[point 7,[ascii/ 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.$%/],6]
	ldb a,a			;convert squoze code to ascii
	Subttl	Pure data

csbini:	repars			;the reparse address
	.priin,,.priou		;i/o jfns
	-1,,zero		;default no prompt
	-1,,combuf		;can't edit past this point
	-1,,combuf		;pointer to next field
	buflen*5-1		;remaining space in command buffer
	0			;remaining unparsed characters
	-1,,atmbuf		;last field parsed
	buflen*5-1		;size of atom buffer
	gjfnbk			;address of jfn block

gjbini:	gj%old			;to initialize file parse block
	block .gjatr+1+gjbini-.	;rest of block

runtbl:	2,,2			;not intended to have additional entries
	 asciz /RUNNE/],,0
	[asciz /RUNNER/],,0

cmini:	flddb. .cmini
cmcfm:	flddb. .cmcfm
cmfil:	flddb. .cmfil
runcmd:	flddb. .cmkey,,runtbl
evnum:	flddb. .cmnum,cm%sdh,<^D10>,<input filespec
  or decimal entry vector offset>,<0>
rscmd:	flddb. .cmtxt,cm%sdh,,<data line to be sent to program>
rscptr:	point 7,rscbuf
atmptr:	point 7,atmbuf
atmpt1:	point 7,atmbuf,6
fnptr:	point 7,filnam
pdlini:	iowd pdllen+1,pdl+1
runner:	asciz /RUNNER>/
crlf:	asciz /
zero:	0

end	start